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Wim Dankbaar

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Everything posted by Wim Dankbaar

  1. http://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/dphillip.htm Not so fancy for a man that planned the assassination of JFK and changed the country. JMO Wim
  2. Lots of people have questioned the fact that Files was in the military, simply because of the lack of records, which Files says were purged. Has Mr. Ostertag taken away those doubts? Wim J – Oh, okay! Why do you suppose the news media don’t take an interest in your story? JF – Nobody wants to admit it. Everybody thinks I am a nut job. But like I say, I’ve had enough things that I have said, it has been clearified, it has been verified, there’s documents…….. But nobody really wants to solve the Kennedy case. The American people, I don’t really think they care. The news media, they need something that they can go with every year. You’ve got a lot of people that make a lot of money writing books. I don’t know how many books, how many books have been written about it? J – A couple of thousand? JF – Yeah. Why put all them people out of work?
  3. Thanks John, Unfortunately, your are not an expert. Wim #19525, "RE: Wim Fabricating Truth of the XP-100 on his website" In response to Reply # 49 I have just been informed by a fellow researcher that Wim is posting my threads, including this initial one on John Simkin's research forum. He including the rebuttal in his e-mail to me. Is Wim that desperate to prove his case that he would sneak off and post my threads from this forum to be argued on another without my knowlege so that I cannot respond to his so-called experts rebuttal? I guess that is one way of having the last word!!! The rebuttal is worthless as his so-called expert is so clueless that he misses my point altogether. Like talking to the wall... I guess Wim believes he has a better chance with another audience. Even his so-called expert does not believe in Files, so it is only a matter of time before he starts getting heat there and has to move on again. How many forums are out there? LOL Al (Wim: It is precisely these kinds of characters why I am posting here )
  4. The interesting part: Some interesting things happened with Files' military record and his criminal history during the sentencing part of his trial. The military refused to honor the subpoena for his records. ------- Another question: Why were his rap sheets "cleaned"? Wim Van:Dave Ostertag (daveostertag@aol.com) Onderwerp:James Files View this article only Discussies:alt.assassination.jfk Datum:2001-09-24 08:44:46 PST Hello to all. I'm the Police Officer that James is in prison for. I was shot in the chest with an exit wound on the right butt cheek. Personally I think he is full of dung. His story chages to fit the facts. I think he is entertaining though. I'm glad that he and Dave Morley will probably be spending the rest of their life in prison. Some interesting things happened with File's military record and his criminal history during the sentencing part of his trial. The military refused to honor the subpoena for his records. In regards to his Criminal History. I had arrested Files in 1984 or 1985 for a bond forfeiture warrant for possession of explosives out of Texas. I remember looking at his criminal history at that time and saying, this is a guy I'm going to run into again. He had a hommicide and other arrests and convictions on the record that showed he was a true professional criminal as compared to the street thugs you normally come across. I saved the Criminal History knowing that I would see him again. At the time of my gunfight with Files and Morley his rap sheet was clean. Both Files and Morley had active Federal Parole warrants at that time. Neither warrant appeared in the NCIC computer queries. Morley had begun his criminal carreer in 1975. He and his Step Father broke Morley's Step Brother out of a prison in Florida. Morley shot twqo Prison Guards in the escape and was shot three times himself. He was dropped off at a Hospital in Atlanta where he was arrested. The Step Brother was killed by the FBI a year later in Mobile, Alabama. Morley was sentenced to prison for the breakout and for shooting the Guards. He escaped in 1982 and was later caought and sentenced for the 1982 escaped. He had done time for that and for three subsequent Federal convictions and prison sentences with Files for Bank robberies. The Federal Parole violation warrants outstanding at the time of my gunfight with them were for the last Bank Robbery convictions. When my department arrested Morley one week prior to our gunfight, he had no arrests or convictions or the warrant on his criminal history. Files also had a clean criminal history. The Probation Officer that prepared their pre-sentence investigations used the 1985 criminal history that I had saved for Files and, had to contact local Law Enforcement and the Florida Department of Corrections to rebuild Morley's. I'm sure that there is an explanation but, it does raise questions. I'm just glad the two of them will be spending the rest of their life in prison. Just wanted to check in and say hello. -------------------- The other side of this story is here: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/jail.htm
  5. i think wim does not believe the armstrong theory that a different oswald came back from russia wim will explain himself Indeed, and the audio tape of Oswald in Russia proves my point. Wim
  6. Clyde Haygood was the officer who lays his bike down and first runs up the knoll. I called him a few months ago. He says he did not have his gun drawn. But I was more interested in seeing the motorcycle officer that actually shot up the knoll with his bike (according to Bowers and Holland). BTW, I wonder how Bowers could have seen that from the railroad tower. Wim
  7. Below is a fragment of the Warren Commission testimony of S.M. Holland, who saw the assassination from the triple overpass. Lee Bowers was also saying that a motorcycle cop shot all the way up to the incline of the grassy knoll, towards the spot under the large tree where Holland saw the puff of smoke. Why is this not visible on any photo or film? Wim Mr. HOLLAND - Sheriff's department parks in there. District attorneys' cars park in there. It is railroad property, but they let them park in there and save that 25 cents. Don't put that down. Might get in trouble. Now, do you want to know about the two policemen that were riding in that motorcade and one of them throwed the motorcycle down right in the middle of the street and run up towards that location with his gun in his hand. Mr. STERN - Toward--- Mr. HOLLAND - The location that--- Mr. STERN - Where you saw the puff of smoke? Mr. HOLLAND - Where I saw the puff of smoke. And another one tried to ride up the hill on his motorcycle and got about halfway up there and he run up the rest of the way on foot. Mr. STERN - Go ahead. This is at the time of the--- Mr. HOLLAND - At the time of the--- Mr. STERN - That the shots were fired? Mr. HOLLAND - The shots was fired. Mr. STERN - Two motorcycle policemen who were in the motorcade? Mr. HOLLAND - In the motorcade, and one of them throwed his motorcycle down right in the middle of the street and ran up the incline with his pistol in his hand, and the other motorcycle policeman jumped over the curb with his motorcycle and tried to ride up the hill on his motorcycle, and he---tipped over with him up there, and he ran up there the rest of the way with his---
  8. Good idea, Send the guy an email with that suggestion. I am sure he has received a lot of reviews. Trust me, you wanna see it. It's worth it. If you think it can be done in 3 minutes, it only shows there will be new information for you. The first half of that program is a recap of the assassination, the evidence, witnesses, the cover-up etcetera. So you'll be most interested in the second half. Wim
  9. I hope "Bill Byas" stops lying about his identity. Judyth will be off line for the next 3 weeks, as she is moving. As for Mr. Reitzes, he has never met Judyth, never seen her evidence, yet his mission is to attack and discredit her. He is totally unqualified, in fact he is a vicious lying character, just like you. And if I were Judyth, I would not spend a word or thought on him. I would. BTW, I have invited Mr. Reitzes to come post his attacks here. I'm waiting ..... Wim
