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Kathleen Collins

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Posts posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. There was this art film by Bruce Conner about Kennedy's Assassination. It's a 13 minute film and you can't get it anywhere. His other films are on youtube. Has anyone seen this? Does anyone know where I and others interested could see it? He's acclaimed in his niche.

    The name of the film was: REPort (1967).

    Kathy C



    John, I was unable to open the film and get it started. I downloaded some software and I still couldn't get it. I've read that the film is unavailable, though his other films are. I wonder why this is. Thanks for trying.

    Kathy C

  2. There was this art film by Bruce Conner about Kennedy's Assassination. It's a 13 minute film and you can't get it anywhere. His other films are on youtube. Has anyone seen this? Does anyone know where I and others interested could see it? He's acclaimed in his niche.

    The name of the film was: REPort (1967).

    Kathy C

  3. I hope you get better soon. My brother underwent the same operation. You'll be fine. And thank you for any part you played in getting John Armstrong to free those notes of his. So far I've learned he was a salesman teaching novices how to sell.

    Kathy C


  4. I am writing a script that will be a work of fiction based as much as possible on verifiable fact. Michele Clark is a main character. I intend to include Arthur Bremer, Dennis Cossini, Harold Metcalf, Dorothy Hunt and her husband as central figures. The "real-life" Cossini and Metcalf characters are obviously the most elusive. The MKULTRA program is a background factor.

    The only evidence I have that Michele Clark was working on Watergate is based on what Sherman Skolnik wrote. The other possible targets on United Flight 553 are not included within the scope of what I am writing but I have no reason to doubt what he wrote about them.

    I have difficulty believing that Nixon or others in the White House (as corrupt as I believe they were) would deliberately crash a passenger plane just to eliminate one or two troublesome individuals who could easily be hit elsewhere. Or, if they were that evil, that they would botch the sabotage of the aircraft to the extent that there would be any survivors.

    I am working on the assumption that Michele Clark was the target of a hit that was arranged at the last minute when she and Dorothy were seen about to board the same plane. The hit itself went wrong, distracting the pilot and causing him to lose control of the aircraft at a critical moment during the landing.

    I don't want to reveal what I am going to write at this time but I believe that I have developed a scenario that plausibly explains what could have happened with respect to United Flight 553, taking into consideration all of the known facts.

    Always good to talk to a writer. I'm writing a novel about a woman who drives her best friend, Bunny, to the airport and never sees her again. Bunny's plane is reported missing. She finds Bunny's laptop, figures out the Password and discovers her friend had files on plane accidents and reconnaissance photos.. She doesn't know it yet, but the FBI can easily tell if someone moved or copied files.

    So far she's reading Bunny's file.. The FBI want to know if she copied these files.. She hasn't slept in days. She keeps the TV on. They're searching the bottom of the Atlantic with sonar and so far nothing. The first report she reads concerns Dorothy Hunt and E. Howard Hunt. The CIA is blackmailing Richard Nixon and Dorothy is flying around the country paying off her fellow blackmailers, who may have to go to prison over Watergate. Nixon doesn't want the Kennedy Assassination coming out. Hunt is threatening to tell the world how Nixon was involved in the Assassination.

    Kathy C.

  5. Incidently, just for extra unrelated info, I was also surprised to see John and Yoko sitting in the viewing section several times, during the hearings. (Dixie Dea)

    Hi Dixie,

    I don't think Lennon was any fan of Nixon, to state the obvious. The song, 'Gimme Some Truth' is scathing toward government lies.


    I think Lennon was trying to be an American by showing up at the hearings, watching history in person.. "Gimme Some Truth" is a great song.

    "No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of Tricky-Dicky's gonna Mother Hubbard soft soap me with just a pocketful of hope, money for dope, money for rope..." Or so it goes.

