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Kathleen Collins

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Everything posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. I would like to know your take on the Assassination. Who killed President Kennedy 47 years ago today? Why did Ruby kill Oswald - on his own or ordered to by the mob? I feel that since you ha a screenplay you probably have a definite opinion of who was responsible and why. Kathy C whatpricefame.blogspot.com
  2. I couldn't agree more. Up north I used to listen to Larry King when he had a radio interview show. Every Nov.22 his entire show would be about the Kennedy Assassination. He really was interested in it. Why the Bushes are going to be on I don't know. Maybe Larry King has no choice -- maybe CNN booked them. I hope he mentions President Kennedy to them. I don't know if Geraldo is on or what time, but I'm tired of him protecting the assassins because as he said on his show Rivera Live on CNBC in 2001, "There was no conspiracy. Oswald killed Kennedy from behind and alone." Paraphrase. And it was apropos of nothing. He just came out and said it. The next week he announced he had a new job on Fox as Foreign Correspondent. This was right after 9/11. Kathy C
  3. If you would like to see Karyn Kupcinet, she's on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enoyNF5c-iA She is in the audience with Steve Allen. It's the Jerry Lewis Show Premiere Pt 2, 1963. She appears at 6:42 in the video. The whole video is about 11 minutes. There is a scene with Karyn Kupcinet acting in Jerry Lewis' movie Ladies Man. Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Jerry+Lewis+Ladies+Man&aq=f She came from Chicago and looks healthy in this movie. She was anorexic. Her death remains a mystery. Even Dr. Cyril Wecht can't call it. The girl had no luck. You can see Karyn Kupcinet in the Ladies Man with Jerry Lewis, spring 1961, on my new blog. whatpricefame.blogspot.com Kathy C
  4. If you would like to see Karyn Kupcinet, she's on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enoyNF5c-iA She is in the audience with Steve Allen. It's the Jerry Lewis Show Premiere Pt 2, 1963. She appears at 6:42 in the video. The whole video is about 11 minutes. There is a scene with Karyn Kupcinet acting in Jerry Lewis' movie Ladies Man. Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Jerry+Lewis+Ladies+Man&aq=f She came from Chicago and looks healthy in this movie. She was anorexic. Her death remains a mystery. Even Dr. Cyril Wecht can't call it. The girl had no luck. Kathy C
  5. Sounds like his confession might be the one from E. Howard Hunt.. You are right. I saw most of the show. E. Howard Hunt, very old, lying down with a camera on him and a tape recorder going. He said he would confess to the Assassination as long as it was put on TV to the public. I would like to watch the show again, as I was flipping channels to find something interesting and came across this. Kathy C
  6. Jackson continued NORTH on Houston past ELM? --He didn't negotiate the turn onto Elm. Perhaps he couldn't have without being run over by the X-100... I thought the missing motorcycle cop turned down the road to the parking lot behind the pergola. I don't know what he did then. Kathy C
  7. I found this on the Democratic Underground (which has nothing to do with the Democratic Party): http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/city/p... "Meningitis worsened by liver failure, probably from acetaminophen By KATIE FAIRBANK / The Dallas Morning News Socialite Shannon Murchison died of acute bacterial meningitis that spread throughout her system, according to a report released Monday by the Dallas County medical examiner's office. Shannon Murchison The meningitis was due to a strain of listeria, bacteria that can be found in food poisoning, investigators concluded. Her illness was compounded by liver failure probably caused by acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol and other medications. "The liver failure was very dramatic," said chief medical examiner Jeffrey Barnard. "It is likely that she took a pretty good amount of acetaminophen." The death was ruled accidental rather than natural due to the probable use of acetaminophen, Dr. Barnard said. Mrs. Murchison, 47, the former wife of Clint Murchison III, was declared brain dead April 28 after a couple of days on life support. An autopsy was ordered in part because she had reported to police on April 19 that she had suffered a black eye and extensive bruising. The circumstances of her illness and death shocked many in Highland Park, raising questions among friends and fueling gossip. Dr. Barnard said the bruising to Mrs. Murchison's eye was a traumatic injury but that it "played no role in her death." He said he could not determine what caused the injury. Other bruising could have occurred because her blood clotting ability was impaired by her illness and liver failure, he said." What happened to this poor woman? Kathy C
