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Kathleen Collins

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Posts posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. In the right background, wearing white-topped policeman's hat.


    --Tommy :sun


    Edit: Silly me. The cop couldn't possibly be talking to Oswald because, as Gary Mack has informed me, the Three Tramps photos were taken between 2:15 and 2:20. Ozzie had already been arrested. Doh. So I guess the cop in the photo is talking with Lovelady or someone who looks a lot like LHO...

    Another question: Did the female reporter with her hand in front of her face ever say that the Tramps stank? One of the escorting cops (Wise?) wrote in one of his reports that they were very dirty and smelled real bad...

    --Tommy :sun

    This is a telling photo. Dorothy Hunt is the woman in the picture with her hand up to her face, as though in shock. A few feet away from her stood E. Howard Hunt, the little tramp. Husband and wife got into the same photo. That must have been quite an accomplishment and probably planned.

  2. Black dog?.

    There is a man in a dark suit appears at the end of the parapet

    Wall just after the shooting who appears to be reaching in his back pocket

    As the crowd rush towards the overpass along the fence.!

    Where did you read this information? Was it in a photo or one of the films? Also, remember in the Couch film we caught sight of 2 men with big hats and overcoats over their arms. Very respectable, Obviously, they were concealing weapons.

  3. I hope the moderators won't mind. But I've had the worst blow anyone can take. My brother, Marty, died in his sleep last night. Peacefully and painlessly. I'm sure he's with his mother. He was her favorite. He was so quick-witted.

    He loved Jack Kennedy. He could never figure out why that murder was not investigated more. "Someone killed my President." In a way we never got over it, despite any of my strange behavior on these forums. And we couldn't talk about it.

    One time the Globe published autopsy photos of President Kennedy. I didn't want him to look at that, but he insisted. One of the photos was "The Stare of Death." He told me recently, years later,

    "You can't imagine how many nights I've lost sleep thinking about that picture."

    As he got older with more illness he wasn't looking into anything, He got mad when he found out I was on a Kennedy site. He felt it wasn't good for me.

    He claimed the murder was investigated by the Warren Commission. "Lee Harvey Oswald did it. Our govt told us that." He had to believe this in order to have peace. One time, when he was younger, he said Oswald may not have killed Kennedy but he was up to no good. And that's basically what I believed when Rich Dellarosa allowed me on his site.

    I now can understand why "Monk" didn't want M. Monroe discussed on the Forum. I now know why I shouldn't have ridiculed the thought that some woman claimed she had a love affair with LHO. He wasn't an attractive man IMO. Out of all the men in History, some woman is fixated on LHO. It made me laugh. But I see the reason to investigate this. (It seems to me she is on the Internet all day, everyday.)

    As Marty grew older, he wasn't looking into anything and got mad when he found out I was on a Kennedy site. He felt it wasn't good for me.

    Anyway, that's Marty's link to the Kennedy Assassination. I'm so glad he went peacefully.

    Kathy C

  4. I think all people involved in some way with the Assassination are dead, except Marina Porter, Robert Oswald, and the Bushes. So why hide it? If we knew who planned this, who knew about this and who the shooters were -- nothing can happen to those people. They're dead. They're not coming back. Give us the infomation. But I bet George HW Bush and his worthless son are involved too. Maybe that's the hold up on these records. When George HW Bush dies, we still have his son, and those records won't be released as long as he lives. Obama has no power over the CIA -- that "Independent" Agency of the US. (I guess like the IRS.) President Kennedy had no power over the CIA also and paid the biggest price.

    Kathy C

  5. Glenn: "(3) Several researchers have witnessed this film, in person."

    In order to even begin this thread we should know who these "several researchers" are, and certainly we need to know the name of the person who was doing the filming.


    As named by Jack White, below.


    Well, this doesn't have anything to do with me. Would you not agree that the question of why this "other" film is not a subject of research - at least as far as I'm aware - is peculiar? Considering the claimed contents of this film, I find this very odd. The Z-film has rendered a mountain of research, the other film - none?


    So what's stopping this 'other researcher' from stepping forward?

    I do not understand the question.



    On second thought, I guess you mean people like you and me. Only 6 or 7 people claim to have

    seen the other film. After they realized it was NOT the Z film, they DID research to whatever extent

    possible to determine what it was they saw. However, it was years later, and the trails were cold.

    The important things are:

    1. None was aware of the stories of the others, and came forward independently.

    2. All said the film was superior in quality to the Z film.

    3. All said the film showed the limo turning the corner.

    4. All said the film showed the limo coming to a stop.

    5. All said the film was from the same OR ALMOST SAME viewpoint as Zapruder.

    That is everything we know. Where do we go from there?

