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Kathleen Collins

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Posts posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. quote on

    'Tom Scully--30 January 2012


    January 30, 2012

    National Archives Accessions Newly Discovered Post-JFK Assassination Tape Recording

    .....Washington, DC…Today the National Archives announced that The Raab Collection, which deals in historical autographs, has donated to the National Archives an original audiotape recording described as "Radio Traffic involving AF-1 in flight from Dallas, TX, to Andrews AFB on November 22, 1963." A digitized version of the two-hour-and-twenty-two minute recording is now available on the National Archives web site [http://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/air-force-one-tape.html]. Reference copies of the recordings are available for on-site researchers at the following National Archives research rooms: the National Archives College Park, MD facility; the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston, MA; and the Lyndon B. Johnson Library in Austin, TX...

    quote off

    Hopefully Bill Kelly has seen this...

    Here's a snippet:

    beginning 52 minute mark of tape 1:

    Voice 1: "The body will be choppered to the Naval Medical Center at Bethesda. Over."

    Voice 2 "The body will be choppered or go by ambulance to the Naval Center?"

    Voice 1: "Will be choppered. Will be choppered."


    Voice 1: "Say again, say again doctor."

    Voice 2: "The body is in a casket you know, and will have to be taken by ambulance, not by chopper."

    Voice 1: "Alright I'll tell Capt Shepard that."


    General Clifton: "We do not want a helicopter for Bethesda Medical Center. We do want an ambulance and a ground return from Andrews to Walter Reed and we want the regular post-mortem that has to be done by law under guard performed at Walter Reed. Is that clear?"

    <quote off>


    I have gone to all the places to hear this tape. Tape downloads. No sound even the little lever keeps moving. I just got this computer back from the shop. Someone threw one hell of a virus at me.

    Can anyone help?

    Kathy C

  2. link http://journals.demo...sabrina%201/263

    Washington Post Discards All Journalistic Standards In Attack on Social Security

    elites want to steal the bonds ...... :blink::(:blink:

    About the Washington Post. I sent them a "letter to the editor" last night about why they published 2 obviously photoshopped pictures of Ted Olson and Lady Booth Olson a few years ago. In one photo Ted has only one leg. In the other photo, he's pasted into a photo of Lady Booth Olson and her dogs. He is much bigger in scale than anything else in the picture and is wearing the same green suit. Why did the Washington Post have to create these photos?

    Today I received 2 emails from them about other topics in the paper today, all bull----. How can a Journal, as important as the Washington Post, publish these photos? Is the photograph editor blind? If the Washington Post did this, how can we trust anything they say or print? Are they tangled into the deceit of 9/11? Is Barbara Olson still alive?

    Kathy C

  3. link http://journals.demo...sabrina%201/263

    Washington Post Discards All Journalistic Standards In Attack on Social Security

    elites want to steal the bonds ...... :blink::(:blink:

    About the Washington Post. I sent them a "letter to the editor" last night about why they published 2 obviously photoshopped pictures of Ted Olson and Lady Booth Olson a few years ago. In one photo Ted has only one leg. In the other photo, he's pasted into a photo of Lady Booth Olson and her dogs. He is much bigger in scale than anything else in the picture and is wearing the same green suit. Why did the Washington Post have to create these photos?

    Today I received 2 emails from them about other topics in the paper today, all bull----. How can a Journal, as important as the Washington Post, publish these photos? Is the photograph editor blind? If the Washington Post did this, how can we trust anything they say or print? Are they tangled into the deceit of 9/11? Is Barbara Olson still alive?

    Kathy C

  4. Bill, shouldn't his name be Joseph Kennedy IV? First there's the old man. Then Joseph Kennedy who died in war. Then Joseph Kennedy who had an aborted campaign for Governor of Massachusetts. And finally this Joseph Kennedy, running for Congressman.

    Kathy C

  5. 9utceu.jpg

    . For more, see my latest JFK presentation,

    "What happened to JFK--and why it matters today",

    Did I read that right?

    The man in the doorway was Oswald but his features were altered to look like Lovelady?


