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Wim Dankbaar

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Everything posted by Wim Dankbaar

  1. If you are more concerned with the MESSAGE rather than the MESSENGER then it won't make any difference if my name is James Files, James Sutton, or T. Folsom. The identity of the messager is of course very important to the message. For example "God save the Queen" and "Heil Hitler" could be viewed as essentially the same message, a country heralding its leader, by people that have no clue about the identity of the messenger. Since you claim to have studied history, I trust you don't fall into that category. In general George Bush would alse be more credible than a convicted felon (except for me ) Is this all that goes on at this site, investigation of everyone who contributes? No, only for contributors who give reason for doubts and refuse to clarify their identity when asked simple questions that do not reasonably impose on privacy. Let me pose a couple of real questions of real substance and see what you have to say. If Kennedy was struck from the front, then why does the medical evidence only support REAR shots? Why was Kennedy's clothing found to have fibers pushed inward at the back and outward at the front? How does one reconcile frontal shots with this troubling evidence which only supports rear entry wounds? Read my website and you'll know that I acknowledge shots from the back, like everyone else here. The last fatal headshot came from the front. I noticed that you accused Lee of ignoring the eyewitnesses, that most of them heard 3 shots (which is not true by the way, but I assume everyone who heard more was a crackpot, right?), but why then are you ignoring the many witnesses who heard the last two shots in rapid succession or almost simultaneously and how does that match with one gunman, one gun? I repeat: Why don't you cut the bullxxxx and tell us which school you teach. If all the pupils and the community there know it, why can't we? Besides, I have never met a teacher who does not disclose his school. After all it's a PUBLIC job, to be proud of. You have a great and SIMPLE opportunity to prove we are suspicious for no reason, instead you provide exhaustive monologues, which fail to mask your consistent and prolonged refusal to answer the question for no good reason.
  2. T, John McAdams is convinced of Oswald's innocence. However, it is not his mission to make that clear. He also uses fake names, avoids answering the tough questions and uses the same language you do. You would make a great pair with him. Why don't you join his Google newsgroup alt.assassination.jfk and leave us "buffs" drown in our pathetic pool here? http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/mcadams.htm By the way: How convenient that the only researcher you claim to have spent time with, is DEAD. "Harold Weisberg (with whom I spent an afternoon in 1991 at his home in Maryland looking through many of his voluminous files)" Wim
  3. I find it remarkable that Mr. Folsom, as an industrious and longtime assassination researcher by his own admission, has no idea who John Mcadams is. After all, any search on the subject will bring up his site in the top three matches. Does Mr. Folsom want us to believe he has never researched on the Internet? Wim
  4. T, Why don't you just cut the bullxxxx and give us the name of your "Southern California Highschool" so we can check if a Mr. T. Folsom is teaching there and you catch me with my pants down. Wim
  5. I'm sure Mr "Folsom" has many students like these in his "class", who , like Mr "Folsom" "can read, can see, can think". Wim ----- Original Message ----- From: FileQuit6@aol.com To: dank@xs4all.nl Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 10:46 AM Subject: Re: (no subject) that is absolutly incredible Amazing to think your team has done all that research. I am absolutly boggled. Im 17, I am learning about this in American history right now. Ive always know alittle about it tho, ive always thought it was a conspiracy. I dont believe anything our gov. says. I just see them always covering things up. Its crap. anyway, your theorys really open ones mind. fascinating! thanks again, Alex
  6. Let me emphasize that this is Allan Eaglesham's OPINION. Just like his OPINION that there is not a sincere bone in me. Wim
  7. Lee, Before spending more time on Mr. Folsom, I would suggest Mr. Folsom proves to us that he is who he says he is. I believe there is enough reason for doubt and you could also have long discussions with someone who claims the earth is flat. Meanwhile, If Mr. Folsom must spend time on his alledged conviction, let him start challenging this: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/warren.htm Wim
  8. Well, T, let me add a little to the paranoia here: "Advanced Placement American History" +"T. Folsom" http://www.google.nl/search?hl=nl&ie=UTF-8...btnG=Zoeken&lr= +"T. Folsom" +"american history" http://www.google.nl/search?q=%2B%22T.+Fol...UTF-8&hl=nl&lr= +"T. Folsom" +"Kennedy Assassination" http://www.google.nl/search?hl=nl&ie=UTF-8...sination%22&lr= +"T. Folsom" +"JFK Assassination" http://www.google.nl/search?hl=nl&ie=UTF-8...sination%22&lr= +"T. Folsom" +"New Zealand" http://www.google.nl/search?q=%2B%22T.+Fol...8&start=10&sa=N Mmm, let's see what the T could stand for. Todd, Theo, Tim, .... "Tricky", "taletelling", "track covering"?