    One other thing...William Reymond said he was told that the film he saw several

    times WAS THE H.L. HUNT COPY OF THE ZAPRUDER FILM. However, this is just

    hearsay, since the film he described matches "the other film."

    One might say all 6 persons were mistaken. The odds of that?

    As for the researcher that DellaRosa told a more complete version to, the answer lies with whatever the agreement was between Rich and that person.


    I was friends with Rich for too short a time. He told me he saw the Other film 3 times and that others had seen it too. He didn't say who. Rich said it was near Zapruder but higher. He said he saw it on a college campus. They were all brought in and took their seats. Nothing was said to them or explained. A movie came on the screen in very good quality, professional; and he realized it was the Assassination of President Kennedy. Two things different from the Zapruder film are the turn from Houston to Elm and the limo stop. The next time Rich saw it was when he was in the service. And the third time was on TV as 2 anchormen (or similar) talked. In back of them ran the Other film and it had to be by accident. And Rich said it was gory, worse than what can be seen in the Zapruder film.

    They altered the Z film so it would look like Kennedy was shot from behind, which he was. But from the front and side too. In the Zapruder film the back of Kennedy's head had already been partially blown away, but you don't see that because on the film they filled in the back of his head with a dark color. Maybe because he was out of range for the 6th floor of the TSBD by then. They also removed the blood that shot out from the 2 mortal wounds. Because such a display would indicate he was shot from the right and side, not from the back. And Jacqueline Kennedy climbed onto the clean and shiny surface of the limo's trunk.

    Kathy C

  6. Thursday, Jun 14, 2012 06:00 PM EDT

    National Archives: No new JFK docs

    Bowing to the CIA, the National Archives says it won't release 1,100 secret assassination documents in 2013

    By Jefferson Morley

    Topics: JFKkennedy_rect-460x307.jpgPresident and Mrs. Kennedy ride through Dallas moments before Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963. (Credit: Reuters)

    Acquiescing to CIA demands for secrecy, the National Archives announced Wednesday that it will not release 1,171 top-secret Agency documents related to the assassination of President Kennedy in time for the 5oth anniversary of JFK’s death in November 2013.

    “Is the government holding back crucial JFK documents,” asked Russ Baker in a WhoWhatWhy piece that Salon published last month. The answer, unfortunately, is yes. In a letter released this week, Gary Stern, general counsel for the National Archives and Record Administration, said the Archives would not release the records as part of the Obama administration’s ongoing declassification campaign. Stern cited CIA claims that “substantial logistical requirements” prevented their disclosure next year.

    “This is a deeply disappointing decision that deprives everyone of a fuller understanding of the JFK assassination,” said Larry Sabato, a political scientist at the University of Virginia, who is writing a book about the impact of JFK’s assassination on American politics. “The 50th anniversary of that terrible event is the perfect opportunity to shed more light on the violent removal of a president. This adds to the widely held public suspicion that the government may still be hiding some key facts about President Kennedy’s murder.”

    The records, requested by the nonprofit Assassination Archives and Research Center (AARC), will remain secret until at least 2017, when the 1992 JFK Records Act mandates public release of all assassination files in the government’s possession. (Full disclosure: AARC president Jim Lesar is my attorney in a Freedom of Information lawsuit seeking JFK records from the CIA.)

    Among those seeking expedited disclosure were Notre Dame Law School professor G. Robert Blakey, who served as chief counsel for Congress’ JFK investigation in the late 1970s. In an email he accused the NARA of using “bureaucratic jargon to obfuscate its failure to vindicate the public interest in transparency, a goal touted no less than by the Obama administration. “

    “It beggars the imagination to assert that documents (or portions thereof) can only be released in 2017, but not 2013,” said independent scholar Max Holland in an email. “I can understand a 100-year argument, in order to protect the identity of confidential sources (say a spy in Castro’s Politburo who said he didn’t do it); a 100-year rule would protect him or her. But 54 years versus 50? Doesn’t make sense … While it is true that JFK assassination is the most declassified event in U.S. history, in some respects NARA has done a poor job of carrying out the letter, spirit and intent of the JFK Act.”

    The Archives’ decision comes as two former CIA officers have gone public with the unsubstantiated conspiracy theory that Cuban leader Fidel Castro had advance knowledge of JFK’s assassination in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963. In a piece published in the Daily Beast this week, retired CIA officer Glenn Carle claimed that “the Cuban dictator knew of Lee Harvey Oswald’s intention to kill President Kennedy.” Carle also defended a deceased CIA colleague, David Phillips, from allegations of JFK conspiracy theorists that he connived in JFK’s death.

