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Kathleen Collins

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Posts posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. What does or does not have legs?

    Oswald was diagnosed with a "personality pattern disturbance" while at YH by Dr Hartogs. Hans Asperger referred to the syndrome bearing his name as a "personality disorder".

    Research has since shown that because of crossover "symptoms" between personality disorders and AS, incorrect diagnosis is possible. As noted in another thread, Hartogs did not have the option of diagnosing AS as it was not recognized in the US.

    Despite the battery of tests, apparent access to school records, and interviews with Oswald, one thing not diagnosed was dyslexia.

    Never mind.

    Everyone says he had it, so it must have legs and must be true.

    Even People leaned towards him having it. How can you argue with that?

    Was Lee Harvey Oswald dyslexic?

    He certainly acted as if he had the behavioral manifestations of a learning disability—impulsiveness, inability to stick to a task, erratic behavior. Dyslexics face frustration and humiliation, and that can lead to trouble.


    So what's the problem?

    Apart from they got everything wrong about him in order to make the dyslexic claim - nothing it all.

    Impulsive? He impulsively went to Russia... after 2 years in the planning

    Inability to stick to a task... as demonstrated by memorizing the Marine manual back to front and the favorable report given to the WC about his work in the radar unit. Not to mention that even Roy Truly seemed to like his work ethic...

    erratic behavior.... in some couples it's called trying to make ends meet... and the stress that puts on relationships. Or maybe what's being referenced is threatening to go and blow Nixon's head off (insert insane laughter) or waving a gun around in a foreign embassy in a foreign country... (and everyone knows that was Oswald... <wink, wink>)

    Well, that all sounds like a solid case for dyslexia doesn't it? Hell, Based on that, he HAD to have it, surely?

    The REALLY insane idea is that he had a condition which experts say can be mistaken for a condition that he was actually diagnosed as having. What was I thinking? I will go back on my meds, I promise. Then I will drink the Kool Aid.

    Lee and/or Harvey had Dyslexia,Lee and/or Harvey had Dyslexia, Lee and/or Harvey had Dyslexia, Lee and/or Harvey had Dyslexia, Lee and/or Harvey had Dyslexia, Ommmmmmmm


    On another front,

    anyone going to step up and tell me who had Ottis Media -- Lee or "Harvey"?

    Ok. I'm done. Where's my cup? Does it come in just Lime?

    My point is, going by what is in the records, rather than what is popularly "known" – especially when considering what has and has not got legs to stand on.

    What is in the records is a diagnosis of a personality disorder. Asperger's Syndrome was regarded as a personality disorder by the person who it is named for.

    What is not in the records is any diagnosis of dyslexia. Yet somehow that has legs and AS doesn't?

    What is in the records is that the 5 year old who had a mastoidectomy had otitis media.

    The 13 year old who appeared in Juvenile Court in New York had Otitis Media (So then we were asked to appear to court. I went into court with this attorney. And there, again, real fast we were in the courtroom and Lee was brought in, and Lee sat down by me. And I remember this distinctly, because Lee had ear trouble quite often. And I saw his ear running, and I said, "Lee, you are having an earache." And the judge heard me saying something to Lee. He said, "What did you tell your boy, Mrs. Oswald?"

    I said, "Judge, I asked him if he had an earache.")

    Otitis Media is noted in the Youth House Records.

    Otitis Media is noted in the USMC records.

    Otitis Media is noted in the Soviet Medical Records.

    It was very clever of the CIA to plant this trail of ear problems making it look like one person.

    I am not offended that it was stated that my ideas on these records have no legs. I know it was not meant to offend and really only voiced what the popular opinion seems to be.

    It is that last part I find galling: that no one has the decency to look at the record and sort what really does have some support from extant sources and what is only held up by so much hot air.

    Greg, about the dyslexia. Did you ever read "Oswald's Tale" by Norman Mailer? In that book there are some samples of Oswald's writing at the back of the book. -- Had he gone to Catholic School with the nuns, they would have beaten the dyslexia out of him. But Mailer says his writings show a very intelligent guy with poor spelling and bad punctuation. Like I said, the nuns would get him to spell right. So Mailer doesn't believe Oswald suffered from dyslexia. If Oswald did, I would bet it was Harvey.

    As for Aspergers. I think this was what Harvey may have had. The constantly talking about communism. Who knows? People think I am obsessed with the Kennedy Era and the assassination of John Kennedy. So maybe I have it! Maybe everyone here has it!

    Kathy C

  2. I always read about Jackie that she made fun of people like William F. Buckley. Last night she said something about Mamie Eisenhower (one of the most homely woman I've ever seen). Jackie said she looked like she was always sucking on a lemon.

    I was surprised how much she hated DeGaulle and the French people, whom she felt looked down their noses at Americans. I know she was part French, and supposedly, knew much about French history and spoke the language fluently.

    The pink suit she wore was a knock-off from a Chanel suit. American women felt she should wear American clothes. Especially since she spent so much money on clothes.

    Although she hasn't said much about LBJ, I guess we'll hear more. (I still can't get over that phone call.) At least we heard how she really spoke. On the Tour of the White House, in the beginning, she sounds like (Norman Mailer quote) "Marilyn Monroe playing Ophelia."

    I enjoyed the show. I want to hear more. I couldn't tape the thing because someone gave me their HD Wide Screen TV and I couldn't get ABC on the access channel.

    Kathy C


    The TV special did give America the more touching side presentation for JFK and accentuated the "Family Man: a good bit.

    It was well presented for JFK and Jackie in a pretty positive light, which likely catered to Caroline.

    Jackie didn't think too highly of Ike's wife, as she ran her around too soon after the delivery of John Jr. by C-section. Jackie also didn't like the Indian PM's wife too well.

    They still hid her tobacco addiction, but there was the match being stuck at the beginning. Didn't see a single photo of her smoking or brown stained fingers.

    I think they certainly side stepped the "land mine issue" of the LBJ involvement on the JFK hit.

    There will be window of opportunity to get JFK and Jackie discussions started again in the minds of the masses, just make good use for awareness raising it provides.


    I just want to say that after Truman Capote published La Cote Basque in Esquire, in which he tattled on the upper class but changed their names. None of them wanted anything to do with him. No one would talk to him, except Joanne Carson. He told a reporter his feelings on Jackie Onassis: "She has contempt for everything under the sun." He also called her a tramp at a party someone invited him to.

