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Wim Dankbaar

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Everything posted by Wim Dankbaar

  1. Intrigueing work, Marcel. Very intrigueing. I can tell you there is no doubt in my mind that his buddy Luis Posada Carrilles (Bambi) was on the scene that day. They were both convicted for the bombing of the Cuban airliner in 1976. Interestingly, they were also both released on interference and support of the Bush Family. Wim
  2. I never heard of that. If he did, why is there no photograph with the bullet hole? A brace cannot be "folded up" to make that bullet wound higher, like they tried to pull with the jacket and shirt. It would also be an expanation why that backwound was so shallow, as I imagine the brace would work somewhat as a bullet proof vest. Wim
  3. Tim, No, I did not go to the conference. Great photo of you and Groden. Did you two discuss any of the newer evidence, like Judyth, Tosh, Files and Holt? Wim
  4. Ron, There was much more that was "sloppy" in my opinion. Asking Files to be the backup shooter on the morning of the assassination was sloppy. The frontal shots (the fatal headshot and throath shot) were sloppy. It demolished the "Oswald from behind theory" right from the start. Not killing the patsy right away was sloppy. Having Jim Braden and the tramps detained, was sloppy. Needing to have Jack Ruby (with his clear connections to Chicago, Florida and New Orleans organized crime) kill Oswald was sloppy. Killing Tippit instead of Oswald, was sloppy. and on and on and on. In the end it did not really matter, with the highest echelons of government twisting, surpressing, killing and altering the evidence. Wim
  5. Al, why do you ignore 5 questions of mine and respond with a return question? 3 attempts on Files life were being made before he went to jail. You can't keep killing everybody. Discreditation is a good tool too. Besides, killing him now would only draw more attention to his story and it would not make a difference, as his story is already on record. Do you know anything about the blackop in Mexico I asked you about? Wim
  6. http://edition.cnn.com/2004/US/11/20/ruby....t.ap/index.html Gary Mack is as harmless as Dr. Phil! No mention of the organized crime links of Ruby, no mention of his injection wuth cancer. Good work Gary, nice job! You're a stayer! Wim
  7. I have also encouraged Paul Kangas to join this forum. He was the first to write about the Nixon Bush connection: http://www.sumeria.net/politics/kennedy.html By the way, the only thing I disagree with him on, is the three tramps Id's ( being Sturgis and Hunt) . But otherwise his research appears pretty interesting. Wim
  8. The James Files case is very different. His story has been dismissed by all serious researchers. I would also argue that your own credibility has been seriously undermined by your insistence on believing this story. ---------------------------------------------------- John, This is simply not true. Files's story has not been dismissed by anyone that have seriously looked into it and have met the men himself. There are retired FBI agents, among others Zack Shelton. Friends and associates of James Files, you have never heard of, like Kenny Larry or big Mike. The vast majority of the prison guards at Stateville, believe his story. A few of them told me so. The difference with these guys and the people you mean, is that they know Files. It has not been dismissed by Jim Marrs , Peter Dale Scott and Robert Groden. Antoinette Giancana believes his story, her former husband and mafia lawyer Bob McDonnell does, as does another serious researcher that has really looked into it, but I don't know if I can name him here. I have asked you before to name the serious researchers who dismiss the Files story. Let's see if it's really "all serious researchers". It is also noteworthy that most of these researchers refuse to answer my questions. This is the pattern that irritates Tosh so much. It is alright to say he is lying about something, but when it is disproven, there is no apology or retraction from such a researcher. An example is that Larry Hancock says that Tosh was in jail. Tosh was NOT in jail at the time larry claims he was. There is no document to support he was in jail. None of these "serious researchers" have met with Files, with the exception of Vernon, who has now very different motives to dismiss it. Most of these researchers have not even seen the original video, not to speak about the second one we did last year. Look at the reviews of the original video at Amazon .com. The only negative valuation is from David von Pein, one of the most persistent "lone nutters' there is. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/customer-...IKX0DER&s=video I have yet to recieve a negative review on the second video: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/reviews.htm And I get emails like these all the time: Wonderful job people, Im 35 years old and been visiting your website for 6 years now on a regular basis! Ive read everything also researched everything on the JFK assasination and NO were do you find such AWESOME info! This needs to come out now. I will help in anyway possible!!! All the best,take care God bless! But even if what you suggest is true, I could not care less about being a minority. I don't think that's a valid argument, and certainly not on this subject. A year ago the majority of Americans believed that Saddam helped Osama in planning the 9/11 attack. Does that make it true? There is a lot of parrot behaviour in the JFK research community. Some people here have trouble speaking out their support for further invetigation of the James Files story, probably because it has received so much discreditation. A lot of that discreditation comes from people who YOU don't even consider serious researchers, like McAdams, Mack or Vernon. And a lot of that discreditation is based on allegations that have since been proven untrue, like the availibility of the XP-100, the absence of a Daltex parking lot, and such. I know for a fact there are a lot of members here that believe that Files DOES deserve a closer look. There is even one who said that the second video changed his mind. But for some strange reason, these people do not speak out. I sure would appreciate them to do so, instead of sending me private emails only. You are always in favour of debating the evidence. But your only argument against Files seems to be that "his story has been dismissed by all serious researchers", which is not true anyway. I would appreciate HARD and IRREFUTABLE evidence that Files CANNOT be telling the truth, for if there is one person that wants to know that Files is a hoax, it would be me. If you could answer the following questions for me, then maybe I'll start thinking about what you said. 1) What do you make of Joe Granata? Is he lying too? 2) What is your explanation for Files knowing there was a toothmark on the shell casing, while nobody else knew that? 3) If Files is a hoax, who else was/is involved in perpetrating the hoax? 4) Why has the man who Files says killed JD Tippit, never come forward to refute the claim? 5) What is your explanation for the information below (from a guy that hates James Files) ? If Files is a hoax, who else was/is involved in perpetrating the hoax? Wim A post of Dave Ostertag The interesting part: Some interesting things happened with Files' military record and his criminal history during the sentencing part of his trial. The military refused to honor the subpoena for his records. Why subpoena for Files military records if supposedly Files lied about his military past and there are no records? Note that the military did not say: we don't have them. They refused to honor the subpoena! Why? Another question: Why were his rap sheets "cleaned"? Van:Dave Ostertag (daveostertag@aol.com) Onderwerp:James Files View this article only Discussies:alt.assassination.jfk Datum:2001-09-24 08:44:46 PST Hello to all. I'm the Police Officer that James is in prison for. I was shot in the chest with an exit wound on the right butt cheek. Personally I think he is full of dung. His story chages to fit the facts. I think he is entertaining though. I'm glad that he and Dave Morley will probably be spending the rest of their life in prison. Some interesting things happened with File's military record and his criminal history during the sentencing part of his trial. The military refused to honor the subpoena for his records. In regards to his Criminal History. I had arrested Files in 1984 or 1985 for a bond forfeiture warrant for possession of explosives out of Texas. I remember looking at his criminal history at that time and saying, this is a guy I'm going to run into again. He had a hommicide and other arrests and convictions on the record that showed he was a true professional criminal as compared to the street thugs you normally come across. I saved the Criminal History knowing that I would see him again. At the time of my gunfight with Files and Morley his rap sheet was clean. Both Files and Morley had active Federal Parole warrants at that time. Neither warrant appeared in the NCIC computer queries. Morley had begun his criminal carreer in 1975. He and his Step Father broke Morley's Step Brother out of a prison in Florida. Morley shot twqo Prison Guards in the escape and was shot three times himself. He was dropped off at a Hospital in Atlanta where he was arrested. The Step Brother was killed by the FBI a year later in Mobile, Alabama. Morley was sentenced to prison for the breakout and for shooting the Guards. He escaped in 1982 and was later caought and sentenced for the 1982 escaped. He had done time for that and for three subsequent Federal convictions and prison sentences with Files for Bank robberies. The Federal Parole violation warrants outstanding at the time of my gunfight with them were for the last Bank Robbery convictions. When my department arrested Morley one week prior to our gunfight, he had no arrests or convictions or the warrant on his criminal history. Files also had a clean criminal history. The Probation Officer that prepared their pre-sentence investigations used the 1985 criminal history that I had saved for Files and, had to contact local Law Enforcement and the Florida Department of Corrections to rebuild Morley's. I'm sure that there is an explanation but, it does raise questions. I'm just glad the two of them will be spending the rest of their life in prison. Just wanted to check in and say hello.
