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Ed LeDoux

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Everything posted by Ed LeDoux

  1. James Worrell wants you to believe he didn't think twice about a shooting, ..involving the motorcade with JFK, he said he witnesses..., once home safely by bus from near his Mother's work (?did he need bus fare from her?) Once on the bus from near his mom's job didn't he go to the school... and what... rides the school bus the rest of the way... pretending to come home "from school" Did his mum know he hadn't been in class since October or was he still taking the bus to school...just not attending classes...giving impression he was. I wish Duke had a better interview with her. She could have had some explanations that might of helped her son's legacy. As it was her patent defense of her late son didn't sway myself. What did Mom know and when did she know it. Did James not say anything at all till the next day? Would he need a one off excuse for skipping class that day? A side note if he got to Love Field so early how bad would his view be. Perhaps he was in a spot right on the fence line... but JFK and Jackie go farther down to shake hands. In this scenario it's improbable Dicky Worrell is getting through crowd to an awaiting Dallas Transit bus in time to Dealey Plaza. Steve Thomas, that nails Worrell's location as Worrell pointed out on CE 359 the car pictured at curb was in the way of Worrell's mark. I get a feeling as though Worrell, if he was there, tells everyone what happened and says 'watch the news mommy.' Here is his written statement https://linksharing.samsungcloud.com/gjmUc9eELz3m Of note is rarely seen page two. Worrell stated he sees a man running from TSBD opposite him. Then takes a bus home. It's what he crossed out that isn't shared What did he do when he got home? https://linksharing.samsungcloud.com/dfzgXnKEvf0j Cheers! Ed
  2. Houston basically ends... hence the train tracks and such. It's not paved level with the tracks.. You would either by running across the railroad's tracks or simply cross Houston and continue up along Daltex to Pacific. Worrell "might"*** have been at the parade but didn't witness what he claimed. His story can only exist in a vacuum. Add air and it dissolves. Please watch him explain: https://youtu.be/dBRb_kRz2d4 SPECTER - What time, to the best of your recollection, did you arrive at the intersection of Elm and Houston?Mr. WORRELL - Well, about 10, 10:30, 10:45, something around there. There weren't many people standing around there then.Mr. SPECTER - Well about how long before the Presidential motorcade came to Elm and Houston did you get there?Mr. WORRELL - An hour; an hour and a half. REALLY!?! He mastered time travel before dropping out of high school at age 20! SPECTER - Now take a look at that picture and tell us where you were standing - and I will give you a pencil so you can mark it on that picture itself - at the time the Presidential motorcade came by. Mark it with an "X," if you would, just exactly where were you standing, as best you can recollect it, at this moment, at the time the President went by.Mr. WORRELL - Right underneath that window right there. Worrell's claimed position https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh16/pdf/WH16_CE_359.pdf SPECTER - All right. Now on this picture will you again, with an "X," mark where you were standing as closely as you can recollect it.Mr. WORRELL - That car is in the way. A car in exhibit 359 is of course parked on Houston street not on the sidewalk in front of TSBD. SPECTER - Did it pass right by in front of where you were standing?Mr. WORRELL - Within a hundred feet, I guess.Mr. SPECTER - Were you able to get a pretty good view of the President's motorcade?Mr. WORRELL - Yes, sir.Mr. SPECTER - All right; go ahead and tell us.Mr. WORRELL - Didn't get too good a view of the President either, I missed out on there too. ....Oy vey and good grief...... WORRELL - Well, when I heard the first shot it was too loud to be a firecracker, I knew that, because there was quite a big boom, and I don't know, just out of nowhere, I looked up like that, just straight up. SPECTER - Indicating you looked straight back over your head, raising your head to look over your body at the 90 degree angle?Mr. WORRELL - Yes; and I saw it for the second time and I looked back to the motorcade. It gets worse for the unemployed roughneck dropout "Dicky Worrell"... but I won't bother to post it as his testimony is impugned by himself at every juncture. The Warren Report rightly leaves out Worrell's words. I have never seen a photo or film that supports Worrell, neither his actions or what he claims. This puts Worrell in same category as Amos Euins and Euins' unnamed friend. Useless. Ernest Scared Stupid's namesake Ernest P. Worrell would be a better commission witness. Seeing a rifle firing from TSBD... twice... it's enough to make Brennan blush. Cheers! Ed