  8. I looked through the search engine and all I found on the subject was the Camarillo Ranch, which discussed, among other things, the Oxnard call and Rosicrucian activity. Greg Parker solved the riddle of the Oxnard call: it was a woman, who was not upset, using a phone as a Rosicrucian instument of Radionics. Operators overheard her saying Kennedy was going to be killed at 10:10 PT. The motorcade was late due to the amount of people who turned out to see the handsome couple, President John F. Kennedy and Jackie, his beautiful wife. He kept telling her to take off her sunglasses. President Kennedy was shot at 12:30 pm CT, just a few minutes after the call. The phone company called the FBI. I wanted to say that Clint Murchison III, probably the most powerful man in Dallas/California. His ex-wife, Shannon, was seeing a psychiatrist. She was only in her late forties. Basically she became an invalid. Her biggest interests were vintage clothing and various charities. Shannon died a mysterious death. She was found with 2 black eyes and other bad bruises. The Coroner, whom I believe was scared, came out with a cause of death being severe liver damage. The Coroner said stupidly, "She must have used too much Tylenol." Baloney. Any coroner in his right mind would not use a product brand name. Acetaminiphen is present in many products other than Tylenol. I have a theory and it's conjecture. First of all, a woman with her financial resources could probably get better pain killers from a doctor rather than an over the counter product in a supermarket or drug store. Secondly, wouldn't one of her doctors send her for blood work and see illness regarding her liver? It happened so fast. Her sister said she died from a fall and nothing else. But how does someone's liver get damaged so thoroughly to the extent the coroner said? There was no mention of alcohol. So here's my theory which is pure conjecture: Could someone have served her a meal that contained a poison mushroom in it? They are so toxic, these mushrooms; they kill you right away. I'm just throwing this out there and see if others have any opinions about it. Kathy C
  9. The name of the esteemed researcher was Greg Parker from Australia.
  10. I disagree. His show does a lot of research and then he goes out to see whatever it is and interviews the people there. Have you ever heard of these family prison facilities? What are they and why are they a secret? And then Ventura did another episode where he is trying to find out what infragard is. It's a weird offshoot of the FBI. People spying on their neighbors and co-workers. The spokesman said it's to prevent terrorism, but that's a crock. Both men Jesse talked to got red in the face trying to answer his questions. They were getting visibly nervous. Why? Because they were hiding something. Do you know anything about infragard? I know this is a British forum mostly, but I wonder if you know anything about this. Kathy C
  11. It reads like Harvey and Lee. I can't believe you've fallen for Robert's version. I don't even believe Oswald (shot by Ruby) and Robert were brothers. If Robert is so righteous why doesn't he submit his own DNA to be compared to Oswald's daughters? And I wonder what the 2 girls have to say about their "Uncle Robert"? Robert Oswald is full of it in my opinion. Kathy C
  12. I tend to agree with Dean and Prof. Fetzer about 9-11. I believe a missile flew into the first WTC building. An airplane did hit the second building, but it was some kind of military or cargo plane with no windows. I think a missile hit Shanksville. I remember them saying the passengers had "vaporized." The Pentagon, too, was hit by a missile in my opinion. (Rumsfeld even said so -- youtube.com.) I believe it's possible that these people are alive. Last night on Conspiracy Theory, Jesse Ventura was shown "Residential" facilities for families. These places are all over America. They are behind 2 rows of barbed wire. An official from one such place said it wasn't a prison. Then what are they for? Could it be possible that some of the residents are from the "hijacked" planes of 9/11? I believe it was an inside job and that the factions behind it want desperately to keep this secret. So short of murder, they keep these people in barbed wire "residences"? Jesse Ventura thinks we're close to martial law. He was shown acres of piled high plastic coffins. Who are they for? Kathy C (whatpricefame.blogspot.com)
