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Kathleen Collins

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Everything posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. Do you mean the upcoming G-8? W, conveniently, will be travelling to Europe and will stop in. I think it's going to be held in Germany. What are they planning? Kathy
  2. See. A lot of people would like to go there. I'm told it was a great resort. Kathy
  3. Great, just what we need, another war to oppress another country. Don't you think the CIA is going to get in there? What makes you think we have the right to murder people and steal their country from them? Castro took over and then informed his people that they were now living under communism. Why do you think Elian Gonzalez's mother lost her life to give him freedom? Do we need their sugar cane? Their bananas? Their vacation climate? It was once a great resort -- before my time. Why should we co-exist with an enemy 90 miles off our shore? What about all the Cuban exiles who went in there in the Bay of Pigs to take back their country? These people have rights and would love a free country. That's why they're here. That's why Kennedy was killed. The Cuban Exiles hoped America would believe Castro did it and want to invade Cuba. Why don't YOU grab a gun and go right now to take over Cuba? I was in the Gulf of Mexico 2 days ago. Had an incident, nearly drowned. And the water is still quite chilly. I'll bide my time. I'll read your obituary in the news. Make sure they spell my name right. That's important to a person when they're dead. What is it about us Americans that makes us think we own the world, or, that we ought to own the world? Castro's regime is our enemy. They're close by. Today we're having trouble with Islamic Extremists from Guyana. Too many enemies nearby. Oh, and Castro being a bastard? No more than George Washington was considered one by the English. You can't compare America with Cuba. He cleaned up a corrupt gov't. and ran OUR American Mafia out of HIS country. Not such a bad thing for the Cuban people. Not a bad thing? Then why do so many Cubans want to live here? You can't compare Cuba with Iraq. These are my opinions. Subject to change. It's what I learned in a Jesuit college: We have a mission in this world -- kill Commies for Christ. Kathy
  4. In an interesting blog, Mr. Gleeson speculates whether Castro is dead. This was about a year ago. He uncovers and shows fake pictures of Castro. I believe Castro is dead. The newspaper he is holding is not a published copy -- it's a fake. The "newspaper" is stapled together. And is it the real Castro? (There were 2 Oswalds.) http://sean.gleeson.us/2006/08/13/not-dead...ing-says-castro When are they going to tell us he's dead? The CIA probably knows. It's the "trickle down" theory. I'd like to see happy people in Little Havana in Florida really have cause to celebrate and then I'd like to see the USA take over Cuba. Can the USA do this? I have been having quite a discussion with a Cuban young man. He says we will not be able to take them over. He says Cuba is 90 miles away from us, and there is nothing we can do except see a news film occasionally of the Cubans driving around in 1950's cars today. How can they be technologically superior to us? Kathy
  5. On the news at this hour, the FBI have foiled a terrorist plot aimed at blowing up JFK via the Exxon Lindon, NJ underground pipes which fuel JFK Airport and some other airports. The terrorists are Islamic Militants from the Guyana, east of Venezuela. A cell of terrorists went to a major group of extremists and started the ball rolling. But FBI informants had infiltrated these Islamics. Yesterday, I drove my girlfriend to the airport. Her plane was to leave at 5:10 pm. The plane left possibly around 9 pm. She arrived in Newark after midnight and didn't get home till 1 am. I don't know if this plot had something to do with delaying the planes. The passengers were told there were planes flying around the 3 major airports, waiting to land. Either Friday is a bad day to travel or this plot had something to do with the delays. One anchor lady on Fox News said that these extremists zoomed in on JFK airport because of its name. They wanted to kill him one more time. To blow up the airport would cripple our economy, and that it was named after our assassinated president, it would stun and hurt Americans all over again. That's all I know about it now. I didn't see any posts about it here. Kathy
  6. Congratulations, Don!!! Toot all you want. I have just finished a novel; and I have started on my next, which is about conspiracy. I'm getting ready to send the first one out. People who know me, will know who I'm writing about. But the first one is an entity onto itself. Pure fiction. Kathy Collins
  7. O'Reilly scares me. His temper is always a moment away. He should debate Rosie O'Donell -- two Micks. I can't imagine what he's like at home. Here is Geraldo Rivera (another turncoat) and Bill O'Reilly going at it. Most members have probably seen this. http://youtube.com/watch?v=aq5ldZklCZo Kathy
