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Kathleen Collins

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Everything posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. Don't trust Obama, Dawn. The last thing I'd want for a President is a religious fanatic. Muslims' God believes in violence, murder and retribution. Kathy
  2. Here is something they're digging up on Guiliani: From the same conservative commentator, Debbie Schussel: Rudy's Business Interests By Debbie Schlussel Today's Wall Street Journal has an interesting article, "Giuliani's Private-Sector Burden," which claims that Rudy's past clients could come back to haunt him. The only such "business interest" which is troubling is Citgo Petroleum Corp., which is among the clients of Bracewell & Giuliani, LLP, a firm he joined two years ago. The relationship with Citgo predated Giuliani's arrival at the firm, and he never dealt with the oil company. Giuliani's campaign released a statement to the Journal saying: Mayor Giuliani believes Hugo Chavez is not a friend of the United States. This doesn't worry me. I think Giuliani knows the right side of foreign policy, which he's proven time and again, versus both Yasser Arafat and Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal. I'm just worried Rudy's opponents will use this against him. And they will. Just you wait. Kathy
  3. This is what I've been reading about Obama: An organization from San Francisco Bay, called craiglist.org had this post: "the pride of hollywood and the far left tv media. this lawyer a devot black racist. according to info from shawn hanity and 60 minutes. the black church he belongs too is racist for blacks. the minister is devot friend and follower of louis faracon and took trip to lybia with faracon to visit momar kadafee. baral obama according to hanity info is antisemetic hates jewish and is 100% pro palestinian and muslim arabs. his parents are black muslims followers of louis faracon. his wife is a black racist and fears whites robbing her black rich politician lawyer husband. his voting record is second only to dennis kosinich as the most far left liberal in washington dc. even futher than moscow swiftboat heinz kerry.steven spielberg a jew backs obama 100% with lots of hollywood cash. spielberg is going against himself and his own people with support of this muslim lawyer. with a muslim as president we can be assured of winning the war on teror . with the fox guarding the hen house it makes sense to me. any of you free speech liberals or touchy run the world with lies and complaints dying to put all our heads in the ground like ostriges and blind our eyes to the truth" Then there is this one from debbieschlussel.com, a blogger: December 18, 2006 Barack Hussein Obama: Once a Muslim, Always A Muslim Printer Friendly By Debbie Schlussel **** UPDATE, 01/25/07: Barack Hussein Obama's alleged debunking of Islamic background raises even MORE questions. **** **** UPDATE, 01/19/07: Looks like Hillary Clinton's camp agrees with me and has dug up more info that confirms my suspicions about Obama and his Muslim background, including his attendance at a Wahabbi (ie., extremist Sunni) Madrassa (Islamic religious academy). Hillary's camp says Obama is covering up his Muslim past. Why? **** "Many months ago, readers began asking me whether Barack Obama is Muslim. Since he identifies as a Christian, I said, "no," and responded that he was not raised by his Kenyan father. But, then, I decided to look further into Obama's background. His full name--as by now you have probably heard--is Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. Hussein is a Muslim name, which comes from the name of Ali's son--Hussein Ibn Ali. And Obama is named after his late Kenyan father, the late Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., apparently a Muslim. And while Obama may not identify as a Muslim, that's not how the Arab and Muslim Streets see it. In Arab culture and under Islamic law, if your father is a Muslim, so are you. And once a Muslim, always a Muslim. You cannot go back. In Islamic eyes, Obama is certainly a Muslim. He may think he's a Christian, but they do not. Then, there are the other items in his background. As best-selling author Scott Turow wrote in Salon, Obama went to a Muslim school for two years in Indonesia. His mother, Anna, married an Indonesian man (likely another Muslim, as Indonesia is Muslim-dominated and has the largest Islamic population in the world). And Obama has a "born-again" affinity for the nation of his Muslim father, Kenya, and his Kenyan sister. (Although Kenya is largely Christian, it has a fast-growing Muslim population that has engaged in a good deal of religious violence and riots against Christians. And Kenyan courts will apply