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Kathleen Collins

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Everything posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. If Judyth has this letter from Smathers, why can't we see it? Was it written in Papyrus? Kathy
  2. I am very interested in the role played by George Smathers in the assassination. Although he claims to have been JFK’s friend, he had long ceased to have supported him and appears to have been LBJ’s man (Smathers was definitely closer to LBJ political views). I am also interested in George Smathers relationship with Bobby Baker and Fred Black (the Serve-U Corporation). Smathers was also the man who was trying to link the Kennedys with the death of Marilyn Monroe. At the time of the assassination of JFK his secretary was Mary Jo Kopechne. For more on Smathers see: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=943 http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKsmathers.htm Just a comment. Smathers was a lying bastard. He was the one, I believe, who started the rumors about Kennedy and other women. Then Norman Mailer's popular book came out, Marilyn, which made it public she was friends with Bobby and Jack, Pat (nee Kennedy) Lawford and Peter Lawford. Since we have learned what a traitor and turncoat Norman Mailer was: he wrote Oswald's Tale and came to the conclusion that the conspiracy theories were wrong. He couldn't find conspiracy in the Kennedy Assassination. Not even, as he conveys in his book, they took Oswald out of the Texas Theater in a riot of policemen. And at the same time, a man who owned a business next to the theater, saw the cops (2) take Oswald out a back exit. Now how can that be? I think Mailer got spooked. This is a rumor: Mailer had tax problems and when he stated there was no conspiracy to kill President Kennedy, those problems went away. Someone told me this. I will try to find proof. Nevertheless, Smathers smeared Kennedy after he was dead, bringing out all the women and that the 2 brothers were having affairs with Monroe. Smathers was no friend. He had no respect for his memory He managed to assassinate Kennedy twice. Opinion: I believe, even if you're President, your sex life has nothing to do with your politcal life. I don't care how many women he slept with. He was the best President we had in the 20th Century. Kathy
  3. Bobby Kennedy should have written the book and the TV show called "How I Would Have Done It, if I had done it." Kathy
  4. In my opinion, Marilyn Monroe was murdered after Bobby Kennedy left. Either a hitman from the mob or some govt agency who hoped Kennedy would be blamed for the murder. Eunice Murray was a devout xxxx. She wrote a book on Marilyn with Rose Shade around 1975. Never did she speak about what really happened the night Marilyn died. She was just cashing in on the Monroe mania elicited by Norman Mailer's book, Marilyn. And as far as Norman Jeffries is concerned, the guy is dead. It's a great thing to tell an audience Jeffries said this, Jeffries said that. The man who wrote that particular book waited for Eunice and Jeffries to die and decided to write a book quoting them as to Bobby Kennedy killing Marilyn. This is bull----. Also the part about Miner reciting from memory long passages of Shakespeare Marilyn supposedly quoted is a crock, in my opinion. He's trying to make money off of her, like Slatzer did.
  5. I used to have dreams constantly about preventing the following people from being killed. And I could never get there in time, so was left in the dark. President Kennedy Marilyn Monroe Karyn Kupcinet When I pass away, probably the first thing I'm going to ask God is: Who killed Karyn Kupcinet? Also, I'd like to have prevented 9-11, or else find out what happened to the real passengers. I would love to relive Beatlemania, just as I did at ages 8-10. (BTW, I'm an American.) And if I could come back as any person in history, I'd like to be Mick Jagger. Kathy
  6. Donald O. Norton has a brother who worked in Army Intelligence. I believe. Donald was in the service. Both these men are natural redheads. At thecloakofdarkness.blogspot.com in the archive Sept '05 and thereabouts, you can read and see photos of the Norton's and unmistakenly Ralph Geb -- the file was opening slowly and I saw that name. I never heard of him before, but wrote it down. Turns out he was involved in the Assassination and probably knew Norton. Kathy
  7. Couldn't refrain -- Will we have to wear those cardboard glasses to see it? Kathy
  8. Peter, Save your breath, Armstrong isn't listening. I first met him in the back dinning room of the Egyptian Lounge in Dallas over a COPA conference weekend and sat across the table from him. I supported his thesis and made mention of Trotski's assassin Raymond Mercader and his brothers as a family of agents put together by the KBB as a good example of what he was trying to prove about Oswald. Shortly before his book went to press, I met an ex-USMC who had served with Oswald in Japan who said that the Oswald Ruby killed in Dallas wasn't the same Oswald he served with at Atsugi. I wrote a story about it for the local paper and sent a copy to John via Jack and it was included in a short note in the book. I know a few others researchers who were closer to Armstrong and have been to his house and were impressed with the volume of documents he had stacked. I would suggest that Armstrong follow Tony Summer's example and donate his research material to the Assassination Archives and Research Center in DC or another college collection like Baylor has been collecting Penn Jones and the College in Maryland that has Harold Weisberg's material. But others who know JA better say he is also an egotistical jerk who has no interest in supporting other research. BK Curious. John Armstrong is more of a phantom than Donald Norton. Kathy
