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Wim Dankbaar

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Everything posted by Wim Dankbaar

  1. Dear Harry, Thanks for answering. I do commend you for putting flowers on Lee's grave. That would have been a welcome change from people spitting on it and it shows you know this could have happened to any other patriot like yourself. I am glad that more and more men like you and Tosh are coming forward with their inside views and are apparently setting their fears aside for the sake of future generations. Can you please elaborate on what the following words mean to you? Alhambra L.A. Stamp and stationary Scimitar Studio Dennis Curtin Studio Santa Barbara Airport, Goleta Thanks in advance, Wim
  2. Dear Harry, Is it true that you put flowers on Lee Harvey Oswald's grave for some time? That would be very considerate of you. Would you share your motivation with us here? Thanks, Wim
  3. http://granmai.co.cu/ingles/2004/octubre/juev7/41complo.html 1963, EL COMPLOT, BY FABIAN ESCALANTE Kennedy and Fidel, targets of the same conspiracy BY JEAN-GUY ALLARD —Special for Granma International— “ASSASINATING a president is a very complex operation: it’s not just about a lone individual smoking marihuana who takes it upon himself to shoot using a self-loading World War II rifle.” In 1963: El Complot (1963: The Conspiracy), Fabian Escalante Font, head of and combatant in Cuban State Security for more than 30 years, presents the Cuban view of a conspiracy that not only involved the assassination of U.S. President John Kennedy but also a plan to assassinate Cuban President Fidel Castro. Escalante’s fascinating 250-page historical analysis was recently launched on the international market by Ocean Press publishers (www.oceanbooks.com.au) in the course of a press conference with the author in Havana. “We are not linking the assassination attempt on Fidel with Kennedy’s assassination. They made that link,” explains the retired general, referring to the work of the committee set up to investigate a large number of CIA plots to assassinate foreign political leaders headed by Senator Frank Church, who visited Havana in 1978. “This is not my initiative or one taken by Cuban State Security or the national government. This link between Kennedy’s assassination and CIA’s Cuban-American mechanism and the mafia was posed by the U.S. authorities. What we followed was the thread that they gave us.” THIS CONSPIRACY HAD OFFICIAL BACKING Fabián Escalante is very clear on the Dallas crime: “This is a conspiracy that had to have had official backing¼I have no doubt about that!” “I think I demonstrate how the whole operation was organized and how it was essential to blame Lee Harvey Oswald¼because Oswald was supposed to come to Havana. By a sheer miracle, by chance, he didn’t, having done his utmost to travel here. Imagine if at the end of September, the beginning of October – the time he wanted to travel –Lee Harvey Oswald had been in Havana for even one day, just one day!” On the other hand, the author states that all the investigations into the Kennedy assassination have confirmed that four shots were fired “and also, from different angles”, which leads to the inevitable question: After Kennedy was killed, why have 100-plus people with some connection with this crime also died? “We decided to investigate the issue in the 1990s,” indicated the general who, after retiring from the State Security executive in 1993, made a proposal to the Ministry of the Interior to create a study center linked to the organization, which is closely connected to the Cuban Revolution’s many victories in confronting U.S. destabilization plans. “We came across various reports of persons that intended to place a group of Cubans in Dallas on November 18, 1963, including Pedro Luis Díaz Lanz, the Novo Sampol brothers, Luis Posada Carriles, Orlando Bosch, Virgilio Paz, Antonio Veciana and others.” Antonio Veciana’s organization was already in place in Dallas before Kennedy’s assassination, Fabián Escalante noted: “That was perfectly demonstrated. In other words, Antonio Veciana’s group was organizing in an unusual way in Dallas and his office was located in a house that, according to the Dallas sheriff – this isn’t what I’m saying, it’s what he said – Lee Harvey Oswald was seen entering¼How strange! What a coincidence!” At that time, Dallas was a gunrunning center for the Italian mafia who purchased weapons from the U.S. Army and resold them to Cuban groups. “And Dallas, together with New Orleans and Miami, were the cities that made up the axis of all the trafficking of weapons and illegal explosives.” JMWAVE: “MORE CRIMINALS THAN THE EMBASSY IN BAGHDAD” For Fabián Escalante, 1963 was the year when the Cuban-American mafia was consolidated and took on a life of its own: “Up until then, the Cuban-American exile movement served as a pool of players for the CIA’s plans; they were the CIA’s soldiers of fortune.” But when in 1962, JM/WAVE, Miami’s large operative base was organized, counterrevolutionary activity moved onto a new stage. The CIA station in Miami was enormous: “It had more criminals than the current U.S. embassy in Baghdad, rumored to have 1,000 officials. JM/WAVE had 4,000 salaried Cubans and 400 U.S. staff. 