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Wim Dankbaar

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Everything posted by Wim Dankbaar

  1. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/bush.htm http://jfkmurdersolved.com/bush2.htm http://jfkmurdersolved.com/bush3.htm http://jfkmurdersolved.com/bush4.htm http://jfkmurdersolved.com/moteng.htm
  2. James, do you believe that Holt was the man with the sunglasses on the far right of the New Orleans picture with Oswald before the Trade Mart? (Wim) No I don't. I believe the man photographed was a Brigade 2506 member and connected to Alpha 66 with tentacles into the DRE. I do not know his name which is why I have not said too much regarding him. When I get his name, I will present what I have and his connections to the events in New Orleans. James, why are you following the hard way, preferring an unknown candidate over a man, who SAID he is the guy, looks like a twin of him, and identifies TWO other guys on that scene? Do you notice the other ID's by Holt ? Leroy Young and Bud Belcher (son of Frank Belcher of the Belcher Aircraft family)? Do these names mean anything to you, James? Do you think they were not real persons? Do you believe Chauncey made them up? (Wim) The name Leroy Young is known to me. I believe these are real people and not made up. In that circle with Young you can add Hector Varone, Juan Peron, Dick Whatley and a Guatemala training camp. Yes these names are important as they link solidly to Manuel Artime and Tony Varona. Can you share what you know about Leroy Young? You may be surprised with what I know about Holt. I do believe his story regarding his involvement with the forged SS identifications which were ordered by Twombly. However, I believe that the ID's were delivered before Holt says they were. That aside, there is much to be learned from Holt. I have no interest in trying to discredit anyone. There are solid elements of truth out there but it is like a shell game. One thing I know about Agency assets and contract employees, they never tell the full story. James, Holt had no reason whatsoever to lie to his own daughter, knowing he was dying of cancer. But apart from that there is lots of evidence for his story that no one has ever seen. Wim IMO. James
  3. I find it interesting how many CT's do not even believe James Files. Talk to your buddy, Bill. Wim and I touched on Files story on Lancer and I could not find a shred of evidence between the two witnesses who saw the area behind the fence and the photographical evidence that would help substantiate Files claims. That is because you rely totally on the credibility of Ed Hoffmann, plus you want to ignore that Lee Bowers saw one (of two) men that fit the description of Files exactly, up to the plaid jacket and the spot Files says he was standing. We can see Badge Man and he doesn't fit Files claim. Badge man is not accepted as FACT, but if he were, he was no way near to the spot of Files. Then there are two men seen along the westward stretch of fence and only one was up by it that had a gun. That man was described as heavy-set ... something Files was not. That man's actions post assassination were witnessed by Hoffman and this individual didn't do what Files claim to have done. We've gone over this. You state what Hoffman described as FACTS. They might be, they might not be, but even if they are, they would not exclude Files. Hofmann could have seen two people westwards of Files. Whatever the case, relying on eyewitness accounts can be tricky, as we have seen with Jean Hill, Tilson and others. The two men that Hoffman descride are different in description than the two men Bowers described.
