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Wim Dankbaar

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Everything posted by Wim Dankbaar

  1. Welcome Tim, Interesting that you have located Diosdado and he is still around. No surprise he refused to be interviewed. What does he know that can't be discussed? Gaeton's book is indeed one of the most interesting books. Gaeton also interview ed Luis Posada Carillies and Orlando Bosch in prison in Venezuela. I am convinced they lied to him and they were both in Dealey Plaza. I believe that is also why they have been protected by George HW Bush up to this day. About the reason why Diosdado visited Veciana after the assassination, I can only speculate. But let's assume Diosdado was one of the "players" in the Kennedy assassination, maybe even a shooter. Let's further suppose that Veciana was on Dealey Plaza too, not as a player, but as a spectator, because he knew the hit was coming down there. Let's further assume that Maurice Bishop was David Atlee Phillips, and Phillips was a higher ranking player in Kennedy assassination, and also the CIA controller of Veciana for Apha 66 and anti Cuban operations. If we assume the above, Phillips would have known that Veciana was in Dallas that day and it would make sense for Phillips to send Diosdado to Veciana in order to verify that Veciana could be trusted to keep his mouth shut about what he knew. He would have gotten that confirmation from Veciana's response (that he knew nothing) and I believe that response was a lie for his own good). Anyway, Diosdado, Bosch , Posada are all still alive and nothing is being done by proper authorities to question them. Wim ---------------------------------- Timothy Gratz. 55 years old. Resides in Key West, Florida. Holds political science and law degree from University of Wisconsin. Reinterest in assassination sparked by reading "Searching for Ghosts in Key West" in Gaeton Fonzi's book. Member of Gordon Winslow's Southern Florida Reserarch Group. Co-authored a series of five articles on possible Key West connections to the assassination, published in the Key West Citizen in November of 2003. (Co-author Mark Howell of the Key West Citizen.) Our articles are posted on the cuban-exile website. Really enjoy the Spartacus Educational website (and not just the JFK site and forum). Mark Howell, my co-author of the articles on the Key West connection to the assassination, hales from Wales and has a master's degree from Trinity College, Cambridge. We are interested in the recent postings that started on Cesar Diosdado. He is still alive, we located him, sent him a letter, tried to interview him by phone but he refused. His visit to Veciana shortly after the assassination was interesting. I have my theories what that was all about. Whoever Bishop was, I don't think he was involved in the assassination or he would have been foolish to be seen with Veciana. But it seems very clear that CIA sent Diosdado to interview Veciana to determine if Veciana would report the sighting. Veciana did not at that time. Because of the CIA's compartmentalization, I doubt if the CIA person who ordered Diosdado to interview Veciana told Diosdado why, but it sure would be interesting to know who at CIA ordered the interview
  2. Shanet, I think Braden was not a shooter, I think his job was getting the shooters in and out the Daltex building. Holt is very detailed about seeing Braden in the Sheriff's office. He tells he had to surpress to say hello to him. Wim
  3. It is interesting that purportedly Alan Sweatt identified Braden from that photograph. How and Why? Was it because he had seen Braden that day coming in for questioning and recognised his hat and glasses? Wim
  4. John, John Craig got his information from the Gerhardts directly. Gerhardts wife was a sister of his mother. He also interviewed Chuck Rolland directly. Wim
  5. I only know that he had to admit for the ARRB that he had given instructions to move JFK's backwound upwards. The author is probably embellishing from that. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/sibert.htm
  6. Apparently one of the people who identified Braden from the photograph was Dallas Chief Criminal Deputy Alllen Sweatt. I also read he was arrested in the Daltex THIRTY minutes after the shooting. If that is true he could well have been photographed in Dealey Plaza right after the shooting. Wim http://www.memresearch.org/econ/faces/familiar_faces.htm In a photograph of the crowd in Dealey Plaza minutes after the shooting, snapped by Dallas Times Herald photographer William Allen, an individual is visible in a trench coat, wide-brimmed hat and dark glasses. Dallas Chief Criminal Deputy Alan Sweatt, who assisted in processing Dealey-Plaza witnesses, identified him as Jim Braden [18]. Indeed, comparison with an earlier mug-shot of Eugene Hale Brading reveals a likeness. There was at least one other visitor from out-of-town in Dealey Plaza on that fateful Friday afternoon, whose career was even more checkered than Joseph Milteer's: Jim Braden. Approximately thirty minutes after the assassination, Mr. Braden's presence in the Dal-Tex Building, directly across Houston Street from the Texas School Book Depository, aroused suspicion and led to his being taken into police custody. After