  9. To John Ritchson, Thanks for that post, I agree a 100%. Especially on the exhumation. I would like to emphasize that the only person who came close to exhumation, was Joe West. And look what happened to him. The thought that Joe was murdered, is the main reason that James Files decided to talk. Joe located Files, but died not knowing that Files was on the grassy knoll. It is important to realize that. The fact that Joe pushed for exhumation, tells me that Joe was a sincere researcher, no matter how disinfo sharks tried to smear his reputation. And frankly, I still don't understand why the exhumation suit had to die with Joe. As for Bush, I think he would be convicted if all the evidence were presented in a court of law. There would be no way to talk himself out of it without perjuring himself, just like Phillips did. However, the American legal system has grown so corrupt in favor of the conspirators, that a fair investigation or trial will never happen again, unless maybe there is some kind of revolution. I am certain that these cubans (Posada and Novo) who were just pardoned and released (again) in Panama, were involved in the JFK assassination and know George Bush personally as one of their CIA superiors, since before the Bay of Pigs. Not only from testimony of other people, but also from the clear protection that Bush has been giving them and their friends, throughout their careers. They have the goods on Bush and are therefore a tremendous liability to him. That is the only reason they were pardoned. Especially at their age, there is always the risk they might talk and cash their chip. It is of course ridiculous that Washington had nothing to do with their release. It is of course ridiculous that these men are pardoned if they were awaiting trial for an assassination attempt on a foreign leader, whether it is Fidel Castro or not. Keep in mind that if the attempt would have been succesful, a lot of innocent people would have blown away with Castro, as they were planning to do it with heavy explosives. It is the more ridiculous if you know that Posada is still wanted by Venezuala, since he escaped from prison there and did not finish his sentence for killing 73 people on a cuban airline jet. Of course this is outrageous for any person with a basic sense of justice. So what can you do to prevent an outrage from the public? Simple: you make sure they don't know about it. No mainstream outlet is reporting on this affair and its connection to Bush. Only the usual progressive media. Wim To Al Carrier and/or Tosh I would like to ask if they know anything about a blackop in Mexico in 1966 or 1967, wherein the operatives were betrayed and left holding the bag, much like in the movie "Clear and Present Danger".
  10. Tony Atzenhoffer sounds right. Colin Hammer does not ring a bell,he maybe the other guy? Did you see the program I meant? Wim
  11. I believe that Lord was telling the truth about Dubya pressuring him on instructions from his father. Jack ------------------------- MMM, we agree again! Let's concentrate on where we agree By the way, for people who don't know, here's Lord's original letter to President Carter: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/pageONE.jpg http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/pageTWO.jpg http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/pageTHREE.jpg Let's add another question: If we assume that Bush befriended Felix Rodriguez during the Bay of Pigs and Operation 40, and if we assume that Luis Posada Carrilles was on Dealey Plaza when JFK was killed, blows up a cuban airliner in 1976 (when Bush is CIA director), escapes from prison 9 years later to go to work under Bush's friend Felix Rodriguez in Bush's Iran/Contra operation, ....... then what would be the chance that Bush does not know that Posada was on Dealey Plaza that day? Wim PS: It's abundantly clear that Bushes and Cuban exiles are two sides of the same coin. That's why Florida is their state. You see what I mean with arrogance of power.
