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Wim Dankbaar

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Everything posted by Wim Dankbaar

  1. Here is what Bob vernon has to say: http://groups.google.nl/groups?hl=nl&lr=&g...g%40comcast.com As usual, a lot of lies in it. Wim PS: The fact that Vernon states this is a forum that teaches children to lie, says it all.
  2. QUOTE(Wim Dankbaar @ Dec 15 2004, 05:32 PM) When are you going to see there is no straight line between the mafia and the "big boys". Here's a few hints: Marcello financed LBJ. * So did a lot of people. Is that really evidence that Marcello was involved in the assassination of JFK? The link with the assassination was not the point. The point was the intertwinement between the mafia and the "big boys" QUOTE(Wim Dankbaar @ Dec 15 2004, 05:32 PM) Frank Costello was buddies with J Edgar Hoover, Clint Murchison and a slew of politicians. That why they called him "The politician" * So what. Is that really evidence that Costello was involved in the assassination of JFK? The link with the assassination was not the point. The point was the intertwinement between the mafia and the "big boys" QUOTE(Wim Dankbaar @ Dec 15 2004, 05:32 PM) Even good old Ike met with Murray Humphreys. * Are you saying that proves that both Eisenhower and Humphreys were involved in the assassination? The link with the assassination was not the point. The point was the intertwinement between the mafia and the "big boys" QUOTE(Wim Dankbaar @ Dec 15 2004, 05:32 PM) Luciano got out of jail for a campaign contribution to his nemesis Tom Dewey. * What is the connection between this and the assassination of JFK? The link with the assassination was not the point. The point was the intertwinement between the mafia and the "big boys" QUOTE(Wim Dankbaar @ Dec 15 2004, 05:32 PM) Giancana rigged the Illinois election for JFK (or better said his dad) * This is unproven. Anyway, how is it evidence that Giancana ordered the assassination of JFK. Sure he was angry with JFK. He had a motive. So did a lot of people. You need to find the evidence that links to the motive. The link with the assassination was not the point. The point was the intertwinement between the mafia and the "big boys" QUOTE(Wim Dankbaar @ Dec 15 2004, 05:32 PM) Trafficante, Giancana and Roselli plotted against Castro with the CIA and who knows what more (f.e. Guatemala) * I agree with you on this. However, how do we know there is a connection between the planned assassination of Castro? That is what people like Jack Anderson, Dick Billings and G. Robert Blakey want us to believe. But is it true? I will explain this in more detail in my answer to Tim. The connection with the planned assassination of Castro is well proven with documents and testimonies. Did you miswrite and actually mean to say the planned assassination of JFK? QUOTE(Wim Dankbaar @ Dec 15 2004, 05:32 PM) Bugsy Siegel was buddies with George Raft. * True. But was has this got to do with the assassination? I know you are a great believer of guilt by association but this one is ridiculous. The link with the assassination was not the point. The point was the intertwinement between the mafia and the "big boys" QUOTE(Wim Dankbaar @ Dec 15 2004, 05:32 PM) Sinatra (and some of the rest of the rat pack) was buddies with Giancana, Roselli, Luciano, Costello and many more mob guys. * True. But was has this got to do with the assassination? The link with the assassination was not the point. The point was the intertwinement between the mafia and the "big boys" QUOTE(Wim Dankbaar @ Dec 15 2004, 05:32 PM) Even Jim Garrison was on good terms with Marcello. He called Marcello "a businessman" and refused to look into him. * That is what Billings says. I consider him to be an unreliable witness. Anyway, what are you saying here. Was Garrison involved in the assassination of JFK or just taking part in the cover up? If that is the case, why did he draw attention to Ferrie, Banister, etc.? It's also what Jones Harris says. I don't think Garrison was not sincere, he was on the right track too, but I think his relationship with Marcello may have compromised where he wanted to go. He probably was convinced that Marcello had nothing to do with it, but if he had any doubts he may have stashed them away in the back of his mind. It's a good question though. Why did he he not pursue the link between Ferrie and Marcello? QUOTE(Wim Dankbaar @ Dec 15 2004, 05:32 PM) And Luis Posada Carrilles? What is he? Mob, CIA, Terrorrist? or all three? * A very unpleasant character. Nothing would give more pleasure in naming him as one of the gunman. However, I have never been able to find any evidence that he was involved in the assassination. Have you? Well, I only know he was a member of the secret CIA team of assassins called Operation 40, and that he was on Dealey Plaza that day. QUOTE(Wim Dankbaar @ Dec 15 2004, 05:32 PM) Moses Annenberg, have you heard of him? His son is a member of the George Bush foundation. * Never heard of him? What is the link with the assassination? His son’s membership of the George Bush foundation? The link with the assassination was not the point. The point was the intertwinement between the mafia and the "big boys"