  9. Dear Mr. Folsom, Could I address you on a first name basis? That is rather custom here on this forum. I am being adressed as Wim. Would you mind sharing at which southern California higschool you are teaching? Thanks, Wim
  10. I had not read Mr. Folsom's biography, only his user profile. I have now found the personal introduction. I thought I would find a biography under the section "researchers". Wim
  11. "Theories about gunmen in sewers, or behind the stockade fence, or hiding in trees on the grassy knoll are so ridiculously illogical they do not really merit serious discussion. " 1) Then why are you bothering to take part? 2) Apparently you are representing a small minority here and in the american public as a whole. If your conclusion is so obviously deductable from the Zapruder film, why do so many disagree with you? Is it because the majority is dumb and you are smart? 3) If the Zapruder film excludes the possibility of a frontal shot, why did the Warren Commission keep it from the American Public, if it would strenghen their case, as you say. 4) Do you build on any authority, qualifications or background to make the statements you do? Your profile doesn't reveal much, so forgive me for wondering. Wim
  12. May be you should rename the thread to Reagan/Bush and the Cold War For it is widely acknowledged that the Reagan Administration was run by the Vice President, just like the Eisenhower administration was run by Nixon and partners. See attached comments from Giancana.
  13. John Simkin, Thanks for the update. Appreciate it! Wim
  14. My answer to Skydog, who makes a few wrong claims, is that I will not discuss with people who do not reveal their true identity. One question in general though: How old was Oswald when he was sent to the USSR? Or did he just go because he felt like it? So let me give an answer to John Simkin: As you already know I do not express my opinions about the various theories in the narrative on my various entries in my JFK assassination website. Unlike, many websites on the assassination, if I am informed that I have made a factual mistake, I will correct it. In the narrative on the entry on James Files I refer to the claims made by Edward Epstein and John R. Stockwell about Files’s story. You might well think that both men are lying, but until I see evidence that this true, I will continue to include their comments. Yes, I know that, and that is fine with me. However it is not fine anymore if certain statements have been proven to be lies and you leave these lies standing.In the case of Epstein, you state: "The confession made by Files was undermined by research carried out by Edward Jay Epstein. With the help of private detective, Jules Kroll, Epstein established from telephone records Files was in Chicago, not Dallas, on 22nd November, 1963. " These are YOUR words, it is not on objective statement. You say it was UNDERMINED and you say it was ESTABLISHED. As if it were fact that Fiiles was in Chicago and if it were fact that such telephone records exist. The whole story of Epstein is an absolute and provable hoax designed to discredit James Files. Why do they need lies to do that? There have been so many wrong theories presented in the JFK assassination on national televison. Why were they so worried about this one? You know this by now, but are apparently itched by my blunt approach of addressing the issues here, which in my view is a very bad reason for not correcting an error. For an objective forum, dedicated to uncover the truth in this case, emotional or personal issues should be irrelevant, especially for the administrator, no matter how big an asshole you may find me. On my pages I try to show students that people disagree strongly about aspects of the JFK assassination. I do this by having a sources section. For example, on the Files page I include quotations from James Files, Edward Epstein, John R. Stockwell, Martin Shackelford, David B. Perry and yourself. Are you happy with your quotation? Do you want to change it? I am fairly satisfied with my quotation and see no need to change it. It is some of the quotation of others that I have a problem with. I can even live with the quotation of others who do not believe or claim not to believe James Files. But when these statements are provably untrue and the makers of these statements refuse to corroborate them or even be available for comments, they should be deleted, or at least the opposing opinions should be qouted. I have invited Edward Epstein several times to join this forum. He has not replied to these emails so far. However, he is not alone in refusing to join this forum. Other researchers have also declined the right to join the forum. Some have given me reasons for this decision. In a couple of cases they have claimed that the main reason they have not joined is because of you. They dislike they way you make abusive comments about the people you disagree with. Epstein will not respond, because he knows he can't win. You can't make a lie the truth, you know. What you can do is present a lie as the truth to a big audience, and hope your "authority" on the subject will prevent triggering questions, so the lie will stick. Apparently this is a succesful strategy, since it proves already rather cumbersome to have the lie removed or even challenged by you on this forum. Anyway, that is the SOLE reason Epstein wil not join this forum. I just sent you an email, proving that Stockwell's very first statement is a LIE. Files military service HAS been corroborated. Tell me, John, will you ignore that and leave Stockwell's statement standing? About the alledged dislike for my so called abusive comments, let them pull up the abusive comments, let them point out the abuse, let them prove what they say. Can you point the abusive comments out