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Wim Dankbaar

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Everything posted by Wim Dankbaar

  1. http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/zack.htm This interview was a few years back. Wim
  2. Terry, Maybe you should try a bottom up approach instead of top down. Wim
  3. Granata was not a player at all, never said he was. But that seems to be a problem with many commentators: Lack of information does not inhibit them to form and advocate an opinion. Yes, they were small players, if you are of the opinion that the shooters and operatives were small players. I'd be curious to learn what exactly the "hearsay" would be? Did Files hear it say for example that Ruby met with Johnny Roselli in a pancake house in Ft. Worth on the early morning of 11/22/1963? Or did he just make that part up in violation of the general consencus on Ruby's whereabouts, despite of the allegation that Files must have studied the case well? Did he hear that Oswald took a leave from work every day in the week of the assassination, again in violation of the general consencus? Did he hear that a shell casing with dentmarks had been found on the grassy knoll? If so, from whom? Who told him the mark was a dentmark and how could that person have known it was a dentmark? Did he hear that a guy of whom he has a picture, actually killed Tippit? Is this guy dead? Do you have a reason why this man or his family have not come forward to deny Files' hearsay? Or do you think he or his family have never been informed about that picture? Did Files spin his tale around those of Plumlee and Holt? Or are they Holt and Plumlee in on the Jimmy's sham? Was Files tortured to near death for Nicoletti's diary as Files say? Or was this just a mob thing? If so, why was he not killed? Why did the New Orleans authorities want to speak with James Files about the death of David Ferrie? Why did Seymour Hersh want to speak to James Files? Okay, the last two are a little unfair on my part, since you didn't know that yet. Wim
  4. Depends on who you ask! Ask Jack White and your answer is Sturgis and Hunt Ask Gary Mack and your answer is Gedney, Abrams and Doyle Ask me and your answer is Holt, Rogers and Harrelson. Ask Woody and he just says nothing. Smoke and mirrors, Smoke and mirrors.
  5. Hi Terry, Are you still allied with Rich? I would be curious on what basis you would not be "putting too much endorsement into the James Files story". I would also be curious for your opinion on the "Chauncey Holt story", the "Tosh Plumlee story" and the "Joe Granata story". Wim
  6. Well.. I've lost your email address. Can you send me an email at info@jfkmurdersolved.com?
  7. Lee, You can see what Files says about Hofmann on page 2 of his letter here: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/letters.htm A photo of Files was offered to Ed Hofman thru Ron Friedrich but his response was that the distance was too far for facial recognition. On another note, Files did not disassemble his gun, it fitted in the case as a whole. He says the sketch of him on my website is all wrong. He could partner with Allan Eaglesham. Wim
  8. Judyth is in possession of a 1977 audio interview by Dutch journalist Willem Oltmans with DeM. This inteview has never been released to the public as far as I know. When Judyth and I listened to it for the first time, it became clear that the very favorable character descriptions of Lee Oswald and somewhat less favorable descriptions of Marina , were an exact match with what I already knew from Judyth. But secondly, there is nothing in there that even remotely suggests that De Mohrenschildt suspected that Oswald had been Walker's assaillant. He states that he was flabbergasted to hear that LHO had killed the President. He states that he could not believe it. How does this rhyme with Epstein's allegations that DeM was satisfied that Lee had taken a shot at Walker? Unfortunetely, George is not around anymore to refute Epstein's "interview" with him. How convenient! Wim
  9. "I'm a little skeptical that NSA counsel could have written and signed a letter in 1978 during the HSCA investigation on this explosive subject and not remember it at all -" Can't blame you! I felt the same. I just tried to find on Google if there was a NSA monitoring station in Kirknewton, Scotland. It turns out there was. Numerous links on this search: http://www.google.nl/search?hl=nl&q=%2Bkir...land+%2BNSA&lr= http://www.staff.ncl.ac.uk/d.f.j.wood/thesis_files/5-6.pdf ... telecommunications monitoring station at Kirknewton in Scotland were officially closed and all tasks transferred to the National Security Agency (NSA) to be ... http://www.100megsfree4.com/farshores/s_ech03.htm Thus, in 1965, while intercept operators at the NSA's Chicksands station in England focussed on the radio messages of Warsaw Pact air forces, their colleagues 200 kilometres north at Kirknewton, Scotland were covering "ILC" traffic, including commercially run radio links between major European cities. These networks could carry anything from birthday telegrams to detailed economic or commercial information exchanged by companies, to encrypted diplomatic messages. In the intercept rooms, machines tuned to transmission channels continuously spewed out 8-ply paper to be read and marked up by intelligence analysts
  10. I will have to read this through several times before I could be comfortable in commenting on it but I very much doubt that it is in the HSCA collection; it could be in NSA documents released to NARA due to the action of the ARRB and that would make sense of the 1999 date - and you should be able to verify that through the archives. I doubt with you that it will be in the HSCA collection. If this is a genuine document (and I don't see why not, unless it was designed to fool Files) it was sent to the FBI. I have yet to discover anything from them to help the investigation. Unless we're talking about retired agents. Wim
