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Kathleen Collins

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Posts posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. I agree with Jim that the 2 b/w Polaroids shot at the hospital differ from the color

    penis photo shot by the FBI at the autopsy. The b/w shots show an erection while

    the autopsy slides show it flaccid. I do not know the medical significance of this.

    Unlike Jim, I have never considered this suspicious. I doubt that it is retouching.

    I have been unable to locate my copies of either set of photos on my computer.

    I know I have slides "somewhere".


    This is awkward, but -- a man can have an erection when he is dead?

    Kathy C


    Since Judyth has been traveling, I have been unable to contact her for some

    response to this ridiculous "circumcision" issue, which you, without asking

    for any confirmation that it originated with her or allowing her to reply, have

    taken to be the final nail in the coffin of her credibility. Having discussed this

    with her long ago, I have not been worried about but I am instead concerned

    about the apparent faking of Oswald autopsy photographs, not with regard to

    this issue but with regard to a (not unrelated) question about his equipment.

    I would have thought you might have noticed there was a collateral issue here.

    But apparently now. The claim that Judyth alleged that Lee was uncicrumcised

    appears to have originated with Debra Conway, not with Judyth. As I under-

    stand it, Debra attributed that view to Judyth at a time they were on friendly

    terms. Here is something that was posted on 7 May 2010 on another forum:

    Chapman called me shortly after Debra Conway and i had met, and said, "Debra

    tells me you said Oswald was not circumcized." Debra Conway had told me she

    had received a photo of Lee entirely nude, and that she and Chapman had decided

    to show it at the Lancer conference, with that area covered. We did not discuss

    circumcision-- I did make a comment that Lee was 'well endowed.' It's important

    to know that when Chapman called me and said Debra had told him that I said

    Lee was not circumcised, AND THAT THE PHOTO SHE HAD SHOWN AT LANCER

    CONFIRMED THIS, that many things ran through my mind. Someone had sent

    her a bogus or altered photo, then, because Lee WAS circumcised! Fortunately,

    her reputation was still OK because she had told me that area had been covered

    with a black square when shown publicly. Poor Debra! She had been given a

    bogus photo! And accepted it as genuine, even though the autopsy report said

    clearly that Lee was circumcised!

    The photograph in question interests me more than the attribution by Debra to

    Judyth, which appears to have originated with Debra, not with Judyth. What I

    am looking for is a copy of the photograph, which I obtained years ago and was

    struck by the decedent's "impressive equipment". Dean Hagerman, in the mean-

    while, has sent me some other autopsy photographs that appear to have been

    faked, which are quite different and display "very modest" equipment. I have a

    copy of the original--taken from above his left foot, a full-body nude image, in

    black-and-white--while these new photos are partial and in color. But having

    moved to Madison in 2006, I am unable to locate it at present. Something is

    going on and it can have only one apparent purpose--to discredit the one and

    only person who knows the details of Lee Harvey Oswald's life in New Orleans.

    When are we going to see the photo? Or at least some of the faked photos?

    Kathy C

  3. While perusing (leafing thru) Dr. Mary's Monkey, I had a sudden thought

    about BIOWEAPONS. I have read many reports about the CIA's arsenal

    of covert and deadly toxins used for secret killings. The alleged dart fired

    by the Umbrellaman was said to contain a paralyzing agent. Mary Ferrell

    told me that LBJ was said to have been done in by a slice of apple pie

    served to him by his secret service agent; the pie contained sodium

    morphate, according to Mary, and was undetectible. And so on and on.

    So why in the world did the CIA need some amateurs concocting a

    secret cancer BIOWEAPON to kill Castro?

    Such a scheme sounds like a Keystone Kops Komedy skit. Three

    amateurs...Larry, Curly and Moe...injecting mice and monkeys in a

    hurried skit trying to get a fatal cancer concoction!

    Whatever its faults, the CIA in 1963 was a sophisticated organization

    with multiple sophisticated resources and talented scientists. It was

    NOT a Mickey Mouse operation. There is NO WAY that it would operate

    in the manner described by JVB.