    Kathy C

  6. David, I found some info on Belcher Oil and it's just a little thing. They are some how related to Kennedy's Assassination. They're called "Members." There were Frank Belchers living in Dallas TX on zabasearch.com

    BELCHER, ED...................\231 \

    BELCHER, GEORGE (JR & SR).....\231

    BELCHER OIL COMPANY...........\231 \

    Kathy C

  7. An interesting bit regarding Harry Dean's experiences and appearance on Tom Snyder's show:

    LINK: Tom Snyder - Harry Dean Interview


    "While Morris and Dean were staying in New York's Sheraton Hotel, the night before their TV appearance, Dean's room was entered and searched. A man closely resembling Dean had asked

    the room clerk for the key to Room 1465, where Dean was registered under the name "Dean Falon". The former CIA/FBI agent had used this alias many times before. Dean's room had been thoroughly

    searched, and a suit of his clothes was missing. Fortunately he had taken his briefcase of JFK assassination material with him. Hotel security police, after learning who Harry Dean was, said they were

    convinced the incident was not a routine burglary. The suit was stolen as cover for ransacking the room. Shaken, Dean sat in the hotel lobby all that night, afraid to go to bed. The break-in was not

    mentioned to Tom Snyder. It had already been decided that Dean would wear a mask to conceal his identity on the show.

    SNYDER: Two gentlemen will be on the program during the hour. First of all, Mr. W.R. Morris. Mr. Morris has spent his lifetime working as a news reporter and newspaper man, mostly in the Southern

    part of this country. Most of his writings have been in the field of investigative reporting. M y second guest, I can only call Mr. X or Mr. Agent, which do you prefer? Mr. X or Mr. Agent?

    AGENT: Either. Either will be fine.

    SNYDER: I'll call you Mr. X. This man was acting for both the CIA and the FBI during the 1960's. He has worked as an informant and infiltrator with various organizations here in this country. I'm going

    to play stupid here at the outset, Mr. Morris, and I guess I'd like to start with you and find out where this story begins and how you became involved with Mr. X.

    MORRIS: As I previously stated, I arrived early at the gravesite and a man was holding the flowers in his hands reading a note. I asked him who he was, and he asked me who I was, and I said a newspaper

    man. So, he said don't mention me at all, don't describe me in a story, don't say nothing about it. I said, well, this is a very good chance for a young reporter writing about a mysterious man putting flowers

    on the grave of Lee Harvey Oswald. He begged me not to, and then later on, we became acquainted. He was a CIA agent.

    SNYDER: Did he identify himself as such at the time?

    MORRIS: He didn't. Not right then, but later he did..."

    Fascinating stuff.

    Thank you, Greg, for providing this to us. You know my interest in Donald O. Norton. What I found on the Internet caused me to go into tachycardia. At the time Rich was sick and not speaking to me. I was going nuts.

    Anyway, thanks for your work.

    Kathy C

    post-5645-016309800 1305273546_thumb.gif

  8. I'm sure Greg P. is jumping for joy! :P:ice:D:lol::rolleyes:

    Trying to foment discord again, Len? The ACLU would be sooooo proud...

    The raw data is not to blame. It is how it is assessed and used that is the issue.

    Armstrong gets a thumb.gif for making it available.

    That was meant to be humorous, lighten up.

    What humor do you have? All you do is stay on the Forum making snide remarks. Do you have a job, a girlfriend or a hobby? Do you have a life? What research have you done?

    Maybe you don't know but I answered that question you asked about Dorothy Hunt's plane in the Watergate forum.

    Kathy C

  9. The only thing I know about Ferrie was that he was an ex-Jesuit. And Pepsico, I've read recently, is one of the Corporations that will "take over the world - New World Order." Also Nixon was an attorney for them. A Jesuit in any form cannot be trusted to do good.

    I know this is not what you're looking for. Maybe I'll take a ride through the Internet.

    Kathy C

  10. The crash that took Dorothy Hunt's life has already been discussed here and I made my views clear on them (see links below). I never herd the parts about "a man from the back of the plane jump[ing] out the chute in a workman's jumpsuit. " before.



    I'm so happy to oblige you, Colby. I bet you thought I couldn't come up with what I wrote. Sorry.

    I found the story about the man jumping from the rear of the plane on Dorothy Hunt's plane from Sherman Skolnik. And I believe I saw it one other place. But this should do you.

