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Kathleen Collins

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Everything posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. Robin, I can see what you see now because of your drawing lines on the photo. At this point, from what I can determine, the limo cannot be moving. Greer's hands are not on the wheel. He's moved into a position, back to camera, to see, evidently, what is going on in the limo. Kathy
  2. Chris, I agree with you 100%. Why the govt released the Zapruder film, obviously doctored (limo stop removed, turn at Elm gone, sign concealing Kennedy when he received the throat wound), amazes me in its stupidity. The govt would have you believe he was shot from behind. But when I watch the film, it's so obvious to me he was shot from his right front. So they're telling you he was shot from behind, but you're seeing a side/frontal shot. Don't people believe their eyes anymore? That's why I can't understand why they ever released that film! And btw, this subject matter got me thrown off jfkresearch.com. Kathy
  3. Chris, where did you get that version of the Z-film from? It's so clear. Kathy
  4. Greer was in on it. He heard shooting, stopped the car and looked back at Kennedy, who was struggling with his throat. Kennedy got hit in the head from the front-right and Greer took off. I believe in Secret Service complicity. Kathy
  5. If you can't see JFK's head moving back after the shot, what can I say? Does anyone else see it, or has this stuff just finally made me delusional? However, Ron, that clip gives me further evidence or belief that President Kennedy was shot front the right front. And I agree with Jack that all the evidence was tampered with over the years. And I wish people who have films or photos of the assassination would come forward with them. Kathy
  6. Thanks for that report Don. I consider it a certainty that JFK Jr's death was a murder. There's no Kennedy curse; there's just the fact that the fascists hate the Kennedys and know they couldn't beat any of them in a fair election. His death had all the telltale signs: early news reports being scrubbed and replaced with accounts blaming the victim and failing to follow up on earlier accounts, the failure to search for his missing plane sooner, the good weather conditions reported as bad, the good pilot reported as bad, the likelihood that he'd run for office and be unbeatable and the certainty that he'd investigate his father's death,... Plus the context--father murdered, uncle murdered, uncle barely surviving one or two murder attempts... He was murdered. And Fortunate Son was missing during that time. Like murderous father like murderous son. Len Osanic had a show on his radio station blackops.com some months ago with a man who has written a book claiming George W. Bush went missing that whole weekend. No one knew where he was. The author, whose name I forget (sorry), claims W. had something to do with killing John Kennedy Jr. Osanic gives a brief description of each of his shows, so it shouldn't be hard to find the specific show. I haven't been to blackops for awhile. Kathy
  7. There's a head snap in the Nix film. Is that film not a "witness"? Or was the Nix film altered too (to deliberately put in a backward movement of the head)? Hi, Ron. I don't see the headsnap in that Nix film. I see Jackie's right hand fly up, so it must be obscured. Charles, the fact that all the Parkland hospital doctors saw John Kennedy one way, and the Bethesda hospital doctors all saw Kennedy's body looking quite different is either: 1. The Bethesda doctors were lying or; 2. Someone altered the body after it left Parkland hospital -- which may be why Arthur Schlesinger, as I said on another thread, told Bobby Kennedy to close the coffin as it wasn't John Kennedy, it was a "wax dummy." Kathy
  8. I remember when he was named as the Vice President candidate to McGovern. A reporter got him on the air and asked him how it feels to be the possible next Vice President. Eagleton answered, to the effect, "I'm usually more nervous than I am now." He was sweating. I remember thinking his answer was weird. Then they found out Eagalton had underwent shock treatments for depression, and they might have added he was a manic-depressive. That was the end of him on a national level. And McGovern lost big time. Just a memory. Kathy