  9. I have a DVD that has footage of Jada being at a local news station. She didn't appear nervous. This was after Ruby shot Oswald or the next day. I think she called Ruby a maniac. And she had her teased hair piled up in all directions. Kathy
  10. As for Shari Angel, she's a real piece of work and could probably answer a lot of these questions, though her reliabitliy factor would come into play. I met her at the Dallas airport where I had flown in from Philly on the same plane with one of Bob Groden's kids. Bob drove a new van which included me, his son, Shari Angel and a couple other shaddy characters. Shari had a fake mink stole and a little yapper dog who she said was related to the same pups Jack had, and gave away as pets to special friends - like Mickey Cohen's girlfriend. When we got to the hotel, I tried to pretend I wasn't with them when the dog started doing his dutty all over the lobby, and some guy in a suit and tie got off the elevator and stepped directly in it. Ruby's curse is still active. BK I didn't know you were from Dallas and knew some of these people. But you had me in stitches with the part about Shari Angel and her dog and you trying not to be with them. Kathy
  11. That roof on this Google Earth is not a real roof, but a computer generated one...why? I went back and looked again, and the roof does appear to be faked. Whey would anybody put a fake roof on this building? Jack It's like we all download Google Earth and then we're able to put things in our own program where they aren't. I'm not sure. But they protect major cities with white roofs and structures. They don't put things there that aren't there. I'm sure I've used Earth offline. So I think it's a personal thing. Kathy Google bought the 3D program Sketch-Up and issued Sketch-Up Free, then created a plug-in that allows people to create 3D structures and "place" them in Google Earth. It appears to me that that's what is being seen in the image. Whether there is a way to overide such user-placed 3D creations or not is something I haven't bothered finding out. It talks about placing such things in Google Earth at the bottom of the left column on this page. Ashton You are right. First of all, it has to be online to update it. And I found just what you said. Someone put a building at 26 degrees 57'13.58 North and 80 degrees 50'46.34 West. If you click on the i there, it tells about this man who wanted to put things on Google Earth that are artistic. And he planted one. I don't like this idea. If he wants to paint a picture, find a canvas. Kathy
  12. That roof on this Google Earth is not a real roof, but a computer generated one...why? I went back and looked again, and the roof does appear to be faked. Whey would anybody put a fake roof on this building? Jack It's like we all download Google Earth and then we're able to put things in our own program where they aren't. I'm not sure. But they protect major cities with white roofs and structures. They don't put things there that aren't there. I'm sure I've used Earth offline. So I think it's a personal thing. Kathy Google bought the 3D program Sketch-Up and issued Sketch-Up Free, then created a plug-in that allows people to create 3D structures and "place" them in Google Earth. It appears to me that that's what is being seen in the image. Whether there is a way to overide such user-placed 3D creations or not is something I haven't bothered finding out. It talks about placing such things in Google Earth at the bottom of the left column on this page. Ashton
  13. That roof on this Google Earth is not a real roof, but a computer generated one...why? I don't know what you mean -- computer-generated. Google Earth is free. Sometimes it may be off a bit and show a different building nearby. Earth whites out buildings in big cities like NY. But you can see their shapes and still look at them and the area. A lot of countries don't want to be depicted, so all you'll find there is blurry green or sand color. Surprisingly, they show Area 51, which amazed me. Because they'd kill you if you went past the No Trespassing sign, but you can see them from above? They even show the entrance into the mountain! Then I read somewhere that Area 51 had moved. This individual stated they went further into the desert. By the way, Area 51 was radioactive. Anyway, do you have a theory why the roof of the doctor's building is computer-generated? Kathy
