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Anthony Thorne

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Posts posted by Anthony Thorne

  1. I'm about halfway through the volume and am enjoying it, particularly the long central chapter on David Morales. The early parts of the book (linking Oswald's documented activities with similar timelines involving various MK-Ultra personnel) is a little overwhelming and I'll probably have to re-read it to pick up some of the names and implications. Even if I buy only half of what Albarelli is suggesting regarding Oswald as a focus of MK-Ultra experimentation (and much of it is left ambiguous) it would have been a clever move by Angleton to pick a patsy with a background that covered so much covert intelligence activity, giving all and sundry good cause to keep things covered up. I look forward to thoughts from others here as they read it - Forum head honcho John Simkin is quoted approvingly within the book as a historian.

  2. If anyone has the book en route, be aware that a printing error has affected one page of the text, between pages 419 and 420. (A picture appears between those pages but a brief portion of the text has been skipped). Kris Millegan advises that future printings will be corrected. The complete section of missing text is below:


    Following Buick's trial, during which he was found guilty, Robert Buick wrote a series of additional letters to the U.S. Attorney. After receiving a telephone call from Buick, and after consulting with Buick's attorney, Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard M. Coleman agreed to meet with Buick. Reads an FBI report: "Coleman had received information that Buick, in a letter to his wife, made reference to the `news from New Orleans' saying `it adds perfectly well' with what he has."

    Coleman and a U.S. Secret Service agent met with Buick on March 23, 1967, but Coleman stated at the start of the meeting that he was only there to "discuss matters pertaining to [buick's] trial." The FBI report states, "Attorney Coleman refused stating they were present to discuss information Buick claimed to have concerning the assassination." Again, Buick refused to discuss his trial if the assassination could not also be included in any discussion. The meeting ended on this note.

    On March 24, 1967, Buick telephoned Coleman to tell him that he was "writing to the President of the United States with copies for the Attorney General, the Director of the FBI, and others. Buick asked Coleman if the jail where he was being held would censor the letters. Coleman told Buick "that the FBI had no control over jail regulations."

    An FBI report written about Buick's problems with Coleman reads: "Review of psychiatric reports on Buick disclose that Buick in these interviews also indicated he had information concerning the assassination. One psychiatrist reported "this defendant is playing a very skillful game of trying to convey the impression that he has valuable information but is unable to divulge it except to such people as the Chief Justice of the United States. He has the typical effrontery of the sociopath."

    A February 2, 1972 FBI report provides more details about Robert Buick's ongoing case. The report reveals that on February 1, 1972 a man named August Ricard von Kleist, who lived in New Mexico, contacted the FBI and advised the Bureau that he had "certain information concerning a plot to assassinate President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. According to von Kleist, this information came to his attention from Robert Clayton Buick, a convicted bank robber on whom he was preparing a story for publication in True magazine; however, this story was not accepted by True magazine and remains unpublished to date. The story about Buick is not connected with the alleged assassination plot, but rather reports he was a bullfighter in Mexico at the same time he was robbing banks in California." (Von Kliest was most likely unaware that True magazine maintained a very close relationship with both the FBI and CIA through its editor and several of its top feature writers.)


    H.P. Albarelli Jr. notes that Pt. 2 of the book is in preparation, and a couple of chapters from that forthcoming volume may appear in the near future on Russ Baker's site.

  3. I'm not sure why Douglass should be pilloried for his views on 9/11, as the vast majority of published JFK assassination authors agree with his thesis that 9/11 was a domestic operation, and many of those endorse the controlled demolition theory regarding the buildings. To note a few off the top of my head -

    Joan Mellen, author of A FAREWELL TO JUSTICE, has a 9/11 conspiracy article on her website, entitled '9/11 and 11/22'

    Peter Dale Scott, author of DEEP POLITICS AND THE DEATH OF JFK, more recently published THE ROAD TO 9/11 through the University of California Press. It argues that Cheney and Rumsfeld were part of a 9/11 conspiracy. He later added an article to his reprint of THE WAR CONSPIRACY, titled 'JFK and 9/11 - Insights Gained from Studying Both'.

    Walt Brown, author of THE WARREN OMMISSION, features various references to a 9/11 conspiracy in his recent JFK assassination chronology.

    John Newman, author of OSWALD AND THE CIA, spoke at length at a 9/11 seminar organised by Cynthia McKinney,

    Jim Marrs, author of CROSSFIRE, has published two separate editions of THE TERROR CONSPIRACY, which is entirely about deficiencies in the official 9/11 story.

    Russ Baker, author of FAMILY OF SECRETS, has stated in public that he disbelieves the 9/11 Commission Report.

    And so on. I'm sure there are others. All that said, if you have a problem with people suggesting that Jewish citizens were warned in advance of the 9/11 attacks, take it up with Haaretz, the most important Israeli news source in the world. They were the first to make the accusation a few weeks after the attack, and as far as I know have never recanted it. The Haaretz story is below -


    Every other reference to this story online (including Asia Times articles as recent as 2009) makes reference to the original Haaretz story above. Seems clear enough to me, unless you want to argue that Israel's biggest newspaper is anti-semitic. If you think the Haaretz story has no basis in fact, be sure to let them know why.

