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Wim Dankbaar

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Everything posted by Wim Dankbaar

  1. Uwe, you said: The army serial number given to Grady never did belong to James E. Files the prisoner, the number is from a guy from WW2, who died in 2002. This information is years old. Take a look at Usenet. He was born in Walker county, where relatives there may still be able to confirm that, once someone takes the time to look for an answer. Where did you get the information that this guy passed away in 2002? Wim
  2. Tosh, Most unfortunate to see that you start fantasizing. Or are you getting senile? I don't know what it is but you are definitely mixing up the chronological order of events. ONCE AGAIN: THERE WAS NEVER A DISCUSSION BETWEEN YOU AND WEST ABOUT FILES SERIAL NUMBER. IT'S A LIE, whether you believe it yourself or not. Your right Dave. This has been going around for some years now. I was given a number by Vernon and WEST before he died. West never got a serial number from Files. He didn't even discuss it with Files. This is a fantasy. Prove your fantasy! As your pal Uwe says: Put up or shut up! Who said he got it from FILES and later Vernon said WEST said Grady. Ah, so now Files first gave another serial number than Grady found, in your fantasy? And he didn't tell Grady about that, right? Tell me TOSH if you really knew all this when you say this happened, when Joe West and John Grady were still alive, then WHY DID YOU NOT EXPRESS THESE DOUBTS IN THE MARRS INTERVIEW? http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/tosh1.wmv That number was assigned to a dead Army Captain killed in WW2. I told Vernon. You didn't get a different number from Vernon. Here's what you said: As to Files? I have only one question. The S/N of which I was given belongs to a Cpl Henry J Banner United States Army, who was killed in Si pan in 1944. The sequencing of the number indicates he was a draftee in 1943 from Phillie. That is all I am going to say on this Wim. I would hope you would check this out for your own information and confront Files on this. Remember you and I did talk about this last year and again when you gave me the S/N number. I have known about this for a few months now and found out from the VA death records center on a cross check I had done on that number you gave me and I did tell you of my findings. I DO NOT INTEND TO GET INVOLVED IN A DEBATE ON THIS. You write that you have known about this for a few months now, and you talk about the SN number that I gave you, not Vernon. That serial number was the same as the one Grady mentioned. You're twisting, Tosh. Now you want to say that you were given another serial number by Vernon, instead of me, long long long ago. How come you knew only since a few months then. Okay, show us that other serial number and also the record that says it belongs to captain Banner. Nothing happened for over a year. He said he would ask Files when he and Jim Marrs were going to interview him in Jail. Man, Vernon never went to interview Files with Jim Marrs. I did in 2003, And I can assure everyone that Tosh and I did not have a discussion about Files' sn number prior to that. Nothing happened. I was told that I had copied the wrong number and they would give me the right number as soon as Files gave it to them. It never happened. A year went by. West died and Vernon took over the project. So this went on when Joe was alive? Joe lived only 6 months after locating Files. And a year went by, and then he died? I am sorry Tosh, this is not meant as an offense, but it looks indeed like your brain isn't working anymore as it did once. He never addressed the S/N number and got pissed when I kept asking about it. I was told I had the right number (the old number) again I was told I copied it wrong. It gets really fuzzy now. WHAT WAS THE OLD NUMBER? Is it the same as the one Grady came up with? Wim came on the scean and I told him about the wrong S/N No, you never did! You told me in writing (last year ) that the number I gave you (the Grady number of 1995) belongs to a dead captain Banner. The same number that Uwe now found to match with another James E Files also from Alabama, but born in 1926. He said he would get the right number from Files. I said I would ask Files himself for his sn number. About 10 months or perhaps a year or so ago he gave me the number he gave you and said it came from Grady and that was the number Vernon had. Files never gave me a sn number. The number I have always discussed with you is the Grady number. I gave it to you at least 2 years ago. A years or so you came back saying you found it to match with captain Banner and that you have known this : for a few months now". Hence not when Vernon was still on the scene, let alone Joe West and John Grady. I have asked only which is the right number? There never were two numbers, you are clearly mixing up everything in your memory to the extent you are contradicting yourself on this matter. Now the way I read this; is The Army guy is dead. The other Files was born in 1926. That's 2 different guys for the same number now. I asked what is the RIGHT service number for Files and here we go again chasing our tails round and round. Wim said he has given it to me many times..., perhaps..., but its the number you have as well as the number he posted yesterday (the man born in 1926.) The dead man does not figure anymore, I guess. Point being we have yet to prove Files was in the Army. Right? Or that his records have been tampered with. FWIW I have asked Files again, since it is so important to you. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=348 On another matter. The government documents posted to confirm Files story. I have only said IMO I think they are FAKE. I never said you were a FAKE, you thickhead. You know what I think, Tosh. That you're so easily insulted that the rush of adrenaline and rage messes up your straight thinking. About the documents, you can claim anything you want. However, to me it's clear you don't look further than your nose. Or maybe you just don't want to. And now I am a Fake and fake my documentation. I just came down from the hills to get some ICE and Milk and ??? what a mess I think this is designed to make us chase our tails and trap into who said I said You said. And in doing that the Files story is proven because we are the ones all screwed up. I will not be responding to this S/N number. I am convinced its all BS anyway. IMO Files was never in the military and he was never in Dallas that day. NOW Wim you can say what you like and discredit me all you want... BUT you have yet to prove Files was in the military. You have yet to prove that those documents you say prove the Files story are in themselves real US Government Documents obtained from the FBI/ATF/CIA/ FOIA. Do what you want... Say what you want. I am done with the Files story..... BUT I AM NOT DONE WITH POSTING OR TRYING TO HELP IN THE RESEARCH COMMUNITY AND YOU SIR ARE NOT GOING TO INTIMINATE ME TO STOP. I MAY MAKE MISTAKES AND I MAY GET THINGS SCREWed BUT I WILL TRY LIKE HELL TO WORK WITH OTHERS TO GET IT RIGHT FOR THE SAKE OF TRUTH. I DID GIVE THE FILES STORY THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT FOR A VERY LONG TIME AND I DID NOT POST ALL MY CONCERNS GIVING YOU A CHANCE TO WORK IT. YOU AND OTHERS CAUSED ME TO CHANGE MY VIEWS. YOU HAVE NOT PROVED OR DOCUMENTED ONE DAMN THING. YOU PREVIOUS ASSOCIATES NEVER PROVED ANYTHING EXCEPT HYPE. SORRY. THAT IS MY OPINION AND BELIEF. AS I HAVE SAID I WILL NOT BE RESPONDING TO THE FILES MATTER ANY LONGER. Well My take is that more of Files' story has been corroborated than for yours. You have certainly not proved or documented one thing re your presence on Delaey Plaza. That doesn't mean I am saying you are fake. I Wish you the best. I still think you are a good researcher but are blinded emotionally by this Files story for whatever reasons. Again, I am sorry for that. However, I cannot help you. Tosh Yeah, right. You see Uwe, it is the same serial number that I gave Tosh. 14 203 781. This is not some 10 years back Tosh is talking about. It is about the sn number that I gave him. And he says he knows about this "for a few months now". So what should I go check now? If the number belongs to Banner or your James E. Files, that passed away in 2002? That's interesting by the way. Where did you get that? That's not so long ago. So maybe he stilll has surviving relatives who can confirm. Unfortunately there are no people by the name of Files in Walker , Alabama. Wim
  3. Wim, Tosh did not find the other guy with the number given by Grady, he says he was given at least one different number. Uwe, we have gone over this in emails, but you don't get in your head. The serial number that you found to belong to a James E. Files born in 1926, was the SAME number that Tosh claims to have attached to Mr. Banner. This is what Tosh said a year ago: As to Files? I have only one question. The S/N of which I was given belongs to a Cpl Henry J Banner United States Army, who was killed in Si pan in 1944. The sequencing of the number indicates he was a draftee in 1943 from Phillie. That is all I am going to say on this Wim. I would hope you would check this out for your own information and confront Files on this. Remember you and I did talk about this last year and again when you gave me the S/N number. I have known about this for a few months now and found out from the VA death records center on a cross check I had done on that number you gave me and I did tell you of my findings. I DO NOT INTEND TO GET INVOLVED IN A DEBATE ON THIS. You see Uwe, it is the same serial number that I gave Tosh. 14 203 781. This is not some 10 years back Tosh is talking about. It is about the sn number that I gave him. And he says he knows about this "for a few months now". So what should I go check now? If the number belongs to Banner or your James E. Files, that passed away in 2002? That's interesting by the way. Where did you get that? That's not so long ago. So maybe he stilll has surviving relatives who can confirm. Unfortunately there are no people by the name of Files in Walker , Alabama. Wim
  4. John, Thanks for the nice words. Please understand I am only combative if people accuse me of promoting hoax stories for monetary gain, as Tosh now also did, hopefully in a burst of temper and frustration, as I still consider Tosh a truthful man, who just does not appreciate that Files does not want to go on record with all he has. What he did go on record with, has brought him more trouble than Tosh. My opponents know this is my weak spot, so they like to punch it. And what I do is punching back. Besides, there is nothing wrong with being combative in my view. Please also understand that I am not making any secrets of Files service number. I have given it many times, also to Tosh. It is Tosh suggesting that I am holding it back. I do not. Yes, I get combative from those suggestions alone. Here it is AGAIN: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/armyserial.JPG As far as I understand those are the sn number and claim file number that also Files says belonged to him. But I will ask for his confirmation through his friend Bruce Brychek. I can't help that John Grady is dead and cannot be asked anymore how he found that. Now Uwe says he finds a different James E Files under that number. Tosh says he found a Cpl Banner under that number. Heck, I don't know! I know that any agency could have screwed those records up meanwhile. Tosh is just difficult to deal with. One day he says he is my friend, who wants to help me, next he says he is so fed up with all the attacks, that he will leave the scene for good, no offense meant bla bla. Then he pops up again. That's fine with me because I never wanted him to quit anyway. What I don't like , are the negative allegations, putting me on the same pile with Vernon. Wim
  5. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...6100900937.html My analysis: the newly released documents are fakes to get Posada off the hook and not implicate him in the 1976 Cuban airline bombing, so he can be released easier. He becomes the hero that warned for the disaster to come. The ultimate conjob if you ask me. And his cuban exile friends and Bush welcome this "snitch" back to work in Iran Contra and to plot further assassinations attempts on Castro, not caring about whatever "collateral damage" ??? And the public is buying it as sweet cake. Bwaah !