yourself? If not, why do you take their words for granted? I can understand they dislike the fact their lies are exposed. Would you care to share the names of the "couple of cases they have claimed that the main reason they have not joined is because of you"? They can't be Allan Eaglesham or Martin Shackelford since they did join this forum. Or are they exactly these people of whom I claim they are lying? Like David Perry for example. He claimed Joe Granata is dead, that Lee Bowers did not see a stationwagon, that the XP-100 was never chambered for .222 shells and on and on and on. Lies he has refused to correct, hiding behind his hurt feelings by my questioning his integrity. I am not sure why you do this but I cannot see how it helps your case. My experience of life is that people only resort to these tactics when they run out of intellectual arguments. Anyway, people are unlikely to be bullied into changing their mind about who they believe were involved in the conspiracy. Well, you are right there, people have a natural tendency to not want to change their position. But whose tactics do you mean? Mine? If so, what is my tactic other than refuting a provable lie and what is unintellectual about that? As for why I do this, it's very simple. 1) I am sick of lies and disinfo, especially in this case, and 2) I think you are different from the David Perry's of this world. Are you telling me to not even bother? Why this forum then? I will email you a suggestion to leave everything as it is except for a referral to the webpages where Epstein's, Stockwell's and Perry's claims are opposed. Wim -------------------- John Simkin http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/ http://vs.eun.org/eun.org2/eun/en/index_vs.cfm
  15. I'll keep this thread on top untill I get fair answers on fair questions! I'll make you a fair deal: Email the honorable professor right here: http://edwardjayepstein.com/asked.htm and tell him there is a guy from Holland on your forum calling him an outright xxxx and he should come over here to refute Wim Dankbaar's claims in order to protect his reputation, which in your eyes he obviously still has. If he does not respond, you are going to remove his LIE from the biography of James Files. Is that fair or not? Wim
  16. And by the way, John Stockwell (ex CIA) is fabricating too. Why do you leave his statements uncontested and not post the rebuttals too? This is also a letter from John Stockwell: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/pdf/Stockwell95.pdf I'll bet you never saw that, right? If you must be "balanced" and state different opinions, why not post that letter too? Do you have an explanation for Stockwell's sudden U-turn? Maybe there is no such thing as ex CIA, huh? Has Stockwell ever answered to the debunkings of his lies? NO! You know why? because he can't ! http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/files1.htm http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/files2.htm I can prove his statements are lies. Do you want to publish lies, even I prove them to be lies? Do you for example want to take Stockwell's word over that of Zack Shelton or any other Chicago based FBI agent or any other organized crime expert that Tony Accardo was the man in charge, just like Files said? Wim
  17. But this is an absolute LIE !! Epstein NEVER interviewed James Files. James Files NEVER said he has a twin brother! Why would he say a thing like that? An easily disprovable fact. Why do you accept Mr. Epstein's word at face value, without even checking with him? Ask Barry Adelman of Dick Clark. I'll make you a fair deal: Email the honorable professor right here: http://edwardjayepstein.com/asked.htm and tell him there is a guy from Holland on your forum calling him an outright xxxx and he should come over here to refute Wim Dankbaar's claims in order to protect his reputation, which in your eyes he obviously still has. If he does not respond, you are going to remove his LIE from the biography of James Files. Is that fair or not? Wim http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/letters.htm The Kroll Agency tried everything they could to discredit me. One story they put out was that I couldnt have been in Dallas that day, as my wife was giving birth to our daughter that day. When I was asked about it, I said yes, I was at the hospital that day. But that means Kennedy was not assassinated until September 26, 1966. I said that is the day my daughter was born, go check the hospital records. That ended that. A lot of people said I was too young to kill anyone at that time. I told them that I dont remember seeing old men out on the battlefield during combat. In Nam all I saw were a lot of young kids dying, ages between 17 and 21 years of age. Also, I cannot for the life of me, see a man fire a weapon, a rifle, like the man Ed Hoffman said he saw, throw it to someone else, while he runs off. If they catch this other guy with the rifle, whats keeping him from telling on the one who pulled the trigger? I would never give a weapon to anyone that I had just used, to trust them to get rid of it. That is plain stupid.
  18. For John Simkin: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKfiles.htm "The confession made by Files was undermined by research carried out by Edward Jay Epstein. He established from telephone records Files was in Chicago, not Dallas, on November 22,1963. " This is NOT true. If you think it is, then prove it to us and ask Epstein how! "Files claims that Lee Harvey Oswald was involved in the plot but his role was to plant the Mannlicher Rifle and shells in the Texas Book Depository." Files claims Lee Harvey Oswald was involved in the plot, but only as a dupe. He does not CLAIM that Oswald's role was to plant evidence, he just speculated that was his role.