  3. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc1781040/ Oak Cliff bad boy from the age of 8 Johnnie Robert Jenkins was in trouble for stealing copper wire. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc954943/m1/1/ He stabbed a ex boxer Roy Raines in Oct. '63 while robbing him leaving him for dead,, then robs and rapes a woman in Nov. 63 The topper, He escapes during the Jack Ruby trial!!! News, Sunday, October 20, 1963 Section: 1 p. 19 A sheriff's department fingrprint expert Saturday identified the body of a man found in the Trinity River Thursday as that of Roy Raines, 66, of 532 Griffith in Oak Cliff, an apparent murder victim. Sheriff bill Decker said the victim's wife showed up at the sheriff's office to inquire about her husband shortly after the identify was established. The medical examiner's findings indicated that Raines, a former Ling-Temco-Vought employe, died of a stab wound in the lower part of the back. Decker said the size of the wound led him to believe the weapon was an ordinary pocket knife. Fire department skin divers recovered the body, clothed only in undershirt an shorts, from shallow waters, near the Hampton Viaduct after a motorist spotted it. Mrs. Raines told investigators she last saw her husband a week ago. She said she want to Mineola and returned last Monday to find him missing Decker said Mrs. Raines did not file a missing person's report, but conducted a search of her own. Raines had only a small sum of money, $30 to $40, in his possession when she last him and wore no jewelry, she told Decker. Dallas (TX) Morning News, Friday, March 20, 1964, Section: 4, p. 1 Sheriff Bill Decker filed murder, rape and robbery charges Thursday against a 32-year-old ex-convict who participated in the March 6 jailbreak here. Deck filed the murder charge after the ex-convict, Johnnie Robert Jenkins of 3323 Bataan, admitted the fatal stabbing of Roy Raines. Jenkins said he plunged a "single blade Deep Elm special" pocket knife into the 67-year-old victim during a $9 robbery Oct. 12. Firemen pulled Raines' body from the Trinity River after it was seen near the Hampton road viaduct. A medical examination of the body showed death resulted from a knife wound in the liver. Jenkins admitted also that he raped a 37-year old woman near the Sylvan Avenue viaduct Nov. 16.....the ex-convict said he met Raines in a bar at Main and Exposition and, after they had drunk together, drove his victim to the banks of the Trinity. There, Jenkins continued, he took $9 from the victim and ordered him to strip. "I thought he had more money in his clothes and I wanted to check them," Jenkins explained. The ex-convict said Raines swung at him and he jabbed his knife blade into Raines' side below the right rib cage. "I don't like for people to shove me, " Jenkins told reporters, "When they do, I react." Jenkins said that, when he drove away, Raines was clutching his wound and moaning. The ex-convict said Raines "must have fallen into the river" later. Dallas (TX) Morning News, Friday, March 22, 1964, Section: 1, p. 12 A 32-year old ex-convict admits that he took a gold cross from an elderly robbery victim before stabbing him to death, Sheriff Bill Decker said Friday. Decker has charged the ex-convict, Johnnie Robert Jenkins of 3323 Bataan in Oak Cliff with the Oct. 12 slaying of Roy Raines... the sheriff said Jenkins took Raines' suit and the tiny cross in addition to the cash.... Dallas (TX) Morning News, Friday, March 22, 1964, Section: 1, p. 12 Johnnie Robert Jenkins was assessed a life sentence for murder Thursday after he pleaded guilty to charges that he knifed a man while robbing him under the Hampton Street viaduct last October....Jenkins was one of seven prisoners who escaped from the Dallas county jail March 6 during