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Kathleen Collins

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Everything posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. Bernice, I agree with you. I've been trying to find proof. Supposedly there's some guest list or pamphlet at the time where there's a mention of their names -- apparently, she as "Mrs. John F. Kennedy." Probably some other books mention this rumor. Kathy
  2. During Kennedy's presidency, there were many potential scandals that didn't erupt. One that almost did was JFK's first marriage. John Kennedy secretly wed Palm Beach socialite Durie Malcolm in early 1947 before his high-society wedding to Jacqueline Bouvier in 1953. Joe Kennedy was livid about his son's non-Catholic wedding to a twice divorced woman and he had the marriage papers removed from courthouse records. Though close family and friends knew of the wedding, no one has reported knowing of any divorce. Evidently JFK and Malcolm, who would marry twice more, were bigamists. Rumors of his first marriage broke in 1957 and persisted into his presidency. They were finally put to bed when journalist Ben Bradlee, trying to ingratiate himself with the Kennedys, agreed to collaborate with the White House in "debunking" the Durie Malcolm marriage story once and for all. His widely published story repudiated the rumor and exposed the hate groups and gossip columnists who were continuing to spread it. I haven't found much information about Kennedy being married before Jackie. But I picked up on the rumor. I wonder if someone can evaluate this item from Seymour Hersh's book: The Dark Side of Camelot. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lane/72...oughts/jfk.html
  3. I guess you all have heard by now that Jack Valenti has passed on. Here's what Bush had to say about him: "Jack Valenti was a great American and a great Texan. He bravely flew combat missions during World War II and ably served in the White House. From protecting families by creating the movie rating system to advocating for intellectual property rights, Jack Valenti helped transform the motion picture industry. He leaves a powerful legacy in Washington, in Hollywood, and across our Nation." - President George W. Bush. AP Here's what Jack Valenti said about Lyndon Johnson on CNN: The Cold War: LBJ: "I have, in my lifetime, known just about every president, prime minister, president of other countries, congressmen and senators. [Johnson] was the single most formidable political character, political leader, that I have ever known. In him resided all the elements of a great leader, which is, first: conviction. A man without conviction is going to be right only by accident. Second, stamina: the ability to commit a full day; or, as Lord Wellington says, "to do the business of the day in the day." Third, an intuitive structure somewhere in his brain; he had some little elf that resided somewhere between his belly and his brain, who was able to say "No, Lyndon, not that way." Judgment, intuition, instinct, without which no great military or political captain will ever survive. And fourth, the ability to persuade those around him to his point of view, which (in his case) verged on sorcery. He was quite a guy." Kathy
  4. I believe that a government panel subsequently concluded that the HSCA was full of crap, confirming what the FBI had already concluded. I don't understand how you can characterize anything that purports to prove conspiracy to be "lock-step establishment." Anyone who can make such a statement deserves a spanking. Hey, getting a little kinky there! Kathy
  5. I must be in the Twilight Zone. From what I know about Gary Mack, he's an absolute sell-out. I guess he couldn't find something else to do for a living. His museum acquires things about the Assassination, which they squirrel away. But his biggest assassination venture was taking people for an open limo ride down Elm Street. The Ultimate Thrill. Gary discovered Badgeman. This is a cop behind the fence on the Grassy Knoll, shooting at Kennedy. HardHatMan is beside him. He has heckled a Professor talking about conspiracy in the past. He is paid to say Oswald did it alone. I don't understand why you have such admiration for him. Kathy Collins
  6. There is a beautiful portrait of the limo at Parkland with the limo door open, revealing Jackie Kennedy holding her husband's head. This is not a photograph nor taken from a photograph, according to the painter. Jackie looks so real. http://youtube.com/watch?v=3EWvVzssGWQ Kathy
  7. Eugene has put a circle around what I believe is the killer, the shooter of the fatal shot. Could more photographic studies be done on this section of Moorman? Kathy
  8. Thanks, Bernice. One mystery solved today. Kathy
