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Kathleen Collins

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Everything posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. I would say someone connected to jfkresearch.com Thanks, Kathy Kathy: Thanks for the response. What about Rachel and June Lee? Has either of them been approached about this project and do they consent? PS most people call me Ray. As far as I know, no one was approached about a DNA test. It's just if this was done, we'd know something peculiar attached Robert Oswald to Harvey Oswald -- and it wasn't blood.
  2. This post reminded me of the logic problems in crossword puzzle books. Kathy
  3. I think President Kennedy had some kind of spasm that brought his arms up like that. This resulted from a bullet. I think the bullet interfered with his breathing. He couldn't breathe and was trying to open his tie knot. My opinion is: the man couldn't breathe in or exhale and was in agony. Also, about that photo. Someone on a JFK website said the man in the doorway (next to Lovelady) is none other than Harvey Oswald. According to Harvey and Lee by John Armstrong, Lee Oswald was on the 6th floor shooting, accompanied by someone. This was to frame Harvey, who was watching the motorcade like everyone else. I don't know if any of Lee's bullets hit the President. So, I ask you, could that be Oswald standing next to Lovelady in the doorway? Kathy
  4. Hello James. I was the one who checked out those addresses on Google Earth, not Francesca. Kathy
  5. Greg, maybe you could check out the other address I provided. Are there any signs of life there? On Google Earth, a huge shadow of a dark cloud completely blacked out Antigua Street. Convenient. The stalker thing is just a joke. Kathy
  6. [quote name='Kathleen Collins' post='94456' date='Feb 18 2007, 06:32 PM' Kathy: Do you know who is instigating this? Has one or both of Marina's daughters requested this or consented to this? {Edit} How soon can we expect to see your photo? I would say someone connected to jfkresearch.com J, about the photo, I have no digital photos of myself. Also, I want to travel in anonymity. I've uncovered stuff about Donald O. Norton and Ralph Geb. Norton lives 2 hours away from me. Don't laugh, but I'm afraid I'll be knocked off. I'm a very private person. I'm not a bad-looking girl, but could lose some weight. I don't think I look my age. Thanks, Kathy
  7. I looked up the addresses on Google Earth. 3128 Harlandale is across town from 2222 Harlandale. I'm going to try to post a photo of 3128. Apparently someone with a connection to the assassination lived there -- but I don't know who. So here it is. Kathy
  8. Thomas, there's a Donald O. Norton who supposedly said he was Lee Oswald -- but he's a redhead. John Armstrong has a wealth of info about him, but he won't publish it. Also there's a Ralph Geb who supposedly impersonated Oswald. Do you know anything about them? Please go to: thecloakofdarkness.blogspot.com Starting in Feb or March of 2006, there is some research about both men. I'd like your opinion. Kathy
  9. I don't know if posting his change of address on the internet and following him into restaurants to surrepticiously acquire DNA samples constitutes "stalking," my MO is more direct, I follow my subjects into a bar, sit down next to them, and after a few drinks, convince them to give me what I want. And I know I probably spelt surrepticiously wrong. BK Bill, I'm only teasing you. Kathy
  10. Me, too, particularly as early as 25 November 1963, which is when Soviet TV viewers got to see it! (Unless, and one must permit the possibility, we are dealing with a completely different film of the actual bullet impacts...) Paul The Soviets saw the film on Nov. 25 '63. I never heard of this before. There is another film seen by a handful of people. The turn onto Elm is shown, no sign blocking the limo, the limo stop. This film was made by a govt agency and/or the oil barons. I wonder if that's the film the Soviets saw. Kathy
  11. 1.) The difference of the wounds from Parkland Hospital to Bethesda. The written, "surgery in the head area" (paraphrased). This from David Lifton's Best Evidence. 2.) The Lee Harvey Oswald photos. Some are composites, some are just plain different from one another. Jack White. Harvey and Lee by John Armstrong. 3.) Some DNA from Robert Oswald, compared to at least one of his 2 "nieces'" DNA. Which would probably show the girls are not related to Robert Oswald, and therefore, Robert Oswald was not the brother of (Lee) Harvey Oswald. Another Researcher. Kathy
