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Wim Dankbaar

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Everything posted by Wim Dankbaar

  1. John, See Al's quote below: Tim, Sorry you cannot follow this, but reality is so simple sometimes, that it cannot be reached. Al Congradulations, you have become a part of the problem! And I thought this was different from the idiots on Lancer! Al --------------------- To suggest that a highly intellectual person as Tim cannot follow something that Al, in his unlimited expertise, is saying, strikes me as insulting and arrogant. The same goes for labeling people as "fantasy chasers". We may have a difference in interpretation of the word arrogant, but I believe your warning to me applies as much for Al. Wim
  2. Sorry folks, I couldn't resist this one, just to see how vernon will try and twist his way out. I know he will read it and answer in the Google groups. BV: John Grady was a very nice man and had the best of intentions. I believed in him for a long time. It took him 18 months to come up with a serial number and VA claim numbers on a James E. Files. I was pleased and posted that info on the web site when it happened. Unfortunately, all was not as it appeared. Shortly thereafter, investigative journalist Michael Hytha of the Knight-Ridder group did an article on Files and on me that appeared in 85% of the USA markets. Being an investigative journalist of the highest order, Hytha was able to speak with the military records office in St. Louis. They verified that the serial number and James Files name that Grady had come up with was from another person named James Files who had died in, I believe, it was 1946. Wim: Is Hytha the reporter you were so disgusted with? The one you asked “What kind of journalist are you?” Because he accused you of being a hoax? The one who wrote that article without consulting with the source (= you)? Also, why have you chosen to believe his article now? I called Grady and faxed him the article. He was stunned. He told me he would contact his buddy in St.Louis, I think the guy was named "Chip" or something like that. Grady then sent me a fax from this person with his reply "no further information available." Wim: Do you have an explanation for why there was suddenly "no further information available" for this alledged "other" James Files that had purportedly nothing to do with our James Files? How could James Files have known about "another" James Files that had been in the army and in Laos? And more importantly, how did he know his service number? And why was John Grady searching for the name James Files, if Files clearly said he had entered the army under the name "James Sutton" and that he had changed his name to James Files in 1963? And why did you never tell this before and why did you leave the information below unchallenged on the website: In early interviews, Files stated that the CIA has tried to erase all traces of his service record (S-1 record), his school records and his birth certificate. No records of his school history or birth have been located, however, an aunt by marriage recalls an Alabama lawyer once located his birth certificate which was stamped "deceased at birth." Three recent searches (1994-95-96) for Files's birth certificate have been to no avail. For all practical purposes, James E. Sutton alias James E. Files is "the man who was never born." Despite the fact that the FBI issued a written report questioning Files's military background, and a major national private investigative agency has issued a written report which states that no trace of Files's purported military records could be located, John C. Grady, the official historian of the 82nd Airborne and the 505th Parachute Division RCT, located Files's U.S. Army serial number and a Veterans Administration claim number in an "inactive" file at a remote regional VA office and through the VA computer in St. Louis. After an exhaustive 18 month search, historian Grady verified that Files had indeed entered the Army in 1959 and went into the 82nd Airborne before being sent to Laos on July 10, 1959. Files speaks in a distinct military manner with no remorse for anyone he has ever killed. One year later, in early 1996, historian Grady checked the service record of Files again. No records were found and all files under the name "James E. Files" were marked "no further information available." John Grady called me the day he received a call from the person he told me was from the Secret Service. It was a lady who called him and I later found out that she was some sort of reporter in Washington but I could not and did not rule out the SS tie-in. I called her, she told me she had ASKED Grady if he didn't think that Files confession coming out was a danger to National Security and that Grady had misinterpreted what she said. That floored me but I wanted to give Grady the benefit of the doubt. I asked Grady about the lady, he said again she had claimed Files was a danger to National Security. I even left it on the web site as same. The main reason for this is that Grady told me that he had taped her call and that he would send me the tape for my review. Years went by. John never sent me the tape. I asked him time and time again to send me the tape. It never came. Grady is dead now. Still no tape So if this is all true, why did you leave the information below unchallenged on the website, even selling this information as truthful? Please give us the name of the lady, so we can check and don’t have to take your word for it. In the summer of 1998, one of our top researchers was contacted by the Secret Service and was asked why he was communicating with James Files. When the researcher told the agent about Files' confession of JFK, the agent informed the researcher that "the President and his staff" were very concerned for James Files is a "threat to National Security." It is the belief of Robert G. Vernon that the United States government, through its highest elected officials, and the CIA, are working closely together to stop any publication of the certified legal evidence supporting the confession of James E. Files.
