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Wim Dankbaar

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Everything posted by Wim Dankbaar

  1. Ron, The problem matching Rogers with the short tramp is that only pictures of a YOUNG Charles Rogers are available for comparison. To the non-expert the short tramp may not look like much like young Charles Rogers. There is a good 20 years of age diferrence between them. However looks can change with age, but not facial structure and features. Every single dimension and facial feature of the short tramp (including height) up to the eye wrinkles, is an EXACT match for Rogers. Moreover two contemprary witnesses of Rogers at an older age, who knew Rogers, picked him out IMMEDIATELY from the tramps photographs. Chuck Rolland of Houston ice skating rink, and a girl friend who dated Rogers. I guess you didn't know that. I recommend you to read "The man on the grassy knoll", by John Craig and Philip Rogers (no relatation) If the short tramp is Rogers, and I have no doubt he is, then it only re-inforces Holt's story. Wim
  2. John, I do not refute Gedney, Doyle and Abrams because I believe in Chauncey Holt, Harrelson and Rogers. I refute them because of their absolutely ridiculously weak evidence. They are no match for the three tramps as photographed 7 times in Dealey Plaza. And have you ever heard of arrests in connection with the killing of a president, without mugshots and fingerprints? I give it a < 10% chance that Abrams, Doyle and Gedney were indeed tramps arrested in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63. But then they were not the tramps in the photographs. I give it a > 90% chance they are just a disinfo story for damage control on Chauncey Holt's story. And I know beyond ANY doubt his story is TRUE. Wim PS: I also believe Hunt was involved and in Dallas that day. But not as a "tramp". In fact, the jury found he WAS in Dallas that day. Ask Mark Lane. He won a 1985 lawsuit regarding that.
  3. There are two witnesses who put Judyth and Lee together as lovers. Most other witnesses are either dead (like Sherman, Ferrie and Banister to name a few) or afraid to talk. There are no (public) documents to put Oswald and Ochsner together. You can be sure this would not be in Ochsner's interest and that he has done his best to avoid any paper trail on this connection, given the sensitivity and secrecy of these operations. So ... No, unfortunately there are no such documents available that I know of. Did you you know that in conspiracy law, circumstancial evidence is enough? Judyth has answered me about the claims of Dave Reitzes, who is a staunt follower of John Mcadams in my book. I am sure she will answer you once she sees this post. Personally I would not dignify any of Reitszes' claims with a response. His methods are despicable in my view. Bill, would you please tell me a little more about yourself? Such as your interest in the JFK assassination, when it started, what you believe, what you studied and if you have published or written anything on the case? You are a new member and I have never seen your name before. Are you "a new kid on the block" or have you been around a lot longer? Thanks in advance, Wim
  4. Another little tidbit that fits in with Ms. Baker's scenario is that Hoover's good buddy Clint Murchison was a regular visitor to the Ochsner clinic. According to Judyth Murchison gave Ochsner a new black caddillac every year. This was the caddillac that Ferrie, Shaw and Oswald were seen in by all those witnesses in Clinton, that were quizzed by Jim Garrison. Wim And by the way, with "good guys" I just mean people without any hidden or personal agendas, not necessarily people who don't agree with me. For example, I count Schackelford as a "good guy", but we disagree on a number of things, especially James Files and Chauncey Holt.
  5. Bill, I can only give you evidence FOR Judyth's veracity. "Evidence" against her would have to be provided by others. I tend to see them as the "usual suspects" and their "evidence" should be scrutinised with a magnifying glass. Here is a link between Ochner, his INCA anti-communist organisation and Lee Harvey Oswald. As you can see Ochsner was quick to promote Lee as the disaffected lone nut commie assassin, while in fact Lee was working for him in the Cancer bioweapon-project aimed against Castro. http://www.conelrad.com/media/atomicmusic/....php?platter=19 Again, let me know if you want more. Wim PS: And thank you, John Simkin, your post reassures me that you're one of the "good guys". Sometimes it's hard to distinguish.