  12. Just got this by email, but it is also all over the Internet. DISTRIBUTE WIDELY Mass Media In 'Lock Down' - Not To Cover Vote Fraud By Peter Coyote 11-13-04 On Friday I received a phone call from a good friend who works at CBS -- I've known her for years and she is a producer for some of the news programs, one well known one in particular. She tipped me off that the news media is in a "lock-down" and that there is to be no TV coverage of the real problems with voting on Nov. 2nd. She said similar "lock-down orders" had come down last year after the invasion ofIraq, but this is far worse -- far scarier. She said the majority of their journalists at CBS and elsewhere in NYC are pretty horrified -- every one is worried about their jobs and retribution Dan Rather style or worse. My source said they've also been forbidden to talk about it even on their own time but she was pissed and her journalistic and moral integrity as what she considers to be a gov't watchdog requires her to speak out, while be it covert and she therefore asked me to "spread" the word... She said that journalism and the truth is at stake. She said another friend of hers, a producer atMSNBC, said that an anchor by the name of Keith Olbermann had brought it up on his show on Friday eve and the axe came down. He's at least fighting back and talking about it on his "Blog", but she said that people there are worried that he's going to be fired by higher ups. She said at this point the only way that the "real news" was going to be if the people started talking about it and made a big enough stink about it to our elected officials, the FEC, and "noise" to the international media, that our own media won't have any choice but to cover it. (Yes, this is really happening in the good ole' supposed "democratic" free press of the US of A). The only place you'll see this talked about right now is on the internet and on AirAmericaRadio. Write to support Keith Olbermann -- his job may be on the line for having the courage to speak out. See article below. Here are some contact numbers for the national press club andMSNBC ----------------------------------------------------------- Additional information for you: The link for the Olbermann transcript: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6469559/ (Raises some interesting questions about Kerry's role in all this; some "old news"; etc. ...) Countdown with Keith Olbermann E-mail: countdown@msnbc.com Other emails: viewerservices@msnbc.com letters@msnbc.com > >>> > National Press Club, > >>> > General Manager > >>> > John Bloom > >>> > Tel: 202.662.7534 > >>> > Fax: 202.662.7512 > >>> > Email: jbloom@press.org > >>> > > >>> > Melinda Cooke, > >>> > Assistant to the Club President > >>> > Tel: 202.662.7516 > >>> > Fax: 202.662.7537 > >>> > Email: mcooke@press.org > >>> > > >>> > > >>>
  13. Shall I invite him to join our forum? Maybe he will run a seminar on the magic bullet theory. Sure, let him explain his "Passion for Truth" But can you lift an elephant? You should know that last year he declined last minute to debate with Cyril Wrecht., despite having promised to appear. Wim PS: By the way, John, is it a surprise that Specter is such an ardent Bush supporter?
  14. Hey John, Why don't you have a problem with the confession of Tony Cuesta, who was just a convict in jail. What is different for James Files? Jim Marrs : During that time, during the time of the Bay of Pigs, while you were training and moving around in the Caribbean, No Name Key and all that, did you ever hear the name George Herbert Walker Bush? James Files: Oh Yeah! Jim Marrs: What was his role? James Files: George Herbert Walker Bush. I don't know if, I think a lot of people are not going to believe this, but he worked for the CIA back as early as 1961 that I know of. Jim Marrs : How did he work? What did he do? James Files : I don't know all he did, but he did a lot of recruiting work. I know he was there at the beginning for what we called Group 40, a special operations group, Group 40. If you wonder what Group 40 was, an assassination group.
