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Wim Dankbaar

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Everything posted by Wim Dankbaar

  1. Someone who I respect suggested there's a connection there. But don't take that as gospel. Anyway, he encouraged me to look at it. I found nothing tangible, just a few intriguing elements: Unsolved nothing stolen (What's the motive then? Silence maybe?) Rockefeller (she was dating Jay, who then married her twin sister) Political succes and wealth in Chicago (that always makes me think of Giancana) A composite sketch that looks like Richard Cain. Wim
  2. Don't forget John McCloy: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAmccloyJ.htm
  3. http://www.crimelibrary.com/notorious_murd...ercy/index.html Could this murder have something to do with the Kennedy assassination? Just curious for comments. Wim
  4. Thanks Lee, I think that one may be good enough. I didn't say I see a fedora either. Neither do I see 3 men. I do see "something" sticking over the picket fence Wim
  5. I got this video from Gaylon 4 years ago. Apparently he has decided to make it wider availble: http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid=192...76415&q=jfk
  6. I need an electronic copy of the Moorman photo as high resolution as possible. Especially the blowup: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/THEFEDORA1.gif With appreciation in advance. Wim
  7. You told me that another forum member sent to Oliver the complete thread. I'm sure I know whom this member is even when I ask him NOT TO because it could mess up the contact with you and Oliver. Amazing and "SAD". That member is me, no need to guess or not speak it out. I just emailed her the link,a s I did to Timo Mikkonnen. I posted his answer. Amazing and SAD? You start a thread on a witness but are opposed to make her aware of it? What's amazing and sad now? And how would Beverly being aware of your questions mess up any contact between Jack White and her? Didn't you want her to have the questions? This has been very one sided, I ask those researchers to reply to my questions and I hear mostly silence. I asked if anyone of these two reseachers have seen the Harrison inteview and at least one says no and the other one remains silent. Once again as I have previous stated that the Harrision interview is important. No I have not seen the Harrison interview. If you believe it is so destructive to Beverly's credibility, which you seem to suggest, why don't you post it, or at least give us the scoop? I have public information posted on me on this forum, so I guess I'm doing something right that makes me very proud. ? I don't follow your logic. I still stand behind my quote of three years ago, You mean that you don't believe her? That's fine, but it still would have been nice to give that candor right away. You haven't answered what your objective is with this research. One general advice though from researcher to researcher: If you can, always talk directly to the source. Not everyone is dead, you know. And some are actually willing to talk.
  8. On NSA intercepts: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/NSA.htm
  9. To me he looks the age he was. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/autopsy.htm He was good and young looking anywa. In death the wrinkles may sag out somewhat.
  10. Anyway, very interesting. It certainly makes sense that Veciana was given that message by Phillips (in words and bullets). Escalante: I was telling you we have so much information. In 1979 Bercia told to one of our own informants in Miami that he had been pushed by a select committee that he had given a fake name to the CIA officer that was in charge of him. He had given the name of Maurice Bishop. But, truly the official that had to deal with him was David Phillips. It has always been my take that Veciana has known from day one that Bishop was Phillips, even before he went through the hanky panky of the composite sketch. This is also interesting: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/leek1.JPG http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/leek2.JPG See that part about the LBJ cigarettes?
  11. I asked Fabian the same question just 2 days ago. He says he doesn't know any person by that name. But it just struck me that it's probably a transcription error for "Veciana". The V is pronounced as B in spanish. Beciana became Bercian(a). Anyway, very interesting. It certainly makes sense that Veciana was given that message by Phillips (in words and bullets). I was telling you we have so much information. In 1979 Bercia told to one of our own informants in Miami that he had been pushed by a select committee that he had given a fake name to the CIA officer that was in charge of him. He had given the name of Maurice Bishop. But, truly the official that had to deal with him was David Phillips. It has always been my take that Veciana has known from day one that Bishop was Phillips, even before he went through the hanky panky of the composite sketch. Wim
  12. One more thing to ponder. John Simkin writes on the Phillips page: Another reason why I do not believe Phillips was involved in the assassination is the interview he gave to Kevin Walsh. If he had been part of a conspiracy would he really have said: "My private opinion is that JFK was done in by a conspiracy, likely including American intelligence officers." If he had been guilty of such a crime he would have kept on denying any possibility that the CIA could have been involved in such an event. That's my point. My take is that shortly before his death, he didn't care so much whether the truth came out. It should be noted that he changed his advocated opinion. In the nightwatch he asserts on page 144: I am one of the 15% which believe he acted alone, and that the Warren Commission was right. "My private opinion is that JFK was done in by a conspiracy, likely including American intelligence officers." With what we know now, Phillips would have been in the perfect spot to have been one of those American intelligence officers. My next question would have been: So why didn't you know about it? But I was born too late.