  4. As an aside, I found it interesting to see the following listed on the Aussie interlibrary loan search engine - six boxes (residing in the US) containing the collected papers, correspondence, unpublished manuscripts and so on of David Atlee Phillips. Of course, it's the papers that never made it into the collection that I'd be interested in reading.


  5. I'd strongly recommend researchers in the UK and USA take advantage of their national interlibrary loan services, where there's often an online search engine that encompasses collections nationally, and where various local libraries can obtain books for you that may be present at other Universities or elsewhere. I was able to track down and locate a copy of the Michael Meiers book on Jonestown (currently $200+ on Amazon) here in Australia via that method, and see that I can access books like The Great Heroin Coup, the Penn Jones works and others via the same method. For what it's worth, the British Library in London apparently has copies of all the editions of FORGIVE MY GRIEF.


  6. On the subject topic, onetime Entertainment Weekly contributor Glenn Kenny (a respectable critic who sadly went down in my estimation after I read the following) included this line in a recent blog post


    on the new film HITCHCOCK: -

    "some might tell you that Oliver Stone's JFK has movie-movie value even as it insults American history. except Stone would argue that he's not insulting American history and that he made the movie from a conviction to tell a higher truth."

    The blog refers to a full review Kenny did for MSN, in which he writes -

    "Only it's stupid and it doesn't work. "Hitchcock" is the "JFK" of movies about moviemaking, but at least Oliver Stone had the excuse of Jim Garrison's "findings" to hang his loony fiction on."

    Critic David Ehrenstein then pops into the comments section of Kenny's blog and adds

    "My antipathy to Oliver Stone and his noxious fraud JFK knows no bounds. I was writing for "The Advocate" at the time it was unleashed, and thanks to my efforts James Kirkwood's definitive 1967 book about Garrison's folly, "American Grotesque," was republished."

    At the Criterion-Collection sponsored Mubi forum, Ehrenstein expands on his hatred for the movie.


    "Oswald did it and he acted alone. That’s the most “Politically Inccorect” thing anyone can say in this culture.

    The entire “conspiracy” meghillah is premised on the belief that the klling couldn’t have happened without extra-special help. After all, don’t we have a “Secret Service” to guard the POTUS? Well we do , but it’s far from infallible. A number of years back I was in Dallas Texas for the USA film festival. Todd Haynes and I were on the jury

    One day we had the afternoon off so we went to dealy Plaza and visited the 5th Floor Museum — what used to be the Texas School Book Depository.

    Lots of interesting stuff in there: Pictures, kinescopes of The Day, etc. Despite the way it was depicted on film Dealy Plaza is VERY small. Todd and I looked out the window Oswald used. It’s so close to the street we could have swatted JFK over the head. The pretense of difficulty (Holy Write for Assasination Buffs) is ludicrous in the extreme."

    Ehrenstein is gay and in 1992 wrote an article for The Advocate - "JFK - A New Low for Hollywood". I'm assuming he was one of the critics at the time that accused the film of being homophobic.

  7. A fine review. Joan's book is relatively cheap inexpensive right now on Amazon, too. Don't know if the idea rings your bell William but you could post the above piece in its entirety (with a shout out to your blog) on Amazon as a product review and it would probably get major traffic and attention fairly quickly. I wasn't aware of the new book from Russ Baker, and it's good to be reminded of the other forthcoming titles. Does William Davy also have a volume coming in the nearish future?

    I'm quite curious to see the contents of and responses to Joan's other volumes when they appear next year.

  8. There was a Royal Commission into the Nugan Hand Bank scandal in Australia in the early 80's, with a final report over 1000 pages long and a second volume of interview transcripts also provided for the record. Neither is available online, but both are available upon request here in Australia through various University and State Library services. At some point down the track I'm thinking of borrowing the documents, taking photos of every page with my iPhone and making a PDF of both to upload online. I'm sure I'll have to be in the mood though. The Nugan Hand scandal gets little public discussion here in Australia these days and I'm sure most people down here have never heard of it. Equally, I'm sure it still covers some deep, deep secrets.

  9. "I have been informed that a thread on the Educational Forum/JFK assassination entitled: "Out-of-print JFK Books Online" is promoting the scanning and posting of so-called "out-of-print" books..."

    Dale is obviously within his rights to respond the way he has, but the 'so called' part of his above sentence made me chuckle. 'Out of print' means out of print. Regardless, I find it funny that he's freaking out about the hypothetical copying of his book when the forum member who requested it is only interested in a couple of illustrated diagrams from it. Here's a suggestion - someone redraw those diagrams and post those instead, that way Dale can keep his copyright and potentially benefit from the 50th anniversary windfall when all the lone-nutter books get reprinted next year in one big salvo to offset the arguments of those spooky conspiracy theorists.

    If this thread gets shut down, Barry can and should post whatever books he likes to the popular, widely used and continually active www.scribd.com document sharing site, where thousands of books are freely uploaded every day, and where they - very rarely - occasionally get taken down when an individual author or publisher goes to the trouble of asking the Scribd management to remove it. (Out-of-print books on political topics tend to be left alone on that site though - I've grabbed a bunch of stuff from there on different occasions). Scribd would be the responsible agents, not John Simkin. That noted, John has already informed his users about copyright.