  4. To Al, The issues on the pages that I retracted were never presented as FACTS. But even if they were, if I then find out they are not facts, I am not ashamed to retract them. I think that's a fair principle of honest research. However, those two pages that I retracted could be interpreted as a SUGGESTION that they are facts. First of all, BOTH pages had been composed by my predecessor Bob Vernon, not by me. Secondly, let me spell it out for you with an example of this page: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/fedora.htm Vernon claimedthat the object over the fence looks like the shape of a fedora hat. Then he goes on to link this to the credibility of Files, because Files said he was wearing a fedora that day: "In the Moorman photo, it appears that a gray fedora hat is sticking out over the top of the stockade fence. In his confession, James Files says that he had a gray fedora." This SUGGESTS that Files was wearing the hat at the time of the fatal headshot, which coincides with the Moorman picture. However this is not a FACT, nor is it stated as such. Fact is that Files said he had the fedora folded in the sleeve of his jacket. Files is on record saying this to Vernon too, in the second taped interview Vernon had with him (about a month after the first interview on march, 22, 1994). Maybe Vernon did not want to hear it or he had poop in his ears, I do not know, but the page makes a false suggestion that Files was wearing the hat at the time of the shooting. Although it is not stated as a FACT, it still SUGGESTS it is a fact. That was wrong in my opinion, so based on the new input I learned I retracted the page. The other retracted page showed a similar false suggestion that Summers saw either Files or Nicoletti, although I added "or some other man". So actually there is not even a good reason to not leave it as it is. It is only fair and honest on my part to correct the misinterpretations of Vernon, but if you want to paint a positive as a negative, go ahead. Wim PS: Funny to see that RJS is guilty of similar conduct, suggesting that I am a "zillionaire", whatever that may be. I wonder what his "work for a living" would be and how much time he has left for it, since posting on these boards looks like a full time job for him. He has been the most active poster on JFKLancer for quite a while now. It appears like a most extensive hobby on the side, for someone who has never published anything, not even an essay, on the case. Let me try again: Richard, I have no illusions about ever turning you over. Quite frankly, you're beginning to sound like Bob Vernon. Shouting repeatedly that it's bogus, doesn't make it so. Let's debate the evidence and start with 3 questions for you: 1) What do you make of Joe Granata? Is he lying too? 2) What is your explanation for Files knowing there was a toothmark on the shell casing, while nobody else knew that? 3) What is your explanation for the information below (from a guy that hates James Files) ? Wim A post of Dave Ostertag The interesting part: Some interesting things happened with Files' military record and his criminal history during the sentencing part of his trial. The military refused to honor the subpoena for his records. Why subpoena for Files military records if supposedly Files lied about his military past and there are no records? Note that the military did not say: we don't have them. They refused to honor the subpoena! Why? Another question: Why were his rap sheets "cleaned"? Van:Dave Ostertag (daveostertag@aol.com) Onderwerp:James Files View this article only Discussies:alt.assassination.jfk Datum:2001-09-24 08:44:46 PST Hello to all. I'm the Police Officer that James is in prison for. I was shot in the chest with an exit wound on the right butt cheek. Personally I think he is full of dung. His story chages to fit the facts. I think he is entertaining though. I'm glad that he and Dave Morley will probably be spending the rest of their life in prison. Some interesting things happened with File's military record and his criminal history during the sentencing part of his trial. The military refused to honor the subpoena for his records. In regards to his Criminal History. I had arrested Files in 1984 or 1985 for a bond forfeiture warrant for possession of explosives out of Texas. I remember looking at his criminal history at that time and saying, this is a guy I'm going to run into again. He had a hommicide and other arrests and convictions on the record that showed he was a true professional criminal as compared to the street thugs you normally come across. I saved the Criminal History knowing that I would see him again. At the time of my gunfight with Files and Morley his rap sheet was clean. Both Files and Morley had active Federal Parole warrants at that time. Neither warrant appeared in the NCIC computer queries. Morley had begun his criminal carreer in 1975. He and his Step Father broke Morley's Step Brother out of a prison in Florida. Morley shot twqo Prison Guards in the escape and was shot three times himself. He was dropped off at a Hospital in Atlanta where he was arrested. The Step Brother was killed by the FBI a year later in Mobile, Alabama. Morley was sentenced to prison for the breakout and for shooting the Guards. He escaped in 1982 and was later caought and sentenced for the 1982 escaped. He had done time for that and for three subsequent Federal convictions and prison sentences with Files for Bank robberies. The Federal Parole violation warrants outstanding at the time of my gunfight with them were for the last Bank Robbery convictions. When my department arrested Morley one week prior to our gunfight, he had no arrests or convictions or the warrant on his criminal history. Files also had a clean criminal history. The Probation Officer that prepared their pre-sentence investigations used the 1985 criminal history that I had saved for Files and, had to contact local Law Enforcement and the Florida Department of Corrections to rebuild Morley's. I'm sure that there is an explanation but, it does raise questions. I'm just glad the two of them will be spending the rest of their life in prison. Just wanted to check in and say hello.
