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Wim Dankbaar

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Everything posted by Wim Dankbaar

  1. http://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/...Vol19_0252b.htm No wonder he was not called to testify. Wim
  2. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/filesx.jpg information please to info@jfkmurdersolved.com Wim
  3. WerBell’s friend Nardi was a Teamsters Union official who had allegedly ordered the murder earlier that year of Cleveland mobster Leo Moceri. 22 Nardi and “Irish mob” leader Danny Greene were reportedly trying to take over control of the Cleveland organized crime family. 23 Moceri had recently become underboss of the family, which was headed by James "Jack White" Licavoli. 24 Moceri had also told a government agent that Chicago mobster Sam Giancana and former Teamsters president Jimmy Hoffa had both been killed to protect the secret of the CIA-Mafia plots to assassinate Castro. 25 (According to government informant Charles Crimaldi, Hoffa was the original liaison between the CIA and Mafia in the Castro plots.) 26 The late Chauncey Holt (who claimed to be the oldest of the three “tramps” photographed in Dealey Plaza) alleged that Leo Moceri was in Dallas on the day of the JFK assassination, having driven there with Holt, Charles Nicoletti, and Joe Canty from Pete Licavoli’s Grace Ranch in Arizona. (Holt also claimed that Rolando Masferrer, WerBell’s later associate in the aborted invasion of Haiti, was one of the intended recipients in Dallas of false Secret Service credentials allegedly delivered by Holt.) 27
  4. See the clip: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/rubyadlai.avi "When I mentioned about Adlai Stevenson, if he was vice president there would never have been an assassination of our beloved President Kennedy " Asked if he would explain it again Ruby continued "Well the answer is the man in office now" - that man was Lyndon Johnson.
  5. Yes Tim, that is true. He said that because he does not want to go into it. Files is not "my guy", and I cannot force him to give something he does not want to give me. I wish he would give many more things that he does not want to touch base on. Just like every other human, he can lie and/or misspeak. A good example is Jim Braden: ------------------------ March 22, 1994 A: Yes, I did. Eugene Brading, he was there...James Braden some people referred to him as but I knew him as Eugene Brading. Q: Why was he there? A: That I have no idea. I never talked to the man there...never discussed anything with the man. But I know that he had been there with Johnny Rosselli and with Charles Nicoletti...because he was at the Dallas Cabana(25) that morning...and he had been out front talking to Johnny Rosselli when I pulled up in the Chevrolet. ------------------------------------ January 30, 1995 "Bob, I told you earlier about seeing Eugene Brading there..." Yes... "Did I tell you what his purpose for being there was...?" No. "Brading had the contact that got Nicoletti and Rosselli into the Dal-Tex building..." ---------------------------------------- I asked Files face to face why he did not say that before, and his reply was that he wasn't sure what he could say or not. Tosh, John Grady and his letters are very real. There are many more. I can show you some envelopes if you like. If you talked to him in 1994, then he would have told you he did not check on Files' military past, because he did that years later. I also spoke to a friend of James Files since the 1950's, who confirmed that Files was in the service and in Laos. JF february 2004: Even if I did answer all of these questions, he would just call back and ask you to ask me more and give you another list. The only thing that I have ever agreed to talk about was the JFK thing. Why don't I answer all questions ask of me and give out my life story? That is easy, one thing leads to another and the next thing that you know, I'm indicted for several contract murders in Chicago and other places as well. Gee, some of these people even want to know where everyone is buried. Anyway, I want to come home to you, not get more time. The Feds cannot put me on trial for Kennedy, but they would love to burry me on some of these others. From day one, before I ever talked to anyone about Kennedy, even with Joe West, right here from prison we (former Warden Tony Godinez and James Files) called Texas and they assured me that they would never indict me for that crime. So I never had to worry about that one. xxxxxxxxxxxxx If people don't believe me, too bad! Tell Wim to put it on video and let the people make up their own mind. If he doesn't want to do that, then throw it in the trash can.... just do a video and let it get on the market... xxxxxxxxxxxxx I still believe in Honor and all of that when it come to the heavy part of the family, "Omerta" as well. Besides, there is no way we can ever convince everyone to believe us. Remember that Old Fable of the Man and Boy with the Donkey and how they tried to please everyone? Can't be done. Besides, why does Wim want to keep messing with the people on the forum? All of them have their own opinions and he is never going to change their mind. Anyway, I sure am getting tired of all this. I just this past week received another half-dozen letters from people I don't know asking me questions and I just filed all of them under T for TRASH!!! I've got to the point that when I get a letter from someone that I don't know, I just rip it in half and put it in the trash. I don't even want to know what they have to say.
