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Kathleen Collins

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Everything posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. Of course, by "Lee" I am referring to the theory of John Armstrong's: Harvey, killed by Ruby; and Lee, seen by a next door merchant, leaving the back of the Texas Theater quietly with 2 cops. What happened to him after that? Lee was supposedly in the TSBD as well when the shooting went on. He was a more filled-out and taller man than Harvey. But a great facial resemblance. I was hoping this was him. It certainly leaves you to believe it is. Kathy
  2. I came across a film on youtube named "Some Facts Have Always Been There: 'J.F.Kennedy.'" The speaker describes seeing a man coming down the hill and getting into a station wagon. At 1:44+ you see a man running as described. Is this Lee Oswald? Follow this link. Kathy C
  3. It is my opinion that the Mob may have shared a hit man for the Assassination, but they wanted no connection to the Kennedy Assassination. Jack Ruby imo, was CIA. When he was being connected to the Chicago Mob, one of them ordered the murder of Karyn Kupcinet, the daughter of Irv Kupcinet; in order to shake up the people in Chicago, who knew her so well, so that they'd forget about Ruby for awhile. Ruby was originally from Chicago. Irv Kupcinet was a talk show host -- Kup's Show -- and a columnist with the Chicago Sun-Times. There is now a huge, bronze statue of Irv in Chicago, arm raised, welcoming everyone to Chicago. I can't think of anyone who was held in such high esteem than Irv Kupcinet. Kathy C
  4. I never heard of any of these, not surprisingly. But I noticed with O'Donnell he has a small chin like LHO and the back of his head looks sloped the same way Oswald's did. Kathy C
  5. It's been a long time since I read Senatorial Privilege by Leo Damore, but I recall Damore making the rounds of NY radio talk shows. Then suddenly he's dead. I find this suspicious, as someone said he killed himself. I don't believe this for a minute. But what I couldn't get over was Joe Gargan, Ted's cousin, giving so much incriminating info about Ted to Damore for his book. Gargan really turned against Ted 20 odd years later. I've never found anything about that aspect. Can you imagine the hatred this would engender? Or already existed? How is Gargan being treated by the Kennedy family? I think Ted got out of the car to hide in brush and told Mary Jo to take off. She must have seen this little road and turned into it fast and her car fell off that cursed bridge. This is why no one saw Ted wet. Or upset the next morning. Then Gargan and Markham show up to inform him Mary Jo drowned. Which is another reason he didn't call for help. He thought she got home safe. Also, there were reports of E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis being seen on Martha's Vineyard. Which is another theory. Kathy Collins Of late I believe in a different theory. My source -- I can't remember. I read it on the Internet. I did not invent this theory, but it seems rational to me. Mary Jo left the party because she drank so much and wanted to lay down where it was quiet. She went into the back seat of Ted Kennedy's car and passed out. Shortly afterward, Kennedy and Ms. Keogh went to take a drive. Kennedy believed the cop was after him, turns down the lane and plunges into the water because of that stupid bridge that shouldn't have been there. He and Keogh manage to get out. They do not know Mary Jo was in the back seat. Ted only found this out the following morning. Two men approached him in the dining room (a cousin and a friend). Ted's face changed to absolute shock as witnessed by the elderly couple in the dining room of the hotel. The authorities found Mary Jo Kopechne in the car and a pocketbook. Curiously, it didn't belong to Mary Jo; it belonged to Ms. Keogh. This is the explanation I believe. Kathy C
  6. Peter, I swear you are going to worry yourself into a tizzy. It seems Mr. Farid has done alot over the last few years with respect to this type of project. He may have had an interest in LHO's picture, and thought he'd try it and see what happened. I don't think there is anything dark and sinister going on. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~farid/publications/ Kathy Sorry, Kathy, but there is something dark and sinister going on. Remember they killed our President. Those backyard photos are not of Harvey Oswald (John Armstrong theory), the man who was killed by Jack Ruby -- in my opinion. Kathy C