  9. I bought a copy of Say Goodbye to the President in the hopes of seeing Bobby Kennedy's demeanor on August 5, 1962. Mr. Bates, a family friend, showed photos of Robert Kennedy at his ranch on Saturday, August 4. This was in Gilroy, CA, near San Francisco. Bates maintains that Bobby Kennedy was there all weekend with some of his kids and Ethel. In the photos what I see is a tanned, normal, happy man. On Aug. 4, the Pollards, neighbors of Marilyn Monroe, were playing bridge with friends when they saw Bobby pull up in a convertible. I believe they said another man accompanied him, but I read that so long ago -- it might not be right. And it might be one of Slatzer's embellishments. Another author quotes throughout his book 2 dead people: Mrs. Murray and her son-in-law, Norman Jeffries, who were at the scene. He says Bobby Kennedy sent Murray and Jeffries away and he was with one or two men. I guess the Pollards are gone, so we can't back this up. This book maintains that Bobby beat up Marilyn Monroe, brought her into her guest house where she kept her files, and killed her, leaving her for dead. Motive: Her little red diary. Now I ask you, is Bobby Kennedy going to kill a well-known woman because she wrote down some secrets he told her about the Kennedy Administration? First of all, he could have burned it -- she had a fireplace. But she may have a copy somewhere else. Or she could tell someone verbatim what Bobby told her. Once he told her, he put it into her knowledge. So whether it's written down or not, she knows things about Castro, and the UFO men captured at Roswell, Jimmy Hoffa, the mob, etc. If she threatens to tell people, especially since her old psychiatrist, Dr. Krist, committed her to a mental hospital the year before, who is going to care? Most won't believe her and Kennedy could scoff at it and say he's very sorry for her. They attended a party once and got to talking about the space program. He's sorry she tied in our Moon race with flying saucers. And just stand there and shake his head. Why murder her? It's ridiculous. So why would Bobby Kennedy kill Marilyn Monroe? It is more reasonable to conclude that after he left her house after a visit, the CIA, FBI or the mafia, or any intel agency, went in and killed her, hoping to frame Bobby Kennedy. When Jeffries and Murray returned, Marilyn was on a bed in the guest house and still had a pulse. Her psychiatrist, Ralph Greenson, showed up suddenly and gave her an injection in her heart, presumably adrenaline; it hit her rib instead and the needle broke. She died. Another book has come out, which I haven't read, by a sister (I think) of Joe DiMaggio, who states she was on the phone with Marilyn when Marilyn yelled out a name and the phone went dead. This name she would not tell anyone because of fear someone would die in the DiMaggio family. If this is true, could Monroe have yelled out, "Bobby!" -- ? The sister must have told Joe, but unless she says more, we'll never know. -- But I didn't read the book; maybe she says within that she did tell her brother. Anyway, I am requesting that someone post the photograph that I will describe. It's dated August 5, 1962 at 9:30 am. It shows Bobby outside a Catholic Church with his wife and kids in Gilroy, CA. Marilyn Monroe was dead. The public knew this at approx 5 am. The photo was in B/W. It was in a book, most likely. But which one? I would love it if someone could post or scan it. Thank You, Kathy
  10. 1950's: Malcolm Lowry (Under the Volcano); Vladimir Nabokov (Lolita -- hard to believe English was his second language); Allen Ginsberg (Howl), Anne Sexton (To Bedlam and Part-Way Back); John Berryman (Dreamsongs -- "Henry" persona); Norman Mailer (The Naked and the Dead); 1940's: Arthur Miller (Death of a Salesman); Tennessee Williams (A Streetcar Named Desire); Gore Vidal (The City and the Pillar). Kathy There is one writer who never gets mentioned. Playwright William Inge. He wrote the best tragic parts for actresses. Most of his plays were turned into films. There was: The Stripper (1964), Bus Stop (1956), Come Back Little Sheba (50's), and my mind goes blank. He wrote many others. All I know about him is he was gay and he committed suicide. And I have a degree in English. We never covered him. Kathy
  11. It's been a long time since I read Senatorial Privilege by Leo Damore, but I recall Damore making the rounds of NY radio talk shows. Then suddenly he's dead. I find this suspicious, as someone said he killed himself. I don't believe this for a minute. But what I couldn't get over was Joe Gargan, Ted's cousin, giving so much incriminating info about Ted to Damore for his book. Gargan really turned against Ted 20 odd years later. I've never found anything about that aspect. Can you imagine the hatred this would engender? Or already existed? How is Gargan being treated by the Kennedy family? I think Ted got out of the car to hide in brush and told Mary Jo to take off. She must have seen this little road and turned into it fast and her car fell off that cursed bridge. This is why no one saw Ted wet. Or upset the next morning. Then Gargan and Markham show up to inform him Mary Jo drowned. Which is another reason he didn't call for help. He thought she got home safe. Also, there were reports of E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis being seen on Martha's Vineyard. Which is another theory. Kathy Collins
  12. Mr. Dankbaar. I suppose it would be too much to hope for: to get a DNA sample from June and/or Rachel. Then to compare it to Robert Oswald, their "uncle." I don't believe Robert Oswald is their uncle. I don't think he's related to them or to LHO. Kathy