  6. Also, I have been trying to detemine the author of this document: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/blackops.htm I have asked Gary Shaw, but he is not it. I would be interested to contact the author if he is still around. Wim
  7. Thanks, that is most helpful. I not that it is Rex Breadsley here, not Beardsley as previously spelled. What is the correct spelling? Did these folks make the spelling error or Tosh? Now , can Uwe find an entry for him at the Veterans website he used for James Files? I emphasize this is not to challenge Tosh, rather to show that it is not always easy to find records on (covert) intelligence assets. Tosh, I let Files answer your questions on those documents: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/jimmyd.wmv I trust that settles at least the question whether Vernon could have "doctored" those documents. If anyone did, it was the agency who sent Files those docs upon his FOIA request. Note that Files did not have access to them in jail. Wim
  8. Was Polaroid using Kodak film at the time? I thought Polaraid is typically a camera that produces one hard copy without negative? Wim
  9. Did Harry not mean Fidel Castro? Wim
  10. Very sharp, Tosh, I have one more of those documents with exactly the same prints on the bottom. Now if you use your brains for a minute, Tosh, do you really believe a faker would make a stupid mistake like that? It was done by the ATF! I will post some more documents tomorrow, when I have enough daylight to make a photo. Meanwhile, and this is not meant to challenge you , can you give us one (1) document to prove the existence of Rex Beardsley and Bob Bennett, apart from the information in the documents you provided yourself? Not that I don't believe they existed, not that I don't believe they were your CIA instructors for Dallas, but if you can't prove a documented existence for them, others may think you just concocted the names! Good luck! Wim Starting to see what I mean, now?
  11. When are you folks going to understand? I gave Tosh the damned Sn number numerous times! 14 203 781 Why is that every time someone says you got conned by Files and that it COST YOU A LOT OF $ YOU twist this into "Wim is a con and only in it for the $" ??? Tosh has NOT said this about you. Read, Dawn, I will highlight what Tosh said in black and white: Yes I am pissed about that You and Jim IMO CONNED ME. All of you IMO are a bunch of Conns in it for the $$$. Got to go with my honey. She is pissed that I waste my time with this crap. Tosh Wim
  12. Wim. "Bob Vernon retrieved these documents from his (Files) storage area at his aunt Kay and uncle Arnold". Hear say from the man we know real well. Was this before or after he sold you the story, which he got from WEST? Were the documents prepared before or after they left storage and BV got them? Nobody prepared them, except for the authors in 1983. I can prove these documents existed when Files was first interviewed on video in 1994. Do I want to for you? No. Do I need to? No. I now question the "chain of evidence" as well as the format of the documents. I do not care where or how they got to you or when they were written. None of that proves the documents are real. I see this as "sloopy research" and that in its self makes me question the motive for this story. Truth or money? You can question everything you want. I don't give a rat's ass. Files has never asked or recieved any money, you have. So don't you try that bullxxxx line "truth or money?" If you want to play that game , try me Tosh. I dare you. For I'll show you how easy it is, I don't even have to lie for it, like Vernon did. In the end, Files has more proof for his presence on Dealey Plaza than you. And like you said yourself , if you had real hard proof, you would be dead. Have you taken the time to have these documents certified by independent certification before you accepted and posted them to the research community as FACT? Hahaha, Have you with your documents? Have you ask the Federal government if this is the format that was used at the time the documents were written? Have you contacted the "Agency" that these documents are suppose to have came from? Was it the FBI, Secret Service, Department of State, CIA, White House? I believe Files got them from the ATF, because he wanted everything on record on him with that agency, as this was an indictment for an explosion. Like you, I am not God almighty who knows everything. Contacting the Agency about Files? Are you nuts? Have you contacted the Agency to confirm your presence on Dealey Plaza? Who was the Director they were addressed to and what was the subject matter and where is this director located? Heck, I don't know, the documents don't say, do they? Who was Lilli Gondi here: http://www.cuban-exile.com/doc_326-350/doc0333.html Who was Rex Beardsley? Was Files a department head or was the document in reference to him? Have you actually taken the time to read the documents? I don't think you did, cause otherwise you wouldn't ask these stupid questions. Now Wim. You can kill this messenger if you want, but that does not prove your documents. Nor does it prove the Files background or story..., nor does it confirm Files Service Number. I'm not killing the messenger for the message of your own story. You are killing yourself as a messenger for a message you know nothing about. I would do the same if you try to teach me about computers. That doesn't mean you're full of xxxx on everything else. Look, the way you are trying to go is a dead end. These documents contain information that have nothing to do with JFK, yet Vernon or anyone else would not be in a position to know this information, let alone making fake documents about it. That goes even for you. Get real. Take another route if you want to try so much. Here's another clue: Files is respected in that prison, black, mexican, white, you name it. Even the guards. You think they would leave him alone if they believe he 's a sissy tellling a story about shooting JFK? He has had more bullxxxxt to endure for opening his mouth than you. For example, he was thrown in solitary segregation for doing his last interview. You still want to meet with Files to ask him these questions yourself?