4,400 people!” This large base, exclusively established to attack Cuba, logically had many needs: “It began to organize companies that were fronts¼Because they needed a shipyard to repair the boats coming here to attack the island. They needed an airline company for their aircraft. They needed to buy weapons, they needed banks, and real estate¼And they began to place counterrevolutionary Cubans in them.” And these individuals noticed that the war could serve two ends, the general underlined. “To launch a war against us¼and to make millions of dollars for themselves! And in that year of 1962, they started to make fortunes that were already consolidated by 1963.” From that moment on, the Miami mafia began to realize its own strength: “We make and break presidents,” the Miami capos reiterated. “It’s clear what the Miami mafia is all about. They removed a president because they killed Kennedy and they’ve imposed a president because they put Bush where he is today.” “AND THEY SAY IT LIKE THAT, SO CALMLY” From January through August 1962 Cuba experienced some 5,870 acts of sabotage and terrorism, assassination attempts and assassinations, Escalante recalled. “And that’s how it’s talked about, so calmly¼it doesn’t make the blood of any of these people boil. It’s shameful.” Many people have asked how Kennedy would have handled relations with Cuba if he had not been shot in Dallas. “He would have probably wanted peaceful coexistence with Cuba,” said the author of 1963: El Complot. But he hinted: “Not for positive ends but because he already knew that in this country, force would achieve absolutely nothing. They had already tried military aggression, the largest undercover operation that the United States had embarked on up to that point. PORTER GOSS, FORMER OPERATIVE AND NEW CIA CHIEF With respect to the Bush administration’s recent appointment of Congressman Porter Goss of Florida – an former operative of the organization during the 1960s who took part in JM/WAVE’s anti-Cuba activities – as the new head of the CIA, the general questioned the intentions of such an individual. He thought that this decision could have been taken with a view to “strengthening operative unity, giving prevalence to active units, special commandos, recruiting agents, penetration, sabotage, terrorism¼” “It’s an age-old practice of U.S. intelligence,” he stated. Escalante then recalled how at the end of 1974, terrorists Orlando Bosch and Virgilio Paz even went as far as bartering with the Pinochet dictatorship in exchange for recognition of their counterrevolutionary organization: “We’ll kill whoever has to be killed and we’ll plant a bomb wherever we have to put one,” and they planted the bomb on the Cubana passenger plane, they blew up Letelier¼They murdered left and right.” Who could deny that this is a terrorist mafia?” concluded Escalante. 1963: El Complot by Fabián Escalante is available on www.amazon.com
  4. I thougt the question was interesting, so I repeat it : John and all, The owner and founder of the Dallas sportatorium, a hangout for mobsters, cubans and the likes, Tosh can tell you about it, was one Burt Willoughby. I was wondering if there is any connection with Charles Willoughby? http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKwilloughbyC.htm
  5. Cancellare photo of south knoll: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/cancellare.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/cancellare.bmp
  6. We do know for a fact that Kennedy's coffin was disposed of in the Atlantic Ocean. I have never heard the theory that he was actually in it! http://www.jfklancer.com/LNE/coffin.html ----------------------------------------------- Have you considered this might be a disinfo story? To deflect attention from the real story? Why did the story pop up now? I have trouble understanding why the coffin should be dumped at sea. Aren't there cheaper methods to dispose of it? Melt it down for example? And why did they want to get rid of it in the first place? Why not just bury him in it? under that eternal flame. That way it's gone too. Wim
  7. Thank you. How about, did Judyth or Oswald know: Gordon Novell Perry Russo Bill - ---------------------------- I woudln't know, Judyth never mentioned those names to me as far as I recall. Personally, I do believe Perry Russo told the truth about seeing Oswald, Ferrie and Shaw together. Wim
  8. I know some will take unkindly with this post, but following is information that was given to an investigative committee in 1991 Senator John Kerry's Iran Contra Re-Supply network ref; Dick Mc Call and John Winner.., close door session..." classified Top Secret Committee Sensitive". Question: How do you know that Morales was not involved in the Kennedy assassination? ----------------------------------------------------------- So this means that the government knows very well that the the Kennedy assassination was a conspiracy? And that they acknowledge this in close door, top secret sessions? Wim
  9. Johnny Roselli and John Martino are considered prime suspects. Did you know either man? Did Oswald (to your knowledge?) I don't think anyone has an obligation to answer you, least of all Judyth. Because you, mister, are an imposter posting under a false identity and fulfilling missions for Bob Vernon, something I clearly exposed. But since a few others, including the forum administrator, seem to have no problem with that, I will answer it for others, not you. Johnny Roselli and John Martino are considered prime suspects. Did you know either man? Answer: NO Did Oswald (to your knowledge?) Answer: He knew Roselli, as Judyth recalls having heard the name from Lee.