    Kathy C

  3. What harm is Timothy Leary? I don't care if he got a Ph.D. He's not a medical doctor. I would not eat a mushroom that wasn't checked by the FDA. Or take acid, when I've read of people throwing themselves out high windows while under the influence. I recall the tests the army did to its soldiers-volunteers, who were given LSD. They couldn't follow the drill -- turn left, turn right. Watching it made me sick. They're doing this to our soldiers.

    I don't believe in the Georgetown wives taking LSD. I don't believe President Kennedy did either. I remember the shock when people learned that Cary Grant had done LSD with a psychiatrist. I don't know which was more shocking in those days -- taking LSD or going to a psychiatrist. Be careful eating mushrooms. If you get the wrong kind, it'll kill you in minutes. It totally shuts down the liver.

    Kathy C

  4. As I posted, Kathy, it was a different time, and for a brief period, the media had a different message, a different agenda.

    Early adapters, the elite had their party and then became concerned that widespread use of hallucinogenics had the potential of removing the "sheeple" from the people, that cooperative ,unquestioning "sheep like" quality, the controlling influence on the masses from which the elite derive their personal security, the security of their assets, and the wealth inequity concentrated in their hands, almost completely unchallenged by the "have not", American masses. You have to tip toe around a populace you have propagandized/religionized into consistently voting against their own, best interests!



    Copyright © 1965 by The Williams & Wilkins Co. Printed in U.S.A.



    In recent months, both the lay and medical press have been filled with warnings about the dangers and harmful effects of the hallucinogenic agents such as LSD-25, mescaline and psilocybin. These warnings have risen in response to flagrant misuse of the substances by illicit operators using black-market materials for parties and "kicks," and by irresponsible investigators who, enthralled with the remarkable possibilities of these chemicals, have sponsored and encouraged their widespread use under improperly controlled conditions without medical supervision.

    In the furor, sight has been lost of the great value of these agents. Summaries of the LSD controversy have appeared in the medical newspapers (3, 11), and two editorials that have been widely quoted in the public press have appeared in American Medical Association journals (6, 10). It is doubtful if any medical subject has received such complete coverage in the popular magazines over a short period of time (1, 4, 5, 7-9, 13, 14, 18, 26, 27). While all these articles have pointed out the dangers of the hallucinogens, they largely leave the reader unaware that there have been numerous studies of these agents as treatment for neurotic disturbances, and that encouraging success has resulted from their use. Few substances show such promise for deepening the understanding of mental phenomena, clarifying the many complex theories of personality, dynamics and behavior, and permitting rapid resolution of emotional difficulties.

    An excellent review of the literature by the National Institute of Mental Health psychologist, Sanford Unger, appeared in the May 1963 issue of Psychiatry (25). This comprehensive review has not been mentioned in the recent publicity. It is true that much more work, with tighter research designs and more carefully controlled studies, is desirable. Also, the agents are powerful and require special training for safe use. The same, however, may be said of X-rays. .

    ....2) Lack of knowledge of factors affecting the experience:Contrary to the belief of many investigators, the hallucinogens do not produce experiences but inhibit repressive mechanisms that ordinarily operate and simply allow subjects to explore the contents of their own minds. The nature of his exploration will depend on a) the mental content, the subject's individual personality, conditioning, attitudes, values and beliefs; :rolleyes: his preparation for the experience, which determines in part how he will use the opportunity; and c) his environment during the experience, which very appreciably affects how he will deal with the material he touches on and the opportunities afforded. Most investigators now agree that preparation and setting profoundly affect the subject's experience, and the presence of supportive, understanding, accepting companions is essential to a comfortable and rewarding session....


    When the Elite Loved LSD

    By John Cloud Monday, Apr. 23, 2007

    It's difficult to recall now, but there was a period 50 years ago when psychedelics were not only part of the mainstream but of the Establishment. Many academics and wealthy experimental types believed that the way psychedelics work — by expanding sensory awareness even as they disrupt control over the way you normally process information — would lead people to great insights. It didn't always turn out that way: some people had great insights; others ended up with not-so-great addictions.

    But now that research into the therapeutic use of psychedelics has begun again, it's worth recalling that age when psychedelics were more elite drugs than "street" drugs.

    As Robert Greenfield writes in last year's highly entertaining

    Timothy Leary: A Biography, the term psychedelic was coined by a British psychiatrist, Humphry Osmond, who had ingested mescaline in 1951. "To fathom Hell or soar angelic, just take a pinch of psychedelic," he quipped, setting the expansive tone regarding the drugs that Leary would later popularize.

    Osmond was close to Aldous Huxley, the novelist and fellow psychedelic enthusiast, and in the mid-'50s the two men met with a vice president from J.P. Morgan & Co., Gordon Wasson, who — in the racial and stilted language of the day — called himself and a photographer friend "the first white men in recorded history to eat the divine mushrooms." He meant psychedelic mushrooms, which Wasson had found in an Indian village in Mexico in 1955.

    Wasson and his buddy's mushroom trip might have been lost to history, but he was so enraptured by the experience that on his return to New York, he kept talking about it to friends. As Jay Stevens recalls in his 1987 book Storming Heaven: LSD and the American Dream, one day during lunch at the Century Club, an editor at Time Inc. (the parent company of TIME) overheard Wasson's tale of adventure. The editor commissioned a first-person narrative for Life.

    Reading the resulting piece — which Life published in its May 13, 1957, issue — is hilarious today. Wasson describes his hallucinations at great length, in reverent terms: "The visions were not blurred or uncertain. They were sharply focused. I felt that I was now seeing plain, whereas ordinary vision gives us an imperfect view; I was seeing the archetypes, the Platonic ideas, that underlie the imperfect images of everyday life." This is druggie talk — febrile and largely meaningless. That it was printed in Life magazine — the most influential publication of the day — without irony shows how na�ve we were. (Wasson in particular: he gave mushrooms to his 18-year-old daughter the day after his first trip.)