  13. Sure Tosh, You go nibble on stuff you know how to nibble. I'm sure it will grow better than when you nibble on my stuff It would be a nice twist when you nibble on Chauncey Holt a bit more, you know, the guy that brought Nicoletti in. In other words, concentrate on the stuff you know more about. You did know Chauncey, right? He was more than a mob thug, right? Wim
  14. That's really hilarious, Tosh. The Files story becomes a bigger conspiracy than the JFK assassination itself, at least in your head, Tosh. Who faked these documents in 1983, Tosh? Files himself? Vernon? Zack Shelton? Me? If Files, when did he do it? In Joliet? Bob Vernon retrieved these documents from his storage area at his aunt Kay and uncle Arnold. Did Files order them to put some fake documents there, long before Joe West found him? Who knew about Bonao, Sacha Volman and the Falcondo Mining company? The faker would make a mistake like placing Bonao in Paraguay, right? If Files faked them , he had at least indisde knowledge of what was going on. He got these documents while in the Oxford federal jail under the FOIA to prepare his defense for the Austin Motor bombing in Chicago. He was acquitted for it. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/Austinmotors.JPG Nice try, Tosh. Go for it! I have more documents like these on Files. All heavily redacted! Wim
  15. Tosh, You're getting too riled up in your frustations that your story doesn't hit the headlines. Join the club, man! When will you get it in your thick stubborn head that I do BELIEVE your story and are not out to discredit you. I have answered all your questions. You know where to contact Files. Send him a letter or send it to me. I'll make sure he gets it. He's as fedup as you with all the bullxxxx put out on him out there. He's in jail , you are not. You want answers? Then contact me, but don't ever tell me again you don't want to say anything anymore on this "mess", will change your contact data bla bla bla, and then come back on a forum with false allegations. I got the Marrs interview through his producer friend Gary Beebe. For all I care, Marrs puts it online, at least something happens with it then. Wasn't that your goal in the first place? It was part of the deal we had, to make it available for the production we were making. But I won't use it in there. Satisfied? Wim
  16. Wooh, Stephen ! Wanna give your comments on these documents too? http://jfkmurdersolved.com/FBI1.htm http://jfkmurdersolved.com/FBI2.htm Wim
  17. Finally some mainstream press http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/08/world/am...&ei=5087%0A
  18. Tosh, I can understand why you are unhappy with the Marrs interview snippet, for it proves undeniably ambiguity in your statements about Files. What you said there was well after all the "events" you listed here. So why didn't you say it then, if you're so sure Files is a hoax? Who where you trying to please in violence of the truth, or at least your revised opinion of it ? Certainly you had never heard of Wim Dankbaar at that time. In that regard I also note that that I have gone from "a friend", honest researcher, someone you respect, to "a Con in it for the $$$". So please do not ever call me "a friend" again, because I have another definition for the word. I have never asked you to support Files, nor Jim Marrs or Zack Shelton, I have asked you to refrain from speculation about players you know nothing about. Something that you promised, a promise you broke. And if you do an interview, take into account that you may be confronted with your statements one day. That has nothing to do with "being played", but with "honest research". It is not used "to prove the Files story", but rather to give your audience a fair review of your statements. Besides, that snippet doesn't prove the Files story in any way, shape or form. It just shows that you were neutral on that story up to 2000, or whenever it was recorded. Are you saying now that Marrs led you into that statement? Boy, you sure a have tendency to being led into statements then. Also I did not ask you any question other than a rhetoric one, which requires no answer, namely how the FBI reportedly came to the allegation that you have a tendency to embellish your stories. I think it's a smear with no basis and I just sought confirmation form you. With your temper and sensitivity about being attacked, you misinterpreted that. Let's not beat around the bush, your turn against Files (and thus me) started when Pamela Ray ran off her