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Wim Dankbaar

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Everything posted by Wim Dankbaar

  1. Jack, sorry to say, but you are of no importance to prove Holt's bonafides. In fact, I don't care much what you say or think about him. It's possible that you didn't watch the overlays because you dont know how to use a media player. That's the excuse you had the last time, I asked you about it. I posted one of them here 2 years ago or so, much to Karyn's dismay. Maybe someone wants to retrieve it? Wim
  2. So now I have to contact Monk and Fetz myself to backup a false claim that YOU put forward? Sorry Jack, but is doesn't work that way. If you can't backup such an easy claim from people that can be contacted easily, then don't make them, and if you do, retract them. For I might take you up on it and indeed call Fetzer or Burnham and post here what they said. I could also email you their numbers if you lost them. Wim
  3. Interesting. I remember a screenplay for "Charles Harrelson shoots his Corvette at Van Horn" I conversed with the writer, but damned, I have trouble finding it. Like Jim Marrs says: If I had a secretary, I would be dangerous!
  4. A credible photo analysis ! Go Frogs ! Wim
  5. So Fetz is out of the picture now? Give us the link to Monk's post. Wim
  6. By the way, Pat, my wife agrees my kids need to be protected from me. For making them do things like this: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/MVI_1609.AVI Wim
  7. Jack, Monk and Fetz are still around. You wrote earlier that Fetz said the same thing. Where is he now? I challenge you to get Monk and Fetz here to re-iterate what they said according to you. Wim
  8. I am once again in agreement with Wim! ********** Maybe we'll agree on everything one day! Gary Mack and Dave Perry were instrumental in shoving Roscoe White under the carpet in the eyes of the public. Wim
  9. My questions: Are the three men in the tramp photos the same men who were arrested "right after the shooting?" No they were not, but it is possible that Gedney, Doyle and Abrams were indeed arrested "right after the shooting". Whatever the case, these individuals and their "arrest reports", fake or not, were used to distract from the real identities of the photographed tramps. Were any "tramps" arrested right after the shooting or is this considered a mistaken impression by the clerk who filled out the arrest form? Maybe, but the photographed tramps were not arrested right after the shooting. The shadows (longitude and position) indicate a time around 3 PM on November 22 . Does anyone believe there were TWO sets of THREE tramps arrested in the same railroad yard area at different times? That's very possible. If so, did anybody at Dallas Police HQ notice that there were two sets of three tramps being held in their lockup? Maybe, but they 're not gonna tell you. The photographed tramps were released thru the back door that same afternoon. MV
  10. Which interview? The one that Thom Hartmann did? I have only the 2nd part. You should ask Waldron or him for the rest. To me they have not responded thusfar. I have access to 3 video interviews with Holt and 2 or 3 more transcripts of other interviews with him. I dare to assure you that any person with a brain and some knowledge of the case, will understand that Chauncey Holt was not "charming conman" as Jack White wants us to believe. Why Jack wants to claim that, I have no clear idea, nor do I really care. Why he is spreading false information about Holt, like that Holt claimed he is in the Barryand boys photo, is something I condemn. I was told that Jack is also in possession of the "overlays" of known pictures of Holt over the tramps photos. Friends beg me to post them, but I have no permission to do so. But Jack has them also. Bill Kelly did one interview with Chauncey and transcribed another. Maybe you should ask him what he thinks of Holt. James Fetzer, a friend of Jack white, is fully convinced of Holt's veracity. The difference is ofcourse, that Fetz knew and met with Chauncey. Same goes for John R. Craig, Gary Shaw and Lois Gibson, the forensic facial expert end composite sketch artist for the Houston PD. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/lois1.htm The most persuasive interview is the one with his daughter, 9 hours, in the knowledge he has not long to live. Also, I am in the dark as to why Thom Hartmann and Lamar Waldron claim that Holt is a xxxx, although it's easy to jump to a speculative more sinister reason. I challenge them to make the rest of their Holt interview available. Holt did not plan on dying at the age he did, and what he left behind has never been properly published. When it would be, everyone would understand a lot more, for example why Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch enjoy the protection they enjoy. Wim
  11. Wim, I went to your website and read your posts. If things weren''t weird enough, this man J. called me six months ago after a friend of his saw my online presentation and asked for my number. He wanted to chat about Chauncey Holt and claimed he was a CIA ASSASSIN trained by Holt!!! He invited me over to his house but I got busy and was skeptical of his story and never got around to calling him back. He went simply by the name J but I recognize the phone number and the website. He told that that's him in the interview on his website. Well, that's all true, except that his being a CIA assassin is exaggerated. He was subcontracted by Holt for odd jobs, so to say, so he didn't do anything directly for the CIA. Holt did, as well as for Organized Crime. Now here's the really weird part...he used you as a reference!!! He kept telling me how he knew Wim Dankbaar and had all sorts of friends in the JFK assassination research community but he could always use more, etc... Did you tell him you didn't believe him and hurt his feelings or something? He told me he had a completed screenplay about his exploits as a CIA assassin. Was he trying to get financing from you? You got it For his company, meant to be a short term bridge loan. I guess he is really pissed I 'm taking him to court to get it back. There's no doubt he knew Chauncey Holt and really looked up to him, but the trouble is that considering his proven lies to me, he's not a reliable character witness for Holt. Apparently, Holt understood that during his life, for this guy didn't know him by his real name. For the rest, I trust you'll understand I don't want to display the details of my dealings with him at this point.
