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Wim Dankbaar

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Everything posted by Wim Dankbaar

  1. John Maybe you should first give me your list of what you consider to be experienced JFK researchers. are Posner, Mack, Perry, Vernon, Zack Shelton, Joe West, Blakey, Dale Meyers on it? Marrs, Groden, Dale-Scott, Fetzer, Epstein? I have been studying the case myself since 1988. Do I qualify? Also, would anyone of the Warren Commission qualify as experienced JFK researcher? Wim
  2. RJS, Shanet says uses the words "I thought"and "possibly" for his speculations. I agree that Hunt and Sturgis were prabably not shooters, but everyone is entiltled to his opinions. The difference between you and Shanet though, is that Shanet is open to change them, based on new information. Speaking of new information, have you listened to those interviews with Ed Haslam? Maybe it will change your opinion on Judyth Baker. Or are you going to prove my point? Wim
  3. http://www.blackopradio.com/ Live 3 PM EST Wim
  4. I wouldn't describe Lepke Buchalter and Arthur Flegenheimer as morons, and the real architects of the coalition of the mob with the FEDS, government and the CIA were Luciano's friends Frank Costello and Meyer Lansky. But Luciano took a lot of their credit being the boss. Costello's nickname was "The politician" and he was good buddies with J. Edgar Hoover. Costello was also Carlos Marcello's mentor. Lansky put Chauncey Holt as an accountant in the International Rescue Committee, which he operated together with the CIA, most likely for money laundering and drugs trafficking. If you think about it, that's an ideal cover for these activities. Wim
  5. Judyth won't answer you, but just to satify others, I will say here you that Judyth does not know who the Mexico city man is. Wim
  6. John, What I find in the JFK research community, is that when people have embraced a certain theory, they cultivate it, they nurture it and they are very difficult to change their mind on it. I am not sure if you belong to this category, and frankly I don't think so, but it seems that in in order to let go of your theory that the mafia was not involved in the events of Dallas, you should first be convinced that certain mob figures were heavily intertwined with the CIA and "legitimite" kingpins of american politics and business. Please keep in mind that Dutch Schultz was in the twenties. The mob is quick to adapt and modi operandi evolve as it suits them. Please keep in mind that Lucky Luciano's life sentence was changed to exile to Italy, as a result of Lansky's and his cooperation with American Intelligence. That is when the mob's marriage with the CIA started, not in the era of Dutch Schultz. Wim
  7. "Richard, I have no illusions about ever turning you over. Quite frankly, you're beginning to sound like Bob Vernon. Shouting repeatedly that it's bogus, doesn't make it so. Let's debate the evidence..." Wim, As you recall, we debated the evidence for months at Lancer. I would say I made my case at that time. You may also recall that when you couldn't or wouldn't debate my findings, you turned to personal attacks. I would think those debates are still in the archives at Lancer if anyone is interested. This is very cheap in my view. First you shout Files is bogus and "utter hogwash", then you refuse to answer any questions or backup your claims, hiding behind a vague allegation that you already did that. In order to check it you advise people to plough through Lancer Archives where your "case" against Files is buried. Well, this is another forum, some of us here do not even like to be on Lancer. So why do you refuse to discuss the evidence, which is exactly what this forum is for, on a topic you started YOURSELF?? Besides, what I recall is that your disbelief of Files was mainly centered around the thesis that the gun that Files claims to have used was not capable of doing the the job. A thesis that has been flatly refuted by gun experts. I spent the better part of 6 months researching nothing else. I am totally convinced as a result of that research that James Files is a fraud, and really don't care to devote any more time to it. Well, then don't ! But don't make staements either if you won't back them up. We do agree on SOME things in the JFK case Wim, but this certainly isn't one of them. It is my opinion, that Cuban exiles and their US associates were the boots on the ground Well, there is one thing we agree on. Files and Nicoletti were by far not the only "boots", and I believe that Luis Posada Carrilles was there too, along with Sturgis, Bosch, Echevarria, Harrelson, Rogers and others. (and one in the sixth floor window of the TSBD, Herminio Diaz) in Dealey Plaza that day, not Nicoletti, Files, or Roselli. So, you don't believe Tosh Plumlee either, is that correct? Or do you accept that Roselli was there that day? Except not for the assassination for JFK? Beginning to sound like Bob Vernon? That's a cheap shot even for you Wim. Not at all, Vernon shows a similar pattern of making claims without offering evidence for them. Once again I refer you to the archives at Lancer. Yeah, I know RJS
  8. Ron said: Since when do Mafiosi "bow out" of jobs? Luckily this one got done anyway thanks to a driver willing to help out, but why did they wait 13 years to put Johnny in an oil drum? Roselli didn't bow out. He followed through. He only did not shoot, but he probably would have, if Nicoletti would not have asked Files. Ron said: You'll have to ask Files why he made this part of his story. Well, I know he is telling the truth, so that would be a stupid question for me to ask. Wim