Sharia law, when the participants are Muslim.) Wrote Turow: Obama's father died in a traffic accident in Nairobi in 1982, but while Obama was working in Chicago, he met his Kenyan sister, Auma, a linguist educated in Germany who was visiting the United States. When she returned to Kenya in 1986 to teach for a year at the University of Nairobi, Obama finally made the trip to his father's homeland he had long promised himself. There, he managed to fully embrace a heritage and a family he'd never fully known and come to terms with his father, whom he'd long regarded as an august foreign prince, but now realized was a human being burdened by his own illusions and vulnerabilities. So, even if he identifies strongly as a Christian, and even if he despised the behavior of his father (as Obama said on Oprah); is a man who Muslims think is a Muslim, who feels some sort of psychological need to prove himself to his absent Muslim father, and who is now moving in the direction of his father's heritage, a man we want as President when we are fighting the war of our lives against Islam? Where will his loyalties be? Is that even the man we'd want to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency, if Hillary Clinton offers him the Vice Presidential candidacy on her ticket (which he certainly wouldn't turn down)? NO WAY, JOSE . . . Or, is that, HUSSEIN?" Kathy
  4. Thanks Nathaniel. I was writing the post about Guiliani, then remembered Obama but not his name. When he speaks, there are thousands of white people in the crowds. Then I heard he was Black Muslim. I don't mean to offend anyone, but Louis Farrakhan has a mother ship that follows him around disguised as a cloud. Muslims believe that black people invented white people a long time ago, and that we were an experiment gone wrong. When I lived in the NY area, this was on the news everynight. One of my heroes is Muhammed Ali. I went to see him fight George Forman in a theater through closed circuit TV decades ago. And he won just as he predicted, in the 8th round. Anyway, I don't want people to get the wrong idea, when I posted and couldn't remember the candidate's name. I take him seriously, but I was falling asleep. I will look him up. Kathy
  5. Obama is not a "Black Muslim". Dawn Dawn, I posted that late at night. I couldn't remember the guy's name! I heard on the news that he was a Black Muslim. I'll look him up. Kathy
  6. Rudy Guiliani is running for President. He was the mayor of NY when the World Trade Center happened. As he rushed through the streets with his deputies, he insisted they put on their masks, while his own hung around his neck. He became a Hero. Someone I've talked to about Guiliani believes he knew something was going to happen and that lives would be lost. Possibly, he was promised the Presidency. Another person I know said no one with a vowel at the end of his/her name would ever be president. I'd like to read some opinions on this matter. As for the Black Muslim who's captured everyone's attention, I think if he gets close to a nomination or wins some primaries, he will die, probably in a small plane crash. Kathy
  7. I liked Larisa's chess analogy. But what I enjoyed more was watching the execution of Saddam Hussein. I watched it several times, especially the next day when they had more footage. Great entertainment. Kathy
  8. Then there's the theory that Lee Oswald came along Tippit's route, Tippit got out, Lee realized Tippit thought he was Harvey and shot Tippit. Then he went over, said "Poor cop," shot him in the head and dropped a wallet with the ID of A. Hidell. Kathy
  9. Perhaps the role, if needed, of the Dark Complected Man, standing at the curb with something under his jacket in Dealey Plaza. Hi, Ronnie! The Cuban, as I always knew him, had his arm in the air, wearing white sleeves. I'm told photos of him taken by witnesses from across the street show that he is making a sign with his 2 fingers. Someone told me it meant "second attempt." And then he held a fist in the air. The fist in Intel talk means "stop." I believe The Cuban was there to signal Greer, the driver of the limo, to stop. Greer stopped and turned around to try to see what's going on in the car. His hands are not on the wheel. Then Kennedy got hit with the bullet from the grassy knoll. You can tell they stopped suddenly as their bodies move forward in the Zapruder film. Of course, the stop was pruned from the film. Kathy
  10. I realize if someone wanted to find out something about me, they could. But I still feel exposed. I've got lights on all over the place when I go to sleep. Kathy