  5. RJS, Why don't you just cut your bullxxxx and post your hard evidence against Files. I am sure you can remember what it was, despite the fact you cannot retrieve it from Lancer now. If you want to debate the evidence , then do it, or shut up instead of re-iterating your cowardoes hollow phrases like "total fraud" or "utter hogwash". It is cristal clear that you want to push that impression without any backup whatsoever. That's also why you conveniently ignore my valid questions, with the weak excuse that you're "sick of it". My website has been changing based on new input. The Lois Gibson drawings page made by Bob Vernon, on the recollections of Malcolm Summers, could suggest that it was either Files or Nicoletti, although it never said that. I have also removed the page where Vernon tried to push that Files was in the Moorman photograph because of the hat shape on the picket fence, while he knew that Files was NOT wearing the hat at the time of the shooting. And I just changed the Tosh Plumlee page. After talking to Summers over the phone and other input I received, I am convinced that Summers did not see Files or Nicoletti, but another man (maybe Marshall Caifano). That is why I removed the page. Another reason was your repeated assaults that it was misleading. So you would think you would be satisfied now, but it's no surprise you're still complaining. I have also removed the page where Vernon tried to push that Files was in the Moorman photograph because of the hat shape on the picket fence, while he knew that Files was NOT wearing the hat at the time of the shooting. It is still there, but not a public link accessible from the menu: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/fedora.htm Just like the other one: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/LOIS.htm And I just changed the Tosh Plumlee page, based on HIS input. You and Vernon are two of a kind. What he's trying to do to Tosh, you're trying with Files. Same tactics. Things like "ever changing story"and such. Let me try again: Richard, I have no illusions about ever turning you over. Quite frankly, you're beginning to sound like Bob Vernon. Shouting repeatedly that it's bogus, doesn't make it so. Let's debate the evidence and start with 3 questions for you: 1) What do you make of Joe Granata? Is he lying too? 2) What is your explanation for Files knowing there was a toothmark on the shell casing, while nobody else knew that? 3) What is your explanation for the information below (from a guy that hates James Files) ? Wim A post of Dave Ostertag The interesting part: Some interesting things happened with Files' military record and his criminal history during the sentencing part of his trial. The military refused to honor the subpoena for his records. Why subpoena for Files military records if supposedly Files lied about his military past and there are no records? Note that the military did not say: we don't have them. They refused to honor the subpoena! Why? Another question: Why were his rap sheets "cleaned"? Van:Dave Ostertag (daveostertag@aol.com) Onderwerp:James Files View this article only Discussies:alt.assassination.jfk Datum:2001-09-24 08:44:46 PST Hello to all. I'm the Police Officer that James is in prison for. I was shot in the chest with an exit wound on the right butt cheek. Personally I think he is full of dung. His story chages to fit the facts. I think he is entertaining though. I'm glad that he and Dave Morley will probably be spending the rest of their life in prison. Some interesting things happened with File's military record and his criminal history during the sentencing part of his trial. The military refused to honor the subpoena for his records. In regards to his Criminal History. I had arrested Files in 1984 or 1985 for a bond forfeiture warrant for possession of explosives out of Texas. I remember looking at his criminal history at that time and saying, this is a guy I'm going to run into again. He had a hommicide and other arrests and convictions on the record that showed he was a true professional criminal as compared to the street thugs you normally come across. I saved the Criminal History knowing that I would see him again. At the time of my gunfight with Files and Morley his rap sheet was clean. Both Files and Morley had active Federal Parole warrants at that time. Neither warrant appeared in the NCIC computer queries. Morley had begun his criminal carreer in 1975. He and his Step Father broke Morley's Step Brother out of a prison in Florida. Morley shot twqo Prison Guards in the escape and was shot three times himself. He was dropped off at a Hospital in Atlanta where he was arrested. The Step Brother was killed by the FBI a year later in Mobile, Alabama. Morley was sentenced to prison for the breakout and for shooting the Guards. He escaped in 1982 and was later caought and sentenced for the 1982 escaped. He had done time for that and for three subsequent Federal convictions and prison sentences with Files for Bank robberies. The Federal Parole violation warrants outstanding at the time of my gunfight with them were for the last Bank Robbery convictions. When my department arrested Morley one week prior to our gunfight, he had no arrests or convictions or the warrant on his criminal history. Files also had a clean criminal history. The Probation Officer that prepared their pre-sentence investigations used the 1985 criminal history that I had saved for Files and, had to contact local Law Enforcement and the Florida Department of Corrections to rebuild Morley's. I'm sure that there is an explanation but, it does raise questions. I'm just glad the two of them will be spending the rest of their life in prison. Just wanted to check in and say hello.