    And all the people who saw LHO on the second floor are simply lying? I find it curious that everything Fetzer writes about involves some sort of alteration by the government.


    Wasn't it the theory that Officer Baker was supposed to shoot Oswald? But another employee came over and he couldn't do it. Allegedly Oswald was told to stand by a phone. Since the Officer couldn't kill Oswald, Jack Ruby had to.

    Kathy C

  6. In 1966 my family had returned from Washington, DC, to live in San Diego, CA. During those tumultuous times I was becoming more and more aware of politics, specifically their impact on history. Interestingly, political power has the unique potential of effecting not only the shaping of current history--which is the focus of most concerned activists--but it actually has an equally significant impact on BOTH future and, surprisingly, past history, as well. Political power is its own creator...and destroyer.

    I remember following the campaigns of the candidates for the 1968 Presidential race beginning with the refusal to seek or accept the democratic nomination by LBJ. Then Hubert Humphry, Ed Muskie, and George McGovern camps turned up the volume, but not nearly loudly or passionately enough. Then came RFK. He practically whispered by comparison, but the electorate perceived a SHOUT. And it was off to the races.

    So much happened so quickly back in the Kennedy years. They had the ability to create tremendous momentum--almost instantly. An avalanche of loyalty, purpose, solidarity, vision, and hope based on a real desire to create a level playing field among Americans. That is not a communist agenda--it is an American ideal. The concept of an America which fosters a "policy of non-entitlement for the priveledged and equal opportunity for the under priveledged and disenfranchised"--in no way resembles Socialism. The idea promotes a "free market" by un-stacking an otherwised "stacked deck" --

    RFK made an appearance at the El Cortez Hotel in downtown San Diego on June 4th, 1968. My mother brought me and my sister there to see him. We were so excited. We constructed home made placcards and attached them to boards. As we made our way to the parking garage exit where his convertible would be emerging after his speech was over, we were met by a crowd that was already gathered there. I handed my sign to my sister and told my mom I wanted to get closer to see him. She said I could, but be careful. I weaved my 11 year old rather scrawny frame between the adults until I got all the way to the front. His car came out of the parking structure and stopped half way over the sidewalk. He stood up to wave at all of the people gathered--and immediately two aides/body guards nearly tackled him back into the seat of the open car due to all the tall buildings. After he landed in his seat he seemed to look right at me--at least I think he did--and so I lunged forward with my whole body attempting to touch him, jumping halfway over the cordon rope and managed to get my right arm into the car and grabbed somone's tie and lapel. However, I can't be sure it was his because the bodies in front of me were blocking my view. Someone slapped my hand loose and I let go--and just then he definitely looked my way and smiled his toothy Kennedy warmth.

    As we watched the election returns about 24 or so hours later, our cheers for victory were destroyed before our eyes. And that's all I have to say about that.

    I took Bobby Kennedy's death very hard. I was 12. He was supposed to come to Journal Square, the hub of Jersey City. But it rained heavy all day and he canceled.

    Kathy C

  7. Sorry Douglas,

    The research "community" is incurious and rigid, for the most part, about these things.

    After all, the woman who was the cousin of Marino Bello's first wife, and her son, immersed in organized crime contacts, were simply permitted to lease their Glen Ora estate to JFK as the weekend White House, with what is evident, no background checks. The FBI admitted to not investigating the background of Senior Asst. WC Counsel, Albert Jenner, and Howard Willens' father was Tony Accardo's next door neighbor.


    Deadly illusions: Jean Harlow and the murder of Paul Bern

    books.google.comSamuel Marx, Joyce Vanderveen - 1990 - 271 pages

    tour, he had presented his well-developed stepdaughter to Abner "Longie" Zwillman, a rising young hoodlum in Meyer Lansky's mob. Longie had a fondness for young girls and Bello expected in return he would get a piece of Manhattan in which to operate in the illegal liquor business. A Lansky franchise was sure to propel Bello on his way to riches at last. He dreamed of owning a truly first-class speakeasy,


    Bombshell: the life and death of Jean Harlow

    books.google.comDavid Stenn - 1993 - 370 pages - Snippet view

    The outbreak of World War I forced Bello to bide his time, but after the Armistice he immigrated to Chicago and convinced his wife's cousin, Sherman Hotel owner Ernest Byfield, to employ him at the College Inn. By the time he espied .