big mouth saying that you were the pilot on the MM flight with Nicoletti on board, the one that you remember. That information was given to her in confidence and never intended to be disclosed by Files for the record. But from that moment onwards, you have displayed an urge to discredit Files. It's an easy game to play, and you were the victim of it also. I don't blame you for hating Vernon for it. You know he is the opposite from being my "friend", yet you sarcastically keep calling him that. Have you learned some skills from him? You wrote me this once: As to Files? I have only one question. The S/N of which I was given belongs to a Cpl Henry J Banner United States Army, who was killed in Si pan in 1944. The sequencing of the number indicates he was a draftee in 1943 from Phillie. That is all I am going to say on this Wim. I would hope you would check this out for your own information and confront Files on this. Remember you and I did talk about this last year and again when you gave me the S/N number. I have known about this for a few months now and found out from the VA death records center on a cross check I had done on that number you gave me and I did tell you of my findings. I DO NOT INTEND TO GET INVOLVED IN A DEBATE ON THIS. So Uwe finds another guy in the records than you! Could you please provide a record of your find to me, plus where and how you found it? You want to express your opinion so much? Then don't be pissed when I give mine: About three years ago, a pen pal of James Files, Ms. Pamela Ray, told me a piece of information that James Files did not intend for public consumption. The information was that James Files dropped off a three men hitteam, including his boss Charles Nicoletti, at the Palwaukee airport north of Chicago, to take a private flight to California. The date of this event was the early morning of 4 august 1962, the mission of the hitteam was to murder Marilyn Monroe. According to Files, he was told that Marilyn was pregnant of John F. Kennedy and refused to have an abortion, because she wanted to keep the child. She had also scheduled a press conference. Therefore JFK had asked Sam Giancana, apparently still on speaking terms, to take care of this problem. The piece of information that James Files did not intend for the public, was that Tosh Plumlee, whom he knew by the name Pearson, was the pilot on that flight. Although I am convinced that Tosh would never have been privy to the mission of that flight, I could already imagine that Tosh would not be happy to be associated with this story. Therefore I called him and without saying why, I asked him if he ever flew Nicoletti from Chicago to California. I remember his confirmations clearly. Tosh said he flew Nicoletti to Santa Barbara and other places on the West Coast. I also asked Tosh if one of those flights could have been in August of 1962. He said he could not remember all the dates, but it could well have been. "I am not denying that". Tosh started denying it when Pamela Ray posted this confidential information, against the explicit will of of James Files, on a public internet forum. As you can see from the filmfragment below, Tosh has always been neutral on the veracity of James Files. He can't say yes, he can't say no. But recently, he changed his opinion to no. It is my firm opinion that this is because he doesn't want to be associated with the Marilyn Monroe story, and has therefore an interest to discredit James Files. My analysis remains that both James Files and Tosh Plumlee have told the truth about their roles in Dallas, 11/22/1963, but that Tosh is selective with his denial of the Palwaukee airport story. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/tosh1.wmv Wim Dankbaar Also, Tosh, your references to discussions with Joe West and Stone about James Files' army service and serial number, are baloney. Shall I ask Stone if you met in his office with Joe West amidst his series of heart attacks, after august 1992 (when he first met Files) and before february 1993 (when Joe Died)? Maybe you should finally put the deed to your words for a change: In Summation: I am sorry it has not worked out as some have hope. However, I am finished with all of this. My phone is being changed. My email also. I can not work with anyone because of you ALL know why. I wish you ALL the best in your work. I will no longer be a part of this mess. "I will no longer cast MY pearls before the SWINE" I have nothing further to say on this matter. I wish the best for you and your project.