  6. Wath the videoclip here: http://www.impiousdigest.com/ Bill Hicks on the JFK Assassination
  7. Hi James and all, First of all , I have not "invested a lot" in Holt's story. But even if I had it is totally irrelevant. But I will say this: Holt is the strongest witness a JFK researcher can dream of. There's just a lot of his story that the public (thus also you) does not know. I believe there is a reason for that. I think James, as a fair and honest researcher, would quickly turn around once he would see the evidence. James, do you believe that Holt was the man with the sunglasses on the far right of the New Orleans picture with Oswald before the Trade Mart? See halfway this page: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/holt1.htm Do you notice the other ID's by Holt ? Leroy Young and Bud Belcher (son of Frank Belcher of the Belcher Aircraft family)? Do these names mean anything to you, James? Do you think they were not real persons? Do you believe Chauncey made them up? Why the hell is no researcher looking into this? The names that Holt mentions that have never been heard before in connection to this case, goes on and on and on: George Reynolds, Philip Twombly, Joseph Ball, Frank Belcher, Lloyd Cobb, Warren de Brueys, Thomas Davis and on and on. BTW, I just found another (half) interview with Holt on the net: I think it's very interesting and would appreciate some help in locating the other part. Unfortuanltely ther's a lot of typos in it, but that doesn't really matter: http://karws.gso.uri.edu/Marsh/Jfk-conspiracy/HOLT.TXT Wim
  8. There are only 2 ways to look at this. Files did tell her that, or she, as so often happens, misstated, misunderstood, and misrepresented what was said. Perhaps if Ms Eldreth has this information in a letter she got from Files, she can post just that pertinent part. She is, as you know, a vociferous Files believer. -------------------------- I think everyone can understand why "vociferous Files believers" like Nancy Eldreth can be missed as a bad toothache. This is a similar claim as her claim that Files was involved in the death of Johnny Roselli or that he killed Orlando Letelier, or that Judyth Baker was "tortured in a mentall facility". She never posted those letters either. My take is that Nancy must be a lonely woman. If she 's really interested in proving the veracity of the above individuals, her best action to help, is to STOP POSTING. But I am afraid that's to deaf ears. Wim
  9. Wim: You got caught in a money ploy. In my opinion a con. Tosh, I agree that Bob Vernon does everything for money and that I have been one of his victims in that regard. But the materials I bought from him basically concern certain evidence and the stories of three people, one of which is you. Whether Vernon sold all of these materials me in a ligit way is another matter, but he DID sell them to me, and that was not my idea to begin with. I just wanted him to do the job he had promised to do, and when he didn't do that, my best option was to buy him out on his persistent request I might add. I think we also should distinguish between the seller and the materials sold. As you know, all the people associated with these materials, including yourself, are very disenchanted with this guy, and that is a mild way of putting things. I have told you this many times. I respect you as a researcher and you have changed a few things I have pointed out to you. Perhaps, your investment in this matter has caused you to become narrow sighted. I'm sorry, Tosh, but I take offense from such a remark. Along the same reasoning I would be narrow sighted towards you, because part of my investment includes your story, as it does include Files, Holt and others. I think you should know by now that if I discover that either of these persons cannot be telling the truth, I would be happy to flush my investment on them. If you don't know that, then please stop telling me that you respect me and that I am an honest man in your opinion. I was not responsible for the material you received for your money. I am not involved in any of this, nor do I want to be. I have told you that many times. I am not in any way connected with the Jimmy Files matter. And I have never said you were, remember? I just happen to believe Files and Holt were telling the truth, like you did, and sometimes I'd like to point that out to you with further information. But that does not make you connected with their "matters". I also told Joe West this before he died and Bob Vernon. I am sorry if you feel I am angry with you. I am not angry with you. Well, you could have fooled me, because you said you didn't feel fairly represented with the interview on my website, so naturally I feel addressed. But if that's is the case, despite all the corrections that I made with your consultation, I would sure have liked to hear it from you first than through an answer to Richard J. Smith. I will remove the interview from my website, replacing it with the declaration you are preparing, that will supercede everything prior. I am not even angry at Vernon. I know what he is. Its that simple. I will cover my declaration in detail and hope you find it interesting and factual. The Files matter will not be part of it.
