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Kathleen Collins

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Posts posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. Seymour Hersh: Assassination Of JFK Was Form Of "justice"

    "Just didn't have the guts to put in writing what I came to believe… was an inevitable conclusion," he wrote.

    By James Kirchick

    BuzzFeed Contributor

    posted Apr 11, 2012 9:51am EDT


    [click on link to view Hersh letter]

    "There might have been some justice" in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, legendary investigative reporter Seymour Hersh said in a letter to a reader.

    Hersh made the shocking suggestion in 1998 correspondence with Albert Alioto, a San Francisco bus driver who had written to the New Yorker journalist about his controversial book about the Kennedy clan, The Dark Side of Camelot.

    "If your portraits of John and Robert Kennedy are essentially accurate, given the emphasis on assassination plotting," Alioto asked, "do you see any moral difference between the Kennedys and Oswald and Sirhan?" Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan were, respectively, the killers of JFK and his younger brother Robert.

    "The morality of JFK in comparison with Oswald and/or Sirhan," are "obvious questions," wrote Hersh — whose latest story for the New Yorker alleges that the United States is training members of an Iranian terrorist group in Nevada. The 35th president's backing of assassination attempts against Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, Hersh explained, meant that he was as immoral the men who took his and his brother's lives.

    "I just didn't have the guts to put in writing what I came to believe, as you do, was an inevitable conclusion," Hersh wrote of the death of a president, which he also called "terrible."

    Hersh appears to have taken Alioto's letter to be an endorsement of Kennedy's assassination as a form of payback for plotting against Castro, which Alioto said he didn't intend.

    "I was not trying to say that the assassinations of the Kennedys were a form of justice," Alioto, 58, wrote in a letter this year. (He shared the 1998 document after seeing this reporter's criticism of Hersh in the magazine Commentary.) "I didn't regard his book as 'essentially accurate.'" To stress his purely conjectural intentions, Alioto told Hersh that, on the subject of any moral equivalence between JFK, RFK and their assassins, "I ask the question purely out of curiosity."

    Hersh made his view clear: "You're right in believing, if that's what your letter suggested, that there might have been some justice — one reviewer wrote 'rough justice' -- in John F. Kennedy's terrible death by assassination, a means he had sought to end Fidel Castro's life."

    The Dark Side of Camelot, published in 1997, was enormously controversial for its thinly-sourced claims, and Hersh suffered professional embarrassment when it was revealed that he had been fooled by a series of fake documents bearing the late president's signature. Hersh was forced to remove mention of the papers from the book's galleys at the last minute. Hersh was initially able to parlay the documents into a television deal with NBC, which later pulled out over "creative differences" with Hersh and suspicions that the documents were fake. (Some of the book's then-scandalous claims about the slain president's promiscuity gained credence this year in a memoir published this year by one of Kennedy's former lovers, Mimi Alford.)

    According to Hersh, it was this widespread negative reaction to the book, and not any factual or moral misgivings, which prevented him from making the comparison between "Oswald and/or Sirhan" and JFK explicit. "I had enough trouble getting through the reviews and press comments on my book, and its very unpopular conclusions about Kennedy's presidency, without getting into the issue you raise," Hersh wrote.

    Asked about the letter, which appears to have been typed on a blank sheet of paper, Hersh did not deny authoring it but expressed surprise because he tends to write on New Yorker letterhead. He didn't reply to an email inquiry through a colleague that included a scan of the letter.

    James Kirchick is a fellow with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and a contributing editor for The New Republic and World Affairs Journal.

    There has never been proof that the Kennedys were going to kill Castro. The CIA was trying to do so -- exploding cigars, poison. He was not planning to kill Castro but his joint chiefs of staff wanted to and Kennedy was afraid they were going to send a missile to Cuba without letting him know. Kennedy was using back channels to Castro, trying to end the feud amicably. On November 25 he was going to sign a document that he was going to pull out all the "advisors" by December of 1964 -- ask Greg Burnham. He was not planning Castro's death. Right now, I think Castro is dead.

    So this was going to be a secret operation between the 2 brothers. I don't believe it. But the CIA and the Cuban-Exiles may have decided someone must leave and they turned around and killed Kennedy in the hope that Castro would be blamed and the military could do something to Castro. But Johnson and Hoover claimed LHO killed JFK. There was a cover-up. Johnson signed a document to put troops into Viet Nam.

    But the lingering question: Why didn't the Kennedys investigate what happened? Why? Fear of death?

    Kathy C

  2. I don't know what to think. Someone may have meant well. To me it's in bad taste. It's a doll of President Kennedy that is posed like the Thinker statue and is unclothed. I am selling figurines on eBay and that's how I found it. It's possible somebody may have bought it.

    Kathy C

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  3. They did absolutely nothing.

    I don't believe "turn around and look at the target" was in Greer's instruction manual, as an acceptable response to the sound of gunfire.

    You're absolutely correct. Greer pulled the car to the left (a certain researcher told me), stopped, took his hands off the wheel and tried to get a good look at Kennedy (Altgens photo - Man in the Doorway). Kennedy received 2 shots, one from the Grassy Knoll and possibly one from behind (Zapruder). Greer turned around and sped off in the limo as Hill was trying (successfully) to grab onto the back.

    Kathy C

  4. Agreed Pat, the shots certainly did not come from one direction, to be fair, when the top was off the xp 100, that left a roof support bar, behind the front seat, which the POTUS also used as a support bar when standing on parade.....Kellerman perhaps would have had to have been an olympic jumper to have cleared it and accessed the back seat.....b

    I agree.

    Kathy C

  5. I think it is very reasonable to assume that CIA operatives and CIA affiliated anti-Castro Cubans were involved in the JFK assassination.

    For example, "Dark Complected Man," DCM is an excellent candidate to have been an anti-Castro Cuban involved in the JFK assassination as as spotter for Grassy Knoll sniper(s). i bet there are anti-Castro Cuban CIA operatives who are alive TODAY in year 2012, who were involved in the JFK assassination.

    Read this article and you will understand the hatred of John Kennedy that still exists TODAY IN YEAR 2012 in the anti-Castro Cuban community. Imagine what their leaders thought in fall of 1963 as JFK and RFK were shutting down the paramilitary camps, while at the same time beginning back channel negotiations with Fidel Castro for normalization.