  12. Yes, Pat, I do know who is behind this smear, I have disclosed it already on my own forum. It is not Mr. Vernon, Rest assured that I can burn this man forever, if he is not doing it himself already. But if you don't mind, I would like to send him these exchanges, to give him one more chance to come to his sense and take his website down. Wim
  13. Roscoe White is indeed an interesting figure. Although I believe that Ricky's story cannot be accurate as a whole, I believe that the Roscoe White's story has been "debunked" as a "hoax" without proper justification. Beverly Oliver (the babushka lady) asserts that she encountered Patrick Dean and Roscoe White on the parking lot behind the picket fence. Also, the third backyard photograph of Oswald was retrieved from Roscoe White's possesions. Then we have the irrefutable connection to Jack Ruby (f.e. picture of Ruby with Geneva White) . Mike Browloh showed me a picture of Dallas police officers, including White, looking up to the Schoolbook depository. Maybe someone has that picture to post here? So there is little doubt he was on duty at the crimescene that day, and certainly no doubt he joined the Dallas Police in october 1963. There's also evidence he knew Lee Harvey Oswald, not only in Dallas, but from a more distant past in the Marines. Tosh Plumlee is one of those who has information on that: A: Roscoe White was at the radar complex and jungle warfare training in Honolulu and that's where I first met him. When I say met him...I would have never, never have picked Roscoe White and my feelings, it's a tragedy of what happened to Roscoe White's life. He was an operative. He was military intelligence. Basically, I think he was a good man. This other investigation a few years ago that came out...that however that went...the sensationalism of that was done very poorly because what it has done nowadays has totally discredited Roscoe White as being a military operative. The fact that Oswald and Roscoe White, the radar complex, and jungle warfare training, and Nagshead, North Carolina and all these things...... Q: When was the last time you saw Roscoe White? A: The last time I saw Roscoe White was over in Honolulu and that was about '59. I had no liaison with White, you know, after that. I wasn't even aware that he was possibly in the Plaza until some researchers indicated that to me by pictures and I identified him as working at the radar complex from pictures that researchers had shown me stating he was in Dallas. Q: Are you saying that you saw Roscoe White and Lee Harvey Oswald together? A: Not together, at the same place and the same time. There was a ship that went over with White and a bunch of Marines and I can't remember the name of that particular ship, and I think that Oswald was on board that ship. So it is at least remarkable that Roscoe White has remained such an anonymous figure in the official investigations. Wim
  14. Roscoe White is indeed an interesting figure. Although I believe that Ricky's story cannot be accurate as a whole, I believe that the Roscoe White's story has been "debunked" as a "hoax" without proper justification. Beverly Oliver (the babushka lady) asserts that she encountered Patrick Dean and Roscoe White on the parking lot behind the picket fence. Also, the third backyard photograph of Oswald was retrieved from Roscoe White's possesions. Then we have the irrefutable connection to Jack Ruby (f.e. picture of Ruby with Geneva White) . Mike Browloh showed me a picture of Dallas police officers, including White, looking up to the Schoolbook depository. Maybe someone has that picture to post here? So there is little doubt he was on duty at the crimescene that day, and certainly no doubt he joined the Dallas Police in october 1963. There's also evidence he knew Lee Harvey Oswald, not only in Dallas, but from a more distant past in the Marines. Tosh Plumlee is one of those who has information on that: A: Roscoe White was at the radar complex and jungle warfare training in Honolulu and that's where I first met him. When I say met him...I would have never, never have picked Roscoe White and my feelings, it's a tragedy of what happened to Roscoe White's life. He was an operative. He was military intelligence. Basically, I think he was a good man. This other investigation a few years ago that came out...that however that went...the sensationalism of that was done very poorly because what it has done nowadays has totally discredited Roscoe White as being a military operative. The fact that Oswald and Roscoe White, the radar complex, and jungle warfare training, and Nagshead, North Carolina and all these