  10. Ah, sorry, I missed that. Well, that's settled then. It explains some questions that I had. Wim
  11. Well, I must say, that twisted loose hand and the drooped shoulder in the comparison photos are quite consistent with the man in Dealey Plaza. See this link: http://lightscion.911review.org/CIA_general_ed_lansdale.htm There was another guy that was convinced that it was Lansdale: "The haircut, the stoop, the twisted left hand, the large class ring. It's Lansdale." - Lt. Gen. Victor Krulak. But if it was Lansdale, what I don't understand is why he would hang around for so long at the crime scene. The "tramps" were taken off the train more than an hour after the shooting. Wim
  12. Only asking you to confirm something someone claims came directly from Files, and on apparently numerous occasions. There is a method to the madness. There are only 2 ways to look at this. Files did tell her that, or she, as so often happens, misstated, misunderstood, and misrepresented what was said. Perhaps if Ms Eldreth has this information in a letter she got from Files, she can post just that pertinent part. She is, as you know, a vociferous Files believer. I'd almost bet that after you read that, you fired off an email and told her again to stop helping Files, because she's making his case look bad. --------------------------- Files did not tell her that, and you know it! That is also why she can't show the letter. But you don't surprise me anymore, RJS, I know your modus operandi is to create false impressions aboout Files and others. How about that biographical info , mystery man? John, Simkin, insn't that compulsory anymore? Wim
  13. Nowhere on jfkmurdersolved is Tosh presented as a "witness" to the Files story. The only extent of corroboration for each other's stories is that both Tosh and Files place Roselli in Dallas that day. I have said nothing more, nothing less. That's typical of RJS to leave wrong and misleading impressions. And Tosh, I 'm getting somewhat annoyed with your satements that you're not represented fairly on my site. We talked everything over and I corrected the things that you felt were incorrect, like "testimony"and "confession" should be "interview" and such. Why take your anger with a jerk from the past out on me? If there's something you feel uncomfortable with, then why not say it to me first? Wim
  14. James, Why is the subject line "Three tramps"? Wim
  15. "Have you already posted your biographical information?" I will when you post yours. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKdankbaar.htm You may also google for "Wim Dankbaar" to find out I am not a mystery man like you are. "Why are you ignoring my earlier questions in this thread?" Because I'm sick to death of the Files' fraud. Running from and ignoring the evidence, as expected. If you are so sick of it, why do you care to emphasize it again and again? are you maybe concerned it isn't so obvious as you would like it to be? I spent enough time on it. You and Files were thoroughly debunked a year ago. Al was right. You split from Lancer because no one bought the bogus Files story. Do you recall posting a thread there some time after the thrashing, then when no one responded, you asked why? Since you've probably invested over a million bucks into it, I can't say as I blame you for continuing to press the issue, even if there is no actual proof. There's ample proof, but you avoid discussing it, rather leave the opposite impression. I trust you as far as I can throw you, RJS, or whoever you are. The absence of a biographic info is typical. Untill you post that, I don't blame anyone calling you "shakey". "Can you give us your quick take on:" "Chauncey Holt": IMO he wasn't one of the tramps as you suggest. If I find the threads at Lancer, I'll post a link. "Judyth Baker": complete and total BS. Has more holes in her story than Files does. "Tosh Plumlee": Tosh is very interesting. He knows a great deal, but has made many conflicting statements over the years. I don't think the CIA would have sent an abort team to Dallas. I'm very interested in Tosh's info on Central America, cocaine smuggling, and the death of Kiki Camerena. I would, however, like to see Tosh post a complete up to date account of November 22, 1963, including any facts he has pertaining to Files, Roselli, etc. I don't think Tosh can place Files anywhere near Dallas on 11/22/63. Good to see all of the above confirmed by you. By the way, I'm sure you read the statement made here that Files was at one time married to Joe Bonnano's daughter. Care to give us your quick take on that? Yeah, it's total bullxxxx, just like the other the baloney you 'd like to spread about the subjects above. Did the Bonnano's daughter allegation not come from Nancy Eldreth, the one you're having a flame war with and say she's crazy? You never mind to use her to your advantage when it suits you, do you? Well, you're indeed beginning to sound like Bob Vernon. RJS