  11. So good Right-Wing Roman Catholic William F. Buckley, Jr. was a lifelong friend of E. Howard Hunt and did favors for him when Hunt was in jail. (And they both were spy novelists! I imagine they discussed a lot of plots and subplots with each other.) No wonder Gore Vidal called Buckley a "crypto-Nazi." I had heard their names connected before, but it didn't mean anything to me then. I'll have to find out what Buckley said about President Kennedy when he was assassinated -- where he was, etc. Vidal wrote that the Buckley children went to a private school, so they could learn how to speak with "Patrician accents." I read somewhere a long time ago that Buckley was with the CIA. Kathy
  12. Try clicking onto the title bar of the window and drag it a bit to the left. Another scroll bar appears at the right and you can see other videos. Kathy
  13. The link works fine for me. Maybe you have to be registered as a member of youtube.com for it to work with one click. Kathy
  14. What Dutch crime did he commit? Is there a European newspaper that would make mention of this? Kathy
  15. First of all, I would like to thank Jack White for sticking up for me. I believe I have unearthed fresh material and photos of Donald O. Norton and Ralph Geb and info on their businesses that neither would really like. (Covered on my blog at www.thecloakofdarkness.blogspot.com, beginning Feb or March 06.) I have a make-shift alarm system in my house so I know if anyone's trying to get in. This alarm rang several times by way of a lone insect or lizard crawling under the door. It would wake up the dead. But another reason. Maybe some of you have been as unlucky as I; the majority probably not. Which of you has been a victim of stalking, violent crime and threats of retribution? Maybe then you'd understand my paranoia. Even using my real name makes me uncomfortable. If I'm nuts, so be it. I am always looking over my shoulder. Kathy
  16. I think it should be left to the person to decide. For instance, I don't really want anyone on the Internet to know what I look like. I'm 2 hours away from Donald O. Norton. If that's paranoia, so be it. Kathy
  17. As much as I hold her in high esteem, I just wish Monroe hadn't given in to promiscuity so much, or conducted affairs with married men time and again. She would have lived longer and her life would have held more quality. I wish, too, she would have put the cork in the bottle. Kathy
  18. Anthony Summers has been a leader in the movement to assassinate the characters of the Kennedy brothers. Since he is a member of this forum, perhaps Mr. Summers will enlighten us on what motivates him. I doubt if loyalty to the Grand Old Party is a consideration in his case. Money. And prestige in having written books about the Assassination, Conspiracy, and Monroe, The Goddess. Kathy
  19. Using a pseudonym (I believe), Frank Capell wrote a pamphlet about Marilyn Monroe being surrounded by commie Jews and having an affair with Bobby Kennedy. This came out in 1964. He also smeared Pat Newcomb, Monroe's publicist and "best friend," by hinting she was a lesbian. But also, Pat Newcomb was in love with Bobby Kennedy. After Monroe's death, Newcomb was brought to Hyannis Port to get over it. There's a photo of her sailing with the Kennedys on a cold day. If I can find the photo, I will post it. Then she went to work in an office down the hall from Bobby's, having to do with government films. I do believe Monroe and the Kennedy brothers were romantically involved. And that the CIA or FBI murdered her when Bobby left her house that day, hoping he would be framed for MM's death. The next time an author wrote about MM and the Kennedys was Fred Lawrence Guiles in his tome Norma Jean: the Life of Marilyn Monroe. He has updated it, but I haven't read the update. Bobby was called "The Eastener." The original book was published in 1969. And then came Norman Mailer's book, Marilyn in 1973. In the last chapter, he muses whether MM was having a dalliance with the Kennedy brothers. But not that they murdered her. I think Mailer loved John F. Kennedy. He added a chapter or two to his book after Robert F. Slatzer published his book, The Life and Curious Death of Marilyn Monroe. This is the book that really sealed the deal. I do feel President Kennedy had an affair with Monroe and the shock of her death must have been incredible. I read, possibly in this book, that Jackie Kennedy came down early that morning to speak to a handful of reporters and said in paraphrase, Monroe would live on in our memories and words to that effect. I have never read that elsewhere. All my Monroe books are in another state, so I don't have them by my side. Around 1984 or 1985, the ghouls came out. All these authors saying Bobby Kennedy killed her, quoting dead witnesses. Publishing autopsy photos of her. It became repugnant to read these books and I more or less stopped collecting Marilyn Monroe. I think the authors of the most horrible books are disinformationalists. Especially Slatzer, who has lied about her, especially in his second book, which was more embellished and makes him a closer friend to her. He croaked 2 years ago. Former actress Jeanne Carmen is keeping the story going. She's in her '70's, but she still looks like a hustler to me. Kathy