  8. I'm not familiar with Harold Weisberg and Edward Epstein - I'll have to check them out (references welcome). Mark Lane is certainly a hero I haven't missed. Bertrand Russell worked closely with Ralph Schoenman - also Jewish, I understand. These days, Ralph and his partner Mya Shone maintain the rage on air. Their radio show, Taking Aim covers conspiracies and other evil deeds from a Marxist perspective. An unusual brew. Archives available as free downloads. Schoenman 's Hidden History of Zionism is also a most interesting read. You've named several Jewish journalists who believe in a conspiracy. But I know one late journalist who believed the Kennedy Assassination was the work of Lee Harvey Oswald. His name was Irv Kupcinet from Chicago. Irv was a Zionist too. Probably because Penn Jones Jr connected Kupcinet's daughter's murder to the Kennedy Assassination and got that rolling, Irv was rabid about Oliver Stone's JFK. A first script had Karyn Kupcinet in it. But Stone decided to go with Rose Charamie who had witnesses to her foreknowledge. Kathy
  9. I just looked at Zapruder Film - Costella - and it looks like part of the window. The alterationists removed frames. I hope somebody can come up with an explanation. Kathy
  10. I have followed Geraldo for many years. I went to his One-One concert in 1972. When Afghanistan started, Geraldo, at the end of his show, out of nowhere, looked at the camera, shook his head and said, "Lee Harvey Oswald was the only person to kill President Kennedy. There was no conspiracy." This was said with disdain. My mouth dropped open. There was no topic that night on his show about Kennedy. The show was Rivera Live. The next week he comes on to say he has bad tidings, but that he took a job as Foreign Correspondent with another station (Fox -- he was on CNBC). He needed to be where the action was. So, I realized he's now working for the right wing media. Even the other night he mentioned about Oswald killing Kennedy. So he has a boost in pay, a new show, a new wife too and he gets to go overseas. I guess he got what the Intell org promised him. I wrote him and told him that not only was he a xxxx, but (a word I don't usually use) an asshole. And a phony bastard. Kathy
  11. Hmmm...Mellen wrote that Bobby Kennedy had a secret assassin team made up from the Cuban Exiles who didn't hate the President. They were planning to kill Castro and not even tell the President about it. So Bobby Kennedy didn't think much of his brother's stratagems or his intelligence. I have never read anywhere else that Bobby was doing this. That the 2 Kennedys were going to assassinate Castro on Dec 1/Dec 2, 1963 is more believable. Kathy
  12. Ohmygod that is hilarious. And something I could imagine coming from the lovely and charming HL Hunt. Well I've learned enough to about Hunt's espionage network to allow me to learn something about Hunt's espionage network, specifically the keywords "Paul Rothermel." He was an FBI guy who headed up Hunt's culture rich gang, which apparently had other ex-FBIers as well as the ubiquitous "rouge CIA agents." And a private army--the American Volunteer Group (AVG). He bought Walker his own army! Then he could preach to them about the John Birch Society all he wanted. It would have been better if he just got him a GI Joe doll. fruitcakes with massive amts of money are frightening not funny I got my MA from a Jesuit University and had an advisor pitch me for "an intelligence agency" Well that sure is interesting Evan. I keep reading little blurbs about various religious sects being involved with espionage agencies, including the Catholic church, but this is the first reliable piece of info I've received on the subject. the major ones, including mine-The Mormons-all have intell gathering efforts-actually I'm of the opinion the Jesuits probably put the Agency to shame in some parts of the world. Thank you. At last I find some people who know another side to the Jesuits and Clerics of all kinds. There was a Jesuit, Malachy Martin, who wrote scathing books about the Jesuits, including their devil worship and Jesuit assassins. I have to research his books. Back when I was in that college, he was spreading fear throughout the S.J.s And also there was always this story that the Jesuits and the Vatican knew Kennedy was going to be hit. Cardinal Spellman knew it, allegedly. The Catholic Church did not want it known how much they hated Kennedy's politics. I guess President Kennedy wasn't killing enough commies for them. Kathy
  13. I think that if one has a theory, he should sound it out no matter how ridiculous. I don't think he'd have Jackie next to him if he knew he was going to be shot. It is a silly theory, but so what? I've heard worse. JFK had the limo rigged to shoot him; they buried Tippit in Kennedy's grave and vice versa... And what of Lee Oswald? What happened to him? He turned into a redheaded fisherman known as Donald O. Norton? Kathy
  14. Sid, Bin Lid isn't dead, merely, like all good thespians, "resting" between cameos, albeit in a non-conscious state. I think bin Laden's been dead for years, if it was true that he was on dialysis when 9/11 happened. The Bush govt always knew where he was. I also think Fidel Castro is dead. Maybe the US can inject some life back into Cuba. The Cubans are driving around in 1950's automobiles! Must be a great economy. What a wonderful place. Free Elian Gonzalez like his mother wanted. Kathy
  15. I have to apologize. I forgot that this forum is specifically about the death of President Kennedy. I will leave the above topic where it is and watch it slide down out of sight. There's been conspiracy theories attached to the Swissair 111 flight and I reported this in a reflex action. But nothing having to do with Kennedy. Sorry. Kathy