the murder trial of Jack Ruby in Judge Brown's court. The 32-year-old defendant already was under three life sentences and a 10-year sentence imposed by Judge brown Wednesday after he pleaded guilty to four other crimes..... THEN!! In September 1984, 52 year old Johnny Robert Jenkins had escaped from the Texas prison system in March. Since then, he hid from the authorities by staying with family members in the Dallas area. However, that ended with a murder and fire at this Pleasant Grove home Monday.00:00:43Fifty eight year old Walter Thompson was found beaten to death in her burned out home.00:00:47Her surviving sister said five thousand dollars in cash and the car was stolen and that Jenkins had done it.00:00:53I have a good case on the man, and that's all I can say right now. Investigator Bob Irby says the family will not be charged with harboring an escaped convict.00:01:01These people are telling us that they thought he was on parole and did not know he was wanted as an escapee. In the meantime, Jenkins remains in the loose there in jail until a court can decide if he is to be sent back to the Texas Department of Corrections or stay here until his trial comes up.00:01:15No bond has been set and the money reported missing has not been recovered. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc1309788/m1/ https://digital.library.unt.edu/search/?q5="Jenkins%2C Johnny"&t5=str_subject&searchType=advanced
  4. Just to put the Honk in perspective... There is a interview with Earlene Roberts that she specified the Honk is what made her look outside, this though was AFTER Mr. Lee had exited. The Honk caused her to look out the window and that is when she saw Mr. Lee waiting at the bus stop, and noticed a car with numbers on it out front of the house. I'm guessing I need to post it again... Cheers
  5. Here is Grover Lewis on Oak Cliff bad boys: "AT THE AGE OF SEVENTEEN IN 1926 Clyde Barrow worked briefly as an usher at dallas’ palace theater but soon quit over the paltry $12-a-week salary. Twenty-five years later, I started work as an usher at the Texas Theater for $19 a week—a pittance but enough to see me through high school. The experience jerked some complex knots in and out of my young life, and I finished growing up very quickly. In the early fifties, The Texas was the principal seat of allowable public pleasure in Oak Cliff—a spit-and-polish place where Daddy took Mama to the show on Sundays. Already twenty years old by then, it was well kept up, not even close to being run-down. But as Jefferson withered, the once-venerable movie house started falling to pieces too. In 1989, to avert demolition, the nonprofit Texas Theater Historical Society (TTHS) with aid from the Oak Cliff Chamber of Commerce, bought the old landmark, pledging its restoration and development as a cultural arts center. To meet the $3.000 monthly mortgage, TTHS volunteers—many of them teenagers from the area—reopened the theater as a $2 rerun venue. (This past February the TTHS board filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.) On a late weekday afternoon before the evening show, Maxine Burroughs, the matronly manager, showed me around. She was a veteran Texas employee, along with her husband, the doorman who had been on duty when Oswald was apprehended. “Butch and I got involved,” she explained, “because there’s no place left in Oak Cliff for families and kids to go. The lobby looked frayed, sad, smaller than I remembered. We mounted the foyer stairs, passing a mawkish amateur mural of JFK, and climbed to the balcony. “Were you here when the stars still worked?” she asked, pointing to the mud-colored ceiling. “I’ve only seen pictures of it-little planets and clouds outlined in electric lights. The architects said everything’s still up there, just stuccoed over.” I wandered along the center aisle, glancing by reflex toward the last rows in front of the protection booth where the riffraff of Oak Cliff’s hillbilly gene pool had traditionally gathered—the dreaded “balcony rats.” In a watery light, I found my old spot by the A stairwell. While I was still a green hand, but a tall one, I was stationed there to keep a lid on the general anarchy. After a couple of grueling break-in shifts, less terrified of the badasses than worried about failing, I bought an oversized flashlight that suggested a club. The bluff worked pretty