  6. For many years conspiracy theorists believed that the three tramps were involved in the assassination. Charles Harrelson, Chauncey Holt, Charles Frederick Rogers and E. Howard Hunt have all been named as possible tramps. Many conpiracy supporters still believe that. I for one am CERTAIN that Holt, Harrelson and Rogers were the 3 tramps. Jack White and Alan Weberman f.e. are supporters of Hunt and Sturgis In 1989 the Dallas City Council voted to release all city records having to do with the assassination. Journalist Mary La Fontaine, found the arrest records that showed the tramps to be: Harold Doyle, John Forester Gedney and Gus W. Abrams. Ray and Mary LaFontaine traced Harold Doyle, who was now living in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Gedney was located in Melbourne, Florida. Both men confirmed they were the tramps in the photograph. These "arrest records" were planted most likely as damage control for Chauncey Holt's story. They do not have fingerprints and arrest photographs. Duh? This is an arrest in conncetion with the President of the USA! Why? Because mugshots and fingerprints would demolish the Gedney, Doyle and Abrams fabrication. Fortunately, you don't have to be a facial recognition expert to see that even the grandpa-like pictures of Doyle, Gedney and Abrams are the opposite of a match with the three tramps. Gus Abrams, the oldest of the tramps, was dead. But researcher Kenneth Formet interviewed his sister, with whom he had lived the last 15 years of his life. She confirmed that her brother was the third man in the picture. I'd like to hear a tape see a transcript of that interview! http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/lois1.htm This is Lois Gibson, the world most famous facial expert, at the en of her slide presentation of the three tramps: All I can say is that if these are not the men who I say they are, then it's just such an amazing coincidence that Charles Frederick Rogers, who was an excellent shot, a pilot, who was proficient in spanish and russian, and who was probably in the CIA, ... and he is the only identifiable suspect in the double murder of his parents, he dismembered them and then put them in the refrigerator, which would be .... I think you would guess that if you think about this murder scene, it was a means to gain time. To store the bodies so that they would not smell and so that he could get his affairs in order before he had to leave town. So here is a man that looks just like him, at the scene after Kennedy was shot. Behind him is a man who is known ... he is a suspect in two other murders, in the Doolittle murder in Corpus Christi, .... Charles Harrelson, and then he was convicted of a murder of a federal judge, for hire, he was paid to murder that judge. Another excellent shot, this man is an excellent marksman. And then behind him is a man that looks exactly like Chauncey Holt, who SAYS he was there. Who is also an excellent shot. And who said he worked for the mob and for the CIA. Editor's note: And who identified the other two as Charles Harrelson and Richard Montoya, which was an alias that Charles Rogers used. So it's just a coincidence that all three of these men, who were nefarious, criminal types ..., two of which were murder suspects, one convicted. It's just a coincidece that they are in Dealey Plaxa, and being arrested by the police officers after Kennedy was shot. Now, I said ... I say that the old tramp is Chauncey Holt. And that the short tramp is Charles Frederick Rogers And all I can say, there is a detective named Jim Benford, he is at the Houston Police Department. we have a double homicide in Houston, Texas, that is still unsolved. If you know where this man is, call him at 713 308 3600. Because we like to talk to this man. We believe he murdered his parents. And then of course Charles Harrelson ... is the blond-headed tramp. And why do we have to go though all this? The Dallas Police Department arrested three men, right after the president of the United States is killed .... and they do not photograph those men ... Everyone knows that if you are arrested, even for a minor crime, you get fingerprinted and you get photographed. And if THEY had photographs, then they would show me by now .. they could come and show me that "No, this isn't Charles Harrelson!... "No, this is not Chauncey Holt! This is not Charles Rogers!" They could show me these pictures and say: "Gosh, it's just guys that look just like them!" But they don't have pictures. Law enforcement people have taken pictures of people they arrest since after the Civil War. For sure it was a common practice by the nineteentwenties! And where are the fingerprints? They don't have them! And what DID happen that day? Chauncey knew! Chauncey told us. They were walked to the police department and then they were let go, out the back door. Not being photographed. So because of the Dallas Police Department ... and why did the Dallas Police Department not photograph these men? So they could tell me "No, this is not these men. It's just other people that look just like them." That's the question I wanna know! Why weren't they photographed, why weren't they fingerprinted?
