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Kathleen Collins

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Everything posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. Castro was a communist dictator. He was our enemy and he was physicaly close to us. The people of Cuba live in fear. Look what little Elian Gonzalez went through. I'm sure he's working on a farm now, when he could have been free in America. I am convinced Castro is dead -- and for a long time now. Popping him off in 1963 may have relieved the Cuban people. Instead the guns turned around and took Kennedy out. Would you like to live in Cuba under Castro? I'd rather see him dead. Kathy C Sorry Kath. I completely and utterly disagree with 90% of your message. The 10% I do agree with is your name at the bottom. Edited: anger taken out Anger over what? Basically, I think we should stay out of other countries' business. But there are exceptions. About 2 years ago I read 2 books dealing with the Assassination. They said that the Kennedy brothers were going to assassinate Castro on Dec. 1, 1963. I don't know how true that was. Brothers says Bobby Kennedy was working with a group of Cuban Exiles, without his brother knowing, to kill Castro. With Castro dead, maybe the Cubans could have their land back. Castro had nuclear missiles. He was dangerous to this country. Did you feel bad when Saddam Hussein died (even though he didn't have weapons of mass destruction)? Would you like to live with him as a ruler? What about Adolph Hitler? Would you let that continue? Maybe you ought to go to Anger Management classes. Kathy C
  2. The problem is Judyth is an expert researcher. Couldn't she have read the WC Document and memorized book titles? Kathy C
  3. Dean: I have both prosecuted and defended murders. If the person was injected with a substance that could foreseeably result in the death of that person then all people who participated in the process leading to the injection and knew that it would be injected into someone would be principals in the crime and intent could be implied and even first degree (premeditated) murder could be found. It would be if you started firing a machine gun into a crowd of people and afterwards saying you didn't mean to kill anyone. Even a reckless act without intent could result in manslaughter, or 2nd degree murder. The question is whether a person believed that such an act could lead to the death of the person. If JVB reasonably believed it could and participated then Jack is right. At the least, her failure to report the incident could make her an accessory after the fact. Doug Weldon I believe it was murder if they were planning to inject cancer into someone (a defenseless mental patient). Judyth should have known that the human being being experimented on was getting a concoction of the cancer causing cells she was making. She was, in effect, a murderer. What good exists in injecting that substance into a person? They wanted to see if it worked well enough to kill the patient. And it did. Kathy C
  4. Castro was a communist dictator. He was our enemy and he was physicaly close to us. The people of Cuba live in fear. Look what little Elian Gonzalez went through. I'm sure he's working on a farm now, when he could have been free in America. I am convinced Castro is dead -- and for a long time now. Popping him off in 1963 may have relieved the Cuban people. Instead the guns turned around and took Kennedy out. Would you like to live in Cuba under Castro? I'd rather see him dead. Kathy C
  5. It might have been the Inaugural day. Sammy Davis was asked by phone if he heard from the Kennedys, wishing Sammy and white wife Mai Britt all the happiness in the world. His answer was an embarrassed no. He never heard from them. Sammy had worked hard to get President Kennedy elected. I remember wondering if Sammy and his white wife had children, would they come out with polka dots or stripes? I was about 5 years old. Kathy C
  6. This is a picture of Norton in his Florida store. Kathy C
  7. Yes, I have that one too. What I posted was the picture that as it downloaded said Ralph Geb under it. I never heard of Ralph Geb, so was surprised to find that he was connected to the Kennedy Assassination. There's a picture of Donald O. Norton in among the links for these charter boats on the "East coast." Kathy C
  8. Prof. Fetzer, I have to apologize to you. I misunderstood what I was reading and have deleted the post regarding Evan Burton. Kathy C