  3. Or has James Files told you he was one of the gunman? ------------------ John, Do you expect me to answer this? To find out exactly what Files told go here: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/ Wim
  4. Of course, we all know that a convict named Jim Files has confessed, and that the legitimacy of his confession is widely debated. -------------------------- Tim, good way of putting it. Very neutral. You could add Sam Giancana who alledgedly confessed to his brother: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/pdf/Giancanna_Bio_457-468.pdf Roscoe White, who alledgedly confessed in a vanished diary, alledgedly taken by the FBI. The purported confession of Phillips is here: According to his nephew Shawn Phillips, who is quite a famous musician, David Atlee Phillips confirmed to his brother James Atlee Phillips that he was in Dallas the day Kennedy died. To read Shawn's email: click here. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/phillips.htm
  5. I thought Files identified the guy who killed Tippit as Kenny Larry. At least Vernon said as much. ----------------------------- Gibson, Firts of all, why are you (of all people) still relying on anything Vernon says? He just wants to muddy the waters as much as he can with false statements and half truths. Files never identified this guy. Kenny Larry came up as the result of a misunderstanding between Pamela Ray and me. Since then I found that the guy is not Kenny Larry. Wim
  6. Dale Myers and others try to tell us that it is an "Eisenhower jacket". Does an Eisenhower jacket have "Dallas Police Department" on its upper sleeves? Wim
  7. See at the FAQ section how he tries to discredit the "myth" that there was not a spare police uniform in Tippits car. Now look at this picture: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/tippitcar1.jpg Then the blowup: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/tippitcar.jpg Is that a police uniform or not? Wim
  8. Does anybody know any businesses that Allen Dulles may have been involved in? He was a stockholder in United Fruit. Wim
  9. John, When are you going to see there is no straight line between the mafia and the "big boys". Here's a few hints: Marcello financed LBJ. Frank Costello was buddies with J Edgar Hoover, Clint Murchison and a slew of politicians. That why they called him "The politician" Even good old Ike met with Murray Humphreys. Luciano got out of jail for a campaign contribution to his nemesis Tom Dewey. Giancana rigged the Illinois election for JFK (or better said his dad) Trafficante, Giancana and Roselli plotted against Castro with the CIA and who knows what more (f.e. Guatemala) Bugsy Siegel was buddies with George Raft. Sinatra (and some of the rest of the rat pack) was buddies with Giancana, Roselli, Luciano, Costello and many more mob guys. Even Jim Garrison was on good terms with Marcello. He called Marcello "a businessman" and refused to look into him. And Luis Posada Carrilles? What is he? Mob, CIA, Terrorrist? or all three? Moses Annenberg, have you heard of him? His son is a member of the George Bush foundation. I can go on and on You should read more mafia books. Read Don Roberdeau's post too: http://context.themoscowtimes.com/story/134709/ Wim
  10. Wim: Jay was about ten years older than me. DoB about 1927 or so. You have the FBI employment list about Southwest. There are other documents that talks about this pilot from me and the Holt meeting about 1967 in Phoenix Arizona at the Caravan Inn, which you should also have. And to you should have copies of the DD-214 from Austin Texas. (Texas National Guard and the 4th Army reserve. And there is my statement as to who was instructors at White Rock and Red Bird made to investigators in 1976; and again in 1990. Bernard Finisterwald and Gary Shaw had Jay's name and a list of Airlines we flew with in 1980. Most of the other matters is Classified my the Kerry Committee in 1991. And I can't do anything about that. Well, Tosh, I asked you about Canty before and I recall it didn't ring a bell for you. Is that because you knew him as Jay Tanner? And are you sure this is the same guy as Canty? Did he look like this? http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/filesx.jpg I have not seen his name in any of your documents either, but I could well have missed it. In such a pile of