  13. The little Oswald looks like Harvey, but he's too small and slight. The woman with him. Is she Harvey's Marguerite? Because there seems to be a resemblance. Kathy
  14. I used to win spelling bees all the time. But lately I've noticed a hesitancy in me with certain words, so I have to check the words in the dictionary for the spelling. And usually I've spelt it right. I guess it's age. But what I wanted to say -- dyslexics. I went to Catholic school. If you couldn't spell or learn properly, they'd beat the crap out of you. I've never been dyslexic, so I wonder what that's like. In Oswald's Tale by Norman Mailer, there are documents in the back written by Harvey Oswald (I guess). He evidently had dyslexia. With my upbringing, seeing that, I would have thought he was stupid. I remember a nun slapping a girl right next to me, who was coloring with her left hand. The nun said, "The devil is making you use that hand." I didn't know my right from my left. So I was scared when she came over to me. Apparently, I was using the correct hand. That's why I never heard of dyslexia in Catholic school. You were just stupid. Kathy
  15. Bob Dylan's Like a Rolling Stone has lyrics which read, "You say you never compromised/ with the mystery tramp..." Someone told me he believed "mystery tramp" came from the pictures of the mystery tramps in Dealey Plaza. BTW, the song is about Edie Sedgwick, Andy Warhol star, heiress and drug addict. Kathy
  16. Kathy: Thanks for the response. What about Rachel and June Lee? Has either of them been approached about this project and do they consent? PS most people call me Ray. I first heard of the relevance of a DNA test between Robert Oswald and June or Rachel Oswald (not their name) when a major member of the Kennedy community told me about it. I was under the idea that many in the community would have liked this DNA test. As far as I know, no one is attempting to do this. But it would be great if it could be done. Gary Mack wrote to me and feels that if a DNA test could be performed between these individuals, no one would believe the outcome and we'd be arguing the results and the way they came about for eternity. I don't know how to get in touch with those women. I wonder what their reaction would be. I've read in the past that those 2 girls had very unhappy childhoods because they were made fun of and ostracized in school. In their looks they resembled Harvey because they had very dark hair. But I wouldn't know either of them if I fell over them in the street. Kathy
  17. You're not wrong and you're honest. If a newspaper did a story on Donald Norton, they'd probably show his picture and/or his home. It's public and he's connected to the Assassination. He supposedly, in front of Bill Kelly (who has curious feelings toward Norton) had Mae Brussels, a highly-esteemed radio CT, identify him as "Lee Oswald" almost 40 years ago. And we're just supposed to let that go. I am not invading Norton's privacy. I merely posted public records, as he has notoriety in the matter of this Forum. Remember he's alive and Kennedy is dead. Greg, are the numbers on those homes really 1006? Odd coincidence. Kathy
  18. I think the average person would be surprised what's on zabasearch.com about them. About Donald Norton: John Armstrong (or was it Jack W?) published reams of Donald Norton addresses on another site. These are public records. Why do I have to walk on eggshells regarding Donald Norton? He knew or did something pertaining to the Kennedy Assassination. Big crime, remember? The numbers 1006 on properties said to be his -- or used by him -- is very suspicious. And weird. These homes are obviously from the latter half of the 20th Century. There are many incidental things to the Kennedy Assassination. I can't enforce the law, but I can point to something not right. Nobody is going to arrest me for making a public record public. I have no intention of contacting Robert Oswald nor Donald Norton. Someone suggested a DNA test to me -- in fantasy. It wasn't of my origin. You make light of me finding a photo of Ralph Geb, whom I never heard of previously. I was on a site looking for Donald Norton info, just following a hunch. As a photo unrolled -- I hadn't seen it yet -- the name beneath said Ralph Geb. I wrote this down. When I saw the picture, I thought he looked like the "yearbook" picture. So I looked up the name and was shocked to find Ralph Geb had impersonated LHO in Mexico. This truly shocked me. I use the names I do because I love horror films from the '30's - 60's. Mr. Sardonicus was one of my favorites. I have a best friend from my home state who appreciated things about these movies too and that formed the basis of our friendship. Only if you've grown up watching Dracula (1932) or Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein on the Million Dollar Movie in the NY area of the '60's, over and over, night after night, can you begin to understand. "Zacherly here," Kathy