    After Wasson's article was published, many people sought out mushrooms and the other big hallucinogen of the day, LSD. (In 1958, Time Inc. cofounder Henry Luce and his wife Clare Booth Luce dropped acid with a psychiatrist. Henry Luce conducted an imaginary symphony during his trip, according to Storming Heaven.) The most important person to discover drugs through the Life piece was Timothy Leary himself. Leary had never used drugs, but a friend recommended the article to him, and Leary eventually traveled to Mexico to take mushrooms. Within a few years, he had launched his crusade for America to "turn on, tune in, drop out." In other words, you can draw a woozy but vivid line from the sedate offices of J.P. Morgan and Time Inc. in the '50s to Haight-Ashbury in the '60s to a zillion drug-rehab c enters in the '70s. Long, strange trip indeed.

    http://books.google.com/books?id=Jj8EAAAAM...son&f=false LIFE May 13, 1957 - Page 101

    A New York Banker goes to Mexico's mountains to participate in the age-old rituals of Indians who chew strange growths that produce visions.

    by R. Gordon Wasson


    Worship: Instant Mysticism

    Friday, Oct. 25, 1963

    .....In every age, men have struggled to perceive God directly rather than as a tenuously grasped abstraction. Few succeed, and the visions of the world's rare mystics have normally come only after hard spiritual work—prayer, meditation, ascetic practice. Now a number of psychologists and theologians are exploring such hallucinogenic drugs as mescaline, psilocybin and LSD-25 as an easy way to instant mysticism.

    In large enough doses, these drugs can simulate the effects of certain forms of psychosis—to the point, in some cases, of permanent derangement. But in controlled, minute doses the drugs produce weird and wonderful fantasies of sight and feeling; in Greenwich Village and on college campuses, they seem to be replacing marijuana as the hip way to get kicks. Some investigators who have tried the drugs claim to have undergone a profound spiritual experience, and these men are seriously, if gingerly, studying the undefined relationship between drug-induced visions and the classic forms of mystical ecstasy....

    .....Union With God. This kind of experience seems to be at least subjectively religious; but there are less convincing cases in which drug takers appear to have read religion into their visions or rigged the setting to induce a spiritual experience. One professor at a Protestant divinity school recalls that he was handed a rose to contemplate after taking his dose of LSD. "As I looked at the rose it began to glow," he said, "and suddenly I felt that I understood the rose. A few days later when I reread the Biblical account of Moses and the burning bush it suddenly made sense to me."

    Selling LSD: Clare Boothe and Henry Luce and coverage of LSD in Time, 1954 - 1968

    Page 2 of 32 - http://www.allacademic.com//meta/p_mla_apa...2/p202932-2.php

    ...When J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings topped the paper back best seller list in 1966, Time noted that "the hobbit habit seems to be almost as catching as LSD." 4 In 1966, LSD was the focus of nine articles in Time, America's highest-circulation magazine at that time, including one titled "Mysticism in the Lab," which began: St. Paul was converted while riding on the road to Damascus by a sudden vision of the Risen Christ, who appeared to him in the form of a blinding light that struck him to the ground. Teresa of Avila, the 16 th Century saint, had poetic visions of "pure water running over crystal, the sun reflecting it and striking through it." Simone Weil, the lonely Jewish girl who turned into a Christian mystic, tells how the recitation of lines by George Herbert, such as, "Love bade me welcome, yet my soul drew back," acted on her intuitive conscious like prayer. "Then it happened," she recalled. "Christ himself came down, and he took me." Deep within myself. Most experiences of mystical consciousness ...

    Page 28 of 32 http://www.allacademic.com/meta/p_mla_apa_.../p202932-28.php

    ......37 Clare Boothe Luce noted Heard's presence in journals of six LSD trips and discussed obtaining and using the drug in numerous correspondences. Heard was a remarkable figure. Born in London in 1889, he published the first of his thirty-one philosophical books in 1924. In 1937, he immigrated to the United States to for a brief stint as the head of Duke University's historical anthropology department. In 1939, Heard encountered Swarmi Prabhavananda in Hollywood and became a student of Vendanta, the Swami's sect of Hinduism. See Contemporary Authors Online, Gale, 2006. Reproduced in Biography Resource Center (Farmington Hills, Mich.: Thomson Gale, 2006), http://galenet.galeg...m/servlet/BioRC. 38 Gerald Heard, "Can This Drug Enlarge Man's Mind?" The Psychedelic Review, 1:1 (June 1963), 9. 39 Albin Krebs, "Clare Boothe Luce Dies at 84: Playwright, Politician, Envoy," New York Times, October 10, 1987. 40 Ibid. 41 Clare Boothe Luce kept a transcript of a conversation she held with her husband concerning this episode in their marriage and discussed her reaction in other personal writings. See "Conference between HRL and CBL," and "Imaginary interview," Clare Boothe Luce Collection, box 796, container 4, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 42 Swanberg, Luce and his Empire, 403. 43 She discussed her psychological state in a letter addressed to Heard but with instructions for him to pass it along to Cohen. See Letter to Gerald Heard, Dec. 20, 1959, Clare Boothe Luce Collection,, box 796, container 12, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 44 Ibid. During the March 11, 1959 trip Clare turned down a phone call from "Nixon," telling her aide that she would return the call later. Clare was active in the Republican party and served as national co-chair for Barry Goldwater's 1964 presidential run. See "Experiment with LSD 11 March 1959, Phoenix, Arizona," Clare Boothe Luce Collection, box 793, container 4, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 45 In her LSD journals, Luce typically listed those present with initials only. However, correspondence with both Murray and Heard confirms that they took LSD together. See letter from Gerald Heard dated February 13, 1960, Clare Boothe Luce Collection, box 766, ....


    Spread and perils of LSD.‎ - Page 28

    Magazine - LIFE - Mar 25, 1966 - v. 60, no. 12 - 136 pages

    A Remarkable Mind Drug he colorless, odorless, tasteless substance called LSD

    can be made in any college chemistry lab. A black market dose costs only $3 to



    4 February 2009

    A trip down memory lane

    Writer, photographer and filmmaker Lawrence Schiller has led a remarkable life since making his name shooting American icons of the 1960s. But, he tells, Lucy Davies, he got his big break shooting acid freaks - a story that opened the world's eyes to the pleasures and terrors of LSD...

    ....These were just some of the experiences recorded by photo-grapher Lawrence Schiller for Life magazine's 25 March 1966 issue. The story ran under the headline 'Turmoil in a capsule', and featured 20 or so images, of which two are on show as platinum prints at Asprey in London this month. They're the grubby cousins of Schiller's portraits of 1960s icons, which include a naked Marilyn posing by the pool, a revealing shot of political campaigning as RFK catches sleep during a plane tour, plus candid images of Paul Newman, Sophia Loren and Alfred Hitchcock, Terence Stamp, James Earl Jones and Lee Harvey Oswald, and which are now selling for upwards of £15,000.