PDF docs you can quiclkly overlook it, especially if you're not looking for a specifice needle in the haystack. Point Two. I have posted many documents and have myself asked questions. I don't think I will do the leg work for anyone anymore. Nothing in return on the questions I ask. Are you also referring to me? Because then I say: that's not fair. I have tried to answer your questions, and dug up the docs you asked for. I am primarily interested in the Kennedy thing, and I cannot read all the posts and questions you ask here. If you have a specific question for me, you know where I am. I cannot break iron with my hands and some questions I cannot answer or at least not right away. I have told you and others where to go to get this information to back up various matters of my associations. What does that mean? Where should we go with this information? You forget I don't care about proving what I say. Like Files "Take it or leave it" At least I am citing references and there locations. I research my own self only to be called a xxxx and twisting of facts. Well, there are always figures who will do that. That's the nature of this game, huge interests are at stake. Be glad your major attacker is such an obvious lying you-know- what. And I think Larry Hancock owes you a public apology. For the rest I don't think that many people call you a xxxx. Quite frankly I think your one of the least attacked people with inside knowledge. You all are the experts... now go do your jobs. I mean this in the nicest way. I am tired of pointing things out that people already have if they would just read what they have. I don't see myself as an expert and I think few of us here are. We're trying to learn and rely on insiders like you, trying to determine who is real or not in the game of smoke and mirrors. Point Three: This is the seventh time I have said YES that is Struges (Sutter) in the 105 document. The FBI missed pronounced the name in their transcribing this was in 1959 I think. I do not know if that was on purpose or taken from the tape because of my pronounciation. I asked the question for the first time and have not seen your seven times you answered that. Why am I beating this dead hourse or still engaged in all this. It seems to me everyone already knows what happened and how. So why am I here? To entertain? To be told how it was and why and how wrong I am? What is my motive? I do not want to write a book. .., do a movie.., make a buck$$ at the expense of dead people. I really do have more important things to do with the rest of my life than to stay engaged in all this crazy stuff. I hope your motive is mainly to tell the truth about all these shannanigans, so that something good may come from it. I think you should write a book and also put your website back online. That way you only have to give a link to answer a question, and you don't need to repeat yourself all the time. It will save you a lot of frustration. You could refer me directly to the Southwest document for example, for I do not recall seeing it. For the rest, RELAX. Wim
  11. ....I have no doubt that LBJ was capable of accepting such a payola, but, can anyone provide addional specific reference(s) for this $100K annual payola from MARCELLO to LBJ? ------------------- Sure Don: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/coast.htm G – And this was the country that’s supposed to be the freeest of the world .. and uh, if this had happened and this had been released, revealed, who knows what would have happened during those very tumultuous times? There have been reports recently, a new book that claims that perhaps Lyndon Johnson was behind the assassination. Johnson’s family is outraged at that theory!... and uh, I wanted to get both of your quick take on that? Z - Well, I can answer that…… We eh, I don’t think Jim has either, we don’t have definite information he called the shots, we don’t have definite information that he was even involved. We do think that he was part of the cover-up, but I can says this: Guidance led me in different ways, and one of these was just by luck, I talked to this big money person in Texas that I asked “Who killed JFK?” and his answer was LBJ. And I said Why? And he said: “Well we were friends with his bagman” and I won’t mention the names, but the bagman told us personally that he used to go to New Orleans, Louisiana and picked up bags of cash and bring it to LBJ, from Carlos Marcello. And I said: “Wow! Well, when was this? When he was president? Or Vice President?” “Oh I think it was when he was President!” I asked him to be filmed, just saying that one thing. And he picks up the phone and in front of me, calls the individual’s son, the guy was dead, and the son basically confirmed it. And that …uh, George this whole thing is a big puzzle!