  16. Al, I know you find it difficult to discuss with me and in general dealing with people who don't marvel you to high heavens. But it appears you want to do it anyway. I am satisfied with the understanding there will always be people who will not believe Files no matter what. It almost seems you did not read my previous post to you. I have nothing to add to that. Wim
  17. Gibby, The "coaching" that you refer to does not change the significance of the information. In the second interview (of 19 november last year) we do it all the time. This is because such an interview is intended to edit for a TV program, in which the interviewers may not even be heard. That is why you need the witness to make clear statements. And this is why we ask things like: Can you say it like this, I need a full sentence on that, give me a complete statement on that. Normally the viewer doesn't even get to see a virtually unedited interview. But in the JFK case there will always be characters who will try and make a problem out of any tiny detail. Bob Vernon, I could go on and on about him, I have said before I am not interested to start a flame war, I rather ignore him, but the fact of the matter is that his sole reason for saying that Files is a hoax now, is purely because he hates my guts and wants personal revenge, because he believes I owe him money at this time. It consumes him. That is also why he goes after every witness I defend and everyone associated with me (and him before) , like Judyth Baker, Tosh Plumlee, James Files, Zack Shelton, Don Ervin, Jim Marrs, Lois Gibson, etcetera. He has even tried to discredit Chauncey Holt, but he was quickly whistled back by his lawyer, because his lawyer happens to be representing the Holt family too. He uses vile tactics in that endeavour, and if you follow it a little more closely, you would see that quickly. Please note that he has never offered his "irrefutable and absolute proof" for Files being a hoax, despite his numerous promises. And if you want further confirmation for Vernon's motivations, you can check with any of those people I mentioned and a lot more. I can also send you a lot more on my history with Vernon, but I think you don't want to spend a lot of time on that, and rightfully so. He wants to make the world believe that I breached a contract with him, but declines to prove it in court. So it's nothing more than expressing his opinion, which you may believe or may not. My partners, my lawyer and I certainly don't. Consequently he is his own unilateral judge in reclaiming "his property" back. But the best question of all : Why does Vernon care , now that he has declared Files a hoax and has made these materials effectively worthless for himself? That question should show his rage is not only destructive but self-destructive. In the process he even manages to make enemies of people that are skeptical about James Files, like John Simkin and Robert Harris. But to serve his egocentric purposes, he has made his former arch enemies Dave Reitzes and John McAdams his allies. But all his references to them as "disinfo fools" and worse are still on record in the Google groups. Of course McAdams and Reitzes don't care, they eagerly use every disinfo opportunity that comes down the pike. Enough said. Wim
  18. Greg, An interesting note to this is that Judyth said that Lee Harvey Oswald did not refer to the TSBD by that name, but some other name that she could not remember. Then she picked out "Sexton building" from a few (fictitious) names I gave her. Wim
  19. I've been doing searches on Files and found a website by Kenneth A. Rahn centered on the 1994 interview. He points out several things eliminated from your transcript of the interview on jfkmurdersolved. Omissions are shown in brackets. Maybe you could re-add these. ------------------------------ Gibson, That transcript was made by my predecessor. From the looks of it , he left out some remarks and words that were irrelevant in his view. I do not see a problem for the significant contents of the interview. Besides, there is always the video original. Mr. Rahn is also one of those people devoted to discredit James Files. Apparently there are some researchers and institutions, who find it important that James Files is portrayed as non-credible. That includes the FBI. Wim
  20. RJS, Have you already posted your biographical information? Why are you ignoring my earlier questions in this thread? Can you give us your quick take on: Chauncey Holt Judyth Baker Tosh Plumlee? Wim