  15. Disturbingly close yes. James, I have recently seen a documentary about two guys who were in that CAP unit. They confiremd they were with Lee and Ferri in that unit. I think it may have been one of the last ones of Nigel Turner (the ones that were pulled from the history channel). One of those guys said he was in that picture. I forgot their names now. One of these names sounded real german. But I will do some digging again. Wim
  16. Does anyone know about the whereabouts of Desmond Fitzgerald and Charles Cabell on 11/22/1963? Wim
  17. Jack, Talking about George W. , do you think that Billy Lord was lying, or do you you think he was succedfully intimidated and discredited? Wim
  18. 1) It was a conspiracy because the American Government has concluded that it was a conspiracy. This was the result of an investigation (HSCA) later than the Warren Copmmission. That's actually the strangest paradox: A new investigation designed to supercede and override the Warren Report (why else do another investigation?) results in an opposite conclusion, yet the goverment still clings to the origanal one: Lee Harvey Oswald, the lone nut. That in itself is an intrinsic admission of government complicty. Wim
  19. I'm not trying to make connections Al. The connections are there. It seems we can hardly agree on anything. This is again the case with this issue. I believe your expertise and assumptions blocking an objective judgement. Felix Rodriguez was involved in operations of similar magnitude, like tracking down and killing Che Guevara, the CIA drugrunning from South East Asia under Ted Shackley (another Bush friend) and later from Central and South America, , Guillermo Novo was involved in the murder of Orlando Letelier and the coup against Allende in Chile, as was David Atlee Philllips. Posada Carrilles worked alongside Rodriguez in Iran Contra (who was their boss?) and with Orlando Bosch he blew up a cuban airline killing 73 passengers. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis did Watergate You may proclaim these are operations of lesser magnitude, you may proclaim these people are not professionals but rather dummies with the IQ of snails, you may proclaim they are not associated with the Government , you may proclaim they had nothing to do with Dallas 1963, you may even proclaim they do not directly tie in with George Bush ........ as long as I may proclaim that I happen to disagree with you. Wim PS: So Johnny Roselli was not involved in the assassination? Otherwise he would have been killed within a day, instead of 1976? To what extent do you believe Tosh by the way? People like Eladio del Valle and David Ferrie were just coincidental deaths? Charles Rogers killed his parents just because he felt like it? Morales is a candidate for you, right? Why took he so long to be killed, despite talking? Was he a professional or also a snail?
  20. Okay Al and John, great posts. Have it your way, let's shutdown this thread. It's ridiculous. It's also ridiculous that Howard Hunt, Luis Posada, Felix Rodriguez, Orlando Bosch, Frank Sturgis, Guillermo Novo were in Dallas, or are associated with the government. The whole JFK assassination had nothing to do with the government. Their pardons have nothing to do with the government either. It's just coincidence and sheer luck. Wim
  21. Could anyone explain to me why people involved in planning the assassination of JFK should need to be in Dallas on the day it happened? This seems very strange behaviour. I would have thought that if these people can be proved to have been in Dallas on the day of the assassination, it is evidence that they were not involved in the conspiracy. (John Simkin) To be close at the fire, surpress and handle evidence, control the aftermath, make sure everything is going right, and if not, take corrective action. This was not yet the age of Internet and mobile phones. Frankly, I believe that if the planners would NOT have been there, a lot more would have gone wrong. Wim
  22. Friend Shanet wrote: The case linking Bush to Dallas is actually very weak, but a bit suggestive. I don't have the citation in front of me, but there was a memo to J.Edgar Hoover dated 11/23/63 that stated that a CIA employee named George Bush had called FBI to give information about the JFK killing, and the federales bent over backwards to claim that it was another George Bush! Wim says: You are slightly confusing two documents . The document of Bush calling the FBI is at the bottom of this page: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/bush.htm So the case linking Bush to Dallas on the 11/22/1963 is "actually very weak"? It is as weak as Bush's own admission in writing that he would be there the remainder of the day. I know the call was purportedly made from Tyler, Texas, but since when should I believe George Bush? After all, he has no recollection of the call, he has said once that he does not remember where he was and on another occasion that he was in Houston. Now, I am pretty sure Shanet didn't know about the above, otherwise he would not have said "actually very weak", but that's what a good forum is for. The Hoover Memo mentioning "George Bush of the Cental Intelligence Agency" is here: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/bush3.htm To John Simkin I would say: that 's a good start to connect Bush to the CIA ... AND the anti-Castro Cubans. But there is more ..... much more. Wim
  23. Jim, Great thread. McCloy was another Rockefeller / Bush / Bonesmen valet and messenger boy. http://www.spiritone.com/~gdy52150/betraylp9.htm Wim
  24. Yep, interesting thread. Does anyone know how many others died in Tyler's plane crash? Wim
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