  11. By the way Larry. Half of the time I cannot access the lancer forum (website goes fine, just the forum). This is probably a typical "dutch" problem, because I know that other people can access it when I cannot, I receive the emails from subscribed threats. Any ideas? Like right now I get this: Warning: main(dcsetup.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/d2654c/public_html/dc/dcboard.php on line 33 Warning: main(): Failed opening 'dcsetup.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/d2654c/public_html/dc/dcboard.php on line 33 Warning: main(INCLUDE_DIR/dclib.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/d2654c/public_html/dc/dcboard.php on line 38 Warning: main(): Failed opening 'INCLUDE_DIR/dclib.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/d2654c/public_html/dc/dcboard.php on line 38 Warning: main(INCLUDE_DIR/dcinit.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/d2654c/public_html/dc/dcboard.php on line 39 Warning: main(): Failed opening 'INCLUDE_DIR/dcinit.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/d2654c/public_html/dc/dcboard.php on line 39 Warning: main(INCLUDE_DIR/dchtmllib.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/d2654c/public_html/dc/dcboard.php on line 40 Warning: main(): Failed opening 'INCLUDE_DIR/dchtmllib.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/d2654c/public_html/dc/dcboard.php on line 40 Warning: main(INCLUDE_DIR/dcfilterlib.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/d2654c/public_html/dc/dcboard.php on line 41 Warning: main(): Failed opening 'INCLUDE_DIR/dcfilterlib.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/d2654c/public_html/dc/dcboard.php on line 41 Warning: main(INCLUDE_DIR/mysqldb.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/d2654c/public_html/dc/dcboard.php on line 42 Warning: main(): Failed opening 'INCLUDE_DIR/mysqldb.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/d2654c/public_html/dc/dcboard.php on line 42 Fatal error: Call to undefined function: db_connect() in /home/d2654c/public_html/dc/dcboard.php on line 45
  12. PS: The third document on that webpage shows a cover letter signed by Daniel B. Silver. A quick Google search reveals that Mr. Silver is now a senior partner in a Washington lawfirm and was indeed the General Counsel of the NSA in 1978. Yesterday I left a message for Mr. Silver who was so nice to respond to me by email just a few minutes ago, that he has absolutely no recollection of the document and that, as a matter of protocol, he was often required to sign such transmittal letters, prepared by his lawyers. Wim
  13. William, just to make sure I understand, the header on your site above the documents seems to me to say that someone send Files the original letters (one to someone in Wy and a reply to someone in Fla) along with the official memos essentially showing the NSA bringing a mail intercept of these letters inside the U.S. to the attention of the FBI so that they could bring it to the attention of a JFK investigation (from the date, apparently the HSCA). Am I reading the header correctly? Hi Larry, I need to get your book, I guess. Is it available in Europe or do I have to go thru Amazon.com? NO, I don't think you read the header correctly. Someone (and I don't know who and I haven't asked yet) mailed the entire set of ducuments that you see on that webpage to James Files in prison with the question if he was the author of the letter. I doubt if Files got the originals, I don't think so, he must have received copies I guess. I'm not sure how you conclude they were also sent to someone in Wy? Are you able to state when Files received all the items including the confidential memos and were they from a Goverment agency or an anonymous source? Have you been able to verify the documents are held by NARA or were ever turned over to the HSCA or more recently to NARA via the ARRB - or does it appear someone essentially lifted the documents from FBI and NSA files and just sent them to Files? Well, as I understand, these memos are not confidential any longer. They have been declasssiified, as you can see by the stripes thru the words 'confidential." As to the date that they were declassified and/or Files received them I can only give you Files' own words at this time: "just declassified about a year ago from the NSA". He wrote this in 1999. See page three of his letter here: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/letters.htm Before commenting on the documents themselves - which certainly don't seem to have been investigated by HSCA or brought to their attention - it would help to understand how Files received them (not only the letters but classified documents about them which seem to reveal a possibly illegal mail intercept program by NSA among other things). I can ask how he received them, but I'm not sure if he will answer it. He is pretty sensitive about his sources and lately he is simply fed-up with wise guys doubting his story, and he doesn't seem to care either, which doesn't make my job any easier by the way. Wim -- thanks, Larry
  14. Antti, Why did Epstein cancel a national (NBC) program on the confession of James Files? Does that shed a light on your discrepancies? Wim
  15. Well, shame on you, Antti! The middle initial of Vanek is a V, not an H! Wim
  16. http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/NSA.htm Who of the researchers here has ever seen these documents? Was it a mistake to declassify them? Or are they just fake? In both cases they don't seem to be very known among researchers. I would expect they were. Anyone who can shed a light? Wim PS: And why are a lot of names still redacted?