  10. http://www.russianbooks.org/oswald-in-russia.htm refutes the two Oswalds claims convincingly. Wim
  11. John, Yes, I have seen the enhancements of Sam McClung. I truly wish it were more convincing. Apparently it is persuasive for you more than for me. To me it is like looking to the clouds in the sky with my little son. We start seeing all kinds of things. No offense meant to you or Sam Mc Clung. Do I take it that you don't have a firm opinion on Nicoletti and/or Roselli? Wim
  12. Dave Reitzes - in his usual distortive lying style - just posted this on Lancer on invitation of Bob Vernon. After calling each other names for years they seem to be brothers in arms now. The obvious question here is: Why do McAdams and Reitzes need to go through so much trouble if Judyth is so obviously a hoax? It seems almost a life mission for them to discredit Judyth and her story. Why bother? Wim John McAdams's article on Judyth Baker <http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/judyth.htm> highlights many of the problems with those portions of Judyth's story that have been made publicly available; but I'd like to also take a minute to emphasize a few more of the contradictions inherent in Judyth's accounts to date. This is a work in progress. JUDYTH VARY BAKER: THE STORY SO FAR (According to Judyth Vary Baker, Martin Shackelford, and Howard Platzman, Ph.D.) Note: Howard Platzman is co-author (with Judyth) of "Deadly Alliance: Outline of the Conspiracy," various drafts of which Judyth has submitted to assassination researchers and prospective publishers. Martin Shackelford has been described by Platzman as Judyth's lead researcher. Judyth Vary Baker worked for the CIA on an anti-Castro assassination project, and she can prove it. (1) Judyth was never an employee or agent of the CIA, and never said she was. (2) Judyth was introduced to Lee Oswald one day in New Orleans. (3) No one introduced Judyth and Oswald; they met purely by chance. (4) Or maybe not. (5) Oswald worked for the CIA on an anti-Castro assassination project (and others), and Judyth can prove it. (6) Oswald may not have worked for the CIA after all. (7) A photograph published in the Warren Commission Report shows Judyth standing next to Oswald. (8) There are no photographs depicting both Judyth and Oswald, and Judyth has never claimed otherwise. (9) Judyth met Jack Ruby only once. (10) Judyth met Jack Ruby twice. (11) David Atlee Phillips was one of Oswald's CIA handlers. (12) David Atlee Phillips may not have been one of Oswald's CIA handlers. (13) Oswald knew Phillips by name. (14) Oswald did not know Phillips by name. (15) Oswald knew his handler as "Bishop." (16) Oswald did not know his handler as "Bishop." (17) "Bishop" was Phillips. (18) "Bishop" and Phillips may have been two different people. (19) Oswald said that Phillips was "Bishop." (20) Oswald never said that Phillips was "Bishop." (21) Oswald knew his handler as "Mr. B." (22) Oswald did not know his handler as "Mr. B." (23) "Mr. B" was Phillips. (24) "Mr. B" may not have been Phillips. (25) "Mr. B" may have been two different people, one of whom may have been Phillips. (26) "Mr. B" was also "Bishop." (27) "Mr. B" was not also "Bishop." (28) Phillips was known as "Mr. Benson" or "Mr. Benton." (29) "Mr. Benson" or "Mr. Benton" may have been somebody else. (30) "Mr. B," "Mr. Bishop," and "Mr. Benson" or "Mr. Benton" were all the same person. (31) "Mr. B," "Mr. Bishop," and "Mr. Benson" or "Mr. Benton" may have been at least two different people. (32) Judyth met Guy Banister just once. (33) Judyth met Guy Banister twice. (34) Guy Banister was CIA. (35) Guy Banister was not CIA, and Judyth never said he was. (36) Judyth was introduced to Clay Shaw on one occasion, saw him from a distance on another, and spoke with him once on the phone. Shaw paid for some of her hotel trysts with Oswald. (37) Judyth simply met Clay Shaw one time. (38) Judyth did not know Clay Shaw. (39) Clay Shaw was closely involved in the anti-Castro plot with Ochsner and the others. (40) Clay Shaw was not closely involved in the anti-Castro plot with Ochsner and the others. (41) Judyth knew Carlos Marcello, who affectionately referred to her as "That Little Thing." She and Oswald met with him personally, he picked up the tab for many of their dinners out, and it was due to his influence that she was never murdered by the conspirators who killed John F. Kennedy. (42) Judyth did not know Carlos Marcello, and she has never claimed that she did. (43) Oswald discussed Richard Case Nagell with Judyth in some detail, informing her he knew that Nagell, whom he referred to as one of his "doppelgangers," "had purposely gotten himself arrested for fear of being set up as a patsy." (44) Oswald may have never discussed Nagell with Judyth, and anyone who thinks Judyth has referred to Richard Case Nagell in her writings is only making an assumption. (45) Judyth's mentor was famed surgeon and humanitarian Dr. Alton Ochsner. For a time she worked for Ochsner. (46) Judyth never worked for Alton Ochsner and never claimed to. They had no formal relationship. (47) Oswald knew in advance about the assassination and, in an attempt to infiltrate and stop it, walked with eyes wide open into the "patsy" role. (48) Oswald did not know he was slated to be the "patsy." (49) On November 22, 1963, Judyth and a number of her co-workers set up chairs and watched the assassination of John F. Kennedy on television. (50) Judyth and her co-workers absolutely did not watch the assassination of John F. Kennedy on television. (51) (To be continued . . .) **************************** 1. Judyth Vary Baker, biographical blurb posted at Manatee High School alumni website. Online at <http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/sanitize.htm>: "Lee Oswald and I worked together for the CIA in an anti-Castro project which included delivery of live biological weapons into Cuba, one of them aimed to kill Castro." Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, October 6, 2000: "I knew important people, and in indianapolis (sic) got conscripted into the CIA though (I) was just a minor." Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, October 7, 2000: ". . . (Dr. Canute) Michaelson gave my name to the CIA as one of the bright brains in the country, and from that time on, I had access to equipment, funds, you name it, as well as special training involving doctors who got trained at Oak Ridge. . . . In short--and i (sic) can fill in many details--I had gone through projects starting in indianapolis (sic) with my being, apparently, conscripted into service of the CIA. I sa(y) apparently because i (sic) was a minor, and my father may have signed papers for me. I signed a lot of them, but I did not even bother to read them." Related sources: Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail to Dave Reitzes, October 11, 2000: "I claimed connections with Oak Ridge and the CIA. They found documents from Oak Ridge--and presence of a CIA agent at the training sessions --which only recently have been released." Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, November 16, 2000: "Not that I hadn;t (sic) bona fide ties with CIA. I did . . ." See also Judyth Vary Baker with Howard Platzman, Ph.D, "Deadly Alliance: Outline of the Conspiracy." Online at <http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/alliance.pdf>. Judyth has stated numerous times that she has evidence to support all she says. For example: ". . . WHEN ONE HAS BEEN TRAINED AS A SCIENTIST, AND THEY HAVE WRITTEN AND REVIEWED AND READ MANY PAPERS, GENERALLY THEY ARE AWARE THAT IF THEY MAKE A STATEMENT, THERE HAD BETTER BE BACK-UP. SOME PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT TRAINED IN THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD MAY NOT REALIZE THIS RESPONSIBILITY. I TAKE THE RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE EVIDENCE OR BACK-UP FOR MY STATEMENTS SERIOUSLY. MU (sic) HAVING BEEN TRAINED IN THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD MEANS THAT I AM PARTICULARLY SENSITIVE TO THE ISSUE OF PROOF AND DOCUMENTATION." (Judyth Vary Baker, Internet forum post, May 7, 2004 <http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?act=ST&f=126&t=696&hl=&view=findpost&p=4498>.) Judyth Vary Baker, post to JFKresearch.com, November 2, 2002: ". . . I can prove every word i (sic) am writing here--- i (sic) can assure you that what we were doing was trying to create a biological weapon to get castro (sic) inn (sic) what would seem to be a natural death." 