  19. Now Wim; I have four important question for you. They are not to challenge you ( (1) The military service number of a person we both know, was assigned to a army cpl who was killed in Sipan in 1944. I have asked you and others, if this can be explained to me. That was over two years ago that this question was asked. I first asked the question to Joe West in 1993-4 what this persons S/N was RA or US?. I did not receive a respond, or a different service number then. Sometime later I received a service number, but I was told that I had copied the wrong number (years later another number was given to me) I checked it out and I sent your other friend copies from the VA confirming the S/N that belonged to the dead army cpl; but this was not given to you at the time by your new friend. Some people do not want me to discuss Files, but since you asked: Tosh, first of all, I never care about being challenged, and will always answer questions within boundaries of what I am permitted to say. On the other hand I think you get very riled up when you are challenged. Do you feel challenged by me now? You are mistaken, I believe you are telling the truth about your whereabouts that day, as you know it. You must be mixing up things in your memory. Joe West died on february 13, 1993, he was in the hospital the days before. I don't think you had contact with him in 1993. Moreover, as far as I know, Joe never covered the question about Files' military service or his serial number. Therefore it is simply impossible that you raised the question about Files' service number with Joe in 1993/94. In fact, that service number was found in the records in 1995 by John Grady 2 years after Joe died. Joe West knew nothing about an army serial number. It's not discussed in their correspondence either, which I all have and are published in the book. Remember, James Files had not even told him that he was the shooter on the knoll. That came all later. Just like his military past. Tell me Tosh, why would he have invented that, if he knew he couldn't prove it? Is it not logical that a guy like him that age went into the army? And it adds nothing to his confession. He could have said he was just a protege under Nicolleti and that was it. Why go through the risk and trouble to say he was in Laos? Is he still managing to deceive his best friend for 35 years on that part? Use your brain and common sense, Tosh. Upon being asked where they will dicredit him, here he is saying that his military background is where they will try to discredit his story. It appears he is right again: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/jimmyb.wmv http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/jimmya.wmv I asked you over a year ago to check the number with your friend before you completed your book. I have not herd from you on this matter. The number you gave me (that this person told you was his number) is that the right number? This is not to challenge you. I want to know if that is your friends service number that he had while in Laos in the sixties. I think you are a honest man and a good researcher. This is not to put you on the spot. As far as I know that is the number, including the "inactive"claim file number, that Files says were his. It is impossible to me recheck that number, but I would welcome others to try. I think I gave you that same response. First of all James Files said his records are purged by the agency, this was what Joe Grady found initially. He got his information through a regional office of the Veterans administation, not headquarters. Then after 18 months he went back and this office said there was 'no information available" on this name and serial number. So I highly doubt that any effort, which is difficult for me as a foreigner an non-veteran, would pruduce any result, and if it would there is no assurance that record has not been forged meanwhile. These are the reasons why I did not try to check. So it was and remains a surprise to me that you claim to have found another entry for that serial number, an army col who was killed in Spain in 1944. I asked you to prove it to me and I don't think I ever got an answer let alone the documented record. It is one simple question in that respect. Would you give that number on open forum for researchers to check for themselves as to it being your friends Service Number? I have done that numerous times, also on Lancer, on my own forum, and I believe also here. You seem to suggest I have some sinister reason to hold that back: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/armyserial.JPG http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/armyhistory.JPG There are much more documents on my forum under the thread "interesting documents" (2) The operative name I gave to Joe West, Oliver Stone, and that other friend of yours, was a phoney name. How did you friend get that name to pass back to me saying he knew me? You bought that can of worms in good faith and I told you about that years ago. Would you explain this on open forum. Again this is not to challenge you. Again, Joe West was dead at the time Oliver Stone and Vernon came into the picture. All I know is this: "Files also correctly identified Plumlee by his CIA codename, William R. Pearson. " and this: "Did the CIA pilot ever admit that his name was Pearson?" Yes, Jimmy. I knew that his name was Pearson when you identified him. He had already told me that his name was Pearson. That's when I first knew you were telling us the truth about picking up Roselli. What phoney name name did you give Bob Vernon and/or Stone? Are you saying it wasn't Pearson or are you saying Pearson was a phoney name? I am confused now, the latter cannot be, because this is part of your declaration: I have a secret classified file as defined within the National Security statutes under the name of William Robert (Tosh) Plumlee aka William H "Buck" Pearson code named "Zapata", Miami Cuba Desk, 1960-63 MI/CIA OMC-TFW7; Section C (locate Tab B & D) classified information; portions declassified Aug 1998. Associated with Operation 40 connected to the NSC and the "White House Situations Rooms briefings. I was a contract operative for the CIA, associated with Tracy Barns, Wild Bill Harvey, Frank Bender, John Martino and many others. (3) The young shooter who got himself in trouble in Mexico, was "Billy Joe Keesie" from El Paso Texas who stold a bunch of parachutes from Fort Bliss and shot a politician in Mexico. It seems this has transformed into your friends story which came from Joe West to your other friend and then to you after you bought the can of