  7. Do you recognize anyone else? Is it for example, William Seymour? Did you know he worked for the Double-Chek Corporation <{POST_SNAPBACK}> http://xooberant.com/Barry+who/index.html The only one you can be 100% sure of is Barry Seal 3rd left. The man that Hopsicker claims is Frank Sturgis is actually Tosh Plumlee (according to Plumlee himself). Anyone can see it is NOT Sturgis by comparing with these: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/sturgis.htm Also, look at where Sturgis is wearing his watch. However it is an exact match for Tosh, who is left handed, wearing his watch right, up to the dark eyebrows and the greasy rolled back hairlock: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/TOSHTRANS1.htm
  8. Start with this and let me know when you want to have more: There are still people who deny Judyth was a cancer researcher. There is even a %4#@ who claims she did not live in New Orleans at the time, because he believes his own lies that "she got the streets wrong". http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/Robertletter.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/Robertletter1.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/checkfront.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/Bankstatement.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/judyth1.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/judyth2.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/judyth3.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/judyth4.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/judyth5.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/judyth6.jpg
  9. John, you might try Gordon Winslow's website: http://cuban-exile.com/ Search for Interpen Wim Your keyword(s), Interpen, appeared on the following pages: FOREIGNERS AIDING the CUBAN Cause - F-G (/doc_351-375/doc0357f.html) FOREIGNERS AIDING the CUBAN Cause - H (/doc_351-375/doc0357h.html) Master Researcher Directory 1999 Edition (/doc_051-075/doc0068.html) No Name Key group, Tom Dunkin to Dick Billings (/doc_076-100/doc0090.html) Gerald Patrick Hemming: Personal Background (/doc_126-150/doc0149.html) Researcher Directory 2001 Edition (/doc_226-250/doc0236.html) HSCA PHOTO BOOK - House Select Committee on Assassinations (/doc_226-250/doc0244.html) Note: If you are using Netscape, you can refine your keyword search by chosing "find" from the button bar and finding your keyword on whichever of the above pages you call up.
  10. Judyth, You make only one error in this narrative, one you could not know probably: Vernon was aware that Zack Shelton traveled from Beaumont to Dallas to come and see your evidence. Vernon did not like it, but I told him up front that Zack was on his way. As for the initial message of this thread, I believe the members here are smart enough to judge it on its merits as it is. That's why I posted it myself from another forum. Wim
  11. For those who do not understand immediately: The subject of this message is Retired FBI agent Zack Shelton Wim PRODUCER UNCOVERS FBI AGENT WHO CREATED A HOAX IN MURDER OF JFK For Immediate Release San Francisco, California In one of the most startling discoveries since the public execution of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963, entertainment producer Robert G. Vernon of California has uncovered clear, credible evidence that an active FBI agent (prior to the agent’s retirement) created and nurtured a hoax to cover up the past discrepancies of former FBI agents and FBI Directors in the death of United States President John F. Kennedy. Vernon issued a formal written complaint to the Texas Board of Public Safety and to the United States Department of Justice with regard to his findings on August 24, 2004. In the complaint, Vernon provides documentation and factual information regarding the hoax which, according to Vernon, began in approximately 1980 and has continued for almost a quarter of a century into 2004. “I became interested in the JFK assassination right after I was involved in busting Rev. Jimmy Swaggart in 1987. My interest came from my video taping a debate between former New Orleans District attorney Jim Garrison and mob lawyer Melvin Belli, both now deceased, in 1987. When I first became truly involved in the JFK assassination research community in 1992, I was provided with certain information which originated from the FBI agent. I was extremely skeptical of this information because of the source, but as I continued to look into the situation, I discovered that it could well be plausible. For over 12 years, I actually felt that the info and evidence may have some merit. I have recently discovered clear proof and evidence that my original skepticism was warranted and that the FBI agent created and perpetrated this absolutely incredible hoax. Where he made his biggest mistake is that he never thought I could ever get my hands on the one official FBI document that proves the hoax started with him. He was wrong. I have that document. And that is not the only mistake he made and that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the evidence I now have in my possession. I have made my position clear in my formal written complaint,” says Vernon. Robert G. Vernon started production in August of 2004 on a special investigative report television program which shows how this hoax was created and developed by the FBI agent. This special report is called “JFK HOAXES” and will be made available to worldwide television broadcasters and distributors in November of 2004. Vernon’s formal complaint will be made available to law enforcement officials at the Federal level and to law enforcement officials of the State of Texas at their request and with presentation and verification of their credentials by Vernon and his legal counsel. Robert G. Vernon will also provide a copy of his formal complaint to network broadcast news departments and to the Associated Press at their request and with presentation and verification of their credentials by Vernon and his legal counsel. CONTACT: Robert G. Vernon 925.218.1956 Email: bobkat2000@comcast.net
  12. Paul Kerrigan wrote: And why is no policeman described by Lee Bowers, whom we know was actually in Dealey Plaza? ---------------- Mr. BALL. Did you see anyone standing on the triple underpass? Mr. BOWERS. On the triple underpass, there were two policemen. One facing each direction, both east and west. There was one railroad employee, a signal man there with the Union Terminal Co., and two welders that worked for the Fort Worth Welding firm, and there was also a laborer's assistant furnished by the railroad to these welders. Mr. BALL. You saw those before the President came by, you saw those people? Mr. BOWERS. Yes; they were there before 'and after. Mr. BALL. And were they standing on the triple underpass? Mr. BOWERS. Yes; they were standing on top of it facing towards Houston Street, all except, of course, the one policeman on the west side. Mr. BALL.. Did you see any other people up on this high ground ?
