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Kathleen Collins

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Everything posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. I haven't looked him up yet but I met a member of President Kennedy's honor guard. I think he said he was a marine. His name was Tim Cheek and he worked as an Allstate Insurance man in Holiday, FL in the '90's. My father and I were his clients. He retired over a decade ago and I can't say for sure if he's alive, but I believe he is. Here's a bit about him. Can anyone post the "famous" photo on him? I'll keep looking -- but am I off topic? http://www.jfklibrary.org/Historical+Resou...Pallbearers.htm Kathy C
  2. I feel John Simkin is angered and has acted on that rage. Why not cool off and then make an intellectual decision? Peter Lemkin is high strung. Are we going to lose him because of his temperament? I was surprised to read the following, Mr. Simkin: "However, this is the democratic decision that has been made and there will be no turning back. If you don’t like it, you are free to join Peter on his Deep Politics Forum." -- John Simkin Kathy C
  3. When are people going to admit that Fidel Castro is dead. Kathy C
  4. Not too fast, Jack. I saw a big one over Secaucus, NJ last Saturday. Kathy C
  5. I formally protest the removal of Peter Lemkin. The research community has lost a great man: Rich DellaRosa, someone with ethics. Now Peter is gone from here. A really bad week for those who remember President Kennedy. Think it over, moderators. Kathy C
  6. Please allow Peter Lemkin to come back to this forum. He is a very intense man and is very concerned about USA. I think he may even be threatened or under attack in other areas of his life. I don't know what happened here recently -- a sexual abuse issue? Let him give his side. Please. He added a lot to this forum. The extent of his work speaks for itself -- although it's all been removed. I also think Evan Burton is a great guy and not a prejudiced moderator, fair to others even if he disagrees with them. Evan is no "toady" to anyone. He disagrees with Peter yet votes for him to be a moderator, etc. I haven't had access to a computer for a few days and I don't know what happened and am trying to put it together. Anyone can be accused of something. Investigate this woman's claim, but allow Peter to stay a member. How do we know what any member does in his/her private life? Peter is going through a very rough time. Please help him. Kathy C
  7. I think everyone knows I loved him and always will. Kathy C
  8. In the square on our right it looks like one man handing another man a rifle. It reminds me of the Man on the Roof photo which I have posted here twice. I am using another's computer so I can't post it again for awhile. I am trying to find where the limo was driven to get to Parkland; so I can see the building where the roof man stood via Google Earth Street View. It's apparently near a "covered" section of the Freeway where the limo was photographed. Jack White said there was a floral business there at that time. I haven't located the section of the Freeway. -- Sorry for the digression. Kathy C
  9. It's me again. The forked tree seems like there's someone there, but an expert would have to work on it. I cannot. I will say on Google Earth Street View I did not see a forked tree on the South Knoll, which doesn't prove anything. Many decades have passed. The South Knoll is very shady. But unless someone shot from the bridge, I can't see how Kennedy could be shot from that angle. Wish I could help more. Kathy C
  10. Chris, I have sent a reply through John Simkin. If anything needs clarifying, please contact me direct via email. Thanks for the kind words above also. What's the big secret? I am a Harvey and Lee believer. Greg Parker was the only researcher to finally put to rest the the "Oxnard Call," which Penn Jones wrongly said was made by actress Karyn Kupcinet, and other inconsistencies. I would like to know what Greg thinks of Harvey and Lee for the above reason and because I would like John Armstrong to finally publish his findings re Donald O. Norton, the alleged "Lee Oswald." Kathy C
  11. Duke, all very astute points, but ones which Jack will no doubt not address. I have on a few occasions asked to discuss and/or speculate how any of these alterations could actually have been accomplished, but he refuses. Easy. Men claiming they were Secret Service or FBI asked for the films and photographs, which would be given back. Most, probably, came back; but when they did, the pictures were retouched and most likely, the photographers didn't realize it, because they hadn't seen them yet. Kathy C
  12. Jack, could it be possible that Harvey Oswald didn't know "Lee" existed? Also, how dumb could he be? He was being painted as a communist and finds himself in a building in which President Kennedy was going to pass by in an open car. When he was confronted, he seemed relaxed. Was he waiting for a phone call? He didn't hear the shots? Kathy C
  13. Tosh, in your browser, type in "google earth street view." This will take you to a sight about how to use google earth. Then type in : "Elm St and Houston St, Dallas, TX." It's really a lot of fun. You use your mouse to get around. Kathy C
  14. I was told that The Cuban was making a fist and flashing a Victory sign at the limo to signify attempt 2 or to tell Greer where to stop. If this is true, The Cuban in most probability is "Gator." His V-sign wasn't a V sign at all. He was merely holding up the only 2 fingers he had. (The lower right corner photo) Also in that photo the Umbrella Man's umbrella seems painted in. Kathy C Here is a thought to consider: In picture #3 where all the people are running toward the north end of the underpass, could it be that they were running after the limo as it headed under the rail road to see what the results of the shooting caused? Even the railroad workers cross over to the other side to see the Limo speed off toward Parkland. What did they hope to see? The Limo? Or had bad the shooting was?..., or if the President had indeed been hit? Some who had ran toward that direction said they thought the shots came from that direction near the grassy north knoll and the fence and that is why they ran to that location. I am familiar with the Warren Report and what some say as to why they ran to that location. Others had said a different reason why they ran to that location. Perhaps selective testimony was used in the recap of events. Its possible. I think I would have been going the other way if I thought someone, or a nutcase, had shot at the President from there and might still be there. As to the motorcycle patrolman? If I were him I too might think, after seeing people running in that direction, that they might be trying to catch the shooter, or thought