    Acid adventure

    When the Life essay was published, LSD was still legal. Dr Albert Hofmann had discovered its psychoactive properties some 30 years previously, and ethically impaired British and American governments had conducted furtive tests on federal prisoners and dollar-hungry students. Whispers of its mind-expanding effects soon spread, and the drug emerged from laboratories into the rundown rooms of Haight Ashbury in San Francisco.

    The psychedelic generation had already been primed for living free by their Beat predecessors, and figures such as erstwhile Harvard psychologist Timothy Leary loomed large, advocating the drug as a route to personal growth. He and Richard Alpert criss-crossed the American continent, extolling spiritual enlightenment. What started as a bohemian, intellectual exercise grew rapidly into a dangerous new fad, and in the same year that the Life article was published, Joan Didion described San Francisco as the place 'where the haemorrhaging of American society made itself felt'. The cringe-worthy adage states that if you remember the 1960s, you weren't really there, but fortunately Larry Schiller declined to join the ruckus and provided us with a rather more coherent account. He inspired Life to report on the pheno-menon, adamant they should pursue his story.

    'It all began in Canter's late-night deli on Fairfax Boulevard,' he says. 'I was doing this small story on (Phil) Spector. Each night, after a session, he used to go in his limousine to Canter's for sandwiches. One night, we're all sitting in the restaurant and everyone seemed really stoned, on marijuana I guessed. Then one of the guys took a sugar cube, dropped it in his coffee, leaned over and said, "Boy, am I gonna have a trip". I didn't know, believe it or not, what he meant. But I was introduced that night to a whole roomful of people dropping acid.'

    Intrigued, he went back several times. On one of these occasions he went with a young girl who was 'a little bit out of control' to an all night convenience store. 'She sat in the aisle looking at cereal, like cornflakes, transfixed by the coloured patterns on the boxes. She started freaking out, so I took her back to her apartment. I was introduced to her friends - groups of kids that got together in random rooms and had these psychedelic trips.'

    Two days later, he went to Life. The editor was reluctant because, at that point, there was no scientific data on the drug, so Schiller walked down the hall and visited the Time office, urging its staff to run an article. His doggedness paid off and Time published a column probing the drug's medical effects. Schiller then marched back up the corridor with the article and landed himself a three-month investigation for Life with reporter Gerald Moore.

    'I was ecstatic' he says. 'At the time, I was so frustrated: 300 assignments every year. I longed to be an essay journalist. I was 29 and it was an emotional moment in my life.'

    Take a trip

    He and Moore, an ex-policeman, started to integrate into the scene. At first, the kids were afraid: 'They admitted to using the drugs, but when it came to pictures and interviews they said no.' But one contact passed them on to the next until eventually they reached the people they had been searching for. 'There were some who had a sort of missionary quality,' says Schiller. 'They not only wanted to tell about their experiences; they seemed as though they had to.'

    The trail led Schiller and Moore from Los Angeles to New York, and from Houston to Detroit, where they met Leary and Alpert, Laura Huxley, Billy Hitchcock and Ken Kesey. At Millbrook, the rambling mansion near Poughkeepsie that was Leary's Camelot, they encountered Owsley Stanley, the largest manufacturer of 'good, clean acid'. US agents described him as 'the man who did for LSD what Henry Ford did for the

    motorcar', Leary as 'God's secret agent': either way, Luc Sante of The New York Times later described Millbrook as 'filled with endless parties, epiphanies and breakdowns, emotional dramas and numerous raids and arrests'.

    Neither Schiller or Moore tried LSD during their investigation, and I wondered the photographer had ever been tempted. 'When I photographed good trips, where we all went into the woods and looked at the stars, yes, but I photographed bad trips too,' he says.

    'People were losing their minds; terrified, screaming. And I wanted to remain objective. I wasn't investigating the experience of the drug; I was investigating the culture it had created.'

    The fallout

    The photographs take an equally balanced view, providing no answers, just a vivid depiction of the world of LSD. Moore would later add that he and Schiller found themselves 'feeling terribly protective about these people. We wanted to show they weren't just the antisocial fringe'.

    At the end of their travels, Schiller gave Life 100 rolls of film. 'They lay it out, 10 pages and we've got this strong cover, a picture inside one of Kesey's Acid Tests, with strobe lights going off, and big lettering - L-S-D,' he says. 'It was a great, great cover. And then in walks the ad guy and says "What's LSD? Lowest sales denominator? You can't run that cover, I won't sell any ads".'

    The cover that went to press was a rather more subdued affair - a photograph of a hand with coloured squares mapped onto the fingertips - but the fallout from the piece was spectacular. Life had asked, 'What are the police going to do?', and just seven months later its question was answered when LSD was outlawed in the US and all scientific research programmes on the drug shut down.

    The amazing life of Lawrence Schiller

    Brooklyn-born Lawrence Schiller began his photographic career as a teenager, and was hailed as 'A Pro at Sixteen' in US Camera after publishing in Sport magazine and The New York Times. His first photo was published in Life two years later in 1956, ....

    I am the Egg man... Goo Goo ka Jube

  5. This thread is the story of how the John Birch Society were the "Ring Leaders" of the hit on JFK. There are some that don't want this much solving for the JFK assassination to be aired, but the "Birchers" were the "Ring Leaders" on the JFK hit.

    The information in this thread pretty well puts all those writing poor books on the JFK assassination and misleading the public's information on what plot killed JFK out of business. Those making money from misleading and partial truth story books on the misfortune of a Dead President are just as bad as the plotters themselves.

    The Birchers plot Succeeded in killing JFK and getting away with it, but threw the US more deeply into Fascist control that is exploiting the US into near destruction today.

    I learned of this association on Nov. 22, 1963 from connections within the Oak Ridge Y-12 Nuclear Weapons Plant that had connections with this group in Dallas. The Oak Ridge hate for JFK was greater than that for Dallas. Oak Ridge was involved with the CIA and the LHO hit on Castro with Cancer method, and the last thing Oak Ridge wanted was Peace with Communist Russia and Cuba.

    In the 60s this JBS link to the JFK assassination was highly covered up, but once everyone realizes the culprits were known about the very day it happened, then one can easily find the cover up pattern today and tons of information on the Internet that supports the JBS "Ring Leader" associations and basically solve the JFK assassination in short order. Solving the JFK assassination isn't difficult, if one follows that association.


    Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America

    Did JFK pay close attention?