  7. Hi, John. De Mohrenschildt was a shrewd businessman. What does that have to do with Zapruder's home movie of the President passing by? They wanted to split the profits? What profits? It was just a brief home movie. No one knew the President was going to die supposedly. Also there seems to be 2 factions regarding Kennedy's murder. Those (Cuban Exiles, the Mob) who hated Castro and were angry with Kennedy for not liberating Cuba. And those who wanted Oswald to take the blame for killing Kennedy, a single lone gunman -- LBJ, CIA, Military, Big Business/oil barons. LBJ won the day it seems to me. Kathy C "The first time I saw it, I literally gasped -- because it's so shocking," said Waleed Ali, president of MPI Home Video of Orland Park, Ill., which is producing the video. "It makes the one Oliver Stone used [for the movie "JFK"] look like a pale ghost. The clarity is breathtaking. This is literally as crisp and clear as the original in the vault." Longtime students of the JFK assassination predict there will be charges of doctoring nonetheless, not to mention a new rush of hypothesizers seeing what they want to see. "This is going to be a can of worms," says Harold Weisberg, a longstanding critic of the Warren Commission's conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, killed Kennedy from behind, firing from a sniper's nest on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. "There are people who think the film was doctored, that it was flown to the Soviet Union," Weisberg says. "The crazy people are going to get crazier, on both sides of the fence. Some people will look at the film and see things that aren't there. Others will look at it and not see what is there." Even so, he welcomes the public debut: "Let the people see it. Let them reach their own conclusions. I'm just sorry it's taken 35 years." Under the arrangement, made final on Nov. 25, 1963, the day of Kennedy's funeral, Zapruder was also to receive half of all gross receipts after Life had recouped its investment. Time Inc., in turn, agreed to treat the unique slice of history "with good taste and dignity." The Zapruders had already decided to make a video of it. A specially commissioned photographic expert hired by LMH spent five days at the National Archives in mid-March 1997, making magnified 4-by-5-inch transparencies of each frame from the original, including images between the sprocket holes that no copy has ever captured. "This [inter-sprocket material] constitutes about 20 percent of the information recorded on the film," says historian David R. Wrone, author of a brief history of the Zapruder movie. Because the Warren Commission used a Secret Service copy for its investigation -- the original could not be stopped to inspect individual frames because of possible damage to the film -- "it necessarily eliminated the 20 percent marginal matter." Those watching the frames starting with 313, when the fatal shot explodes, will be struck by the forceful, backward movement of Kennedy's head -- seemingly indicating a shot from the front and to the right of the motorcade. "I watched it the other night with 12 other people. Not one of us thought the shot came from behind," said Ali. "Not only does the head recoil. You can see the head open up from the front." Look again, says G. Robert Blakey, former chief counsel for the House Assassinations Committee. "If you look carefully, the first thing you see is the head moving forward, very briefly. That is the bullet hitting the head from the rear. Then there is the snap back, after the head explodes. The X-rays of the skull and the fragments we have all indicate he was not hit from the front right." Come Aug. 25, the video's projected release date, viewers can judge for themselves. To guard against charges of doctoring, a crew from MPI Home Video went to the Archives to film the filming of the individual frames, before they were digitized and put back into motion picture format. © Copyright 1998 The Washington Post Company The original in the vault? Is he referring to the "other film?" The Secret Service had a copy? I wonder if it's the other film. How can we examine the X-rays when they've been altered? The Dallas team of doctors said the X-rays they'd seen in later years were not the ones matching what they saw of the President's wounds in Dallas. Kathy C
  8. Thanks to everyone. It was especially nice hearing from you, Bernice. It means a lot to me. I'm sure your prayers for me will reach Heaven faster than anyones'. Yours Truly, Kathy
  9. It might not be a fake picture, but 1 How does a man stand at an angle that his body is in? 2. It's an obvious attempt to brand Oswald was a Marxist. Why would someone willingly pose with this incriminating stuff, especially when Oswald (Harvey) denied he shot anyone? If he came out and said I did it, it would be different. Wasn't there a point when Harvey knew he was being painted as a Commie? 3. If that's not Harvey, and I maintain it isn't him, it must be Lee Oswald (John Armstrong) Kathy C
  10. Hi, John. De Mohrenschildt was a shrewd businessman. What does that have to do with Zapruder's home movie of the President passing by? They wanted to split the profits? What profits? It was just a brief home movie. No one knew the President was going to die supposedly. Also there seems to be 2 factions regarding Kennedy's murder. Those (Cuban Exiles, the Mob) who hated Castro and were angry with Kennedy for not liberating Cuba. And those who wanted Oswald to take the blame for killing Kennedy, a single lone gunman -- LBJ, CIA, Military, Big Business/oil barons. LBJ won the day it seems to me. Kathy C