  10. By the way: Files thinks he was the only shooter with Nicoletti. Of course he is mistaken. I asked him this, do you really think you and him were the only shooters? He confirmed and I pointed out that this is impossible because of the evidence for more than two shooters. He replied: You asked for my opinin, I gave you my opinion. Wim
  11. J.F. letter to P.J. May 28, 1999 Like I said in my other letter, I’ve read very little on the Kennedy assassination, as everyone was doing a lot of guessing. Besides, what I didn’t say about the Kennedy assassination would fill a book. But you must understand, I was doing my best to protect a lot of people and also, not give them enough to hang me. As long as I was just talking, I knew I would never go to trial, as they would not want to make the Warren Commission look dumb. But, should I give them everything I’ve got put away, then I would force them to put me on trial and that my dear, is not in my best interest. I want to get out, not stay in the joint forever. Bob Vernon did everything in the world to get me indicted. He even sent confidential information to a federal judge in Texas. I think his name was Carver. I’ve got it with all my legal material. Anyway, Bob was sending him all these letters and he was sending it on to Washington D.C., and there a friend of mine ran across them and he made copies and sent them to Chicago. Then they were hand delivered to me late one night. They had been shrunk down in size, that I had to take them to work and put them under this big magnifying glass in order to read them. Let me tell you, I was shocked and very ticked off at Bob Vernon over how he had betrayed me. Kennedy was one thing, as I never worried about that. But there were other things I didn’t want the Department of Justice to know about. It just got me really ticked off at how hard he tried to get me indicted. Oh well, my fault for trusting him. I don’t know if I told you this before or not, but Joe West died not knowing that I was one of the shooters. He never knew that I was the one behind the fence. When Joe died, I was relieved; I thought it was all over with. But then I let Bob Vernon talk me into helping out Mrs. West so she would have the money to pay off the hospital bills that Joe left her with. She was broke and hurting, so I agreed. I’ll try to send you something Bob wrote me and the background, all researched by the Dept. of Defense. It goes all the way back to the Bay of Pigs. The Kroll Agency tried everything they could to discredit me. One story they put out was that I couldn’t have been in Dallas that day, as my wife was giving birth to our daughter that day. When I was asked about it, I said yes, I was at the hospital that day. But that means Kennedy was not assassinated until September 26, 1966. I said that is the day my daughter was born go check the hospital records. That ended that. A lot of people said I was too young to kill anyone at that time. I told them that I don’t remember seeing old men out on the battlefield during combat. In Nam all I saw were a lot of young kids dying, ages between 17 and 21 years of age. Also, I cannot for the life of me, see a man fire a weapon, a rifle, like the man Ed Hoffman said he saw, throw it to someone else, while he runs off. If they catch this other guy with the rifle, what’s keeping him from telling on the one who pulled the trigger? I would never give a weapon to anyone that I had just used, to trust them to get rid of it. That is plain stupid. Then we had another “expert” on organized crime killings say that when a mob-hit went down, there were usually 12 to 15 guys involved. That is really stupid. Most of the time it’s a two man hit team. After Charles Nicoletti’s death, I preferred to work alone. That way there is no chance that someone can later on turn against you. That’s like the ol’ man from here in Chicago, Lenny Patrick, who told stories about me whacking people. He never saw anything and I never told him anything. He was only repeating stories that had been told around town. All hearsay!!! Anyway, the Feds are talking about indicting me for something that happened in Pennsylvania back in the 70’s, but they don’t have a case. They have a federal retainer on me right now, which means, once I’m released from the state, they’ll come and pick me up. Besides, if I was a nobody, why did the Feds chase me for so long and spend so much money trying to put me away? Then when they did get me, for a minor crime, why was I hammered so hard, for so much time? My federal number is 892787-024 and my federal case # is 66945E and I was released from Oxford FCI in 1988. # 703 13 FEB 2004 p. 2-3 "As for Wim, I gave him what he ask for, the interview. That is all that I agreed