    The still-secret CIA records could clarify the issue. The records include more than 600 pages of material on the career of Phillips, the chief of the Agency’s anti-Castro operations in 1963. Phillips oversaw the surveillance of accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico City six weeks before Kennedy was killed. Antonio Veciana, an anti-Castro Cuban who worked for the CIA in the 1960s, told congressional investigators in 1976 that he saw an Agency officer whom he knew as “Maurice Bishop” with Oswald two months before JFK was killed. At the time, the CIA unequivocally denied that Phillips had ever used that name. In the Daily Beast article, Carle, a colleague of Phillips, admitted what the Agency has long denied: that Phillips had used the name “Maurice Bishop.”

    A CIA spokesman said the Agency declined to comment on Carle’s claims.

    Phillips, who died in 1988, told conflicting stories about what he knew of Oswald before JFK’s murder, but always rejected accusations he was involved in the assassination itself. Phillips may have been sensitive about such allegations because, unbeknownst to JFK investigators, he had been involved in another high-profile political assassination while working for the CIA. In 1999, the nonprofit National Security Archive obtained Agency records revealing that Phillips, as a senior CIA official in 1970, had orchestrated the murder of a Chilean general on behalf of the Nixon White House.

    NARA had originally said the 1,171 CIA documents would be reviewed for release. In 2010, assistant archivist Michael Kurtz told a public hearing in Washington that the JFK records would be included in the Obama administration’s ongoing declassification campaign.

    The idea was popular with the public. As Baker reported, NARA

    , on its online Open Government Forum, for suggestions from the public about what it could do to create greater transparency. The #1 most popular idea?
    Get those Kennedy records out
    —before Nov. 22, 2013, the fiftieth anniversary of the Dallas tragedy.

    In his letter to the AARC, Stern said that Kurtz “misspoke.” The Archives, he explained, tries “to balance historical impact, public interest, and extent of other government agency involvement [emphasis added] in order to manage government-wide declassification resource constraints as efficiently and effectively as possible.”

    In this case, the evident public and scholarly interest in JFK disclosure was outweighed by the CIA’s desire to keep ancient but still-sensitive records out of public view.

    “After five decades it is ridiculous that information is still being withheld from the people whose taxes paid for it,” said Sabato.

    Ridiculous but true: As the 50th anniversary of the Dallas tragedy approaches, the CIA officials are hiding information about the events that culminated in the death of the liberal president — and the National Archives is helping them get away with it.

    Kathy C

  7. A painter named Paul Wilson is exhibiting his paintings of Lee Harvey Oswald. The whole thing is "My Life with Lee Harvey Oswald." In his paintings he depicts an innocent Oswald. In the one painting this Arizona Museum shows online has LHO with more hair. That's the first thing I saw. Having more hair helps to make him innocent and younger in Wilson's painting.

    Here is an article about him.

    "In June and July, Willo North Gallery will present My Life with Lee Harvey Oswald, an exhibition of all-new work by celebrated local artist Paul Wilson. The exhibit will feature paintings, photo montages, video work, and collage—all of it depicting Oswald as something other than the notorious alleged assassin of President John F. Kennedy.

    Wilson’s humor-based art re-imagines Oswald as a recording artist, a teen heart-throb, a fashion doll, and as the subject of paintings that make sly reference to Great Masters (like Lee Harvey Oswald as the Mona Lisa). “I want him to be innocent,” Wilson says. “In my reinvention of the man I have chosen to depict him as he might have been, had he not been associated with the events of November 1963: Light and tasteful but often absurd.”

    Wilson’s new body of work asks questions about American innocence, and ponders a more hopeful world had Kennedy not been assassinated. “I seek to make Lee Harvey human, to make him likable, heroic, goofy, and even foxier than he really was,” says Wilson, who last week received an Emerging Artist Award from Phoenix Art Museum’s Contemporary Forum. “In doing so, I allow people to see him in another, much more favorable light. So we end up wondering, ‘What would the world be like today if this guy had just been a soap opera actor, and not an alleged assassin?’”

    My Life with Lee Harvey Oswald will open on First Friday, June 1 at 6 p.m. with an artist reception, and will remain on exhibit through July 27. Willo North Gallery is located at 2811 North Seventh Avenue in Phoenix. The gallery is otherwise open by appointment only, by calling 602-320-8445.