    The mood in the anti-Castro Cuban community towards JFK would have been and was incendiary.

    Here is Humberto Fontova's article on JFK dated 2/19/12


    "A President's Priorities (Mimi Alford)" by Humberto Fontova

    By Humberto Fontova Sunday, February 19, 2012

    Mimi Alford certainly has cause to regret her handling by President Kennedy. But while fornicating with the U.S. President in the White House, this teen-ager was never deceived by the President who remains the most popular in modern U.S. history.

    And Mrs Alford admits as much. "It's hard to say that it felt really good to be considered special—- but it did," she tells an interviewer. "I was 19 years old. He was just magnetic."

    Many widows living in south Florida feel differently about Kennedy's magnetism. You'll often find these ladies, with itchy noses and red-rimmed eyes, ambling amidst the long rows of white crosses at the Cuban Memorial in Miami. It's a mini-Arlington, in honor of Castro's murder victims and those who fell trying to free Cuba from the Stalinism he imposed with his Soviet overlords while the "Leader of the Free World" seemed oddly distracted.

    But the tombs are symbolic. Most of the bodies still lie in mass graves dug by bulldozers on the orders of Ted Turner's fishing buddy, Jimmy Carter and George Mc Govern's "old friend" and Barbara Walters' and Diane Sawyer's cuddle-bunny.

    Never heard of this Cuban Memorial in the mainstream media? Well, it honors the tens of thousands of Fidel Castro's and Che Guevara's victims. Need I say more about the media blackout?...didn't think so.

    Some of these ladies will be kneeling, others walking slowly, looking for a name. You remember a similar scene from the opening frames of Saving Private Ryan. Many clutch rosaries. Many of the ladies will be pressing their faces into the breast of a relative who drove them there, a relative who wraps his arms around her spastically heaving shoulders.

    Try as he might not to cry himself, he usually finds that the sobs wracking his mother, grandmother, sister or aunt are contagious. Yet he's often too young to remember the face of his martyred uncle or cousin - the name they just recognized on the white cross.

    "Killed in Action, Bay of Pigs April 18th 1961."

    Another woman will go home after placing flowers under her father's cross - a father she never knew. "Killed in action, Bay of Pigs, April 18th, 1961" also reads his cross. She was two at the time.

    "Where are the PLANES?" her father's commander yelled into his radio from the blood-soaked beachhead. "Send planes or we can't last!" he yelled while Soviet Howitzers decimated his horribly outnumbered men, Soviet tanks closed-in, and his casualties piled up.

    Meanwhile "The Leader of the Free World" seemed oddly distracted.

    "We must support anti-Castro fighters," these ladies had heard (candidate) Kennedy implore short months earlier during his debates with Richard Nixon. "So far these freedom fighters have received no help from our government," (candidate) Kennedy complained.

    Short weeks before the debates CIA chief Allen Dulles (on Ike's orders) had briefed Kennedy about Cuban invasion plans. And since the plans were secret, Kennedy knew Nixon couldn't rebut. And indeed, Vice President Nixon (the invasion's main booster, in fact) bit his tongue. He could easily have stomped Kennedy on it. But to some candidates national security trumps debating points.

    "We shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty!" these ladies heard from Kennedy mere minutes after he was elected "Leader of the Free World."

    Four months later, 1,500 of those very Cuban freedom-fighters that "we must support" were slugging it out 90 miles from U.S. shores against 31,000 Soviet-armed troops, squadrons of Stalin tanks and Castro's entire air force. The beachhead is now known as the Bay of Pigs.

    "We will NOT be evacuated!" yelled the commander of these ladies' dads and husbands into his radio. "We came here to fight!" He was responding to the enraged and heartsick CIA man who - upon realizing the magnitude of the betrayal from "The Leader of the Free World.'—was offering to evacuate the Cuban freedom-fighters from the doomed beachhead.

    "We don't want evacuation!" roared San Roman back into his radio. "Send planes! Send ammo! We came here to FIGHT!"

    The pleas made it to Navy Chief Admiral Arleigh Burke in Washington, D.C., who conveyed them in person to his commander-in-chief.

    "Two planes, Mr. President!" Admiral Burke sputtered into his commander-in-chief's face. The fighting admiral was livid, pleading for permission to allow just two of his jets to blaze off a U.S. carrier just offshore from the beachhead and support the desperately embattled freedom-fighters.

    "Burke, we can't get involved in this," replied Kennedy, who'd just emerged in a white tux from an elegant ball where he'd twirled a smiling Jackie around the dance-floor, to the coos, claps and twitters of the enchanted crowd.

    "WE put those Cuban boys there, Mr. President!" the fighting admiral exploded. "By God, we ARE involved!"' But Admiral Burke could not budge The Leader of the Free World from betraying his pledge to the freedom-fighters desperately battling Soviet Imperialism 90 miles from U.S. shores.

    The freedom-fighters were expending their last bullets as Lynch again offered to evacuate them. But San Roman again responded: "No!—This ends here!", his response was barely audible over the deafening blasts from the storm of Soviet artillery.

    "Can't continue," crackled the final message from San Roman a day later. For three days his force of mostly volunteer civilians had battled savagely against a Soviet-trained-and-led force 10 times theirs' size, inflicting casualties of 20 to 1. To this day their feat of arms amazes professional military men. "They fought magnificently—and they were NOT defeated!" stressed their trainer Marine Col. Jack Hawkins, a multi-decorated veteran of Bataan, Iwo Jima and Inchon. "They simply ran out of ammunition after being abandoned by their sponsor the U.S. Government."

    Morale will do that to a fighting force. And there's no morale booster like watching Soviet proxies Fidel Castro and Che Guevara ravage your homeland and families, believe me.

    Ammo finally ran out. "Russian tanks overrunning my position," reported San Roman on his radio… "destroying my equipment." Finally the radio went dead.

    "Tears filled my eyes," writes CIA man Grayston Lynch, a multi-decorated WWII and Korea vet who trained and befriended the Cuban freedom-fighters—and took their final message. "I broke down completely," writes the Silver Star-winner who carried scars from Omaha Beach, Bastogne and Korea's Heartbreak Ridge. "For the first time in my 37 years I was ashamed of my country."