    Kathy C

    "Also getting on Flight 553 was a reputed "hit-man", pursuing Mrs. Hunt and others, and going under the "cover" of being a top Narcotics official with DALE (Drug Abuse Law Enforcement). He used the name Harold R. Metcalf. He is an unusual "narc"; he worked directly for Nixon. Metcalf told the pilot he was packing a gun, and so Metcalf was assigned seat B-17, near the stewardesses' jump seat and also near the food galley and the rear door of the plane. After the crash, he walked out of the cracked open fuselage of the pancaked plane wearing a jumpsuit. A former Military Intelligence investigator, who used his credentials to get into the crash site, identified the person posing as "Harold Metcalf" as an overseas CIA parachute spy. (Investigator's testimony at re-opened N.T.S.B. hearings, 6/14/73). Also see Metcalf's statement about being a "narc" and his gun on the plane. (N.T.S.B. Docket SA-435, Exhibit 6- B, p. 17, surviving passenger statements). Metcalf evidently supervised certain foul play, possibly cyanide, directed at certain passengers, but he didn't know of the over all sabotage plan. One of our staff investigators confronted Metcalf about a week after the crash.

    (a) Metcalf, supposedly a government narcotics bigshot, knows nothings about dope. (B) in response to our question, "Did you know the plane was sabotaged?", he blurted out half a sentence, "It was not supposed to....", turning purple, he then left the room. Evidently, he was a double cut-out, an espionage term for an operative to be himself eliminated by someone else. His survival was an oversight. (N.T.S.B. testimony, 6/13-14/73)."

  11. Food for thought and reflection:

    "Catholicism and the JFK Assassination"

    I didn't read anything about the Catholic Church and all the molestations, mostly of little boys. Even the current Pope, RATzinger, used to move certain priests from parish to parish.

    I read about "Christians."

    John Kennedy said to a friend, "You know what I hate about this job? Having to get up early every Sunday for Church."

    Kathy C

  12. What all of you are missing is the fact that a laser light shines on the exterior of the wall and then the missile hits that spot. This is also true of at least the 2nd tower before it was hit by a "plane." A laser showed on the exterior of the tower and that's where the plane hit. I still believe this video is correct and old.

    I can't say I know the area well, but when 911 first happened, people on the main road there saw a plane hit the Pentagon, but the plane went onto Ronald Reagan Airport and the missile hit the building. Seeing the plane hitting the Pentagon was an optical illusion.

    Kathy C

  13. The short, "older" tramp found by police in boxcars behind the Grassy Knoll and the parking lot, is said to be E. Howard Hunt. Others believe it was Chauncey Holt.

    Out of the 2, I think Chauncey Holt is the little tramp, as he was 5'4 and E. Howard Hunt was 5'9. The tramp wore a hat that could serve to hide his ears. Howard Hunt's ear tops stuck out from his head in a comical way. But at that time he wasn't that old. This photo in Dealey Plaza, right after the assassination could well be E. Howard Hunt. He couldn't be 2 people at once, but I think he was this man and not the little tramp.

    Kathy C

    post-5645-043738100 1302749355_thumb.jpg

    post-5645-095991900 1302749751_thumb.jpg

    There is NO WAY that Holt is one of the tramps.


    Jack, I had a change of heart. I agree with you about Hunt being the little tramp. The tramp resembles Hunt more than Chauncey Holt -- I was trying to go by size. But Hunt could have said he was taller than he was. Men do that sometimes in my experience. What also changed my mind was the picture I have linked below. The woman in the picture, looking shocked, with her hand to her mouth is Dorothy Hunt. I compared her picture in 1963 to that of her in 1972, which Spartacus has. I knew she was CIA and realized she was standing only a few feet from her husband E. Howard Hunt, the short tramp. What a wonderful day, out and about on Nov.22, 1963. What a sense of accomplishment they shared.

    Also on the far right of this photo, see Billy Lovelady talking to a policeman on the steps of the TSBD. This occurred about 2 hours after the shooting. The photo provided in the first post above, the man in the trench coat and fedora could also be Hunt. To me, he looks like he's about to go up the Grassy Knoll. Did he play 2 parts in the Assassination?