  13. I agree with Bob. I think Kennedy was stung with a bullet that whizzed by him and was really checking if he'd been hit. Of course it could be glass from the windshield that stung him. Wasn't it the undertaker who said he had minute pieces of glass on his face? I may not be correct here but it looks almost like his forehead is a little bloody. But of course the head shot took away any proof that there was a shot at the turn onto Elm. Kathy C
  14. I was shocked on learning that Ted Sorenson died. My brother had a stroke in 1998 and he has never been the same. Sorenson was a bit older than I thought. But I think he was the best speech writer in history. I can't picture him as the head of the CIA. You know why? They'd kill him. Kathy C
  15. This is probably far-fetched. "Jose" is a common name. I see we're dealing with people changing the way their names are spelled, etc. But I can't get this one out of my thoughts. Jose Perdomo, who was the guard the night John Lennon was killed. He was also known as San Genis (or similar). I know he survived the Bay of Pigs, but did he have a part in President Kennedy's death? Kathy C
  16. In reading this over, Irv had to know these people. He considered himself a real journalist. That he remained quiet all his life... Was he protecting the rest of his family? Karyn's death overwhelmed him and nearly destroyed him. He must have been mostly sure the mob didn't kill his daughter. Everything you've told me points to Chicago as a reference point to the Kennedy Assassination. I just want to thank you for confirming my beliefs that Chicago was behind Ruby and they needed a shock crime. For the record, Karyn was a very unhappy girl. That she wasn't known well in Hollywood made her think she was disappointing her parents, who had such hopes for her. And her mother especially, who nagged her to keep her weight down. Karyn was big-boned, like her father. People with big bones aren't fat, but they probably weigh more than other people of the same height. Essee, her mother, started her on diet pills -- amphetamines. Karyn eventually graduated to methamphetamines, suffered hallucinations and did many odd things. When you have so much plastic surgery -- she had a nose job, her ears fixed, her chin straightened and she couldn't keep the weight off -- where do you derive self-worth in a town like Hollywood where everything was appearances? There were many pretty girls there, rivals. I think she should have packed up and went home. If I was her father, I'd steer her towards journalism. The hell with her mother. The mother was living through her vicariously because she wanted to be a dancer and her father wouldn't allow it. That's my take. Kathy C
  17. I believe Duncan is correct. It looks just like VP Johnson. Kennedy and Jackie were in shadow too in this photo, as was the driver of the limo who stopped and turned around to look at Kennedy. There's that other photo, taken from the right front of Johnson with sunglasses on. First of all, it doesn't even look like Johnson. It looks more like Jack Ruby. In Duncan's photo, to me, Johnson doesn't look like he has sunglasses on. Kathy C
  18. How could Oswald protect the President when according to Jim Fetzer he was on the second floor? He didn't know the motorcade was passing by? Why would you stay indoors instead of looking at the President and Jackie? Was he waiting for a phone call? Kathy C
  19. Was Karyn's death also a distraction, which I believe? But was it also a message to Irv? No one before has come up with these things, these names, these people. Do you consider her death of low probability in solving the core murders -- JFK and Oswald? Kathy C
  20. When Arthur Goldberg had to resign from the Supreme Court, Clark Clifford, counsel to three Democratic presidents, said: The last column Drew Pearson distributed before the assassination said the Henry Crown was lobbying key members of congress in reaction to concern that the TFX contract would be re-bid. The year before, General Dynamics had the largest one year loss of any corporation in US history. Crown owned 20 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock. TFX was the largest military contract award in history. On the afternoon of 22 November, Don Reynolds was telling his story to republican members of the McClellan senate committee investigating TFX, Bobby Baker, and LBJ. Newspaper reports on 15, December, 1963 stated that the McClellan investigation had ceased. It did not resume until 1969. Except for rare articles like this, and the writing of