    If instead of the above, it requires Mimi Alford's tabloid-gossip for some to finally feel ashamed of their nation's "leader" of the time…well, better (half-a-century) late than never.

    I am never ashamed of President Kennedy and whenever I see The Cuban, I want to punch him in the mouth. Signaling with his arm and fingers for the limo to stop.

    Has anyone here ever heard of a General San Genus? He was a survivor of the Bay of Pigs. The CIA kept him to do jobs for them. He changed his name to Jose Perdomo. On December 8, 1980 Jose was the security guard when John Lennon got shot and killed. This was while Reagan was president-elect. Jose said to the Creepy Guy, "What did you do?" Creepy Guy answered, "I just shot John Lennon," and dropped his gun. He wasn't the killer. I'm not blaming Reagan for this murder, but the people around him decided to off the ex-Beatle as he was usually on the phone with radical left-wingers and giving them money. Maybe Vice President George HW Bush had a hand in this. When Reagan was shot, George HW Bush may have been behind that too.

    Kathy C

  6. After many years of wanting to visit Dallas, I finally have the chance.

    What itinerary would you recommend for a two-day stay?

    Sixth Floor Museum, Dealey Plaza... any other locations?

    Please do not support Gary Mack. There is so much to do in Dallas without wasting your time at a location of lies and whose

    owners plan to take over Dealey Plaza on the 50th anniversary and drown out dissenting voices.

    Either you are on the side of truth or killers of truth.


    I suppose there's going to be a riot in Dealey Plaza. I wish I could go there for the 50th.

    Kathy C

  7. I never believed anything Clint Hill said or any of the other Secret Service man. They were complicit in the Kennedy Assassination as much as the shooters were, as much as the planners were. I think some of them should have been fired, especially with the pantomime that went on in Love Field. The Kennedys were sitting in the limo by themselves with no one protecting them. I wonder if there could have been shooters somewhere in Love Field. This SS man is about to start jogging next to the car (which, as yet, did not have a driver) when his boss from the next car told him to move away from the limo. The SS man throws his arms up, as if to reluctantly say, OK. It's possible someone was going to shoot the President at Love Field. Because the Secret Service man threw his arms up with such exaggeration. Someone was watching.

    Kathy C

    OR...they were bored men just trying to have some fun...

    FWIW, I have come to conclude that the men on Kennedy's detail were not involved in his killing, but that SS investigators Thomas Kelley and Elmer Moore were involved in the cover-up...

    I say this, in part, because so few of the original statements and testimony of the men on the detail support the single-assassin conclusion. Several, including Roy Kellerman and Emory Roberts, thought the last two shots were bunched together, so close together in fact that they couldn't even tell which of these two hit Kennedy. One, Paul Landis, admitted he'd thought the last shot could have come from the knoll.

    The WC's counsel was so worried about this, in fact, that Melvin Eisenberg dashed off a memo to the commissioners telling them that the recollections of the SS eyewitnesses were of no value, and should be rejected when they failed to support the single-assassin conclusion the commission had, quite clearly, already decided upon.

    Now, would they have done this if these agents were in on the plot? I doubt it.

    I still think it stinks. All the SS in the Queen Mary did nothing, except Clint Hill. Bored men who want fun? I guess participating in a presidential assassination was a real drag.

    Kathy C

  8. Lets compare three areas of extreme controversy within Mary's Mosaic. 1) the alleged meeting with Leary 2) the breakdown of Phillip Graham at the Jan 1963 Publishers Convention and 3) the night of her death summary btw. RFK and Marilyn Monroe

    In the first two the author clearly acknowledges the controversy and, to his credit, attempts to present different points of view and illuminate their sources. Now it could be that this overview of the different views is loaded with a straw dog presentation of "the critics" of Janney's view. I will need to reread the sections and compare them more closely to other accounts to answer that question.

    However, what really stands out #3. The allegations about RFK and Marilyn are so flimsy, short and based on only one source. Given that they very strongly suggest a direct role of RFK in her death, it is kind of like a drive by shooting of RFK.

    More and more I have wondered about the incredible lack of interest in the RFK assassination. This is especially true given the incredible number of people interested in the JFK assassination. The combined effect of both assassinations has been to turn the Democrats into The Other Republicans. Given this common result of both assassinations in tandem, how does one explain how so many who are interested in JFK and spend so much time there, have no time at all in the RFK hit.

    Even among JFK researchers who seem so keenly aware of media distortion and Mockingbird Droppings re JFK seem completely uncritical when doing drive by allegations about RFK. Don't get me wrong. I am not objecting to Janney's right to make these allegations re RFK. What I am objecting to is overwhelming chasm between the seriousness of the charges and the amount of evidence and perspective offered in evaluating these charges.

    The RFK assassination is so often shorn of its political context when it is mentioned at all. I recommend the book In His Own Right by Palermo. This book is tied with JFK and the Unspeakable for the most important cure for the US' current woes. It shows more clearly than any other just how huge a difference there was between RFK's multi-faceted California campaign WHICH INCLUDED CLEAR CLASS ISSUES AND THREATENED TO BRING IN WHAT THE UPPER CLASS WITHIN THE PARTY DEEMED "THE GREAT UNWASHED"--and , on the other hand, Gene McCarthy's upper middle class college campaign. Such purity is Lagley's scrubbing bubbles, a temporary finger in the damn until Dow resumed napalming Vietnamese kids. Of course the left is diverted from this connection, with the most flagrant lies about RFK.

    I am beginning to wonder if there is not even deliberate disinformation about RFK even among those who are Pro-conspiracy re JFK. That is just how important the RFK assassination is seeming to me right now, and until I find an answer about why it is so ignored all I can do is ponder strange discrepancies such as between 1and 2 v 3.