  12. I am still surprised that the govt released the Zapruder film. I know it's a concoction, but it still shows (at least to me) President Kennedy getting shot from the front right. This section of his head is facing the camera! Kathy
  13. Robert L. Oswald's has lived for approx 4 decades at 2530 Shepherds Glen, Wichita Falls, TX 76308 But as of March (or earlier) 2006, his address changed to 2303 Antigua St, Wichita Falls, TX 76308 I heard a strong rumor that he was departing Wichita Falls. Evidently not. He only moved blocks away. He was born in April 1934. His # is (940) 691-3519. The same as at the previous address. These are public records. I looked him up because I thought he may have moved due to Kennedy researchers wanting a DNA sample from him and one of the Oswald girls (who were adopted by Marina's 2nd husband). As I don't believe Robert was Harvey's brother, I'm sure he would reject giving a DNA sample. But there are ways to get it. For instance, if he eats in a restaurant, a glass he drank out of or a fork or spoon may have the required DNA. I hope Bill Kelly doesn't think I'm "stalking" Robert Oswald. Kathy
  14. Someone once told me that he knew someone who had a special radio -- I don't know -- ham radio, short wave radio -- and that he tuned it into NASA's frequency. Right before we landed on the moon, this man listened astonished when he heard one of the astronauts say, "They're all over the place. I think they're watching us." He was talking about UFOs. I know this is anecdotal, but the person who told me this has good references. Can anyone share further light on this -- UFOs in space? A radio capable of tuning into NASA's frequency? Kathy
  15. It was obvious that Robert was shot in the back of his head. If you look at the footage, someone lifts his head a bit and there's a puddle of blood underneath his head. Kathy
  16. 1950's: Malcolm Lowry (Under the Volcano); Vladimir Nabokov (Lolita -- hard to believe English was his second language); Allen Ginsberg (Howl), Anne Sexton (To Bedlam and Part-Way Back); John Berryman (Dreamsongs -- "Henry" persona); Norman Mailer (The Naked and the Dead); 1940's: Arthur Miller (Death of a Salesman); Tennessee Williams (A Streetcar Named Desire); Gore Vidal (The City and the Pillar). Kathy
  17. How about Virginia Woolf and Ernest Hemingway? (I just realized: they both killed themselves.) Kathy
  18. I don't know about the eye color, but on that page is supposed to be a picture of LHO and Marina (behind Robert on the couch). That certainly is not Harvey!!!! Thanks for the pics, Kathy!!! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/cbecket/bOswald7.jpg Kathy In this uploaded photo, Robert Oswald has blue eyes. In the next, he has dark brown eyes. Please increase the size of the photos to see. Kathy
  19. I came across a strange site re Robert Oswald. There are large pictures there of Robert Oswald, I guess to compare to Harvey. However, in 2 pictures his eyes are dark, brown. But there's one picture where you can see his eyes look blue! These are quality photos. What gives? http://www.ardemgaz.com/cgi/genphoto.plx?prev/oswald Kathy
  20. How long is this crap going to continue? I have an email from Rich today. Terry could have altered his emails. I feel like I'm in a playground. And I want you to note that I did nothing to Terry. She stirs up trouble. I came on here to discuss President Kennedy. Terry ruined the Ted Kennedy thread. Did anybody notice? Kathy You know, the more I think about it -- Terry could have altered the text in any email he sent her -- if he did send her one. It's so easy to do. Then just forward it to you, Dawn. Proves nothing. Neither Rich nor his wife want anything to do with this harrassment. He wouldn't do anything to rile me up or her. Let's just drop it. The schoolyard bully has boomeranged herself. Amen. Kathy
  21. How long is this crap going to continue? I have an email from Rich today. Terry could have altered his emails. I feel like I'm in a playground. And I want you to note that I did nothing to Terry. She stirs up trouble. I came on here to discuss President Kennedy. Terry ruined the Ted Kennedy thread. Did anybody notice? Kathy
  22. How long is this crap going to continue? I have an email from Rich today. Terry could have altered his emails. I feel like I'm in a playground. And I want you to note that I did nothing to Terry. She stirs up trouble. I came on here to discuss President Kennedy. Terry ruined the Ted Kennedy thread. Did anybody notice? Kathy
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