providing a statement, he was allowed to leave. In fact, Mr. Braden had changed the name on his driver's license just 10 weeks before, from Eugene Hale Brading [5]; if the police had checked their records for that name, they might have held him for further questioning. Brading's lengthy police record included arrests in Dallas, and he had complex ties with Mafiosi [6, 7]. On parole at the time, permission to travel from Los Angeles was contingent upon his reporting to the Federal Parole Office in Dallas, which he did on November 21. The Parole Officer's report states that Brading's plans included seeing tycoon Lamar Hunt on oil business [8]. Although Brading subsequently denied visiting Mr. Hunt [9], it is noteworthy that Jack Ruby, on November 21, visited the building that housed the corporate offices of the Hunt Oil Company [10]. Furthermore, Brading lodged at the Cabana motel, on the Stemmons Freeway close to Dealey Plaza, which was visited by Ruby late in the evening of November 21 [11]. Larry Florer was taken into police custody also as a result of being a stranger in the Dal-Tex Building. In his statement, he claimed not to have been in Dealey Plaza at the time of the shooting, but made his way there after hearing a radio broadcast in a café [12]. Braden, in his statement, made no mention of his location at the time of the shooting [13], which is odd inasmuch as he was taken in for questioning, presumably, with reference to what he had observed of the shooting of the president: "I am here on business (oil business) and was walking down Elm Street trying to get a cab and there wasn't any. I heard people talking saying, 'My God the President has been shot.'" -------------------- I also asked Groden why he believes the man in the hat is Braden: He was identified by several people as being Brading and he never denied it when I originally wrote about him in 1976. He was arrested in Dealey Plaza soon after this photograph was taken. Robert
  7. "Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?" Answer: My eyes and the evidence.
  8. John, What is less known, but I guess you have read it in the book, is that two witnesses who knew Rogers, picked him out immediately from the tramps photographs. Chuck Rolland of the Ice Skating Rink and a girl that dated Rogers. There is another later picture of Rogers from his Shell ID card, that I have not been able to find on the Net. Wim
  9. Another one: http://www.ajweberman.com/nodules/nodule8.htm CESAR DIOSDADO NUNEZ The buy was made by Customs Agent Cesar Diosdado: The CIA reported: 2. Cesar Diosdado, the Subject of files #276 656 and #32 469, who was born on August 16, 1921, in Laredo, Texas, and had been employed by the Customs Bureau, Treasury Department, since 1951, and is presently resident Customs Agent-in-Charge, Key West, Florida. Diosdado has been of interest to this Agency since 1961 and his last Liaison Clearance was approved on March 2, 1967, for use on JM WAVE Project in Miami, Florida. Prior to his clearance an investigation conducted on the Subject proved to be clear. 3. In April 1966 Diosdado was under investigation relative to allegations made against his mental stability and a charge that threats had been made on his life by the Cuban community in Florida. At this time Subjects salary was being paid by Wave Station. Subject is described as a controversial individual who has antagonized several of his fellow employees because of his brusque manner and attitude although he was doing an excellent job for WAVE. An investigation conducted by the Treasury Department on the above charges disclosed that they resulted from immaturity on the part of several individuals under the supervision of Diosdado and had no basis in fact. 4. The threat on Diosdado's life was made after the seizure of an automatic gun found concealed on a boat in Key West during July 1965 and a subsequent allegation was made that he had planted the weapon in the vessel. Diosdado had advised two of his agents to advise the agent who had made the allegation against Diosdado that he should be careful, to watch out and to stop spreading lies. It was the opinion of the investigating officers the Diosdado meant that his agent should be careful of Cuban nationals who might harm Customs agents in that area and he was not found to be unstable mentally. 5. In January 1967 another complaint was received from a Confidential Informant by the Internal Revenue Service on Diosdado's alleged sale of guns to a group of individuals planning an invasion of Haiti as well as his participation in a raid in which the persons were arrested by the U.S. Customs agents and the Miami County Deputy Sheriff on January 1, 1967. Informant claimed that Diosdado had been selling guns to persons and groups since 1957, and that he had sold arms to Castro prior to Castro's taking over Cuba, as well as getting individuals in and out of Cuba for a price. Moreover the informant advised that Diosdado was known to the FBI who have a file on the Subject but who do not interfere with his activities since the FBI believes he is acting for the CIA. 6. As a result of the above allegations by the Confidential Informant the Deputy Director, Internal Security, Internal Revenue Service, was apprized of this Agency's operational interest in Diosdado and no action was taken on the allegations. The Deputy Director advised that he would inform his representatives in Miami that the complaint had been channeled properly and that he should not undertake any investigation of such charges. 