  3. Judyth, the fact that Mcadams and his servant Reitzes are so relentless in their attacks and smear attempts, only adds to your credibility. There is no serious honest researcher that does not see their agenda. Besides they add to the publicity of your important story, although they may not realize it. There is only one remedy left for them. Attack and discredit. The lies are obvious. In my view there is hardly a need to point out their modus operandi. Most of the pictures can still be found here: http://judyth.freehomepage.com/ (Click on the photopages on the top menu bar) http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/canc...archarticle.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/Robertletter.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/Robertletter1.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/checkfront.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/Bankstatement.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/judyth1.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/judyth2.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/judyth3.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/judyth4.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/judyth5.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/judyth6.jpg
  4. George Bush was Brown & Root's LBJ. -------------------------------- Wim is nodding in agreement
  5. I have never seen any disrespectful behaviour from Tim. I think Al could descend a few steps from his ivory tower. He may know a lot about ballistics and guns, but a little less arrogance would bring him more. FWIW Wim
  6. Before or after the cosmetic surgery? Jack wink.gif * Jack, he may have had cosmetic surgery to tone down flappy ears, although I see no evidence for that, but there is no cosmetic surgery available to give you a pronounced earlobe, if you were lacking that before. The proof is in the photos. By the way, the lobe of the tramp right ear is blocked in the photo by the black shoulder of the cop. So what is your point? Jack wink.gif The earlobe is not fully blocked by the cop shoulder, but anyway, there is another picture of the old tramp with an unobstructed ear. I have just sent it to John Simkin and asked him to post it here. The point is, there is no way that the tramp's ear is Hunt's ear. You'll see it from the comparisons on the pictures that John will post. Wim
  7. There is some confusion here about Tosh identifying Raven as Licavoli. He thought Raven was Nicoletti, and he does not know for sure that Nicoletti was in the Plaza, but is almost positive that Roselli was going to meet with Nicoletti that day. Wim By the way, Gordon Novel is still alive.
  8. Sorry, Ron, but the fletchette is just baloney (my opinion). However, I am sure that indeed UM and DCM were acomplices, Signaling to the shooters (or better said spotters) that more shots were needed. The fact that BOTH are signilaling (with umbrella and waving hand), that BOTH are in the absolute centre position in the Plaza for crossfire triangulation, that BOTH seem to be together and display the same relaxed behaviour, that DCM seems to have a walky talky, and that BOTH have never been identified and never have come forward, is too much for coincidence. I think the bullet that hit JFK in the throat did not exit and was obstructed by JFK's vertebrae. Wim ------------------ JF – In 1963 the Agency, which I’m referring to as the CIA, they had weapons, basically based on an umbrella, like you can use it, walking canes, some of them carried a small caliber round. You couldn’t put a big caliber in there. To me the weapon was strictly an in-house weapon where you had to be right on top of the target. There is no way you can stand out on a sidewalk and take an umbrella and point it at a moving target without aiming. I mean this is a lot of fantasy here. I tought the umbrellas, and they come out with them and they had the little darts in them, they had the poison on the end of them where you could jab a guy going downstairs or in a house or in a room, any place where there is a lot of people moving, molling around together. You can walk up to somebody and you can shoot a fairly small 22 caliber round in him. But as far as somebody using an umbrella on a sidewalk and firing a round, no, that’s a lot of fantasy.
  9. Tim, My degrees of certainty are a little elevated because I know Holt's story a little more in depth. Jack, I didn't know you were behind Harrelson being the tall tramp. I thought you were behind Surgis. But since you think the old tramp is Hunt, are you aware of any known connection between Hunt and Harrelson? By the way, there is one between Rogers and Harrelson. I forgot what it was exactly but they knew each other since Harrelson was a baby. John Geriarty may fill in that blank as he just read "the man on the grassy knoll". I have lost the book or I should ask Lois Gibson. Wim
  10. Don, It is an interesting question whether Connally was in on the conspiracy. What does everyone think? I believe it a good chance he was, despite the fact he was almost killed himself. Wim
  11. The three C's of Certainty Chauncey Holt 100% Charles Harrelson 100% Charles Rogers (aka Montoya) 100% Wim PS: Jack, why don't you give me your best profile shot of Hunt's right ear? Anyone else?