    Paul Bern: the life and famous death of the MGM director and ... - Page 138

    books.google.com E. J. Fleming - 2008 - 383 pages - Google eBook - Preview

    During a 1926 visit to Chicago, Mama Jean met Marino Bello, a swarthy Italian gold digger and a thoroughly unlikable character. He was managing his wife's restaurant at the Sherman Hotel but began sleeping with Mama Jean within days of .

    It's amazing how you find connections between people from the '30's and so on. Byfield of course, was Irv Kupcinet's friend. I never knew much about Marino Bello. But one question, is this what they call guilt by association?

    That awful movie with Peter Lawford as Bern was a fake all the way through.

    She didn't die a suicide. Why make a movie about someone filled with complete lies when the truth was better? The Carol Lynley movie about Harlow was the better one. It came out the same year. Carol Lynley knew Karyn Kupcinet and said, "How brave she was to come to Hollywood to find acting jobs. She could have stayed in Chicago and been a queen."

    I wrote about Bobby Kennedy a few nights ago in the forum dedicated to him.

  8. post-5645-094858800 1327194496_thumb.jpg The pictures came out small. Please resize them if you're interested or magnify them.

    On August 5, 1962 the death of Marilyn Monroe was announced. Supposedly Bobby Kennedy had visited her on the 4th. After that visit she was murdered, probably by a drug-laced enema. The Coroner said many of his samples disappeared. In the end I think they concluded possible suicide. She allegedly took about 47 Nembutal tablets with Chloral Hydrate already in her system. For years I have been trying to find out which MM bio has a photo of Robert Kennedy going to Church at 9:30 am with his family. But I (excuse the term) "found" something interesting today. Look at these pictures taken August 7, 1962, 2 days after Monroe's death.

    I discovered that 2 days later, Bobby showed up with his family at the Seattle's World Fair. He dined in the restaurant on top of the needle. But the expression on his face showed sorrow and fear. Peter Lawford and a private detective, Fred Otash, went over to her house and cleaned it of anything having to do with the Kennedys.

    As soon as Kennedy left, Monroe was murdered by either the Mob or the CIA. Bobby was supposed to be in Gilroy, CA at the Bate's Ranch. Photos were shown of him there.

    Two days later Bobby showed up at the Seattle World's Fair. Have any of you seen the State of the Union address with Johnson speaking and mentioning John Kennedy? You can see Bobby in front, but somewhat alone, clapping his hands slow, in shock. And the look on his face. Monroe died a little over a year earlier. Do any of you see a stunned and saddened look on his face in these Seattle pictures? I guess that's subjective. But he was probably wondering if his visit with her on the day she died would bring down the Presidency of his brother. He was probably sick with fear. Does he look it?

    Kathy C

    post-5645-095547900 1327194078_thumb.jpg

  9. I, for one, am going to be very sad if these gadgets last. The way the digital books are copyrighted, you cannot resell them. I am selling a used book on Amazon called The Greatest Story Ever Sold by Frank Rich. It tells how the govt sold us a bill of goods on 9/11 and I bet most people probably accept their version.

    He writes about Hurricane Katrina when Bush acted very late in the storm in New Orleans. I understand that New Orleans is 97% black. Many people died in Katrina. They finally opened a shelter for people, which was itself operating under a torn roof. The bathrooms were overflowing. Women were actually raped near the bathrooms -- this was all reported on the entertainment show, Fox News. Geraldo Rivera showed up at the shelter and started crying when he mentioned the babies there: "I have a baby."

    And of course the book covers the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and how we were lied to by George W. Bush and Tony Blair about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. They never found any. This war has been going on for 11 years!

    So It's a worthwhile book to read. Somebody is trying to tell the truth. Frank Rich used his First Amendment Rights.

    I will sure miss paper books if they disappear. Part of my house looks like a warehouse. And what will happen to libraries?