    You have a point. Much of Judyth's claims are ludicrous. And, imo, you have a right to liken Judyth, Ferrie and Oswald to the Three Stooges. This stuff about a lab in Ferrie's apartment and another across the street, etc. The real mystery is Mary Sherman.


  4. Does it bother you when I try to inject a little humor into this long proceding? I got this off the Internet and the person who displayed it wasn't sure him/or herself what it was. I'm glad you identified it for me. I couldn't tell but now I can.

    Also, John Simkin said I can ask questions.

    Kathy C

    Remember the last time this happened? I'm a little slow. Without the smiley faces, I get confused. My bad. :blink:

    You're forgiven. Really, I couldn't tell what it was.

    Kathy C

  5. What the hell is this? :unsure:

    An Oswald autopsy photo...

    Kathy C

    It's a cropped version of his right bicep (upper arm), I think. Actually, I have no idea. It's your picture--why post something if you don't know what it is?

    Does it bother you when I try to inject a little humor into this long proceding? I got this off the Internet and the person who displayed it wasn't sure him/or herself what it was. I'm glad you identified it for me. I couldn't tell but now I can.

    Also, John Simkin said I can ask questions.

    Kathy C

  6. As I am about to explain, there is a larger issue here than circumcision, though

    I agree that that is a matter that Judyth should address. The concern which I

    previously expressed toward Dean had less to do with circumcision and more

    to do with faked autopsy photos. But then why should I find that surprising?

    No. Judyth not knowing whether or not LHO was circumcised IS the issue. One cannot have an intimate relationship

    and have to guess on that question. This issue is not a matter of any autopsy photos having been faked ... for what

    purpose... to show an uncircumcised LHO? That some clown may have diddled with autopsy photos for their own purpose

    or just to screw with people, maybe. What is the source of the photos, which ones are official matters, of course.

    But the autopsy report says he was circumcised.

    Judyth said he was not ... then later changed it to something akin to, 'of course he was, the autopsy report even reports that'.

    Tilt. Capsized.

    What the hell is this? :rolleyes:

    An Oswald autopsy photo...

    Kathy C


  7. I have photographic proof that Oswald is in fact circumcised

    The autopsy photograph I have leaves no doubt that he is

    Add this with the autopsy report and we have a for sure strike against Judyth that she had no idea and just guessed that he wasnt

    If she had as she said a hot and heavy love affair she would know for SURE if he was or was not circumcised

    She said he was NOT

    We know for a fact that he WAS

    Produce the photo.

    Kathy C

  8. Early Judyth, excerpt from an e-mail ... from October 2000.

    Subj: Re: test

    Date: 10/6/00 3:49:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time

    From: Americanwebworks

    To: Dreitzes

    CC: Howpl

    b] For exakple, Debra Conway

    asked me intimate questions about Lee, since she knew information from

    things i never knew existed. Example: was lee circumcized? (no). [/b]

    God bless you,Dave,

    Judyth V. Baker

    Per Oswald autopsy report:

    The penis is circumcised.


    It's difficult to read LHO's autopsy. It's not too clear. But I noticed one thing: Did it actually say "the pubic hair has been shaved"? The only reason I think a man would shave his pubic hair is if he had crabs. And he was circumsized. How could Judyth say he wasn't? It's something a girl notices...

    Kathy C

  9. Judyth wrote:

    My kids were voted most popular, played with state champion-to-be football

    team, and were valedictorians, their blushing single mother so thrilled.

    I served in Bradenton as tutor, counselor to women, a state-trained child

    abuse investigator, and made some rescues of children that could be made

    into a movie, including a shotgun shoved against my chest, etc. .

    Previously, I'd rescued, and caused to be rescued, dozens of starving

    pregnant mares and got new laws passed in state of Texas against animal

    abuse...and founded FBC Humane Society.

    Bradenton is in Fort Bend County (FBC). The Fort Bend County website for community

    services lists NO FBC HUMANE SOCIETY.