  13. I worked with Bob Vernon for over a year. You have to understand that he was not the only one on the project. Before we broke off the relationship there had been more than enough frictions between Vernon and the rest of the partnership. But rather than discussing the character and motives of Bob Vernon, it might be more worthwhile to discuss why you don't believe James Files and Chauncey Holt to be credible. Let us just assume for a while that they are/were telling the truth, would you agree that your statement of your feelings on their lack of credibility would actually be a disservice to the goals of this forum? It seems that on statements by James Files and Chauncey Holt, most researchers demand hard and extensive proof for their veracity. Yet when someone declares them hoaxes, it seems eagerly accepted, no evidence is asked even if it is not given. I do not understand that. Do you believe that Sam Giancana was one of the conspirators in the murder of JFK? This is an important question to begin with for anyone that is sincere in wanting to come closer the truth. Also: What kind of evidence would you like to see to find James Files and / or Chauncey Holt credible? Wim Would you rank Robert Groden under "serious researchers"? James Fetzer? John Ritchson? Retired FBI agents? Antoinette Giancana? Jim Marrs (I would call him a serious researcher) also had some questions. See below: Discussies:alt.conspiracy.jfk Datum:2000/06/06 TO JAMES FILES CONFESSION CRITICS: ANSWER ME THIS by JIM MARRS First off let me set the record straight. I have not -- nor am I now -- taking any particular position on the truthfulness of the James E. Files confession. I was not on the Grassy Knoll on November 22, 1963, so I cannot state with any 100 percent assurance what really happened. All I have ever said on this matter is that I am aware of much more to this story than simply a talking-head videotaped confession and that I feel it deserves more serious attention than it has received in the past. Those who have been so quick to dismiss Files as a hoax do not know the full details of this issue. Others have personal problems with one or more of the researchers who have brought the Files story public. Let's not toss out the message just because we don't like the messenger. Never forget that the whole Files story came about due to a tip from an FBI agent, not from mere speculation by some researcher. Despite what I feel to be an honest and open-minded attitude toward the Files story on my part, I, along with anyone else who dares to admit interest in this issue, have suffered much abuse on the Internet and other places from some critics who, after superficial or no research, branded the Files story a hoax. Without making a long, involved story even longer, I would simply like the answers to the following three simple questions regarding James Files: HOW DID JAMES FILES KNOW THAT HUMAN TEETH IMPRESSIONS WOULD BE FOUND ON A .222-CALIBER SHELL CASING FOUND ON THE GRASSY KNOLL IN 1987? It is a fact that John C. Rademacher of Granbury, Texas, discovered a .222-caliber shell casing on the north Grassy Knoll in Dallas' Dealey Plaza in 1987. He brought the casing to my class at the University of Texas at Arlington in 1990. I recall asking him about strange marks on the casing because at the time I was very interested in the sabot or husk bullet issue. Rademacher said the mark was on the casing when he found it but that he had no idea what it was. On May 3, 1993, researcher Bob Vernon along with TV executive Barry Adelman first interviewed James E. Files in prison. Files claims to have used an unusual and expensive single-shot match pistol, a .222-caliber Remington XP-100 "Fireball", to shoot President Kennedy from behind the wooden picket fence on top of the Grassy Knoll. Toward the end of the interview, Files casually mentioned that he had left the .222-caliber shell casing behind on the Grassy Knoll and that if anyone was to find it they would know it was his. When asked how it could be identified, Files said he had bitten down on the empty shell casing and left it behind on a cross piece of the wooden picket fence. "It will have my teeth marks on it," he explained. Reflecting on this information, Vernon recalled seeing something about a man finding a shell casing on the Grassy Knoll in the files of the late Texas researcher Joe West. After locating the story in West's material, Vernon along with Mrs. Joe West visited Rademacher in July, 1993, and first saw the shell casing with the markings on it. After about two months of correspondence, Vernon finally obtained the shell casing