  21. Sure I did. There's a lot of lying going on around Files by established characters: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/epstein.htm http://jfkmurdersolved.com/letters.htm J.F. letter to P.J. May 28, 1999 Like I said in my other letter, Ive read very little on the Kennedy assassination, as everyone was doing a lot of guessing. Besides, what I didnt say about the Kennedy assassination would fill a book. But you must understand, I was doing my best to protect a lot of people and also, not give them enough to hang me. As long as I was just talking, I knew I would never go to trial, as they would not want to make the Warren Commission look dumb. But, should I give them everything Ive got put away, then I would force them to put me on trial and that my dear, is not in my best interest. I want to get out, not stay in the joint forever. Bob Vernon did everything in the world to get me indicted. He even sent confidential information to a federal judge in Texas. I think his name was Carver. Ive got it with all my legal material. Anyway, Bob was sending him all these letters and he was sending it on to Washington D.C., and there a friend of mine ran across them and he made copies and sent them to Chicago. Then they were hand delivered to me late one night. They had been shrunk down in size, that I had to take them to work and put them under this big magnifying glass in order to read them. Let me tell you, I was shocked and very ticked off at Bob Vernon over how he had betrayed me. Kennedy was one thing, as I never worried about that. But there were other things I didnt want the Department of Justice to know about. It just got me really ticked off at how hard he tried to get me indicted. Oh well, my fault for trusting him. I dont know if I told you this before or not, but Joe West died not knowing that I was one of the shooters. He never knew that I was the one behind the fence. When Joe died, I was relieved; I thought it was all over with. But then I let Bob Vernon talk me into helping out Mrs. West so she would have the money to pay off the hospital bills that Joe left her with. She was broke and hurting, so I agreed. e. Ill try to send you something Bob wrote me and the background, all researched by the Dept. of Defense. It goes all the way back to the Bay of Pigs. The Kroll Agency tried everything they could to discredit me. One story they put out was that I couldnt have been in Dallas that day, as my wife was giving birth to our daughter that day. When I was asked about it, I said yes, I was at the hospital that day. But that means Kennedy was not assassinated until September 26, 1966. I said that is the day my daughter was born, go check the hospital records. That ended that. A lot of people said I was too young to kill anyone at that time. I told them that I dont remember seeing old men out on the battlefield during combat. In Nam all I saw were a lot of young kids dying, ages between 17 and 21 years of age. Also, I cannot for the life of me, see a man fire a weapon, a rifle, like the man Ed Hoffman said he saw, throw it to someone else, while he runs off. If they catch this other guy with the rifle, whats keeping him from telling on the one who pulled the trigger? I would never give a weapon to anyone that I had just used, to trust them to get rid of it. That is plain stupid. Then we had another "expert" on organized crime killings say that when a mob-hit went down, there were usually 12 to 15 guys involved. That is really stupid. Most of the time its a two man hit team. After Charles Nicolettis death, I preferred to work alone. That way there is no chance that someone can later on turn against you. Thats like the ol man from here in Chicago, Lenny Patrick, who told stories about me whacking people. He never saw anything and I never told him anything. He was only repeating stories that had been told around town. All hearsay!!! Anyway, the Feds are talking about indicting me for something that happened in Pennsylvania back in the 70s, but they dont have a case. They have a federal retainer on me right now, which means, once Im released from the state, theyll come and pick me up. But they can only hold me for 90 days, as I will file for a fast and speedy trial act. Besides, if I was a nobody, why did the Feds chase me for so long and spend so much money trying to put me away? Then when they did get me, for a minor crime, why was I hammered so hard, for so much time? My federal number is 892787-024 and my federal case # is 66945E and I was released from Oxford FCI in 1988. Jimmy
  22. http://www.ajweberman.com/ Like Jack White, Weberman believes that the tramps are Sturgis, Christ and Hunt. I say they are Holt, Rogers (Montoya) and Harrelson Wim