    Posted by Kristin Shears at 5:41 PM


    1. DECAFsmall.jpg
      Cindy SchnackelMay 14, 2012 2:28 PM
      Very much looking forward to Paul's show! Reply

    2. 1964%252520Judy%252520Baker%252520says%252520-I%252520love%252520you-%252520on%252520the%252520back%255B1%255D.jpg
      Judyth Vary BakerJune 4, 2012 7:08 PM
      A remarkable artist who humanizes Lee Oswald,a man many Americans believe was framed for the murder of President John F. Kennedy. I personally appreciate Paul Wilson's innovative approach -- including his "Oswald" dolls, some of which could become models for Action Figures -- as he consulted with me about Lee Oswald's physique, preferences and habits. Lee wasn't gay, but he had an open mind and would have laughed at some of the things Paul has done to him,since he had a keen sense of humor! Paul's amazing art presents a Lee Harvey Oswald that today's viewers can now visualize as someone who could not possibly have been a cold-blooded killer-- just as many of us who knew him personally can attest. (I loved Lee) Reply

    Willo North Gallery

    kristinwillo.jpg Kristin Shears Phoenix, Arizona, United States

    2811 N. 7th Avenue

    Phoenix, AZ 85007

    for information contact us by e-mail or call 602 448 9041


    By Appointment and

    1st Fri of each month 6 – 10 p.m.


  8. I still don't understand about that post. What thread was I breaking? I posted one post about Mary Kennedy. How can I break a thread which I myself started? And what's Tom Skully's post-page doing on this? I guess I wasn't supposed to post about Mary Kennedy because this is strictly about Kennedy's Assassination. But I thought this was important.

    Kathy C

  9. What thread? I was the only one who posted. I looked through 4 pages before and there was no mention of Mary Kennedy. They believed she committed suicide by hanging. I don't know who you are, but back off, Buddy. I have a right to post this. It's about the curse that follows the Kennedy family, which includes the Assassination and close relatives. It was one post. You couldn't take it.

    Your Friend,

    Kathy C

  10. Has the fact that Oswald listed a "Charles Harrison" as a reference when applying for a job at the S.K. Manson Marble and Granite Company in New Orleans ever been looked into?

    Is this a different Charles Harrison? Or is it possible these two knew each other?





    But intriguingly the maiden name one of the former's wives (Woody's mom) was Oswald, but LHO's dad was born in NO and she aparently was born in Midland, TX.

    The code I found when I was going to ask what the code meant, appeared in my reply post as a blue message box, which was empty. I'll post this, but it'll still be code I bet

  11. While you are clearly entitled to your own opinion, Kathleen, you should be able to back up what you claim are facts. Where and when did Altgens "claim he didn't take" what is almost certainly his most famous photograph?

    It comes from Jack White. Altgens denied he ever took the Man in the Doorway picture. A lot of researchers believe he did. He might fear for his life if he's still alive. On the Internet go to Mysteries of the JFK Assassination: The Photographic Evidence from A-Z. by Jack White.

    “A is for Altgens … 8 shows Zapruder?”: This photograph is in contention for many reasons. One is that the imagery of “Zapruder” is a little ambiguous to interpret; the short Zapruder may or may not be a valid interpretation. But more important is the authenticity of this particular photograph. See my chapter. Altgens denied taking it, it never existed in the official reports, and Altgens’ own descriptions of his movements precludes his taking it."

    Kathy C

  12. In my opinion, I believe the Secret Service were more than complicit in the assassination. As a matter of fact, they weren't shielding him at all. In the Man in the Doorway photo, which Altgens claims he didn't take, you can see in the car, when resized large, that Kennedy had his hands to his throat and was in obvious pain. SS Driver Grer is looking back at Kennedy. It looks to me that he took his hands off the steering wheel and has his head close to the right of the limo. In the Z-film Kennedy suffers the fatal shot and Greer turns around and speeds off. It seems to me that the limo had to have stopped so someone from the Grassy Knoll could hit their target.

    The pantomime at Love Field of the agent starting to jog with the car and was told to get away from the limo by a higher Secret Service man. The SS man throws his arms up in mock despair. They had to know that there would be a camera trained on them. The Kennedys were alone in the limo. Something could have happened there. But the camera caught the scene -- I don't know who the cameraman was or for what news outlet he worked for. I'd say the SS allowed Kennedy to be shot. I blame them the most.

    Kathy C

  13. I agree, Dawn, he should be exonerated. However, on a Deep Political level, unfortunately, debating Sirhan's guilt or innocence only serves the perpetrator's agenda. It is a distraction from the larger picture. I would liken it to the reality that we all must face when we realize that the death of JFK or RFK, although tragic on a personal level, must take a back seat to the larger picture. The larger picture includes the fact that JFK, for example, was not killed for "personal" reasons. Their intent was not to murder "JFK" as a "person". Their intent was to murder the Executive Branch of our government. That was paramount to the agenda of the entity. He was never the target, the office of the POTUS was.

    I don't agree that they were not killing him as a person, but the Executive Branch of our government. HL Hunt, a John Bircher, Clint Murchison Jr, and others hated Kennedy. His joint chief of staff hated him. And those in the government did as well. The Secret Service must have hated him. Why would these factions make a film of it? Why kill him in public with his wife next to him? Why did it have to be so violent? That makes me feel that the Kennedy Assassination was a sort of thrill kill.

    Kathy C

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