    Just a poorly constructed ramble .... she lived in Bradenton, Florida .... and in Stafford, Texas. Stafford is in

    Fort Bend County, TX. And it looks like you are correct .... no FBC Humane Society listed.


    Barb :-)

    About her time in Stafford, TX: she helped with the town's bicentennial memorial garden. She claims her name is on a monument there for her civic service.

    Does anyone live near Stafford, TX and can go to the memorial garden and see if her name is on a monument there?

    Kathy C

  10. Greg

    Maybe this will help you

    I lost income because of Bums

    Do you know how many customers walked away and did not order when a bum came in asking for money

    Do you know how many customers walked out because I had to either drag one outside myslef or scream in their face to get lost

    You know what the Seattle Police told me Greg? "You dont have to call us, just remove them from your property, if they take a swing at you then call us"

    They didnt care, they didnt want me to call, in fact an officer told me to drag them outside real rough and they wont come back

    I am not making that up

    I lost money every day

    I lost money every day


    Now do you see why I have a strong opinion Greg

    If you say yes I see why you have a strong opinion I promise I will never bring up the subject of Bums again

    You have my word

    You have a right to your opinion. Why does everyone have to believe the same thing? Why does everyone have to agree all the time?

    What's Judyth up to?

    Kathy C

  11. I think what happened here is Dean stepped in it when he said something (however true) not politically correct. So now he'll have to pay for it forever.

    Kathy C

    I tried to stay out of this, but I can't! Kathy, are you serious? What Dean said was demonstrably UNTRUE. He is entitled to his opinion and to any biases or prejudices that suit him. However, his right to an opinion, based on his own personal biases/prejudices, does not render fallacious conclusions "truthful" in any event. Could his judgment of Jim's friends be true? No--at least not as stated. As stated his assertions are totally unsupported. By his own admission, the experience he had in one special circumstance is now tainting his judgment of this totally new and separate circumstance. He is judging the two as if they are one in the same, but they are not.

    Adding insult to injury, it is less than credible for him to attempt to portray his position as a strategic move to demonstrate to Jim "how it feels" -- sorry, but "that dog don't hunt" --

    To quote Dean from an earlier post: WEAK.

    Greg, I stand by my opinion and Dean's opinion. The sentences in bold above -- I agree with you. But having lived in Jersey City for so long, I had several bad experiences with homeless people. I think, for the lack of a better word, "liberals" go overboard about these things in the abstract. They have a humane cause. But deal with them one on one and they're terrible. I'm talking about people like John and Yoko, Marlo Thomas, Susan Sarandon, Alec Baldwin, Bobby Darin.

    Bobby Darin said to someone one time: "You see all those guys in that room? (He had male sycophants like Elvis) Every one would take a bullet for me. But me? I wouldn't take a bullet for any of them." Then he discovered Bobby Kennedy and had a cause.

    This thread is about Judyth. It's been hijacked about homeless people. Was Oswald ever homeless? If not we should go back to the discussion of Judyth's veracity.

    Kathy C

  12. Dean, please - you certainly must realize that not all of the homeless are drunken bums. There are a lot of homeless people out there who are decent, upstanding people who have fallen on hard times.


    You know I realize this, im not that dense

    I just want to let Jim know how it feels to act like a complete jerk towards someone because they dont agree with them, even if that person has backed them up and thought of him as his voice in the assassination community

    That makes no sense. How exactly do you think your anti-homeless ranting could possibly make Fetzer (or anyone else for that matter) feel how it is to be a complete jerk?

    I think what happened here is Dean stepped in it when he said something (however true) not politically correct. So now he'll have to pay for it forever.

    Kathy C

  13. HI TERRY I WONDERED ABOUT THEM NOT FINDING OUT RE THIS REMARK..??''Ms. Bush also suggests, apparently for the first time, that she, Mr. Bush, and several members of their staff may have been poisoned during a visit to Germany for a G8 Summit.

    They all became mysteriously sick, and the president was bedridden for part of the trip.

    The Secret Service investigated the possibility they were poisoned, she writes, but doctors could only conclude that they all contracted a virus.