worms. I have went over and over on this through the years with all concerned. Would you explain to me on open forum who first told you that story? It did not come from me, but I was used to confirm it. My statement was "a young shooter who got himself in trouble in Mexico". It came back to me from Joe West and your other friend that what I had said was confirmed by your friend, that remains in lockup, that he was the young shooter I was talking about. Well, it is entirely possible that there is some kind of mix-up here. All I know is that Files got himself in trouble in Mexico much later than 1963, (1976 I believe) and a group of men, headed by Sturgis came to rescue him. So it is possible that Files thought that you meant him rather than the guy you say. J: He come down there and we were doing things that were getting ready for me (click on phone) to go to Mexico on a deal, and this is the part we talked about where Frank Sturgis had to come and get me out down there. P: Um-hum J: He bailed me out in Mexico and I said it wasn’t jail Vernon's statement was this one: Several known CIA operatives and CIA contract pilot Robert "Tosh" Plumlee recall a "young hitter from Chicago, who got into trouble down in Mexico and had to be bailed out by Frank Sturgis of the CIA. Is that incorrect? Did Frank Sturgis not feature in your story? (4) The airport meeting in Chicago, when I flew Nicolette to Santa Barbra CA was said that your friend drove him to the airport and he remembered me. I remembered a young person about my age being the driver but I told everyone concerned that I could not ID this person, only confirmed that Nickolettle was flown from this airport. Maybe that is true, however you can't blame anyone for misinterpreting you. look at this: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/tosh1.wmv So you do recall destination was Santa Barbara? Not the date I guess. Files does. It seems if I "play ball" with some, then I am a good guy. However, if I do not "play ball", then nothing I say is truthful. I am tired of the bullxxxx games. Cut to the chase. If I am to go on "Point" alone then I am going to "Flame IN" wrapped in the banner of truth regardless of how ugly it may be. I lived it. Others make money off it. The FBI years ago covered their ass and left a lot of good people out to fend for themselvs. Well Tosh, I am certainly not one of those you describe. I have noted and pointed out to you that you have gone back on forth on your opinion about Files. So far only privately. I think that is unfortunate, but in the end it does not really matter what you think of Files. You didn't see who took that shot from the knoll, nor does Files say he saw you. You can have doubts about each other, and still both be telling the truth. That's why I would concentrate on your own story from now on and not be bothered by me saying that you corroborate each other (on Roselli for example), because that's a fact, even if you don't believe each other. Researchers use the FBI's paperwork when it confirms their projects. However, when the papperwork goes againest their project then the FBI is wrong and working for the CIA. I do not know who the xxxx I work for and do not care. I have just tried to point the way in good faith. My little way of trying to help. Boy what a mistake. You have said this many time before, you have also said many times to leave the scene for good. Know that I don't ask you to leave and I commend you for telling what you know. Tosh, you must have learned by now that a very thick skin, time, redundant patience and self control are requirements for this endeavour, as well as the acceptance that you can lead your horses to the water, but not force all of them to drink, even some of those starving of thirst. Believe you me, I know what it is. There are also kids who don't like icecream. I do ! Wim
  20. Good to see you find Trineday's books important. One of the last safehavens for free press in my view. http://trineday.com/paypal_store/index.html Here's an interview with Ed Haslam, the author of the new book. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/haslam1.htm Wim
  21. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/097779530...0657537?ie=UTF8 Dr. Mary's Monkey: How the Unsolved Murder of a Doctor, a Secret Laboratory in New Orleans and Cancer-Causing Monkey Viruses are Linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, ... Assassination and Emerging Global Epidemics (Paperback) by Jim Marrs (Foreword), Edward T. Haslam (Author)
  22. Operation Mockingbird alive and well: http://www.tvnewslies.org/assets/images/4-...er-Cells202.jpg
  23. Tosh and all, lets take a closer look at a few of Mark's comments: In a report, the FBI noted he “has a tendency to embellish his stories” though he does possess some knowledge of items that are interesting to the US.' Since Mark noticed and emphasized this: Does Tosh have any clue as to why the FBI would say this? Do you have a tendency to embellish your stories, Tosh? The FBI agent apparently told him to put his thoughts down on paper in a coherent, logical way to better faciliate some kind of action. But there didn't seem to be any response at that point. Is this true, Tosh? If so why did you not respond? So I don't know what the real story may be. Tosh seems to be a decent guy who has seen a lot in his years. I get the impression from a surface glance that many people don't believe him, but that doesn't seem to faze him a bit. Ah, so Mark gets the impression that many people don't believe Tosh! Based on what? Could those who do not believe Tosh here, step forward and identify themselves? Because I want to know if Mark's impression is correct! Once again, it comes down to anecdotal evidence with a splash of official paperwork that may or may not support the thesis. We have seen this with Roscoe White, Judyth Baker and many others. What have we seen exactly with Roscoe White, Judyth Baker and many others? That they are not believable, like Tosh, or what? I'm not saying it's *not* true, But Mark is certainly not saying it is true either, right? I'm just pointing out that a plus b doesn't necessarily equal c. I think it's important to remember that. These theories pop up occasionally and are accepted as gospel by some. Some of them may BE gospel, we may actually have the real truth staring us in the face. But if it can't be proven in a court of law, it's only theory. Man, this retoric reminds of Gary Mack: Everything is possible, but also "inconclusive". The evidence we have from official sources, like the FBI and Warren Commisssion, is "as close as we can get".
