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Wim Dankbaar

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Everything posted by Wim Dankbaar

  1. Tosh said his instructors for the abort team were Bob Bennett and Rex Beardsley. I have never heard or seen anything on Beardsley, but I believe that Bob Bennett may be the current senator for Utah, the more so because Tosh told me that he was encouraged to join the Mormon church by his instructor of that time. And because later he also ran a CIA front for Howard Hughes, called the Mullen Company. That's why I also speculated he may have been Deep Throat. When I volunteered my thought to him and Bob Woodward, I got no response, but within two weeks I was proven wrong when the Mark Felt revelations broke. This may be of further interest: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/toshbrother.jpg Wim
  2. My two cents: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/nbcroswell.rm
  3. Indeed very interesting. It's so clear he is lying. Harvey and Lansdale were in charge of Operation Mongoose, which had the sole task to assassinate Castro. Yet he claims he had no knowledge of assassination attempts against Castro. It's a pity that Belin didn't ask him where he was on 11/22/1963. But then again, knowing that it's Belin, and that the Commission is Rockefeller , it all makes sense. I wish that like you, I had had the opportunity to talk to Holt when he was alive. Did he not tell you about the Mongoose meeting at Bermuda Dunes airport with Harvey, Giancana, Roselli Licavoli etc? You asked him if he saw Lansdale on Dealey Plaza . Do you recall what he said? Wim
  4. Yes your cousin Mike. He was easy to find on the Internet. Wim
  5. Thanks for answering. This is very useful, for now I can show you that you arrive to a conclusion based on erroneous information. Well, he mentioned that he saw about a dozen guys he worked with on previous operaitons at Dealey Plaza, when some of them have been acounted for elsewhere. Please be specific as to which persons you mean, and who of them have been definitely accounted for elsewehere. I can't buy non supported alibi stories of the suspects themselves like Frank Sturgis (I was watching TV in my Florida home), Howard Hunt (I was in Washington with my family), George Bush (I don't remember) , Orlando Bosch (I was at home in Miami) , Felix Rodriguez (I don't remember) , Luis Posada (I was pumping gas at Ft Benning, dressed as a sergeant), Charles Harrelson (I was having lunch in a Houston restaurant), Johnny Roselli, by mouth of Gus Russo (I was asleep in my apartment in Vegas when I was woken up to be told the news, I don't know why the FBI lost surveillance of me) In addition, he said he drove John Rosselli to Dallas in the Olds station wagon from Grace Ranch. This was not Roselli , but Charles Nicoletti. Others claim he was flown in to Dallas in a private plane. Right, Tosh Plumlee a.o. , not a private plane, but military intel. I believe FBI wiretaps of Rosselli place him in a Vegas hotel at the time. You belief is wrong. There are no such wiretaps. The FBI claimed they lost surveillance of Roselli between 19 and 26 november, 1963. These seems rather odd if he was just at home in Las Vegas. BK
  6. Pat, That's because he wanted to sell me another story. His one is bogus though. Looking at his nonsense ( which he just seems to have removed, I guess he still had some reason left) I don't think it's hard to take his tales with a grain of salt. A big one. Also, he calls Holt a friend. Holt's daughter says it was not as mutual as he wants to believe. With Michael Harries, yes. I hope this does not distratct from my main question to Bill, which was: While some of Holt's info checks out, others don't, and disinfo is planted among the truth. Which particular info did not check out in your experience? Wim
  7. Bill, 1) On my website , you were mentioned as the transcriber. 2) I did not mean to piss you off when I said there were a lot of spelling errors in it. I can also understand that you can't spell all names correctly from phonetic audio, especially when some of the names don't mean anything to you. This caught my attention: While some of Holt's info checks out, others don't, and disinfo is planted among the truth. Which particular info did not check out in your experience? Here's the drawing you spoke of: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/holtdrawing.JPG The gun expert mentioned by Holt, that shot the XP-100, is almost certainly his late friend Michael Harries: "the shooting instructor, a weapons expert, he did a lot of stuff for the CIA, all very legal, weapons evaluation of agency weapons," is Michael Harries, a known associate of Chauncey Holt. He died in 2000, supposedly a heart attack. http://www.thegunzone.com/people/mh9dec00.html http://www.thegunzone.com/people/michael-obit.html (See Antelope valley gun school) Wim
  8. Bill, Can you have a look at my question in the Chauncey Holt thread? Wim
  9. Jaxie, Do you know if that poor driver, Jerry Don Moore, is still alive? And let me ask you point blank: Do you believe, as Mike, that she was murdered? Wim