    After noting several high-profile poisonings, she wrote, “we never learned if any other delegations became ill, or if ours, mysteriously, was the only one.IF THERE HAD BEEN I THINK THEY WOULD HAVE GOTTEN THE INFORMATION...

    Yushenko, the President of the Ukraine, was poisoned with dioxin. He lived but look what it did to him:

    Kathy C


  14. To Pat Speer, and others:

    Example 1: Judyth Vary Baker, Internet forum post, October 9, 2004:

    QUOTE: "The Cancun matter was an insertion by my literary agent that was missed by Dr.Platzman [sic]. He took the blame for allowing it to remain in the manuscript. But it was my fault, too.. . .

    Lee indeed said we would meet in a fine hotel, but his tone of voice was so full of irony I didn't know if he was joking. He never said we would meet in Cancun. Typos and errors will happen. That we would meet in an area NEAR present-day Cancun is what was always meant, and if I typed Cancun instead, God forgive me. . . END QUOTE

    DSL note: This is after numerous other posts in which she claimed she never said any such thing (and I was accused of malice, simply because I accurately reported what she told me on the phone, on March 4, 2000).

    Example 2 (from Shackelford, on September 27, 2004):

    QUOTE : "It has NOTHING AT ALL TO DO with the resort being there in 1963--they weren't planning on going to a resort. They were planning to go to the Yucatan and look at the ruins. '' wasn't supposed to refer specifically to the ruins either--just the area." END QUOTE

    Example 3—Judyth, newsgroup post, July 5, 2004:

    QUOTE: "The actual location was not where Lee and I expected to go to a hotel, only to meet . . . we were going to then go explore Chichen Itza, which was supposed to be relatively close, and ruins, all of which we believed from a book [sic] we read together was in Quintana Roo . . . we were going to go to a fine hotel...maybe that was a joke of Lee's...and we were going to get a Catholic priest to marry us." UNQUOTE

    ((DSL comment: Attention All Readers Please Note: Lee, an atheist, and married to Marina, loving his daughter June, and happily expecting the birth of his second child. . . was planning to go off with this lady “to get a Catholic priest to marry us” ?! - - -Oh pleeez.))

    Example 4: --Judyth herself, Internet post, October 9, 2004:

    QUOTE "Lee never mentioned the name of this city as a meeting place. He spoke of Merida in other contexts. I decided this must have been the 'city' in the Yucatan where we hoped to marry - on my own, as he mentioned we would be flying from the city where we would marry on the Cayman islands. When, later, I learned that flights from Merida to the Cayman Islands were known to occur, I then assumed the city was Merida." UNQUOTE

    And Jim Fetzer thinks a tape made in March, 2000, is necessary to see whether Cancun could perhaps have been confused (by me) with Kankun, and that “that” offers an explanation for this farce?


    4/30/10 2:30 AM PDT

    Los Angeles, CA

    Copied below from the Reitzes website, the section on Judyth, and specifically, the part of the narrative about her meeting Lee at Cancun. Each of the numbered notes refer to his documentation, which appears beneath the essay, at his website.

    NOW QUOTING. . . :

    Had Oswald escaped Dallas alive, he and Judyth planned to meet at a fine hotel in Cancun, Mexico, and get married. (It was subsequently pointed out by David Lifton and Robert Chapman that Cancun was an uninhabited jungle in 1963; the resort city was conceived years later.) (96)

    Judyth never said that she and Oswald planned to meet in a fine hotel in Cancun! This is a malicious fabrication by David Lifton.(97)

    Judyth never said that she and Oswald planned to meet in a fine hotel in Cancun! This is a malicious fabrication by David Lifton and John McAdams. (98)

    Judyth never said that she and Oswald planned to meet in a fine hotel in Cancun! This is a malicious fabrication by Dave Reitzes. (99)

    Judyth never said that she and Oswald planned to meet in a fine hotel in Cancun! This was erroneously inserted into her manuscript by co-author Howard Platzman. (100)

    No, it wasn't.(101)

    Judyth never said that she and Oswald planned to meet in a fine hotel in Cancun! This was erroneously inserted into her manuscript by her former agent, Peter Cox.(102)