  19. http://www.themedianews.com/DAGGER/Front%20Page/DEATHS.htm WELL BEYOND HIGHLY COINCIDENTAL DEATHS THE JFK DEATH LIST On Sunday evening, November 24, 1963, the day Jack Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald, a meeting took place in Jack Ruby’s apartment in Oak Cliff, a suburb of Dallas. Present were Jim Martin, George Senator, attorney Tom Howard, and newsmen Bill Hunter of the Long Beach California Press Telegram, and Jim Koethe of the Dallas Times Herald. After the meeting, Hunter, a native of Dallas who became an award winning newsman in California, went to the Dallas Police Station and sat down in the press room of the “Public Safety Building,” quietly reading a book. Suddenly two policemen came into the press room, and one policeman shot Hunter through the heart at a range officially ruled to be “no more than three feet.” The policeman said he dropped his gun, and it fired as he picked it up, but the angle of the bullet caused him to change his story. He finally said he was playing a game of quick draw with his fellow officer, but the other officer testified he had his back turned when the shooting took place. The shooting was ruled an accident. Nine months later, on September 21, 1964, Jim Koethe was killed by a karate chop to the throat just as he emerged from a shower in his apartment, and that case remained unsolved. Tom Howard had been an attorney who talked to Ruby the day he killed Oswald. Fifteen months later, on March 27, 1965, Howard was suddenly taken ill and driven to a hospital by an unidentified person. Within hours Howard was dead. The doctor, without benefit of an autopsy, said he had suffered a heart attack. Gary Underhill, a former CIA agent and military affairs editor for LIFE magazine, fled Washington shortly after the Kennedy assassination and told friends that the Far East Division of the CIA was involved in Kennedy’s death. On May 8, 1964, Underhill was shot execution-style on the left side of his head, and though he was right-handed his death was ruled a suicide. Underhill was not alone in connecting the Far East to the assassination. When Oswald returned from the USSR in June of 1962, he was brought to Japan’s Atsugi Naval Air Station for debriefing, and James Wilcott, a CIA financial officer, handled some of the finances for Oswald’s pay. One year later, members of the CIA station in Tokyo joyously told Wilcott over drinks toasting the alleged assassin that Oswald was originally under control of the Tokyo station’s Soviet Russia branch. Earlene Roberts was the widow who managed the rooming house where Lee Harvey Oswald was living. The police department issued a report saying all patrol cars in the area, except Tippit's, were accounted for. The Warren Commission let it go at that. After testifying in Dallas in April 1964, Mrs. Roberts was subjected to intensive police harassment. They visited her at all hours of the day and night. Earlene complained of being “worried to death” by the police. She died on January 9, 1966 in Parkland Hospital (the hospital where President Kennedy was taken). Police said she suffered a heart attack in her home. No autopsy was performed. Warren Reynolds was minding his used car lot on East Jefferson Street in Oak Cliff in Dallas, when he heard shots two blocks away. He thought it was a marital quarrel. Then he saw a man having a great difficulty tucking “a pistol or an automatic” in his belt, and running at the same time. Reynolds gave chase for a short piece being careful to keep his distance, then lost the fleeing man. He had witnessed the flight of the killer or one of the killers of patrolman J.D. Tippit. Feeling helpful, he gave his name to a passing policeman and offered his cooperation. Television cameras zeroed in on him, got his story, and made him well known. Warren Reynolds, the amiable used car man, was making history. However, Reynolds was not questioned until two months after the event. The FBI finally talked to him in January 1964. The FBI interview report said, “He was hesitant to definitely identify Oswald as the individual,” but, “He advised he is of the opinion Oswald is the person.” Two days after Reynolds talked to the FBI, he was shot in the head. He was closing up his used car lot for the night at the time. Nothing was stolen. Darrell Garner, the boyfriend of Nancy Mooney, who worked as a dancer at Ruby’s Carousel Club, was arrested. However, Mooney said Garner was in bed with her at the time he was supposed to have shot Reynolds, and Garner was freed. A week later Mooney got into an argument with a girlfriend and was arrested for disturbing the peace, but the girlfriend was not arrested. Within hours after her arrest, Mooney was dead, the official police report saying she hanged herself with her toreador pants. Harold Russell was with Warren Reynolds when the Tippit shooting took place. Both men saw the Tippit killer escape. Russell was interviewed in January 1964, and signed a statement that the fleeing man was Oswald. A few months after the assassination, Russell went back to his home near David, Oklahoma. In July of 1965, Russell went to a party with a female friend. He seemingly went out of his mind at the party and started telling everyone he was going to be killed. He begged friends to hide him. Someone called the police. When the policemen arrived, one of them hit Russell on the head with his pistol. Russell was then taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead a few hours later: cause of death was listed as “heart failure.” Domingo Benavides, an auto mechanic, was witness to the murder of Officer Tippit. Benavides testified he got a “really good view of the slayer.” Benavides said the killer resembled newspaper pictures of Oswald, but he described him differently, “I remember the back of his head seemed like his hairline went square instead of tapered off.” Benavides reported he was repeatedly threatened by the police who advised him not to talk about what he saw. In