  10. Question to William Kelly: A few months ago I was forwarded an interview transcript that starts with: William E. Kelly Interview with Chauncey Marvin Holt , April 1992 Lemon Grove, California. Below is a fragment. Do you still have the tapes of that interview? Thanks, Wim You think Montoya and Harrelson were shooters? Holt - No, because they got to the boxcar too soon. And there was too many other good shooters around. You know that were in Dallas at that time. We're talking about Seraphin, Orlando Bosch, Freddy Lugo, Luis Posada, .....plus you had these other types wandering around, that I don't know what they were doing. For instance, William Robertson. I know he was there. He was a long time spook. One of the legends in the business. And Tony Po, Postheny. They were like twins. He was there too. Bosch was convicted for blowing up that airplane. He swore up and down that it was Lugo and Posada. That they were the actual bombers and set him up. That's another thing we were running. We had this school, sort of a sideline, this club in Antelope Valley National Forest, and used to run rifle training. We had weapons we produced, very exotic types. Mostly we designed silencers, but we also made a lot of special silencers. Two stage silencers. One of the most interesting weapons we ever made was for a Cuban. He came in with an XP-100, a varmint rifle that shoots a 222, with a pistol grip, bolt operated for one shot. And this guy comes in and wanted us to replace the 222 barrel with a 14" version of the 243, which is really a rifle. So we had to start out getting the barrel made by somebody in Arizona. Then we replaced the one pistol grip with two pistol grips. It looked like a submachine gun and fitted it with a 8 power scope, a 3-9 variable scope, so he paid a lot of money for that gun. But here you had a rifle that looked like a pistol and it was the ideal type gun if you were going to use it for an assassination like that. Since after all, we were within 20 yards of the shooting. We made this gun in 1961 and the guy sold it back to me in the 70s. I never fired it, but there is a guy, a shooting instructor, a weapons expert, he did a lot of stuff for the CIA, all very legal, weapons evaluation of agency weapons. He had a Federal License. He took the gun out and shot it. And he's still alive.
  11. Possible ID's for the Tramp's are Eugenio Gonzales, later arrested in the Watergate Break In You mean Virgiolio Gonzalez, right? Or Eugenio Martinez? http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/CIAgonzales.htm http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/CIAmartinez.htm Very possible indeed that one of them was this tramp: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/slide/DSC00102.JPG Just kidding
  12. From http://www.assassinationweb.com/scottd.htm The Most Likely Manipulator: David Atlee Phillips So far this discussion has focused on those "phase one" stories linking Oswald to Soviet or Cuban intelligence which at the time existed uniquely in government files, and which for a while the U.S. Government took seriously. We have not yet mentioned the veritable blizzard of similar stories which reached the FBI and CIA from external sources after the assassination. After November 24 there were still more "phase one" stories attributing a similar role to Jack Ruby. And to all these anti-Communist stories denouncing the KGB and Cuba one must add those stories with an opposite political spin, linking Oswald and/or Ruby to right-wing Texas millionaires, oilmen, anti-Castro Cubans, the mob, or the right-wing terrorist Minutemen. Most of these leads did not check out. There were so many such false leads that one might be easily tempted to write them all off as meaningless "noise." However House Committee researcher Dan Hardway chose to look closely at all the stories that came out of Mexico City and Miami connecting Oswald with Soviet or Castro intelligence. According to his colleague Gaeton Fonzi, "Hardway's research had indicated that most of the individuals originating the reports" were assets of the Mexico City Station's Chief of Covert Action and Cuban Operations, David Phillips. (10) Hardway had the opportunity to quiz Phillips about this at an informal Committee interview, with Fonzi present. Hardway was armed at the interview with documentation from the Agency to dispute Phillips' claim that these assets had been run by other CIA agents. After the session, Hardway told Fonzi, I'm firmly convinced now that he ran the red-herring, disinformation aspects of the plot. The thing that got him so nervous was when I started mentioning all the anti-Castro Cubans who were in reports filed with the FBI for the Warren Commission and every one of them had a tie I could trace back to him. (11) To date I have been unable to contact Dan Hardway, although another good source has confirmed that he did conduct this research. It is also clear that a number of the "phase one" stories linking Oswald to Cuba did come from a single milieu of anti-Castro Cubans in Miami close to, and in some cases supported by, the CIA's JM/WAVE station there. David Phillips does therefore seem a likely candidate to have coordinated the stories coming out of Mexico City and Miami. For in the second half of 1963 he was cross-posted to both stations, as Chief of Cuban Operations in Mexico City, and as Chief of Psychological Operations (i.e. propaganda) in Miami. (In fact it is possible that David Phillips held down three posts in 1963, and was doubling also as a member of the Special Affairs Staff Counterintelligence (SAS/CI) staff.) A small intelligence-backed "press agency," the Agencia de Informaciones Periodisticas (A.I.P.), was a source for one recurring Oswald story, that he had worked on behalf of Cuban intelligence in the Miami area. (The A.I.P. attracted notice again during the wave of Chilean-financed Cuban terrorism of the mid-1970s, involving many Cuban exile veterans of the JM/WAVE operations, when the A.I.P. was revealed to be an agency by then financed by the Chilean intelligence service DINA). (12) The story was traced by the FBI to Fernando Fernandez Capada of the A.I.P., who told it to Jim Buchanan, a close ally of Frank Sturgis; the story