  12. JFK, Watergate, Iran Contra, S &L , 9-11, Gary Webb et al. It's all connected. -------------------- Yeah, can you still see the Bush through the trees? Wim
  13. http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/millican.htm BILL DECKER SHERIFF CRIMINAL COURTS BUILDING DALLAS, TEXAS A.J. Millican 2650 Valley View Lane Dallas 34, Texas Chapel 7-4953 Works for Sam P. Wallace and Claude Beard Plumbing Company Fabricating pipe for the Republic Bank Building at the end of the Katy Railroad yards and the west end of Pacific Street I was standing on the North side of Elm Street, about half way between Houston and the Underpass. About five or ten minutes before the President came by I observed a truck from Honest Joe's Pawn Shop, and parked by the Book Depository Store. Then drove off about five or ten minutes before the Presiden't car came by. Just after the President's car passed, I heard three shots come from up toward Houston and Elm right by the Book Depository Building, and then immediately I heard two more shots from the Arcade between the Book Store and the Underpass, and then three more shots came from the same direction only sounded further back. It sounded approximately like a 45 automatic, or a high powered rifle. Then everybody started running up the hill. A man standing on the South side of Elm Street, was either hit in the foot, or the ankle and fell down. And then I went back to work. /s/ A.J. Millican
  14. And what is the general opinion here on this website? http://jdtippit.com/ Webmaster is Dale Myers. Wim
  15. I understand that Tippit's millitary records are sealed, even for his own family. Can this be confirmed? Does anyone know why? Wim
  16. I shall try to find a list of companys involved with oil production, weapons production and steel manufacturing and cross reference the names of major shareholders, this could give us a few names to work with. ------------------------------ Start googling for Humble Oil, Hunt and Schlumberger. Do some cross references with Prescott Bush, George Demohrenschildt., Permindex and Freeport Sulphur. Happy hunting. Wim
  17. Here's another: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/ruby.htm Watch the video clip (Windows media) Click here. Jack Ruby (Oswald's assassin) makes a statement to reporters after he has been permitted a new trial. He says : Everything pertaining to what's happening has never come to the surface. The world will never know the true facts, of what occurred, my motives. The people had , that had so much to gain and had such an ulterior motive for putting me in the position I'm in, will never let the true facts come above board to the world. Reporter : Are these people in very high positions Jack ?? Jack : Yes.
  18. BTW, judging from his answer to John, the seller must be known in the JFK reseach community: What if you held a "press release" and nobody came? Man are you naive. I've researched this for probably older than you are and know of or have met most all the players. The game's over, pal. The coup was accomplished in '63. Now all you're seeing are the finishing touches. Maybe Bill Kelly? Wim
  19. Wim, she said "I think i know", that is what counts in my mind. The rest i am sure will follow once she knows if that person is realy who "she think's" it is, otherwise she wouldn't have mentioned it. And that she is appalled does not reflect bad on her,as does the fact she has not mentioned any name without knowing for sure. ------------------------------------ Uwe, I never said or even suggested it reflects bad on her. You're reading things that are not there. I am just curious. Obviously Debra thinks to know the seller and the documents, so I am just asking if Debra wants to shed a light on this matter. Bob Vernon? No, its not Bob Vernon. Wim
  20. Well, I am just curious as to reasons why Debra is appalled. There is a suggestion Debra knows more about it, and I am wondering why there is any secrecy to it. I would also like to know whether Debra thinks it is a hoax or not. If she knows what this guy has, as she says, then she will have an opinion. Of course, if she does not want to go into it, I respect that too. Wim
  21. Below are some of the other questions asked. Apparently Debra Conway knows the identity of the seller and is appalled by his action. Maybe she would explain to us why she is appalled. Does she believe the document to be a hoax or not? Wim Questions from other buyers for this listing Q: I believe I know what this is and who you are...and I can't believe you are doing this. I'm appalled. Debra Conway, JFK Lancer Answered on Dec-13-04 A: Dear Appalled: I went to the FBI, one initial meeting and two follow-ups. They couldn't deal with it. I went to publishers worldwide with a proposal. They also couldn't deal with it. I got shuck and jive from some alteratives. But to make it more substantive [read: couldn't be bashed by fly-bys], it needs document support. I have that too, a package of information to wrap around it. What would you do, sweet cheeks? I'm all ears. BTW, Feel free to copy & post the redacted version on your website and let me know the feedback you get...should you choose to. Q: why on earth would we believe this letter to be anything more than hoax? If you were so certain it was genuine, why not go to the media and let them pay you. If it were real, it would most certainly pay a hell of a lot more than 1 million! Heck, british tabloids pay HUGE amounts of money for worthless crap. Perhaps they will do the same for you? Good luck! Answered on Dec-10-04 A: Well why don't you send the eBay link to them? They pay for tips, don't they. Easy Christmas money for you for a few e-mails. Let them worry about its bona fides.