  16. "1998 Swissair Crash Recordings Released AP OTTAWA (May 22) - After years of legal skirmishes, the public can finally hear the gripping soundtrack for one of Canada's worst aviation disasters - the 1998 crash of a Swissair plane that killed all 229 people on board. The Swissair Flight 111 air traffic control tapes, which had been kept sealed since the crash, were released to The Canadian Press on Monday following a court battle that went all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada. The hours of recordings for the flight, which was headed from New York to Geneva, include the 12 critical minutes, starting as the plane's crew reports smoke in the cockpit and ending with a last desperate transmission as the aircraft makes a high-speed nose dives into St. Margaret's Bay, Nova Scotia, near Halifax." That's from AOL news. Here's a link to hear the last recordings of the plane. http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/stor...?hub=TopStories Kathy (Forum Gossip)
  17. Myra, I can give you info on Karyn Kupcinet. She was born Roberta Lynn Kupcinet on March 6, 1941 in Chicago, IL. Later they referred to her as "Cookie." When she went to Hollywood, she was using the name Karyn Kupcinet. She died in West Hollywood on November 28, 1963 (Thanksgiving) of aphyxiation due to manual strangulation. She was 22 years old. (Accounts always say she was 23. No, she was 22.) Kathy Thanks Kathy. I'm most interested in date of death, age, then place of death. And you gave me all 3. Appreciate it. You're welcome, my dear friend. Kathy
  18. They also have Working Class Hero sung by Marianne Faithfull -- and not bad. Also by Cyndi Lauper. I like the Stones "Gimme Shelter" from Top of the Pops (or something). Good to dance to. Allen Ginsberg and Isadora Duncan felt you had to feel the music and dance accordingly. So I wouldn't try it in public. But it's a great experience. Kathy
  19. This is a small section from a William F. Buckley Jr article "Worshipping JFK." I think he wrote this around the time he wrote his novel on the Kennedy years, Getting It Right, a Novel. I always wondered if Buckley played a part in the Assassination of Kennedy. He says some miserable things. And I have to remember he's a staunch Catholic. --- uexpress.com: On the Right with William F. Buckley Jr 11-21-03 Worshipping Kennedy "Curiosity just goes on and on about Mr. Kennedy, and I subscribe to it, having recorded (but not yet seen) the two-hour show presided over by Peter Jennings at which we shall have one more chapter of the Grassy Knoll. The advertisements promise a computer re-creation of the assassination. I think it's about as clearly established that Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy as that John Wilkes Booth killed Lincoln, but seeing it all again, you can use up a little agnostic curiosity on that morbid episode, draining it for a year or two. It is always exciting to read about the assassination of Julius Caesar, particularly when the tale is told by the greatest tale-teller in dramatic literature, never mind that we know that Brutus did it. It goes that way, also, for JFK. But the question I was asked didn't have to do with who killed JFK, but with what was his legacy. It was, said I, entirely personal. Nothing that Mr. Kennedy did in the way of public policy was either singular or enduring in effect. In foreign policy, he lost out on Berlin, presiding over the death of the Four Power Agreement over that city. Kennedy did not consummate his war against Castro at any level. At the military level, he failed at the Bay of Pigs. At the dirty-dog level, he failed in four or five attempts to assassinate Castro; failed with toxic cigars, impregnated wet suits and poison pills. At the diplomatic level, we focus more appropriately on the arrival of Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba than on their withdrawal. It is acknowledged by everyone that we very nearly had a nuclear exchange in October 1962, and historical adjudications correctly deal with the fact of the missiles being deployed there, rather than of the fact that they were finally shooed away." Kathy
  20. Myra, I can give you info on Karyn Kupcinet. She was born Roberta Lynn Kupcinet on March 6, 1941 in Chicago, IL. Later they referred to her as "Cookie." When she went to Hollywood, she was using the name Karyn Kupcinet. She died in West Hollywood on November 28, 1963 (Thanksgiving) of aphyxiation due to manual strangulation. She was 22 years old. (Accounts always say she was 23. No, she was 22.) Kathy
  21. In my opinion, the LHO whom William Stuckey interviewed on 2 radio shows, The Latin Listening Post on Aug. 17, 1963 and Carte Blanque or Blanche a few3 days later is one and the same man. I have never in my life met anyone from New Orleans. I don't know the indigenous accent. I remember trying to understand Tennessee Williams when he was on Kup's Show and it was difficult. Harvey had a Southern accent. But it sounded to me like he was someone who learned English as a second language. I think he had a problem with his "t's." I guess this would support a lookalike Russian agent "returning" from Minsk with Marina Oswald. The Intell agencies got their money's worth with him. He was so set up with the radio programs and his giving out flyers about the FPFC Committee. He was the perfect fall guy and was killed 2 days after President Kennedy at the age of 24. The question remains: What happened to "Lee" Oswald? I've read that in the exhumation of Harvey, they only tested his head, mostly with dental records. It was Harvey. But they did not test the body. Someone said that the head was severed from the body and the head was Harvey but the body belonged to...Lee? Then how did Donald O. Norton, a redhead, who looked nothing like LHO, get saddled with the story of being Lee Oswald? Only William Kelly ever saw this phantom but didn't take a good look at him. Kathy
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