  9. There is another light on the pole across the street. Personaly i don't beleive the light had a camera mounted IN it, or ON it. That's just my point of view. ! Robin, I couldn't see your attached photo. I don't know why. I've asked Andy to look into why I can see some photos but not all. Anyway, I was just on what I believe is your site, and I saw this photo. The 'lights" certainly look different now after the assassination. http://www.geocities.com/quaneeri2/LastScan56_1.jpg Kathy There are no lights on this structure post assassiation. This is something suspicious. Do they look different from different perspectives, like if a photog is on higher ground? Or further away? http://jfk.fotopic.net/p37002821.html Kathy These objects that look like lights are very prominent in the Towner film but not in the photos. What's going on? They are definitely there. And they were excised from the photos. http://youtube.com/watch?v=B2xPN_7eT9g Kathy
  10. There is another light on the pole across the street. Personaly i don't beleive the light had a camera mounted IN it, or ON it. That's just my point of view. ! Robin, I couldn't see your attached photo. I don't know why. I've asked Andy to look into why I can see some photos but not all. Anyway, I was just on what I believe is your site, and I saw this photo. The 'lights" certainly look different now after the assassination. http://www.geocities.com/quaneeri2/LastScan56_1.jpg Kathy There are no lights on this structure post assassiation. This is something suspicious. Do they look different from different perspectives, like if a photog is on higher ground? Or further away? http://jfk.fotopic.net/p37002821.html Kathy
  11. There is another light on the pole across the street. Personaly i don't beleive the light had a camera mounted IN it, or ON it. That's just my point of view. ! Robin, I couldn't see your attached photo. I don't know why. I've asked Andy to look into why I can see some photos but not all. Anyway, I was just on what I believe is your site, and I saw this photo. The 'lights" certainly look different now after the assassination. http://www.geocities.com/quaneeri2/LastScan56_1.jpg Kathy
  12. I have asked AJ Weberman to use facial recognition software on the Donald Norton and Ralph Geb photos on a blog from February 2006. This material was published in Feb. 2006. If anyone would like to see this, here's the link: http://thecloakofdarkness.blogspot.com/200...01_archive.html Kathy
  13. Will someone address the lights. Could a camera be in one or more of those lights? Kathy
  14. John, There are a number of tech companies out there who are developing facial recognition softwarefor different purposes and with different degrees of success. I think that we could probably convince one of them to assist in a project to id the tramps and the man in MC to a more refined certainty. Among the companies I came up with : Visage Technology/Identix merged (Aug. 29,2006) now L-1 Identity Solutions; Neven Vision - Santa Monica VeriLook - (Mac softwere) Neuro Technologija - Lithuania Cognitec Systems- Gem Eyematic Interface - San Francisco- Hartmut Nevin. BK Bill, I'd like facial recognition of the adult Donald O. Norton and the teenager Donald O. Norton. Ralph Geb -- yearbook picture and as adult. Lee Oswald and Donald O. Norton. These photos can be found on the blog Witness, starting in March 2006. thecloakofdarkness/blogspot.com Kathy
  15. old story.... completed just in time for the JFK 40th anniversary (assassination-imagine that). The notorious Dale Myers quote: "...its NOT the Single Bullet THEORY, it's the Single Bullet FACT!" Dale did in fact convince Peter Jennings though... Two observations:First, the human voice doesn't change, per se. Its pitch and timber may, but the essential voice does not. This is how someone can be identified by their voice even when they attempt to disguise it. I have no idea where one could have this comparison made (police station? would they spare the time and expense?), but if it could be done, it might resolve the issue. Second, it is not very difficult to convince someone of something they're receptive to hearing or believed all along. C'mon, I dare anyone: convince me if you can that Lee Oswald didn't kill JFK and/or JD Tippit! Some things are just easy sells. Jennings was a lay-down. Isn't there some kind of technology that can analyze the voice? I'm surprised that hasn't been used yet. Other opinions on the voice? Kathy
  16. With all due respect, Kathy, I've stood on that perch and there's nothing "thin or flimsy" about it. There are a couple of pictures of it at http://homepage.ntlworld.com/neal.mccarthy/Dealey.htm if you want to see it. As for the fake ledge, it's just something extending from the light pole. Looks like it might be a bracket, or a rolled-up banner or something similar. JWK I guess I saw a misleading photo of where Zapruder stood. You took some beautiful photos of Dealey Plaza. As for the ledge, I still think it was painted on to hide something. Did those lights hold a camera? Kathy
  17. Hi Kathleen, Can you provide any photos of the area you're describing? Here are a couple that might help. Let us know if my interpretation is wrong. chris Your interpretation is right. Those are the lights I was talking about, and the Hughes film I saw yesterday did not have that "drawing" on it. Could those lights hold a camera? Kathy