to. Out of all the questions that he ask, the only one that pertains to JFK is where did I call Chuck at? I will answer that one, as I have answered it many times before and even in the first interview, if it was not cut out that is. (Jimmy has never seen the Confession of an Assassin video. He has only seen transcripts with notes from Bob) I called him in Chicago. Even if I did answer all of these questions, he would just call back and ask you to ask me more and give you another list. The only thing that I have ever agreed to talk about was the JFK thing. Why don't I answer all questions ask of me and give out my life story? That is easy, one thing leads to another and the next thing that you know, I'm indicted for several contract murders in Chicago and other places as well. Gee, some of these people even want to know where everyone is buried. Anyway, I want to come home to you, not get more time. The Feds cannot put me on trial for Kennedy, but they would love to bury me on some of these others. From day one, before I ever talked to anyone about Kennedy, even with Joe West, right here from prison we (former Warden Tony Godinez and James Files) called Texas and they assured me that they would never indict me for that crime. So I never had to worry about that one. --------------- If people don't believe me, too bad! Tell Wim to put it on video and let the people make up their own mind. If he doesn't want to do that, then throw it in the trash can.... just do a video and let it get on the market... ------------------ I still believe in Honor and all of that when it come to the heavy part of the family, "Omerta" as well. Besides, there is no way we can ever convince everyone to believe us. Remember that Old Fable of the Man and Boy with the Donkey and how they tried to please everyone? Can't be done. Besides, why does Wim want to keep messing with the people on the forum? All of them have their own opinions and he is never going to change their mind. Anyway, I sure am getting tired of all this. I just this past week received another half-dozen letters from people I don't know asking me questions and I just filed all of them under T for TRASH!!! I've got to the point that when I get a letter from someone that I don't know, I just rip it in half and put it in the trash. I don't even want to know what they have to say.
  12. Tosh, This might be handy to answer questions: http://tosh.jfkmurdersolved.com Wim
  13. Maybe this will help: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/groden186.JPG http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/groden187.JPG If you blow them up or zoom in, you can read the text. Wim
  14. Wim- great web site-thanks for posting the Jimmy Files/Sutton confession. ------------------ Shanet, You can buy the DVD: http://www.trineday.com/Merchant2/merchant...ory_Code=DVD001 You can now also watch it online if you like, and if you have a fast connection. As you can see there, he told Joe West, that if he wanted to exhume the body, there should betraces of mercury in the skull. But what he doesn't say there is that he also told Joe that if there would be no mercury, it would not be the body of JFK. (IMO, this would be easy to establish with DNA of course) You wrote: "I watched the "MEN WHO KILLED KENNEDY" television series last november and the story of the mob mortician made sense. Seems a Carousel Club undertaker was busy digging mercury and lead out of the cadaver, and it really shook him up" What is this all about? Can you give me a little more on that? I never heard about this. Wim
  15. The watch issue alone, is already indication that Hopsicker is wrong on his ID of Sturgis. Sturgis wore his watch left. See picture here: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/reward.htm wim
  16. Tim, 1) Could you tell me what in your opinion does qualify as proof? 2) Is it my correct understanding that witness testimony does not (for you) ? 3) Should we abandon witnesses from court cases? Wim
  17. Is this a biography? I have been interested in the JFK assassination for some years since renting the movie "JFK". I have posted at alt.cponspiracy.jfk, alt.assassimation.jfk, JFK Lancer, JFK Research forums. Mr. Byas is a champion of non-information here. WHY? If Mr. Byas proves he is really Bill Byas, I will humbly apologize to him. Wim
  18. Allow me to disagree with you, John. I may have gotten carried away by this creep, but you're not following your own rules. This guy is posting under a false identity and you just don't seem to care much. Why does he do so difficult about his identity and biography? Wim
  19. Here's the Don Hewitt interview again. Nothing is lost. No worries. http://www.c-span.org/apa/jfk.asp Click on DON HEWITT 44 MINS.