  11. Thank you, everybody. There's been yet another stumbling block. For some reason the incision opened last night. I wasn't supposed to lift more than 10 pounds and I went grocery shopping, carrying in the big jugs of spring water that I get and other heavy things. Then I spent the middle of the night bent over the bathroom sink as blood was streaming out of me. Previous to this is seemed like it was getting better. Anyway, I saw the Oncologist today and he said I'll have a nasty scar now. The incision is open. I'm taking antibiotics but the doctor cancelled my radiation for 2 weeks to give the area time to heal. This of course ruins my holiday plans. Instead I'm going north in March, which means I might miss the blizzards and other northern annoyances. My best friend in NJ is setting aside 5 days from work so we can hang out together. We like to watch movies -- my favorite is Mommy Dearest. and Carnival of Souls. It'll be a weird season. Thanks again, Kathy C
  12. I want to share this with the members of this forum. I know in the past I made mistakes here and elsewhere. The one about the Morrisettes, I swear, was done in a light sleep or fugue state. I am a sleep walker, I talk in my sleep and lately I've awakened to no air getting into my throat. I kept cool about this, but I think that's the way people die in their sleep. So I'm going to tell you members something personal. I have cancer. It was confirmed last week. I underwent a lumpectomy of the breast. Tomorrow I start 6 weeks of radiation. This is very hard at this time because my brother is in chronic renal failure, and he's up north and I'm not. It's odd we got sick at nearly the same time. Because of my treatments, I won't be going to visit him for the holidays like I always do. I have some friends who'll pay my transportation via cabs, should I need them. I am going to drive myself to the place. It's about 10 minutes away. I am told I am going to be very tired. I hope not. Please keep me in your thoughts. Thanks for reading this. Kathy C
  13. I laughed my ass off at this. It's a Jerry Lewis impersonator and the concept is Jerry's selling an album of his songs. Every song has the word "lady" in it. It's under 2 minutes and it's hysterical. Kathy C
  14. I don't know you. You don't know me. I despise religions because of their brainwashing. So tell the molested men that they're on the other side of the coin because they sued the Catholic Church and every piece of garbage that came falling out as a result -- all the molestations -- or rapes -- why not use the word rape? Women hating, war mongers... How Cardinal Spellman loved the Assassination of Kennedy and years later Cardinal Cook died from AIDS. These people I'm supposed to respect? I don't. Kathy C
  15. Wow. This is very enlightening. You really explained that time well. But one thing surprised me. OK, the father was a rum runner, but I didn't know President Kennedy drank! I never heard this before. Especially that he drank like a fish. I know about the medications he took. He was on sterioids and amphetamines, I read. I don't think you mix alcohol with these drugs. Supposedly Mary Pinchot Meyer smoked dope with him and gave him an LSD trip. I find that hard to believe too. Are you sure about the drinking? Kathy C
  16. Kathy, I attended a Jesuit College, and the requirements were probably similar to yours: 12 hrs Theology and at least that in Philosophy. All of my theology classes were taught by Jesuits(except one, taught by a Rabbi), and the majority of the Philosophy classes had Jesuit professors. Just to be fair, I have to say this: I never heard anything like this at any time from anyone. The Other Kathy Kathy, this statement was legendary. In the late '60's not only did the Jesuits try frantically to keep women out of the college, but there was a demonstration against the Viet Nam war and the ones who were against it got beaten up by the "Hawk" students. I'm told the Jesuits just looked the other way as these kids went at it. It was time for class and this one priest was absolutely irate about the protest. He wrote something on the blackboard and said to the students, "You people have a mission in this world." Pounding the blackboard he said, "And that mission is to kill commies for Christ!" 