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Kathleen Collins

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Posts posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. Crowd in Dallas’ Dealey Plaza stands with Libyan demonstrators, criticizes violence

    Regime Change for Sixth Floor?

    crowd-in-dallas-dealey-plaza-stands-with-libyan-demonstrators-criticizes-violence.ece"]Crowd in Dallas’ Dealey Plaza stands with Libyan demonstrators, criticizes violence | Dallas-Fort Worth Communities - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News[/url][/size]

    On the grassy knoll near where a U.S. president was assassinated half a century ago, a crowd gathered Sunday to decry political bloodshed 6,000 miles away.

    “Free, free Libya!” chanted about 150 people at a Dealey Plaza rally, as they competed with the supportive honks of passing cars. “Stop, stop the massacre!”

    A black flag flew above the throng to recognize the hundreds who were reportedly killed last week as Libyan security forces tried to quash a widening revolt.

    “People have been killed in Benghazi, in Tobruk, in Al Bayda, in Darnah,” said Saad Elshiltamy, his voice rising above the crowd as he listed the cities of his homeland. “The dictator system there is very strong.”

    Elshiltamy said he had come 200 miles for the rally in a car full of other Libyan natives who go to college inOklahoma City . The men said they were upset that President Barack Obama had not spoken out strongly enough against their homeland’s government.

    “Why is America late to help our people?” asked Elshiltamy’s friend Hatem Elyamani.

    The rally was no larger than the throngs of tourists who cover the plaza on a typical holiday weekend. And its size was a tiny fraction of the massive demonstrations that have shaken or toppled authoritarian governments across the Middle East and North Africa this year.

    But the crowd in Dallas had passion beyond its numbers, with many becoming visibly angry as they blamed Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi for the country’s repression and violence.

    “Our people are dying over there, and nobody is listening,” said Jamal Mohamad of Keller, pacing the sidewalk as he led a round of chanting.

    In the back of the crowd, Dallas native Esra El-Haraty said she simply wanted passers-by to know what was happening in her parents’ homeland.

    Media attention of Egyptian protests this month played a key role in that government’s swift collapse, she said, but “in Libya there’s not a single reporter.”

    Above the handmade signs and headscarves, an American flag flew beside the black one. Many below framed the rally in patriotic terms.

    “We want people to know as Americans we support the popular uprisings,” said Emad Salem of Euless, “for them to have democracy and freedom like we did 200 years ago.”



    Why did these demonstrators choose Dealey Plaza? What does Dealey Plaza mean to them? They should rally somewhere like in DC. What has Dealey Plaza become? Do they want Moamar Kaddafi killed as well? They like popular uprisings? There must be a tremendous amount of Libyans living near Dallas. Or did they travel to meet there? It's like they're glad someone killed the President of the United States and wish something similar for Kaddafi. If they want Kaddafi dead, let them proceed. But don't compare Kaddafi to Kennedy. Or that what happened to him was a good thing, "a popular uprising."

    Kathy C

  2. One of Jackie's dear, dear friends was Truman Capote: "When Madame Queen Jackie heard about her sister's thespian plans ... she flew into a rage. Didn't Lee realize, she said, that they were merely using her? Didn't she understand how embarassing all this would be? Never mind that Madame Queen [Jackie Kennedy] was sleeping with her very married brother-in-law and concomitantly with none other than Aristotle Onassis, and that both were paying big money for her services. That did not count. All that mattered at the moment was that her younger sister was about to make her theatrical debut. Jackie couldn't take it." [bobby and Jackie, pp. 131-132]

    As for Truman Capote in the quote above, Jackie's very close friend is effectively calling Jackie a slut, a homebreaker and a high end prostitute sleeping with family. And that is from one of Jackie's best FRIENDS. You ought to read what Roy Cohn has to say about RFK!

    Truman Capote was not Jackie Kennedy's dear friend. He favored her sister, Lee. When asked about the Gore-Vidal- Truman Capote lawsuit, Lee said, "Oh, everyone knows they're both fags." This hurt Capote very much. After all the years of trying to help her get an acting career.

    Truman went on Stanley Siegel's NY show and read something sarcastic he wrote about Lee: "Ah, the Princess..." And when all the socialites turned against him due to "Answered Prayers," which he wrote about them, they dropped him cold. At someone's party afterward, Truman saw Jackie Kennedy Onassis there and said in a loud voice, "Why didn't you tell me that tramp was going to be here? I wouldn't have come." No, he did not like those 2 sisters. He also said about Jackie in People Magazine, "She has contempt for everything under the sun."