    Kathy C

  10. Not sure if I understand the post... "like the shadows that appear at other places in the frame" suggests that you think the BOH shadow is consistent with the others.

    What I noticed was the shadow at the back of JFK's head do not change as other similiar shadows do and in fact looks to ME like it floats over the head...

    I happen to do a z317 analysis just to see how these shadows behaved... as well as a gif at high contrast to see how that area changes... that area stays VERY dark comparitively...

    yet I of course view it with suspicious eyes...

    and I agree with you again JT... been hearing about these glorious 35mm Hollywood frames that make it obvious... maybe saving it for the 50th? :P

    If you watch President Kennedy's head from the side -- it looks like it's imploding. He was being shot from the back also, but they put a dark blot on the back of Kennedy's head.

    I'm trying to catch up on this thread.

    Someone mentioned Rich DellaRosa. Rich passed away about 2 years ago, I'm sorry to say.

    Kathy C

  11. Exact what is wrong with "hearsay?" That is how you find out stuff, especially from people who HEARD someone SAY something. "Hearsay" is usually the first thing that puts you on the path to the truth (or misinformation, I will grant).

    Like Linda Tripp talking to Monica Lewinsky and her affairs with Bill Clinton. Now that was just a bunch of "hearsay." But it was dead-on right. The much maligned "hearsay" is often golden.

    I have emailed Roger Stone to see if he will talk with me, have not heard back yet.

    About Clinton it went to more than just hearsay. Monica had a dress she kept with Clinton's ejaculate on it.

    I know people around here argue with you all of the time, but I believe you are working hard, moreso than they. Keep up the good work.

    Kathy C

  12. The problem is photographs. How boring would the Internet be if we can't use pictures on our blogs or websites. I understand the photographer wants to be paid. They are paid when they sell the picture, say to a newspaper. But if the picture is relevant to a discussion or a blog entry, somehow I think we should be allowed to use it.

    I wanted to buy a photo I'd never seen before. Getty pictures, I think. They wanted $150. This is how expensive it is. I feel we should be able to use a photo as long as we publish the photographer's name, what the picture means, where it was first used, something like that. Even if a stock photo site wants a flat rate of $50 per picture, I still couldn't afford it.

    This is something which needs to be debated about. There has to be a happy solution. Just think about the Internet without few pictures.

    Kathy C

  13. You can add to those names David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and Jack Revill.... Michael and Ruth Paine.

    Ruth Paine lives about an hour and a half from me -- St. Petersburg, FL. But honestly I'd be scared for my life. They know too much. They're dangerous. They set up Oswald.

    Apparently, you're looking at people who knew Irv Kupcinet well. As time went on, they continued a certain activity, which had become illegal: Each year at Christmas, the Chicago Sun-Times would receive a ferry filled with gifts for the Kupcinets. And when it was considered unethical for a columnist to accept gifts from somebody, the Sun-Times still had to deal with it. It didn't seem to bother Irv at all. Probably most of the contraband was given to charities.

    So you believe that Irv Kupcinet knew about these white collar crimes and refused to report them, although he considered himself an avid reporter. These were people who probably sent Irv gifts, so he looked away.

    I was reading about Karyn Kupcinet last night in a book about Sidney Korshak, mob lawyer and Irv's best friend. The general consensus of his friends, some of the people you name, Mr. Scully, believed that Karyn committed suicide. The Mob wanted to go to Los Angeles and find out about this death, but Irv said no thanks. He didn't want it getting out that Karyn was addicted to methamphetamine and other problems she had.

    In 1962 she was convicted of shoplifting. She was taking a pair of slacks, a couple of books and a sweater she stole from another store before entering this one. She paid a $150 fine. In 1963 she was chasing Andrew Prine by cab in LA. She'd go to his favorite night spots and entered looking for him; she'd just turn up and he was beginning to hate it. But in my estimation, he treated her in a very cruel manner. She had just had an abortion and was bleeding so heavily she almost died. What did he do for her? The next day he opened a can of soup. Mark Goddard paid for the abortion. She couldn't ask her parents. I am continually fascinated with that family. I want to go on but won't. This all started with Penn Jones,Jr.

