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Wim Dankbaar

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Everything posted by Wim Dankbaar

  1. Yes I think it's interesting too. There are more people indicating the temple wound above the right eye. Dennis David said he was shown basically the same two sets of two different pictures by Bruce Pitzer (including the one with the temple wound) We have embalmer Thom Robinson decribing the temple wound. Although he believes (mistakenly imho) that it was from an exiting fragment. Nevertheless he describes it. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/EMBALMER.htm We interviewed him recently on camera where he reiterated his recollections. Plus we have Malcolm Kilduff and Bill Newman describing how JFK was hit by a bullet in the right temple. Malcom Kilduff was told of this by one of the Dallas doctors, I believe it was Perry. The Dallas doctors were busy trying to save JFK's life, not detecting where small wound were. They were naturally concentrating on the gaping headwound in the back. Besides the small temple wound may have been obscured by the flap of side skull hinging out. To me the troubling part of O' Donnell's information is that he claims to have cut out the headshot sequence of the original Zapruder film. On orders of Jackie. Did he really have the original? If he had, how do we have the headshot sequence today? Besides it doesn't strike me as responsible behaviour to destroy such vital evidence. Wim
  2. "The mercury used in the bullets prepared by Wolfman was not standart liquid mercury as far as I know" Yes it was. Wolfman's real name was George Collura. Wolfman died approximately one week after West's visit with Files and before he could be interviewed by the investigator. His cause of death is unknown. Files also stated that the "weapons stash" kept by Nicoletti and him was secured at the old Bally Warehouse in Chicago. He stated that they kept about 40 firearms "on hand" at all times and that they were constantly modifying these guns for various "jobs." ********************** But when the time had come and we knew it was going to be serious and Chuck was sending me to Texas, that’s when I went down on Belmont Avenue, the old Bally place where they made the pinball machines. I had a shed down there, a place, a backroom, that was all owned by the Outfit too, the pinball machines. I kept a catch of weapons down there, we used to do a lot of work on them there. When I say we, I refer to a party named Wolfman, who is now deceased, but at that time he was excellent, remodifying weapons, manufacturing loads, whatever coming down to handguns, rifles. This guy was professionalized. He could manufacture things in his basement, like you wouldn’t believe, from silencers all down the line, he did it all for them. So I went down there, got the stuff we needed. And we had the one car that he just bought, I had already secured everything in there, we had secret compartments in it. And every car that we had, even before the ’63 Chevy, even in the ’61 Ford that we had prior to that in ’62, we had compartments in the dash where you could reach up under it and open things up, put grenades in there, handguns, whatever we might need. Behind the backseat we had gunracks in the cars. We had pull-off door panels that could snap off, we could put them back on, we had handguns and stuff in there. Whatever you might need, but we always had a work-car ready. J – So what did Wolfman do for you? JF – Wolfman, when I contacted him after all this went down, and this is several years later, this is when I first met Joe West and Joe West had come here and visited me, we talked and he asked me: Do you think this party called Wolfman would talk to me? And Joe asked me what his real name was and I told him: I won’t divulge that but I will call him and talk to him. So I called him on the phone and I told him I was talking to Joe West from Texas, and he wanted to know who Joe was and I explained all this to him and I said: Joe would very much like to interview you. I did not give Joe West your name but I told him that you was the one that manufactured the special rounds. He made six rounds for me to take to Texas, all mercury loaded. I said: He wants to talk to you very much. Will you talk with him? And he said: Get back to me! I’ll let you know. He said: I wanna check a few things. The following week Wolfman was dead. J – How did he die? JF – I believe he had a heart attack. I have been in contact with nobody that was affiliated with Wolfman since that day. J – Tell me about these mercury loads. Can you describe them ? JF – Well, it was a 22 round and he took the tips off, he drilled them out and he inserted with an eyedrop, he put mercury into the end of the round and he restilled them with wax. This is to make them explode on impact.
  3. http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk...md231_0001a.htm Credit to Rex Bradford and David Mantik for making me aware of this. Comments welcome. Wim
  4. Well, my bets are still on Morales and Diosdado. Wim
  5. Look at the shadows...she STEPPED BACKWARD...Sheesh... Craig , you're good! What happens is that Mrs Franzen jumps back in horror when she sees the head injuries of JFK. You can see this in the actual Nix and Zapruder movies. Hence the "dissappeared" and "new" woman are in fact one and the same, namely Mrs. Franzen. But I wish you luck in convincing Jack of this. Likewise of the fact that a tight skirt is pushed upwards with each step. Wim PS: Apart from this simple explanation, can anyone think of a reason to make Mrs. Franzen dissapear and show up again?