    No, it wasn't.(103)

    Well, maybe it was.(104)

    Hypothetically speaking. (105)

    Okay, Judyth said it after all. (106)

    But she didn't mean it. She only meant Cancun as a rough geographical indicator of where the planned meeting-place actually had been. (107)

    What she meant was that she and Oswald planned to meet in a fine hotel in the rustic village of Kankun, Mexico.(108)

    Actually, Cancun and the fine hotel had nothing to do with each other; some of the words were accidentally reversed in that particular draft of her manuscript. (109)

    Perhaps "fine hotel" was merely a joke on Oswald's part. (110)

    Of course "fine hotel" was merely a joke on Oswald's part, and Judyth knew that at the time. (111)

    Nevertheless, she and Oswald might have ended up staying in a fine hotel just the same. (112)

    Judyth and Oswald actually planned to meet in Chichen Itza, Mexico -- 125 miles from present-day Cancun. (113)

    Judyth and Oswald actually planned to meet in Merida, Mexico -- 200 miles from present-day Cancun. (114)

    Judyth and Oswald actually planned to meet in Belize, Mexico -- 350 miles from present-day Cancun. (Note: There was no Belize in 1963; it was called British Honduras until years later.) (115)

    Judyth and Oswald actually planned to meet in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico -- well over a thousand miles from present-day Cancun. (116)

    Judyth and Oswald actually planned to marry in the Cayman Islands of the Caribbean; Cancun was just a stopover. (117)

    Judyth and Oswald actually planned to marry in Mexico. Exploration of ancient Mayan ruins and a visit to a large city in the Yucatan were additional possible plans. After marriage, their final destination was probably going to be the Cayman Islands. (118)


    Again, for a detailed exposition of all the footnotes (and much other information on the Judyth story), just go Reitzes website (and again, to this link, for the footnotes):


    After reading the above I in no way can believe Judyth. She is a superb researcher, but here she was caught off guard and red-handed.

    Another thing: I have not yet read any details about Judyth's brushes with death. I would like to hear about them.

    Kathy C


    NOTE: Consider this to be an indulgence at the end of an historic thread. His analysis seems to me to be far closer to the mark

    than those coming from other members of this forum. This was written a few days ago and I only just realized I had it in hand.

    Those who find his observations of no value are welcome to disregard them. I have valued his opinions for close to 20 years.

    And there were certain very powerful individuals in the shadow govt connected to old european black nobility, nazis and the vatican that wanted to protect castro since cuba was essentially a catholic country and castro was a member of the council on foreign relations and was rumored to be under the protection of david rockefeller (ie the involvement of cardinal spellmen). That is why castro was always warned in advance of any assassination attempt against him even before it happened and the complete details of the bay of pigs planned attack too.

    Thanks for posting the above paragraph about Spellman.

    Kathy C

  16. I can't believe there are people on this Forum who think Castro is still alive. Here is some info about his last appearance.


    HAVANA, June 17, 2008

    Castro Seen In Rare TV Appearance

    Cuban Television Showed Images Of The Ailing Castro Meeting With Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez

    "(CBS) The following was reported and written by CBS News producer Portia Siegelbaum in Havana, Cuba.

    Cubans got a brief glimpse of their former president, Fidel Castro, on video released on their main evening newscast Tuesday.

    Castro, who was sidelined by complications following intestinal surgery in 2006, was seen with visiting Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and Raul Castro, his younger brother who took over the presidency of the island in elections last February.

    A thin but animated Castro, dressed in an open-neck track suit over pajamas, is seen in a spirited conversation with the other two men in an unidentified garden setting. There is no audio, but the government news anchor said the three were discussing the global food crisis and the U.S. elections, among other issues.

    It's been exactly five months since video and photos of Castro, 81, have been made public. The last occasion was in mid-January, when he met with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

    The official Cuban media reports that Castro met with Chavez for three hours on Monday and for two hours Tuesday before the Venezuelan leader left for home.