    As for Roy Cohn, who believes anything from that fake? The man claimed to be heterosexual, but wasn't. He went after homosexuals legally. The man lived a lie. His jealousy of Robert Kennedy was well known.

    Kathy C

  3. In the book Brothers by David Talbot, he claims that President Kennedy and his brother were going to assassinate Castro on Dec.1, 1963. And this is given the reason for the Kennedys not to investigate the President's murder on Nov.22,1963. The Kennedys did not want this before the public.

    Does anyone have an opinion about this assassination plot against Castro? Why do the Kennedys keep quiet about the assassinations?

    Kathy C

  4. Let's pretend that all the best and brightest CTers could ever come together at one place- let's call it a convention, for lack of a better word. They've been granted the right (I know, this is impossibly naive, but please play along) to name their own blue ribbon investigative commission, to finally discern the truth about the assassination of John F. Kennedy. So...who would be on that commission? How would the CTers ever agree on even one member, let alone several? Is there one critic who someone would not passionately object to? This is the present state of the critical community;

    I nominate Greg Burnham. He has great public speaking abilities and the power of his convictions.

    Kathy C

  5. The posts I read happened in Feb. of this year -- and the fallout is now? I don't understand. Evan or someone, can you explain this to me?

    I wonder what will happen to Myra now.

    Everyone makes a mistake sometimes. Something like this could serve as an example to everyone. But reinstate Myra on some level. She was your colleague. Don't all turn against her. Is this life and death? Kennedy has already been shot and killed. Why such infighting?

    Kathy C

  6. Having first-hand experience of Magda's ability to recall events more to her liking than reality, and seen Drago's blowhard antics, I know whose version of events I'll give credence to.

    Not to mention their misleading comments as a group and Dawn’s as an individual.

    The DPF is beginning to resemble an Ionesco play. Some one parading as me is posting there, is that you Maggie/Magda etc as are people parading as Evan, the Bug and Joan Mellen (or more likely they are the same person) there is a thread about the size of Garrison’s penis, but most of the posts are ‘Evan’ and ‘Len’ giving the finger. Maggieda Hanssan or who whoever that is, grow up.

    So now the DPF has been hacked but it wasn’t by Myra rather it was one of the ‘Gang of 5’ or one of their sympathizers. So much for their lawsuit against her.




    I wrote how much I enjoyed Charles Drago's humor. I received "the finger" from Evan. I contacted Evan with somewhat hurt feelings and he told me it wasn't him. The people who are behind stuff like that should not be allowed on anyone's forum. As for Charles, he was acting out of anger. I know how that feels. That's why he should be allowed to continue on that website. I know I'd be happy if he came back here.

    Kathy C

    Charles' "nasty temper is legendary."

    I'm sorry you're having problems over there. One surprise: Peter Lemkin isn't part of it!

    If he said the things to you in private that you've reported, I don't blame you being mad. Sometimes 2 people can bring out the worst in each other.

    Kathy C

  7. Having first-hand experience of Magda's ability to recall events more to her liking than reality, and seen Drago's blowhard antics, I know whose version of events I'll give credence to.

    Not to mention their misleading comments as a group and Dawn’s as an individual.

    The DPF is beginning to resemble an Ionesco play. Some one parading as me is posting there, is that you Maggie/Magda etc as are people parading as Evan, the Bug and Joan Mellen (or more likely they are the same person) there is a thread about the size of Garrison’s penis, but most of the posts are ‘Evan’ and ‘Len’ giving the finger. Maggieda Hanssan or who whoever that is, grow up.

    So now the DPF has been hacked but it wasn’t by Myra rather it was one of the ‘Gang of 5’ or one of their sympathizers. So much for their lawsuit against her.




    I wrote how much I enjoyed Charles Drago's humor. I received "the finger" from Evan. I contacted Evan with somewhat hurt feelings and he told me it wasn't him. The people who are behind stuff like that should not be allowed on anyone's forum. As for Charles, he was acting out of anger. I know how that feels. That's why he should be allowed to continue on that website. I know I'd be happy if he came back here.

    Kathy C

  8. I don't know enough about the casket incidents to give an informed opinion, but I would like to offer up some points of discussion.

    Is it possible that some of the time discrepancies may have originated from the times coming from the Dallas teams, who's watches may have still been on central time? Considering what was going on, I'm guessing that resetting their watches to eastern time may have been a low priority and something that some of the team may have forgotten to do.

    Also, is it possible that some of the casket deliveries may have been empty caskets being brought in?