    "for a bore is a straight line

    that finds a wealth in division"

    The strategy of disinformation used by the CIA in media about the assassinations is not one huge lie but onion-skin style lying, with shared truths diminishing until there are a million sub-groups screaming at each other. Intenet and cable replacing the older three network scenario is good for that approach. http://www.amazon.co...o/dp/0231120699

    Excellent post. Here are a few things I know. Marilyn Monroe had been in a psychiatric ward in 1961 and left feeling better and lost some weight. Joe DiMaggio took her to the Atlantic Ocean. She bought a very small house and property. She lived in a cul de sac. There was no security. She was having an affair with the President and conceded to RFK's wish for her to sing Happy Birthday to his brother in Madison Square Garden. RFK and MM were in her dressing room alone. Someone said she was messy looking and the hair had to be done over when RFK exited her room. There was a man standing by and RFK said to him, "I hate dealing with that bitch."

    The following day, when it was in the papers and all over the news, that Marilyn only had sequins on and sang Happy Birthday with a lot of sexual appeal, RFK told the President he had to cut off the relationship. It looked bad. So the man who asked her to sing to John Kennedy was also the man whose mind changed about MM.

    She couldn't get through to the White House. She started to call the Justice Dept. RFK tried to appease the situation by talking to studio bosses. She had been fired. He was in California to make a movie of the book he wrote called "The Enemy Within." And he also talked to her psychiatrist, "Romey" Ralph Greenson. Allegedly, she was going to squeal to the press. RFK probably wanted Greenson to calm her down somehow. So he was at her house a number of times.

    Robert Slatzer was not the first to bring up RFK and MM. Frank Capell wrote a thick pamphlet that came out in 1964. This writer alleged that Marilyn Monroe was surrounded by Jews and Communists; and that she was having an affair with left-thinking RFK. It was a book of insinuations. Like 30 year old Pat Newcomb, Monroe's press agent. They insinuated that she was a lesbian because she wasn't married. When Marilyn died, the Kennedys took Pat Newcomb up to Hyannis for a vacation. Then gave her a job about motion pictures, located down the hall from RFK. Again, insinuations. The book that came out in 1964 was to discredit RFK. Somehow it was surpressed. But I got a copy of it from The Sons of Liberty, whoever they are. Unfortunately, all my movie star books are with my brother in another state.

    RFK was at her house the day she died. He was supposed to be in Gilroy, CA at Bate's Ranch. Photos exist. One photo was taken at 9:30 am of RFK with his family going to church. Monroe's death was announced around 5 a.m. He apparently flew in a helicopter back to Gilroy. If anyone could ruin a presidency, he could. Did he have an affair with MM? I don't think so.

    Kathy C

  9. Thanks for the excerpts, Bernice. Either Hill is no longer in control of his faculties, or he has chosen to add entirely new, hightly contradictory testimony at this late stage, which shockingly just happens to buttress the lone assassin nonsense. Yeah, I'm sure we all believe that they took the time to explain the wounds to a Secret Service agent. And isn't that high "neck" wound in the rear convenient?

    It's despicable for Hill to have something like this published in his name. Does he really think none of us are aware of the historical record?

    I never believed anything Clint Hill said or any of the other Secret Service man. They were complicit in the Kennedy Assassination as much as the shooters were, as much as the planners were. I think some of them should have been fired, especially with the pantomime that went on in Love Field. The Kennedys were sitting in the limo by themselves with no one protecting them. I wonder if there could have been shooters somewhere in Love Field. This SS man is about to start jogging next to the car (which, as yet, did not have a driver) when his boss from the next car told him to move away from the limo. The SS man throws his arms up, as if to reluctantly say, OK. It's possible someone was going to shoot the President at Love Field. Because the Secret Service man threw his arms up with such exaggeration. Someone was watching.

    Kathy C

  10. Technically, this topic is not about the Assassination of John F. Kennedy. But in a way it is. If this bill passes it will destroy this site and the Internet in general. Called Cybersecurity.

    Even Worse Than SOPA: New CISPA Cybersecurity Bill Will Censor The Web Tuesday, April 03, 2012 18:58:18 ShareAn onrush of condemnation and criticism kept the SOPA and PIPA acts from passing earlier this year, but US lawmakers have already authored another authoritarian bill that could give them free reign to creep the Web in the name of cybersecurity.

    As congressmen in Washington consider how to handle the ongoing issue of cyberattacks, some legislators have lent their support to a new act that, if passed, would let the government pry into the personal correspondence of anyone of their choosing.

    H.R. 3523, a piece of legislation dubbed the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (or CISPA for short), has been created under the guise of being a necessary implement in America's war against cyberattacks. But the vague verbiage contained within the pages of the paper could allow Congress to circumvent existing exemptions to online privacy laws and essentially monitor, censor and stop any online communication that it considers disruptive to the government or private parties. Critics have already come after CISPA for the capabilities that it will give to seemingly any federal entity that claims it is threatened by online interactions, but unlike the Stop Online Privacy Act and the Protect IP Acts that were discarded on the Capitol Building floor after incredibly successful online campaigns to crush them, widespread recognition of what the latest would-be law will do has yet to surface to the same degree.

    Kendall Burman of the Center for Democracy and Technology tells RT that Congress is currently considering a number of cybersecurity bills that could eventually be voted into law, but for the group that largely advocates an open Internet, she warns that provisions within CISPA are reason to worry over what the realities could be if it ends up on the desk of President Barack Obama. So far CISPA has been introduced, referred and reported by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and expects to go before a vote in the first half of Congress within the coming weeks.

    "We have a number of concerns with something like this bill that creates sort of a vast hole in the privacy law to allow government to receive these kinds of information," explains Burman, who acknowledges that the bill, as written, allows the US government to involve itself into any online correspondence, current exemptions notwithstanding, if it believes there is reason to suspect cyber crime. As with other authoritarian attempts at censorship that have come through Congress in recent times, of course, the wording within the CISPA allows for the government to interpret the law in such a number of degrees that any online communication or interaction could be suspect and thus unknowingly monitored.

    In a press release penned last month by the CDT, the group warned then that CISPA allows Internet Service Providers to "funnel private communications and related information back to the government without adequate privacy protections and controls.

    The bill does not specify which agencies ISPs could disclose customer data to, but the structure and incentives in the bill raise a very real possibility that the National Security Agency or the DOD's Cybercommand would be the primary recipient," reads the warning.