2. Judyth Vary Baker, JFKresearch.com post, November 14, 2002 (5:59 AM): "I am VERY upset that jack (sic) White has been posting a message to my high school classmates saying my story is 'bizarre' and asking their opinion, including the erroneous statement that I claimed to be a CIA agent--I NEVER EVER CLAIMED SUCH A THING." Judyth Vary Baker, JFKresearch.com post, November 12, 2002: ". . . YOU SENT AN EMAIL (sic) MESSAGE . . . STATING THAT I SAID I WAS A CIA AGENT. THAT IS SOMETHING I HAVE N- E- V- E- R SAID!!!!" Judyth Vary Baker, JFKresearch.com post, November 14, 2002 (6:43 AM): "I was introduced to people I suspected were working for the CIA. I was never, myself, 'recruited' to my knowledge. I did sign loyalty oaths---three of them." Judyth Vary Baker, JFKresearch.com post, November 14, 2002 (7:56 AM): "When somebody first suggested i (sic) was CIA connected, I was shocked, it had not been that way in my experience. lee (sic) never said so in so many words." Judyth Vary Baker, JFKresearch.com post, November 15, 2002: "Was it a CIA project? I am not certain even of that, i (sic) assume it because CIA people I now know were involved." Martin Shackelford, alt.assassination.jfk post, July 9, 2003: "There has never been a claim that she was hired 'by the CIA.' You repeat this claim twice, totally without foundation. You also falsely suggest that Judyth claims the cancer project was a direct CIA project." Martin Shackelford, alt.assassination.jfk post, October 28, 2001: "There is no claim that Judyth was a CIA employee." Martin Shackelford, alt.assassination.jfk post, December 17, 2000: "You keep assuming CIA employment is claimed. On what basis?" In a JFKresearch.com post of November 2, 2002, Judyth describes herself as "an untraceable asset." Judyth Vary Baker, JFKresearch.com post, November 20, 2002: "Please, I have been told I was a CIA asset, that my time and labor was used by the CIA. To me, that is working for the CIA, but not as a member of the CIA, and some work I did before New oleans (sic) was also under the table. I will be happy to modify the terminology if it is manifestly misleading people, never my intention." 3. Judyth Vary Baker, biographical blurb posted at Manatee High School alumni website. Online at <http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/sanitize.htm>:"I spoke crude conversational Russian by 1963, when I was introduced in New Orleans to Lee Harvey Oswald." 4. Judyth Vary Baker with Howard Platzman, Ph.D, "Deadly Alliance: Outline of the Conspiracy." Online at <http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/alliance.pdf>: "When Lee was ordered to move to New Orleans in April 1963, he met Judyth by accident (or maybe not) at the new post office." 5. Judyth Vary Baker with Howard Platzman, Ph.D, "Deadly Alliance: Outline of the Conspiracy." Online at <http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/alliance.pdf>: "When Lee was ordered to move to New Orleans in April 1963, he met Judyth by accident (or maybe not) at the new post office." In an e-mail of November 6, 2000, Judyth explains, "I npow (sic) suspect Lee was sent there to check on me b y (sic) ochsner (sic), but I never dreamed of it at the time!" In a statement posted by Wim Dankbaar to JFKresearch.com, November 7, 2002, Judyth states: "I now believe Lee was sent to check me out because I'd arrived two weeks early on invitation from Dr. Ochsner (though i (sic) did check into the 'Y' as he had asked me to)--school got out quicker than in New orleans (sic) because we were on the trimester schedule (I didn't want to face parents and friends because I'd had a recent miscarriage, which is why Robert asked me to marry him, so we could get birth control pills). I now believe that Ochsner sent Lee to check me out, see if I was okay, etc. because he would be able to recognize me (I looked strikingly like (h)is own wife). He never told me this, nor did Ochsner bring it up, but it is the only way i (sic) can account for the fact that Lee and I met April 26, a day after he had arrived in New Orleans, at this brand new post office." 6. Judyth Vary Baker with Howard Platzman, Ph.D, "Deadly Alliance: Outline of the Conspiracy." Online at <http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/alliance.pdf>: "Lee Oswald, a CIA operative . . ." Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, November 13, 2000: "I have a great deal of proof that Lee Oswald warked (sic) for the CIA and was involved, with me, in a get-Castro project." Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, November 16, 2000: "In the end, history will have to accept that Lee Oswald was working for the CIA while in New Orleans, whatever else history wants to say about him. I provide sufficient evidence and inside knowledge to prove it." 7. Judyth Vary Baker, defunct website at Switchboard.com. Online at <http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/sboard.htm>: "When I knew Lee, he was an FBI informant. He also worked closely with persons associated or working for the CIA, though I don't know from which agency Lee himself had been 'borrowed,' for he told me he had been borrowed (---by the CIA?) and was not allowed to tell me what agency he came from." Judyth Vary Baker, JFKresearch.com post, November 14, 2002 (7:56 AM): "When somebody first suggested i (sic) was CIA connected, I was shocked, it had not been that way in my experience. lee (sic) never said so in so many words." 8. Judyth Vary Baker with Howard Platzman, Ph.D, "Deadly Alliance: Outline of the Conspiracy," alternate draft posted to alt.assassination.jfk by Ihateliars1@yahoo.com, October 29, 2001: "There is a (poor) picture of her in the Warren Report standing next to Lee while he was leafleting. There is a resemblance between the girl in the photo and contemporaneous photos of Judyth. The dress pattern in the picture matches close-up photos of a dress Judyth wore in other photos in her possession." Judyth Vary Baker with Howard Platzman, Ph.D, "Deadly Alliance," alternate draft provided to Robert Vernon, posted by Vernon at alt.assassination.jfk, August 30, 2004: "Judyth is 90% certain that Warren Commission exhibit Pizzo 453-B, a photo of the scene, includes her standing near Lee. The picture is blurry, but there is a resemblance between the girl in the photo and contemporaneous photos of Judyth. The dress pattern in the picture matches close-up photos of a dress Judyth wore in other photos in her possession. The original film from which the still was made was recently sent by TV station WDSU, on which it aired, for archiving at the University of New Orleans. The last time we checked, it was still unarchived, in one of many unmarked boxes." 9. Judyth Vary Baker, Internet forum post, May 5 2004 <http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?act=ST&f=126&t=696&hl=&view=findpost&p=4498>: ". . . I did manage to save enough to prove who I was and our affair. Not that there are photos of Lee and me together, none of that. We were both married and we knew we were in a clandestine operation." Martin Shackelford, alt.assassination.jfk post, August 29, 2004: "She has always said this, Dave." 10. Martin Shackelford, alt.assassination.jfk post, July 3, 2003: "Jack Ruby--(Judyth) met (him) once, (he was) introduced as 'Sparky,' . . ." Martin Shackelford, alt.assassination.jfk post, July 11, 2003: "Jack Ruby--(Judyth) met (him) once, (he was) introduced as 'Sparky,' (Judyth) didn't realize until 1999 that 'Sparky' was Jack Ruby." 11. Judyth Vary Baker with Howard Platzman, Ph.D, "Deadly Alliance: Outline of the Conspiracy." Online at <http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/alliance.pdf>: "While Judyth was in Lee's company, she met Jack Ruby twice, in May and June of 1963, once at Ferrie's apartment and once at The 500 Club, a Marcello hang-out." 12. Judyth Vary Baker with Howard Platzman, Ph.D, "Deadly Alliance: Outline of the Conspiracy." Online at <http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/alliance.pdf>: "Lee came to believe his CIA handler, 'Mr. B.,' was actually Phillips." Judyth claims that in his final conversation with her, he instructed her to be sure to remember the name, "David Atlee Phillips." See Judyth Vary Baker, "Before the Silence Came: Lee's Last Telephone Calls," circulated draft of chapter for Deadly Alliance. Online at <http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/endofline.pdf>. Judyth Vary Baker, Internet forum post, June 12, 2004 <http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=693&st=90>: ". . . (M)istakes can happen. Phillips allowed Lee to be seen (by Antonio Veciana Blanch). Lee reported some additional details of this meeting to me." 13. Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, November 12, 2000: "While Lee had reason to believe the man he met in Dallas, introduced to him as 'Bishop' was actually 'Phillips' because he never met 'Phillips' it was always speculation, though based on strong suspicions." Judyth Vary Baker with Howard Platzman, Ph.D, "Deadly Alliance: Outline of the Conspiracy." Online at <http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/alliance.pdf>: "(Oswald's handler) Mr. B may not have been Phillips. Another CIA figure, Frank Bender, one alias of Gerry Droller, was known inside the agency as Mr. B." 14. David Lifton, alt.assassination.jfk post, November 6, 2000, citing his telephone interview with Judyth Vary Baker, March 4, 2000. (Lifton: "How did he (Oswald) know his (Phillips's) name, by the way?" Judyth: "Oh, he met him.") "During the same 24 hour period," Lifton writes, "Judyth spoke with a friend of mine, and made the same statement. She was cross examined vigorously by my friend, and Judyth insisted that was the case." 15. Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, November 12, 2000: "While Lee had reason to believe the man he met in Dallas, introduced to him as 'Bishop' was actually 'Phillips' because he never met 'Phillips' it was always speculation, though based on strong suspicions." 16. Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, November 12, 2000: "While Lee had reason to believe the man he met in Dallas, introduced to him as 'Bishop' was actually 'Phillips' because he never met 'Phillips' it was always speculation, though based on strong suspicions." 17. Judyth Vary Baker, message posted to JFKresearch.com forum by Wim Dankbaar, November 7, 2002: "However, he met with a 'Mr. B' in Texas whom we both believed to be Phillips." 18. Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, November 6, 2000: ". . . Lee and I speculated and concluded that Bishop and Phillips were possibly the same person, Lee seemed certaoin (sic) of it at the end." 19. Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, November 6, 2000: "As you know, Lee told me he met a 'Bishop' in Dallas. While he did not say in an equation that 'Bishop' and 'Phillips' were the same person, I did understand he meant that both those persons were his handlers. The last time lee (sic) spoke to me, he implied they were possibly the same person." 20. Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, November 6, 2000: ". . . Lee and I speculated and concluded that Bishop and Phillips were possibly the same person, Lee seemed certaoin (sic) of it at the end." 21. Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, November 6, 2000: "At the end, Lee said to remember Phillips' name. I do not believe he even said Bishop and Phillips were the same people, EVEN THEN." 22. Judyth Vary Baker, JFKresearch.com post, November 14, 2002 (7:56 AM): Oswald "said he wasn;t (sic) sure about David Atlee Phillips being the person who was responsible, but HE HAD OBTAINED THAT NAME. It had been heard once before in New Orleans at a meeting, the man's actual name, but no understanding of the role. And there were other names we thought were the same man, known to Lee as 'Mr. B.' Frank bender (sic) could have filled that name as well . . ." 23. Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, November 12, 2000: "While Lee had reason to believe the man he met in Dallas, introduced to him as 'Bishop' was actually 'Phillips' because he never met 'Phillips' it was always speculation, though based on strong suspicions." 24. Judyth Vary Baker, message posted to JFKresearch.com forum by Wim Dankbaar, November 7, 2002: "However, he met with a 'Mr. B' in Texas whom we both believed to be Phillips." 25. Judyth Vary Baker with Howard Platzman, Ph.D, "Deadly Alliance: Outline of the Conspiracy." Online at <http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/alliance.pdf>: "Mr. B may not have been Phillips. Another CIA figure, Frank Bender, one alias of Gerry Droller, was known inside the agency as Mr. B." 26. Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, date unknown, posted to alt.assassination.jfk by Ihateliars1@yahoo.com, October 29, 2001: "He told me never forget that David Atlee Phillips was the man who we thought of as in the chess game, we thought he was 'Bishop' and also 'Mr. B.' But I now believe that 'Mr. B' was Bender as bpoth (sic) Phillips and bender (sic) worked together at exactly this time, and sometimes we were amazed that 'Mr. B' or 'Bishop' (yes, I know it sounds bad that we also heard the name 'Bishop') seemed to be in two places at once sometimes. Now I believe it was because both men gave us the impression that they were the same man." 27. Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, November 7, 2000: "For instance, Lee mentioned a 'Mr. B.' When we heard the name 'Bishop' we wondered if this was the 'Mr. B' who had been mentioned by Dave ferrie (sic) and by Carlos Quiroga and some other Cubans such as Sergio A." 28. Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, November 12, 2000: "I was confused until almost the present by thinking that "Mr. B" might be "Bishop." Now i (sic) believe that person to be Frank bender (sic)." 29. Judyth Vary Baker, Internet forum post, June 12, 2004 <http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=693&st=90>: "But Phillips was in town at least once, as 'Mr. Benson'or (sic) 'Mr. Benton.' I can't remember which anymore." 30. The Men Who Killed Kennedy: The Love Affair, 2003 documentary, A & E Home Video: Oswald's handler was "Mr. B, Mr. Bishop, or Benson or whatever, Benton," who Oswald also said was probably David Atlee Phillips. Judyth has elsewhere stated that "Mr. B" could be another person altogether: Gerry Droller, a.k.a. Frank Bender. See for example: Judyth Vary Baker with Howard Platzman, Ph.D, "Deadly Alliance: Outline of the Conspiracy." Online at <http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/alliance.pdf>: "Mr. B may not have been Phillips. Another CIA figure, Frank Bender, one alias of Gerry Droller, was known inside the agency as Mr. B." Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, November 12, 2000: "I was confused until almost the present by thinking that "Mr. B" might be "Bishop." Now i (sic) believe that person to be Frank bender (sic)." 31. The Men Who Killed Kennedy: The Love Affair, 2003 documentary, A & E Home Video: Oswald's handler was "Mr. B, Mr. Bishop, or Benson or whatever, Benton," who Oswald also said was probably David Atlee Phillips. 32. Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, date unknown, posted to alt.assassination.jfk by Ihateliars1@yahoo.com, October 29, 2001: "He told me never forget that David Atlee Phillips was the man who we thought of as in the chess game, we thought he was 'Bishop' and also 'Mr. B.' But I now believe that 'Mr. B' was Bender as bpoth (sic) Phillips and bender (sic) worked together at exactly this time, and sometimes we were amazed that 'Mr. B' or 'Bishop' (yes, I know it sounds bad that we also heard the name 'Bishop') seemed to be in two places at once sometimes. Now I believe it was because both men gave us the impression that they were the same man." Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, November 7, 2000: "For instance, Lee mentioned a 'Mr. B.' When we heard the name 'Bishop' we wondered if this was the 'Mr. B' who had been mentioned by Dave ferrie (sic) and by Carlos Quiroga and some other Cubans such as Sergio A." 33. Black Op Radio, Episode 171, May 13, 2004, Part 1. Online at <http://www.blackopradio.com/black171a.ram>: "Yes, I was introduced once to Guy Banister." See also Martin Shackelford, alt.assassination.jfk post, July 11, 2003: "Guy Banister--met him once, not introduced by name." 34. Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, October 7, 2000: "I met Banister only twice." 35. Judyth Vary Baker with Howard Platzman, Ph.D, "Deadly Alliance: Outline of the Conspiracy." Online at <http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/alliance.pdf>: ". . . ex-FBI man, now-CIA operative, Guy Banister . . ." 36. Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, September 13, 2003: "Dave, I never said Banister had anything to do with the CIA." See also Martin Shackelford, alt.assassination.jfk post, August 5, 2004: "As for his (Banister's) CIA involvement, that remains uncertain among many people, not just Judyth. You've found one meaningless contradiction--congratulations." 37. Martin Shackelford, alt.assassination.jfk post, September 11, 2004: "Inventing imaginary contradictions again, I see, Dave. Judyth SAW Clay Shaw twice. On ONE of those occasions, she MET him. As Howard noted, she didn't KNOW him--just introduced once. I hope reality isn't too complicated and confusing for you, Dave." Phone: Howard Platzman, e-mail to Dave Reitzes, October 9, 2000: "It was in June or so of last year that I first saw Judyth's rambling text. She reports on a call from (a man using the name) Lambert to Reily's and she says, matter of factly, that it was (Clay) Shaw. . . . In another part of her text, she recalls accompanying Lee, Shaw, and Ferrie to the airport, where they (not including her) took an overnight trip to Canada." Hotel trysts: Judyth Vary Baker with Howard Platzman, Ph.D, "Deadly Alliance: Outline of the Conspiracy." Online at <http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/alliance.pdf>: "At the end of August, Shaw paid for the last of several hotel trysts for Judyth and Lee. According to Judyth, Shaw felt sorry for them." 38. Martin Shackelford, alt.assassination.jfk post, July 11, 2003: "Clay Shaw--Judyth met him once. No biggie." 39. Howard Platzman, e-mail to Dave Reitzes, June 19, 2000: "My witness (Judyth) knew Ferrie, not Shaw." 40. Judyth Vary Baker with Howard Platzman, Ph.D, "Deadly Alliance: Outline of the Conspiracy." Online at <http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/alliance.pdf>: "Judyth personally met other plotters, including Banister, Shaw, and Marcello . . ." Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, date unknown, posted to alt.assassination.jfk by Ihateliars1@yahoo.com, October 29, 2001: "It is who i (sic) knew and what they did and what we did that then comes into play: i (sic) was in the center of the effort in New Orleans to kill Castro, and my knowledge makes it clear what went on later, and why. I have also showed how close a relationship Ochsner and Shaw really had, closer than was realized . . ." 41. Judyth Vary Baker, JFKresearch.com post, February 14, 2003: "I have never said Shaw was a co-conspirator. I said Ochsner distanced himself from Shaw deliberately by replacing him at International House March 23, 1962, when he began the project. However (sic), Shaw had his ways to find out what Ochsner was up to, important to us. There's more, this is exhausting me. Many have seen the evidence linking Ochsner, i (sic) have given them a lot of leads." 42. Met with Marcello: Judyth Vary Baker with Howard Platzman, Ph.D, "Deadly Alliance: Outline of the Conspiracy." Online at <http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/alliance.pdf>: "Judyth personally met other plotters, including Banister, Shaw, and Marcello . . ." Black Op Radio, Episode 171, May 13, 2004, Part 1. Online at <http://www.blackopradio.com/black171a.ram>: Judyth plays a portion of an audiotape recording with Anna Lewis Vincent, where Vincent describes a meeting between herself, her late husband David F. Lewis, Judyth, Oswald, Jack Ruby, and Marcello: "So we go to the 500 Club and we met there. There was me, Judy, David, Lee we met with, Carlos Marcellus (sic) and Jack Ruby." Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail to Dave Reitzes, November 6, 2000: "I was in the poor excuse for a library out at the brand new university there when everything was military world war II temporary buildings and quonset (sic) huts and stuff, and blazing sun outside. . . . This was the same day Marcello came by out there, on the brand new grassy area and new sidewalk area there, with mafia, who were visiting from Chicago, in a black limo (usually Marcello didn;t (sic) go that fancy, at least, not that summer). He had a woman in the car with them give Lee and me each a martini -- from the limo. We threw the drinks out but kept the little tray and the two glasses." "That Little Thing": Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, November 22, 2000 (writing about herself in the third person): "If you have any witness out there who rememvers (sic) 'that little thing' as Carlos Marcello and others called her . . . now is the time to bring out what you know." Spared by Marcello: Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, November 22, 2000 (writing about herself in the third person): "In the end, Lee Oswald was murdered for his part in penetrating the assassination ring he had joined in hopes of destroying. Judyth, liked by Marcello, was spared IF she would keep her mouth shut and withdraw from the medical community. Judyth complied." Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, September 27, 2000: "Don't worry, I'm safe, because they respect Carlos Marcello's original order to leave me alone so long as I do not mention the names of anybody still alive, or too close to anybody alive, and i (sic) have not and will not. I would be the deadest meat in the world if I said everything i (sic) know." Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail to Dave Reitzes, October 7, 2000: ". . . (O)ne of the things that saved me was Carlos' (sic) Marcello's fondness for me and my favorite girlfriend in New Orleans." Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, November 7, 2000: "I was fortnate (sic) in that carlos (sic) marcello (sic), just as he did for Anna, was kind enough to protect me from harm. It was his personal word that I would not talk." Tabs picked up by Marcello: Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail to Terry Mauro, posted by Mauro to JFKresearch.com, December 29, 2002: "I ate with Lee downtown, we had free access to The Five Hundred Club, a free tab, had to pay nothing, same for Court of Two Sisters and a couple of other places run by Marcello's people, where we could come in as long as it wasn;t (sic) night-time and order anything we wanted, tab on Marcello." Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, October 29, 2000: ". . . Lee liked to take me to places called 'Lee' just for a blast. That is why we also went out to thre (sic) House of lkee (sic) and I (sic) found out that critter was in tight with the mafia, because the meal was free(Marcello (sic) paid the tab wherever we went where the mob owned or part-owned a place." Judyth Vary Baker, e-mail, October 2, 2000: ". . . THESE WERE NIGHTCLUBS...let's see, Five Hundred Club, House of Lee (restaurant, only one), Court of Two (or was it three) Sisters, and hotel meals, almost all of them lunches and a few early dinners because we did this during the day. . . . (T)hey brought the tab over, and Lee scribbled something on it, but it was shown to us 'paid' at Five Hundred Club. Other places, the tab was picked up later when Lee gave them the bill. If Marcello was ever present in a place and we were also there, the couple of times that happened, he had the bill presented to lee (sic) and it was signed, paid off." 43. Martin Shackelford, alt.assassination.jfk post, July 11, 2003: "Carlos Marcello--(Judyth has) never claimed to have spoken with him." Martin Shackelford, alt.assassination.jfk post, July 10, 2003: At most, Judyth describes "seeing Marcello in a public place in New Orleans . . ." 44. "Before the Silence Came: Lee's Last Telephone Calls," draft chapter from Judyth's manuscript, posted by Robert Vernon at alt.assassination.jfk, August 30, 2004: "Lee himself knew that Richard Nagell, one of his doppelgangers, had purposely gotten himself arrested for fear of being set up as a patsy. Nagell carried Lee's Hidell name -- a name used by more than one person I had heard about----and other incriminating ID. Nagell let it be known that he refused to become a designated patsy. He may have thought Lee was the real thing, Lee told meC (sic) that perhaps Castro had commissioned Lee to kill the President. Having heard of some of the escape plans that Lee was trying to form in an attempt, of course, to get out of Dallas after he had done all he could (and not to kill, but to save, though Nagell didn;t (sic) know that), Richard Case Nagell, fearing he'd be set up in Lee's place, may have deliberately got himself arrested and out of the action." 