  9. Who was the guy in the follow-up car, barking the order? By the way, you can see the handles on the back of the limousine foor the SS agents to hold. Wim
  10. Okay, thanks James! That sounds logical In the HSCA photo book these guys are listed as identity unknown http://cuban-exile.com/doc_226-250/doc0244.html #77 - Unidentified man taken into custody by D.P.D. #78 - Unidentified man taken into custody by D.P.D. Wim
  11. Seems history repeats itself. Did you know that Ronald Reagan had vowed that George Bush would never be his running mate? Then shortly before his nomination he announced Bush. Jim Marrs can tell you all baout it. Wim
  12. Shanet, thanks for the open mind. You should know that I will always defend vigorously three men and one woman: Tosh Plumlee, Chauncey Holt, and James Files, despite the fact that these men are/were somewhat sceptical of each other's stories, which already proves they are not working together. The woman is Judyth Baker. And one should keep in mind that no matter how credible evidence is in this case, there will ALWAYS be attackers, "debunkers" and discreditors, some intentional, some unintentional, some is parrot behaviour. I have a rule of thumb here: The more assaults a story recieves in this case, the more you should be interested. Ron, I also have a question or two for you: If it is so difficult for anyone to believe that Files was asked to be the backup shooter on the morning of the assassination (because Roselli bowed out), why did this "hoax" make this incredible feat part of his story? The killing of Lee Oswald by Jack Ruby, was that also part of this meticulously planned operation? Or would you say this was last minute and hasty improvisation to control the damage? Richard, I have no illusions about ever turning you over. Quite frankly, you're beginning to sound like Bob Vernon. Shouting repeatedly that it's bogus, doesn't make it so. Let's debate the evidence and start with 3 questions for you: 1) What do you make of Joe Granata? Is he lying too? 2) What is your explanation for Files knowing there was a toothmark on the shell casing, while nobody else knew that? 3) What is your explanation for the information below (from a guy that hates James Files) ? Wim A post of Dave Ostertag The interesting part: Some interesting things happened with Files' military record and his criminal history during the sentencing part of his trial. The military refused to honor the subpoena for his records. Why subpoena for Files military records if supposedly Files lied about his military past and there are no records? Note that the military did not say: we don't have them. They refused to honor the subpoena! Why? Another question: Why were his rap sheets "cleaned"? Van:Dave Ostertag (daveostertag@aol.com) Onderwerp:James Files View this article only Discussies:alt.assassination.jfk Datum:2001-09-24 08:44:46 PST Hello to all. I'm the Police Officer that James is in prison for. I was shot in the chest with an exit wound on the right butt cheek. Personally I think he is full of dung. His story chages to fit the facts. I think he is entertaining though. I'm glad that he and Dave Morley will probably be spending the rest of their life in prison. Some interesting things happened with File's military record and his criminal history during the sentencing part of his trial. The military refused to honor the subpoena for his records. In regards to his Criminal History. I had arrested Files in 1984 or 1985 for a bond forfeiture warrant for possession of explosives out of Texas. I remember looking at his criminal history at that time and saying, this is a guy I'm going to run into again. He had a hommicide and other arrests and convictions on the record that showed he was a true professional criminal as compared to the street thugs you normally come across. I saved the Criminal History knowing that I would see him again. At the time of my gunfight with Files and Morley his rap sheet was clean. Both Files and Morley had active Federal Parole warrants at that time. Neither warrant appeared in the NCIC computer queries. Morley had begun his criminal carreer in 1975. He and his Step Father broke Morley's Step Brother out of a prison in Florida. Morley shot twqo Prison Guards in the escape and was shot three times himself. He was dropped off at a Hospital in Atlanta where he was arrested. The Step Brother was killed by the FBI a year later in Mobile, Alabama. Morley was sentenced to prison for the breakout and for shooting the Guards. He escaped in 1982 and was later caought and sentenced for the 1982 escaped. He had done time for that and for three subsequent Federal convictions and prison sentences with Files for Bank robberies. The Federal Parole violation warrants outstanding at the time of my gunfight with them were for the last Bank Robbery convictions. When my department arrested Morley one week prior to our gunfight, he had no arrests or convictions or the warrant on his criminal history. Files also had a clean criminal history. The Probation Officer that prepared their pre-sentence investigations used the 1985 criminal history that I had saved for Files and, had to contact local Law Enforcement and the Florida Department of Corrections to rebuild Morley's. I'm sure that there is an explanation but, it does raise questions. I'm just glad the two of them will be spending the rest of their life in prison. Just wanted to check in and say hello.
