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Kathleen Collins

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Everything posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. QUOTE (Michael Hogan @ Dec 10 2009, 02:42 AM) How do you explain this? On page 44 of MIDP: Deputy Roger Craig, also in the photo, is pictured looking at the man and the station wagon. The Hertz sign, on the top of the Book Depository, shows the time at 12:40 PM. On page 47 of MIDP: This momentary sighting also dovetails with the observation of sheriff's deputy Roger Craig, who also sees a Nash Rambler station wagon, also driven by a dark-complected man, about fifteen minutes after the shooting, heading west on Elm. I've been looking all over the Internet. Could somebody post the photo of a man resembling LHO and the station wagon -Nash Rambler? It was taken by Jim Murray, a freelance photographer, I believe. Kathy C -------------------- Biography: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=8819
  2. Where does the quote, "I don't want that man to touch me" come from? And why was she so nice to LBJ over the tape-recordered phone conversation? Kathy C
  3. In my opinion, "They" were, in her mind, the Texans, none of whom could measure up to what her husband was. Everyone who opposed him. There were scary ads published that day: Kennedy Wanted for Treason, etc. Black-boarded pages in the Dallas papers. She didn't like campaigning in the first place. Did she blame Johnson? If yes, then what was behind the phone call he received from her during his presidency? He sent her some fabulous present and she called him, Mr. President in a little girl's voice. And she quipped, "That's what they'll remember about me -- she ran around with 2 presidents." How could this gracious and charming exchange occur if she thought Johnson was behind it? I don't understand that. And I agree with her decision of letting people see what they did to her husband.
  4. Glad I could help Kathy Of course I believe Oswald was in the lunch room where he was seen cool and calm drinking a Coke by Officer Baker I think he was in the lunch room throught the entire assassination I heard of a theory where Officer Baker was supposed to have killed Oswald, right there and then. But there was a woman there too. So he couldn't. And that Oswald was told to stay by the phone because he was going to receive an important message. Why else would LHO not go out to see the motorcade? He was working undercover for somebody, only he didn't realize as the patsy. Kathy C
  5. I concede. It is Billy Lovelady in a plaid shirt. I haven't looked at him in a long time. There was a thread here some time ago that challenged the Lovelady pose and face, and that it had been the result of photo editing. And was it really Billy Lovelady in that odd pose. My error. This whole thread has been for nought. Sorry. (But he looks like Paine, ha, ha.) Kathy C
  6. No way Its Lovelady Can you or someone show me how Lovelady, who was there with a plaid shirt on, looks more like this fellow than Paine does? Kathy C Uh-Oh, is that figure wearing a plaid shirt over a t-shirt or is it, as I thought, a dark jacket? Kathy C
  7. No way Its Lovelady Can you or someone show me how Lovelady, who was there with a plaid shirt on, looks more like this fellow than Paine does? Kathy C
  8. Jack, I'm surprised. Lovelady was there on the stairs for all to see after Kennedy was shot and he had on a plaid shirt. The back of his head was balding. He was not Harvey Oswald! I don't know why anyone could think that that face looks like Harvey's. That face is one of the lookalikes. I don't even maintain that it's Lee Oswald (John Armstrong theory). To me, if they fooled with that picture, they put Paine's face in. Why? Because he looked like Harvey, later killed by Ruby. And he is not the same man whose face was put on the "man" in the Backyard Photos. That might have been Lee's face with a touch up. And that face is not Harvey's either. I'm surprised after all these years that someone would contend that the man in the Backyard Photos was Harvey. It's not the same man! And the same in the TSBD doorway. That is not Harvey. I still contend that someone affixed Paine's face onto that body. I welcome anyone to prove otherwise. I'm not saying Paine was there, but his face was used. Kathy C
  9. In the famous Altgen picture which shows the Man in the Doorway, that man is an Oswald lookalike. I think we all agree on that. But it's not the face of Billy Lovelady. But it looks a lot like Michael Paine. Comments? Kathy C
  10. See my reply to Tom. I started researching Ferrie many years ago. I found lots of stuff at the National Archives, at AARC and other places. When the HSCA report came out, it echoed much of what I found, but pointed me to new sources. Most of that eventually came out in the NA under the ARRB releases. As I read through each document, I made notes about certain sections referring to certain things, and kept a running chronology. When the time came to write a particular section, I would review all the relevant documents and write it up. Not unlike doing a puzzle, finding pieces that went together and organizing the whole thing. Where I had missing pieces, I would try to contact the persons involved for clarification (which, of course, often led to more things!) The final result will be hepful in understanding Ferrie. I hope to read your book someday. (Everytime I think of Ferrie, I think of Joe Pesci.) Kathy C
  11. Bill, you write well and you're entitled to your opinion. But you know what? To me you'll always be the fellow who didn't see a resemblance to Harvey Oswald in the dark when Donald O. Norton joined your party, which included Mae Brussels. And you walked away. You walked away. Kathy C
  12. Michael Hogan has no clue what he is talking about Why you ask would I say that? I guess just like him I'm saying it just to say it How does that sound Michael? Maybe you should pay attention to what's IN the book like I did instead of dwelling on spelling errors you act like this book is an report that Fetzer turned into an 8th grade English Teacher Who cares (besides you and English teachers) if the book has errors? You make it sound like it was so bad that it was impossible to read the book. the errors did not take away from the flow of the book that was easy to read and understand And for your info I own the first edition I hope you break my post apart and point out all the spelling and punctuation errors to me so I (along with all the other researchers who care about the case instead of grammer) can get a good laugh You asked for it. Your mistakes in bold and purple above. "Maybe you should pay attention to what's IN the book... You act like this book is an report that Fetzer turned into an 8th grade English Teacher." Question: How can you turn a book into an 8th grade English Teacher? Books can't become people. They're inanimate objects. Kathy C B.A. English, from a Jesuit College. So there!