well for a year, until a beered-up lummox from West Dallas flung himself at me over four rows of seats, and I did the first thing that Matthew or Spook would’ve done— bobbed him on the ear. The injured party ran bellowing to the lobby, alerting the manager, who had him hauled off for drunk. As a sort of reward for “cutting it,” I was transferred downstairs to the candy case, a choice job compared with standing aisle." Some things never change and the balcony rats were there November 22nd. Sneaking in was a favorite pastime as was carrying pistols. Gayla Brooks sets the stage for the late fifties Street toughs, gangs and bad boys "Born five years apart in different North Texas small towns, Benny “The Cowboy” Binion and Herbert “The Cat” Noble both ended up in Dallas during the 1920s boom, when East Texas oil money was pouring in and before the law was willing to challenge many of the significant vice industries thriving around the city. Both men were heavily into the local gambling machine, with Binion’s headquarters anchored in the Southland Hotel Downtown and Noble’s at his Airmen’s Club venue in Oak Lawn (although Noble was an established Oak Cliff resident). The two men prospered, grew their various “enterprises,” along with all the underpinnings, and enjoyed what most would describe as a free rein in the North Texas underworld market. But as the saying goes, there is no honor among thieves. Binion, with his many “friendships” among North Texas law enforcement personnel, provided protection for the other gambling bosses — for a 25 percent interest in their profits. But when The Cowboy (nicknamed that because of his acrobatic shooting style) realized that Noble’s business was beginning to match his, Binion upped the fee for protection. Noble refused to pay. The feud that ensued, along with the 1938 murder of another gambling racket competitor (and Kessler Parkway resident), Sam Murray, on the streets of Downtown Dallas — planned by Binion but carried out by one of his associates, Ivy Miller — started what became known as the Texas Gambling War. It lasted 20 years, and it got messy. According to Gary Sleeper’s book, “I’ll Do My Own Damn Killin’: Benny Binion, Herbert Noble, and the Texas Gambling War,” the racketeer murders became so frequent that both Dallas and Fort Worth police departments came to accept the situation. Dead bodies were found in quicklime pools at Lake Worth, acid vats in East Texas and everywhere in between. It was a nasty business run by nasty people. As a carrier for the Dallas Times Herald from 1940 to 1942, Adamson High School alumnus Don Coke had a route that included the west side of Beckley, home of a domino parlor just south of Jefferson and the “entertainment emporium” directly across the street. “These were well known hangouts for Noble and other shady characters,” Coke says. “My folks cautioned me to always go by to collect in daylight hours and never linger after getting my money.” But things began to change in 1946, when Henry Wade was elected as the new district attorney for Dallas County and promised to crack down on crime in Big D. Binion, known by most as the “boss gambler,” quickly moved his main operation to Las Vegas, where he had already begun buying property, and opened his famous (and also infamous) Binion’s Horseshoe Casino. Although Binion had physically left town, his fingers remained all over Dallas, Fort Worth and West Texas gambling operations. And he had no intention of letting Noble expand or take over. Well-known hit man Lois (pronounced “Loyce”) Green — possibly the most ruthless and cruel man of his ilk — often worked for Binion and was almost certainly responsible for several of the at least 11 attempts on Noble’s life. Surprisingly, after most of these attempts, no matter where he was in North Texas, Noble hightailed it back to Methodist Hospital in Oak Cliff for treatment. During one hospitalization, a hit man actually fired rifle shots through Noble’s hospital room window on Methodist’s fourth floor. On the morning of Nov. 29, 1949, Noble’s wife, Mildred, walked out of the family home at 311 Conrad in Beckleywood and stepped into the car that her husband normally drove. (Herbert Noble had earlier taken his wife’s car.) Starting the engine, Mildred Noble met her end when a car bomb exploded, killing her instantly and distributing body parts around the