7. Western Hemisphere officials were informed of the allegations made against Diosdado and they in turn spoke in glowing terms of the great service performed by Subject for this Agency in his particular area, and it is their opinion that his activities are part of his work in behalf of its Project. 8. Upon inquiry of the Security Officer/Western Hemisphere it was learned that the LASO Conference and resultant publicity is being followed closely by that Office. (Deleted).' A "United States Government Memorandum File Alien Affairs Officer Subject Cesar Diosdado February 23, 1967," stated: "On February 13, 1967, Larry Flushman, Deputy Commissioner, U.S. Customs Service, made available a copy of a letter written by Inspector John F. McKenna, Internal Revenue Service, Miami, Florida, and received by William F. McCarthy, Director of the Internal Security Division, wherein it was alleged Subject was engaged in selling arms to persons involved in aborted Haitian revolution...Mr. Flushman reported he was not going to take and action in this matter as Diosdado's salary is being reimbursed to the Customs by CIA. Diosdado also has been the Subject of many such complaints and previous investigations have disproved such allegations...On February 13, 1967, Howard J. Osborn, Director of Security, was briefed on the allegations made against Diosdado at which time he recommended the viewpoint of the Western Hemisphere Division be solicited prior to attempting any action in this matter. He also suggested that Office of the General Counsel be briefed on this matter because of its relationship to Rolando Masferrer Rojas case involving his part in the aborted Haitian revolution... "On February 14, 1967, (deleted) OS/AAS, met with John Dimmer, Chief of Base WAVE (deleted) WH/EXO, and Richard Hannah, WH/SO, at which time Mr. Dimmer spoke in glowing terms of Subject's contribution to the Agency. Since there had been numerous complaints against Subject in past and they had been handled locally in the WAVE area, Mr. Dimmer suggested that Mr. Flushman be requested to return the matter to the Key West area for investigation and that OS/AAS assure IRS and FBI that this would be accomplished to their satisfaction. On February 14, 1967, William Cregar, FBI liaison, was requested to advise IRS to refer all queries concerning Subject to this Agency. The FBI will take no further action in this matter. "On February 15, 1967, John Olds, Deputy Director, Internal Security Division, Internal Revenue Service, was contacted at which time he agreed Internal Revenue Service would take no further action in the matter. They would advise John F. McKenna, Internal Revenue Service, Miami, not to pursue any further action in this matter." [CIA Alien Affairs Officer 2.23.67 Louis Wienckowski; CIA Memo For Chief LEOB from Deleted 9.1.67] HEMMING told this researcher in 1994: "Diosdado worked for JMWAVE from January 1960, when it started." DIOSDADO'S TESTIMONY During a preliminary hearing on the case Diosdado said that he had been summoned to Mexico on May 26, 1972, by the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs and told by Arthur Sedillo, a special agent of the Bureau, to investigate a group of gun smugglers. Diosdado said that Sedillo had told him that "this group had approximately 10,000 assorted weapons and they were asking or they were trying to trade the weapons for 25 kilos of heroin. He said that he arranged with Mr. Hagler to meet Mr. Harper on May 30, 1972, at the Eagle Hotel in Eagle Pass. Diosdado then placed his initial order: 3,500 to 4,500 M-1 rifles, with 500 rounds of ammunition for each weapon. "At that time Mr. Diosdado testified: 'Mr. Harper asked me as to what was the final destination of the weapons I was intending to purchase. I told him that was my business, it was nobody else's business but my own.' Mr. Harper then put Mr. Diosdado in touch with Kessler, who invited him to visit a tool company in Newark. After touring the premises, they entered a door at the east end of the warehouse which was partitioned off from the rest of the building. Mr. Diosdado testified that there was "numerous tooling machinery there, all green in color. Kessler stated that these were the machines, the tooling equipment that they were using to manufacture their own weapons, made the spare parts for the same." Diosdado produced the 25 pounds of heroin which was judged to be defective by the Harper/Kessler group. Now, they wanted cash and Diosdado wanted explosives. To cover the cost of the transaction, Mr. Pollack of the Brooklyn Strike Force deposited $1-million in cash in $100 bills in a safe-deposit box at Chase Manhattan Bank branch in New York City. Another $1-million in cash was placed in a deposit box in San Antonio. Two other Customs agents flew to Shreveport to verify delivery and loading of the explosives on a DC-4 as planned, before Diosdado was to pay off Kessler in New Orleans. The agents seized the plane at Shreveport where it was to have embarked for Mexico, Diosdado testified. Harper was described as the catalyst and