the shots came from over there and he drove up the slop or catch the shooter. Could it not be that most were only trying to see what was happening inside the Limo after the shots had been fired at the President? I know what the record says. But who established the record that day? Was it an accurate account of events as they happened? Could the echo effect had something to do with the direction of the shooting? What about the sound of a firecracker after some of the shots, or at the time of the shots? Could that have been the "windshield" being shot and hit? I find it difficult to accept that a shooter behind the fence less that ten feet away from some who were standing in front of the allege shooter or slightly to the side watching the Parade also ran toward the triple underpass. Would they not have turned and moved toward the shooter at the fence, or away from the shooter, or just hit the ground and covered their heads? Or perhaps ran the other way to get out of the way or another lunatic shot? If we are to speculate then lets speculate and argue till the next century on some of these thoughts. With all the possibilities established after years.., all the pros and cons and egos.. we are going to be here for a very very-- long long time. Tosh P.S. As to officer White being able to see behind the wedge bannister and pillar, you have to take into account that the railroad bed was raised some four or five feet above the foundation base with base rock that supported the load of train traffic in those days. If he was standing on or near the base of the bridge below the railroad grade, then he could not see someone crouched or prong in that area of the wedge and banister pillar. That would be a perfect place for a shooter to hide himself ..., even from view of the south parking lot which is lower than the bridge foundation base. I can see two shooters there.. one in the parking lot and the one positioned in the wedge. Perhaps you would have to go to the Plaza today in order to get a perspective on this. Keep in mind that today the railroad tracks (Metro tracks) are about two feet lower than they were in 1963. Tosh, I was on Google Earth Street View and got a good look of Dealey Plaza. I cannot see how anyone could shoot President Kennedy from the South Knoll. It would really have to be a magic bullet. However, underneath the Triple Underpass, there was plenty of opportunities from a gunman to shoot at the President. The walls had "slots" in them where someone could stand within and hide. There is a man running towards the Assassination, crossing over to Main and Commerce and Houston. He had been down by the Underpass and Elm. Something frightened him. He is seen in 3 films, including the Zapruder film. Early in the afternoon, the FBI got a call from a man saying he had been down by the Underpass and saw "signals." He didn't give his name. Now if the Underpass was OK, he could have stayed hidden there if he saw signals and heard shots. But he ran toward the Assassination. Kathy C
  15. The short answer is NO. The long answer: However, I was asked about him some years ago in reference to a place near Marathon Key Florida, "Starlite Cruises", a fishing and boat cruise ran by Chubby Winer of Marathon. (before the hurricane Andrew) Don Norton was a name often used by the INTEL community as a drop name, one of many drop names used in various UC operations of the sixties. Paul Lee was another and Norton and Lee used to work out of the old Lowrey Air Force Base in Denver, Colorado around 1980. Paul Lee was active in the Iran-Contra affair. There was a Don Norton who was a pilot who worked with Chip Tatum and Bill Cooper and Buz Sawer during the early days of the contra resupply network. (Operation Enterprise and Supermarket) I am familiar with some saying Norton was Lee Oswald, but I do not buy that. As I have said Norton is a common name used in black operations of the CIA. At one time I used the name 'Buck Pearson"..., not Buck Parsons of BoP fame, as some have confused me with. Was Chubby Winer a redhead? "Donald O. Norton" of Avon Park, FL was in the fishing and boating industries and he was chubby. Thanks for responding. "Donald O. Norton" nearly drove me nuts. Kathy C
  16. Tosh, did you ever hear of a Donald O. Norton or meet someone by that name? Thanks, Kathy C
  17. Let's hope no one believes the above, but actually probably thousands will: The same people who write to dead celebs or confuse the actor with the hated character. Kathy C
  18. I was told that The Cuban was making a fist and flashing a Victory sign at the limo to signify attempt 2 or to tell Greer where to stop. If this is true, The Cuban in most probability is "Gator." His V-sign wasn't a V sign at all. He was merely holding up the only 2 fingers he had. (The lower right corner photo) Also in that photo the Umbrella Man's umbrella seems painted in. Kathy C
  19. Wichita Falls, TX. I understand that's where Robert Oswald has lived for a very long time. Kathy C
  20. Remote cameras are widely used by the military. Check it out. Here is just one site: http://www.geog.ucsb.edu/~jeff/115a/remote...inghistory.html There are hundreds. I keep thinking about the woman on the south side who had a film camera. They confusgated her camera and film and she (and we) never saw it again. I think the tripod cameras would be a great idea for the assassins. Then films and photos could be substituted. One question: Is it possible for the camera lens to follow the limo, say, from Houston and Main to the left on Elm St in 1963? Kathy C
  21. Even as a little kid, I could tell something was wrong with the backyard photos. The "guy" has weird legs, he's not standing right. I never saw anyone with a body like that. And the more I saw pictures of LHO when he was arrested, the more I could see it wasn't the same man. I know now Harvey had a double -- Lee. But they didn't use him for these pictures. Someone here said they could "unmask" (my word) a photo that's been added to; faked. I wish that person would unmask these backyard forgeries. Kathy C
  22. So Duncan has an association with Gary Mack. How would he have found out what Von Pein said unless Gary Mack told him? So Gary Mack gets to post things on the sly. When was the last time he posted something himself -- about anything? Kathy C (The Gary Macker)
  23. The photo of Dealey Plaza taken around the time that Kennedy was killed has me asking 2 questions and both answers will probably be 'no.' The white van heading North, that wouldn't be a laundry truck like the one seen in Dealey Plaza? The car in the center of the picture on the bottom, is that a Rambler? (Also odd: there seems to have been a collision with 2 cars at the median.) Kathy C
  24. Maybe she's telling the President that their children will love this toy. Kathy C
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