    In April 1961 Major General Edwin Walker, commander of the 24th Infantry Division in Europe and stationed in Augsburg, Germany was accused of indoctrinating his troops with right-wing literature from the John Birch Society. With the agreement of President John F. Kennedy, Defense Secretary Robert McNarmara relieved Walker of his command an announced an investigation into the affair.


    Robert W. Welch died on 6th January, 1965


    Why does government have to be 100% Capitalism or 100% Communist or 100% Socialism. As far as the Communists go I don't endorse them and I don't want them in my country. But maybe some kind of blend of Capitalism and Socialism. There are always going to be unfortunates in the world, handicapped people, schizophrenics who live on the street. We can't kill these people as Hitler would, but we can help them with various programs. Why don't we realize this and help these people -- not illegal immigrants -- but the true people of America? And bring back our soldiers from overseas. And spend our money on America. America should come first. People seem to forget we have a Constitution.

    Kathy C

  6. Steve if these may help with your research....b

    Bernice thank you very much. This picture of Oswald, in my opinion, is not Harvey who was shot by Ruby. This looks like a different man. Can anybody see that?

    He has a lot of hair and his nose is more prominent.

    Kathy C

  7. Irv and his daughter Karyn, had no foreknowledge of the Kennedy Assassination. There was an Oxnard, CA call, but it wasn't Karyn. I have read absolute bull---- written about her on the Internet. A woman got onto an operator's phone and was saying Kennedy would be dead at 10:10 am PT. Kennedy was shot at 12:30 pm CT, a result of the motorcade being late.

    This woman was performing a Rosicrucian ceremony and the telephone, being electronic, helped her do this. Karyn Kupcinet was in West Hollywood, packing to go to Palm Springs for the rest of the weekend with her boyfriend, Andrew Prine (with whom she was having problems) and another couple.

    Karyn died in her house on Thanksgiving and wasn't found for 3 days. The coroner said she died from strangulation. A short time afterwards they exhumed the bodies of 2 women who he said died from strangulation. They both died of other causes. The coroner was let go. I don't know what happened to him. All of this must have reached Irv. But the entire family believed David Lange, her neighbor downstairs, killed her. He told the cops he came home very drunk that night at 12:30 am and fell into bed. This was the time sheriffs felt she was murdered. It just fit in that way. But they could not connect him to the crime.

    Irv Kupcinet and Jack Ruby were mere acquaintances from decades earlier. Ruby took over the Unions in the late '40's, but didn't last. He moved to Dallas.

    Was Karyn actually strangled to death? Was she murdered? Even Cyril Wecht pondered this. You can't call it. Missing were 100 methamphetamine pills. She had the prescription filled 2 days before her death.

    Kathy C

  8. MLK gave his speech "I have been to the the Mountaintop" speech as if he knew his time was near, perhaps profitizing his end, and it would be shortly after his speech he was assassinated.

    President Kennedy said right after the failed BOP "Well if they are going to shoot me, now's the time". Was Kennedy also profitizing his end?



    MLK was a "Preacher Man" and using religion for what the Catholic and Baptist missionairies and such did to combat Communism. All the Birchers, Hoover, and the Southern Hate clubs on Civil Rights branded anything to do with the Civil Rights issues as Communist inspired.

    MLK was even trained at the "Communist Training Camp" called "The Highlanders Folk School" in Montagle, Tennessee. They basically taught the same thing the Essene believed.

    So, these JBS types absolutely hated to see MLK using religion as a platform to kick the US's rear end on Communist Inspired Civil Rights aggitation. So, pretty much the same bunch of crooks that offed JFK were behind offing MLK.

    I suspect if MLK got into the Jesus and Essene issues of Mt. Carmel, that would have really burnt the religion schemers that suppressed the knowledge on the Essene beliefs of Mary, Joseph, Jesus and the lot. History attempts to bury lots of things, from the truths on JFK, to those of the Essene and their differences with the Babylon Talmudist Jewish sects.

    I guess you didn't hear the big announcement. Al Sharpton said recently, "Martin Luther King got it wrong. No justice, no peace."

    Kathy C

  9. I am shocked. She wrote to me when I announced I was selling used books on Amazon. She said she was at a garage sale the week before and saw some Kennedy books that didn't go into his death. She said if she'd known then she would have picked up the books and sent them to me. I told her if they were Kennedy books I probably wouldn't sell them but keep them.

    I'm so shocked she is dead. And put in a nursing home? She was about 70 years old, but I didn't know that. I'm so sorry and I extend my condolences.

    Kathy C

  10. Researchers have understandably concentrated on witnesses killed after the assassination of JFK:


    However, it is possible that people considered unreliable, who knew about the plot, might have been killed before the assassination. For example, Philip Graham, the owner of the Washington Post and a key figure in Operation Mockingbird.

    Philip Graham, supposedly committed suicide by killing himself with a shotgun on 3rd August, 1963. Why did they need to kill Graham? The reason was that Graham was an alcholic who was sometimes guilty of dangerous outbursts. In the summer of 1963 he attended a newspaper publishers convention in Arizona and gave a speech attacking the CIA and exposing "insider" secrets about official Washington - including details of Kennedy's affair with Mary Meyer, the former wife of a top CIA official, Cord Meyer.


    What I have read is that Philip Graham was a manic-depressive. (Now who do I know who's like that?) He was in a mental hospital and they let him go home for the weekend. Supposedly, only Katherine Graham was in the house when he shot himself with a rifle in a downstairs bathroom.

    Earlier, when he was invited to the Kennedy's Oval Office, he walked in, picked up the "red" phone and yelled, "Scramble the planes."

    Suspicion surrounds his death. His father-in-law gave the business over to Philip, when rightfully it should have gone to Katherine Graham. Male chauvinism. Did Philip really kill himself? Would someone with foreknowledge of Kennedy's Assassination confide in Philip, who was a "mental case"? Who knows what he knew?

    Kathy C

  11. I always read about Jackie that she made fun of people like William F. Buckley. Last night she said something about Mamie Eisenhower (one of the most homely woman I've ever seen). Jackie said she looked like she was always sucking on a lemon.

    I was surprised how much she hated DeGaulle and the French people, whom she felt looked down their noses at Americans. I know she was part French, and supposedly, knew much about French history and spoke the language fluently.

    The pink suit she wore was a knock-off from a Chanel suit. American women felt she should wear American clothes. Especially since she spent so much money on clothes.