mid-February 1964, his brother Eddy, who resembled him, was fatally shot in the back of the head at a beer joint on Second Avenue in Dallas. The case was marked “unsolved.” Unsatisfied, Benavides’s father-in-law J. W. Jackson began his own inquiry, and two weeks later, J.W. Jackson was shot at his home. As the gunman escaped, a police car came around the block, but made no attempt to follow the gunman’s speeding car. Hank Killam was a house painter who lived at Mrs. A.C. Johnson’s rooming house at the same time Lee Harvey Oswald lived there. His wife, Wanda, once pushed cigarettes and drinks at Jack Ruby’s club. Hank was a big man, over six feet and weighing over 200 pounds. After the assassination, federal agents visited him repeatedly causing him to lose one job after another. Killam was absorbed by the assassination, even obsessed. Hours after the event, he came home, “white as a sheet.” Wanda said he stayed up all night watching the television accounts of the assassination. Later he bought all the papers and clipped the stories about Kennedy’s death. Before Christmas, Killam left for Tampa, Florida where he worked selling cars at his brother-in-law’s car lot. On St. Patrick’s day he was found on a sidewalk in front of a broken window with his jugular vein cut, and he bled to death en route to the hospital. There is no mention of Killam by the Warren Commission. A number of FBI documents on Killam relating to the assassination were withheld, along with documents prepared by the CIA. The mother of Bill Waters said Oswald and Killam came to her home before the assassination and her son tried to talk Oswald and Killam out of being involved. Waters called FBI agents after the assassination. The FBI told him he knew too much and to keep his mouth shut. He was arrested and kept in Memphis in a county jail for eight months on a misdemeanor charge, where on May 20, 1967 he died from what police say was a drug overdose of Demerol. No autopsy was performed. William Whaley was known as the “Oswald Cabbie.” He was one of the few who had the opportunity to talk alone with the accused killer of President Kennedy. He testified that Oswald hailed him at the Dallas Greyhound bus station. Whaley said he drove Oswald to the intersection of Beckley and Neches--half a block from the rooming house--and collected a dollar. Later he identified Oswald as his fare in a questionable police line-up. Whaley was killed in a head-on collision on a bridge over the Trinity River, December 18, 1965; his passenger was critically injured. The driver of the other car was also killed. Whaley had been with the City Transportation Company since 1936 and had a perfect driving record. He was the first Dallas cabbie to be killed on duty since 1937. When journalist Penn Jones went to interview the manager of the cab company about Whaley’s death, the manager pushed Jones out of the office, saying, “If you’re smart, you won’t be coming around here asking questions.” Lee Bowers was one of the 65 witnesses who saw the President’s assassination and who thought shots were fired from the area of the Grassy Knoll. Bowers, then a towerman for the Union Terminal Company, was stationed in his 14 foot tower directly behind the Grassy Knoll. On the morning of August 9, 1966, Bowers was driving south of Dallas on business. He was two miles south of Midlothian, Texas when his brand new company car veered from the road and hit a bridge abutment. A farmer who saw it, said the car was going about 50 miles an hour, a slow speed for that road. Bowers died in a Dallas hospital. He was 41. There was no autopsy and he was cremated. A doctor from Midlothian who rode to Dallas in the ambulance with Bowers, noticed something peculiar about the victim. “He was in some strange sort of shock.” The doctor said, “A different kind of shock than an accident victim experiences. I can’t explain it. I’ve never seen anything like it.” When Penn Jones questioned his widow, she insisted there was nothing suspicious, but then became flustered and said, “They told him not to talk!” James Worrell saw a strange man run from the back door of the Texas School Book Depository shortly after the assassination. Worrell died in a motorcycle accident on November 9, 1966. Delilah Walle was a worker at Ruby’s club. She had been working on a book of what she supposedly knew about the assassination when a man suddenly appeared in her life and asked her to marry him. She was married only 24 days when her new husband shot and killed her. Albert Guy Bogard, an automobile salesman who worked for Downtown Lincoln Mercury, showed a new Mercury to a man using the name "Lee Oswald." Shortly after Bogard gave his testimony to a Commission attorney in Dallas, he was badly beaten and had to be hospitalized. Upon his release, he was fearful for his safety. Bogard was from Hallsville, Louisiana. He was found dead in his car at the Hallsville Cemetery on St. Valentine's day in 1966. A rubber hose was attached to the exhaust and the other end extending into the car. The ruling was suicide. He was just 41 years old. Jack Ruby told relatives he had been injected with an unknown substance and soon thereafter is said to have died of cancer. Just before David Ferrie was to testify before the Jim Garrison trial, he supposedly died of a brain hemorrhage. Ferrie associate, Eladio Cerefine DeValle, 43, died on the same day as Ferrie. His skull was split open; he was then shot. DeValle had used Ferrie as a pilot. DeValle had been identifying some men in a photo taken in New Orleans for Jim Garrison. One of the men in the photo was Lee Harvey Oswald. Dr. Mary Stults Sherman, age 51, was found stabbed and burned in her apartment in New Orleans. Dr. Sherman had been working on a cancer experiment with Ferrie. Paul Dyer, of the New Orleans Police force was the first police officer to interview Ferrie. Martin suddenly got sick and died a month later of what was described as cancer. Reporter Lisa Howard supposedly committed