    In the video, said to be from Tuesday's meeting, Castro, who is seen both sitting and standing, is making his trademark hand gestures as he speaks vigorously. Nothing was said about the state of his health, which remains a closely guarded secret, and it is impossible to draw any conclusions from the latest video, especially as he cannot be heard speaking, nor is he seen walking.

    No pictures were released when Chavez visited Castro last March, nor when he was visited by Bolivian President Evo Morales last month. Morales said following that meeting that the elder Castro was "thin but lucid."

    Venezuelan state television broadcast remarks made by Chavez before his departure from Cuba Tuesday describing their conversation:

    "We were revising the entire plan for energy exchanges and the strengthening of refinery capacity and production of petroleum and petrochemicals.""

    He was emaciated and obviously dying. No one has seen Castro in 2 years. And what we have seen -- could have been taped prior to its date for propaganda purposes after death. I didn't want to disturb the thread about Judyth, so I started this thread FWIW.

    IMHO Castro is dead. Is that too far-fetched? He ruled over a country that, if possible, every citizen would leave at a moment's notice. And where would they go? Florida and elsewhere. I know when I was in grammar school, we had an influx of Cuban kids in NJ around 1962 and 1963. Most of them spoke English. It's no secret there were people in this country who wanted him dead, so they could go back to Cuba. Unfortunately, they turned their guns around and killed Kennedy instead, thinking it would be more advantageous to them. It isn't pleasant to think that Kennedy wanted Castro dead. The Catholic Diem Brothers, ruling S. Viet Nam, were assassinated too. There are authors who have said that Kennedy "allowed" the Diem Brothers to die, upsetting the Vatican.

    I still think Kennedy was our best President and had a vision for this country.

    Kathy C

  17. Here is what has happened to Elian Gonzalez, the little Cuban boy taken from his caretaker at gunpoint on the orders of stupid, cross-dressing Janet Reno: He has become a communist.

    Elian Gonzalez 5 Years Later

    Elian Gonzalez speaks for the first time about the battle over him five years ago between the United States and Cuba. Bob Simon interviews the 11-year-old.

    Cuban youth Elian Gonzalez, right, receives from Julio Martinez, first secretary of the UJC, Young Communist Union of Cuba, an UJC's identity card during an event marking the 80th anniversary of the birth of Cuba’s revolutionary hero, Argentinean Ernesto "Che" Guevara in Havana, June 14, 2008.


    (CBS/AP) The Cuban boy at the center of an international custody battle eight years ago has joined Cuba's Young Communist Union.

    Gonzalez drifted into U.S. history on Thanksgiving Day in 1999, a young boy clinging to an inner tube off the Florida coast. His mother and 10 others died trying to reach the U.S. on a raft.

    Now 14, Elian was 6 when Miami relatives lost their 4 ½-month fight to keep him in the United States. They argued that his future was much brighter in a free, capitalist America than a closed, communist Cuba. His father Juan Miguel Gonzalez fought just as hard, arguing nothing trumps a father's love and Elian was returned to Cuba in mid-2000.

    CBS News correspondent Kelly Cobiella reports Elian has spent the past eight years living in Cuba with his father, now a member of the Cuban National Assembly. His "American" home is a museum today. Relatives have moved on and rarely talk to the media.

    Cobiella reports that many in south Florida's exile community see the boy's acceptance into the Communist Party as proof he has grown into Fidel Castro's pawn and propaganda tool.

    "He's been using Elian as a needle in the side of free democratic loving Cuban exiles," says Cuban-American Marc Smit, "and he's going to continue using that."

    Elian was one of 18-thousand young Cubans officially inducted into the party last weekend. The communist youth newspaper, Juventud Rebelde, quoted the 14-year-old as saying he would never let down ex-President Fidel Castro or his brother, Raul.

    Kathy C

  18. Kathy, how does killing Castro save the US of A?

    JVB's claims about foreknowledge and non action is atrocious. The assassination threatened to trigger a nuclear confrontation, and in the years since has led to the deaths and miseries of millions if not billions of the earths population.

    Patriotism truly is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

    Precious soil : Bah!