  6. Yeah, Tosh, it was also a major reason for Chauncey to speak up. He felt that he as well could have been a patsy, thrown in the trash by the people he served, thinking he was just being a great patriot. That's also why Harry Dean put flowers on his grave. Keep up the good work, Tosh! and Harry! We need more folks like you. Wim
  7. Yes, Tosh I will, I have also asked him if he will reconsider to give his service number, but no reply yet. Also, I am in a mess with Pam Ray, so that is not helping either. The trouble is that Bob Vernon probably has it, because he was the one who hired John Grady to check his military past, and John Grady was the one who verified his army service through the number. I just had another idea to ask a forum of Fort Leonard veterans if anyone recalls a 17/18 year old Jimmy Sutton from winter 59. Anyone is welcome to assist on that. Wim PS: And yes, I still would want you to see him face to face. I know that 2 years ago he wrote he would be happy to see you. I just found that letter I'll email it to you.
  8. Oh, and Richard, he said that to the FBI too in 1993. Mea culpa. I take the full blame. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/fbitranscript.htm Continuation of FD-302 of JAMES FILES, On 8/9/93, Page 3 Agents made reference to his (FILES') military service in the U.S. Army and asked FILES to summarize his military career. FILES recalled that he joined the U.S. Army under the last name of SUTTON. He said he was afforded basic training at Ft. Leonard Wood and Advanced Infantry Training (AIT) at Ft. Polk. FILES recalled that after AIT, he volunteered for airborne training and was afforded airborne training at both Ft. Bragg and Ft. Benning. FILES advised that he was assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division.
  9. Sorry Richard, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri is what he says. I listened to the DVD again. My mistake in transcribing. Files has a fast Chicago accent and I am not from there, as you may know. Thanks for the headsup! Wim
  10. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/marguerite2.rm And I am so sorry! ......... Some day! Wim
  11. Tosh, That red text is extremely helpful and interesting. Thanks for showing once more what a lying opportunist is. Wim
  12. 2) He has one hand in his back trousers pocket. ---------------------------- Judging from the corner of the elbow, it looks more like his hand is in the pocket of his jacket (higher) Wim
  13. Thanks Marcel, What I see is this: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/fileswalkingblowup1.jpg More or less, forgive my drawing skills Wim
  14. Due to some recent posts that Ms. Pamela Ray has made, I feel compelled to rectify a few issues. Ms Ray has shown a persistence in maintaining two false accusations about me and one about retired FBI agent Zack Shelton. The accusation against Mr. Shelton is that he was alledgedly present at a torture session in 1977, with James Files as the victim. Although this torture session happened, the accusation that Mr. Shelton was there, is totally false and based on a misunderstanding between James Files and Zack Shelton. Alledgedly Mr. Shelton "confessed" this to James Files during his one and only visit in Stateville prison, hence the source for this accusation is supposedly Mr. Shelton himself. I know Mr. Shelton well, and I am absolutely sure that he would never be present at a crime like that. But even if I would not be 100% sure, I would be sure that Mr. Shelton would never be so stupid to confess it to a convicted felon and known mafia associate. The accusation is false and I am disgusted with the fact that Ms Ray is maintaining it, despite of her personal promise to me to "fix it". My most recent letter to James Files contains this passage explaining the matter once more to him: ----------------------- Finally, I am currently upset with Pam, because yesterday she posted a long narrative on an Internet forum, detailing her history with you and her efforts to get the book published. She made two false accusations that I lied to her, and she brought up the matter of Zack being present at your torture. The Zack matter is something that you and I agreed never happened and I am still 100% convinced that indeed it never happened. It does not make sense for Zack to confess such a thing to you when he is trying to get cooperation from you. Also the torture was about surpressing proof on JFK, they wanted the ledger, right? Then why in the hell is Zack now working to expose the truth about the assassination and endorsing you as the truth, which by the way is the greatest asset you can dream of for credibility of your story, whether you like the FBI or not. Has he completely turned around? Let’s assume that Zack was indeed present at your torture but did not take part in it, why in the hell would he admit that to you? Why would he take such an enormous risk of slandering himself by confiding in someone whom he knows hates the FBI and anyone associated with it? You say you remember his exact words, something like “I was there, but didn’t participate in that”. Then you asked him “Does that make it right?” Even if Zack said that, I am sure you mistook his words. He might have been working in Chicago, he might have heard about your torture afterwards, and you misinterpreted his words. Because if he was present, he would never have told you that. In fact, he would never have given the lead to Joe west. And yet Pam is out there re-iterating the claim in public, which is a severe blow to the credibility of my project, and in the end also to Pam’s project. Something that Pam and you completely fail to understand. Do you really believe