    Kathy C


    Jack, I just watched this footage on C-Span -- material of Dealey Plaza, etc. that a news network had thrown out. Somewhere in the middle of it the police are taking a very short man -- at first I thought he was a kid -- into custody. I believe it was Chauncey Holt! And now I see he couldn't be one of the tramps. Then a few minutes later you see Oswald being led in. I wonder if they were going to use Chauncey as the patsy, but they zoomed in on Oswald. Chauncey is a weird-looking dude. Someone I knew used to ask rhetorically, What would have happened if Oswald missed work that day? Maybe Chauncey would become their patsy. I don't know where he was in Dealey Plaza. Does anyone know? He didn't work with Oswald. Can you imagine a Chauncey Holt lookalike?

    The woman with her hand to her face in the picture above is Dorothy Hunt. She looks like she's shocked, but actually, I think she saw the camera and put her hand like that to disguise her face. I know E. Howard Hunt made faces so as not to be identified. He was a clever rascal. I think he lied about his height. But Chauncey was a lot shorter than 5'4, as he claimed, if that was him in the footage I just saw.

    Kathy C

  14. From John:


    Please advise interested parties that the first 6 of my volumes are now on line and 3 more volumes will be available within the next few days:



    PS...Sorry, this is only a listing of the documents available. The online access is not yet operational.

    do you know if the written material he removed from his book manuscirpt will be made available as well?

    I suppose you mean the original H&L draft, which ran twice as long, and underwent many editings to get it

    down to a thousand pages? I doubt it. What is being scanned by Baylor is all of John's original documents.

    However, those documents will include MUCH research not in the final manuscript, such as the Ziger

    sisters and Donald O. Norton. But I doubt that John's writings about those documents will be included.


    that's too bad would love to read it all.

    I'm dying to read documents pertaining to Donald O. Norton.

    Kathy C

  15. The only thing I can add is George Masters hated Marilyn Monroe. I read his book about 25-30 years ago. According to him whenever she was mad at him, she'd have him trim dozens of fake eyelashes. He did not consider her an attractive woman until she was all put together. It's possible that he gave her that beautiful hairdo she wore her last year. He called it her "killer cut."

    In post #6 on this thread, I meant that Greg Burnham didn't like to discuss Marilyn on this forum.

    Kathy C

  16. I have a hard time believing that Hunt was there in any capacity but administrative. Despite his penchant for disguises, I don't know him as a boots-on-the-ground type. What if that's just some sour old guy from the railroad cars in the photos?

    Who happens to look just like E. Howard Hunt...

    Kathy C

  17. Greg Parker, as per all hard-boiled conspiracy theorists who enjoy their fantasies much more than reality,

    Yes, and you know this as precisely as you know Oswald was the 6th floor sniper, Dave.

    is more than willing (and even eager) to throw away all of the "Oswald Was Here" evidence found on Floor #6 on 11/22. Right, Gregory?

    Oswald was there - every working day.

    Just chuck all of the evidence straight into the trash, including the rifle and the three shells

    Tainted evidence of unproven provenance.

    and Brennan's testimony

    Is accurate, apart from his belated ID of Oswald whose alibi checks out when all the evidence is considered.

    and LHO's prints which littered the Sniper's Nest.

    As were others. And he worked there.

    I expect most online conspiracists to pretend that every piece of evidence damning to Oswald was faked.

    Nope. The evidence against him falls into a number categories.

    Why should you be different?

    To annoy you, of course!

    Adams and Styles, in case you forgot in the last nano-second, missed him because they had gone down BEFORE Baker and Truly had gone up (according to Garner).

    Couldn't have happened. Not in the real world. Not unless Miss Adams and Miss Styles were world-class sprinters. And we know they stayed at the south-side windows for a certain period of time, too. And yet they still supposedly managed to beat Truly and Baker to the stairs?? Hogwash.

    Well, unlike others, I haven't spent very much time at all studying this pair. But I did just check Adams' testimony and she says that she left 15 to 30 seconds after the last shot and took approximately one minute after that to get to the first floor. Maybe it was a bit quicker and Baker and/or Truly were a bit slower. It certainly could not have happened at the time you claim for the simple reason that they only encountered a single cop on the front stairs and he let them back in. Any later, and there was a cop stationed at the door enforcing the "no entry" order.

