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Kathleen Collins

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Everything posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. But this WAS the topic of this thread, wasn't it? Kathy is getting us all confused. Jack, the topic I started was the kid in the picture. Someone had posted it. It reminded some people of W Bush, including me. Then you pointed out his ear. Forget he was 18 years old. He was all over the place, a typical curious teenager. But he looks like W Bush and I'm going to research this. He also appears in front of the TSBD at the last second of the Hughes film. You brought up W Bush and 9/11. I made one post about it. Kathy C Kathy...I wish you luck. It would be a great coup to identify him as W. I'd like to know who the kid is too. I said that I doubt that it is him, but it could be. I was joking about his training for Skull and Bones...but it could be. Jack I did get emotional over this. So, I'm sorry to all. But I will say, looking at pictures of George W. Bush all day will do it to you. As for skull and bones, which I don't think you can enter till senior year at Yale, yes, this would be a testing ground. This would be a situation where you'd have to burn your conscience, as in Bohemian Grove. Kathy C
  2. But this WAS the topic of this thread, wasn't it? Kathy is getting us all confused. Jack, the topic I started was the kid in the picture. Someone had posted it. It reminded some people of W Bush, including me. Then you pointed out his ear. Forget he was 18 years old. He was all over the place, a typical curious teenager. But he looks like W Bush and I'm going to research this. He also appears in front of the TSBD at the last second of the Hughes film. You brought up W Bush and 9/11. I made one post about it. Kathy C
  3. He kept America safe my ass. W, like Jack White says, was up to his neck in 9/11. I'm almost glad this was brought up. The first object, imo, was a missile into the WTC. The second plane was a cargo plane with no windows. The plane in PA was shot down. A missile hit the Pentagon. Then there were the anthrax scare. You can't tell me outsiders did all that. What happened to the passengers that were on the 3 planes? I remember reading that they all came to one airport on their planes and were taken off and brought to a large building at the airport. These people must have died. I read they got on a single plane, which flew over the Atlantic Ocean and nose-dived. Why save them when people were dying at the other sites? I guess Bush had to compromise. He couldn't use a passenger plane. So we had 2 missiles, a plane allegedly shot down (and Rumsfeld said this -- see youtube.com) and one cargo plane. Kathy C
  4. If it's him -- he never told anyone he was in Dealey Plaza on that day. He witnesses the murder of the President, then decades later becomes a President himself. It's suspicious in much the same way Nixon's presence in Dallas was, leaving Dallas shortly before the murder, and never wanting to admit to "the whole Bay of Pigs thing."
  5. Calm the hell down What in the world would some 18 year old kid have to do with the assassination? I can answer that for you... Nothing Now his dad on the other hand.... You evidently can't answer for me. We have a history here of films and photos being retouched, like with the Backyard pictures; how "Oswald" had shadows around his chin, etc -- and it wasn't even him. I don't know if Jack White is with me on this, but I believe that it is a photo of George W. Bush and maybe has been tampered with using shadows. He was Bush's first son. Whether he was there as a witness, I don't know. If you think it's ridiculous that an 18 year old kid would be there by design, that's your opinion and I have mine. W Bush was campaigning for the Presidency when John Kennedy Jr's plane went down. Yet no one knows where he was for 3 days. He didn't even take the chance of saying something like, "My prayers are with him and the 2 families involved." Nothing. Maybe he couldn't bring himself to face the public. Like father, like son. Ted Kennedy had to identify the remains and they were gruesome. Now there was a man of strength. Kathy C Quote Edited by moderator due to language.
  6. Here's a profile of Bush, albeit in newspaper print. Kathy C
  7. I think for the 1st time ever I'm in 100% agreement with Dean !! Mildly amusing at best, as someone else pointed out the tape was obviously slowed down. I'm an adult child of an alcoholic. Bush came across drunk. If the tape was slowed that explains why I never saw it before. Also there is a vast minority of us wondering if the boy in front of the TSBD is George W. Bush. Maybe you don't think there's a chance of that, but I spent many hours today looking up photos of him. The boy can also be seen in front of the TSBD in the last second of the Hughes film. That's what it has to do with the Kennedy Assassination. It's not my fault you find some threads boring or whatever and don't know what some of us -- a vast minority, I know -- are thinking of the photo of that boy who might be Ron Lewis or might be George W. I bet this was the same reaction when the other photo surfaced of George H W Bush in front of the TSBD. There may be something to it. Like there may be something to that footage I posted here besides chicanery. Some of us are wondering if W, as young as he was, had something to do with the death of President Kennedy. This is what motivated me in posting that link. Pompous asses... Kathy C
  8. I like to see things from all sides. In case she got in the right side, the conspirators must have planned shooting from a different area than from the Grassy Knoll. Someone here has asked if we were given plan B. The exclusion of possibilities helps find facts. Kathy C
  9. Here's the guy who kept us safe for 7-and-1/2 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GhPDL3VSo4&NR=1 Kathy C
  10. I used the search engine again and of course came up with nothing. Here are my questions: What would happen if Jackie sat on the right side where her husband sat and the President sat on the left side where Jackie sat? Would the shooting come from the Postal Annex? Or from Commerce St where a sniper may have hid under a tree, etc.? Also, the motorcycle cop, near the left side of the limo, stated he hot hit with so much blood and brain matter he thought he'd been shot. Did they take his clothing or even his motorcycle into evidence? My thought is probably not as the Secret Service were quick to clean the limo. Kathy C
  11. I never knew that. Half the time I can't see them and I don't see anyone else complaining about it. Thanks, Kathy C
  12. In the Z film you can't really tell. So many frames have been taken out of it. But some people see a braking motion where the passengers fall to the front. Kathy C
  13. Just to give the devil his due: Could Greer have slowed down because Jackie Kennedy was climbing on the trunk and because her Secret Service man, Clint Hill, was trying to get on the back of the car? I don't believe this myself. The "Altgens" photo shows Greer looking back at Kennedy. Kennedy suffers the critical wound and Greer turns back to driving and takes off. I have noticed tonight that, as someone here pointed out, people on the sidelines, on Houston street, for example, do not seem to be riveted to the limo. More faked photos -- why? Kathy C
  14. Kathy, thanks for the thread. I located a picture on McAdams' of the boys and you can see them better. One is wearing white socks, as is W-boy. Kathy, while I have your attention: I can't ever see Robin Unger's photos. Can you fix that? Here's the photo I came across -- I believe the boy on the left is W-boy. Please enlarge or resize the image on your computers. Kathy C