  13. Speaking about Carlos, this is also interesting: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/arrb/index33.htm General Escalante also provided additional information on another mysterious exile named Carlos Roca, who is discussed in the book Oswald Talked by Ray and Mary La Fontaine. Roca was also member of the Cuban exile group DRE, which was funded and run by CIA under the code name of AMSPELL. The DRE issued a press release in Mexico City on December 8, 1963 stating that Carlos Roca and three other DRE members had been killed in a battle in Cuba's Excambre Mountains in mid-September of '63. The others were identified as Andre Tartabul, Julio Garcia and Sergio Perez. According to Escalante's information only Tartabul was actually killed in this battle. Furthermore he stated that Roca, according to him, was seen in Miami a day or two after the assassination of President Kennedy in the company of Juan Manuel Salvat another member of the DRE. According to Escalante's information they were on their way to Nicaragua at that time. Escalante said that Roca was also connected to Carlos Bringuier in New Orleans who operated a business there called Casa Roca or Roca House. Roca had gone to religious school in Cuba with Jose Bringuier, the brother of Carlos Bringuier, and after the Cuban revolution Roca had sought asylum in a Latin American Embassy in Havana along with Jose Bringuier, according to this information. Escalante also stated that his files indicated that Roca was a qualified single engine pilot. He pointed out that in Jim Garrison's investigation David Ferrie had told investigators that he traveled to Houston after the assassination and was supposed to pick up two of the assassins who were flying from Dallas in a single engine plane. One of them was a Cuban named Carlos who would be flying the plane, and Escalante speculated that this may in fact may have been Carlos Roca. According to Escalante's files Mr. Salva was in Dallas, he says, during the week of November 2nd, went to Miami and then on to Nicaragua with Roca. He also stated that Mr. Salva allegedly was in Mexico City when the allegedly false story about Roca's death was published in early December. Escalante that according to his information Salvat was an agent of David Phillips of the CIA, as was Angel Gonzalez, the DRE in Mexico City who issued the press release. He told me that his source was a human source for intelligence and that he had filed some documents to substantiate this. The question is if Carlos Roca was a true Cuban exile or just a CIA guy infiltrated into Cuba by men like Phillips. For example running guns like fellow pilot David Ferrie. We know that Charles Frederick Rogers was a pilot (like Ferrie in the CAP) and used the name "Carlos". Could Charles Rogers be Carlos Roca? "Mysterious" he is for certain. Fabian Escalante did not reject it. "Sobre el tema de Carlos Roca, creo probable su hipótesis. " Wim
  14. Bill, I know the novel is about Carlos the terrorist. Still the title could also be applied to the JFK assassination. Phillips didn't avoid that. Then again, there may be nothing to it. It's interesting that you spoke with Phillips over the phone. However, not much value can be put to whatever he said. Nobody would expect him to confirm the accusations on his involvement. Plausible denial and non attributability are ground rules in covert operations. My conviction that Phillips was Oswald's controller is not solely based on the Veciana-Dallas encounter. Wim Here's another example of what I mean: When he died on 7th July, 1988, Phillips left behind an unpublished manuscript. The novel is about a CIA officer who lived in Mexico City. In the novel the character states: "I was one of those officers who handled Lee Harvey Oswald... We gave him the mission of killing Fidel Castro in Cuba... I don't know why he killed Kennedy. But I do know he used precisely the plan we had devised against Castro. Thus the CIA did not anticipate the president's assassination, but it was responsible for it. I share that guilt." See? A little truth, a little lie. That's Phillips all the way. Black and white makes grey. He wants to tell, but keeps plausible denial by changing one or two details.
  15. Well, as usual the best docs on this subject are the least known. That's my comment
  16. hmmm. I'm curious to know how Bush himself feels about this. ******************* He doesn't care as long as it is not on CNN. No need to worry for him, he has everything covered and certainly will not lose any sleep over a few whackos discussing it on the Education Forum. Wim
  17. Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to share something. I gave Bob Bennett (now senator of Utah) and Bob Woodward an article to respond to. It forwarded my theory that Bob Bennett was Deep Throat. There was no reaction. Within 2 weeks the "Mark Felt = Deep Throat story" broke. What are 2 weeks on 32 years? Well, I guess it's one of those coincidences. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/bennett.htm Wim
  18. Yes, name swapping is a possibility, as they tend to use identities from existing persons, dead or alive. And a consul for the US smelss like a CIA asset. BTW, don't go swimming with the stingrays! Wim
  19. James, Thanks for that document. That was what I was looking for. Hidalgo must be mistaken, right? Or could Phillips have used Galbraith's name? Wim
  20. By the way, for some footage of Phillips, you can watch this: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/Garrison5.wmv Go to 5:30 to 7: 15 Phillips: "Many of the participants in the Bay of Pigs were on that landing force, because I had known them personally". So much for David Perry's statement : In 1961 Phillips was Chief of Covert Action in Mexico City and additionally ran the CIA's "propaganda shop." He had nothing to do with CIA recruitment.
  21. It was made George Paige (producer) and Daniel Helfgott (director/writer). It was aired as a special for TV. There was a follow up with Robert Conrad as the host: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0283434/ Wim
  22. Yes. http://www.tarpley.net/bush10.htm Wilbur Mills may have let himself in for a lot of trouble in later years by not always treating George with due respect. Because of Bush's obsession with birth control for the lower orders, Mills gave Bush the nickname "Rubbers," which stuck with him during his years in Congress. [fn 10] Poppy Bush was not amused. One day Mills might ponder in retrospect, as so many others have, on Bush's vindictiveness.
  23. Here's a good documentary with Daniel Sheehan: http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid=745...=JFK+conspiracy
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