    Although she hasn't said much about LBJ, I guess we'll hear more. (I still can't get over that phone call.) At least we heard how she really spoke. On the Tour of the White House, in the beginning, she sounds like (Norman Mailer quote) "Marilyn Monroe playing Ophelia."

    I enjoyed the show. I want to hear more. I couldn't tape the thing because someone gave me their HD Wide Screen TV and I couldn't get ABC on the access channel.

    Kathy C

  12. Clinton was told he didn't have high enough clearance. He went into the Presidency thinking he was going to rule the country but he found out differently. As did Obama. Oprah Winfrey got him elected. He came out and said bin Laden was killed by our Navy Seals. In fact, bin Laden croaked in 2001. I am going to stick my neck out. Many people have come to believe that Israel was behind 9/11 and had inside help.

    Kathy C

  13. There are people in this world, like NASA and Military who do not want it out that there are UFO spaceships flying around. Especially back then. I think people who had this knowledge were killed or scared into silence. Possibly Marilyn Monroe knew about these things. Bobby Kennedy was there that afternoon. When he left I think CIA thugs killed her so Kennedy would be involved. The neighbors saw him that day. In my humble opinion, I don't believe Bobby killed Marilyn or had her killed. It was enemies of the Kennedys, who rushed in and killed her. The Kennedys themselves died young and violently.

    Kathy C

  14. Clinton and Kennedy

    I have found the source. It's on afterdisclosure:

    "Even President Bill Clinton didn't believe that. Shortly after he became President, he asked his Assistant Attorney General, Webster Hubbell, to investigate two things. "One, who killed JFK? And two, are there UFOs?"

    Clinton may not have realized how closely the two questions may have been connected. Consider the likelihood that there is indeed a UFO reality and -- of necessity -- a UFO cover-up. Could Kennedy's assassination have been related to the latter? The world of conventional wisdom would never pause to consider this, but -- really -- why is this so difficult to imagine?

    The Kennedy assassination is something like Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express. Everyone had a motive: the Mafia, the CIA, the Cubans, the Pentagon, the Soviets, and the Federal Reserve, for starters. Could that list also include Majestic Twelve, the name often ascribed to the powerful insiders who control the UFO secret?

    My answer to that question is, why not?"

    Kathy C

  15. I found this on: www.multieducator.com. It doesn't tell you which way it leans. The writer is a teacher and has also written a children's book about Kennedy for kids to use on their ipad. So this sounds a little scary. Is it the lone gunman from the TSBD again?

    "JFK Historymaker A 50 Year Retrropective by Marc Schulman



    LIST PRICE $14.99 Physical $4.99 Electronic

    JFK History Maker is a masterpiece of astonishing research and information lending new insights into the man, the president and the icon. This authoritative compilation is an ideal reference source for students and laypersons, containing extensive biographical information as well as a plethora of high-resolution photographs offering a peek at the people and places figuring in the stages of JFK's private life. Additionally, the book provides texts from many of JFK's key speeches, and detailed excerpts from his daily White House schedule. The detail of the schedule and the scope of JFK's day-to-day engagements are a unique vista into the issues confronting him during his presidency.

    Much of this material is newly declassified and was compiled by veteran JFK historian Marc Schulman from hundreds of hours of National Archives video clips and archived materials in the Library of Congress and the Kennedy Library. While the material is extensive, it is extremely readable and organized for easy reference.

    This solid, encompassing piece of research is a marvelous addition to the collection of biographies on JFK. If you must limit yourself to one selection, this book should be at the top of your list."

    Kathy C

  16. Last night, to my surprise, I discovered there was a paperback book (I believe self-published) called "Karyn Kupcinet for $55. marked down from $60. It goes on to say that the material was gathered basically from writings on the internet about her. No interviews, no nothing new.

    When I first got the Internet in NJ, I couldn't find anything about her on the Internet. Today there's a lot about her. Some years ago I discovered a website with word for word copying of my old blog. I wrote to the person and said I recognized my writing and could you at least give me credit. I never got an answer and I doubt that website still exists. I never come across it.

    Then there's another website, "The Ticking Clock," in which I told that goof that some of what he was saying about Karyn were out and out lies. He sent me several silly replies and I just gave up. I'm just worried I'm going to find my own writing and research with no credit to me. What would you do in my position? I'm not asking for money, but if I wrote it my name should be on it.

    I have put this here because some people (like myself) feel that there's a tie-in with the Kennedy Assassination. I put this here as where else would I have such an audience. It may have been a shock crime for Chicago's sake; something to get Ruby off the news. Also I think Tippit was supposed to murder Harvey, but Lee came along and killed Tippit. Unfortunately for the mob, they had to get Ruby to silence Oswald.

    To me it was either a tie-in with the assassination or Karyn's downstairs neighbor, drunken David Lange, killed her. She was going to be in "The Nutty Professor" with Jerry Lewis. The last time I looked on youtube they have a rehearsal with Jerry on the piano. Karyn is the short one, dark hair and dress, who puts her head down toward the piano when Jerry makes a gaff.


    At least 2 authors have used material I've posted here for their books without permission - but with credit - albeit in one case, as a belated re-edit. Others have either been given the material by me, or written and asked permission to use it.

    Frankly, I'm not that fussed. In the end, you have to put ego aside and be content that the material is reaching an audience, even if that audience is not always made aware of the true source of it.

    That is why I have been badgering a certain author here to drop the WC myths about what happened in the TSBD and how Oswald traveled. I'd rather see him publish the facts, rather than the myth, even knowing he would probably not give credit.

    In your particular case, if the author has used sources entirely from the web and not given any citations at all on anything, his/her book will simply not be taken seriously.

    At least 2 authors have used material I've posted here for their books without permission

    Greg, this is exactly why the people I'm working with have argued that I should not say or post anything until the release of my book, my co-author is now working on getting all of my father's phone book pages and letter copyrighted. So no one can use them, I don't blame them for getting mad at me. And I don't want them to think that I can do what ever I want because its my father we're writing about. This story effects quite a few people who are working on this project, and well, I don't want to blow it for them. I think its because I'm so eager in wanting to get this information out, that I want everyone to know what it is I have. And that sometimes bothers me, because I'm not releasing this information soon enough. I know I have to hold back, but at the same time I don't want to, if that makes any sense.


    Hi, Scott. I don't know if I ever heard of you before. What is the project you're working on and who are the people who are helping you?

    Kathy C (In the dark)

    oops. I just read the thread about your father. Somehow, in my drowsy state I thought you were looking into the dead witnesses.