    Castro was a communist dictator. He was our enemy and he was physicaly close to us. The people of Cuba live in fear. Look what little Elian Gonzalez went through. I'm sure he's working on a farm now, when he could have been free in America.

    I am convinced Castro is dead -- and for a long time now. Popping him off in 1963 may have relieved the Cuban people. Instead the guns turned around and took Kennedy out. :blink:

    Would you like to live in Cuba under Castro? I'd rather see him dead.

    Kathy C

    Sorry Kath. I completely and utterly disagree with 90% of your message. The 10% I do agree with is your name at the bottom.

    Edited: anger taken out

    Anger over what? Basically, I think we should stay out of other countries' business. But there are exceptions.

    About 2 years ago I read 2 books dealing with the Assassination. They said that the Kennedy brothers were going to assassinate Castro on Dec. 1, 1963. I don't know how true that was. Brothers says Bobby Kennedy was working with a group of Cuban Exiles, without his brother knowing, to kill Castro. With Castro dead, maybe the Cubans could have their land back. Castro had nuclear missiles. He was dangerous to this country. Did you feel bad when Saddam Hussein died (even though he didn't have weapons of mass destruction)? Would you like to live with him as a ruler? What about Adolph Hitler? Would you let that continue?

    Maybe you ought to go to Anger Management classes.

    Kathy C

    My apologies Kathy. Here was me thinking history, politics and geopolitics were far more complicated than that which you have outlined above.

    Please forgive me.

    One day, I may look forward to, and hope for, the extermination of my fellow human beings the same way you do. Here's to Iran *clink*

    Castro has been dead for 4 years now. He's missed appearances at different events significant to the people of Cuba. Use your head. His brother and allies continue the same govt, though I was hoping they'd be overthrown. Would Elian Gonzalez's mother lose her life, trying to swim to N.America with her son, if Cuba wasn't hell?

    John Lennon's song "Imagine" (which I hate) is about communism. Just listen to the words. So much so that Castro had a bronze sculpture of John sitting on a bench in a small park in Cuba, which I've seen on Google Earth Street View, to my surprise. Now the Cuban people are ALLOWED to listen to Beatle records. Ask any residents of Little Havana, FL if they want to go back to Cuba.

    Don't get me wrong. The first second I saw the Beatles on Ed Sullivan I was hooked and still am. I just find "Imagine" monotonous, insincere and hypercritical. And I'm entitled to my opinion.

    Kathy C

  19. Kathy, how does killing Castro save the US of A?

    JVB's claims about foreknowledge and non action is atrocious. The assassination threatened to trigger a nuclear confrontation, and in the years since has led to the deaths and miseries of millions if not billions of the earths population.

    Patriotism truly is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

    Precious soil : Bah!

    Castro was a communist dictator. He was our enemy and he was physicaly close to us. The people of Cuba live in fear. Look what little Elian Gonzalez went through. I'm sure he's working on a farm now, when he could have been free in America.

    I am convinced Castro is dead -- and for a long time now. Popping him off in 1963 may have relieved the Cuban people. Instead the guns turned around and took Kennedy out. :angry:

    Would you like to live in Cuba under Castro? I'd rather see him dead.

    Kathy C

    Sorry Kath. I completely and utterly disagree with 90% of your message. The 10% I do agree with is your name at the bottom.

    Edited: anger taken out

    Anger over what? Basically, I think we should stay out of other countries' business. But there are exceptions.

    About 2 years ago I read 2 books dealing with the Assassination. They said that the Kennedy brothers were going to assassinate Castro on Dec. 1, 1963. I don't know how true that was. Brothers says Bobby Kennedy was working with a group of Cuban Exiles, without his brother knowing, to kill Castro. With Castro dead, maybe the Cubans could have their land back. Castro had nuclear missiles. He was dangerous to this country. Did you feel bad when Saddam Hussein died (even though he didn't have weapons of mass destruction)? Would you like to live with him as a ruler? What about Adolph Hitler? Would you let that continue?

    Maybe you ought to go to Anger Management classes.

    Kathy C

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