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Kathleen Collins

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Everything posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. I believe the book Harvey and Lee by John Armstrong, which states that there were 2 men sharing the ID of Lee Harvey Oswald. The first person who was supposed to kill Harvey, the patsy, was the cop on the scene. He ran up the front steps of the TSBD, but Harvey and another employee were standing there. He couldn't shoot. This was alleged to me by Rich DellaRosa. Officer Tippit was supposed to kill Harvey next. He saw Lee coming along (who was setting up Harvey), and Lee reacted immediately because he knew Tippit was going to kill Harvey and had mistaken his identity. Lee shot Tippit, dropped a wallet, containing the ID of A. Hidell and was heard to exclaim, "Poor cop." This is from Harvey and Lee. Harvey ran to the Texas Theater and was seen to sit next to some patrons for a few minutes each. Whom was he looking for or for what info? Police showed up at the Texas Theater when a record store owner saw Harvey go in the theater without paying and told the woman who worked at the box office. She called the cops. The cops raided the theater and Harvey was arrested amid all this commotion and taken outside in a near riot. About the same time, a merchant was looking out the back of his store next to the theater and saw cops bringing Lee (which he thought was Harvey) quietly out an exit door. This comes from Oswald's Tale by Norman Mailer. You can buy Harvey and Lee at jfkresearch.com. It's going to be a rare book and a collector's item.
  2. There are 2 photos I cannot find on the Internet. On the morning of August 5, 1962, the world learned around 5 am that Marilyn Monroe died. At 9:30 am Robert Kennedy, Ethel and some kids, were photographed going to church in Gilroy, CA. That's one photo I'd like to see again. The second photo (more tellingly) is the one of Bobby Kennedy riding a horse at the Bates Ranch. Bates was a good friend of the Kennedys. The photo was supposedly taken Saturday, August 4th, 1962. I believe that photo was really taken on the 5th, after Monroe died. Bates swears that Bobby was at his ranch in Gilroy, CA all weekend. I saw this photo once in a Monroe documentary with Bates being interviewed, Say Goodbye to the President. It was made by the BBC. Could anyone post this photo? Thank You, Kathy
  3. I've been reading about Katherine Graham in her book, Personal History . She was the daughter of the publisher of the Washington Post. She married Phil Graham, who suffered from manic-depression, and whom she gave the paper to run. He was hospitalized for mental instability and one day, claiming he was much better, she picked him up and they went to their farmhouse in the Virginia countryside. He had an affair with Robin Webb and changed his will, leaving the "other" woman everything. Almost out of nowhere, Phil Graham went to a downstairs bathroom that day at the farmhouse and apparently shot himself with a shotgun. The question begs: did he kill himself, did Katherine order it or did someone tell her, "We'll handle the situation"? Since Phil Graham had not been in his right mind, the former will was honored. This secured for Katherine the family business, the Post. Some months later after Phil's demise, President Kennedy was killed. Graham had been a great supporter for LBJ as Vice President, but he liked Kennedy. An example of Graham's illness when he was in the oval office with Kennedy: he suddenly picked up the red phone to the Pentagon, yelling, "Scramble the planes." I would like to know opinions, if anyone knows more about this: Were Kennedy and Graham's deaths related? Some believe LBJ killed Kennedy. e.g., The Men Who Killed Kennedy. Would he have killed his good friend Phil Graham too? Or was his death only related to the Washington Post? Also Mary Pinchot Meyer allegedly had an affair with President Kennedy. I understand that though the Grahams knew Mary Meyer, she wasn't a relative of theirs and she dabbled in LSD. She was killed on a wooded path after President Kennedy's demise. Why? Thank You, Kathy