    Kathy C mad.gif

  14. I have just signed a contract with Trine Day Publishers to write my autobiography. In general scope, it will cover my role with William F. Buckley, David Franke, Marvin Liebman and Gov. Charles Edison in founding the modern conservative movement in the 1950's and early 1960's; the JFK assassination-Watergate linkage; the crimes of LBJ; key events in subsequent years; and how and when I concluded that the conservative movement had been hijacked by sociopaths and opportunists. Publication date: early 2013.

    Good for you! I'll want to read it.

    Kathy C

  15. I've had "discussions" on different forums about the Tippit witnesses and how only one mentioned saw the killing and she has an interesting time identifying him...

    Benavidas has also been considered a good Tippit scene witness... just noticed this though....

    Mr. BELIN - Okay, well, I thank you. I was flying from St. Louis to Des Moines, Iowa. at about this time. Is there anything else?

    Mr. BENAVIDES - I remember the back of his head seemed like his hairline was sort of--looked like his hairline sort of went square instead of tapered off. and he looked like he needed a haircut for about 2 weeks, but his hair didn't taper off, it kind of went down and squared off and made his head look fiat in back.

    ther is no way to mistake the back of Oswald's head for a squared off cut....

    Don't the military and police ALWAYS have squared off haircuts? :ph34r:

    Lee Harvey Oswald's head was shaped funny. The back of his head was practically straight. I don't think a hair cut caused it.

    Kathy C

  16. Heartbreaking news this morning. Doug Weldon passed away overnight.Doug has been entrenched in a nightmare health battle since early September 2010. It all started with a sore on a toe after a long bike ride. Doug was diabetic. From there it progressed to amputations, infections, and multiple incidences of pneumonia ... one thing after another putting him back in intensive care, or at least back into the hospital, every time it would seem like he was making some progress. I can only recall about 3 very short spans of time (days) over the last 15 months that Doug was not in a hospital or a rehab/nursing facility.

    Doctors have been amazed at how strong and determined Doug was able to stay. I was amazed for the physical doggedness, but not the mental. He was so mentally strong and determined. Please keep his family in your thoughts and in any prayers you may be able to offer.

    As details become available, including which address to use for cards, flowers, etc, I will post that information.

    Miss talking to you already, Doug!


    Barb, I remember Doug Weldon as a kind man who was very determined to pierce the mystery of the Kennedy Assassination. He was fair and methodical. I hadn't seen his name for a long time. I didn't know he had the health issues you relate. It's sad that the "Kennedy community" will never see his like again. May he rest in peace.

    Kathy C

  17. Thomas. The yellow bottle.


    The guy isn't carrying a yellow bottle in his left hand. He's carrying a folded (or at least flattened) paper bag or a folded piece of cardboard. It's obvious when you look at him walking across Elm Street in the Cancellare. (He's the tall, skinny black guy wearing a sweater vest over a long-sleeved shirt.)

    --Tommy :)

    I would venture to guess that the "skinny black guy" is Cuban. Why would an African-American hate Kennedy?

    Kathy C

  18. The Hughes pause may give away the beginning of the slowing but not the entire thing as you elude to.

    It's actually the end of the slowing we see after the break in Hughes, then the limo moves more quickly.

    The limo should have been speeding up as the crowd thinned on Elm and as they were going to drive under the triple overpass onto Stemmons. But I find in these films the limo going fast and I don't believe it because the limo had to stop so they could shoot Kennedy with accuracy from the fence/parking lot area of the Grassy Knoll and the Dal-Tex building.

    My opinion.

    Kathy C

  19. In Hughes one can see hesitation right at the apogee of the curve, which is where the film cuts in after the edit. The car moves fluidly just after that. Note that the driver of the white pilot car isn't confident of the turn, either. Here's a better link to Hughes:

    Is the Towner film cut, where Bob Harris point out that it is, to cover re-editing that disguises a slowing of the limo? Something happened at that point, as JFK's hand motion expresses confusion just before the film break, and after the break he suddenly straightens from a lean to his left. But nobody else is leaning. Here's Towner, with the lead-in intact:

    It's worth examining the list of those who testified to the wide turn, including Roy Truly. Could the "wide turn" have been invented to explain away some other happening?