  13. Thanks, Stephen, for your research. I should have tried to pin it down more. So it's true. Ferrie wanted to be a Jesuit, according to what I found. Where did you get all this info about Ferrie? He was into so many things. He probably heard about the Jesuit order and the "Vatican Assassins" and thought he'd be in good fellowship. Kathy C
  14. Absolutely. Zapruder on the wall was supposed to be the main sight. But, in fact, that honor went to the Cuban. He was the most noticable person in that Plaza (besides Kennedy) -- and quite proud. In a country not his own. Kathy C
  15. Have you considered the possibility that the Stemmons Freeway sign wasn't inserted into Zapruder, but was strapped to Umbrella Man's back? I guess that's supposed to be funny. Read Fetzer's compendiums: Assassination Science, Murder at Dealey Plaza and especially, The Great Zapruder Film Hoax. Kathy C
  16. Paintings? A bullet from the front went through the windshield. Proving the immobilization theory is a tuff one. This guy is an MD. Are you an MD? He is also a painter , I know.The fact is Kennedy was hit by something that caused an entry wound to the throat; caused his arms to raise, immobilized him and made him unable to speak. He was clearly softened up for the kill, then Cuban Man raised his arm to give the go ahead for the fatal shot. One has to ask the question why would this man raise his arm a few feet from the dying President of the United States if he were not in on the deed? He was not waiving an innocent hello! He had NO business being there. He did not flee in panic nor did he run away out of fear of being caught. Lets look at what this MD has to say and why he feels the way he does. Amen. Kathy C
  17. I saw the show yesterday afternoon on TruTV.com (used to be Court TV) around 3 pm. He went to the Alaska hinterland to try to go into the HAARP facility. The people there gave him a hard time and wouldn't tell what they do in that site. After an exchange of about 5 minutes, the cameraman's camera started acting up. The lens was moving around, you saw the cameraman's feet, the sound became static. They were actually controlling his camera with "waves." Anyway, the reason HAARP exists is to change weather patterns, like altering the gulf stream. They may have had something to do with Katrina in New Orleans, a major experiment. New Orleans is 97% a black population... it makes you wonder. Also the waves can pull planes out of the sky with little or no residue. Which makes me think of the plane in Pennsylvania on 9/11. Jesse said they will be concentrating on conspiracy theories that happened in the last 20 years, including 9/11. They will not investigate the Kennedy assassination. The show will air on truTV at 10 pm Wednesday night. Kathy C I enjoyed last week's episode on HAARP quite a bit. I hope that more investigative research follows. I wish that he would give his opinion (and support for it) on the JFK assassination. I agree with you. He states that he knows exactly what happened. Well, tell the rest of us! Maybe he's fearful of his life and will leave a tape (a la Jackie Kennedy) with the answer on it for after he dies.