  6. Maybe Jack would also like to show us how people in the Zapruder and Nix film "come and go". Jack claims that Mrs. Franzen has dissapeared in Zapruder and replaced by another woman in Nix. it's part of the color section of "Murder in Dealey Plaza" Wim
  7. The person behind this transparent slander is not Bob Vernon. His identity is known to me, because I am prosecuting him for unrelated matters. The man has clearly lost all rationality and doesn't grasp he's adding more damage to himself. Enough said. I just saw your question: There is no report of mercury found in the limo, on he street, sidewalk, on JFK,Jacky,Mr. and Mrs. Conally, no report of mercury anywhere on the crimescene as far as I know. So Wim, where has all that mercury gone ? You need to understand that it was only one little drop of mercury in the bullet. Most of that stayed inside the head. Billy Harper, who found the Harper bone fragment , now missing, said there were tiny shiny metal particles on the edge of the skullpiece. He thought it was lead. However, lead turns gray from oxidation with air quite rapidly. Following fragment is from a 2003 article from Dr. David Mantik who studied the medical evidence for 10 years: http://assassinationresearch.com/v2n2/pittsburgh.pdf Mr. Mantik recently told me he didn't know the confession of James Files, let alone that Files claims to have shot a mercury round. A Mercury Bullet? All three skull X-rays show a spatially consistent, fuzzy, gray cloud (about 4 x 1 cm) near the center of the fragment trail that extends across the top of the skull (Figure 16). Figure 16. CLOSE-UP OF LATERAL X-RAY This fuzzy gray cloud can best be seen on the X-rays at NARA. It does not look like metallic lead (or copper) debris, but might have been caused by a mercury bullet. This fuzzy cloud might be more consistent with mercury (extruded from a bullet) rather than lead. An attempt to kill DeGaulle with a mercury bullet occurs in The Day of the Jackal by Frederick Forsyth. Amazingly enough, this plot occurs in the summer of 1963 Forsyth’s descriptions of the effect of mercury bullets seem to fit the JFK skull wounds remarkably well. A fuzzy white cloud in the metal fragment trail might be mercury. 14. There are remarkably many, tiny metal fragments widely scattered on the skull X-rays--even on the left side and on the inferior skull, including at least four near the chin on the frontal X-ray. This remarkable, and heretofore ignored, observation is hardly compatible with the passage of a single, full metal-jacketed, Mannlicher-Carcano bullet near the top of the skull, but might more easily have resulted from a hollow point or mercury bullet—or perhaps even from shrapnel from a bullet that was not counted by the Warren Commission. Source: http://assassinationresearch.com/v2n2/pittsburgh.pdf Wim
  8. Jack, Asking for explanation about this smear, tells something about your integrity. On the other hand, by asking you appear to be unsure of the veracity of the allegations. So it could also be your IQ. Intelligence or integrity, one of the two. You just gave my credibility a boost. I must be doing something right. Thanks, Wim
  9. Jack , we also have things in common: - We believe there was a vast conspiracy - We believe Beverly Oliver - We believe the tramps were not Gedney, Doyle and Abrams - we believe Charles Harrelson was the tall blond tramp - We believe Hunt was in Dallas - We believe a shot came from the knoll - We believe the backyard photos were faked. - We believe there is witting and unwitting disinformation Wim
  10. Craig and all, Here's another clue: Gary Mack does not dismiss Badgeman. He maintains it's "intriguing, but inconclusive". He recently stated on Houston radio that all those poor people running up the knoll were "confused" by the echoes of Dealey Plaza. But Badgeman is intriguing. Divide and conquer. I rest my case Wim
  11. Mail fraud or check fraud , that's what they do when they want to "park" you. They did that with Tosh during the Warren Commission, with Chauncey during the HSCA. Wim
  12. Here's a very educative film. Well worth the sit (in sessions maybe) http://video.google.nl/videosearch?q=money+masters Wim I killed the bank - Andrew Jackson I tried to kill the bank - JFK
  13. Still, just for the fun of it, we could do some more blob guessing See that movement behind the picket fence on the far right? Wind playing with foliage? Or something else?