neighborhood. Overcome with grief, Noble reportedly buried Mildred in a $15,000 (in 1949 money), two-ton, solid copper casket, said to have been the most expensive in Dallas County to that date. Those who knew him said he never adjusted to her loss. In Las Vegas at the time, and without today’s tracing capabilities, Binion escaped any prosecution on Mildred’s murder. But everyone in Dallas — and Nevada — recognized all the signs, believing that Lois Green almost certainly carried out the hit on Binion’s behalf. Thus, on Christmas Eve, in the rear parking lot of the Sky-Vue Club at 542 W. Commerce, Lois Green was blown away by a 12-gauge shotgun. His death certificate states that he was “shot by unknown assassin;” however, insiders understood that one of Noble’s hired guns most likely did the deed. At the time, Green lived at 1401 Walmsley in Oak Cliff. According to Sleeper, the death of Isaac “Slim” Tomerlin, a Forty Thieves gang member, was another among those “believed to be motivated by greed, jealousy, and the power vacuum created by Lois Green’s death.” “My next-door neighbor on Melba Street was a gunman for Benny Binion and was gunned down in his living room,” says another Adamson alumnus, Bob Johnston. “Of course we didn’t know what Slim’s ‘career’ was.” Tomerlin was DOA at Methodist Hospital on Jan. 13, 1951. A licensed pilot who had a landing strip at his Flower Mound ranch, Noble actually planned an air raid on the Binion family’s Las Vegas home. Noble had one of his airplanes equipped with bombs and an aerial map of the targeted house. Fortunately for the Binions, a Dallas police investigator intervened. The many lives of The Cat came to an end on Aug. 7, 1951, when he stopped his bulletproof car next to his ranch’s mailbox just before noon. Another brutal explosion took care of business, and all signposts again pointed to The Cowboy. Binion eventually was nailed on tax evasion charges and agreed to a prison term. When he died in 1989, his family had managed to entangle and foolishly manage his empire into a financial and legal disaster, with his immense wealth evaporated. However, Binion’s reputation remains, as does his bronze statue in Las Vegas and his status as the creator and patron saint of the World Series of Poker. It’s a bit difficult to believe that so many participants in the Texas Gambling War lived and operated all over Oak Cliff — and that several of the major hits took place here. But those are the facts, ma’am. Those are the facts." Then there was the BLACK SHIRT GANG of Oak Cliff of 40s and 50s. This gang was not like the Lakewood Rats or Vickery Rats. The rats used only fists. Fought one on one. Black Shirts didn't limit themselves. The kids of these gang members are what the 60's produced in Oak Cliff, and the inevitable decline of all the neighborhoods didn't help. Helen Markham's son was mixed up in burglaries and thefts, ran with the bad boys and was buried in a prison graveyard.
  6. Great questions Steve, Beckley Bunch thread material! Lee disappeared as no one admits he took the Beckley bus, of course if the investigation doesn't look where he is then he is 'disappeared' alright,, disappeared right to where the bus drops off, Jefferson Blvd and Texas Theater. With an inconsistent witness/informant in Brewer right there. As for walking about with all his belongings looking for a room across Oak Cliff it strains credulity. Especially when he supposedly has rooming house telephone numbers he can call...but that never happened. You'd have to imagine anyone who knows Oak Cliff would have better sense of rooming establishments Cheers, Ed
  7. Paul, your repeated attempts at pushing Nightmare on Gil is more than special
  8. Joseph McBride, I don't admire your work. I find your findings to be unsound, weak, and without merit. You lack the intellectual curiosity to investigate any of the circumstances and readily buy into a sham. Good for you not educating yourself on DALLAS POLICE IN 1963. But please explain away how no one in the DPD did anything to incriminate Lee. Apologists need apply, as you can not knowingly support your tenet. Mentzel is your boy, not ours Mr. Mc Bride. Or are you admitting you are wrong about the DPD officers. (In general) Cheers! Ed Oh BTW nothing in your post negated anything in Gil's post.