    On the other hand - if Kennedy is flinching because a bullet struck the pavement there - who in that corner throng ever reported such a thing?

    What puzzles me is how fast this limo always seems to be going, but I've heard it claimed it was only traveling 5mph on Elm. And this faster speed is seen in Towner and Hughes and the Z-film. Did the people who developed these films take out frames to speed the films up? How was President Kennedy shot so accurately going that fast? The limo had to stop and not just at the corner. But I think you're right about the wide turn. It was probably done on purpose right there near the Dal-Tex building. And that's why The Cuban was giving a signal to Greer. It wasn't the peace sign or a the sign of victory. An important researcher told me it meant Attempt 2. And I believe that.

    Kathy C

  20. Terry Mauro sent me this email. I'm terrified. This is the culmination of the Kennedy Assassination. The New World Order. And the Senate passed the bill and it might already be signed by Obama.

    Re: Going to hell in a bucket...Happy New Year???

    Theresa Mauro

    From a post from The EF on December 13th:

    Lastly, as I write this, a bill has been introduced that, at some point will probably wind up on Pres. Obama's desk. The bill has a provision for the "indefinite detention of American civilians without cause and without trial."

    I find it ironic that one of the defenders of Lee Harvey Oswald was the ACLU and it is their heads up, that brought this fact to my attention in the first place.

    If you are interested here is one of several URL's...


    In what may be a tale too bizarre to be believed by millions of Americans, the U.S. Senate appears ready to pass a bill that will designate the entire earth, including the United States and its territories, one all-encompassing "battlefield" in the global "war on terror" and ]authorize the detention of Americans suspected of terrorist ties indefinitely and without trial or even charges being filed that would necessitate a trial. The bill could come to a vote as early as today, according to a bulletin issued by the American Civil Liberties Union. The legislation "goes to the very heart of who we are as Americans," the ACLU statement said, describing the bill as having moved toward passage while most Americans were celebrating Thanksgiving and a long holiday weekend for millions of U.S. workers. "The Senate will be voting on a bill that will direct American military resources [not at an enemy shooting at our military in a war zone, at American citizens and other civilians far from any battlefield — even people in the United States, the ACLU warned. Labeled the [National Defense Authorization Act, S. 1867[/color] was drafted in secret by Senators Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) and approved in a closed-door committee meeting, according to the ACLU statement.

    Where was the media on all of this

    "Could come to a vote today"......?

    NDAA: Congress Signed Its Own Arrest Warrants

    By Naomi Wolf, Naomi Wolf's Blog

    02 January 12

    Responding to the Senate's overwhelming passage of the 'Homeland Battlefield' bill, Ms. Wolf first published this piece on December 12, 2011. However, her argument took on new relevance over the weekend when President Obama used the media blackout of the holiday season to quietly sign the bill during a vacation in Hawaii. - JPS/RSNrsn_editorcomment_02.jpg

    rsn-I.jpg never thought I would have to write this: but - incredibly - Congress has now passed the National Defense Appropriations Act, with Amendment 1031, which allows for the military detention of American citizens. The amendment is so loosely worded that any American citizen could be held without due process. The language of this bill can be read to assure Americans that they can challenge their detention - but most people do not realize what this means: at Guantanamo and in other military prisons, one's lawyer's calls are monitored, witnesses for one's defense are not allowed to testify, and one can be forced into nudity and isolation. Incredibly, ninety-three Senators voted to support this bill and now most of Congress: a roster of names that will live in infamy in the history of our nation, and never be expunged from the dark column of the history books.

    They may have supported this bill because - although it's hard to believe - they think the military will only arrest active members of Al Qaida; or maybe, less naively, they believe that 'at most', low-level dissenting figures, activists, or troublesome protesters might be subjected to military arrest. But they are forgetting something critical:history shows that those who signed this bill will soon be subject to arrest themselves.