  17. Last night, to my surprise, I discovered there was a paperback book (I believe self-published) called "Karyn Kupcinet for $55. marked down from $60. It goes on to say that the material was gathered basically from writings on the internet about her. No interviews, no nothing new.

    When I first got the Internet in NJ, I couldn't find anything about her on the Internet. Today there's a lot about her. Some years ago I discovered a website with word for word copying of my old blog. I wrote to the person and said I recognized my writing and could you at least give me credit. I never got an answer and I doubt that website still exists. I never come across it.

    Then there's another website, "The Ticking Clock," in which I told that goof that some of what he was saying about Karyn were out and out lies. He sent me several silly replies and I just gave up. I'm just worried I'm going to find my own writing and research with no credit to me. What would you do in my position? I'm not asking for money, but if I wrote it my name should be on it.

    I have put this here because some people (like myself) feel that there's a tie-in with the Kennedy Assassination. I put this here as where else would I have such an audience. It may have been a shock crime for Chicago's sake; something to get Ruby off the news. Also I think Tippit was supposed to murder Harvey, but Lee came along and killed Tippit. Unfortunately for the mob, they had to get Ruby to silence Oswald.

    To me it was either a tie-in with the assassination or Karyn's downstairs neighbor, drunken David Lange, killed her. She was going to be in "The Nutty Professor" with Jerry Lewis. The last time I looked on youtube they have a rehearsal with Jerry on the piano. Karyn is the short one, dark hair and dress, who puts her head down toward the piano when Jerry makes a gaff.


    At least 2 authors have used material I've posted here for their books without permission - but with credit - albeit in one case, as a belated re-edit. Others have either been given the material by me, or written and asked permission to use it.

    Frankly, I'm not that fussed. In the end, you have to put ego aside and be content that the material is reaching an audience, even if that audience is not always made aware of the true source of it.

    That is why I have been badgering a certain author here to drop the WC myths about what happened in the TSBD and how Oswald traveled. I'd rather see him publish the facts, rather than the myth, even knowing he would probably not give credit.

    In your particular case, if the author has used sources entirely from the web and not given any citations at all on anything, his/her book will simply not be taken seriously.

    I guess I over-reacted. Usually, if I find something wrong about her story, it drives me nuts. I was the one who got her name on the Internet so I feel responsible. I think someone on "MY Space" has a page dedicated to her! I was the one who mistakenly said she acted under the name of Tammy Windsor. Windsor turned out to be a different actress who was credited on Hawaiian Eye, but Karyn wasn't. The IMDB made the same mistake. So I wrote about her "name change." But I was wrong (as was IMDB). Now it's all over the place that she used the name Tammy Windsor and was in A Little Shop of Horrors. She never used the name and wasn't in that movie. Tammy Windsor, a different actress, was in the movie, playing a high school girl.

    There are people who say she was involved with Bobby Baker and was one of his call girls, that she went to school with Mary Jo Kopechne -- these are falsehoods. I traced both of these allegations and they are lies.

    Thanks for your support, Greg Parker.

    Kathy C

  18. WHat is the evidence that her death was in any way connected to JFK?

    I have heard of this phone call, but how do we know it was her, and what is the evidence that it was related to JFK?

    Karyn Kupcinet's story began when she was found dead on Nov.30. It went unsolved and the timing of it is suspicious. She died 3 days after LHO. She died Nov. 28, 1963. The coroner was a drunk and had a fetish for strangled women. He was fired for this. They exhumed the bodies of 2 women, who were found not to have been strangled. The coroner also said, "At least I didn't break the hyoid bone on that one." Karyn was said to have a broken hyoid bone in the throat. She was very decomposed. There was no toxicology for that reason.

    Karyn was popular and well known in Chicago. She was the daughter of Irv Kupcinet, the most beloved man in Chicago. Karyn or "Cookie" as they liked to call her, had appeared onstage many times.

    Penn Jones Jr made a terrible mistake saying Karyn made the Oxnard call, from LA. One morning someone got on the circuits of the phone company and was saying weird things. When the operator tried to talk to her, she replied, "I'm just using the phone." Then she'd go back and say incantations that Wash DC buildings would be filled with fires and that President Kennedy was going to die at 10:10 PT. The motorcade was late due to all the crowds. At 12:30 CT President Kennedy was shot and killed.

    Greg Parker said the woman on the phone was performing an occult ritual, used by many Rosicrucians, called Radionics; where they use an electronic device (in this case a phone) to reach their goals. Sirhan Sirhan was also a Rosicrucian. The call came from an Oxnard legal office. LA wasn't involved, nor was Karyn. I believe there's a chance that she was hit as a way to shock all Chicago and get Ruby off the news. I'm under the impression the Mob didn't want anything to do with Kennedy's death. They didn't cause it, but they may have sent a hit man to her house. Either that or her downstairs drunken neighbor, David Lange, an alcoholic and a gofer, did it.

    What killed her? Possibly smothered or strangled. She had a prescription for Desoxyn, a potent methamphetamine. She also took thyroid extract, as had anorexic Karen Carpenter. It is illegal. I don't know where they get this stuff. But it could cause heart attacks and crazy behavior and hallucinations. The bottle was dated 2 days before, but there was nothing in the bottle -- 100 pills?

    Had she accidently overdosed or did she commit suicide? But one thing is certain. She had nothing to do with the Oxnard call.

    Kathy C

  19. Last night, to my surprise, I discovered there was a paperback book (I believe self-published) called "Karyn Kupcinet for $55. marked down from $60. It goes on to say that the material was gathered basically from writings on the internet about her. No interviews, no nothing new.

    When I first got the Internet in NJ, I couldn't find anything about her on the Internet. Today there's a lot about her. Some years ago I discovered a website with word for word copying of my old blog. I wrote to the person and said I recognized my writing and could you at least give me credit. I never got an answer and I doubt that website still exists. I never come across it.

    Then there's another website, "The Ticking Clock," in which I told that goof that some of what he was saying about Karyn were out and out lies. He sent me several silly replies and I just gave up. I'm just worried I'm going to find my own writing and research with no credit to me. What would you do in my position? I'm not asking for money, but if I wrote it my name should be on it.

    I have put this here because some people (like myself) feel that there's a tie-in with the Kennedy Assassination. I put this here as where else would I have such an audience. It may have been a shock crime for Chicago's sake; something to get Ruby off the news. Also I think Tippit was supposed to murder Harvey, but Lee came along and killed Tippit. Unfortunately for the mob, they had to get Ruby to silence Oswald.