    The paper from the funeral home mentions that the body was removed (for embalming) from a shipping casket. Is it possible that Kennedy's body may have been placed into a shipping casket temporarily after the autopsy and before the funeral home took charge of it?


    quote''The paper from the funeral home mentions that the body was removed (for embalming) from a shipping casket. Is it possible that Kennedy's body may have been placed into a shipping casket temporarily after the autopsy and before the funeral home took charge of it? ''


    Good question William, i wondered myself, but on checking i could not find where such was ever mentioned, amongst the information given by any of the witnesses. i would not have been surprised if they would have at parkland, because the body was still draining, but no, the statements there all refer to the coffin. if grey cells are working i believe he was interviewed, and may have been asked to decribe such, i am thinking of David LIFTON'S VIDEO INTERVIEWS...In Best Evidence.. if i recall correctly he asked each to describe such that they saw him in or placed in or taken out of, i think they are on the utube...thanks take care..b

    The late Rich DellaRosa was working on this subject of the caskets. In my opinion, you wouldn't put an autopsied man in a brand new, expensive coffin. He still has to be embalmed. Then you put him in the new coffin for the family.

    Kathy C

  9. In the GIF sequence of Nix, I can clearly see a man shooting Kennedy with a rifle from the grassy knoll. He's above that white thing no one knows what it is. Just as Kennedy was right before him. He doesn't disappear after the head shot. Arrogance! I can also see a figure in the Pergola and by the pycanthia bush. I see a number of figures in the grassy knoll. As for the guy in the front behind that thing, you can see him focus and shoot John Kennedy. I wonder if someone can zoom in on that man.

    In the Rickerby photo there is no Stemmons Freeway sign that blocked the shot from the front. In the Bond photo you can see it. These photos were taken at about the same time after the shooting. What happened to the sign?

    Kathy C


    The man who is supposed to be Oswald is someone else. It's not the real Oswald's face. It's not even the Backyard Photos' Oswald. Where else have we seen this face that purports to be LHO?

    But I love this map.

    Kathy C

  11. Lady is obviously much younger than Barabara would be if she were still alive.

    Len, Did you ever take a look at Elizabeth Taylor the past couple of decades? She may be a thousand years old, but you couldn't tell by her face! When I said she had plastic surgery, it included a face-lift.

    There is something wrong with her eyes. And if she needed a history, I'm sure the FBI has furnished her with one.

    Merry Xmas,

    Kathy C

  12. If you believe it's true, you should demand some type of DNA testing. You should make moves to charge her (and presumably her husband) with fraud or deceptive dealing or whatever it is called (there were payouts to the victims' families).

    Who is actually making these claims? Wouldn't this be the "evidence" that truthers are seeking? I'm a betting man and I'll bet that the originator of the claims won't do diddly about it.

    I found this on the Let's Roll Forum. The Admin doesn't buy it, but it's interesting. :blink:

    Kathy C

  13. Is Barbara Olson still alive? She was supposed to have perished on the first plane to hit the WTC. The photo below is Lady Booth Olson, Ted Olson's (former Solicitor General under Bush) 5th Wife.

    People have been making comparisons of the 2 of the 2 women. Lady (a name her mother liked, not royalty) is Conservative and a Constitutional lawyer.

    The woman in the photo has eyes like I've never seen before. They're definitely witchy. It looks like part of her eyelids' excess has been removed. The part under the brow looks like it's been pulled tight over her eyelids. Her front teeth have been capped, but I can see deep amalgam fillings in her back teeth. There isn't a line on her face. She has a tan and dresses very suggestively. She might as well be wearing nothing.

    The other photos are Barbara Olson, Ted Olson's 4th wife. Look particularly at the one upper right and compare the 2 women. It seems to some that the former passengers are coming back alive.

    Kathy C]

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  14. John,

    For me, I found it interesting that the location of the second gunman was on the overpass, left of where the traditional knoll gunman was believed to be. This got me thinking...

    I've been reviewing the Z-film and comparing it with Don R.'s fantastic diagrams. I didn't quite realize that JFK was facing as far to the left. This exposes a larger area of the right side of his head to the "left gunman" than I ever realized. I've always felt that the kill shot "ran shallow", raking front to back (or back to front) just inside the skull. An inch or so to the right and it would have missed.

    The TSBD has always struck me as being too elevated for this shot to *not* damage the right eye orbital. I've always preferred the Dal-Tex lower floor option for this reason.