in late September, 1993, and sent it for study by Dr. Paul Stimson of the University of Texas at Houston, a member of the American Boards of Oral Pathology and Forensic Odontology. About Oct. 4, 1993, following days of microscopic examination, Dr. Stimson reported, "Opinion: The indentations are oriented on the shell casing in a pattern that would be consistent with the maxillary right central incisor making the larger mark and the two smaller marks would be consistent with the lower right central and lateral incisors. It is my opinion that the marks are consistent with having been made by human indentation." It is highly unlikely that this whole story could be a gigantic hoax involving such diverse people as Dr. Stimson, Vernon, Joe West (who died before ever learning of the casing connection between Rademacher and Files) and his wife, Adelman, Files, myself and others over a period of more than six years. Having rejected the complicated hoax theory and considering that apparently no one in the world knew of the casing/teeth issue prior to Dr. Stimson's findings in October, 1993, I am left with the question --- If he had no first-hand knowledge, how did James Files know that human teeth impressions would be found on a .222-caliber shell casing discovered on the Grassy Knoll in 1987? HOW DID FILES FIND OUT ABOUT THE "WHITE STAR" TEAMS IN LAOS UNLESS HE WAS A MEMBER? During interviews with James E. Files, he told of his military record which included a stint with the 82nd Airborne Division concerning covert operations in Laos in 1959. He said he was supposedly out of the military but was actually being paid by the U.S. Army and specifically mentioned being part of the "White Star" teams to train Laotian Army regulars. Being a Vietnam-era veteran myself and a lay historian, I was surprised that I had never heard of the "White Star" teams. In fact, I chalked this term up as a point against Files since no one I knew had ever heard of such teams. Then in the summer of 1996, in a telephone conversation with Col. Fletcher Prouty, I happened to mention that Files claimed to have trained Laotian Army troops in 1959. "Oh, that was my operation," said Prouty. "They were called the White Star teams." Prouty explained that members of the "White Star" teams were "sheep-dipped," He explained this process as "an intricate Army-devised process by which a man who is in the service as a full career soldier or officer agrees to go through all the legal and official motions of resigning from the service. Then, rather than actually being released, his records are pulled from the Army personnel files and transferred to a special Army intelligence file. (The Secret Team: pp. 172-173)" This is exactly the process mentioned by Files and, obviously, could go far in explaining some of the frustrations encountered in trying to verify his military record. Prouty said the "White Star" teams were composed of "sheep-dipped" officers and men who were hired by a private company created by the CIA and sent to Laos to train troops. Prouty's statements force the question --- If Files is a phony and never in the military (as some critics have asserted), how did he know the correct term "White Star" teams and the circumstances of their involvement in Laos.unless he was part of it? WHERE DID FILES LEARN OF AN "ABORT TEAM" IF NOT FROM JOHNNY ROSELLI? According to the Files confession, the JFK assassination was carried out by Chicago mob hit man, Charles "Chuckie" Nicoletti on orders from boss Sam Giancana. ".(Richard) Cain and Nicoletti were actual gunmen for the hit." wrote Giancana's brother Chuck in his 1992 book Double Cross (pp. 334-335). Files said the hit team originally was to be Nicoletti and mobster Johnny Roselli. Files himself was only to have transported weapons to Dallas and acted as driver. But, according to Files, Roselli arrived in Dallas early on the morning of November 22, 1963, by means of a "military flight". Roselli said the CIA had sent an "abort team" to Dallas to stop the assassination and he declined to participate saying they would all be killed. Undaunted by Roselli's fears, Nicoletti decided to move ahead with the carefully-laid plans and so asked Files --- a man who had been his driver and confederate in several other jobs --- to back him up. Many critics have questioned why Files at such a young age and not being a "made" Mafia man would have been included on something as important as the JFK assassination. This is a very good question but it appears answered in this account of Files' last-minute substitution after Roselli suddenly backed out, fearful of being killed