  20. Is this the cancer research article you two are talking about? http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/canc...archarticle.jpg Wim http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/Robertletter.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/Robertletter1.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/checkfront.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/Bankstatement.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/judyth1.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/judyth2.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/judyth3.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/judyth4.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/judyth5.jpg http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/judyth6.jpg
  21. Seeing that George DeMohrenschildt gets a mention in the above list, I thought forum members might be interested in this contact sheet. James ------------------------------- Interesting James, I have a few never published audio tapes of Dutch journalist Willem Oltmans (who past away last week) interviewing George Demohrenschildt. Very interesting. I'll make those availlable soon on a website. Wim
  22. John and all, The owner and founder of the Dallas sportatorium, a hangout for mobsters, cubans and the likes, Tosh can tell you about it, was one Burt Willoughby. I was wondering if there is any connection with Charles Willoughby? http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKwilloughbyC.htm And if we are talking about the Bush/Dulles/Harriman clan and Nazi Germany I suggest this link too: http://www.clamormagazine.org/issues/14/feature3.shtml On March 19, 1934, Prescott Bush handed Averell Harriman a copy of that day's New York Times. The Polish government was applying to take over Consolidated Silesian Steel Corporation and Upper Silesian Coal and Steel Company from "German and American interests" because of rampant "mismanagement, excessive borrowing, fictitious bookkeeping and gambling in securities." The Polish government required the owners of the company, which accounted for over 45% of Poland's steel production, to pay at least its full share of back taxes. Bush and Harriman would eventually hire attorney John Foster Dulles to help cover up any improprieties that might arise under investigative scrutiny." Source: "Heir to the Holocaust" by Toby Rogers: http://www.clamormagazine.org/issues/14/feature3.shtml
  23. John are you saying tha Giancana and Roselli didn't have any role in the assassination? -------------------------- Interesting question. Also, was Charles Harrelson mafia or CIA? Same question for Frank Sturgis (Fiorini) Chauncey Holt? Giancana? Posada Carrilles? Guillermo Novo? Felix Rodriguez? Charles Rogers? Roselli? Nicoletti? Ferrie?
  24. Tim, Judyth's story, if true, proves Oswald was CIA, no commie nut, and innocent of the assassination of JFK. You don't think that matters much? Then what are we all doing here? Wim John Simkin wrote this: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...topic=1435&st=0 Pamela McElwain-Brown is right to say that Judyth Vary Baker has been treated appallingly by many JFK researchers. I have had a lot of contact with Judyth and she has been extremely helpful in providing evidence that supports her story. There is no doubt that Judyth did work at the Reily Coffee Company in New Orleans in 1963. It is also clear that she was an outstanding science student who went on to do cancer research. Judyth has had difficulty proving that she had an affair with Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963. However, I would argue that we would all have problems providing documentary evidence that we had a secret affair with someone 40 years ago. The same goes for being involved in a CIA undercover project. If Judyth’s story is true it provides an important insight to what was going on in 1963. One of the reasons I am sympathetic towards Judyth’s story is that it supports my own view of events. I believe that Oswald was indeed working for the CIA in 1963. His task was to infiltrate anti-Castro groups. He was also being prepared to take part in an assassination plot against Castro. In the summer of 1963 the CIA officially had to call off this operation (under pressure from JFK). It was at this time that the CIA discovered that JFK was using William Attwood, Lisa Howard and Jean Daniel to carry out secret negotiations with Castro. It was now clear that an invasion of Cuba would now never take place.
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