3 different people who went to the school at the time told me the same story. During my time, a priest said to my class, "The Jesuits should be running this school and the clergy, the country." [What happened to separation of Church and State?] "If the Jesuits were running this school certain people wouldn't be in this school [women]. I don't think we should have a lay person teaching Philosophy in a Jesuit school." And on and on. They were militant. Kathy C I don't think the Jesuits are in such lock step missions together. While I had 16 years of Catholic education at St. Joe's, Camden Catholic and Dayton, the only Jesuit teacher I had at CCHS started the first political science class in a New Jersey high school (circa 1967) and I was one of his students. It was a very difficult class, with much reading of the classics, with the entire grade dependent on each student writing a constitution for an imaginary country. He smoked and drank and swore and made each of his students a better person, and taught me more about politics than anyone since. And before branding all catholics fascists, I'd take a look at those priests and bishops who have been assassinated in South and Central America. And what was the difference between the Jesuits and the order of seminarians that Oswald addressed in a speech about his experiences in the USSR, a talk that gave everyone the impression that he was a college graduate? BK So you're an apologist for the Catholic Church. What did you think when you heard of all the molestations of little boys by so many priests? Are people forgetting this like they're forgetting 9/11 or the OJ Simpson acquittal? None of the Popes did anything about it; including sending money to defend these priests. And the Bishops moved these priests around and said not a word about it. My personal opinion is all religions are fake and man-made. The Scientologists are also evil. I wonder if now that the Pope has invited the Episcopalians and Anglican Churches to operate under the Roman Catholic aegis, are we getting closer to the New World Order? Kathy C
  17. Kathy, I attended a Jesuit College, and the requirements were probably similar to yours: 12 hrs Theology and at least that in Philosophy. All of my theology classes were taught by Jesuits(except one, taught by a Rabbi), and the majority of the Philosophy classes had Jesuit professors. Just to be fair, I have to say this: I never heard anything like this at any time from anyone. The Other Kathy Kathy, this statement was legendary. In the late '60's not only did the Jesuits try frantically to keep women out of the college, but there was a demonstration against the Viet Nam war and the ones who were against it got beaten up by the "Hawk" students. I'm told the Jesuits just looked the other way as these kids went at it. It was time for class and this one priest was absolutely irate about the protest. He wrote something on the blackboard and said to the students, "You people have a mission in this world." Pounding the blackboard he said, "And that mission is to kill commies for Christ!" 3 different people who went to the school at the time told me the same story. During my time, a priest said to my class, "The Jesuits should be running this school and the clergy, the country." [What happened to separation of Church and State?] "If the Jesuits were running this school certain people wouldn't be in this school [women]. I don't think we should have a lay person teaching Philosophy in a Jesuit school." And on and on. They were militant. Kathy C
  18. This is exactly the same crap I heard in a Jesuit College. These people are really scary. It was legendary. "You people have a mission in this world. And that mission is to kill commies for Christ!" Kathy C
  19. I agree with all you've said. I believe Kennedy was killed by the CIA, that "Independent" US Agency. And the Cuban Exiles and the Secret Service. Oil money financed it and the cover-up. Johnson had everything to gain, he thought. He commenced the cover-up when he had the Secret Service clean the limo Kennedy was shot in before Kennedy was even pronounced dead -- destroying the crime scene. He entrenched us in Viet Nam. "Hey, hey, LBJ, how many boys did you kill today?" No wonder he quit. About Oswald. Are you familiar with Harvey and Lee by John Armstrong? 2 men were using the same identity. Jack Ruby killed Harvey. But Lee got away. Here's my question to the Forum. What happened to Lee? He got on a plane at Redbird (?) Airport. From there what happened to him? This question arises out of years of my following the Donald O. Norton story. Whatever happened to Lee? Does anyone have a theory? Something? Kathy C
  20. Greg is one of the most knowledgeable and responsible JFK assassination researches currently working on the case, and there is nothing Len Colby can do or say to change that fact. He is only losing credibility by bothering to engage in a discussion with you, someone who is recognized as a person intent on spewing arguments and discord. I advise Greg not to bother responding to any of your antagonisms and insults and spend the time doing what he does best. Bill Kelly Greg Parker was the only researcher to solve the Oxnard Call controversy -- it had nothing to do with Karyn Kupcinet as Penn Jones, Jr. maintained. Kathy C
  21. I agree. I thought this would be about John Armstrong, author of Harvey and Lee -- 2 Owalds. What does he know about Lee Oswald, what happened to him? And Donald O. Norton, Ralph Geb. Is this Oswald alive or dead? Armstrong should tell us about Donald O. Norton. Kathy Collins