  9. I can see that the CIA would want to make a bioweapon against Castro. It's for America's safety. However, experimenting on a human beforehand is atrocious. Judyth didn't know prior to the man's death (if true). But knowing that Kennedy was most likely going to be killed, and not taking any action anonymously, is close to premeditated murder. She has, in fact, confessed, as Jack says. Maybe she's lucky few people believe her. I think I would have gone to the FBI with this knowledge to prevent this assassination. Of course I would have been killed. Maybe I would go to a reporter and tell my whole part in the bioweapon scheme and that Kennedy was going to be killed. And then wait to be killed. So how could Judyth prevent the assassination without losing her own life? I don't know if legally she'd be responsible in part. What would any of us do in her shoes? If true. Kathy C
  10. Deleted as a misunderstanding. I thought Fetzer was denouncing Evan Burton and I was wrong. This assumption came about because Fetzer is going through each member one by one and I thought he was doing this to Evan. Kathy C
  11. Here is the Yearbook picture of Donald O Norton Kathy C
  12. On a hunch I went searching for Donald O. Norton on the Internet. I believe someday everything will be on the Internet. This was some years back. Five years ago. Norton was living 2 hours away from me. When people heard he had a fly-fishing store, it became a tourist trap; everyone trying to catch a glimpse of the real LHO. One researcher even emailed Norton to ask him about his identity. Another researcher and I had planned to go to Norton's store, but everyone went there and we never did. Published on Rich's forum were photos of 2 teenage redheads (b&w) and some photos of Donald O Norton, including a yearbook picture. I started looking at fly-fishing shops and charter boats, and found someone who is a match for Donald O Norton, from Florida and seems like a very happy man. There was another redheaded fisherman with his own store, up near Canada who looked just like him. I believe that these 2 redheads are the adult images of the 2 redheaded boys found on Rich's forum. Rich told me people over the years have posted a lot of wild stuff, etc. on his forum. He didn't know who they were and that I didn't understand about Norton. And that was the extent of that. Anyway, looking through these photo albums online, I saw a photo of a man who looked like the yearbook picture of D.O.N. As his photo came downwards a name was beneath it: Ralph Geb. Mostly as an afterthought, I later typed his name into my browser -- and discovered he supposedly posed as LHO before the assassination. Oh boy, I thought. I was on to something... John Armstrong knows a lot about Donald O. Norton, but won't give up any info. And this frustrates me to no end. Awhile later, I decided to write to that website and ask who that particular man was as he looked familiar to me. A week letter I got an email back and it said the man (Ralph Geb) is Bill Dietz from N. Carolina. I will try to upload his picture. Kathy C
  13. OK. I figured you and Judyth were far apart geographically, and she was telling you by phone or email what issues in the book to bring up. We're friends. Kathy C
  14. [emphasis added] I like your analysis of what transpired, Mike. Also, many thanks for the kind words. And your last observation [in bold] is possibly more astute than you even know! I agree. But I can see how my mention of Marilyn Monroe and the photos I and others posted of her could "anger" you. Rich said MM was allowed on his forum anytime. But with people claiming the Kennedy's killed her, I can see why I shouldn't have published things about her there. Let me say: I never believed the Kennedys had anything to do directly with her death. A disinformationalist, now dead, named Robert F Slatzer, made a cottage industry of her death. He was a Hollywood man who wrote bad scripts for low-budget movies and was broke. But he heard the gossip about her and blew it up after Norman Mailer's book came out. Yes, Robert K was there that afternoon at her house. But my belief is when he left that day, after an argument, a mobster showed up, possibly Johnny Roselli, and killed her. Slatzer then admitted an ally into his scheme: a has-been, never been, former low-budget starlet, Jeanne Carmen. She proclaimed she was Mariyn's best friend. But no one on Marilyn's team -- the chauffeur, the hairdresser, the make-up man, etc., ever heard of a Robert Slatzer or Jeanne Carmen; and they worked closely with Marilyn for her entire film career. They went on Mike Douglas' show and said they never heard of the 2. I don't want to say anymore because it's off-topic. I do believe Pres. Kennedy had a brief affair with her, and Bobby didn't. So what? They used bad judgement. Anyway, I just wanted to say this to you. This thread has been people hurling insults and has gone to hell. I just wanted to explain my change of opinion regarding Marilyn and you. Kathy C ,