    The Electronic Frontier Foundation, another online advocacy group, has also sharply condemned CISPA for what it means for the future of the Internet. "It effectively creates a 'cybersecurity'' exemption to all existing laws," explains the EFF, who add in a statement of their own that "There are almost no restrictions on what can be collected and how it can be used, provided a company can claim it was motivated by 'cybersecurity purposes.'"

    What does that mean? Both the EFF and CDT say an awfully lot. Some of the biggest corporations in the country, including service providers such as Google, Facebook, Twitter or ATT, could copy confidential information and send them off to the Pentagon if pressured, as long as the government believes they have reason to suspect wrongdoing. In a summation of their own, the Congressional Research Service, a nonpartisan arm of the Library of Congress, explains that "efforts to degrade, disrupt or destroy" either "a system or network of a government or private entity" is reason enough for Washington to reach in and read any online communiqué of their choice.

    The authors of CISPA say the bill has been made "To provide for the sharing of certain cyber threat intelligence and cyber threat information between the intelligence community and cybersecurity entities," but not before noting that the legislation could be used "and for other purposes," as well — which, of course, are not defined.

    "Cyber security, when done right and done narrowly, could benefit everyone," Burman tells RT. "But it needs to be done in an incremental way with an arrow approach, and the heavy hand that lawmakers are taking with these current bills . . . it brings real serious concerns."

    So far CISPA has garnered support from over 100 representatives in the House who are favoring this cybersecurity legislation without taking into considerations what it could do to the everyday user of the Internet. And while the backlash created by opponents of SOPA and PIPA has not materialized to the same degree yet, Burman warns Congress that it could be only a matter of time before concerned Americans step up to have their say.

    "One of the lessons we learned in the reaction to SOPA and PIPA is that when Congress tries to legislate on things that are going to affect Internet users' experience, the Internet users are going to pay attention," says Burman. H.R. 3523, she cautions, "Definitely could affect in a very serious way the internet experience." Luckily, adds Burman, "People are starting to notice." Given the speed that the latest censorship bill could sneak through Congress, however, anyone concerned over the future of the Internet should be on the lookout for CISPA as it continues to be considered on Capitol Hill.

    This comes from Before It's News.

    Kathy C

  11. The National Enquirer is where Janney belongs. From my article "Beware the Douglas, Janney. Simkin SIlver Bullets"

    As I said, Peter Janney entered the picture after Damore died. His father had worked for the CIA, and he had been friends with Michael Meyer, a son of Mary and her husband, Cord Meyer. He has in recent years put together Damore's research and is now marketing s script called Lost Light based on Meyer's life and death. From what I have read about it, it should be a real doozy, right up there with Robert Slatzer's Marilyn and Me.

    I can't contain it. I would think you people would know better. The late Robert Slatzer was a disinformationalist. I bet someone paid him to say the things he says. And the book was actually written by somebody else, as Slatzer couldn't write. The book practically indicts Robert Kennedy as a suspect in the murder. And there was no red "diary" that he told Marilyn to toss away. If Bobby knew she had such a thing, he would take it himself and destroy it. He wouldn't rely on her. He wasn't stupid.

    Slatzer was a fan of M. Monroe. He met her while she was making "Niagara." They had a few pictures taken of them against the Falls. It was nothing more than that. He really spread his anti-Kennedy sentiment far and wide. In later years he embellished and made up things. Like he was on the set of "Something's Got to Give" during her birthday party and took a photo of her that is actually from a costume test. One of Fox's still photographers took the picture. His biggest scam was that he married MM down in Mexico but had no record of it. The man who married them burned the certificate and poor Slatzer couldn't prove a marriage. But he said Kid Chisell was their witness. When Kid Chisell was on his death bed a reporter asked him if he witnessed a marriage between Slatzer and Monroe. He said, "I was only trying to help a friend."

    The studio had her down as being on set that day and working. John Gilmore wrote a book about Marilyn and called Slatzer an out and out xxxx. Slatzer was on the Niagara location set everyday. After awhile Monroe just ignored him.

    Someone killed her either by accident or on purpose. But not Bobby Kennedy. He was trying to help her and keep her away from the President. I doubt she felt love for him. His brother was the big draw.

    Kathy C

  12. Oswald, of course, was being impersonated in Mexico by someone who looked and sounded nothing like him. My guess it was a crude attempt by the CIA to pin the JFK assassination on Oswald in order to blame it on Cuba or Russia.

    Thank you for telling me the significance of Oswald in Mexico right before the Assassination.

    Kathy C

  13. Yes. It's simple. "Harvey and Lee" is 100% BS. It accepts every story of Oswald now matter what, or from who and puts one set of actions by Oswald in the Lee column and one in a Harvey column. No story is ever addressed as being A.) a lie or B.) someone who was not Oswald at all. Armstrong's knowledge of the entire case is tissue thin. He accepts things that if he was an educated man he'd reject.

    No thought is given to the reality that Oswald did not kill Tippit.

    And as for going "home," to 1026 N. Beckley "he" whether you want to call him Lee or Harvey DOES NOT GO THERE TO CHANGE HIS CLOTHES. Actually, if you follow the Mary Bledsoe story Oswald did not change his clothes at all when he went to 1026 N. Beckley. The WC said this. I went into this on my blog. Here's the relevant portion from - http://justiceforken...ry-bledsoe.html

    But, there's are several problems with Bledsoe recognizing Oswald by his shirt. He's wearing a blue jacket according to McWatters and Jones over that shirt. So, how does she see torn off buttons and a hole near the elbow? This sounds like the shirt Oswald was wearing when arrested in the Texas Theatre, and matches the description of what we see in the TV coverage when he's under arrest and brought up and down those hallways. But, he went home and changed his shirt. So, he's supposed to be wearing a different shirt than what Bledsoe claims she saw him wearing on the bus. She shouldn't be shown the shirt he was arrested in, but the one he wore before, that he had on while on the bus

    [ Point # 65 ] Oswald going to 1026 North Beckley and changing his clothes gets a rewrite too!

    The brown shirt and grey trousers are listed on F. M. Turner exhibit #1, Volume 21, page 679, the last two items on the page.