suicide. She knew a great deal about the “understanding” which was in the making after the Bay of Pigs, between President Kennedy and the Cubans. Marguerite Higgins bluntly accused the American authorities of the November 2nd, 1963 killing of Premier Diem and his brother Nhu. A few months after her accusation, she died in a landmine explosion in Vietnam. On Saturday November 23, 1963, Jack Zangetty, the manager of a $150,000 modular motel complex near Lake Lugert, Oklahoma, remarked to some friends that “Three other men, not Oswald, killed the President.” He also stated that “A man named Ruby will kill Oswald tomorrow and in a few days a member of the Frank Sinatra family will be kidnapped just to take some of the attention away from the assassination.” Two weeks later, Jack Zangetty was found floating in Lake Lugert with bullet holes in his chest, and he had been dead for about two weeks. Lieutenant Commander William Pitzer was a mentor to Petty Officer First Class Dennis D. David, and a friend; they played bridge together regularly. On the evening of November 22, 1963, Dennis was Chief-of-the-Day at Bethesda Naval Hospital, part of the National Naval Medical Center, and it was his duty to supervise the unloading of the casket that contained the body of President Kennedy prior to postmortem examination. Early in the following week, Dennis dropped by Pitzer’s office with questions on the professional exam for the Medical Service Corps. He found Pitzer working on a 16-mm film, slides and black and white photos of the Kennedy autopsy. This was not surprising since Pitzer was Assistant Head of the Graphic Arts Department and Chief of the Educational Television Division of the Naval Medical School, had a top-secret security clearance, and specialized in the then-new field of closed-circuit television. David clearly remembers that Pitzer’s film and photographs showed what appeared to be an entry wound in the right frontal area with a corresponding exit wound in the lower rear of the skull. Thereafter, on occasion, David heard Pitzer refer to contacts he’d had with “agents” about the Kennedy autopsy materials on which he had worked. On the evening of Saturday, October 29, 1966, Pitzer was found dead at his duty station at the Naval Medical School, Bethesda, Maryland. Investigations by the Naval Investigative Service and the FBI later concluded that a gunshot wound to the head had been self-inflicted. FBI files on the investigation, released in 1997 under the Freedom of Information Act, revealed anomalies, especially when compared to one of the Navy’s investigative reports. The gunshot had been to left side of the head but Pitzer was right-handed. Over the years, the family and friends of Bill Pitzer continued to doubt the official conclusion on the nature of his demise. And for Mrs. Pitzer there was the nagging thought that if, unbeknownst to her, her husband were to have reached the point of suicide, he would not have committed the act on U.S. Navy property, thus embarrassing the institution that he so loved. As stated in the Informal Board of Investigation’s Report, “Mrs. Pitzer could offer no explanation as to why Subject would take his own life and although appearing somewhat resigned to this fact, she still exhibited doubt that suicide was the true cause of death.” Although David is sure Pitzer personally had filmed the Kennedy autopsy, Pitzer’s name does not appear on any list of personnel involved in the autopsy or present in the morgue at that time. In agreement is Jerrol F. Custer, X-ray technician for the Kennedy autopsy, who states that Pitzer was present in the morgue and had photographed the military men occupying the benches. David says he is “certain” that Pitzer had the Kennedy autopsy photographs in his possession at the time of his death. During the same week that Pitzer died, the Kennedy family transferred formal possession of the materials relating to the late President’s autopsy to the National Archives. A check of the inventory revealed that some items, tissue sections etc., were missing, including a stainless-steel container that presumably held the brain. Six years later, Dr. Cyril Wecht discovered that the brain was indeed missing from the National Archives. Pitzer’s film and other photographic material was also missing. Lou Staples, a radio announcer who was doing radio shows on the Kennedy assassination, lost his life sometime on Friday night May 13, 1977. This was near Yukon, Oklahoma. He had been having radio shows on the assassination since 1973 and the response to his programs was overwhelming. Lou’s death was termed suicide, but the bullet ending his life entered behind his right temple and Lou was left handed. He joined Gary Underhill, William Pitzer and Joe Cooper whose “suicides” were all done with the “wrong hand” shots to the head. Lou had been stating that he wanted to purchase some property to build a home. He was lured out to a wheat field and his life ended there. Karyn Kupcinet, daughter of Irv Kupcinet, was trying to make a long distance call from Los Angeles. According to reports, the operator heard Miss Kupcinet scream into the phone that President Kennedy was going to be killed. Two days after the assassination, she was found murdered in her apartment. The case is unsolved. She was 23. Rose Cherami, 40, was an employee of Jack Ruby’s club. She was riding with two men on a return trip from Florida carrying a load of narcotics. She was thrown from the car when an argument began between her and one of the men. She was hospitalized for injuries and drug withdrawal. She told authorities that President Kennedy was going to be killed in Dallas. After her release from the hospital, she was a victim of a hit and run accident on September 4, 1965 near Big Sandy, Texas. Guy Bannister was a private detective who was closely involved in the Jim Garrison trial. Bannister and his partner, Hugh Ward, died within a 10 day period as the Warren Commission was closing its