  23. No Al, I did not ran to this forum. I'm still at Lancer at times. I realized that you will never be convinced the other way, because you're so prejudiced on Files, just like no one will ever be able to make Gerald Posner admit it was a conspiracy. So I see no merit in discussing this any further with you. The points have been made clear at both sides, so there was nothing left than to agree to disagree. You describe Files as a punk, a thug, a nobody, a scumbag, I can't remember all of the names, but it is clear that you're locked in into your opinion. You centered your denounciation of Files around a technical monologue about ballistics, recoil, marksmanship, velocity etcetera, from which we have to conclude that the XP-100 could not have done the job as Files described it. That is your prerogative. Others say that the XP-100 was perfect for the job. But you may believe what you want. Wim For example, critics said that the weapon Files claimed to have used was more a pistol than a rifle and would have had an enormous recoil. They said it "kicks like a mule". Therefore, Files could never have seen what he claimed he had witnessed through the scope of his weapon. I sent an email to one of the gun shops I found on the Internet. I acted as a potential customer and asked whether the Remington Fireball was a pleasant weapon to fire. That man stated the weapon was one of the most sophisticated guns ever made, etc. When I inquired about the recoil he said it was nice and steady. Ultimately, I told him why I asked. He was quite amused and said that the alleged murder weapon of Lee Harvey Oswald had a lot more recoil than the Fireball. He added that whoever said that the XP-100 had substantial recoil had a lot to learn about firearms. Files was also criticized with the allegation that the XP-100 was not available in 1963 and that the rounds used for this weapon were not a .222 caliber but rather .221. I found both accusations to be untrue. The weapon was introduced in 1963 and prototypes were available as early as 1962. The weapon was originally chambered for .222 rounds. To learn more about the Remington XP-100 Fireball click here. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/fireball1.htm Here are some exchanges from an Internet discussion board: Is the James Files story true? The weapon in question, a combination pistol-rifle would have been absolutely perfect for the short dimensions of Dealey Plaza. Especially concealment after the Assassination. Many witnesses thought a pistol had been fired/An Explosion had occurred. The location from which Files allegedly fired has been verified by Donald Thomas, the HSCA, and a peer reviewed British Science publication. Clearly there is a figure there in that precise spot in the Moorman Photo just to our right of a large tree the person is crouched with a possible barrel resting between the picket fence line....Jeff It's possible that James Files story is "close" to the truth. The ammo available for the old 221 fireball was rifle ammo........The barrel of the Fireball pistol was too short to allow the slow burning rifle powder to burn completely. Consequently the unburned powder ignited when it hit the air at the muzzle....creating a hell of a boom and a fireball.... Recall that nearly all of the witnesses said they thought the loud "boom" was a railroad torpedo, a motorcycle backfire, or a cannon they had heard at football games. Some folks say there is a fireball visible in some photos and several witnesses said they saw smoke on the G.K, The wound on JFK's head is typical of the damage a Fireball pistol would inflict on a human head.... All of this tends to support James Files story that a Fireball pistol was one of the weapons used. Walt And here is an opinion of a gunstore-owner: If as the official records claim, Lee Harvey Oswald is the shooter of JFK, the rifle that was "recovered" in the depository was a Manlicher bolt action rifle. It shoots a 6.5 mm cartridge, more powerful than the .223 win/5.56 NATO or the .221 Rem Fireball. Recoil from that rifle with the military loading is slightly less than the .308 win/7.62 Nato. Never have I seen in print (anywhere) that JFK was shot with a handgun. Whomever is telling you that a .221 fireball kicks "like a mule" and "harder than any rifle", apparently is regurgitating information that he/she has heard somewhere. The fireball was introduced in a bolt action hand gun in 1962 (not a pistol), and propelled a 50 gr bullet in the 2600-2700 fps range. I'd even be picky enough to tell you that someone who calls an Remington XP100 a "pistol" has a lot more to learn about firearms than they are going to by reading internet conspiricy theories. Felt recoil from a typical 4lb6oz handgun will be in the 5 to 7 lb range. Compare this to a typical 30-06 rifle (180 gr bullet) at 19 lbs, and you'll wonder how big this person's mule really is. Dan And the view of another gun-expert: I found the .222 version to be quite manageable with one hand, having no more recoil than my .44 magnum, and in a 2 handed combat stance it can thread a needle at 150 yards. Up to those ranges, the Fireball would by a perfect choice for an assassination weapon if portability and concealability were at issue. With Regard, John Ritchson (SSGT. 499th TC USATC HG US Army Class of 69) (GunSmith/Ballistician,Black Eagle Gun Works) (Survivor, SE Asian Games, 11BRAVO7,Tet 1970) To read a more extensive and excellent article by John Ritchson click here.
  24. What do you make of Chauncey Holt's story? Wim
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