    Edit: have just re-read Sean Murphy's description of his interview with Styles. Granted, her words seem to be paraphased to some extent, but Sean is not someone who would intellionally mislead - the point being that she comes across as very credible. Her version does explain not seeing anyone on the way down in a manner that does away with any argument over a few seconds here or there. And it is possible they got back in just prior to the full lockdown.

    In short -- It's a thousand times easier to explain away Garner's 6/2/64 statement provided by Barry Ernest than it is for conspiracists to explain away all of that incredibly incriminating evidence against Lee H. Oswald that was discovered on the sixth floor.

    There is no incredibly incriminating evidence against Oswald. It is a case entirely built on circumstantial evidence - the type of evidence favoured by crooked cops and DAs who manufacture cases for a variety of reasons.

    "It was a time when the pendulum had swung far to the right. If the police decided you were guilty of something, they made a case and you were found guilty. It was just that simple. Candy's real crime was she wouldn't cooperate with the vice squad."

    Lester May - defence lawyer for Candy Barr in her drug trial. The case included illegal bugs and planted evidence.

    "We are making every effort to engage other attorney's to correct the many mistakes that have been made thus far and to properly handle this matter on appeal. This change of counsel may expose us to further embarrassment before the public but it cannot be avoided... Our difficulty is in finding a lawyer in Dallas completely free of the influence of the D.A.'s office."

    Sol Dan - appeals lawyer for Jack Ruby

    I want to say something about Greg Parker as a researcher. He was the only one who solved that G-- Damned Oxnard call which drove me nuts for years.

    I also want to say -- and maybe Jack White can back me up. There were 2 Oswalds. The one up in the window was Lee Oswald. Harvey Oswald was near a phone by the lunch room. He got on the bus, etc, was arrested and murdered by Jack Ruby. Lee got into a station wagon, showed up at the Texas Theater, was escorted out like a prisoner in handcuffs, while a mob riot was spinning around Harvey Oswald's arrest from the same theater in the front entrance..

    We never saw Lee again. He probably got on a plane in a small, local airport and disappeared. Read Harvey and Lee by John Armstrong.

    Kathy C

  18. I think the tramps were no one significant to the JFK assassination. I do not think Chauncy Holt or E. Howard Hunt or Charles Harrelson were tramps.

    I think the tramps were the folks whose names were released by Dallas Police Dept in 1992.

    I'm not an expert on the Tramps. But in my opinion the short one was E. Howard Hunt. The middle one was Charles Harrellson. The first one, who was dressed rather neatly, I'm not sure about. Some say he's Charles Rogers. Charles Rogers was wanted in Texas for killing his mother and father (after the assassination), chopping them up and putting them in the refrigerator. It was called the Ice Box murders. He then disappeared and no one has seen him since. The first tramp may also be "Frenchy." I've read Frank Sturgis, but he doesn't look like the first tramp.

    After they passed Ed Lansdale, possibly the creator of all these scenes, Harrellson had a smirk on his face. Obviously, he thought the whole thing was funny. Did any of these men fire at Kennedy? They may have been just a distraction thought up by Lansdale. But they weren't discovered until 2 hours after the shooting.

    Kathy C

  19. Ah yes. Young Dan Rather.

    Young Dan, who could/would never makes a mistake, who could/would never have just been talking out of his ass for more air time and a better story, and who could/would would never inflate his own self worth to get ahead at KRLD/CBS. Nope - instead Dan Rather, hand picked by the conspirators to help with the cover-up. The great COG in the vast conspiracy to kill JFK and then cover-up the truth.


    The scene – the KRLD TV break room. Dan Rather is sitting at a table with another man. They speak in hushed words.

    DAN RATHER: OK, I go on the air in a few minutes. What’s my next assignment in the big JFK cover-up?

    CONSPIRITOR 1: Did you see the film the bystander took?

    DAN RATHER: Yep, I saw it this morning.

    CONSPIRITOR 1: OK, go on TV and say you saw the film of the assassination. Then say when JFK was hit in the head, his head was driven FORWARD with considerable violence. You can even bob your head forward a bit for added effect.

    DAN RATHER: OK, got it, no problem. Hey, by the way, what really happened to his head in the film I saw, it all happened so fast.