  19. Terry, there's a website called zabasearch.com. I bet you'll find yourself mentioned therein. I don't believe Donald Norton was a red herring. Stuff is still going on with him. He owns 2 residences in Avon Park, FL. Both houses are numbered 1006 on different streets. A doctor's office also came up. The address? 1006 W. Pleasant St. So I wanted to see his house like I was riding in his neighborhood. And I posted one or two pictures. I thought someone would find it interesting. Why are we protecting these people as time is running out fast? Regarding Norton, I was looking up businesses related to him. And I happened on this website with a lot of photos. There was a man who looked exactly like Donald Norton. This man spends the summer up in Canada and the winter in Florida. I believe it's either Donald O. Norton himself or a brother. Donald Norton has a brother close in age. Could that be he or his brother? On the same site, I came across a photo of a man who looked like the "yearbook" picture. As his photo was scrolling down, a name appeared under it: Ralph Geb. I wrote it down and didn't think very much of it. I decided to look him up later. When I did, I discovered Ralph Geb was one of the LHO impersonators in Mexico. He, too, had a brother -- in Army Intelligence. Tell me, what are the odds that something like that will happen? I never heard of Ralph Geb. On the blog thecloakofdarkness.blogspot.com starting Feb and March 2006, there is more about this topic. Kathy
  20. I believe you. To me, it looked like a bit of a hike. Kathy
  21. Google Earth is a research tool. It isn't always accurate in pinpointing someone's home. It's like driving past the house where Robert Oswald lives. Or Donald O. Norton. John Armstrong followed Norton for years, but Norton was always one step ahead of him. You might not be curious about these people, what they do for a living or how they live, but I bet others are. I have never tried to contact these people. Since your name is in the book, presumably with your address, you are now very accessible to someone curious about you. In effect, you're on the Internet already, John. Kathy
  22. Dixie, thanks for answering me. If Robert Oswald wanted privacy, he wouldn't have his name and address published in the phone book. He seems fairly assessible. Since it's already known where he lives, I don't see where I'm invading his privacy. Donald O. Norton has 2 residences in Avon Park, FL. And a doctor's office came up in my search. These 3 properties are located at 1006, on different streets. I think that's very curious. Bill Kelly said to me online: are you still going to continue to "stalk" Donald O. Norton? Norton lives 2 hours from me. This man had something to do with the assassination. And Ralph Geb meant nothing to me. But his recent picture looked like the "yearbook" photo. I wrote the name down. Later, I searched his name and he was listed as having taken part in the Kennedy assassination. I was shocked. I couldn't believe I had stumbled onto something like this. But to answer your main comment, I don't see what's wrong with showing a picture of where these people live. It's accessible to the public. A man died in a violent manner with his wife as a witness. I want to know more about that occurrence. If they were involved in the assassination, in any capacity, I don't have too much sympathy for them. Donald O. Norton has had a better photo of where he lived and his picture published by someone in the research community already. John Armstrong followed Norton for years. Norton said he was Lee Oswald (as opposed to Harvey). In Harvey and Lee, Lee Oswald was in the TSBD and shot from the 6th floor. So if this man claimed to Mae Brussels in front of witnesses that he was Lee Oswald, and the book says that Lee shot from that 6th floor window, I don't see why I should walk on eggshells with a possible assassin. Again, thank you for your comments, Dixie. Kathy
  23. Google Earth is a free program. It shows houses and streets. It's public information. If someone objected to their residence appearing on this program, they'd basically get in touch with Google and their houses would be blurry -- and you'd see nothing. I don't see anything wrong about putting this photo on an Internet website. We're all interested in Robert Oswald. Many researchers believe he is not related to Lee Harvey Oswald at all. I think plumbing the Internet constitutes research. Though some here want to show their method of researching is more politically correct than my Internet searches. It sounds like a morality judgement and a very biased reaction.
  24. You can look at the building from different angles. Robert Oswald was always asked questions about his "brother" Lee. His address is listed. He's not hiding. Google Earth only shows areas that are not bothered by residents/communities. Otherwise the place would be blurry. Kathy
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