that every single person in the FBI is bad bad bad? Well, I’m sorry Jimmy, but then you and Pam are hallucinating and I can’t endorse your story. You also have to admit that the only source for your claim of Zack present at the torture, is Zack himself. When we were all in Joliet, Zack explained to Pam that he had a real problem fighting for your veracity, while at the other hand you make such a claim about him, which he proclaims is absolutely untrue. I can’t blame him. And even if you want to maintain it’s true, we had agreed to never bring it up again. Pam was present when we agreed that, it was the day before the interview. Why did she need to break that agreement? --------------------------- On a less important matter, Ms. Ray has accused me of breaking two promises, namely that she would be present during the interview with James Files and that no FBI people (read Zack Shelton) would be around. Both accusations are absolutely false. The deal was that Mr. Shelton would not be present at the interview, but never that he would not come to Chicago. Ms. Ray knows very well that originally I had wanted Mr. Shelton and Jim Marrs to do the interview, but since that was out of the question for her and James Files, I concurred with their terms. But I never said Mr. Shelton would not come to Chicago, to meet with me and the parties involved to discuss the progress of the project. In fact I told her this in advance. On the other matter, it is true that I wished to comply with her wish to be present at the interview, but it was not my doing that the prison authorities did not allow her to be present. Also, it was never a condition of our agreement. The condition was that I would pay her way and the opportunity to visit James Files, which she did indeed on two consecutive days. The third and last day she could be there too as far as I was concerned, but I heard on the day itself that this was not granted. We were all totally flabbergasted to learn that she wanted to then cancel the whole interview, after all the efforts and costs I had made to achieve this interview and her being able to see James Files. And it was only after some severe persuasive efforts that we could change her mind. I have explained these issues to Ms. Ray privately and expressed my displeasure about these sudden accusations. She has apologized to me and offered to "fix it" in a follow-up post, an offer that I politely decllined, not wishing to give it more attention than it has already received. However, now that these accusations have been posted in the same form again, I must respond to them. Wim
  15. That film is on my website: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/reward.htm FWIW, I DO believe it is Lee Oswald (with Frank Sturgis) Wim
  16. Hi Peter, How is life treating you lately? Everything okay in Prague? Wim
  17. Dawn, I'm fine with what you say. But it is just a case like JFK. They don't want to change the history books on that. Wim
  18. Thanks very much Marcel, What I find particularly interesting from this best quality Bothun I have seen, is that it shows a white stripe between the body and the left elbow, indicating that this person may have his hand in his coat pocket rather than in his trousers pocket. Would you say this figure has a hat on? ------------- JF – Oh, as I’m walking away, I ‘ve got my briefcase, guncase, in my right hand, I’ve got my left hand over by my coat pocket, I’ve got a 45 there, I’ve got it fully loaded with 6 rounds in it, it’s ready to go if I need it …
  19. Tim, You may be quite right that he would be complicit. I do not want to quarrel about that. I will not tell more about the event, as it is my understanding that Files does not want to talk about it. Moreover I can offer no proof whatsoever. I did ask him in the interview. We edited that out: W – You wanna talk about Marilyn Monroe here? JF – No! No, that’s irrelevant there. J – Just to inject me, was it the Kennedy’s or the mob that hit Marilyn? JF – The mob hit her, but they had done, they did it on the request of the Kennedys J - Yah, okay. W – (looking at camera man) Okay, are you ready? G – I’m rolling! I am at a loss where you got the information, I don't think I told you anything, but that's okay, it is my fault to have answered in the first place. Wim
  20. Good point, JL However, I think Lee was recruited for intelligence on recommendation from David Ferrie. Cannot proof that, but it seems logical to me. Lee knew how to handle himself and how to keep his mouth shut (too much in the end). Wim
  21. Tim, If your definition of a participant includes someone that had advance knowledge and drove the killers, then I am happy to comply with your definition. Personally I thought a participant would be someone that participated in the act itself, but I don't think the label you put on it is that important. I guess your question is: Was he complicit? I do not know. I am not a lawyer. Wim
  22. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/OswaldCIA.jpg Personally, I think the chance that the document is a hoax is pretty good. Wim
  23. Marcel, that's a pretty clear bothun picture you have there. By the way the silhoutte in the background walking in the direction of the Daltex may well be Files carrying his briefcase. Wim
  24. http://www.blackopradio.com/ Archived shows 2004 show 197 Robert Groden is one of the most realistic, objective and knowledgable researchers I know. Listen to the interview and hear for yourself. He blows away a lot of myths and his comments on Blakey are extremely interesting. Wim
  25. Yes, and on the other side of the river is Missouri. Big deal for a school dropout. Wim
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