PD Scott and George Michael Evica, scant attention has been given to the research of all of these curious details, and it looked to me that Chicago newspaper columnists and TV talk show host, Irv Kupcinet, had to have more knowledge about them, than anyone else, but he reacted by keeping silent for nearly 30 years, and then by vigorously attacking Oliver Stone and pushing the WC Report's "findings." Consider, too, that the assassination of JFk could have amounted to no more than a lucky and timely break for both Henry Crown and LBJ, but that does not mean that either of them or their associates, or those actually behind the assassination did not quickly see a need to silence Oswald, and enlist the cooperation of Crown and Hoy and their acquaintances to select and dispatch Ruby, and then work to install Albert Jenner on the WC "team". First to lend insult to injury Karyn K's hyoid bone may not have been broken and/or the coroner himself might have broken it. Three years after Karyn's autopsy, this man was brought up on charges. Two husbands were fighting for their lives in court. One lawyer got his client's wife's body exhumed. Kade or Wade (whatever his name was) had declared the woman's death to be a homicide and said she was strangled and her head practically decapitated. The exhumation proved this wasn't near the truth at all. Then they exhumed a second woman, whom the coroner said was strangled to death. She died from natural causes. The main coroner said he didn't have the money to exhume another woman whom Kade had also said died by strangulation. Kade said Karyn Kupcinet was strangled and her hyoid bone broken. After that autopsy, this coroner, who was often drunk, said, "Well, at least I didn't break the hyoid bone on that one. That one -- Karyn Kupcinet? Even though Karyn was buried in Chicago, this news must have gotten back to the Kupcinets. And if it wasn't true, what were the implications? She died of a drug overdose, either on purpose or accidentally? Her apartment was messed up: cigarettes on the floor, clothes falling from drawers, closets open (showing a mink stole), the bed clothes torn from the bed revealing 2 twin beds shoved together. Could another kind of killer have caused this mess to make it look like a homicide/robbery? The only thing missing were some 100 methamphetamine pills (Desoxyn) from her "neat and orderly bathroom." The cruelest thing: the killer placed her face down on the sofa, which brings lividity to the face. She wasn't found for 3 days. She was 22 years old. It's just that Kup must have been a great actor if he knew such things as you've described and his daughter winds up dead and he thinks the downstairs neighbor did it? Could Irv had been so self-assured he didn't think the mob did it? Paul Dorfman was in Palm Springs that weekend, as was Karyn and Irv found Dorfman there and told him about Ruby killing Oswald. Kathy C
  21. Kup knew everyone in Chicago and those that visited Chicago, waiting for another plane. I'm sure he'd know these people. Where did you get all this info and put it together? Still, it's not hitting me. Could he really believe his daughter was murdered by someone with these connections and swore to himself never to say anything against the Warren Commission? And too bad if Andrew Prine was the police suspect. Irv became incensed when asked if his daughter could have been killed so he would keep the lid on whatever he knew about the assassination and apparently other people here besides Ruby. And he'd become almost violent if someone suggested she probably committed suicide. Please explain it to me again. Like try to do so in 2 sentences so I know for sure what you're telling me. I know the CTs loved Penn Jones, Jr. Was this one story he was lying about? Kathy C
  22. I just came across this post, which is mine. Karyn Kupcinet and Tammy Windsor are 2 different people. Karyn was on a Hawaiian Eye episode but wasn't credited, which is surprising as she had a bigger role than Tammy Windsor who played The Clerk. IMDB made the same mistake I did. I've been trying to resolve it since I found out I'd made an error. Kathy C
  23. I am the author of the above blog about Karyn Kupcinet. The one thing I found wrong in it is that Karyn Kupcinet and Mary Jo Kopechne went to Wellesley. Karyn stayed in school for a semester in a college inside the city of Wellesley. Karyn and her mother would let people think she attended Wellesley. Mary Jo went to and graduated from Caldwell College for Women in New Jersey. Mary Jo and Karyn never met and never knew each other. Karyn never attended those parties. Kathy C
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