45. Martin Shackelford, alt.assassination.jfk post, September 12, 2003: "Citing Richard Case Nagell, he (John McAdams) assumes she is referring to Nagell when she only had a vague recollection of a 'Nagy or Nagell.' Many researchers will recognized (sic) the name Nagy as well, so it's hardly a given that she heard 'Nagell.'" 46. Mentor: "Judyth's Story," outline provided to Robert Vernon on December 23, 1999, posted by Vernon at alt.assassination.jfk, August 30, 2004: "Judyth had already achieved a reputation as a child prodigy in cancer research. Her mentor, Dr. Alton Ochsner, of the famed Ochsner Cancer Clinic (sic) in New Orleans . . ." The Men Who Killed Kennedy: The Love Affair, 2003 documentary, A & E Home Video: "On top of that, he'd (Ochsner) been telling me what to do for a couple of years now, and was interested in everything I was doing." Worked for Ochsner: The Men Who Killed Kennedy: The Love Affair, 2003 documentary, A & E Home Video: "In the spring of 1963 Judyth was invited to join Dr. Ochsner in New Orleans on a temporary assignment. It was an exciting offer for the young scientist. The Ochsner Clinic and its founder were world-renowned." Judyth states, "Dr. Alton Ochsner . . . said he needed me there and that he wanted me to work in the bone cancer lab with Dr. Mary Sherman." Later, according to Judyth, Ochsner was persuaded by Lee Oswald to use Judyth on a different, clandestine project involving the assassination of Fidel Castro. The Men Who Killed Kennedy: The Love Affair, 2003 documentary, A & E Home Video: "Shortly after moving in, Judyth had a meeting with Alton Ochsner at this hospital (Charity Hospital of Louisiana), her first since arriving in New Orleans. She did not go alone." Judyth: "Lee accompanied me there and told me that he had to go in first to talk to Dr. Ochsner. This made me recognize that he had already had a prior association with Ochsner. When I went in Dr. Ochsner began to explain to me . . . about the project that he had been working on for over a year. And this clearly had to do with working with these deadly cancer strains that he knew I was well adept at handling. The idea was to try and get Castro ill, very ill, and eliminated through what seemed a natural cause, in this case cancer. . . . At any rate, at the end of the summer, he promised me that I would skip two years of school, go directly into medical school, at Tulane Medical School. Of course, how could I say no?" Miscellaneous references to Ochsner: Judyth Vary Baker (neworleans63@aol.com), post to alt.conspiracy.jfk and alt.assassination.jfk, June 3, 2002: "Dr. Ochsner met both me and Lee Oswald at Charity Hospital a couple of times. We went into a small room that was set aside, like many others there, to see patients." Judyth Vary Baker (neworleans63@aol.com), post to alt.conspiracy.jfk and alt.assassination.jfk, June 4, 2002: "Once I was asked to meet Dr. O. -- by myself -- at Tulane Medical Library. . . . I only met Dr. O. four or five times. . . . Anybody who thinks this man was a pleasant fellow who smiled and did surgery and somehow had all these important latinos (sic) in high places using him as their personal physician by some kind of luck -- who had Clint Murchison financing entire buildings and Mr. hunt (sic) sending him cadillacs (sic) or whatever---if you think this man was a benign sweetie, you did not know the man I knew. He was violently inclined. He had a terrible temper and several times on the telephone yelled at me and thrashed me verbally so hard that he made me cry." 47. Martin Shackelford, alt.assassination.jfk post, August 29, 2004: "Judyth DOESN'T 'claim' to have 'worked for' Alton Ochsner--there was no formal relationship there." See also Martin Shackelford, alt.assassination.jfk post, August 29, 2004: "She says that she worked on a secret project that (Ochsner) initiated--she worked for Ferrie, supervised by Dr. Mary Sherman--Ochsner had no direct involvement . . ." 48. Judyth Vary Baker with Howard Platzman, Ph.D, "Deadly Alliance: Outline of the Conspiracy." Online at <http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/alliance.pdf>: "Fearing he was a dead man if he tried to break with the conspirators at this point, he (Oswald) would join them, walking with eyes wide open into the patsy role." 49. Judyth Vary Baker, post to JFKresearch.com, December 31, 2002: " . . . (Oswald) knew he was being ste (sic) up but thought he would be killed. I do not think he thought he'd be made a patsy, and, as he thought he would be killed, and I don't think he thought he'd be proclaimed as the killer...this element may have shocked him." 50. Judyth Vary Baker, interview for Dutch media (http://www.omroep.nl), originally broadcast in streaming audio on April 23, 2003: "Oh, I knew what was going to happen. I was working at a lab where I had been placed making special chemicals for our project in Florida and they all got chairs out to watch the assassination on TV. . . . And I saw it happen on TV, and we had worked so hard to stop that from happening." 51. Martin Shackelford, alt.assassination.jfk post, September 29, 2003 (responding to David Lifton): "Her co-workers in Florida 'knew the assassination was going to happen?' Not true, David. They gathered to watch the coverage--AFTERWARDS. Once again, you got it totally wrong. But perhaps you're just not a good listener, David." Dave
  13. http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/roscoe1.gif
  14. http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/rickywhite.gif According to this document the FBI acknowledged the existence of the diary. I guess this is the diary that Ricky claimed was stolen from him. Then the FBI took over the investigation. Sounds familiar. Wim
  15. John, Thanks, The gun you pictured is not easily concealed. It does not fit in a briefcase. Moreover, it has a silencer. The grassy knoll gun did not seem to have one (Mary Woodward: There was an ear-shattering sound from behind us) Do you believe Charles Nicoletti was one of the shooters? Do you believe Johnny Roselli was in Dallas? You might want to write Files a letter. He'll respond to you. Wim JF – The original plan was that we would be shooting at a fast moving target. And Nicoletti had no military experience and I already had advised him that he would have to shoot high and the target would be running away from him. That he would have to shoot above the head. And we were going for a headshot, I told him “it’s going to be hard for you to hit him from there”. ------------ J – Tell me about these mercury loads. Can you describe them ? JF – Well, it was a 22 round and he took the tips off, he drilled them out and he inserted with an eyedrop, he put mercury into the end of the round and he restilled them with wax. This is to make them explode on impact. ---------------------- JF – Wolfman, when I contacted him after all this went down, and this is several years later, this is when I first met Joe West and Joe West had come here and visited me, we talked and he asked me: Do you think this party called Wolfman would talk to me? And Joe asked me what his real name was and I told him: I won’t divulge that but I will call him and talk to him. So I called him on the phone and I told him I was talking to Joe West from Texas, and he wanted to know who Joe was and I explained all this to him and I said: Joe would very much like to interview you. I did not give Joe West your name but I told him that you was the one that manufactured the special rounds. He made six rounds for me to take to Texas, all mercury loaded. I said: He wants to talk to you very much. Will you talk with him? And he said: Get back to me! I’ll let you know. He said: I wanna check a few things. The following week Wolfman was dead. ----------------- JF – What I believe is this : ….. And I got my readings as a marksman, I’m a good shooter, always was, I’m not