  20. It's a novel and it's been self-published by a vanity press. I know a lot of people who get their books "published" this way. Anyway, it seems lively. The writer attempts to put a secret camera and cameraman in Dealey Plaza, creating the other film. I wonder if this might not be on the mark: "A casually dressed photographer stood next to a large mounted movie camera deep in the bowels of the marble monument on top of the Plaza. Both man and object were completely obscured by the deep shadows created by the overhanging roof of the Pagoda. The camera operator had just finished using the telescopic of the three lenses on the 16mm. camera, which rested on the heavy tripod. Switching to the medium range lens, he again panned the relatively sparse crowd on the opposite side of Elm, continuing down to the overpass. He now aimed the camera back to the corner where Houston Street intersected Elm and held it, ready and still filming." Kathy
  21. Thanks for explaining that, Terri. It makes me wonder why I should vote next year. Kathy
  22. Chris, I agree with you 100%. Why the govt released the Zapruder film, obviously doctored (limo stop removed, turn at Elm gone, sign concealing Kennedy when he received the throat wound), amazes me in its stupidity. The govt would have you believe he was shot from behind. But when I watch the film, it's so obvious to me he was shot from his right front. So they're telling you he was shot from behind, but you're seeing a side/frontal shot. Don't people believe their eyes anymore? That's why I can't understand why they ever released that film! And btw, this subject matter got me thrown off jfkresearch.com. Kathy *********************************************************** "Why the govt released the Zapruder film, obviously doctored (limo stop removed, turn at Elm gone, sign concealing Kennedy when he received the throat wound), amazes me in its stupidity." In 1975 Time-Life sold it to the Z family for $1.00. No one actually ever released it to the public. Groden stole the film from Moe Weitzman and showed it on Goodnight America in 1975. "And btw, this subject matter got me thrown off jfkresearch.com." Always playing the eternal victim, aren't you. You got thrown off for making ad hominem attacks, some of which were targeted at the Admin, BTW. I still don't know why the govt let the Zapruder film out of their hands. It's a murder of a president. It doesn't show what they are telling us: that he was shot only from the back by Lee Harvey Oswald. I got thrown off of jfkresearch.com -- no hard feelings -- because Admin took a dislike to me and cursed at me. I cursed back. Besides that, I reacted harshly, when I should have ignored it, but I only had problems with you and "Monk." You both individually attaked me and were surprised by my verbal retaliation. I thought someone was my best friend over there and I don't know what happened. I felt he was "picking" on me. But it was fun while it lasted, Terri. Where's my crucifix? Love, Kathy
  23. On a small Kennedy site (which one?) the person who runs the site believes that Harvey Oswald may be in the doorway and is obscured. Whoever it is, one person behind the other, one of those two people could be Harvey. They've been whited out. There must be a reason. Also, in the Weigman picture of the doorway, the back of the car's glass window (not Kennedy's limo) is obscured; again, whited out. Also, if you take a look at the Hughes film: A partially painted on "ledge" hides the windows of the "sniper's nest." (Whited out.) Kathy
  24. In my opinion, see post #1 and #2. Thanks for the high quality scan Robin, and thanks for the colourization Eugene. As I already said, I agree with it being the back of the head, the hairline, and his left ear in the scan. As I also have already stated, in my opinion there is little if any doubt about this. Greer's right hand is also visible in the Altgens photo, as I have said that it to me seems quite obvious that he grabs the wheel 'simoultanesly' as turning backwards. Or maybe in order to be able to turn backwards. As he has completed his turn backwards to his right, Kellerman initiates his turn leftwards, as this is the moment Altgens captures. Maybe others too will observe this. The quality is not outstanding, but nevertheless. Trygve In my opinion, looking at the GIF, Greer is moving his hand (s). Could he be turning over to the left (to stop the limo)? Kathy
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