was later publicized by Frank Sturgis and John Martino. (13) Another A.I.P. story, traced to Dr. Fernando Carrandi, spoke of Ruby's travel to Cuba. Those involved in circulating this story included Salvador Lew, p.r. agent for the CIA-backed Comandos Mambises, and Paul Bethel, described by Fonzi as "a close friend of David Atlee Phillips." (14) Yet another Oswald-Cuban intelligence story involved Miguel "Cuco" de Leon, senior adviser to Manuel Artime in the JM/WAVE-backed Operation Second Naval Guerrilla. (15) Any evidence for linking Phillips to these intelligence-tinged stories has not yet been made public. We have however Phillips' own statements that he was involved in the transmission of both of the key "phase one" allegations promoted in CIA cables, the Kostikov story of October, and the Alvarado story of November 25. As mentioned above, it would appear that Phillips' claim to have signed off on the Kostikov cable of October 8 is simply not true. Phillips claimed this in sworn testimony, as part of his effort to rationalize the delay of one week in transmitting the intercepted conversation of October 1. (16) Phillips' admitted role in the transmission of the Alvarado story, that Oswald was paid money in the Mexico City Cuban Consulate to kill Kennedy, is however corroborated by the documentary record. Here too there is a difference between Phillips own account and the cables however. In his autobiography Phillips describes the story he heard from Alvarado's lips as a lie easily seen through, indeed as a "transparent operation." (17) In the cables sent after his interviews with Alvarado, however, the tone is quite different. There we hear that "This officer was impressed by Alvarado ... wealth of detail Alvarado gives is striking." (18) One cable described Alvarado as a "quiet, very serious person, who speaks with conviction;" another, the next day, called him "completely cooperative." (19) Most revealing was the description of Alvarado as a "well-known Nicaraguan Communist underground member," whereas in fact (as he himself revealed later the same day) he was a penetration agent of the right-wing Somoza Government of Nicaragua. (20) (This revelation was quickly confirmed by CIA cables from Managua and Headquarters). (21)
  13. Lest the unwary be fooled by this nonsense which for some reason used my name and badgeman work I here repost the original study, which is NOT COLORIZED, duh? Jack, do you still have a black and white screen? but a very large b/w print hand tinted with TRANSPARENT photo oil colors. Ah now I understand. That's different from colorized. Gee, I'm confused now. This was done to demonstrate the areas of interest which CAN BE SEEN without the color. Don't you mean WANTED TO BE SEEN? Ridiculing the discovery of badgeman will not make it go away. Not as long as Jack is around, right? Altering the image to make it appear to be something it is not shows the intellect level of detractors. Then why did you alter the image with colors? Shame on idiots. Agreed!
  14. Is there any known connection between the two? I would appreciate evidence if there is any. Wim
  15. The other reporter was Priscilla McMillan Johnson, a disinformation asset of the worst order. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline//s...s/mcmillan.html Wim
  16. A few comments relating to your remarks regarding the throat (entry) wound: According to a police officer there was a hole in the windshield of the limousine (which could have been in line with the throat wound), implying the bullet could have come from the south knoll. That's what I had always believed too, untill I became convinced that the throat wound was caused by an exiting fragment, mainly because of the account of Thom Robinson. The more you think about it, the less the south knoll shot makes sense. Tosh Plumlee and Sergio did not encounter a shooter there, although that was their job. No witness heard a shot from the South knoll either. Moreover it's an extremely difficult, long and risky shot through the windshield. Bowing glass breaks the straigt line vision, any good shooter knows that. Why did the shot not hit JFK in the head? The shooter had to aim right through the other passengers, with the risk of hitting them, and if he took the shot, he took it very early, because later JFK's throat was not exposed anymore (he slumps forward). If Oswald was in the TSBD the conspirators wanted the shots from behind. A shot from the front is only logical as a last resort, an insurance to kill JFK in case the shots from behind missed. The first shot would not have been from in front in the Oswald = patsy scenario. Maybe the last, but not the first. I am convinced that the conspirators didn't even want that shot from the North knoll . That shot is one of the main reasons we don't believe the official version anymore. They did NOT want that. It was a mistake! If there was a bullet hole in the windshield, there is indeed evidence for that, I beleive it was from a missed bullet from behind (consistent with a lower floor on the Daltex) that went over JFK's head. Perhaps the throat wound bullet was removed before the body came to Parkland, after all: You mean Bethesda I guess. the throat wound looked cut open/mangled compared to the way it left Parkland, the body arrived in a shipping casket and bodybag - as opposed to the ornamented bronze casket. I think even the conspirators thought it was an entry wound, and may have tried to remove the bullet as you speculate. However they would not have found it IMO. I read somewhere of a report that one bullet was lodged in the shoulder of Kennedy. Even if that's true it is not consistent with an entry shot in the throat.