    Now wait a minute, didn't Oswald change his shirt at 1026 N. Beckley? See the problem? If Oswald was wearing a ripped and torn shirt all day, though only Bledsoe saw it, and Oswald goes home and changes his shirt, how come he's still wearing the ripped and torn shirt when arrested? Or are there supposed to be two pairs of brown shirts and two grey trousers? Oops.

    Moreover, Oswald told Captain Fritz that during his brief visit to his room he had changed his trousers and his shirt, "because they were dirty," and that he placed them "In the lower drawer of his dresser." (WCR 604-605, 622) The police officers who searched the room did not indicate on the police property list that discarded trousers and shirt were found there. So, where did they go?

    "Nevertheless, the Commission asserts on the strength of Mrs. Bledsoe's testimony and the bus transfer found on Oswald that "although Oswald...claimed to have changed his shirt, the evidence indicates that he continued wearing the same shirt he was wearing all morning and which he was still wearing when arrested."

    (from Meagher p. 80, quoting WCR 124-125)

    There are witnesses that say Oswald did pay for his ticket.

    Yes, there are reports of an arrest in the balcony of the Texas theatre and reports of someone being taken out the back. But, there is no reason to believe this is a second Oswald.

    Don't try to sort this case out from Armstrong's book. It can't be done.

    Joe Backes

    I respect everyone's opinion. I think Oswald was Russian. Also I remember that Bledsoe noted that Oswald was sitting on the bus in black pants with white paint stains on them.

    And who the hell is Donald O. Norton? A figment of someone's imagination? On the Internet I found he owned a fishing gear store, lived about 2 hours from me. He chartered boats up and down the Atlantic Coast of Florida. I was told he was Lee Oswald. He didn't look like Oswald to me. And that his signature was similar to LHO's. Also his shop became a tourist attraction. He upped and left.

    Kathy C

  14. In Harvey and Lee by John Armstrong, after Kennedy is killed, Lee came down the path of the TSBD and got into a green rambler and was probably driven off to Redbird Airport. But next JD Tippit was killed, possibly by Lee and Lee ends up in the Texas Theater's balcony.

    Meantime, Harvey gets home, changes his clothes. A cop car stops in front of the boarding house and beeps its horn twice. Officer Tippit is killed. Harvey retreats to the Texas Theater, doesn't pay for his ticket and someone calls the cops. The police show up and arrest Harvey. A riot ensues outside. He is taken in as the culprit.

    Meanwhile, Lee is taken out by 2 cops quietly, using the back door and we never hear from him again.

    How can he get into a rambler, yet wind up in a theater? I thought the car was supposed to take him to an airport.

    Can anyone make sense out of this?

    Kathy C

  15. Has anyone read Nixon's Darkest Secrets by Don Fulsom? According to James Rosen in today's Boston Globe, Fulsom says Nixon was the "mastermind of assassinations". He also states that "Fulsom is the only chronicler of the Nixon presidency (1969-74) to spend more time on Lee Harvey Oswald than on Dwight D. Eisenhower".

    I wouldn't go that far as to say, Nixon was the "mastermind of assassinations". What assassinations are they talking about? Nixon did help in creating an assassination squad that I'm sure took orders from their handlers, it all works through a channel, and by 1968 Nixon kicked out the thirty remaining CIA assets and kept them from infiltrating into Cuba, Nixon never really liked the Cuban people, so could Nixon have said he would have done things differently had he won against Kennedy in the 1960 elections when it came to the Bay of Pigs and US military? I'm sure he did to save his own skin, however, it would have been easier to pass the buck so to say to Kennedy, then eliminate Robert Kennedy so Nixon would win his presidential election term as he sought to run against RFK. Nixon may have wanted someone assassinated and pass on certain information, but one is never to close to any operation to get caught.

    I don't believe that Nixon was eager for the Kennedy assassination. I think a contract of sorts was made out the night before. The assassination was already planned. Clint Murchison Jr held a meeting at his Dallas home. Hoover was there, as was Tolson, Nixon, and lastly, Johnson. I think everyone in that room was against Kennedy, except, cruelly, Richard Nixon. There was nothing for him to do but say nothing. He himself could be in danger. I think if anyone broke that contract they were performing suicide. Nixon's wife, daughters and Checkers would all be in trouble.

    Now the reason I say this is because a photo exists of Nixon in an airport (Dallas or Idlewild?) on 11-22-63. He either knows that Kennedy's dead or he expects to hear so. I'm sure he had a few drinks. He looks like he's crying. He and Kennedy had run against each other in 1960. Now one knew about the death of another and could not stop it. IMHO, I don't think Nixon was a part of the assassination. He just had no choice.

    His Moon Walk Hoax in 1969, I believe, was a secret gesture toward the dead John Kennedy who wanted a man on the moon in "this decade."

    If Nixon disliked Cubans, why did he hang out with Bebe Rebozo? I thought he was Cuban.

    Kathy C

    post-5645-081055300 1333004263_thumb.jpg

  16. "Citizens for Truth about the Kennedy Assassination" actually has the audacity to expect us to think that George H. W. Bush is not involved significantly with the murder of JFK. All despite

    1. Bush's lack of memory regarding 11/22/63. WE born after 1958) ALL REMEMBER WHAT WE ATE FOR LUNCH THAT DAY!

    2. Bush's failure of recollection when fingering James Parrot as a possible killer 75 MINUTES AFTER THE ASSASSINATION OF JFK!!! To believe that Bush couldn't remember the murder being only slightly more believable that forgetting his call to FBI. Either memory lapse is absolutely impossible. Doubt this? Ask yourself how many times have you called the FBI and forgotten the matter...

    See: http://www.veteranst...ng1-531x640.jpg

    3. Bush's first attempt at making a jive ass alibi by saying he was in Tyler, TX at the Rotary Club meeting when receiving the news of Kennedy's death. In fact he might have even pulled off that cheap lie too except.. Except that his statements are too obtuse. He couldn't have made the statements he claims because at the alleged 1:30 speech he cancelled due to "respect for the murdered president" (loose quote) simply doesn't fit. Couldn't have happened.

    4. The TWO PICTURES of Bush which show up in Dallas at the time of the murder. One directly outside the Texas School Book Depository" Here's one:


    5. Bush's foolish decision to take up talk of the Kennedy assassination during a speech at President Gerald Ford's funeral. Almost breaks out in a belly laugh after mentioned the term "deluded gunman" at:20 seconds here:

    What's so funny about the murder of a president George?