  4. I believe Monroe was murdered. I became interested in her when Norman Mailer's book came out. But there were several phony books to come out afterwards. By the mid 80's I had tired of the morbidity. Mailer's contention that he could find no conspiracy involved in both Monroe's death and President Kennedy's death is very sad. What was breathing down his neck for him to say that? I heard he had serious tax problems. Was this his payment for such a conclusion? Robert F. Slatzer (dead 2 years now) and Jeanne Carmen are disinformationalists. John Miner too is pathetically trying to make some money out of her death. He says after listening to the psychiatrist's tape of her that she supposedly made the night she died, he went home and wrote everything down, including Monroe's alleged lengthy recitations of Shakespeare. He said her spirit was in the room with him and told him what to write. Are we going to believe this crap? I'd like to refer you to a blog named Witness at http://thecloakofdarkness.blogspot.com written on Dec.1, 2006 under "Disinformation." Kathy
  5. It is my opinion that Ted is not speaking out because of death threats against members of the Kennedy family. What do you think of the death of John Kennedy Jr? It's just pure evil against that family. I think Ted has done a great job for his constituents and the United States as Senator all these years. Kathy
  6. Chappaquiddick was Ted's "assassination," in my opinion. But we've lost a lot of political people in small plane crashes. Ted survived with a broken back. But was the crash an attempt to kill Ted Kennedy? There's a photo on the Internet of John Kennedy Jr, being hauled onto a boat. I keep thinking of Ted Kennedy that awful day, having to identify the body. How does he keep going? I would have thought that John Jr's death would be about all he could take. Kathy
  7. Terry, the name of the first Majestic book you mentioned is Majestic, a Novel and the author is Whitley Strieber, who wrote Communion, a supposedly non-fiction, best-selling book about his family's experiences with aliens (the grays) in upstate NY. Kathy
  8. I didn't know about all the films in existence. I don't know who Couch is. But I wanted to mention another thing about that film: It shows how the grassy knoll looked right after the Assassination. If you compare it to the Moorman polaroid, you'll see it wasn't pitch dark like the Moorman photo suggests. The Moorman photo in my opinion, was altered. A lot of it was blacked out. Kathleen Collins
  9. What I know about the Couch film is it was taken on the Grassy Knoll after President Kennedy was shot. What's important about it is: There are 2 men with big Texas hats and long coats over their arms. The second man is hard to see. He is walking towards the camera and you can only see him in a millisecond. Are they concealing a weapon under those coats? The young woman has an object in her right hand -- what is it? Some people say a gun, but I don't think so. Also note some people looking at the ground -- what are they looking for? Spent shells? That's all I know about the Couch film. I hope I helped you. Kathleeen Collins
  10. I have a B.A. in English and a close minor in Sociology. I have had 17 years of formal Catholic education. I have written a novel and am in search of a Literary Agent. I will not self-publish as some of my friends have -- i Universe or Publish America. That's not for me. It comes across like a vanity press. I have started a second one. I am also interested in clothing making and design for women. I have a blog where I sometimes post my personal problems. But I have a very unusual discovery. I believe I have found pictures, etc of Donald O. Norton and Ralph Geb. This material is in my archives. Recently I learned that Donald O. moved. He lived a 2-hour drive from me. He was trying to fit into the community of Avon Park, FL, by renting out charter boats and running a fishing supply store. Now he has slipped our midsts once again. I also have an interest in Karyn Kupcinet, who was murdered Thanksgiving 1963. She was not found for 3 days. I have the autopsy. Mostly I've been posting on the yahoo group about Karyn Kupcinet, as someone is writing a book about her. My pet theory: she was killed from a karate chop to the neck. Or her left carotid artery was shut off with a certain headlock. By whom? Possibly on the orders of mobster Paul "Red" Dorfman Why? To get at her Chicago columnist father, Irv Kupcinet. After Ruby shot Oswald, Irv called around and finally located Paul Dorfman in Palm Springs. Coincidentally(?) Karyn was in Palm Springs at the same time. Irv wanted to know about Jack Ruby. Some people, myself included, have linked her death to the Kennedy Assassination. But there are other theories regarding her suspicious demise. The group: groups.yahoo.com/group/Karyn_Kupcinet My blog: thecloakofdarkness.blogspot.com I am also interested in the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. My favorite music.
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