bragging on my stuff, don’t get me wrong, but that’s what got me my start with David Phillips. Because of something that I did in the service, and I made a mark there and it’s on record and it’s recorded, for headshots, for what I did, and the things that I did. But anyway, to make a long story short, as I am preparing to squeeze off my round, Kennedy’s head moved forward, just as I squeezed. It was already in process, the head started forward. To me … what I believe is, … and I did not see, let me clear the fact now, I never saw Mr. Nicoletti shoot Kennedy, but I know he was the man in the Daltex building, the man supposed to be doing the shooting. Therefore the head started forward and as far as I am concerned Mr Nicoletti hit him at that point. As I squeezed off my round, the head started forward, I hit it and blew the head backwards. ----------- You know, and to me .. a lot of people are going to think I am probably sick, but when you get into a firefight, that was the ultimate high. I ‘ve never used drugs in my life. A firefight to me, being in the service, that was one of the greatest things there was. It was the ultimate high. And at this point, when you’re stalking down somebody, and this particular thing … it stopped me from hunting animals alltogethre. When I was young I used to love to go shoot deer, rabbit, squirls, whatever I could get, pheasants. ------------------- J – Where did you get hold of a prototype weapon like the XP-100? JF – It was given to me by David Phillips. I had received this maybe a year prior or 8 months. A year prior to the assassination. The gun had been used twice before on assassinations, but nobody like a president or nothing. It was good for using … if you want to get into a close place area or somewhere …. somebody might say why use a pistol? Well, anybody that knows their weapons, this particular piece is very accurate. Very accurate up to a 100 yards. At a 100 feet I’m talking about , we’re shooting now from the grassy knoll down to the highway, to the street there, we’re talking roughly 30, 35 yards. We’re only talking a 100 feet, this is like shooting fish in a barrel. And especially with a 3 power scope on it. But the weapon had been used before, you could put it in a briefcase, you could walk anywhere with it, nobody would pay any attention to it. The case I had set up, I had a little loading press inside for it, in case I had to manufacture anything, I had a little holder for all the special rounds that were in it. Everything was packed, foam rubber inside, the case was watertight, waterproof.
  16. I can recommend this DVD: http://www.jfkii.com Wim
  17. Thanks John, The guy is Al Carrier, a motorcycle patrol cop from California, who seemingly has made it his mission to discredit Files (and me) on the JFKLancer forum, based on the alledged impossibility of the XP-100 to have been the weapon delivering the fatal headshot from the grassy knoll as Files decribed it. As for the choice of weapon for this particular job, let me quote Files himself: 1994: I told him I would like to use the Fireball. He said why that one? He said you've only got one shot. I said one shot's all I'm gonna get anyway if I wait until the last moment of fire and I may not fire, I said, and it's easy to conceal and I carry it in a briefcase and nobody will pay any attention to me and it's easier to walk away from there. ----------- Shortly before the motorcade came, I went back up there and started securing myself in a better position so I'd be able to reach the attache case at that point ...the briefcase...I knew once that I opened the briefcase up and pulled the weapon out, nobody's gonna be looking at me, the motorcade would be coming...making its first time...and I wouldn't have to remove the Fireball from the briefcase until approximately... they made the first turn on Elm Street there and I would have plenty of time at that point 2003: Chuck said: We’re going for a head shot now. I said: This I understand, I realize this. He said: You are not going to fire unless it becomes a necessity. He says: If I miss, then it’s gonna be up to you. He says: But you don’t fire, unless I miss. It’s gonna be your call at that point. So you got to be very alert on this. And I told him: Don’t worry about me. I got it, boss! And he said: What are you gonna use? I said: I’m gonna use the Fireball. And he looked at me and he says: Why? Why the Fireball? Now, the Fireball, for people who don’t know what a Fireball is, it’s like a cutdown rifle. It’s actually basically this long. It’s a weapon that was well ahead of its time, this was one of the prototypes, the agency had gotten a hold of it, it had been manufactured by Remington. Now, a lot of people are gonna tell you that this particular weapon was not available at that time. But this weapon was available. It didn’t go on sale untill a few years later. But this weapon had been manufactured as early as in 1961. We had a lot of trouble with the barrel blowing up when we used too big a round on it or something, overloads in it. A lot of problems with it, but they finally reinforced the barrel, we got it where it worked pretty good. And Chuck asked me: “Why the Fireball? Because you’ve only got one shot!” Because the Remington Fireball 2.22 is a single shot bolt action pistol and you can mount a scope on it. “Well, if I’m gonna wait untill you are through, I said, I’m gonna get one shot anyway, so it doesn’t really matter! Because I’ll never get a chance for a second shot. Because I will wait till the last possible moment.” He said: Okay, it’s your call! ---------------------- JF – Oh, I don’t know who was splattered I think one of the agents, probably one of the Secret Service agents riding on the back of the car. I am only assuming, I will say they probably got splattered because there was stuff everywhere. But one other thing I want to point out about the Remington .222 Fireball. It’s a high velocity pistol, the round travels aproximately 3180 feet per second. Now then, for this type of weapon there is very little recoil. Now a lot of people say there is a lot of recoil, it’s gonna jump and you can see nothing. And I have had a lot of criticism over the years over this here. So I’d like for somebody to go out to a firing range somewhere, a gunstore and take one of these particular types of weapons that carry a .222 round. You’re gonna find very little recoil. Especially when you are using an extended barrel weapon with a scope on it. You have the weight to hold it down, it’s not jumping and bouncing, you’re not shooting a 44 or 45. BTW, what makes you think it is unlikely that Files fired the shot? Wim
  18. The Roscoe White story has pretty much gone down into history as a hoax. I know too little of it to judge whether this is justified or not. I do know that the main debunkers have been Gary Mack and Dave Perry. Are there any researchers here, who can shed a light on it? For example, I would like to know if Ricky White ever admitted his story was a forgery. He seems to have vanished into anonymity. Another question is if the FBI did indeed take the original diary from him? Wim