    6. Other You can find George H. W. Bush at the heart of the murder of JFK in many more ways. Leaving a trail a mile wide but only five ft. long. From George Demorenshildt to E. Howard Hunt You hardly have to scratch the surface. Bush turns up around the corner time and time again. Like the fictional character Forrest Gump he's EVERYWHERE. [/Quote]

    I'm afraid #4 is wrong. I always believed that was him until someone posted this picture of the man from behind and to the right. He's got too much hair. I attached this file.

    Kathy C

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  17. I know there must be some other threads on this forum re: Redbird Airport, or Wayne January, and other related topics, and I'd appreciate if anybody could locate them and call them up to see what they say.

    In any case, Redbird airport has come up a few times in various areas, and I'm interested in all of them, but from what I remember, January said that somebody had approached him about leasing a plane, and Oswald or an Oswald look-a-like was in the car.

    Then January told others that a privately owned large MATS cargo plane was sold on the day of the assassination and one of those pilots connected with the sale made a remark about JFK's impending assassination on the morning of the assassination, and then confirming that he had predicted it later on in the day.

    I've also heard a story about a small private plane, its engines running, was seized and confiscated by federal authorities on the day of the assassination, then placed under armed guard for a few days. Has anybody heard anything about this incident?

    Now we have confirmation that Collins Radio had a private hanger at Redbird, and set up a special radio communications facility there that was in direct radio communications with the airport near Collins Radio HQ at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, aka "Liberty" station.

    In addition, Carl Mather's boss at Collins Radio, when asked what Mather and his car would be doing in Oak Cliff on the afternoon of the assassination, mentioned that since Oak Cliff is between Richardson, home of Collins in Texas, and Redbird Airport, where Collins had special facilities, maybe Mather was enroute between the two places.

    In any case, I now have a renewed interest in Redbird Airport, and would appreciate any info anybody has on the subject.

    Beginning with the question of whether Wayne January is still alive, and are there any photos of the Collins Radio hanger/base station at Redbird.



    Blogger: Dashboard

    You probably have seen this. It's about Redbird Airport and it has a picture of the landing strip:


  18. I have been asked to start a new thread on JFK movies from Youtube?

    I wish someone at a TV network or Life magazine or the military would put The Other Film on youtube. Someone must have access to it. What are they waiting for? Just release it. Most intelligent people believe there was a conspiracy, but there is nothing we can do about something that happened 49 years ago. Show us the film. Did H.L. Hunt have it?

    Kathy C

    I thought the other film was just a rumor / urban myth? You're talking about what others call the 'real zapruder' film correct? Unedited version where you see the entire car stop and he get shot form the front with back of head blown out? If it exists, who's seen it but a handful of people. I would imagine somebody owns it in a private collection and we'll never see it.

    There was a researcher named Rich Dellarosa, now deceased, who saw the other film 3 times. Twice when he was in the service and once on a college campus. This was not the Zapruder film. This was a different film. You could see the turn on Elm St, where I think someone tried to shoot Kennedy. You see how slow they were going. Then there's the limo stop and I think Secret Serice agents rushed to see if they could help Kennedy. All raced to Parkland. When the limo stopped, Kennedy received at least 2 shots, from the back and from the front which were lethal. That's the best of what I remember him telling me.

    There's also another gentleman on this forum who saw the film once, possibly on a college campus. The film was shot from a similar viewpoint of Zapruder's. But it's a mystery how or where the camera was.

    Kathy C

  19. In searching for the sources of the available information of L. Robert Castorr, I came

    upon this book. Isn't it odd that no "snippets" are available on google books, and

    that the scan has so many garbled words and wierd symbols. One could almost

    suspect that this work is reluctantly made available....I said almost!

    It was a chore to extract this sample of Joesten's wrting, but I was impressed by what

    Joesten has to offer and I've read that John Simkin was, also.

    My question to this learned group is whether any of the following leads have been well documented

    as misleading or inaccurate. I am aware that Tim Gratz seemed as convinced that Joesten was a commie

    plant as he was that Ronald Reagan was not mostly acting the part of US president.

    I found six pages of search results of past posts, displaying the term, "Joesten", and I read

    through most of them before posting here. Pardon me, please if the excerpts below have been posted before.


    The case against Lyndon B. Johnson in the assassination of President Kennedy‎

    by Joachim Joesten - 1967 - 160 pages

    Page 20

    Talking to a confidant, he vowed to smash the CIA and scatter its bits to the


    But the CIA, which has its oyes and ears everywhere, was quicker on the draw.

    Not only did the CIA hate Kennedy, but it loved Lyndon B. Johnson.

    There iias a miш who who had alwaya stood up for "free enterprise,"

    meaning tho oil interests and big business in general.

    А man secretly pledged to escalating the war in Vietnam as soon as he got into the

    the driver's seat and to make Latin America safe for military dictatorship.

    А man who could be relied upon to dispose of Sukarno end restore Indonesia to oil

    company control. A aan who would lot the Invisible Government run tho country visibly.

    Por all the hush-hush atmosphere that surrounds this nefarious organisation,

    the doninant role played by the CIA in the assassination of President Kennedy is

    self-evident. It is apparent at all levels of the drana- Lea Harvey Oswald was,

    without a shadow of doubt, on operative of the CIA.

    His vtothor, Mrs. Marguerite Oswald, has foriiclly stated net jast her belief,

    but her knowledge that her son had been in

    the employ of the US Governmsnt as an undorcover agent. More importantly still,

    every pharc of Oswald's etay in the Soviet Union, overy lino of his correspondence with

    American authorities, every action of his aftor his repatriation (in particular, of course,

    the dazzling speed with which he obtained a new passport ia New Orleans)

    clearly bespeak auch a relationship. All this is described in abundant detail in нy

    book farina Osnyald ar.d noed not be recapitulated hero. The ovidonco is overwhelming

    that Oswald was recruited by the CIA while he was in the Marine Corps; that he tried hard

    to ploass hie taskmasters, but bungled every assignment given to hi.vu \ and that, for that reason,

    ho was sacrificed in tho eaá whoa a scapegoat was needed to take the blene for the assassination

    of President Kennedy- Jack Ruby, too, worked for the CIA, evon though to hin this wr.a ouly a sideline,

    for he was first and foremost on authentic nobster on tho Mafie. payroll.