    I've been pondering Al Carrier's theory that the headshot in Z313 came from the left (not from the traditional grassy-knoll location, but from the "other" knoll, or overpass) for quite some time. I had never quite understood the roots of this theory nor its plausibility. However, this article has me thinking again about Al's ideas...

    The pool of blood on Don's map has always puzzled me (NorthEast of Cupola #4). However, if the head shot came from the south knoll/overpass, this is a *very likely* location for someone to have been hit with a fragment. In the excitement, adrenalin could have kicked in and they might not even realize that they were struck with something or were cut/bleeding.

    The key question becomes -- who was there that might have been cut by a bullet fragment? Personally, I'm going to spend a lot more time considering the south knoll shooter and the implications thereof.



    Try Google Earth Street View. Type in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, TX. Or Elm and Houston. You can scour that area very much. You can go over to the South Knoll and see how Elm was a bit of a hill and turned in such a way. These aren't live like webcams, but the photos are supposedly re-shot every 3 years.

    Kathy C

  15. I cannot find my photos of Donald O Norton and his signatures compared with Oswald's. But tonight I think I found another similar signature. You can notice it in the comparison of Lee Oswald's, written by Donald O. Norton.

    I hope someone can produce them. The check posted tonight, to the best of my recollection, has the same signature of Oswald. Look at the O and the ld. It's that of the writer of the check, a woman named Meyer.

    Kathy C

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  16. Greg, you were wonderful, a powerful speaker. Your subject regarding Viet Nam is something more people should know about. Also, think about all the lives, our young men, wasted over there. Either they died, went MIA, arrived home as drug addicts, were hated by our youth (they should have went to Canada). If people will only realize how different it would have been if Kennedy had lived. If we could accomplish this, make this known.

    You're a very fast talker; quick thinker. I would like to see you debate this or appear at different places with your presentation.

    All those lives lost 12:30 pm CT on Nov.22, 1963.

    I also wish those who think the Z-film is accurate -- just take a look at the trunk of the limo where Jackie was climbing on -- not a bit of blood, shiny, clean. As though he was shot only from behind.

    Kathy C

  17. I think this topic has been touched on before, but I couldn't find a thread that included all these individuals.

    What are the odds that the following people would all be dead in a matter of years?

    Jerry Rubin - Jaywalking.

    Abbie Hoffman - OD on phenobarbital. Was a manic-depressive.

    Phil Ochs - Found hanging. Career in decline. Said to have been outside the Dal-Tex building during the assassination and photographed.

    John Lennon - Shot down by lone nut. On guard that night was a survivor of the Bay of Pigs, Jose Perdomo, aka General San Genis. Lennon financed some ultra left wing causes.

    Hunter Thompson - Self-inflicted gunshot wound. His son was home at the time and didn't hear anything. Thompson may have attended Bohemian Grove and witnessed a human (probably a child) being sacrificed to harden up powerful hearts and souls. May have made snuff film.

    I have a feeling I've left out someone. There have been more suspicious deaths, like Mary Meyer, etc. But these people mentioned above were celebrities and known to be left wing.

    Kathy C

  18. I suppose many of you have seen this picture of David Ferrie. I don't recall ever seeing it myself. Maybe because I took it for another individual.

    This picture is credited as being David Ferrie. But to me, he looks a lot like Jack Ruby. I don't know if you'll agree, but could it be possible that Ferrie was impersonating Jack Ruby that weekend? Is it just coincidental -- did he like to wear shades and hats to hide his hair-loss disease? I know he wore a helmut in the Civil Air Patrol.

    Was he impersonating Ruby or was he trying to hide himself that weekend, so he could "mingle" and no one would know who he was? There was a woman who said she saw Ruby putting a rifle (or similar) into a vehicle. And there was a Ruby lookalike in Dealey Plaza when/after Kennedy was shot. (I don't know if the man wore a hat.) But it was a good disguise. A glimpse of him makes him look like Ruby. Here's the picture of Ferrie:

    Kathy C

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  19. "There's not going to be any historical footprint to remember that time," Rookstool said. "With people dying and everything changing [in the area], a marker would be a fantastic thing." And Amonett said school property could be a good place to put one. Marie Tippit, the officer's widow, said she was approached about a marker not long after the shooting. She said she's not sure why the idea fizzled. "I think it would be a wonderful idea," she said. "It's a piece of history, and that's where he was killed, and there should be a marker there." http://www.dallasnew...n1.4b74270.html

    I'm not sure about him being a hero. Yes, he lost his life, but was he in on the conspiracy? He wasn't told to go to that part of town; just the opposite. Yet that's where he went and that's where he died.