    CONSPIRITOR 1: It did happen fast and is hard to see in only a few viewings – JFK’s head is really driven backward and to the left with considerable violence because we shot him from the front, as you know, Dan. But we want to make it look like he was shot from behind, so the CIA is altering the film to show his head driven forward.

    DAN RATHER: Ohhhh, I get it. And by my saying I say the film and saw his head driven forward it will just add corroboration to the film when it’s done being altered.

    CONSPIRITOR 1: Exactly. I knew we hand picked you to help us kill JFK for a reason - you’re sharp – you’re going places. Now, hop to it.

    Rather leaves. Conspirator 1 goes back to drinking his coffee. After a few moments Conspirator 1 can see on the TV monitor in the KRLD lunchroom that Rather is now live on the air. After a few moments Conspirator 2 sits down across from Conspirator 1 with his coffee, unaware of Rather on TV behind him.

    CONSPIRITOR 2: Hey, Conspirator 1, good thing I caught you. Change of plans, buddy. I just got of the horn with the CIA boys at NPIC and in altering the film, they found that they need to leave JFK’s head being driven backwards and to the left visible in the film. So, bottom line, we now don’t want Rather to say anything about the head going in any direction on the air.

    At that instant, in the background, Dan Rather can be heard on live TV to say “his head was driven FORWARD with considerable force”.

    CONSPIRITOR 2: Aghhjh! (as he spits his coffee all over CONSPIRITOR 1)"We're f$%ked!"

    Maybe I missed something. Is this going to be a screenplay?

    Kathy C

  20. The short, "older" tramp found by police in boxcars behind the Grassy Knoll and the parking lot, is said to be E. Howard Hunt. Others believe it was Chauncey Holt.

    Out of the 2, I think Chauncey Holt is the little tramp, as he was 5'4 and E. Howard Hunt was 5'9. The tramp wore a hat that could serve to hide his ears. Howard Hunt's ear tops stuck out from his head in a comical way. But at that time he wasn't that old. This photo in Dealey Plaza, right after the assassination could well be E. Howard Hunt. He couldn't be 2 people at once, but I think he was this man and not the little tramp.

    Kathy C

    post-5645-043738100 1302749355_thumb.jpg

    post-5645-095991900 1302749751_thumb.jpg

    There is NO WAY that Holt is one of the tramps.


    Jack, I had a change of heart. I agree with you about Hunt being the little tramp. The tramp resembles Hunt more than Chauncey Holt -- I was trying to go by size. But Hunt could have said he was taller than he was. Men do that sometimes in my experience. What also changed my mind was the picture I have linked below. The woman in the picture, looking shocked, with her hand to her mouth is Dorothy Hunt. I compared her picture in 1963 to that of her in 1972, which Spartacus has. I knew she was CIA and realized she was standing only a few feet from her husband E. Howard Hunt, the short tramp. What a wonderful day, out and about on Nov.22, 1963. What a sense of accomplishment they shared.

    Also on the far right of this photo, see Billy Lovelady talking to a policeman on the steps of the TSBD. This occurred about 2 hours after the shooting. The photo provided in the first post above, the man in the trench coat and fedora could also be Hunt. To me, he looks like he's about to go up the Grassy Knoll. Did he play 2 parts in the Assassination?

    Kathy C


    That's not Billy Lovelady. Lovelady appears in the film of LHO being brought into the DPD Homicide office at about 2:00 PM, shortly after his arrest and 1 hour 30 minutes after the assassination. Lovelady was there giving his statement regarding the assassination.

    I know there's a certain argument against it not being Lovelady. But I swear he looks just like him. I know Lovelady was in the police dept. But they let him go. I believe and it's my opinion only, Lovelady returned to the TSBD, where he worked and though the doors were locked, he was talking to someone higher up in the police or military. I think Lovelady was just curious. Maybe he was asking about Oswald. I'm sure Lovelady provided an iron-clad alibi. He stood on the outside steps when snipers shot Kennedy. Co-workers saw him there.

    Kathy C

  21. We may never know if RFK and Lawford visited Monroe the night she died or whether she died en route to the hospital and then allegedly was secretly transported back to her home.