hearings. Bannister supposedly died of a heart attack, but witnesses said he had a bullet hole in his body. George deMohrenschildt was another man who was to give testimony but never made it. DeMohrenschildt, in his final days, became suspicious of everyone around him, even his wife, and was nearing a nervous breakdown some thought. He died of gun shot wounds. The verdict was suicide. But deMohrenschildt was a member of the White Russian society and very wealthy. He visited Lee Harvey Oswald and Marina Oswald when they lived on Neely Street. Marina visited the deMohrenschildts when she and Lee Harvey Oswald were having some of their disagreements. Cliff Carter, LBJ’s aide who rode in the Vice President’s follow up car in the motorcade in Dealey Plaza where President Kennedy was gunned down, was LBJ’s top aide during his first administration. Carter died of mysterious circumstances. Carter died of pneumonia when no penicillin could be located in Washington, D.C. in September 1971. This was supposedly the cause of death. Buddy Walthers, Deputy Sheriff, was at the kill sight of President Kennedy. He picked up a bullet in a hunk of brain matter blown from the President’s head. Walthers never produced the bullet for evidence. Walthers was also at the Texas Theater when Oswald was arrested. In a January 10, 1969 shooting, Walthers was shot through the heart. In a shootout Walthers and his companion Deputy Alvin Maddox, were fired upon by Cherry, an escaped prisoner. Walthers and Maddox were trying to capture Cherry when Walthers was shot through the heart. Walthers’s widow received $10,000 for her husband dying in the line of duty. Clay Shaw, age 60, died five years after he was charged by Jim Garrison for his involvement in the Kennedy assassination. Some reports have it that he had been ill for months after surgery for removing a blood clot. Other newspaper reports of his death stated he had cancer. It was revealed that Shaw was a paid contact for the CIA. A neighbor reported that an ambulance was seen pulling up to the Shaw home. Then a body was carried in and an empty stretcher brought out. A few hours later, Shaw was reportedly found dead in his home. Then he was given a quick embalming before a Coroner could be notified. It was then impossible to determine the cause of death. In 1961, Roger Dean Craig had been named “Man of the Year” as a member of the Dallas Police Department. Craig witnessed the assassination of President Kennedy, but his version was different from the one the police told. Because he would not change his story of the assassination, he was harassed, threatened, stabbed, shot at, and his wife left him. Craig wrote two manuscripts of what he witnessed, “When They Kill A President,” and “The Patient Is Dying.” Craig testified in the Jim Garrison trial, soon after being fired from the Dallas Police Department. On May 15, 1975, Craig died of a massive gun shot wound to the chest. Supposedly, it was his second try at suicide and a success. John M. Crawford, 46, died in a mysterious plane crash near Huntsville, Texas on April 15, 1969. It appeared from witnesses that Crawford had left in a rush. Crawford was a homosexual and a close friend of Jack Ruby’s. Ruby supposedly carried Crawford’s phone number in his pocket at all times. Crawford was also a friend of Buell Wesley Frazier’s, the neighbor who took Lee Harvey Oswald to work on that fatal morning of November 22, 1963. Senator Hale Boggs was the only member of the Warren Commission who disagreed with the conclusions. In October, 1972 Boggs was flying a private plane in Alaska. The plane and Boggs disappeared, and neither have ever been found. Nicholas J. Chetta, M.D. age 50, Orleans Parish coroner since 1950, died at Mercy Hospital on May 25, 1968. Newspaper reports were sketchy. It was said he suffered a heart attack. Dr. Chetta was the coroner who served at the death of David Ferrie. Dr. Chetta was the key witness regarding Perry Russo against Clay Shaw. Shaw’s attorney went into federal court only after Dr. Chetta was dead. Dorothy Kilgallen was a television celebrity, a regular on What’s My Line, along with John Daly, Bennett Cerf, and Arlene Francis. Jack Ruby was a fan of Dorothy Kilgallen, so when he was allowed an interview with one reporter, he chose Kilgallen. When the Ruby trial started in 1964, Kilgallen was allowed more interviews. Kilgallen learned that Ruby and the slain Officer J.D. Tippit had been friends. They were together in Ruby’s Carousel Club two weeks before the assassination in the company of Bernard Weissman and “a rich Texas oil man.” Weissman had placed the “JFK-Wanted for Treason” newspaper ad in Dallas newspapers on November 22, 1963. Kilgallen also learned of a mysterious player whom she code named “Ferret Man.” The individual was David Ferrie, another known associate of Jack Ruby involved in gun running, the Marcello mob and other anti-Castro operations from Florida to Texas. At one time, Ruby and Ferrie were co-owners of an airplane. Kilgallen started to tell close friends what she knew, including Mrs. Earl T. Smith, and leak information in her nationally-syndicated newspaper column. Kilgallen started to say she had enough information to “break the whole JFK assassination mystery wide open.” Scheduled to appear on television’s Nightlife, producer Nick Vanoff pleaded with her not to broach the subject on the air. She arrived at the studio with a folder full of pertinent and explosive notes and documents, but she kept the folder closed throughout the interview. On Sunday November 8, 1965, Dorothy Kilgallen was found dead, sitting fully dressed, upright in bed, early in the morning. Her folder with enough information to “blow the JFK assassination wide open,” was gone. Her autopsy report took eight days. The New York City Police Department coroner found that Kilgallen had died from ingestion of a lethal combination of alcohol and barbiturates. Two days later Mrs. Earl T. Smith died of “undetermined causes.”