  19. Congrats. How did you find them? Wim By the way, I'd appreciate your comments on this: "Wim Fabricating Truth of the XP-100 on his website" While the Lancer Forum was down, I took the time to browse some of the other JFK Assassination sites, as well as re-read a considerable amount of testimony from the WC, HSCA and ARRB. While doing this, I took some time on Wim Dankbarr’s JFKMurdersolved website and more carefully read his postings on the XP-100. Since Wim was confident enough to post this on his site, then I believe it is fair game and the readers should know what a crock it is. I have posted several times on the forum of the unlikelihood of a weapon such as the XP-100 being utilized a weapon of choice on the knoll in DP. Wim took a portion of those postings and challenged it on his site by using a gunshop owner by the name of Dan who knows as much about guns as Wim does. Maybe that is why he was so confident to post Dan’s reply which in itself, did not address my concerns, with exception of the recoil factor, and that was even laughable. I have stated time and again that this would not be a weapon of choice due to it being a handgun that is poorly balanced in the offhand manner of support, is difficult to pan a moving target (especially in the case of DP with a varying vertical, horizontal and speed range), is a one-shot weapon within this timeline of the shots as it has to be reloaded by hand, and the fact that Files or anyone else could not have followed such a close range shot through an optic or through naked eye to impact as he claims. The time in flight of such a shot was (2600fps at 90 feet) was .034 seconds. Consider the recoil of the weapon which would interfere with LOS and the startle reaction from the detonation and recoil, this is humanly impossible. Wim posted Dan challenging my recoil issue by comparing the Oswald rifle of 6.5mm MC to a 7.65mm. He states that the 6.5mm is slightly less than the 7.65mm. He is accurate with the 7.65mm 180gr recoil energy of roughly 19lbs, but fails to list the 6.5mm MC as it is roughly 12lbs. This is slightly less. He then refers to the .221 at 50gr of the XP-100 at 5-7lbs. What he fails to address, as he is incapable of understanding obviously is that the manageable recoil energy is not even comparable as one is dealing with a shoulder mounted weapon while the other is dealing with a hand held, extended arm handgun. To put this into perspective, lets compare the Remington XP-100 in .223 55gr at 7lbs and the Remington 700 in the same .223 at the same 7lbs. The XP-100 has to be controlled by the arms and hands while the 700 receives and controls the energy through the shoulder and into the upper trunk of the body. A weight dispersion difference of some 70%. This is like comparing shooting a full stock shotgun in comparison to a pistol grip shotgun fired in the off-hand mode. Which will produce more rise and recoil? Wim then follows it up with John Ritchson, Marine Veteran of the 2nd TET in VN and Gunsmith, who refers to the manageable recoil of the XP-100 to his .44 magnum. I was generous in my previous posts and compared it to my .41 magnum of slightly less recoil then the .44 magnum. Both having extensive recoil for a handgun. John then goes into fantasyland with his ability to thread a needle with his .44 at 150yds. While Wim tried to make a case for his Files theory, in doing so, he simply proved how ridiculous it is. In closing, I would like to point out how he lists the XP-100 as the “Most Accurate Weapon in the World”. Maybe he should check with Remington to get their opinion on that. Does anyone else wonder why the XP-100 is still under the classification of Experimental Pistol and why it is minimally manufactured and sold as simply a novelty weapon? Some snipers choice, eh? Al
  20. The last few minutes of the interview I had with James Files: This is not on the DVD as it is rather messy and does not pertain to the assassination. In fact we had ended the official part and I think James didn't even know the camera was still running. http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/reviews.htm
  21. Wim, Yes i watched the interview. I was very surprised with the depth he goes into in some areas. There are some hazy areas and i have my doubts about a few things he said but a lot of what he says makes sense and appears to be truthful, I understand that there was a vsa (voice stress analysis) done on him and he passed. The VSA tests were done "before my time". Although the results were positive, I do not put faith or value in VSA or lie detector tests. They have put innocent people in jail, and got liars off the hook. They can also be manipulated. That is why I removed them from the website. The several attempts on his life are quite astounding and very murky indeed. I know a lot of people don't take Files seriously but I have to say he warrants a second look and further in depth study, have you any plans to make a documentary with footage of interviews and other evidence intersliced? I'd rather keep that for myself at this time. I trust you understand. He seemed to have had trouble with your accent a few times! Yes At first I thought that it may be a little tedious watching the same camera angle for a few hours but what he had to say was extremely interesting. Did Giancana ever mention him or did any other mob figure that you know of? Giancana did not mention him in any public sources that I know of, but then again, did he ever mention Charles Nicoletti for example? If you mean to verify whether Files worked for Charles Nicoletti, that has been confirmed by many others fom the Chicago milieu. He said Oswald could drive which was a bit odd, also Ed Hoffmans and Lee Bowers account of seeing 2 men by the fence is odd, perhaps he is beefing up his own reputation or is protecting someone else. Aside for the question whether Hoffman is cerdible or not, there is no doubt in my mind that Files was not alone behind the picket fence. He was also not the only one firing from the front. Whether Files was aware of others, is an entirely different question. Personally I believe he was not, he could be protecting them, but I just think he was was not aware of their presence. Keep in mind there were a lot of cars parked there, and this was a highly compartimentalized operation with people operating on a need to know basis. Likewaise he was not aware that people were assigned to kill Oswald, untill the guy showed up at this motel. Did he ever mention E Howard Hunt? Not to me, but you can ask only so many questions in 3 hours. It does not necessarily mean he knows nothing about Hunt. As you know, he did see Sturgis there. On a side note, the story of Chauncey Holt deserves more attention. He is a dynamite witness, much stronger than Files, if only his story would be known to the world in more detail, instead of only to a handfull insiders. Wim A lot of questions there for you? Once again thanks for the dvd, great work. John
  22. Hi John, Did you form an opinion on the Files interview? I just got this in: Dear Wim, I just received the Files interview , Monday. It is both astounding and informative. I hate to use a cliche, but truth IS stranger than fiction. I have studied James Files for many years, and I find his statements to be highly accurate. This is the best interview of Files that I have ever seen. This is a "must see" for every serious student of the JFK Assassination! And you can quote me.
  23. Hey Don, that's the greatest poll I've ever seen, especially with all the different motives listed. Very complete too. I think 'll make a link to it from my website. What you should add is a ranking or percentage list of the number of voters to show how many options they chose. You could do it like this for example: Voters with 7 options marked 345 Voters with 4 options marked 267 Voters with 5 options marked 202 Voters with 3 options marked 156 Voters with 6 options marked 97 Voters with 1 options marked 21 or like this: Voters with 11 options marked 0 % Voters with 10 options marked 0% Voters with 9 options marked 0% Voters with 8 options marked 15% Voters with 7 options marked 11% Voters with 6 options marked 21 ...... Voters with 1 options marked 5% Or any other way you prefer. You could also do another poll: Who were actual shooters in the JFK murder? And the list a bunch of names people can choose from, like Sarti, Bocognani, Soutre, Pironti, Harrelson, Nicoletti, Sturgis, Nicoletti, Oswald, Files , Roselli, Herminio Garcia Diaz, Eladio del Valle, Morales, Jack Lawrence and on and on and on. Dave Perry publishes a list somewhere. Wim
  24. http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/465.JPG http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/466.JPG Page 466 of Double Cross, Gianacana's biography states that it was rumored that one of Trafficante's exile friends alledgedly sent to Dallas as triggermen for the hit, was a "former Havana vice cop, turned mobster" which would be roughly applicable for Posada. The description of a US customs agent is a fit for Cesar Disosdado, who showed up at Antonio Veciana's house days after the assassination to inquire what Veciana knew about the Kennedy Assassination. Veciana said he knew nothing, and Diosdado seemed satisfied. Wim
  25. James, Very little new in there for me, but re-enforcing. When and where was this article published? Is this Cele Castillo still around? Why did he not mention that Felix is a close personal friend of George HW and that it was George who recruited Felix for the Bay of Pigs? Wim
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