  22. Tosh, Are you saying that you knew Canty?How old was he when he was your flight instructor. Can you provide me with the documents you cite? By the way, the "Frank Sutter" in this document, is that Frank Sturgis? http://tosh.jfkmurdersolved.com/pdf/check2.PDF Wim
  23. Ron, Whatever you can find on Joe Canty would interest me too. This man looks to be another Bernardo de Torres, I can't find ZIP. Nic, see below, How sure is it that that Greene was behind Moceri's death? I want to know if Moceri was under subpoena to testify? Wim James J. Canty was a high level official of the Veterans Administration. He was able to, this gave him plenty of opportunity to fly all over the country. He had no problem at all going anywhere he wanted to. xxxxx -Who was in the car again? Holt: There was James J. Canty, whom I had known for a long time. He was a pilot. His activities were strictly limited to flying operations...ferrying...any type of operation like that. He had worked, at one time, for Inter-Mountain, which was located out of Tucson, Arizona. And he had also flown for Paragon Air Service in Miami. Both of these were proprieties of the Central Intelligence Agency. He (Canty) really was not a shooter. He was first an excellent pilot and flight instructor who worked for the Veterans Administration. He had plenty of opportunities to go anywhere he wanted to, cause he could coordinate it with his other business without any problem. The other individuals were...(Leo Moceri and Charlie Nicoletti), along with Canty. -He was to fly back with you? Holt: He, (Canty), was to fly the Comanche, which had already been purchased and was at Redbird Airport, which was a little bit south of Dallas. That place belonged to Southwest Aircraft Corp., another propriety interest of the CIA that had been incorporated many years ago. Licavoli had taken it over long before we ever got involved with the CIA, but at that time it was used time to time by the CIA. They paid all the tiedown fees for all the aircraft. We had at least 6 aircraft at the time, and they paid the tiedown fees, they paid the insurance, they paid all the expenses. xxxxxxxxxxxxx In 1976 there was a bombing war being raged in Cleveland for control of the rackets. Danny Greene and labor union figure John Nardi teamed up against James “Jack White” Licavoli, a former member of the Purple Gang. The aging but powerful and wealthy Licavoli reluctantly took over the reigns after the death of longtime mob boss John Scalish. Greene and Nardi’s strategy was a quick and aggressive offensive. In 1976 Licavoli’s cousin and mob underboss Leo "Lips" Moceri, disappeared. A few days later a pool of blood was found in the trunk of his car. Moceri’s body has never been found. Next Greene and Nardi went after Eugene Ciasullo. Nicknamed "the Animal," Ciasullo was the Cleveland mob’s most feared enforcer. He was seriously injured and put out of commission for several months with a bomb that was placed on his front porch. http://www.americanmafia.com/Feature_Articles_239.html
  24. No, I took it from (what I assume is) your website. Do you happen to know how Moceri was killed? I heard he died under subpoena, but I do not know if that is true. Wim
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