  15. Good question, too, Jack .... and another question is when was the first mention of Judyth, et al working with monkeys? No mention in the early days, that I recall or have found reference to. 2003/2204? Or later, or it seemed to grow later...especially recently. Bests, Barb :-) Judyth is adept at research. She has an answer to everything. When she was on Rich's forum, you couldn't get an answer out of her -- she was too ill. Yet she wrote big posts. Now she's had time to research. She has a great intellect, I'll hand her that. I find it difficult to believe that Oswald worked in that disgusting lab. Kathy C
  16. Heidi Fleiss is a bum. I have a theory pertaining to Frank Jr's kidnapping. The Mob, especially out of Chicago, did not want to be blamed for the assassination. The crimes involved the children of certain personages. Jack Ruby made headlines when he killed LHO. He had been close to Paul Dorfman -- waste unions. Another person close to Dorfman was Sid Korshack, mafia lawyer. The most investigated man of his time. Nothing ever stuck to him. He operated out of Hollywood. He was also Irv Kupcinet's best friend. Irv, a reporter, was able to track Dorfman down in Palm Springs, CA. This was Sunday, shortly after Ruby shot Oswald. Kupcinet wanted to know about Ruby; he had met him a long time ago. When Kup told Dorfman that Jack Rubenstein had just shot Oswald, Dorfman came across shocked -- real or not, I don't know. "Sparky wouldn't do that. He's a nebbish kind of guy," he said. Also in Palm Springs, CA that weekend was Irv's daughter, Karyn Kupcinet. Coincidence? Theory: The boys in Chicago wanted Ruby off the front pages of the newspapers. What would do that? How about a spectacular crime, something that would shock residents of Chicago? On Nov. 28, 1963, four days after Oswald's death, Karyn Kupcinet was murdered in West Hollywood. She was discovered 3 nights later. The crime was never solved. Soon after that the son of F. Sinatra was kidnapped -- Mobsters behind that? Because who worked harder to get Kennedy elected in the first place? Frank Sinatra. So they kidnapped his kid to get back at him and to have the public mesmerized by anoher crime story. And then -- the Beatles came over. When Karyn K. was found, Irv's best friend picked him up at LAX. His best friend even identified the body. His best friend was none other than Sidney Korshack. I hope he never knew about this. If he did, he kept his mouth shut. Kathy C
  17. Judyth said that Oswald was part of an assassination abort team. William Plumlee said he flew in an assassination abort team and they reached Dealey Plaza with few minutes to spare. Plumlee hung out under the shade of a tree on the South Knoll with another man. What exactly was Oswald going to do to stop the assassination? And the other cast of characters Plumlee flew in? I can't find one incident where someone tried to stop it. The Secret Service stood down. And the shots were coming from everywhere -- the Dal-Tex building, TSBD, grassy knoll, south knoll, Underpass, etc. How were these vagabonds going to stop the guns? I think Judyth is off the board now, but I would like to ask her: just how was Oswald going to stop the assassination? And was he a part of Plumlee's team of assassination abortionists? Kathy C
  18. I remember Greg Burnham yelling at me because I laughed when I heard some woman claimed she had a love affair with Lee Harvey Oswald. Off topic? Kathy C I have never yelled at you. I have never met you. I have never spoken with you in person or on the phone. How could I ever have yelled at you? Kathy, when I first joined this forum you reached out to me in private email and I agreed that it was best to let bygones be bygones. Are you having a change of heart? Greg, I meant the post to be funny. You were "angry" when I scoffed about Judyth. And now years later we're on this thread. Yes, everything is in the past. No, we never spoke, but we did write. Kathy C
  19. How much of that book has he read? I bet only passages that Judyth points out to him. Harvey and Lee is a long, long book. You have to take time and digest the material. If he reads it in the future, then wonderful. I don't expect anyone to read that book overnight and wouldn't trust anyone who said they did. Kathy C
  20. I remember Greg Burnham yelling at me because I laughed when I heard some woman claimed she had a love affair with Lee Harvey Oswald. Off topic? Kathy C
  21. When and why was she in Florida when Kennedy was assassinated? I thought she was in New Orleans when that happened. And she and her co-workers (working on cancer inducement?) watched the TV because they all knew Kennedy was going to be assassinated? These had to be underworld people. She was working with them? Kathy C
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