  17. I need to add one more question to the ones below: What happened to the bullet that supposedly hit JFK in the throat? Did it exit? Did it lodge on the spinal column? What ? Dawn, I know this is a hard battle, but I'm used to that The thought that JFK was hit in the throat is so worn in among JFK researchers that most of them can hardly abandon it. I had problems myself doing it. Compare it with the acceptance that the earth is round. That took a long time too. This is a natural phenomenon, but it stands in the way of the solution of this crime. The fact that the Dallas doctors thought it was an entrance wound , means nothing. They thought so because of the size. It was neat, round and small. I don't blame them. Then you want to believe that JFK clutches his throat. Okay, show me the Zapruder frame where he does. Good luck More questions: Where did that shot come from and what is the evidence to support it? Do you think the conspirators wanted JFK hit from the front with their patsy behind? According to Kellerman the President said "I am hit , take me to a hospital" You think he could have said that after being hit in the throat ? Wim
  18. Dawn, I know this is a hard battle, but I'm used to that The thought that JFK was hit in the throat is so worn in among JFK researchers that most of them can hardly abandon it. I had problems myself doing it. Compare it with the acceptance that the earth is round. That took a long time too. This is a natural phenomenon, but it stands in the way of the solution of this crime. The fact that the Dallas doctors thought it was an entrance wound , means nothing. They thought so because of the size. It was neat, round and small. I don't blame them. Then you want to believe that JFK clutches his throat. Okay, show me the Zapruder frame where he does. Good luck More questions: Where did that shot come from and what is the evidence to support it? Do you think the conspirators wanted JFK hit from the front with their patsy behind? According to Kellerman the President said "I am hit , take me to a hospital" You think he could have said that after being hit in the throat ? Wim
  19. He is not clutching his throat, nor is his throat injured. His hands never reach his throat. It's a reaction from the bullet that hits him in the back. His torso + elbows are thrown forward, making it look like his hands are going towards his throat. They never "clutch" it. Wim
  20. It changes with every colorized version.
  21. Assassins!!!!!!!! They were assassins all right but I don't think any of the three tramps shot that day. It's more likely they were backup patsies. The boxcar was full of explosives. Charles Harrelson is a dead ringer for the tall tramp and when confronted with the photo, this convicted Chicago mob murderer admitted it looked like himself Yes, he said: That's amazing. and later admitted it was himself in the photos --------- No he never did, at least not publicly Chauncey Holt was, well, Chauncey Holt, who told a story about supplying false ID in Dealey Plaza and carried a radio that carried the coordinating messages that day while the third tramp, "Frenchie," was probably an OAS paratrooper He was Charles Frederick Rogers, no OAS paratrooper. who was flown out of the country most likely by David Ferrie....... Ferrie was in New Orleans in the courtroom with Marcello, then went to Houston by car, to go ice skating and went back. It is likely that he was scheduled to meet there with Rogers, Houston resident, a fellow CAP veteran and a pilot with a plane at Hull airport. According to the Winterland IceRink manager (Chuck Rolland) Rogers was a frequent visitor to use the payphone there. The same one that Ferrie used that day. Anyway the record proves that Ferrie could not have flown anyone out of the country. Maybe the plan was to fly Oswald out of the country from there, after first hopping to Houston with Rogers, but then plans were changed because of Oswald's and Rogers' detention. what do you think, Tosh? Tosh thinks Holt told the truth as he knew it. The boxcar would have been a natural refuge for a group of south knoll shooters, wouldn't it? North knoll, you mean. It was in fact a bizar refuge. It would have been better to just escape in the pandomonium and the mass confusion. The real assassins did it that way, no doubt with some pre-arranged logistic support (like fake secret service guys)