  24. Well, I guess there are a lot of people then , not as rational and objective as you, including the experts. In short what you claim here, is provably untrue. I note you said the same about Charles Harrelson. Even Harrelson himself is on record as "amazed" with the resemblance. Jack White, of all people, has no doubts either. But fortunately we have Mark Valenti, with his superb eyes and his "knowledge". Tell me , Mark, how long have you been in the JFK research business? You're pretty new on the block, aren't you? What spiked your sudden interest in the case? Have you gathered so much in so little time, or do you in fact know very little? Obviously, you have a lot to learn about Holt. A third-grader could look at the old tramp and judge that it's not Holt. How long does one have to be "in the JFK research business" to see the difference between orange and blue? It's not him, and shouting it from the roof won't make it so. Trot out tearful video interviews with the poor guy, cobble tangential facts together, but you can't transform that smelly old tramp into your guy. Okay, fine, shouting from the roof it is not Holt , or "my guy"as you call him, won't make it so either. What make you think he was "smelly"? Did you read the cop's statement after all? A classic! I was waiting for this smearing trick. It was only a matter of time. It's worth noting that there are dozens of JFK related web sites in the world but you're the only one with the hubris to create one called "jfkmurdersolved." You may have balls the size of Indiana but that doesn't mean your theories are true. It's not a smear, Mr. Dankbaar. Since you've been allowed to begin posting here again you have directed traffic to your site many times. That's a fact. And I don't see anything wrong with that - but in the interest of full disclosure it's worth noting. Your site sells lots of JFK murder merchandise, that's your business. You're entitled to make a profit on your investments. But to call that reference a smear? Don't be ridiculous. It's commerce, plain and simple. Mmm. So you condemn all researchers with a website, that have written a book. Fetzer, Marrs, Hancock, Waldron, Hartmann, even Epstein . Weird You tell me. You said that the authorities mentioned the names of the tramps, so that is "close as we can get". That's like saying: With the Warren Commission we came as close as we can get. Since you seem to count yourself in the category of intelligent people, why did you not answer the question, whether your eyes tell you if Harold Doyle looks like the short tramp? Don't avoid the the question, just give me an intelligent answer, maybe you could add some details which facial features are consistent? The mouth is similar and so are the ears. But decades of aging, who knows if he gained and lost weight, sun damage to skin, whatever, prevent a precise ID. You can't match the faces perfectly without incremental photos through the years. As I said before, you can make a judgement call, as many have done, but you won't know without more pictures. You could probably find pictures of yourself as a child that don't resemble yourself now - and that tramp is not Chauncey Holt no matter how many times you repeat it. So you are inclined to support that the tramp is Doyle ! Sure. And Mark Valenti is right, because he has the FBI and Dallas police behind him. Well, Mark, most of us here agree that they are part of the problem , rather than the solution. Have you considered joining McAdams' newsgroup? He's still behind what they said right away. Osald killed Kenndey alone. You'll be welcomed there. Also , your theories about me pursuing hoaxes for monetary gain will fall into fertile ground there. Are you saying I'm not welcome here? Weird. You're welcome here I guess, but given your opinions you would also be welcome there. That's all. Just a tip I did not avoid this question, look back and you'll know it. I gave you some homework to find the holes in their stories yourself. But it's no surprise you didn't want to take the trouble. But to answer once again: All of the "arresting" officers did, cause they were told so by the tramps. But they're not gonna tell you. They wanted to keep their job and pension. But since you want to rely on law enforcement so much, the FBI director himself said that Oswald killed Kennedy alone within two hours after it happened. You believed that too? Cause I don't know really where you are coming from regarding your take on the assassination. Why don't you tell us? Actually you did avoid the question. You posted a brazen theory without citation. As any interested observer might, I asked you where you got the information. You basically told me to find out for myself where you got your information from. That's a neat trick. I can suggest that UFOs killed JFK, and if you ask me for proof, I can tell you to go find it yourself. Cool. Okay, UFO's killed Kennedy. Now you go prove it. Naah, that's no comparison, and you know it. You don't have a confession of an alien that killed JFK. I can provide a confession from someone who claimed he was one of thee tramps, with his provable background that falls into place, plus expert opinions and photographic evidence to support it, plus documentary evidence that you're not aware of, but some day will For what it's worth, based on the evidence I've studied for over twenty years, I believe: 20 years? That's a long time. You must know a lot then. But you kept your interest private and for yourself all that time? Cause the weird thing , at least to me, is that you didn't seem to display an urge to discuss your beliefs untill you joined this board a little while back. You appear to come out of nowhere. How come? I have many friends who can testify I have been interested in this case for years. The internet shows this too. Let's just take a random example for someone that has been interested in the case, but never published anything: +"dawn meredith" +"jfk assassination" Wow, a lot of matches on Google. How about: +"mark valenti" +"jfk assassination" ? Ah, you just discovered the Internet, right? There was a conspiracy to kill JFK. Yes, but not the one I present, right? The Warren Report is, at times, criminally negligent and proactively full of disinformation. LHO did not act alone. There were at least two shooters. But you have no opinion as to who they were, right? LHO's background was full of espionage with one or more government agencies. Some documents and some medical evidence may have been altered or fudged. The Secret Service did not perform their duties that day, either by negligence or participation. The FBI had foreknowledge of an assassination attempt. But you still find the FBI and the DPD the best credible sources on the evidence? After all, you said that the DPD's and FBI's Identifications of the tramps, are "as close as we can get", remember? Wim etc. etc. Have a lucky day. MV
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