  12. The most interesting phenomeon to me is that there is so little outrage from the public in a democratic state while it is so clear they are being lied to. There is no indignation despite the fact they know they are being lied to (given the results of repeated polls) Wim "There is no doubt now that there was a conspiracy, yet most of us are not very angry about it. The conspiracy to kill the president of the United States was also a conspiracy against the democratic system --and thus a conspiracy against you. I think you should get very angry about that." - Gaeton Fonzi, Investigator HSCA
  13. http://nixonrules.freeservers.com/dealyplazahunt.jpg Sorry if this dissapoints you both, but I think these pictures show that the old tramp cannot be Hunt and the tall tramp is not Sturgis. The tall tramp has a nick in his earshell line (it goes straight down with an indent in the bottom half of the curve) and Sturgis has a nice fluent curved earline down to the earlobe. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/lois3.htm Hunt has a rather big ear with a pronounced earlobe. The older tramp's ear is smaller with almost no earlobe that connects almost directly to the head. Wim http://edition.cnn.com/SPECIALS/cold.war/e...s/hunt/hunt.jpg
  14. Yeah, Doesn't it become crystal clear that the Warren Commission was just the foxes investigating who plundered the henhouse? Wim
  15. Did not James Files say something about Marcello actually being the number two man behind someone else or am I confusing mafioso? --------------------------- No John, you must be confusing something. Wim
  16. I found this interesting discussion on Phillips: http://groups.msn.com/BigDaddysCafe/histor...441271746035795 I am still of the opinion that it will be hard to refute first of all, Phillips' own narcissistic compulsions to place symbolic levels of meanings about Dealey Plaza in his books during his publishing life, and second, to refute and dismiss the presence and complicity in Dealey Plaza -- witting or unwitting -- of men who were part of the core organization for Operation Zapata, and who later were hired on through John Mitchell to serve as Nixon's "plumbers". Phillips close friend was E. Howard Hunt; they both worked with Bernard Barker and Ed Lansdale -- among others -- during the Bay of Pigs invasion. While Phillips insists in "The Night Watch" that he was a CIA "Liberal", these were his friends; he counted members of the Dallas Petroleum Club among his associates ("The Great Texas Murder Trials . . . ", 1979); and he had his own agenda in pushing the assassination. That agenda would only serve to extend the Cold War and the engagement in Vietnam. The thing to remember about Phillips' books is that he lies to the reader in narrative, but attempts to tell something of the truth in symbols, images and allegory. Here's another link: http://spot.acorn.net/jfkplace/09/fp.back_...e/rambler3.html Byrd probably also knew George de Mohrenschildt, David Atlee Phillips and George Bush through the Dallas Petroleum Club.312 In 1945, future club member de Mohrenschildt obtained a masters degree in petroleum engineering after eighteen months at the University of Texas at Austin.313 During that year he was investigated by the FBI and ONI. http://www.assassinationweb.com/shack3g.htm Texan George Brown of Brown and Root was LBJ's chief financial sponsor. He also employed, 1958-1963, George DeMohrenschildt, Oswald's "closest friend" for the CIA in Dallas. Previously, DeMohrenschildt had worked for LBJ backer John Mecom. Oil barons Mecom, Murchison, Sid Richardson and H.L. Hunt were all described as his close friends, as well as then-oilman George Bush. These men met at the Dallas Petroleum Club and other private gathering spots. Among their associates were Harold Byrd (owner of the Texas School Book Depository), Dallas Mayor Cabell, Ted Dealey (publisher of the Dallas Morning News), and Abraham Zapruder, who filmed the assassination.