  14. A wise decision John. Harvey & Lee is an indispensable work in my opinion. Plus, its likely to be a good investment. A copy of Armstrong's 1997 Dallas presentation is selling for $275. http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResu...26+lee&x=68 The book comes in a box or sleeve. Also, there is a CD that shows all kinds of legal records from FBI, etc. And photos of Oswald. Which is Lee (who got away) or Harvey? Kathy
  15. John, go to jfkresearch.com and you can get the info there about the book. It may be on eBay too. Kathleen Collins
  16. Dear Robin, Welcome to this forum. Is there anything you can tell us related to the Kennedy Assassination? Do you feel Phil Graham was murdered? Why and who was behind it? His death, as described in Katherine's book (as sudden and mysterious as Hunter S. Thompson's death years later) is suspicious. What do you think happened? Then President Kennedy was killed 3 or so months after Graham. Same forces? Can you tell us anything about Mary Meyer Pinchot? Kathy
  17. Bill, I don't want to harrass someone, and I was surprised when you said I was "stalking" Norton -- that's Donald O. Norton. But I want to thank you for your info on Donald P. Norton. I knew about him, but you provided me with a great more detail. He's a different man than Donald O. Donald O. identified himself as Lee Oswald to Mae Brussel and witnesses. He went to Mae's house with the others and recited Harvey's former radio interview about Russia word for word. Since I learned there were 2 men sharing LHO's identity, I know Harvey was shot by Ruby, and Lee disappeared. Is he Donald O. Norton? Doesn't look like Lee, but he claimed he was. I think that his using 2 addresses, both of which are in 2 different places in Avon Park, and the number is 1006 and the doctor's address is 1006, very interesting. These are public records. Kathy
  18. Bill, Donald O. Norton is a figure in the Kennedy Assassination. To what extent, only John Armstrong knows. He pretended to be Lee Oswald. He knows things he's not telling. And when Robert Oswald gets on TV, he gleams as he tells the public what a dipxxxx his brother was. Robert claims to be Oswald's brother. He is not. The more we search for truth, the more we can understand what happened November 22, 1963. Norton claimed to be Lee Oswald to Mae Brussels. Weren't you there when he approached her? Are you feeling sorry for him? Kathy
  19. Don't believe everything you read. I can't imagine old Mr. Minor, looking back on a tape he heard of her. Writing it down that night with Monroe's spirit in his room, feeding him the lines. It's a crock. How could Minor write whole passages of Shakespeare from memory? He copied them out of a book. As far as Monroe's death was concerned, I too believe in the enema story. How to explain a purple, uninspected colon. I would have liked to have seen her as Ophelia. Someone once said that Jackie Kennedy's voice sounded like Marilyn Monroe playing Ophelia. These books that have come out -- they're just rehashing the whole saga without any proof. Kathy
  20. Donald O. Norton: Here are 2 buildings at the addresses of Anoka Ave and a doctor's office at W. Pleasant St in Avon Park, FL via Google Earth. Kathy
  21. It seems Donald O. Norton, unlike Joltin' Joe, has not left and gone away. I have 3 new addresses for him in Avon Park, FL. Donald O. Norton 1006 Percy Ave Avon Pk, FL Donald O. Norton 1006 Anoka Ave (as of March 1, 2005) Avon Park, FL Then there's a doctor listed: Dr. Donald B Geldart 1006 W. Pleasant St Avon Park, FL 33825-2966 What is with "1006"? There were no business listings for him. Except a Donald O. Norton in MT with a steak restaurant. I will keep plugging along. There's some stunning research into Donald O. Norton on the blog: thecloakofdarkness.blogspot.com Mostly in Sept. 2005 and thereabouts. Some pictures too. Kathy
  22. A guy like Ted Kennedy, with a closet full of half-clad skeletons, knows better than to rock any boats. He's just another master of reality manipulation. For crying out loud, he had his decades-old marriage to Joan *annulled* - as if it never existed - so he could marry his next wife in the Catholic Church. I didn't know he got his first marriage annuled. Unless you're confusing him with his nephew Joe III, who dropped out of the Governor's campaign because his brother Michael, now deceased, was fooling around with his underage babysitter. And because he got an annulment from his first wife. This just points out the corruption of the Catholic Church. Kathy
  23. Could you tell me who you are and where or how you learned these things: 1) Ted Kennedy is a member of the CIA? 2) Ted Kennedy had a coke habit? and 3) KGB CIA members killed his brothers? 1) If he was a member of the CIA, would he not have gotten wind of a plan to assassinate his brothers? 2) How are you so "in with the in crowd" that you 'saw' Ted Kennedy in possession of cocaine in 1984? 3) A question similar to #1. If Ted Kennedy was a loyal member of the CIA, how did he not get wind that John Kennedy Jr was about to be killed (tomflocco.com)? How could Ted or any man/woman not stand up to this organization after it killed so many members of his family? I think I would burst if I was in his position. Enough murders. I think I'd call a press conference and reveal all very unexpectedly. Maybe that would get rid of the bastards. Kathy
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