    Our leaders appear to be supporting this bill thinking that they will always be what they are now, in the fading light of a once-great democracy - those civilian leaders who safely and securely sit in freedom and DIRECT the military. In inhabiting this bubble, which their own actions are about to destroy, they are cocooned by an arrogance of power, placing their own security in jeopardy by their own hands, and ignoring history and its inevitable laws. The moment this bill becomes law, though Congress is accustomed, in a weak democracy, to being the ones who direct and control the military, the power roles will reverse: Congress will no longer be directing and in charge of the military: rather, the military will be directing and in charge of individual Congressional leaders, as well as in charge of everyone else - as any Parliamentarian in any society who handed this power over to the military can attest.[

    Perhaps Congress assumes that it will always only be 'they' who are targeted for arrest and military detention: but sadly, Parliamentary leaders are the first to face pressure, threats, arrest and even violence when the military obtains the power to make civilian arrests and hold civilians in military facilities without due process. There is no exception to this rule.

    Just as I traveled the country four years ago warning against the introduction of torture and secret prisons - and confidently offering a hundred thousand dollar reward to anyone who could name a nation that allowed torture of the 'other' that did not eventually turn this abuse on its own citizens - (confident because I knew there was no such place) - so today I warn that one cannot name a nation that gave the military the power to make civilian arrests and hold citizens in military detention, that did not almost at once turn that power almost against members of that nation's own political ruling class.

    This makes sense - the obverse sense of a democracy, in which power protects you; political power endangers you in a militarized police state: the more powerful a political leader is, ]the more can be gained in a militarized police state by pressuring, threatening or even arresting him or her.

    Mussolini, who created the modern template for fascism, was a duly elected official when he started to direct paramilitary forces against Italian citizens: yes, he sent the Blackshirts to beat up journalists, editors, and union leaders; but where did these militarized groups appear most dramatically and terrifyingly, snapping at last the fragile hold of Italian democracy? In the halls of the Italian Parliament. Whom did they physically attack and intimidate? Mussolini's former colleagues in Parliament - as they sat, just as our Congress is doing, peacefully deliberating and debating the laws.

    Whom did Hitler's Brownshirts arrest in the first wave of mass arrests in 1933? Yes, journalists, union leaders and editors; but they also targeted local and regional political leaders and dragged them off to secret prisons and to torture [/color]that the rest of society had turned a blind eye to when it had been directed at the 'other.'

    Who was most at risk from assassination or arrest and torture, after show trials, in Stalin's Russia? Yes, journalists, editors and dissidents: but also physically endangered, and often arrested by militarized police and tortured or worse, were Senior members of the Politburo who had fallen out of favor.

    Is this intimidation and arrest by the military a vestige of the past? Hardly. We forget in America that all over the world there are militarized societies in which shells of democracy are propped up - in which Parliament meets regularly and elections are held, but the generals are really in charge, just as the Egyptian military is proposing with upcoming elections and the Constitution itself.

    That is exactly what will take place if Congress gives the power of arrest and detention to the military: and in those societies if a given political leader does not please the generals, he or she is in physical danger or subjected to military arrest. Whom did John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, say he was directed to intimidate and threaten when he worked as a 'jackal', putting pressure on the leadership in authoritarian countries? Latin American parliamentarians who were in the position to decide the laws that affected the well-being of his corporate clients.

    Who is under house arrest by the military in Myanmar? The political leader of the opposition to the military junta. Malalai Joya is an Afghani parliamentarian who has run afoul of the military and has to sleep in a different venue every night - for her own safety. An on, and on, in police states - that is, countries with military detention of civilians - that America is about to join.

    US Congresspeople and Senators may think that their power protects them from the treacherous wording of Amendments 1031 and 1032: but their arrogance is leading them to a blindness that is suicidal. The moment they sign this NDAA into law, History shows that they themselves and their staff are the most physically endangered by it. They will immediately become, not the masters of the great might of the United States military, but if history is any guide - and every single outcome of ramping up police state powers. Unfortunately, that I have warned for years that history points to, has come to pass - sadly but inevitably -- its very first targets.

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    Kathy C

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