  18. Maybe Hunt's kids hate him and will reveal things about the assassination we don't know yet. Of course, there's the chance they'll make things up. In either case, I don't think they liked their old man if they're going public. Kathy
  19. I just viewed most of the assassination films. I noticed something I didn't before and I never heard anyone mention it. And maybe it's the fault of the sunlight, but... Many people believe there was another film being recorded besides the Zapruder film. Abraham Zapruder was a decoy. What he and Marilyn Sitzman were standing on was a very thin, flimsy section of wall; almost impossible to stand on it, 4 feet from the ground. I don't think you could stand on it with both feet. It would have to be one foot in front of the other. To add to this absurdity, Zapruder nursed a fear of heights. (The last told to me by a certain researcher.) Some Kennedy researchers believe they have seen the "real" film, made for the govt or intel or oil barons' pleasure, more or less. But where is the camera? Supposedly it is filmed at an angle not far from Zapruder. There's a theory that a tripod and cameraman were in the Pergola behind and to Zapruder's left. I have never seen proof of this. What I have seen --- I went on youtube.com and watched the assassination films again. Except for the Z-film, I hadn't seen them for a long time. I noticed something and it may not amount to anything. In the Towner film, the camera on the South Knoll, opposite of where Zapruder was shows what looks to me to be night lights over -- I don't recall what it's called -- the arcade roof. This is the structure between the Grassy Knoll and the TBSD. These lights showed up on Towner, but on the Bell film, the camera swung over the arcade roof twice. The first time, they just weren't there. The next time, I swear, they were whited out. -- Now I could be wrong. My thought is maybe one of them held a camera. Otherwise, why are they in Towner and not in Bell? Both films were taken feet away from each other, I could tell. And close in time. I'm sure someone knows more about this. Another odd thing I noticed in the Hughes film. Frames I've seen show a whiting out via a fake "ledge" that has no reason to be there at the shooter's window. I've noticed another "ledge" on the TSBD in a different film, not any I viewed today. But in youtube's copy of Hughes, this white out doesn't exist. But the main thing is the whereabouts of the camera. Has anyone seen this? Could it be those "lights"? Kathy
  20. Often, when discussing Kissinger with Haldeman, Nixon would refer to Kissinger as "Jewboy." We have it on tape. Kathy
  21. I watched the show and managed to tape Beyond the Conspiracy. The audio you hear is from a radio broadcast and it's a deeper voice. Then they show Harvey, talking to a reporter. His voice is higher. What to think? Has anyone else seen this and noticed this? Kathy
  22. Does anyone see the fake "ledge" in front of the 5th floor window (middle), obscuring the windows partially? There is also a "ledge" painted similarly to the above mentioned, partially obscuring the Oswald window in the Hughes Film. This is certainly proof of photo alteration. Kathy
  23. I think this is the same man who described how John Lennon was killed. I would love to know how accurate he is. Anyway, someone on this Forum warned me about him. I think he hates Jews, is paranoid. But I have confirmed that Jose Perdomo (aka San Genis) was the guard that night. He's a survivor of the Bay of Pigs. Kathy
  24. Tonight I watched a 2 hour show about the Kennedy Assassination. I thought I had seen it before, but I don't think so. Of course, Oswald's the lone assassin, ad nauseum. But something occurred during the show that sent chills up my spine. I wished I had taped it. You see them bringing LHO all around the police department and reporters asking him questions -- this is Harvey. You also see him being interviewed some time before the assassination. The interview begins with a reporter asking, do you follow Karl Marx? And you see him, with his tiny mouth and weird skull answering the questions calmly and intelligently. But previously they played a tape of a radio broadcast where Oswald is talking about his political views: It wasn't the same voice! It was a different voice, deeper, with something of a different accent -- not sure about the latter. But the voice was different! Could Oswald's voice been different because it was audio and the film clips are old -- we didn't hear him well on the visuals? I'm sorry, but that was a deeper, different voice. I hope some of you watched this and taped it. It was called The Kennedy Assassination: Beyond Conspiracy. It was on the History Channel. Maybe they'll repeat it overnight. As a matter of fact, it's running right now. I don't know how much I missed -- I think it just started. Kathy
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