    To me it was either a tie-in with the assassination or Karyn's downstairs neighbor, drunken David Lange, killed her. She was going to be in "The Nutty Professor" with Jerry Lewis. The last time I looked on youtube they have a rehearsal with Jerry on the piano. Karyn is the short one, dark hair and dress, who puts her head down toward the piano when Jerry makes a gaff.

    post-5645-072378200 1313898556_thumb.jpg

  20. If Beschloss is the editor and making the notes, that is a bad sign.

    As DOn Gibson showed, Beschloss did some real tampering in his two Taking Charge books about Johnson.

    Michael Beschloss = CFR and that is a huge red flag in and of itself.

    After that ABC press release, I am coming around to the belief that even in 2011, there is no way that ABC is going to put on national TV Jackie Kennedy talking about her adulterous love affairs AND her belief that LBJ killed JFK.

    I have little doubt that Jackie indeed thought LBJ killed JFK.

    But I severely doubt that ABC will put that stuff on the air, even if it is true and even if it is in the tapes.

    Caroline Kennedy should post online the entire raw, uneditited tapes of Jackie's interviews.

    Was it ABC or CBS who pulled the segment that Geraldo Rivera was going to show that something strange happened to Marilyn Monroe. And that Geraldo was going to suggest that Bobby Kenedy had something to do with her death. It was Roone Arledge, friend of Ethel Kennedy, who pulled the plug on it. Geraldo got mad and quit.

    When 9/11 happened, Geraldo went on the air on CNBC and said, "Oswald killed President Kennedy from behind. There was no conspiracy." This was apropos to nothing brought up that night. He said this at the end of the show. The next week he announced that he was going to a different station as Foreign Correspondent. He was traveling to Afghanistan. In other words, he went to the other side. He's a phony and a member of Operation Mongoose. He's a CIA Media Asset.

    I'll never forget Bianca Jagger. A man in Texas was being executed for rape/murder. Dozens of people were there. Geraldo asked Bianca Jagger about the case. She turned right around and answered to the camera about the prisoner being retarded and Texas should not execute this man. I just loved Bianca snubbing Geraldo Rivera.

    Kathy C

    Kathy, that quote of Geraldo Rivera is one a would love to see. Does anyone have a transcript of Geralda Rivera accepting the LHO lone nutter theory either on TV or in print or at any place or time?

    I am not questioning this. I just want to see exactly what came out of Geraldo Rivera's mouth.

    The show was called "Rivera Live." It went on at 9 pm on CNBC. It must have been late 2001. It was at the very end of the show. He had a man sitting to his right. I don't know who the man was, but it was here that Geraldo shook his head and said, "Lee Harvey Oswald shot President Kennedy from behind and killed him. There was no conspiracy." And he was shaking his head like the viewers were all a bunch of idiots. And then the next week he came in with the news that he was going to Afghanistan because he was "a reporter. I have to be where the action is."

    Also he was on the news recently in NY where people were picketing about our country's complicity in 9/11. He went over and said to them, "Get a life."

    CNBC is (or was) located in Fort Lee, NJ. Morton Downey Jr's show came from there for a time and so did Charles Grodin's. Geraldo lived down the shore and would take his boat up the Hudson River to go to work. Otherwise, CNBC carried business news.

    Kathy C

  21. If Beschloss is the editor and making the notes, that is a bad sign.

    As DOn Gibson showed, Beschloss did some real tampering in his two Taking Charge books about Johnson.

    Michael Beschloss = CFR and that is a huge red flag in and of itself.

    After that ABC press release, I am coming around to the belief that even in 2011, there is no way that ABC is going to put on national TV Jackie Kennedy talking about her adulterous love affairs AND her belief that LBJ killed JFK.

    I have little doubt that Jackie indeed thought LBJ killed JFK.

    But I severely doubt that ABC will put that stuff on the air, even if it is true and even if it is in the tapes.

    Caroline Kennedy should post online the entire raw, uneditited tapes of Jackie's interviews.

    Was it ABC or CBS who pulled the segment that Geraldo Rivera was going to show that something strange happened to Marilyn Monroe. And that Geraldo was going to suggest that Bobby Kenedy had something to do with her death. It was Roone Arledge, friend of Ethel Kennedy, who pulled the plug on it. Geraldo got mad and quit.

    When 9/11 happened, Geraldo went on the air on CNBC and said, "Oswald killed President Kennedy from behind. There was no conspiracy." This was apropos to nothing brought up that night. He said this at the end of the show. The next week he announced that he was going to a different station as Foreign Correspondent. He was traveling to Afghanistan. In other words, he went to the other side. He's a phony and a member of Operation Mongoose. He's a CIA Media Asset.

    I'll never forget Bianca Jagger. A man in Texas was being executed for rape/murder. Dozens of people were there. Geraldo asked Bianca Jagger about the case. She turned right around and answered to the camera about the prisoner being retarded and Texas should not execute this man. I just loved Bianca snubbing Geraldo Rivera.

    Kathy C

  22. The other book is Brothers: the Hidden History of the Kennedy Years by David Talbot, pgs. 348-349 in hardcover. It was a Jack Anderson story. He said that Robert Kennedy had approved a secret assassination plan which may have backfired by it killing President Kennedy instead.

    If this is true, then the Cuban Exiles had a lot to do with Kennedy's murder. If it isn't, then it's the John Birch Society -- LBJ, Texas Oil, wealthy families and their hatred of black people. Ironically, the Civil Rights Bill passed in Congress only for the murder of Kennedy.

    Kathy C

    Oh gads, I read "Brothers" and I don't even remember that part.

    Ok, thank you.

    I don't think it's an either/or scenario between the Cuban Exile involvement and the JBS/racist involvement. It was a big tent assassination.

    I think the JBS was higher up the planning chain though. And the Cubans were manipulated into believing that an overthrow of Castro would follow an overthrow of Kennedy.

    Regarding the Kennedys going to kill Castro, the CIA was always trying to kill Castro. What would Kennedy gain by killing Castro? And Kennedy felt the CIA were way out of his control. He was afraid his Joint Chiefs of Staff were going to send a missile to Cuba behind his back. What a stupid thing that would have been.

    And the manner in which they killed him. Did they have to shoot him in public and film it? They were so bloodthirsty. To put Jackie in danger and the others in the car. Couldn't they have poisoned him instead? Why did they want the world to see what they'd done?

    Kathy C

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