  14. It looks to be an initiative from American Cuban exiles. "Google AdSense had sold the advert to the Cuba Study Group". What does that mean? What do you mean with advert? Wim
  15. To my knowledge Lansdale was never called to testify for any of the committees in the 70's, like the Church Committee, Rockefeller Commission and HSCA. This is strange as these committees were investigating CIA assassination plots. You would expect they would call the guy heading operation Mongoose. It seems that certain forces were able to keep him out of the wind. The question is why? Wim PS: If there already was a discussion on Lansdale this post can be moved there.
  16. John, I'm sorry you take offense from a little joke. Len and Craig summarized it well: A lot of assassination "photo analysis" is like a Rorschach Test, what people see has more to do with their imaginations than what's there. I'm sorry Steve, I don't play "lets guess what this blob is". Let me add: I don't play "Let's turn this blob into a human being." Wim
  17. I have a great contact in Hollywood! Oh yeah? Who's that? Donald Duck.
  18. Okay this is the Badgeman area from that high resolution Moorman copy: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/badgemanarea.bmp As you can see, there is no way near the detail that Jack portrays in his enhancements. In fact, there is nothing that even suggest human beings in there, let alone the arms, faces , eyes , cameras that Jack wants to see. Below I have once more drawn in the contours of the alledged figures: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/badg...areafigures.bmp As you can see these contours (in a real high quailty Moorman copy, mind you) are no way near the color "enhancements" that Jack uses. But again, the most important clue is that their sizes do not match up with the dimensions of grown-up adults. Not only the height of Arnold is way too short, but the volumes of all three are too small. Sorry, but Badgeman is in the same category as "Greer shot JFK". But there also are folks who refuse to accept the opposite. Wim
  19. Well, at least Jack acknowledges that both Badgeman and HH man had to stand on an elevation, in his imagination a car bumper. Why would HH man do that if he was not even a shooter? He liked to expose himself to the public? Why would Badgeman do it? Great stability on standing on car bumper. His elbow leaning on the fence , right? Not to mention the sizes of these figures. Secondly, let's face it, Jack's enhanced color picture is fictional and deceiving because in reality much less of "Arnold's" torso is above the wall, plus in the real Moorman picture "he" is much smaller. Plus he is not visible in any other picture of the knoll. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/moorman-drawing2.JPG One of the serious problems of this case is that some "experts" are not capable of admitting errors. What does "Go Frogs" mean? Wim
  20. Here's a very large picture of Moorman (credit to Craig Lamson) http://www.pbase.com/infocusinc/image/66990161/original Copy it to your harddrive and zoom in on the badgeman area. You'll see that it's all completely consistent with treeleaves, light and shadows. Maybe someone could cut and paste that area here from that picture. The real clincher is when you draw in the sizes of the three "figures" (alledgedly Gordon Arnold, Badgeman and "Helmet man") so you can compare them with the rest of the picture. That shows irrefutably that the alledged figures are too small to be humans, unless they were kids, standing on a stool. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/moorman-drawing2.JPG Note for example that Badgeman and Helmetman are supposed to be standing behind the picket fence, yet their torsos are aboved it up to the nipples. Anyone familiar with Dealey Plaza, knows that the picket fence is too high for that. Also, "Gordon Arnold" is supposed to be standing behind the retaining wall, closer to the camera, yet only half of his torso sticks over the wall, his legs and waist hidden by the concrete. The retaining wall however is much lower than that. Finally, ompare the size of this "figure" with Zapruder. How much proof do you want to accept thse 3 figures are not human? I know, it's hard to accept something is not true, when you have believed it all your life, especially when the experts and the community said so. How long did we take to accept the world is not flat? The question that intrigues me: Has Jack ever done this size analysis? Wim PS: What is "Go Frogs"?
  21. All of this IS quite SIMPLE, Jack has been hoaxing the world. Lots of ignorant people have fallen for it. You must be one of them. ********************* This is probably bad for my poplularity here, but regarding "Badgeman" I'll have to agree to that statement. It can be proven quite simply Wim
  22. http://www.thecommissiononline.com/powell.htm Quite interesting. Wim
  23. I refreshed with my source. He is a real treasure trove. Probably not really connnected to JFK. The rumor was that Percy was in Giancana's pocket. They owed each other "favors". Percy had a lot of clout and according to Giancana didn't do enough to get the Feds of his back. Most like further disenchantments developed. Word on the street was that this murder was Giancana's "message" to Percy. Something like: This is what I do for disobeyment and you can't do a thing about it. Next time it will be you. The murderer could have been Cain. I don't know if Cook county was in charge of the investigation but that would make it extra interesting. Wim
  24. Is it just funny or did you want to make a point with that? Wim
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