    (Row nany of its low-level operatives tho CIA rocruits

    from tho dregs of the undorworld has also been strikingly

    demonstrated by the Garrison investigation in New Orleans).

    Ruby's connection with the CIA, especially rs paymaster for underground

    opеrations against Castro, has been expo s 3d wit я. dazzling clarity by

    the deposition of Nancy Perrin Rich beforo tho V/arron CoMmiasion -

    which promptly suppressed every word of it,

    at any rate as far as the Iteport 1л concerned.

    This mat tar has been fully dealt with by mэ in Oa^J.djjrhe

    JTruth and again, therefore, needs not to be roc-?pitulate:l hero. One point o"f "interest,

    hoiraver, should bs Added. In her testimony before the Cotar.ission, Il.rs.

    Rich described in graphic detail a semi-clandestine meeting in Dallas, not long

    before tho assassination, st which arrangements

    were discussed for smuggling cans and ammunition into Cuba and taking rsf^

    gcos our from that country. To this ond, £l Nancy's former husband,

    Page 21

    Robert Perrin, was to pilot a snall boat

    between Miami and .the Cuban coast and he гсas to receive & l0,000 for hia

    servicec Thoro was some argument about the price (Nancy wanted ¿Í 25000)

    and then allof a sudden, Ruby walked in with e. big wallet bulging in his

    breastpocket. Nancy knew Huby well, for she had boon working at one of

    his clubs as a bartender and "E-girl." It was clear to the witness that the operation was

    planned that the operation was planned and financed by a colonel whoa she was able to

    describo but whose namе she did not know. The witness also gathered ESE

    from remarhs made at the meeting that the military supplies that iiere to be run into

    Cuba were being secretly taken from Army stocka Cthis fits in

    neatly with similar in formation obtained later by Garrison's; investigators).

    The whole thins, thus, smells CIA operation a mil o away.

    Now, one of the many correspondents personally unknown to ne who wrote to me aftav

    the publication of Oswald .: ^Assassin ,_oг_ Fall Guy? to volunteer

    additional inforr.ation has boen able to identify this

    myatorious colonel. He is Col. Robert L. Castorr,

    formerly of Dallas, and a close friend of General Edwin A. Walker.

    In the period immediately preceding the assassination,

    Castorr and iYolker held paveral neetings with Cuban. refugee groups

    in the Dallas area at which inflamnatory speeches

    against the Kennedy Administration were made. After the assassination, Col.

    Castor:: moved to Washington whore ho is now enployed by tho

    "IJational Federation of Independent Businesses." His hone is at 451l 33rd Street,

    Worth Arlington, Virginia. It is to be hoped that District Attorney Garrison

    7/Îll do something the Warren Conuiiasion should have done but, cls usual, failed to do:

    subpoena Colonel Colonel Castorr and grill him relentlessly about his

    and General 'Volker 's role in the events that led up to the assassination.

    A final word, about Nancy's fir et husband, Robert Forrin.

    Lilvo Ruby, ho was aliving link be two en tho Mafia and the CIA. Perrin, like Ruby,

    was a dope smuggler and white slaver for the Mafia (Jack

    Dragna, Mickey Cohen otc.) on one hand, and a gun-runner for the CIA on tho other.

    Soon after the assassination of President Kennedy, Perrin died in Hew Orleans, of all placei?


    The case against Lyndon B. Johnson in the assassination of President Kennedy‎

    by Joachim Joesten - 1967 - 160 pages

    In the voluminous fan uail which I received after the publication of Oswald^

    Assassin^ or Fall Gujy? there siso сanе a curious pamphlet entitled "L3J~^ ~\ Political Biography.

    Published by "Liberty Lobby, " a notorious right-wing outfit, this pamphlet

    would not normally have retained my attention, except for the eye-catching

    unsigned note attached to it. This note read: "If you wish to broaden your

    speculations on GUI БСfЮ? - Read this! "

    So I read the pamphlet which turned out to be an extract from the book

    » А Те у an looks at Lyndon , " by J. Evetts Haley. I lost no time getting

    hold of a copy of the complete book which is sub-titled:

    A STUDY IN ILLEGITIMATE POUEii. Although it was written by an

    arch-Conservative and, curiously enough, a pal of the ultra-Right leader,

    General Edwin A. Walkev, I found this book, published in semi-clandestinity

    by the author himself (Th o Palo lu.ro Press

    , Canyon, Texas) utterly absorbing, Haley, a 66-year-old rancher, hi. s toran

    and politician (^grgn3uccessfully ran fov Governor of Texas in l956)

    kno'.-.-sa great desl about the antecedents, background and character of his fallow

    countryman from Texas, Lyr.dc n В- Johnson, than ever transpirsd into public knowledge.

    His unfle. ....

    That was one tough read. Either his typing is poor or he's dyslexic. No wonder it's self-published.

    Kathy C

  20. A side note per the JFK investigation. My brother Alfie was a crack pool player who hung at the Cotton Bowling Palace in Dallas. It was a hub of nightlife and frequented by Jack Ruby. Alfie figured the feds would swoop down on the Cotton Bowling Palace and investigate all the known Ruby associates. No fed ever showed. It was as if an investigation was not necessary and they already knew everything they needed to know.

    I knew throwing away my radio was a good thing.”

    George Taylor

    Postscript from George:

    “I was heading east...the ranch to my left to the north.. The Lincoln was heading southeast at an angle and we made eye contact as he pulled in front of me. If he [Lyndon Johnson] was not high [drunk] he was doing a great W C Fields impersonation. GT”

    Robert, I just want to say how much I appreciate your work.

    Then I'd like you to explain how Ruby used to go to the Cotton Bowling Palace and Alfie was afraid the Feds were going to raid them. What did Alfie know about the Feds and Ruby? This can only be before he shot LHO. I know he was a drug runner and weapons runner, but how did Alfie know this?

    Kathy C

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