    Kathy C

  20. In the incredibly faux clueless, insensitive, and chutzpah category:

    It wouldn't feel like the 47th anniversary without Larry King and his CNN handlers decision to air for the first time, tonight, an irrelevant brand spankin' new, canned interview with poppy and barb!



    The audacity of our oppressors truly has no limits, the timing of the cablecast of this interview's debut is an affront to our sensibilities. All of the Kennedys are gone, now, so they offer us the "opportunity" to spend the evening of the anniversary of such a sad day in our history with THE bUSHES!

    To the victors, continue to go the spoils.

    I couldn't agree more. Up north I used to listen to Larry King when he had a radio interview show. Every Nov.22 his entire show would be about the Kennedy Assassination. He really was interested in it. Why the Bushes are going to be on I don't know. Maybe Larry King has no choice -- maybe CNN booked them. I hope he mentions President Kennedy to them.

    I don't know if Geraldo is on or what time, but I'm tired of him protecting the assassins because as he said on his show Rivera Live on CNBC in 2001, "There was no conspiracy. Oswald killed Kennedy from behind and alone." Paraphrase. And it was apropos of nothing. He just came out and said it. The next week he announced he had a new job on Fox as Foreign Correspondent. This was right after 9/11.

    Kathy C


    A couple of things, Kathy: I always read and like your postings because I believe you take a scalpel to things, with expertise. Larry King has always been a big favorite of mine because of his old radio show on Westwood one. I worked in radio and very much admired him because he could draw out anyone on the air and they all seemed to like him, which he used to get them to open up. Unfortunately, there is the truism, as you put it: 'Maybe Larry King has no choice -- maybe CNN booked them.' That is in the category of "ya think?"

    Also, I have been an admirer of Geraldo, often reluctantly, for a long time. When I lived in New York in the early Seventies I watched him on WABC and it was clear that he was trying to make a name for himself with his looks and his chutzpah...but he had substance as well. He quite recently has come around on 911 as an inside job - and there is video on youtube to prove it - at least in terms of the Building 7 imbroglio. He strikes me as a decent and open-minded person, unlike so many dogmatic people we both loathe.

    By the way, it was on that old Larry King radio show, on the 10th anniversary of Nixon's resignation, that he had Fred Thompson and Sam Dash as part of the program, for a couple of hours. It was on that broadcast - to which no one else listened, evidently, that Sam Dash said he believed Deep Throat was a composite.

    Hang in there. We will win.

    Happy Thanksgiving,


    John, thank you for your kind words.

    Kathy C

  21. Speaking from much lower levels of power and involvement, in anything, I think people often become disturbed at the moment when recognition of the consequences of their power and involvement comes about.

    Take a look sometime at the heirs at a funeral - some of that conflicted atmosphere must have overwhelmed those close to the presidency during this week in 1963, such as during LBJ's swearing-in. The satisfaction is over soon, but the guilt endures and recurs.

    It is hard to accept responsibility to any power below God's, Which we are able to write off so long as we are alive. Writing off the power of killers is much harder.

    Thank you.

    Kathy C

  22. Did anyone see Larry King last night. I didn't. Did he have on George HW Bush? Was anything mentioned about the assassination? Like, "Where were you when Kennedy was shot?" When Larry asked Nixon where he was, Nixon's voice went up an octave.

    That awful day I think Nixon had a few drinks -- I'm not being facetious. He looks like he's crying in this picture taken that day.

    This will run people the wrong way but, what could he do about it? If he told anyone what was going to happen, he'd be dead too. Or his wife and children. Even little Checkers, spotted and white, would find himself in danger.

    I'm really serious. What could he do? He was hounded out of office anyway. Rosemary Woods lied when she said she accidentally erased 18 minutes from the tapes. Those 18 minutes was about the "Bay of Pigs."

    He brought up Kennedy's name often in interviews and spoke well of him for what it's worth. Nixon should have become a bartender. He'd be in his element.

    I'm prepared for a lot of invective.

    Kathy C


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  23. How I wish I could pitch my adaptation of a certain true, intel-based JFK conspiracy book. Sadly, the blame-the-mob angle may not only be a political directive, but "sexier" in Hollywood story terms.

    I would like to know your take on the Assassination. Who killed President Kennedy 47 years ago today?

    Why did Ruby kill Oswald - on his own or ordered to by the mob?

    I feel that since you ha a screenplay you probably have a definite opinion of who was responsible and why.

    Kathy C


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