  20. http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/wc/w.../WH16_CE_18.pdf Some interesting names in there, like Fred Korth and Fiorini (Frank Sturgis) Wim
  21. Interesting strategy, Lee. By the way, Sibert's statement: "That's a false statement", does not refer to the location of the backwound (although that is a false statement too), but rather to Specter's statement that Sibert did not make any notes. Sibert DID make notes, hence Specter's statement that he did not, was false. Allowing Sibert's notes into the evidence would blow up Specter's Single Bullet theory, so there you have it: surpression of vital evidence in a major crime makes you guilty of the conspiracy as an accessory after the fact. This is a PROVABLE offense, with living witnesses to support it. Yet nothing is done. Wim
  22. Hey Lee, You should have asked me, I cpould have saved you the typing http://wim.tokillacountry.com/Giancanna_Bio_457-468.pdf
  23. http://www.yalesuccession.com/modules.php?...e=article&sid=7 . . . . . . . To wrap things up, I read my father an excerpt from Joseph Trento’s magisterial Secret History of the CIA. This extraordinary book is a history of American intelligence since World War II and, in many respects, of American foreign and domestic affairs as well. James Jesus Angleton ’41, Yale’s second most famous spy (the first being Nathan Hale), is a central figure in this book. Appointed by CIA founder Allen Dulles (a Princeton alum), Angleton was the founding Director of CIA Counterintelligence. It was his job to protect the CIA from penetration by Soviet spies. At Yale, Angleton had majored in English. My father recalled his name and said he had taught him. Angleton, I said, was a true aesthete. He edited a poetry magazine that he himself hand-delivered to subscribers at all hours of the night. O­n a visit to Harvard, he had heard a lecture by the English literary critic William Empson and taken it upon himself to bring Empson to lecture at Yale. Not bad for an undergraduate, we agreed. In 1974, CIA Director William Colby dismissed Angleton for his failed attempt to expose a Soviet mole who, Angleton was convinced, had totally penetrated the CIA. Angleton’s obsessive witch hunt had destroyed the careers of dozens of wrongly accused agents and demoralized the entire agency. But time confirmed his worst fears. As Trento and David Wise before him have shown, CIA counterintelligence and FBI counterintelligence as well were indeed totally compromised by Soviet agent Igor Orlov, a “man with the soul of a sociopath” yet supremely disciplined and loyal to Stalin. Angleton missed nabbing Orlov by a hairsbreadth. Under scrutiny for years - CIA and FBI agents openly visited Gallery Orlov, the quaint art and picture-framing store that Igor and his wife Eleanore managed in Alexandria, Virginia - Orlov managed to pass two polygraph tests and got away clean. Angleton, “written off as a crank and a madman by his critics”, and dying of cancer, granted Trento an interview two years before his death in 1987. I read my father the following excerpt: Within the confines of [Angleton’s] remarkable life were most of America’s secrets. “You know how I got to be in charge of counterintelligence? I agreed not to polygraph or require detailed background checks o­n Allen Dulles and 60 of his closest friends . . . They were afraid that their own business dealings with Hitler’s pals would come out. They were too arrogant to believe that the Russians would discover it all. . . . You know, the CIA got tens of thousands of brave people killed. . . We played with lives as if we owned them. We gave false hope. We - I - so misjudged what happened." I asked the dying man how it all went so wrong. With no emotion in his voice, but with his hand trembling, Angleton replied: “Fundamentally, the founding fathers of U.S. intelligence were liars. The better you lied and the more you betrayed, the more likely you would be promoted. These people attracted and promoted each other. Outside of their duplicity, the o­nly thing they had in common was a desire for absolute power. I did things that, in looking back o­n my life, I regret. But I was part of it and I loved being in it. . . Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, Carmel Offie, and Frank Wisner were the grand masters. If you were in a room with them you were in a room full of people that you had to believe would deservedly end up in hell.” Angleton slowly sipped his tea and then said, “I guess I will see them there soon.” I read the last paragraph aloud twice. Then I paused. My father was still with me. Shifting gears, I said, "Who can say whether Dulles and his pals were liars? But Angleton sure doesn't sound like a madman."
  24. http://www.etherzone.com/2002/stang062702.shtml Despite his monumental research, Tony Sutton, like many patriots, at first could not understand why the West, and preeminently the United States, is financing its own destruction. Eventually, he found out and published his findings in his study of Skull & Bones. "These volumes will explain why the West built the Soviets and Hitler; why we go to war, to lose; why Wall Street loves Marxists and Nazis; why the kids can’t read; why the Churches have become propaganda founts; why historical facts are suppressed, why politicians lie and a hundred other whys." Even many well-informed people today don’t know who Tony Sutton was. That invisibility was a function of his integrity. At his death a couple of days ago, he would have been world famous had he not told the truth.
  25. http://www.antonysutton.com/suttoninterview.html "Sooner or later people will wake up. First we have to dump the trap of right and left, this is a Hegelian trap to divide and control. The battle is not between right and left; it is between us and them."
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