  18. I saw the show yesterday afternoon on TruTV.com (used to be Court TV) around 3 pm. He went to the Alaska hinterland to try to go into the HAARP facility. The people there gave him a hard time and wouldn't tell what they do in that site. After an exchange of about 5 minutes, the cameraman's camera started acting up. The lens was moving around, you saw the cameraman's feet, the sound became static. They were actually controlling his camera with "waves." Anyway, the reason HAARP exists is to change weather patterns, like altering the gulf stream. They may have had something to do with Katrina in New Orleans, a major experiment. New Orleans is 97% a black population... it makes you wonder. Also the waves can pull planes out of the sky with little or no residue. Which makes me think of the plane in Pennsylvania on 9/11. Jesse said they will be concentrating on conspiracy theories that happened in the last 20 years, including 9/11. They will not investigate the Kennedy assassination. The show will air on truTV at 10 pm Wednesday night. Kathy C
  19. Priests may be defrocked - ejected from the priesthood - without being excommunicated, which is to be denied participation in worship and church community, and refused the blessings of the Sacraments. Henry VIII was excommunicated for rejecting the Pope's authority; David Ferrie, defrocked for homosexuality. This is eight years of Catholic school talking, Bernice. This is 17 years of Catholic School speaking. I know of the Old Roman Church. I don't think Ferrie belonged to them -- but I'll recheck. They're an older society and different from the Roman Catholics and much smaller in membership, to say the least. The article about Ferrie said Jesuits. Kathy C
  20. I never saw that photo before and I remember something vaguely about his studying for the priesthood. I think he was gay.
  21. I suppose when Kennedy's Assassination happened, that was a Puerto Rican with his arm up (as seen in Zapruder and some photos), telling the limo driver, William Greer, where to stop. The "kill zone," if you will. The alterationists had to leave him and the Umbrella Man in Zap's film because photos were taken from across the street. Yes, the "dark-complected man" was a Cuban Exile. Who else would he be? A stray Mexican? Kathy C
  22. I found this on the Internet. I couldn't believe it, but apparently it is true. Ferrie was once a Jesuit. In an ad for a new book about the Jesuit Assassins, they show a picture of Ferrie dressed as a priest. He did not look like a novitiate. Here he is: November 23, 2009: Kennedy Assassination, Jesuit David Ferrie Posted by EJP on Nov 24th, 2009 and filed under Jesuits, Radio. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry The Kennedy Assassination is reviewed with special emphasis put upon the Jesuit Order and one of its pawns, David Ferrie. Educated by Jesuits and having prepared for the priesthood, Ferrie was both a CIA agent and mafioso affiliated with New Orleans Mafia Don Carlos Marcello. Ferrie was also connected to the Jesuits of Loyola University in New Orleans according to Joan Mellon in her Farewell to Justice. The Jesuit Order, in command of its CIA via Knight of Malta John A. McCone, murdered President Kennedy. Four days later, on November 26, 1963, the Chivalric Alliance of Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem was consolidated with the signing of a joint declaration between the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and the Most Venerable Order at St. John’s Gate, London, by the Prince of Resuttano—the Grand Chancellor of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Malta (SMHOM), and Lord Wakehurst—Lord Prior of the Most Venerable Order. The formal alliance further solidified the Black Pope’s International Intelligence Community—the clandestine Holy Office of the Inquisition. Overseeing the planning, the assassination and subsequent cover-up was “the American Pope,” Francis Cardinal Spellman. Categories: Jesuits, Radio Tags: CIA, Kennedy Assassination David_Ferrie_at_St._Mary__s_Seminary.bmp
  23. I was reading through this thread. I wonder if anyone mentioned the "pin-cushion" effect of the Stemmons Freeway sign, which was inserted in the Zap film to hide a frontal shot at Kennedy. A short time later that sign disappeared forever. The film was developed by a big time photo outfit. Probably the most important homemade film ever in history. Why was the lab so incompetent with this Zapruder film? No turn onto Elm St. There's an obvious splice as the limo suddenly does appear on Elm St. This makes for an alteration in the Zapruder film in my opinion. Also the Altgen's photos. He must have been pretty fast on his feet if he could photograph the limo on Houston St., then be on time to photograph Kennedy on Elm St. from in front of the limo. His photo showed President Kennedy in obvious distress as he clutched his tie knot and an Oswald lookalike stood in the TSBD doorway. (We can exclude Billy Lovelady in t-shirt and dark jacket, as Lovelady wore a plaid shirt.) Kathy C
  24. I'm sure it's not disinformation, at least on Dean's part. It's MISinformation (if it is that -- misinformation). Nothing deliberate on Dean's part one way or the other. Kathy C
  25. In view of John Armstong's research, the 2 Oswalds, could this be Lee who wasn't shot by Ruby? Does anyone have an opinion on the Harvey and Lee theory? In my reading about Oswald I never came across an interest in fly fishing or boating. I say this because the Avon Park, FL Donald O. Norton, whom people believed was Lee (not Harvey) Oswald, had these interests. Does anyone know? Kathy C
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