middle-man in the weapons for heroin deal." [NYT 11.11.72] The DC-4 aircraft that was seized contained 15,000 pounds of plastic explosives, 2,600 electrical blasting caps, 7,000 feet of cord and 25 electrical detonators. PETER BREWTON'S INFORMATION Brewton quoted Adler Berriman Seal: "The request for arms and ammunition was brought across the border to a rancher/banker by the name of Richmond Harper...who had very deep White House ties." During a trial in Las Vegas ten years later, Berriman Seal testified that the explosives were for CIA-trained anti-Castro Cubans. Peter Brewton reported that the New Orleans U.S. Attorney's Office believed Richmond C. Harper was under the impression that the weapons would be used by anti-Castro forces. Brewton reported that Richmond C. Harper was an associate of alleged CARLOS MARCELLO front man, Herman Beebe. The case against Richmond Harper and his codefendants was dismissed. According to Peter Dale Scott, a few years later, Richmond Harper became addicted to heroin and died under mysterious circumstances in Mexico City. Brewton reported that Berriman Seal was murdered in the parking lot of a Baton Rouge halfway house in February 1986. [Johnson Lee & Marina p220; NYT 7.3.72; Brewton Mafia, CIA, Bush Shapolsky Publishers NY 1992 pp. 156-158, p102; NYT 7.3.72, 5.22.73; DeMohrenschildt- Schlumberger CIA 1241-1004]
  10. Here's n interesting article on Diosdado http://cuban-exile.com/photo/jfk/KW-JFK2003nov21.pdf
  11. Ron, I wonder on what authority you say that Lois has no credibility???? It seems that the Guinness Book of Records and the rest of the world do not share your view. Wim
  12. John, although I am not 100% sure, I think the Gerhardts told the story personally to Craig. I will try and ask him how he got the information. Wim
  13. That statement of Braden is pretty interesting. It looks like he says he was walking on Elm trying to take a cab. He seems to say he's coming FROM the Triple underpass towards the TSBD (I moved on up to the building accross the street from the building they were surrounding) and apparently missed the shooting completely, because people tell him about it. This sounds totally incredible to me. How could he have missed the shooting? And where was he coming from? And why did he have to make this telephone call so urgently and suddenly? Why didn't he go back to the office he just came from, whatever that was? And he did not know the President was coming by? A very shaky story and they let the man go? Wim
  14. Jack, Apart from the sheer impossibility that a high level operative like Howard Hunt would dress up as a tramp, I say your picture is misleading. Please post that FULL picture of Hunt next to the FULL picture of the tramp. Let's specifically have a look at the ears then. Wim
  15. Holt didn't have hairy arms. Nor has the man in the New Orleans picture. Wim
  16. Hi John, Good book, not? Some great unknown nuggets are in there. Why do you think they never caught Charles Rogers? Do you think he could vanish from the face of the earth without any outside help? I talked to John Craig and he put a lot of research in it. I believe that the least known books have the most truth in it. Wim
  17. Ron, Has it ever occurred to that in order to be taken in police questioning , he had to be taken OUT of the Daltex building? Wim
  18. I think it is pretty solid, as I believe Chauncey Holt, who said he did not recognize Braden at first, because he was wearing a cowboy hat. Jim Braden was there. I didn't recognize him at first, because he had a hat on with some kind of Texas style hat band on it, and I didn't know him all that well, if you know what I mean. But I knew that I recognized him like I recognize you. Wim
  19. http://www.blackopradio.com/home.html Go to archived shows 2004 (show 195)
  20. So you believe Holt lied to his daughter before dying? Wim
  21. I have personally varified to my satisfaction that a .222 Remington Fireball could have done the job although I remain skeptical of the James files Scenerio. I feel however that the weapon that actually killed JFK was a much larger caliber hot-loaded sniper rifle like a model 70 Winchester or 700 Remington chambered for the 300 Magnum cartridge and firing at least a 180 grain boat-tail spitzer bullet. ---------------------------------- Remember John, if James Files took the shot he said he did, he was by far not the only shooter. Wim
  22. That's almost certainly Jim Braden/ Eugene Hale Brading Wim
  23. She was married to Cord Meyer, who worked closely with Desmond Fitzgerald Wim
  24. Wim has spent so much money on the Files story, do you believe if he found contradictory evidence of Files alleged involvement he would say so? I don't. I haven't found any contradictory evidence. Neither have you I don't necessarily think Wim is deliberately perpetrating a fraud, I think he really believes Files. Yep You on the other hand, don't know what you have. You read documents and misconstrue what they say. You're probably sitting on a slew of stuff from Files that you either misinterpreted, or don't understand what they REALLY say. So you keep it to yourself because you don't want to inadvertently harm Files' case, while at the same time, indicate you have "proof". Yep again
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