  13. copies of National Archive documents (declassified in September 2003) http://www.debatecomics.org/BushFamilyFortune/
  14. Interesting. Was this letter handwritten? Anonymous? Wim
  15. Yes, James, I think this thread should stay on top for a while. It is very important and insightful information in my view. Ed's research should be much more highlighted. But he is a modest man himself. He also has some astounding information on Judyth. I will invite him to give it here. But I am not sure if he wants to. Wim
  16. Was Oswald not supposed to live in Dallas in october/november 1962? (Wim Dankbaar) Indeed he was, Wim. Hernandez was also involved in the confrontation with Bringuier in New Orleans. James ------------------------------------- So it is not so strange if James Files says he met Lee Harvey Oswald through David Atlee Phillips in Clinton, Louisiana in the fall of 1962. By the way, James, Tim, Tosh, the man with the sunglasses in the pamphlets picture with Oswald (actually it is a still frame of a film) is NOT unknown. It is Chauncey Holt, His superiors (Philip Twombly) were very concerned he had been captured on camera with Oswald. See the picture in the middle of the page here: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/holt1.htm Bud Belcher and Leroy Young are also in that picture. Chauncey is the key to blow the cover-up wide open, I do not understand why there seems to be so little interest for his story. Wim
  17. Why don't you first watch the interview? There are several people here that have seen it, like James Richards and Dave Weaver, they thought it was interesting. You can watch it online for 3 bucks for 90 minutes. http://www.trineday.com/Merchant2/merchant...ory_Code=DVD001 http://csouptv.com/programs_hosts/special_..._interview.html Reviews of the interview with James Files On this page we will post reviews of the november 19, 2003 interview with James Files. To see the end of the interview in low quality (Realplayer required) Click here. Review 1 I just received the Files interview , Monday. It is both astounding and informative. I hate to use a cliche, but truth IS stranger than fiction. I have studied James Files for many years, and I find his statements to be highly accurate. This is the best interview of Files that I have ever seen. This is a "must see" for every serious student of the JFK Assassination! And you can quote me. Review 2 From the interview I found him very credible, based on his body language and the way he gave the answers, that's my impression. I think the assasination went down just like Files said. But that is only based on what I saw and the feeling I got from watching it, so even if it turns out that Files was not in Dealey Plaza, I think the rest did happen as he told it, most probably. Having watched it 2 times now, the things I found most remarkable a) the velocity and "easyness" of his answers (critics may say he had enough time to prepare them, but I think he gave his answers that way from the beginning) I found no moment were he seemed to be "afraid" or "surprised" about a question, like if he had to "construct" or look for an answer. Review 3 Thank you for the dvd. It was excellent. I will write a review for you soon Regards Ari Review 4 I would suggest that disk one has too big of a blank space right after Files mentions knowing Fletcher Prouty. I almost removed the disk which would have caused me to miss a lot of material. I find Files story to be very credible and much more convincing than the original video of 10 years ago. I have been researching the JFK case for 33 years. Review 5 Having had the opportunity of watching the latest James Files interview on DVD, on more than one occassion over the last weeks, and initialy having very strong reservations about the man himself and what he had stated in the last 12 years about him being the person who took the last shot at JFK from behind the picket fence on top of the Grassy Knoll in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63, I can say now, without having the means of checking everything he stated in the latest interview, that he comes out of it credible to me, not by the information he gives, but the way he's talking about it in the interview. But I can base this statement only on watching his behaviour during the interview, meaning his body language and the way he answers the questions by the persons interviewing him. I personaly could find no moment when I got the impression that he has to check anything in his mind, in order to not