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Wim Dankbaar

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Everything posted by Wim Dankbaar

  1. Gary, Interesting that you were the first to post this. Upon looking closer the document has all the looks of a hoax. I understand that researchers are going to NARA and see what document is really behind this RIF number. I doubt very strongly now it will be this doc. However, checking it is the most sensible thing to do. Wim
  2. Bob, The trip to Spain was great, thanks. If this document is real, it is the most significant document ever to emerge since JFK was killed. In fact it should be ALL OVER THE NEWS from today onwards. It's very fresh, so I do not know a lot. It was emailed to me yesterday by Ed Sherry of the South Florida Research Group (includes Gaeton Fonzi and Gordon Winslow a.o.) I fired a lot of questions back to him, and he said he has no more info than what he sent me. The Document is in the National Archives, it seems to be real. If it is, every serious researcher will understand the significance and its widespread consequences. Wim ----- Original Message ----- From: Ed Sherry To: Wim Dankbaar Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2004 11:02 PM Subject: Re: oswald doc? You got what I got. es ----- Original Message ----- From: Wim Dankbaar To: Ed Sherry Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2004 3:10 PM Subject: Re: oswald doc? Is this document REAL? What is its provenance? Is it officially in NARA? When was it declassified? Wim ----- Original Message ----- From: Ed Sherry To: Tree Frog Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2004 6:44 PM Subject: Fw: oswald doc? New document for SFRG members and JFK specialists. Frog
  4. http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/filesx.jpg Who is the man on the right of James Files? Picture was taken in New Orleans 1962. I am renewing this request. I have long thought that this unidentified man, who is the real murderer of J.D. Tippit according to James Files, was a close friend and associate of Files for 40 years. But this thought proved to be false. The man has also been identified as one "Keith Lorenz", a CIA agent working in South East Asia. This lead also proved to be wrong. However, I can add the following information now: This man is probably from Chicago but that is not absolutely sure. For example he could also be from Florida or Louisiana. It is sure that Texas was NOT his home state. He worked for David Atlee Phillips. He was strictly CIA and one of Phillips' men. Therefore he should not be sought in the milieu of Organized Crime. If he worked for Phillips, he could have been one of the people training at JM/Wave or the Keys. In the picture, the man looks to be in his early thirties. If still alive, he would be early 70 now. Wim
  5. I made an exception and will now resort back to my rule: I don't discuss with dishonest liars who refuse to disclose their true identity. Wim
  6. Of further interest is that Rose Cheramie was brought from Carity Hospital, Lafayette to Eastern Louisiana State Hospital, Jackson. This was a mental hospital, the same hospital where Ochsner did his cancer experiments on live patients, which was the reason that Oswald, Ferrie and Clay Shaw were seen in nearby Clinton to await the convoy of prisoners who were unwitting "volunteers" for these experiments. It is also the hospital where Oswald so called "apllied" for a job. Wim
  7. "P.S.I notice Mr. Wim has not answered my quewstion of why it is OK for James Files and Judyth Baker to incrimalate dead people but he says it is evil for Dave Rietzes to do the same!" That is because I usually don't discuss with dishonest liars who refuse to disclose their true identity. However, in this case I shall make an exception: James Files and Judyth Baker are both WITNESSES with a TESTIMONY, that they are willing to repeat UNDER OATH. In addition they have corroborating evidence and witnesses for what they say. Dave Reitzes does not fall in that category. He just falls in the category of sharks trying to smear and discredit them with lies. It is the same category you fit in. And yet another category you share is the category of people solliciting for my summary on Vernon: ----- Original Message ----- From: Wim Dankbaar To: Dreitzes@aol.com Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 6:11 PM Subject: Re: *****SPAM***** Bob Vernon I don't hate you. I just think you're doing a job. Somebody else would do it, if you wouldn't. Wim ----- Original Message ----- From: Dreitzes@aol.com To: info@jfkmurdersolved.com Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 6:08 PM Subject: *****SPAM***** Bob Vernon Wim, Does your offer apply to people you hate? Dave \:^) >John and all, > >I am not interested to engage in a flame war with Dr. Truth >here. I believe it does not serve any goal and I believe it is >something the Dr. thrives on. However, those who are truly >interested in another side of the story of my dealings with >Mr. Vernon are welcome to email me at info@jfkmurdersolved.com >and I will be glad to send them a summary. > >Wim -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS: Mr. "Bias", since you're in friendly email contact with "Dr Truth", you may ask the summary from him, as he has informed the JFK lancer forum that he does have it now.