  9. Of import is the statement by Lee that he kept his belongings and especially he says his clothing at the Paine's garage. Forget looking for those pesky sea bags marked OSWALD as they would ruin the charade. (Robert received one from Paine's oddly when all the property was being collected over two days yet Green Sea Bags with OSWALD stenciled on them just never made the DPD inventories.
  10. Andrej is confused. As I have stated clearly from the start and on other threads that Lee Rode the Beckley bus. Is clearly wearing same shirt as he has on in Weigman and Darnell. His leg as PM is not that long Andrej Your proportionality is way off if that's a leg. Lee was not to meet anyone in Oak Cliff but Marina and Ruth planned to go shoe shopping that afternoon. Deduction is not your strong suit sorry to say Andrej... He would naturally check or looked in to see if maybe his wife was shoe shopping at a shoe store. How would Lee know they were not going shopping after all Andrej? Did he call ... can you point out testimony or records of this call that would provide him the necessary information, or not? When you say "the meeting was already postponed" can you give any clue as to how you determined that? Or how a non-meeting is undone? It'll be fascinating. Lee went to the theater, like all others there, to watch a double feature. How sinister or incriminating is that to you... ah no worries it's not incriminating to anyone else. SAME SHIRT ON STEPS AS ARREST. Lee supposedly says he stopped off and changed his britches. AKA pants. NO SHIRT CHANGE. NO T-SHIRT CHANGE. Again you need to show he lives at Beckley before you have him undressing in the room... or it'd be a shock to the actual tenant. CART BEFORE HORSE... Are you positive Marina didn't rinse out his clothes or use Ruth's fancy machines Thursday evening? Again you make a point but the same point goes both ways. So conversely if he wore the same clothes to work Friday he didn't have any clothing at Ruth's... OR all his clothes were at Ruth's and he did wear different clothes and the ones he wore Thursday are moved to the Beckley pile while at DPD headquarters and not listed as Irving. You need more to convince me that he has different pants on than ones we can not see in the films. And NO. The red shirt does not match PMs. The arrest shirt does. Why still have the bus transfer if your going to a house on BECKLEY.... from a route on Marsalis. Ever find that Beckley Bus driver that's supposed to drive Lee to work daily for 6 weeks??? NO!?! Seems an important witness, as this could be a bus Lee "transfered" to... But no worry keep asking irrelevant questions and obstinate observations. So sorry but hinging PM on crap analysis of unobservable trousers is ridiculous and nearly beneath comment. You don't have the aptitude for any analysis without some strings attached it has become clear. THANKS THO for outting yourself and lack of any real skills at photo and film analysis. Just for giggles what shade of dark are his light pants that look dark if what you claim is a leg is his leg... a grotesque limb if it exists. I'll help you out Andrej.. they are dark just as arrest pants were. CORRECTED IF MISUNDERSTOOD. Check. Ed
  11. Looks like no evidence has been posted to sway anyone that Lee lived at 1026 N. Beckley since I started this thread. Things like a key for a tiny room or a copy of that other search warrant or a guest register or a single receipt still are no where to be found. Wink 😉 Inconsistencies are avoided at all costs. Witnesses are all mistaken as to Mr Lee, his appearance, his attire and reading materials. Not shocking as it was Degrafenreid or Leon Lee. NO ONE DESCRIBED OSWALD. DID THEY...WHERE'S THE DESCRIPTION WITH SILVER BRACELET WITH LEE ON IT You'd think some thing like an inscribed bracelet with LEE on it would be recalled as it would be supportive of a Mr LEE identification. WHERE IS THE DESCRIPTION OF MR. LEE WEARING A MARINE CORP RING OR ANY JEWELRY, THERE IS NONE BECAUSE IT WAS NOT OSWALD. ..although Steve Roe has made apologies for it all. Cheers to the "Bunch" here that did more than give excuses. Some outstanding affirmation and information was produced by the bunch. My thanks to you!CHEERS, ED
  12. Saturday morning November 23rd at about 7am a man described as white male Willie Flat found a .38 pistol in a paper sack. This sack also contains an apple and an orange....very similar to Oswald's lunch!