confuse things which he was about to say to get the story consistent.I found no moment of hesitation or of a blinking in his eyes so to say, and I could find no moment when I thought "now I caught him in a lie". On the other hand I admit that I have no way of checking his statements in depth, and that is not the point in my review, it is solely about my impression, which may or may not turn out to be wrong in the future, but I am now willing to give him the benefit of a doubt, until the documents and wittnesses that do fully support his statements are presented to the public, or material and wittnesses surface, that show that he made up the full or part of the story. I know fully that this is only my subjective impression, and it should be understood as such, but I stand by what I say until proven wrong. That's as fair as I can be after seeing the interview. Uwe Leybold Germany Review 6 Thank you for continuing this important work for Americans and the world! I have watched the original tape numerous times, and I am always interested in James Files perspective on the assassination and also Files' interesting life. As a Catholic youth growing up with the first Catholic president, I was absolutely mesmerized by John Kennedy's rhetoric and persona. What I find interesting is that Files, despite many despicable actions of his life, relates events and perspectives with a truth and integrity that is so real. There is an honor and a code to his life that renders his explanations believable and astounding. It's so surreal that a cover-up has just grown so vast and for so long, and a betrayal to our nation is so widespread. It verifies my mother's thoughts that we are indeed "only pawns" in this world doing our best and being manipulated by the elite in entrenched powerful positions. With each passing year the puzzle of the assassination is almost complete. I am anxiously awaiting the Files disc and hoping that it will enlighten us further because the puzzle is almost solved. Thank you again. ----------------- The new DVD with current interview of James Files adds some interesting facts to the original James Files' tape that he made in the 90's. It has become known that the FBI knew of James link to the assassination as early as 1964 - yet he never was pursued by either the FBI or other law enforcement agencies. He names several people in the assassination area that day - from CIA, organized crime, and others which tells us that this crime was known by many people in government and organized crime for some time. The irony of CIA sending Johnny Rosselli to abort the assassination yet failing in the effort and even assisting in the crime. Did the CIA just want to give the appearance of aborting to distance itself? And the final reflections of James Files leaves the chilling hint of the President's killing, the reasons for the Viet Nam War, and sends questions and thoughts to us today about todays war! s and 911. It leaves the decision of what we are as a nation - Are we a nation of manipulated puppets being fed disinformation on all levels? GK
  18. Mark, You live in the Dallas area right? Do you have a citymap of Dallas of 1963 or around that time? If not, can you get one? Wim
  19. John, you picked the birthday of my daughter Wim
  20. http://archive.wfmu.org:5555/archive/DX/ Ed Haslam is a great man, a meticulous researcher since the mid sixties, and author of Mary, Ferrie and the monkey virus. I know, because I have met with Ed and also had him videotaped. In my opinion this is a must hear for every serious student of the JFK assassination Go to dx-FTR-019a.rm 02-Jan-2002 22:36 3.1M dx-FTR-019b.rm 02-Jan-2002 22:36 3.2M dx-FTR-019c.rm 02-Jan-2002 22:37 3.3M dx-FTR-019d.rm 02-Jan-2002 22:37 3.2M dx-FTR-019e.rm 02-Jan-2002 22:38 3.2M dx-FTR-019f.rm 02-Jan-2002 22:38 3.4M
  21. James, How do you know that man in Dealey Plaza is Danny Arce? I thought the ID's of these guys were unknown? And who is the other guy (the black guy) being taken into the police car? Wim
  22. Interesting document, James. Was Oswald not supposed to live in Dallas in october/november 1962? Wim
  23. I agree with Antti, By the way, the nice thing abot that Oswald picture sable fighting (I believe it is indeed Lee) shows once more that he was a sociable guy, with friends and making fun. Wim
  24. Carly, This might be of use to you: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/warren.htm
  25. Am I right? --------- I have no idea. That's for Tosh. Wim
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