  15. How did I miss this post? I would very much like to see photos of the boys who were running around.
  16. I went back and looked at the picture again. It looks to me like he has some kind of earphone device on his ear. Something else I noticed early on: his chin looks smaller than W's. Could someone have touched up the film of W crossing the street, so it doesn't positively identify him? Just a thought. Who found this clip which was filmed, not photographed? Kathy C
  17. What is the white spot in/on his ear? Jack, I'm with you. Even in the smaller version of this picture you can see a black strip on his upper ear, looking like hair, but can't be, and the white thing in his ear. You know, it might not be farfetched to say it's a piece of cotton in his ear. Could he have been a spotter for a gunman? Is he wearing some kind of radio device? I remember someone here had pictures of boys who were running between the pergolas. I tried for hours to find a picture of this or a mention of it. The search engine on this forum just doesn't cut it. And it was hard googling something like that. All to no avail. I request that if someone has pictures of these boys that he or she post them. This photo is highly suspicious. It reminds me of when the father was in the air force and he bolted from his plane, leaving the other 2 men to crash. I wonder if that was done on a dare. And here W is showing what he's made of. Too bad this picture didn't show up (as far as I know) while W was President. Kathy C
  18. I think at the time, George W. Bush was attending Phillips Academy in PA. His father, one picture shows, was in Dealey Plaza for the thrill kill. Possibly he wanted to train his son to for a top position in later life. W was his oldest son. He was shown the grissly part of power. That's why he was there, hardening him up. Giving him a strong stomach. Bracing him for life. Poppy Bush probably instilled in his son that one day he would be President. W's presence in Dealey Plaza would be one more reminder that Poppy Bush had something to do with the Assassination. Kathy C
  19. ----------------------------- Duncan, It is very difficult to tell given a profile vs straight-on view, that ears (and I am proof of this) enlarge with age and that the younger man's hairline is but a fond memory. Also, I agree with Martin that the nose of the older man appears innately longer (less pugged, if you will) than that of his younger doppleganger wannabe. That said, there is enough there to create similarity. A profile would cinch the verdict, eh? Regards, JG It is vital that we determine who the young man is crossing the street near the TSBD. If it is W. Bush, than we must find out. Bush was 18 at the time. I have spent much time trying to get more photos of Ron Lewis to no avail. Are other people looking to find this guy's ID? Because if it is him, that opens everything up. And the public will find out. Bush had dark hair and eyebrows in youth. He had a strong chin, which the boy in the photo hasn't. Also Bush's eyes are close together. Let's try to work this out. Kathy C
  20. Bernice, quickly -- I am doing OK. I just had a bone density scan and it came out normal -- no osteoporosis, arthritis, etc. I knew the blast was coming from his gun, but there's a depiction there where he's standing with both arms down and the blast coming out of his face presumably. When I showed this to my brother, he said, "The guy's lighting a cigarette." With what, dynamite? Kathy C
  21. It wasn't Gordon Arnold. Arnold wasn't there. How can "Badgeman" be shooting? Both of his arms are down. He looks like he has a blow torch for a mouth or maybe that comes from eating spicy Cuban food. Kathy C
  22. What the heck? Here's a photo of young Buck Owens. Kathy C
  23. Here's a photo where you can see the remarkable resemblance of the young man and George W. Bush.
  24. I do not know if these are related, but... In a statement written by Parkland Hospital RN Triage nurse, Bertha Lozano, she wrote that on Friday afternoon after the President had arrived and after the little boy with the cut chin had arrived, "A technician came to the desk and asked me to expect a private patient who was bleeding." She also wrote, "Blood technicians came to ask me who "Mr. X" was who did not have an ER number. Hematology also came with the same problem and was told the same thing." No information about what the Blood Technicians and Hematology were told. Price Exhibit 20 in 21H214 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...p;relPageId=238 Steve Thomas This probably isn't relevant, but I'm curious. What happened to the kid with the cut chin? Apparently it was so bad his mother nearly fainted. Kathy C
  25. I believe he was in boarding school in Pennsylvania. According to the exhaustive research of Russ Baker, his father was in Dallas that day. I don't think the man in the picture is W (yet); that was just my initial impression. Maybe Dad was initiating W into the ways of Skull and Bones, which is a death cult. Could have dropped him off in the plaza to watch the historic event. Jack I read somewhere that W was with his mother watching the motorcade on a different street. Does anyone recall this?
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