  17. I talked to Dennis David when the question whether Pitzer was left or right handed came up for me. He said he could have been wrong in his statements that Pitzer was left handed. He had only concluded he was left handed because Pitzer dealt cards with his left hand. Apparently Pitzer could use both hands. This issue has created confusion indeed. However, it goes much too far to call Daniel Marvin a xxxx because of it. After all, it doesn't change he fact that Marvin was asked to killl Pitzer and Marvin had a good source for the left hand issue. Dennis also claims he saw Pitzer working on the autopsy film and photos, and told me personally these photos showed an entrance wound in the right temple. They were very similar to the "stare of death pictures". Why does Eaglesham not shout that Dennis David is a xxxx too? He doesn't seem to believe Marvin, so what makes Dennis better? Secondly, the classified report on the FBI investigation into Pitzer's death was sent anonymously to Daniel Marvin, not to Eaglesham, the so called greatest expert on this case. It is Marvin who raised heaven and hell to get it (to no avail), not Eaglesham. Why was that report still classified and why would the sender want to stay anonymous? Hurray for him/her by the way. Why was Mrs Joyce Pitzer told to keep her mouth if she wanted to keep her widow's pension. Why these secrecies, threaths and surpressions if Pitzer's death was an apparent suicide, as Mr. Eaglesham wants to have us believe? Wim
  18. Ok , here's a point to "address proper", I will ignore your unproper addresses then. How was Marvin "dishonest" about "some aspect" of the CIA-contract-on-Pitzer story? It may be sufficiently documented on your website, as you always say, but not for me then: What is the "some aspect" exactly? I ask to be SPECIFIC please. Name the aspect. Is it because he refused to call Vanek in your presence? Is that the aspect? And if so, please explain how that is a LIE? Wim
  19. Or did I overlook any other interpretation? (if you look thru the smoke and mirrors of emotional issues) Mr. Dankbaar: Let me remind you of what you wrote on October 2, 2003: "I have consulted with retired FBI agent Zack Shelton, and have come to the conclusion, also based on his advice, not to bother addressing you personally with reactions to your blatantly distortive "essay". It is so full of errors, misrepresentations, subjective allegations and omissions that I question your integrity and sincerity to engage in a constructive debate over our evidence." I got your message loud and clear. Therefore: "Since you have so graciously shown Martin Shackelford and the rest of us, that you are able to correct errors and update your articles accordingly, I thought I 'd give it a shot as well:" I have little interest in showing "the rest of us" my ability to correct errors. Martin, who has never questioned my integrity, indicated I failed to include ALL information concerning the Murchison party. I responded by detailing events that made the scenario even more preposterous. "My decision whether or not to inform you of more errors for correction, will depend on how you will handle this one." I have little interest in your decision whether you write me concerning "more errors" be they real or imagined. I am certainly not going to set myself up for a long litany of charges and countercharges based upon how well you think I perform. After all you have determined that my reports are "so full of errors, misrepresentations, subjective allegations and omissions that [you] question [my] integrity and sincerity to engage in a constructive debate over our evidence." For some reason seven months later you have decided, contrary to Zack Shelton’s advice and your own inferences, to contact me with new demands and stipulations! I am not going to help you plug holes in your investigation. I’m sure all my "errors, misrepresentations, subjective allegations and omissions " will be thoroughly documented in your end product. Dave Perry ----- Original Message ----- From: Wim Dankbaar To: dperry2@flash.net Cc: gmack@jfk.org Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 10:14 AM Subject: XP-100 Goodday Mr. Perry, Since you have so graciously shown Martin Shackelford and the rest of us, that you are able to correct errors and update your articles accordingly, I thought I 'd give it a shot as well: You write in your article "That Pesky XP-100": "There is no mention of the XP-100. Why? Because, as mentioned earlier, the XP-100 was chambered to fire only the .221. Not important to you or me, but certainly important to the best shooters, or possibly professional assassins, in the world." Source: http://home.flash.net/~dperry2/final.html May I suggest you read the following webpages: http://www.reloadbench.com/cartridges/p221rf.html Particularly: "During it development stages, the XP-100 was first chambered for the .222 Remington cartridge, but Leek eventually decided it burned a bit more powder then was necessary in a 10-3/4 inch barrel. Consequently, the .222 case was shortened to 1.40 inches and the new cartridge became known as the .221 Fire Ball. Muzzle velocity with a 50 grain bullet was advertised as 2650 fps." More information of interest here: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/fireball1.htm My decision whether or not to inform you of more errors for correction, will depend on how you will handle this one. Cordially, Wim Dankbaar PS: As agreed before, our correspondence can be made public. cc to your friend Gary Mack