  8. Pamela, His email address is Ramentalk@aol.com (public information from the google groups) Maybe there is a clue in there. I think that smiley behind his last question is a very appropriate signature for him. Wim
  9. Mr. Byas, goon for Bob Vernon, shark in the goldfish pond, showing his true colors again. John, Why the the heck don't you kick this guy off? He has NOT posted a bio and refuses to give any proof of his identity, not even the state where he lives. Do a poll whether he should be kicked off. His home is alt.assassination.jfk, the shark pool. Wim
  10. Bill Bias or whatever your real name is, Please show us where Mr. Vernon posted email correspondence on the Internet with a subject line as follows: Subject: VIP confidential from BOB VERNON Which happened to end up in your email inbox. I think it is pretty clear who the silly man is , and I repeat that you should be kicked off here, unless you prove your identity, which so far you have refused consistently. Wim
  11. I would like to add that the witness who said that he saw (the now famous anti Castro terrorrist) Luis Posada in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/1963 was CHAUNCEY MARVIN HOLT (deceased 1997). This is NOT known information to the public. To my knowledge there is no other source who has ever implicated Posada in the events of Dallas 11/22/1963. But if you see how Mr. Posada and his associates have been protected by George Bush's CIA for over 40 years, from the bombing of the Cuban airliner in 1976, to Posada's participation in Iran Contra along with his operation 40 pal Felix Rodriguez, to the current pardon for the latest attempt on Castro, it sure starts to make sense. Wim
  12. To: Wim Dankbaar Sent: Monday, September 06, 2004 11:13 AM Subject: Lancerforum down. Explanation. Richard, yes, the complete network of our host is down.You may try http://www.vizhost.com/ and you'll see at the moment the site is also down. It took me quite some time to get in touch with them, only way was via telephone, Nancy Eldreth did a great Job and called them for me, as I didn't want to disturb Debra with it, she needs to recover, but she's informed by now. As many may know, our host is something "special", and they could only be contacted via phone under a private number. They said that they are working on the problem, and we will be back as fast as possible. Well there's nothing I can do at the moment, as I can't access the server myself, and the problem isn't coming from our server. As I don't have a complete member mail list at hand, please do me the favor to inform as much members by forwarding this mal under the headline : "Lancerforum down. Explanation", and put the names in of those you send the mail to, so no one get's drowned in mails. Please add the names to the list, so everyone can see who got the mail already. I've send this to : Richard Smith Larry Hancock Bill Miller Jim Harwood Bob Vernon Wim Dankbaar Gary Mack Thanks, and let's hope we're back soon uwe aka david weaver
  13. Annti, John and all, I had seen this "biography", but in my definition this does not qualify as a biography. Yours? What else do we learn apart from the statement that Mr. Byas is "interested" in the JFK assassination? Aren''t we all as members of this forum? I stay with what I said. I received the following email from Bill Byas. Unfortunately for Mr. Byas, he forgot to delete Bob Vernon's subject line (made BOLD by me). ----- Original Message ----- From: xxxxxx To: info@jfkmurdersolved.com Cc: xxxxxx Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 4:45 PM Subject: Re: VIP confidential from BOB VERNON Wim, I'd be intersted in hearing about you and Mr. Bob Vernon. Bill Byas #46, "RE: QUESTION FOR JUDYTH BAKER" In response to Reply # 44 Mon Aug-30-04 01:22 AMby Dankbaar John and all, I am not interested to engage in a flame war with Dr. Truth here. I believe it does not serve any goal and I believe it is something the Dr. thrives on. However, those who are truly interested in another side of the story of my dealings with Mr. Vernon are welcome to email me at info@jfkmurdersolved.com and I will be glad to send them a summary. Wim Which Bill Byas is our Bill Byas? http://preview.ussearch.com/preview/newsea...ge=40&x=37&y=21 5 Preliminary Search Results for: "Bill Byas" 1 BILL W BYAS - GLENWOOD WA Advanced Locator Instant Criminal Search Background Search 2 BILL R BYAS - MOBILE AL Advanced Locator Instant Criminal Search Background Search 3 BILL R BYAS - COLUMBIA MO Advanced Locator Instant Criminal Search Background Search 4 BILL R BYAS - TROY MO Advanced Locator Instant Criminal Search Background Search 5 BILL BYAS - CRYSTAL SPRINGS MS Advanced Locator Instant Criminal Search Background Search Can't Find Who You're Looking for? Let an Expert Run Your Search...