by an "abort team". Files' use of the term "abort team" was only the second time in my career I had heard that term. The first involved a "black ops" military pilot who also mentioned an "abort team' --- and in connection with the JFK assassination!! William Robert "Tosh" Plumlee claimed to have been involved in secret government skullduggery beginning before the Bay of Pigs invasion and lasting through the Iran-Contra scandal. I have reams of FBI and DEA reports on Plumlee and they state he was claiming to have knowledge of the JFK assassination as far back as the 1970s. In addition to his numerous government files, Plumlee was called for secret testimony during the Iran-Contra hearings. He obviously is a credible source. In the late 1980s, Tosh took me on a guided tour of Dallas and presented an incredible story of how he piloted a plane from Florida to New Orleans on November 21, 1963. In New Orleans, he picked up a team of men, along with some small cases, and flew them to Dallas, arriving early on Nov. 22. Originally slated to land at Red Bird Airport, he was diverted to Garland Airport due to early morning rain and overcast. Here the team disembarked. This group was largely unknown to Tosh except for one man whom he had piloted before. He only knew this man as "Colonel John Roselli". Tosh also said he was told that the group were an "abort team" sent to Dallas to stop an assassination attempt on President Kennedy. Tosh's account of this flight, his observations in Dealey Plaza and his planned return trip to meet David Ferrie in Houston make for a fascinating tale, one that has never been disproved. Tosh says he flew Roselli into Dallas on a military plane and Roselli tells Files he arrived on a military flight. Tosh said the flight was to bring in an "abort team" and Roselli bows out of his part in the assassination confessing fear of an "abort team". Since Tosh and Files are the only two people I have ever heard mention an "abort team" and since by all research Tosh and Files never met, how could Files have known about an "abort team" unless his story of Roselli's statements are true? Now I am the first to admit that there are problems with the Files confession, mostly due to the lack of substantiating documentation. Of course, men like Files don't live long or prosper with the Chicago mob or CIA by leaving behind a well-managed paper trail. In my study of this issue, I have found many small things which seem to corroborate his story. Three of these are mentioned above. There remains much more research to be done on the Files. In the meantime, if someone will simply give me a credible and well-supported answer to the above three questions, I might consider joining the chorus of nay-sayers in the James Files confession. -Jim Marrs
  14. Hey John, You are not shy giving your opinion on people, like me for example: I am abrasive and not particularly liked in the JFK research community, according to you. What is holding you on answering my question what your opinion is of Bob Vernon? Wim
  15. To John Simkin: What is your opinion of Bob Vernon? Wim
  16. Here they are both: http://how.tokillacountry.com/jfkdb/gunBas...BySide-web1.pdf Wim
  17. This might be of interest: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/warren2.htm
  18. Gerry is quite active in a certain group of JFK researchers. He also has email. Has John never asked him to join this forum? Wim
  19. He talks exactly like James Files: I just followed the orders In this kind of work you learn to lose your curiosity. Wim
  20. Here is one, I think this is the dented shell: http://wim.tokillacountry.com/222BaseZoom1/ Give me some time to get the URL for the other shell. Wim
  21. Hello John, Very very welcome! I have been trying to reach you. Back on the computer again? This forum should be proud to have you here. I would like you to have a look at the headstamps of the .222 shell casings found in Dealey Plaza in order to determine if they were fired from the same or different guns. Wim
  22. Paul, Your are entitled to whatever you believe. Wim
  23. News coverage of programs on James Files and others. http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/film/nbcroswell.rm http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/film/nbcfiles.rm
  24. New interview with James E. Files will be available soon : http://www.trineday.com/Merchant2/merchant...ory_Code=DVD001
  25. http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/tippitcar1.jpg Blow up http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/tippitcar.jpg
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