things...... Q: When was the last time you saw Roscoe White? A: The last time I saw Roscoe White was over in Honolulu and that was about '59. I had no liaison with White, you know, after that. I wasn't even aware that he was possibly in the Plaza until some researchers indicated that to me by pictures and I identified him as working at the radar complex from pictures that researchers had shown me stating he was in Dallas. Q: Are you saying that you saw Roscoe White and Lee Harvey Oswald together? A: Not together, at the same place and the same time. There was a ship that went over with White and a bunch of Marines and I can't remember the name of that particular ship, and I think that Oswald was on board that ship. So it is at least remarkable that Roscoe White has remained such an anonymous figure in the official investigations. Wim
  15. You gave the link yourself: http://csoupradio.com/interface/index.php
  16. Uwe, I don't care if you generate traffic to that website. The information you asked, is on the forum link you gave. Wim
  17. Funny to see how you try to distract from the core questions: 1) Can you get Jim Fetzer to confirm that Chauncey Holt said he is in the Barry & the boys picture? If not, will you retract the statement? 2) Is this Howard Hunt or not? http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/trampear.JPG
  18. Two different men, two different ears. Photo is from Groden's book. The ear on the right photo is one of the escorting policeofficers. Jack, you do all this photo"research" and you don't recognize the side picture of the tramp with the hat in Groden's photo bible? You really want me to believe you don't know this photo in Groden's book? You have just overlooked it all that time? Is that why you never use it in your "Hunt is the tramp" assertions? Wim
  19. The man Holt said was him in the "Boys" photo does not look like him. Jack That's because Holt never said that, which means you are lying, spreading disinformation, whatever you wanna call it. Wim
  20. Hi Jack "non provocateur" White, Your famous photo comparisons again. You still dare talk about "phony claims" after "Badgeman", "Mrs. Franzen has dissapeared", "the moonlanding was faked" and "Howard Hunt was the tramp"? Let's take a vote on the photo you always avoid: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/trampear.JPG Is that Howard Hunt or not? Your votes please. What do you know about Chauncey? Never met him, right? Ah, I remember, you talked to him on the phone once ! Who is really the "charming conman" ? http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/holtonoswald.wmv David Mollering is right in saying that they filmed him a week before his death, telling his life story once more over 8 hours , knowing he was dying from cancer. But he was still the ever "charming conman" according to Jack, who can't abandon his lifelong gospel that Howard Hunt, a high ranking CIA officer, dressed up as a tramp in Dealey Plaza. Is that just stubborness that comes with age, or something else? But the real cracker is that you agree with Holt that Harrelson was the tall tramp. "Yeah, Holt was lying about himself but not about Harrelson, because my photo analysis never fails!" What a joke. Wim BTW, Your claim that Holt told Fetzer he was the guy with moustache in the Barry and the Boys photo, is baloney too. Shall we ask Fetz?
  21. The left and middle bottom and left top photo are Chauncey Holt = the tramp with the hat. The other two photos I do not know. Wim
  22. I see there is an interesting biography on Rolando Masferrrer. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKmasferrerR.htm He was one the men who Chauncey said he made secret service id's for. The other names he remembered were Aldo Vera, Orlando Bosch and Rolando Otero. I don't know a lot about the last one. Wim
  23. Here's another: ----- Original Message ----- From: Paul L May To: 'Wim Dankbaar' Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 12:23 AM Subject: Thanx so much Wim: What a generous gesture posting my email on The Simpkins forum. I wish I could take credit for writing it. BTW, I wasn't aware you were also prospering in the porno trade. Candidly, it doesn't surprise me. I doubt there is very little you wouldn't do for a dollar. Amusing thing about you CT's.....you use the reverse scientifc method. You determine what happened, throw out all the data that doesn't fit your conclusions and then hail your findings as the only possible solution. 43 years and all you people have produced is crap. Keep up the good work Wim!! An admirer, NOT!
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