  22. Peter, I disagree with you. I wish I knew who killed the 2 Kennedy brothers and what really happened at Chappaquiddick. Ted Kennedy could not name names. He couldn't point to the villains. If he did, someone would die. We're not talking about war heroes. We're talking about civilians. I believe John Kennedy Jr and passengers were murdered, possibly by a barometric bomb or by a lever behind the pilot that was turned to off, cutting the engine and killing them. Witnesses said they saw an explosion in the sky. However, the Chappaquiddick incident was an accident. But there should have been an autopsy done, in my opinion. The following is a theory I read somewhere on the Internet. Maybe you'll have heard this before. Ted Kennedy asks a woman at the party to come with him for a ride, romance in mind. Earlier, Mary Jo Kopechne, possibly not feeling well from alcohol, left the cottage and laid down in the back seat of Ted's car. Ted and the woman from the party, leave the cottage and get into his car. He takes off and notices a cop car behind him, so he turns off the road because he doesn't want to be caught with a woman, especially after drinking. He turns off the road and drives off the dangerous Chappaquiddic bridge. The two of them manage to get out of the car. They don't know Mary Jo Kopechne is in the back seat and Ted is noticably shocked when given the news the next day. Scuba divers find Mary Jo and her pocketbook. Only it turns out the pocketbook does not belong to Mary Jo. It belongs to the woman who went off the bridge with Ted and made it out safe. This seems very logical to me. (But I am very open to theories about this.) No CIA this time. Just an accident. Many people die in travel accidents. Just trying to be fair, maybe even playing the Devil's Advocate. Kathy C
  23. The author, Leo Damore, wrote a bestselling book called Senatorial Privelige about Ted Kennedy and Chappaquiddick. Seven years later he shot himself as another book of his about President Kennedy was nearly finished. Is this a suspicious death? ************************************************************** http://www.capecodtoday.com/blogs/index.ph...suicid?blog=161 October 4, 1995: Leo Damore commits suicide 10/04/08 · 6:00 am :: posted by CCToday Leo J. Damore, 66, author of a book on Chappaquiddick Also wrote "The Cape Cod Years of John Fitzgerald Kennedy" On this day in 1995 it was reported in the New York Times that Leo J. Damore, who uncovered previously unreported information for his 1988 book, "Senatorial Privilege: The Chappaquiddick Coverup," had taken his own life on Monday at his home in Essex, Conn. He was 66. The police said that Mr. Damore fatally shot himself. His former wife, June Davison, said Mr. Damore had been despondent over their divorce last December. Mr. Damore was working for a weekly newspaper, The Cape Cod News, in July 1969 when Senator Edward M. Kennedy's Oldsmobile plunged off a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island, killing Mary Jo Kopechne, a 28-year-old Senate aide who had been attending a party with the Senator and other staff members nearby. The incident, which is widely believed to have ended any possibility that Senator Kennedy might be elected president, has been repeatedly investigated by the national press. Mr. Damore, who knew many of the local law enforcement officials, managed to persuade several figures to give extensive interviews for the first time. For Mr. Damore, who had a reputation as a dogged, thorough investigator, obtaining the interviews was easier than having the book published. Random House refused to publish, became best seller anyway Random House, which gave him a $150,000 advance in 1982, rejected his manuscript in 1987, describing it as libelous and demanding the return of the advance. Mr. Damore, arguing that the book was sound and that the publisher was bowing to the Kennedy family, went to court. After a judge ruled against him, he reached a settlement with Random House and sought another publisher. Regnery Gateway, a small, conservative house, brought the book out the next year, and although it received few reviews, it immediately became a big seller. Mr. Damore's other works include "The Cape Cod Years of John Fitzgerald Kennedy," published in 1967. At his death, Ms. Davison said, he was almost finished with another Kennedy book, about the President's affair with Mary Pinchot Meyer. Is this a suspicious death? Kathy C
  24. I have read it. That's why I'm convinced there was no alteration. The Great Zapruder Film Hoax proves nothing and should be sold with a health warning. I slipped into a coma before I got to the end. Look at the film itself. Youtube.com would have it. Splices in the most important footage in history. The car lurched to a stop, Greer, the SS driver, turned to see Kennedy. Kennedy got the fatal head shot from right front. When this happened Greer drove away quickly. Watch the bodies as the car stops (but isn't shown). They move forward from the suddeness of the stop. A lot has been removed from that film. Kathy C
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