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Wim Dankbaar

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Everything posted by Wim Dankbaar

  1. James, The guy looks definitely like Lee Oswald to me. Thanks for that picture. Wim http://jfkmurdersolved.com/oswald.htm
  2. John Simkin, That is one of the most factual, to-the-point , nail-on-the-head post I have ever seen. Wim
  3. mmm, that's a picture I had never seen of Roscoe White. Thanks! But this Saul guy does not really look like the Mexico city man, unless this picture is years earlier. Well, on second look, maybe he does look like him, but the picture is not clear enough. Wim
  4. Here's some more: http://toostupidtobepresident.com/shockwave/enlargement.htm http://www.buzzflash.com/contributors/04/10/con04413.html http://toostupidtobepresident.com/shockwav...f_the_union.htm
  5. Well, this way then: http://tosh.jfkmurdersolved.com/toshgallerySAFE.htm
  6. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/BushKerry.wmv
  7. James, you wrote: The fact that he was photographed with Roscoe White also stirred my curiosity. ------- Photographed with Roscoe White? How's that? Please explain. Wim
  8. I have no room to post more! The file you requested to upload was greater than the limit the administrator has set for your group. Wim
  9. Richard said it is not a fact that: - TWO 2 spent 6.5 mm casings were found in the "sniper's nest" In order to believe that, you have to believe the silly story of Captain Will Fritz and Carl Day as furnished to Warren commissioner Joseph A. Ball, who were all three on the CIA 's payroll. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/warren2.htm Wim
  10. James, What makes you believe the man in the white T shirt is names "Saul"? Wim
  11. Hey Tosh, Why don't you ask me? Did you forget I have your pictures? What Pelican Roost picture do you mean? The one with the boat? Wim
  12. We were told that Ricky claimed the missing pages were in the possession of Phillip Jordan. Jordan was supposed to be the family friend with alleged CIA connections who went to Ricky before the HSCA started its investigation. Jordan told Ricky his father might be involved in the assassination. The Center staff hinted that Jordan might well have been the "Mexico City Man". For some reason Joe West claimed Ricky signed an affidavit stating Jordan had the missing pages. This was rather confusing as not only would such an affidavit be of little if any value but the Center felt the missing pages were probably blank. http://home.comcast.net/~dperry1943/jordan.html Mr. Kevin Walsh has met Philip Jordan but claims it is not the Mexico City man. However, which such an important accusation, I would expect to disprove this beyond any reasonable doubt by showing a picture of Philip Jordan. Maybe this could still be done? Wim
  13. John, Ask him what he thought of Regis Blahut. Wim
  14. No wonder that Joe Ball didn't want to accuse Molina of anything "in connection to this matter" He was CIA too. Wim
  15. If you know that the International Rescue Committee http://www.theirc.org/ is a CIA front, this starts to make sense too: Oswald to his "dear mother", 1/2/62 "Important to contact 'INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE.' Don't send your own money." Volume XVI, Exhibit #189, pages 554-556. By the way Sheriff Guthrie said something like: If I wanted to know what was playing in organized crime, I always went to Jack Ruby's Silver Spur. Wim Oh wait, I found it again: "Anytime I wanted to find any member of the syndicate who was doing business in Dallas," Sheriff Gutherie said, "I just went to look for them at Jack Ruby's Silver Spur." http://www.americanmafia.com/Feature_Articles_201.html The Warren Commission was such a joke.
  16. Butler was on the CIA payroll, just like John Carl Day. Wim
  17. Yes, when nessasary for personal security reasons. ------------------------ Who provided your ID's ? Who did the paperwork and the ID documents? Wim
  18. Harry, In addition to my previous question (see above) I have some more: "William Pearson.. aka "Buck"? Does that ring a bell for you? Same question for: 'Austins BarBQ' in Oak Cliff, or "Youngbloods Fried Chicken restaurant, also in Oak Cliff? Did you know a "Tommy Pugh" of the Dallas PD? Thanks in advance, Wim
  19. A picture is worth a thousand words. Here is the photo of the South Knoll. It would be helpful if Tosh could circle the precise location he's describing. I understand his estimation of the South Knoll shooter's location to be about 5 yards east of the underpass at the fence line. If that is not sufficiently precise, I hope Tosh will correct me, perhaps even with a circled location in the provided photo. Maybe when I'm there in a few weeks and taking a photo of the proposed South Knoll shooter's angle onto Elm St., I'll try out Tosh's audio experiment by yelling out "Bang bang bang" and have my wife tell me where the sound seemed to come from. For Dealey Plaza that probably wouldn't constitute strange behavior. . . . -------------------------------- http://jfkmurdersolved.com/southknoll.htm Wim
  20. Thanks, Well, I had heard of Gator and Gator Ridge (a name for no name key) but never made the connection with the word aligator. We don't have aligatores here by the way, exept in the zoo. Have you ever heard of dropjes? Wim
  21. Is it checkable whether Orlando Boch has a pink missing? What does Gator mean? Does it mean something or is it just a name? Wim
  22. Dear Harry, Did you ever use other identities than your own name? Wim
  23. Tosh, Don't get mad, no forum is clean. I have an interesting question: Did you ever cross paths with Harry Dean? Wim
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