    Hey Doug, hope all is well with you. I am shocked and appalled to see you posting stuff like this. No doubt I am Like most members, i.e. a very busy man, so I was shocked to see that you would waste my time with garbage like this.

    I will let you off with a severe reprimand this time!

    Please don't castigate this man. Many people find the Marilyn Monroe story intriguing. Greg Parker also disliked this subject being brought up here. If it was me, they would tell me there's a Monroe forum on this site. It would have been well-received there.

    Last night I also posted my opinion on the same story on my blog: whatpricefame.blogspot.com

    But Parker's right -- How would George Masters know this? When he allegedly brought her home that morning, that was the last contact he had with her. So how could he know what went on the rest of the day?

    Did the Mob knock her off? She supposedly spent the evening with Sam Giancana. Wouldn't that indicate the Mafia was involved?

    What about the FBI? If the FBI killed Marilyn Monroe it would serve to connect the 2 Kennedys to her death as a way of keeping them in his control. In other words, Hoover owned them.

    Kathy C

  22. The short, "older" tramp found by police in boxcars behind the Grassy Knoll and the parking lot, is said to be E. Howard Hunt. Others believe it was Chauncey Holt.

    Out of the 2, I think Chauncey Holt is the little tramp, as he was 5'4 and E. Howard Hunt was 5'9. The tramp wore a hat that could serve to hide his ears. Howard Hunt's ear tops stuck out from his head in a comical way. But at that time he wasn't that old. This photo in Dealey Plaza, right after the assassination could well be E. Howard Hunt. He couldn't be 2 people at once, but I think he was this man and not the little tramp.

    Kathy C

    post-5645-043738100 1302749355_thumb.jpg

    post-5645-095991900 1302749751_thumb.jpg

    There is NO WAY that Holt is one of the tramps.


    Jack, I had a change of heart. I agree with you about Hunt being the little tramp. The tramp resembles Hunt more than Chauncey Holt -- I was trying to go by size. But Hunt could have said he was taller than he was. Men do that sometimes in my experience. What also changed my mind was the picture I have linked below. The woman in the picture, looking shocked, with her hand to her mouth is Dorothy Hunt. I compared her picture in 1963 to that of her in 1972, which Spartacus has. I knew she was CIA and realized she was standing only a few feet from her husband E. Howard Hunt, the short tramp. What a wonderful day, out and about on Nov.22, 1963. What a sense of accomplishment they shared.

    Also on the far right of this photo, see Billy Lovelady talking to a policeman on the steps of the TSBD. This occurred about 2 hours after the shooting. The photo provided in the first post above, the man in the trench coat and fedora could also be Hunt. To me, he looks like he's about to go up the Grassy Knoll. Did he play 2 parts in the Assassination?

    Kathy C


  23. In my opinion the reason Monk does not want to tell more about his viewing of the

    other film is that as a youth (his father had important Washington connections) he

    had access to many individuals still living whose safety might be compromised if it

    becomes known that they know of THE OTHER FILM. This is speculation on my part.

    Perhaps some day the situation will change.


    I don't know why they keep hiding this film -- the H.L.Hunt Version. At the time Hunt was the wealthiest man in the world and he was also a John Bircher and a Kennedy hater. He thought Kennedy was a communist. I believe the Assassination was being planned earlier than Nov.12, 1963 (the date Kennedy sent out 2 memos re UFO's). And they did a good job of it, seeing they got away with it (Ed Lansdale?). But all the people involved are dead. Someone should come forward with it -- even if it involves money. Even if they sell it to Larry Flynt.

    I've read that at some point Jackie Kennedy wanted to see the film. Which one did they show her?

    Kathy C

    Kathy C

  24. The short, "older" tramp found by police in boxcars behind the Grassy Knoll and the parking lot, is said to be E. Howard Hunt. Others believe it was Chauncey Holt.

    Out of the 2, I think Chauncey Holt is the little tramp, as he was 5'4 and E. Howard Hunt was 5'9. The tramp wore a hat that could serve to hide his ears. Howard Hunt's ear tops stuck out from his head in a comical way. But at that time he wasn't that old. This photo in Dealey Plaza, right after the assassination could well be E. Howard Hunt. He couldn't be 2 people at once, but I think he was this man and not the little tramp.

    Kathy C

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