  14. I don't think he is a spy or disinformation agent in any official capacity, although you never know with people who are shy to tell anything about themselves. I DO believe he is here acting on behalf of Bob Vernon. I have good reason for the thesis. Moreover, he has already shown he is less than honest by suggesting things opposite of reality (namely that Judyth has no evidence, even though he has gotten it, at least part of it). I can smell these guys from a distance, Pat. Maybe in that regard I am less of a newbee. That is why I opt for Mr. Byas to give some clear proof of his identity. This is one of the finest, objective, intelligent and uninfiltrated boards in my view. I would welcome preservation of that. Wim
  15. It's exactly waht I predicted over a year ago: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/moteng.htm Bosch is reasonably quiet since then, but Luis Posada and Guillermo Novo are true die-hards. Since three years they are in a Panamese jail for their latest foiled murder attempt on Castro. Before Fidel could speak there on a Latin American summit, they were caught with bags full of explosives. However, Washington is working hard on their release. And why not? George W. publicly advocates the need for Castro 's "removal". But why then is the Panama trial not reported in the mainstream press? See for yourself: +Posada +Panama. Do the search click here
  16. Pat, If she feels derailed by anything, it is 1) by getting entangled in a super secret, covert CIA project, 2) by her love Lee Oswald getting killed, 2) having to keep her mouth shut for 36 years 4) opening up after 36 years (last one has probably the most weight) Wim
  17. "As for Judyth, at this point I'm withholding judgement on the whole of her story. Although it seems pretty clear she worked with Oswald and most likely knew him, there is too much in her story that is self-serving for me to swalllow it whole. That said, however, the anger with which some respond to her story and the absolute glee some derive from trying to debunk her is un-nerving, and is likely to scare anyone else who knew Oswald from coming forward." Intelligent and constructive comments. However, I would be curious to the ingredients of the story that you consider to be 'self-serving for me to swalllow it whole'. Could you elaborate on that? Wim
  18. Both these Cuban exiles are veterans of operation 40, covert assets of the CIA for over 40 years and implicated in the Kennedy assassination. Note the near total blackout of US mainstream news media http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/9576502.htm http://www.granma.cu/ingles/2004/agosto/mar31/36afir-i.html http://www.cubadebate.cu/index.php?tpl=esp...echa=2004-08-30 "In the name of what humanitarianism does she speak, this woman?" Randy Alonso 2004-08-30 Freed Terrorist Luis Posada Carriles Simon Wollers Radio Havana Cuba The outgoing president of Panama, Mireya Moscoso, last Thursday pardoned four men serving prison sentences in Panama for endangering public safety by possessing a large amount of explosives. She did so for what she said were “humanitarian reasons.” The explosives had been designed to kill visiting Cuban President Fidel Castro in 2000. The release of the terrorists has caused consternation in Cuba, Venezuela (where one of the men is wanted) and Panama with Havana immediately severing diplomatic relations and Venezuela recalling its ambassador. ------------ Cubana flight 455 crashed into the sea off the island of Barbados in October of 1976 after a bomb exploded on board. All 73 passengers and crew died. One of the men found guilty of planning and executing the sabotage was Luis Posada Carriles who escaped from a Venezuelan prison where he was serving time for the act of terrorism. After years of walking the streets of Miami and San Salvador a free man, he turned up again in Panama in 2000 where he and three Cuban Americans attempted to kill Fidel Castro along with many hundreds of students and workers attending a welcome for the Cuban leader. Now they have been released after serving only 4 years of a 7-8 year sentence. Iraida Malberti’s husband was one of those killed on board Cubana Flight 455. She says she cannot understand the release of these terrorists: “My husband, who was flying in the plane, was killed by Posada Carriles. These men are confessed killers, of that there is no doubt. And now they’re pardoned under this false concept of humanitarianism. In the name of what humanitarianism does she speak, this woman?” Dr Julio Yao is a professor of International Law at the University of Panama and was very explicit about the illegal nature of the Panamanian president’s act: “The President of Panama has violated the Constitution because the political constitution of Panama only authorizes a pardon in cases of political crimes and terrorism is not a political crime. She also violated international law because she did not comply with her obligations and treaties signed by Panama regarding terrorism. I personally believe that the elections in November are not indifferent to this fact.” Indeed, says former US Attorney General Ramsey Clarke, the timing of this event coincided with an electoral campaign visit of US President George Bush to Miami and the beginning of the Republican National Convention in New York: “This pardon by President Mireya Moscoso has to be seen as the most recent in a long line of terrorist acts against the government and the people of Cuba. It is not insignificant that this happens on the eve of the Republican Convention. That the United States desired this and caused it to happen would be hard to deny and it is sad to see in the midst of President Bush’s war on terrorism, he continues the US war on terrorism against the sovereignty and independence of the people of Cuba.” Cubans are astounded at what they call the treachery, lies and support of terrorism by Panama’s president. Stephen Fay of Radio Havana Cuba explains that the 1976 bombing of the Cubana flight has never been forgotten: “I think that caused such an incredible impact in the Cuban psyche – Posada Carriles was involved in that sabotage attack – so now to see him released after serving four years of a pitifully short eight year sentence, perhaps it would have been easier to cope with if he’d escaped. But he’s been pardoned and released by the president of a nation. There’s a feeling of disbelief and disgust.” Mireya Moscoso said she released the four men on what she termed as “humanitarian” grounds because she feared they would face the death penalty if a succeeding Panamanian government extradited them to Cuba or to Venezuela which specifically claims Posada Carriles. Her comment elicited anger in both countries with Caracas promptly recalling its ambassador after Cuba had severed diplomatic relations with Panama. Havana has previously publicly guaranteed the four terrorists would not face the death penalty and Venezuela doesn’t even have the death penalty on its books. Cuba pointed out that Moscoso was quick to triumphantly call a US official with the news three of the four were on their way back to a hero’s welcome in Miami. The fourth, Luis Posada Carriles, once again free, flew to an unknown destination. Most Cubans believe it will not be the last they hear of him.