  22. Ah yes I found it in my email archives: This is from January 2005: Molly, Thanks for answering. What I want to know is how Scott came to the idea of a script called: "Charles Harrelson shoots his corvette someher near Van Horn" Did he write this script in 1984? What was his source or inspiration to write a script with this title? I guess you have herad that that Charles Harrelson was involved in the Kennedy assassination? That he was one of the infamous "three tramps" photographed in Dealey Plaza? http://jfkmurdersolved.com/lois1.htm Did you know that Ricky White, son of Roscoe White another suspect in the assassination, recalled practice shoothing at an automobile near the McVay ranch in Van Horn? Can you get me in touch with Scott Mathews? Wim Wim - I wrote Charles Harrelson in Nov. 1983 and we performed (the first time) in Dec. 1993. It was re-staged again in May 1984 with a couple of different performers. The Dec. 1983 performance was the definitive version. It's more performance art than play. I was the original drummer in the punk band the "Butthole Surfers" and while I was in the surfers we lived in San Antonio, TX. During this time Charles Harrelson murdered a federal judge in San Antonio - Judge Woods. This was when I became aware of him. I subsequently did some research and found out he was involved in all sorts of nefarious activities, including the Kennedy assassination. In 1983 I was doing a lot of performance art in Dallas and kicking around ideas for my next show. Charles Harrelson and hit men and the absurdity of it all struck me as an intriguing idea for a show. I'd traveled through west Texas and always thought Van Horn was a cool name. I figured Harrelson shot everything else that moved, why not his car. So I put it all together and there you have it. Just curious? Why do you want to know? And how did you hear about me and this show in Holland? Scott
  23. the right ta-ta but the wrong ho-ho He tried to tell Garrison that Shaw was not involved with Oswald and Ferrie in a plot to kill JFK, but in a plot to kill Castro with cancer. Wim
  24. "Hi Jack, I don't recall the context of the discussion to which you refer. I don't recall saying categorically that anyone in the picture was indeed HOLT. Perhaps I commented that Chauncey was very masterful at disguise and, if necessary, couild have adopted such an appearance. For clarity, I don't know who is in this photo. If I came across as making a positive identification, I apologize. GO_SECURE monk" Jack, that's mighty sportive of you. I guess we don't have to ask Fetzer anymore, to disprove your claim that Holt ever said he was the moustached guy in the Barry & the Boys picture. Antti observed sharply he doesn't look like Holt and that the hair style doesn't match either That's because it is not Holt and Holt never said it was him. I agree that Holt looks to have more wrinkles on the tramp photos. That's because of the harsh lighting, the sun was out, squeezing his eyes causing more wrinkles, and because he was worn out and worried about being detained. He had been driving the Oldsmobile with 3 passengers (Nicoletti, Moceri and Canty) for over 24 hours with no sleep. Plus he had been awake since arrival early that morning. He said they had to stop twice, once for car trouble and once for a sandstorm that took the paint of the car. This was checked against the weather reports of 11/21/1963 and found to be true for El Paso (West Texas). The ear of the tramp is an exact match for Holt's ear. Try that with Hunt. Holt also had a distinctive walk with his lower legs and feet somewhat tilted to the outside. That walk is recognised here: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/slide/DSC00080.JPG I do not know if Holt was a master of disguise, I have never heard or seen evidence for that. I do know that he did his best to avoid the camera and when he couldn't he drew a face in order not to be recognised. In this picture he looks like he can't hold his xxxx: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/tramps.jpg See his explanation here: When the photographs were being taken, I attempted to conceal myself behind Harrelson or Montoya, who actually changed places once. The difference in the demeanors of Harrelson and Montoya was evident to me. Montoya was noticeably apprehensive and hustled along, while Harrelson seemed almost to be amused and moved in a leisurely manner. Twice I was successful in avoiding the cameras. On one occasion I purposely distorted my face so that I would not be recognizable in the photographs. The last thing in the world that a criminal—and this includes contract agents for the govern- ment—wants is to have his photograph taken, much less in compromising situations. This was drilled into me by Meyer Lanksy during the days of Bugsy Siegel and Mickey Cohen, two ostentatious, publicity-hungry thugs who were both criticized derisively by Lansky. Al Capone was another gangster who was pointed out as an example. On the other hand, Lansky always admired Johnny Torrio, pointing out that everyone had heard of Big Al but the public was barely aware of Johnny Torrio. To be successful in crime—according to Lansky—the criminal must be as invisible as the wallpaper. That is why Lansky drove a Chevrolet and bought his clothes from the rack.
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