  17. Dawn, Since Vernon did not know that I already knew what he wrote, my wish was his command. Now I am being compared to you, but that's not an offense: ----- Original Message ----- From: Bob Vernon To: wim dankbaar Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 2:22 PM Subject: The woman is almost as bullxxxx as you - wanna know what I have to say? Just ask me........... ----- Original Message ----- From: Bob Vernon To: Dawn Meredith Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2004 5:28 AM Subject: Wim <<<<<<<<<<Let's stay on point can we??? Wim if you have issues with Tosh, please take them up privately, you're now starting to sound like Vernon. (sorry) Dawn>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The only thing you have to be sorry about is comparing a man who's told you nothing but the truth (me) with a xxxx and a criminal who hates America and is perpetrating a hoax for money (Dankbaar). And you can take that to the bank, counselor. Bob Vernon ----------------------------- Sooner or later the wolf throws off his sheepclothes. Wim
  18. Volkmar Schmidt had come to Dallas from Germany in the fall of 1961 to do geological research for the Magnolia Laboratories in Duncanville, Texas. Schmidt's teacher and housemate in Germany had been Dr. Wilhelm Kuetemeyer, professor of psychosomatic medicine and religious philosophy at the University of Heidelberg. His work involved conducting experiments on a group of schizophrenics until Kuetemeyer became involved in the "20th of July" plot against Hitler and had to go into hiding -- like Gisevius. When Schmidt first met Oswald he brought up the subject of General Walker and Hitler. As Schmidt told Edward J. Epstein, "Oswald instantly seized on the analogy...to argue that America was moving toward fascism. As he spoke, he seemed to grow more and more excited about the subject."264 http://spot.acorn.net/jfkplace/09/fp.back_...e/rambler2.html
  19. http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/History/...GeorgeBush.html http://www.american-buddha.com/pilots.full.htm
  20. If I had to make a guess, I would say he talked to his CIA superior, whom I have no doubt was Phillips. Phillips would then most likely have said: Just say nothing, we'll get you out of there. But I am admittedly speculating.
  21. I know you were not trying to piss me off, my question was rhetorical and I should have put a smile behind it. Like this Everyone who knows me, knows that comparing me to Vernon, even slightly, is the ultimate offense. Would you please show what Vernon wrote? I thought it was kind of funny and self-evident. Wim
  22. Stan, Superiors of David Atlee Philips .... I would have to speculate : Dulles, Fitzgerald, Cabell , LBJ, Nixon, McCloy, Alton Ochsner. Wim
  23. My reactions in bold I can only echo what Tim wrote: to see your name linked with Files' is disgusting. Wim, please back off, I know you think Files is the cat's pj's, but please quit lumping FIles in with Tosh. It is not fair. Tosh has really put in a LOT of work on this forum and has backed up what he says. I am not "lumping Files in with Tosh". Not at all. I am merely pointing out the overlaps in their stories. That is my prerogative, and it should be seen independently from how Tosh thinks about Files. Yes, I believe both Files and Tosh, I can't help people find one story more credible than the other. Can I therefore not summarize the overlaps? When Files can do the same, perhaps we will all reconsider, but til then, when you lump him in with Tosh you totally lose credability. Files is in jail, and does not have the luxury of answering questions here. His motivations to answer questions may also differ from those of Tosh. Let's stay on point can we??? Wim if you have issues with Tosh, please take them up privately, you're now starting to sound like Vernon. (sorry) I fail to see how you conclude I would have issues with Tosh? Neither do I see how I am not staying on point? This is a discussion board where people may have different opinions. Without them, I think there can hardly be any discussion. One of the issues discussed here, is the mingling of Organized crime with the CIA and the "big boys". The story of Tosh points that out perfectly, as does the story of Files (sorry if mentioning another overlap disturbs you). That was what I was pointing out. Can I not mention that Tosh flew people like Giancana, Roselli and Nicoletti around the country, if he said that himself? That's not an issue with Tosh! It's just stating a fact, and I can't help these people were all direct associates of Files and implicated by him the JFK assassination, which (maybe unfortunately) is another overlap with what Tosh says. Beginning to sound like Vernon? Are you trying to piss me off? I am not attacking Tosh's credibility! Wim Dawn
  24. Tosh, Could you please get back to me on this subject? Or otherwise give me a reason why you don't? Wim
  25. Wim, I know you care about me and wonder why I am the way I am. Ask your wife what PMS and pre-menopausal problems are. She might not have personal experience with any of these problems because of her younger age and she has a loving rich husband who doesn't abuse her. She probably has friends or acquaintances who suffer with these conditions though. After briefly explaining my life and last marriage, I've been diagnosed by my doctor with "post traumatic stress disorder". It is the same condition that a soldier returning from war is often diagnosed with. Continual stress often exasperates the condition. I know you really want to understand me and why I do the things I do. Hyperviligance is one of the symptoms that can be associated with this problem. I trust God to heal me of everything. PTSD and PMS are on the list of "things to do." Pam ------------------------ I've given up understanding, Pam! Apparently publishing the book is not that important to you. It's not about free speech, it's about going against your partners, spread lies and false accusations about them, despite earlier promises to quit. That's called byting the hand that's feeding you. You may practice that "free speech" all you want, but don't expect me to soften up our agreements then. Wim
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