  20. "James E. Files - what can we do to convince you that we need that diary?" Unfortunately: Nothing! He was tortured to near-death for it. Why would he give it up now? I think he would gladly prove the existence of the diary and the entrance made in it for John F. Kennedy. The only problem is: Giving up the diary would finger many of his former friends (including himself) in some 600 unsolved contract murders. Files just won't do that. I offered him the possibility to give the location to someone he really trusts, like Pam Ray. His answer: She would be dead in 24 hours. Made me realize how silly the question was. Ya know, the biggest problem with that diary is that it will show how the CIA/Government and the Mob were (are?) two sides of the same coin. What about using the one page? Silly question again. He would still have to tell the location, since he is in jail. Besides, JFK is not the only entry on that page. Wim
  21. Silly games? Please explain! Of course I am aware of 13th version. I assisted the producer to some extent. Everyone I know that saw it, thought it was great by the way. Pity it only aired in Russia. If you refer to the sketches, there may be some inaccuracies, however I say you're nitpicking. I wish you would do that that for ABC's doc "Beyond conspiracy" Untrustworthy? That's a hell of a statement, Allan. Backup? Wim PS: And please try to explain for once to me in your own and maybe clearer words, what it was exactly that made you turn your back on Dan Marvin. Your words on your website, to which you always refer when I ask this, are so fuzzy to me that I still don't understand. I think it is important for me, you and the rest that we DO understand since you call him a xxxx in public.
  22. WHAT?? What makes you say that? Are you making the same mistake as with Judyth Baker? Relying on third party hearsay? ----- Original Message ----- From: Wim Dankbaar To: Daniel Marvin Cc: John Simkin Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 3:45 PM Subject: Hey Dan, your intervention is needed here! http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showforum=126 Quote: However, Marvin is not a reliable witness. Does any other member have more information on this case? Unquote This is a new forum, which so far seems to be fair and objective. However the forum administrator Mr. John Simkin seems to have a habit of speaking before collecting all the facts or even talking to the main witnesses involved. But, I have to add, he has shown himself to be honorable and correct earlier errors. So get on line there and say what you need to say. Wim
  23. JF – It very well could be. It’s very possible that Sam Giancana and David Phillips could have been talking. But like I say, again: If I know everybody in that area and I get stopped, I can name every shooter there if there is other shooters there. I’m not saying there is other shooters, what I am saying is this: I have no need to know of everybody that is involved in an operation. What purpose would that serve? That’s like me going into a communist country on a covert operation and me knowing everybody, all the other agents that are there in that field working. And if I get captured, they all get executed! So the same thing goes when it comes down to crime. You try to keep your people the least bit to know as possible.
  24. Invitation to Jack White and/or Bill Miller to show us why the Backyard Photos are fakes, like Oswald said. To whomever believes they are fakes, it must cast a strange shadow over Professor Epstein and Michael Paine, who both mention the existence of these photographs MONTHS before the assassination. Wim http://edwardjayepstein.com/diary/dem.htm But it then became apparent to him that he had become a much closer confidant of Oswald than he realized. In early April, Marina gave him a curious memento from Oswald. It was an inscribed photograph showing Oswald dressed in black, holding, in one hand, the radical newspaper The Militant and, in the other, the sniper's rifle with the telescopic sight-- that he had shown De Mohrenschildt the week before. The photograph was signed "For George, Lee Harvey Oswald" and dated April 5th, 1963. Marina had derisively scribbled in Russian "Hunter of Fascists. Ha. Ha." That "Ha Ha" became less a joke to De Mohrenschildt on April 10th when De Mohrenschildt heard on the radio that a sniper had fired a shot at General Walker. Only a few weeks before, in the company of three young geologists, he recalled that he had heard Oswald single out Walker as a "fascist" that should be dealt with, and, when one the geologists egged him by talking of an assassination plot against Hitler, Oswald answered that Hitler should have been shot before he ever achieved power. He thus had a "pretty good suspicion who had taken the potshot" at Walker.
  25. The Last Investigation by Gaeton Fonzi should be included. Now I can only vote for second best. Wim
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