    I know who Willie Flat really was.

    But wont be posting here due to Gordon's ugly hands of censorship 

     Cheers, Ed 

  13. Bart,


    Of course I thought the site was buggy.

    I could still log in, view posts, add to my feed... just couldn't post. (essentially silenced unknowingly)

    My account showed no points or restrictions, still does.

    Yet when I attended to contact admin through the site there was never a reply. I tried posting for assistance on my feed/status... nothing.  Weeks passed.

    Since I knew Kathy Beckett was an admin I looked for her email, etc.

    I could only find her on Facebook and sent message. Nothing.

    So I then went to her posts and replied under them to contact me.

    I had to hunt her down!!

    She then whinned about me posting on her birthday status.

    Oh well, perhaps answering the forum's "telephone" when its ringing off the hook... nah she wanted me to remove my messages on her FB page... not happening till my account is restored.

    Lump it. Its not I that runs a cheap show.

    In fact Kathy did a search, and asked me about just such a statement by me on ROKC.

    I told her that ignoring paying members or stifling debate is her own fault.  She defers to Gordon...

    A Cheap Show indeed.

  14. Beckley was never an Oswald address.
    Any evidence of any interviews with the Beckley Bus driver or fellow daily riders... no, just crickets.
    Cheers! Ed

  15. Education ye say not. Disinformation rules the day, pray it does your bidding. 

  16. Glib assessment of the current state of affairs, while cutthroats of the world threaten us- An English Watchdog to a French Hare

  17. "

     "Education" will then have a very Orwellian meaning. Heck, they are just about there already." Grib Perkar
  18. Admin needs to check messages more often.



  19. Yes. I believe Pat lives in Room #1 the first room on the right upon entering. Does she lock her room? Exactly the same doors and locks as room 1 were on the tiny room. Room 3 is the tiny room per USPark Service. That is her claim, yes. The main house would be open for renters to come and go, I'm guessing they wouldn't be watching tv all night and no kitchen privileges kinda puts limits on what one could do... Starting at 7 dollars. Yes doesnt seem one to stay in hostels or open homes. Rentals are not secure and landlords liable for not having secured rentals... mind boggling. There was only one other Room in the main house for rent and that was room 1. 2 held Mr Johnson 4 was Gladys 5 was Earlene Not normally rented out the tiny room is sans key... oy vey. The basment and rear house renters needed TWO keys... double oy vey. Yes why did they photograph minor auto accidents in Oak Cliff whilst not borrowing the camera for this crime scene. Indefensible. Ed PS to believe their story the Detectives et al had plenty of time and could have called on the telephone and simply asked the lab boys to stop by.... nah. Throw everything on a bed sheet and get it out of there before the press arrives was their own claim!!! Cant have photojournalists impugn their frame up.
  20. Are you claiming his shirt was tucked in? Is that how you're seeing waistline and dark slacks... No His shirt appears untucked and only partially buttoned if at all. It was thrown on to step out and see the excitement. Motions we see in the two films may be Lee buttoning up sleeves, then shirt front. Natural and logical. What we dont see are tucking motions. Or trousers color. In Towner, etc. Lee is so dark none of his features are visible, thats skin tone to trouser color, all dark. In Weigman and Darnell the images do not lend themselves to the conclusions you're advancing. Darkness is darkness, and not being visible is equally mute. Do any of the others like Lovelady, Williams, etc tuck their outer shirts into their pants. TIA Cheers, Ed
  21. NO. Wrong Andrej. He told them he went by bus to the theater. Fritz and Co. then convince us that was a mistake and instead he took a cab and then stops to change clothes, gets a gun and runs to murder a cop at 1:08 Incredible Andrej. And more incredible is you say CONSISTENT. No it wouldn't be, he was trying to catch up with the wife and kids as they planned to go shoe shopping. He took the Beckley bus to Jefferson and walked to the shoe store, looked in and went on to catch a movie instead. He would wear the same clothes to Irving as usual That's consistent Andrej. Yes and lack of any contemporary supporting evidence among others. Cheers, Ed
  22. Passport, the address book... Odd Oswald had no toiletries or change of clothes at Ruth's house of Paine. So he supposedly didnt shave, comb, brush teeth or wear anything but what he wears to Irving on weekends and then wears the same clothes to work Monday's. Bloody unlikely. Seems his attire would be predictable and other workers would notice this. All the docs etc supposedly found at Beckley would of course be neatly contained in the "blue and black" valise... convenient. Cheers, Ed
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