    If this thread gets pulled Barry and the others interested in this service can take discussion of the scanned books to private message or even email, and / or start a free Blogger or Wordpress blog linking every single scanned book with titles and covers and discussion if need be.

  10. The Evica AND WE ARE ALL MORTAL PDF has a couple of pages out of order. Pages 9 and 10 appear between pages 22 and 23 for some reason (possibly they were printed that way in the original book). It's not a big issue at all but I thought I'd give a heads-up for anyone reading through the file. The pages are there, you just have to scroll down to read them, then scroll back up to continue where you left off. AND WE ARE ALL MORTAL is a very solid volume and should have been kept in print - thanks again to Barry for uploading this and the others.

  11. Sheehan's current circumstances are all detailed on his website. It sounds like he's keeping busy.


    The 'Contact Us' link at the top of his site lists a current work address, phone number and email. Another page asks the question, 'What would you like to see Daniel blog about?'. I have my own thoughts but others here might like to get in touch.

    Sheehan should really lay out all his JFK related thoughts and info in print, with as much supporting info and documentation as he can. Maybe he will at some point.

  12. Regarding the venue for the Sheehan talk linked on the first page of this thread:

    "Daniel Sheehan was asked at the last minute to speak at the 2007 International UFO Congress in Laughlin, Nevada. He used this opportunity to address the issue of conspiracy theory and its relationship to the UFO phenomenon. He discusses his involvement with Dr. John Mack and the circumstances of John's death. He also devotes much of his talk to revealing all of the details behind the JFK assassination, many of which have never been disclosed to the public prior to this presentation. He reveals this also to show the complexities of a true conspiracy versus many of the conspiracy theories that circulate. After this he discusses the eight worldviews that operate within the human family, and how they conflict with each other, and how we need to communicate a new paradigm to the world to help with many of the problems we face."

    His whole talk is interesting, but I was particularly impressed with the lengthy section on the JFK assassination, Operation 40, and the involvement of figures like Trafficante and others. Sheehan implies that the decision for the hit was cooked up amongst the disgrunted S-Team / Operation 40 members, and then the second conspiracy / cover-up kicked in thereafter as all the witting parties did what they needed to do to keep the secrets. I'm assuming most here would go further and argue that the hit was as much guided and overseen by higher-up figures who wanted to see it succeed for many, many reasons. The question comes to mind - did the S-Team/Op. 40 group make their plans known, then receive a tacit green light and assistance as folks far higher up the National Security chain got wind of it, or was word sent down to them at some point that, if they proceeded, they would be given the comprehensive assistance they were never given during their Bay of Pigs and Mongoose activities? It would be instructive to match the timeline given by Sheehan through late '62/early '63 to the various moves of Oswald in and out of Mexico, and see whether there's a particular date when the wind started blowing away from Cuba, and towards Dallas.

  13. It's back up for me (same old address) and a couple of new posts have appeared. Jack, trying Googling DEEP POLITICS FORUM and clicking on whatever links pop up, or try maybe deleting your cookies from your computer. I've seen this happen on other forums in the past (a forum goes down and when it pops back up a member or two suddenly can't access it for a while) but I can't recall the immediate solution other than suggesting the above.

  14. I visit and participate in a lot of cult movie forums and blogs, and in some areas it feels like nearly every poster and participant has their own personal blog (all linked on each site via the usual long list of blogs on the side of their main page). All seem to do it out of a sense of personal enthusiasm, none seem too bothered by visitors or a lack of them. (This doesn't dispute John's main point but I'm just noting that there are frequent exceptions). There should be more blogs and forums devoted to Deep Politics and political conspiracy research, not less, and I'd be quite happy if the various regulars on the DP forum - and here, to boot - started their own blogs whilst simultaneously posting continual thoughts on the respective forums noted (like this one and the DP forum). I hope the DP forum returns and continues for a long while.

  15. Bringing this thread back from the past, Southeast Louisiana University has two copies of Peter Dale Scott's THE DALLAS CONSPIRACY listed in their JFK papers archive, about halfway down the page linked below in a box of 'Supplemental Material' (items 20 and 21). The library advises that inter-library loans can make materials available (possibly through photocopies) to interested parties at other libraries throughout the US and even internationally, but also notes that some materials may not be available, including 'unpublished manuscripts'. Jim DiEugenio might have scratched his head at what PDS was getting at with the book but I'd still like to read it someday. If someone ever pays the library a visit with an iPhone 4 and photographs the pages, I'll volunteer to type the sucker up. Hey, if Rex Bradford brought out an archival edition ala Pete's WAR CONSPIRACY, I'd buy it. Then again PDS may well have his own reasons as to why he prefers the manuscript be off the market.


    The archive collection also features another unpublished book I've never heard of, notably -

    "6. When They Kill a President, unpublished manuscript by former Dallas Deputy Sheriff Roger Dean Craig (xerox copy)"

    The plural in the title makes me wonder if it's worth a look.

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