  19. "If only Jack Ruby could have told us more, he is still a dark horse" Jack Ruby said more than many people are aware of: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/ruby.htm
  20. Why do you thusfar allow "Bill Byas" to keep posting on this forum? Despite pointing out some compulsory forum rules to him, he has ignored you. It is time to be consistent in my view. A law looses it's value if it is not practiced. Wim
  21. The mafia was "not behind it", but had part of the executing role. The mafia could not have pulled off the cover up, flaw the motorcade security, doctor the medical evidence, appoint the Warren Commision, and have the mass media lie about it for 40 years, to name just a few examples. Wim
  22. James Files' military records: There is a lot to say about those, but in checking some emails from one of my correspondents, I found a post hereunder, that I had completely missed before. I thought it was interesing to read the following: "Some interesting things happened with File's military record and his criminal history during the sentencing part of his trial. The military refused to honor the subpoena for his records." Why oh why? Wim Van: Dave Ostertag (daveostertag@aol.com) Onderwerp:James Files View: Complete Thread (55 bijdragen) Original Format Discussies:alt.assassination.jfk Datum:2001-09-24 08:44:46 PST Hello to all. I'm the Police Officer that James is in prison for. I was shot in the chest with an exit wound on the right butt cheek. Personally I think he is full of dung. His story chages to fit the facts. I think he is entertaining though. I'm glad that he and Dave Morley will probably be spending the rest of their life in prison. Some interesting things happened with File's military record and his criminal history during the sentencing part of his trial. The military refused to honor the subpoena for his records. In regards to his Criminal History. I had arrested Files in 1984 or 1985 for a bond forfeiture warrant for possession of explosives out of Texas. I remember looking at his criminal history at that time and saying, this is a guy I'm going to run into again. He had a hommicide and other arrests and convictions on the record that showed he was a true professional criminal as compared to the street thugs you normally come across. I saved the Criminal History knowing that I would see him again. At the time of my gunfight with Files and Morley his rap sheet was clean. Both Files and Morley had active Federal Parole warrants at that time. Neither warrant appeared in the NCIC computer queries. Morley had begun his criminal carreer in 1975. He and his Step Father broke Morley's Step Brother out of a prison in Florida. Morley shot twqo Prison Guards in the escape and was shot three times himself. He was dropped off at a Hospital in Atlanta where he was arrested. The Step Brother was killed by the FBI a year later in Mobile, Alabama. Morley was sentenced to prison for the breakout and for shooting the Guards. He escaped in 1982 and was later caought and sentenced for the 1982 escaped. He had done time for that and for three subsequent Federal convictions and prison sentences with Files for Bank robberies. The Federal Parole violation warrants outstanding at the time of my gunfight with them were for the last Bank Robbery convictions. When my department arrested Morley one week prior to our gunfight, he had no arrests or convictions or the warrant on his criminal history. Files also had a clean criminal history. The Probation Officer that prepared their pre-sentence investigations used the 1985 criminal history that I had saved for Files and, had to contact local Law Enforcement and the Florida Department of Corrections to rebuild Morley's. I'm sure that there is an explanation but, it does raise questions. I'm just glad the two of them will be spending the rest of their life in prison. Just wanted to check in and say hello.
  23. To John Simkin, This guy is obviously not who he says he is, as has declined every opportunity to prove the opposite and post some biographical information, which I understand is now compulsory. He is possibly a goon for Bob Vernon, whose new and sudden mission is to suggest Judyth Baker is a hoax. Most of his questions are answered in the Judyth Baker thread, started by himself. He has now started another thread with the exact same subject, as if he wouldn't know any better. John, your new rules are excellent to keep this forum clean, objective and free from fake invaders with an hidden dishonest agenda. But not if you won't apply the rules. Advice: Kick him off ! Wim
  24. Theoretically this is possible, but the evidence refutes this theory. The mafia was a welcome and willing asset, not more. Wim
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