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Anthony Thorne

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Posts posted by Anthony Thorne

  1. The thoughtful follow up comments are worth a read.



    Strange as it may seem, "Sammy" was one of the good guys, Ted. I never met him, but people I know did. He was subject to abuse by James Angleton as a Jew who did not buy into Angleton's support of Israel. I have a new book called "Blood In The Water: How the United States and Israel collaborated to ambush the USS Liberty." It will be out first week in December.




    Halpern was with DesFiz eating lunch in Georgetown when news of the assassination arrived and Halpern quotes Des as wondering if his Cubans were involved. Then Halpern fell lock step in line promoting the false Castro cover story. Strange as it may seem.




    Sam Halpern was also openly contemptuous of the Kennedy’s. “You’re dealing with two guys in the White House who made a botch of things at the Bay of Pigs and haven’t a clue what it means to run clandestine operations or covert operations or whatever you want to call them.” Halpern considered Kennedy’s unwillingness to actually “pay any price, bear any burden” a treachery that “virtually justified extraconstitutional correction.”




     I have spent an entire year researching Mr. Halpern and his twisted tale of an RFK secret plot to use the Mafia to assassinate Castro. Little did Halpern know in 1962 that his own boss, William Harvey, was in charge of the secret CIA-Mafia plot to assassinate Castro. Halpern only found out what Harvey and Roselli had been up to until he read the Church Committee reports that were published at the end of 1975 and into 1976! It was the biggest shock of Halpern's life and took him almost two decades to figure out how ignore and/or spin details to preserve his RFK Mafia marquee. In Volume III--Into the Storm--I have four chapters devoted to all of the details about Halpern's nearly four decades of activities on these matters. Amazingly, all of the SSCIA and CIA files on this unbelievable story have been laying in the open since 1early 976. The ONLY mention about these documents in ANY books on the case that I have seen so far was a brief one in David Talbot's "Brothers." I have yet to publicly release all of this new research. That will happen for the first time on the evening of 16 November--just 13 days from now--at the Lancer conference in Dallas. By the way, Halpern wasn't anywhere close to being the DDO! That was Bissell, and then Helms when he took over in early 1962. Halpern was the lowly executive officer to Harvey--who didn't bother to tell Sam that he was running the CIA-Mafia operation against Castro. Halpern didn't know about the crypt "ZRRIFLE" until he saw the papers about it for the first time in 1976. However, he was involved--one of the four people who were--in the operation that took place in November 1963, i.e. Fitzgerald giving the poison pen to Cubela and lying by saying RFK had authorized it. So, Sam didn't know the crypt until 1975; and that's when he saw the document I posted at the start of this thread saying that JFK started ZRRIFLE in February 1961. Of course, that was WAYOUT false, but Halpern loved it and used it to buttress his false RFK-Mafia myth.




    Was Halpern involved in trying to link RFK to a Castro hit plot involving Charlie Ford/Fiscalini?




    Yes--Bingo on that. And Ford's sworn statement to the Church Committee blows that out of the water!! See RIF 104-10310-10119. This is another crucial document that anyone wishing to comment publicly about Halpern should read BEFORE commenting.


    RIF 104-10310-10119 is titled MEMORANDUM: INTERVIEW BY SENATE COMMITTEE INVESTIGATORS and contains Ford's comments at length. It's here.


  2. A five star review of the book has appeared from a poster (not me, I haven't read it yet) on Goodreads - 




    I will begin my review of Michele Metta's diligent and deep research by stating my own held beliefs of what was behind the assassination of JFK, formed after many years of study, hundreds of books read, conferences attended and membership of Dealey Plaza U.K., prior to reading this book.

    Firstly, the assassination in Dallas was a coup d'etat, primarily conducted by CIA, probably initiated by Allen Dulles, but certainly involving James Jesus Angleton, (who according to Peter Dale Scott managed a second CIA within the CIA) with a green light to the plot given by elements within the JCS, which I feel would have been fully initiated in late 1962. Through CIA there were contributions made by the U.S. military, the Secret Service, renegade French intelligence and Israeli Mossad along with (to muddy the waters) anti-Castro and organised crime contributions. The coup being covered up by CIA, FBI, Secret Service and Lyndon Johnson. I find it telling rather than coincidence that French intelligence Colonel deLannurien was at Langley meeting with Angleton on the 22nd November 1963.

    'CMC. The Italian Undercover CIA and Mossad Station and the Assassination of JFK', published in 2018, wholly confirms and reinforces my own beliefs of this case. Metta's conscientious investigation also confirms the probing that was undertaken by the much maligned New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison in his indictment of Clay Shaw and his association with the Centro Mondiale Commerciale/Permindex. 

    I have to admit that such is the avalanche of links and connections exposed in this work that, for me was a struggle to stay with the narrative, such that I feel a re-read is necessary to fully take in the information. It is no surprise that the author requires the reader to 'please-pay attention' on a number of occasions throughout the text. However the effort is greatly rewarded as this book takes us through the maze of undercover connections between American, Italian and Israeli intelligence agents, international bankers, Nazi, neo-Fascist, Masonic, Mafia and big business chains. There have been known discoveries, previous to this book from the Bloomfield archives in Canada and it can be noted that the Bloomfield heirs shut this archive down. Louis Bloomfield was the founder of Permindex. Metta's work here exposes many more associated revelations. 

    It doesn't help that the majority of the supporting cast in this investigation are Italian personnel and the associated Notes that relate to documents are in Italian. Also this publication has no Index.

    Yet, these are very minor negatives in what is a very important addition to the JFK assassination canon and gets a five star rating from me.



  3. Just as Russell did a blurb of praise for the Ganis book, he's also lent his support to an upcoming JFK book from Trine Day - Christopher Fulton's THE INHERITANCE - which purports to reveal earth-shaking revelations pertaining to the JFK assassination from papers given to Evelyn Lincoln, then passed down to some guy in Canada.


    I'm personally not expecting any of these volumes advertising previously unseen, privately-held documents to be of much use to researchers of the case.

  4. I’ve never found the JFK assassination to be Ramsey’s strong point. I think I have an earlier edition of that book, which uses the Madeline Brown heresay story as ‘proof’ that LBJ was the kingpin behind JFK’s death.

    I saw the Dorrill reference archived on Ramsey’s site, but was unfamiliar with RR’s later repetition of the commentary in WHO SHOT JFK? I hope Metta’s new volume gets the attention it deserves.


  5. If Ramsey made those dumb comments about Paese Sera, he’s way off target. I know Paese Sera is respected. Didn’t Dario Argento write film reviews for it before his directorial career?

    i mentioned the documentation was Italian-language as a heads up for any reader unaware who might have suspected otherwise. Ramsey has frequently attacked books for not including sufficient footnotes or documentation. In my Tweet to him I stressed this volume does not have that problem.

    I’m looking forward to reading the book.

  6. Michele Metta's JFK book was recently published and is available on Amazon now.


    It runs for 164 pages and includes the (Italian language) CMC documentation in the back of the volume. The Amazon preview arbitrarily doesn't show the contents page, but offers a preview of the opening chapter. The translation looks pretty good and - happily - the book is heavily footnoted, which is a big plus in any volume discussing political events from that region and that era. UK author Richard Cottrell wrote a fat book on Gladio several years back. It was barely footnoted at all and jumbled together lots of undocumented assertions. UK journalist Robin Ramsay was less than impressed.

    Metta's book is now on my get list, I'll be curious to see further reviews of it.

  7. Robert Morrow told me a few years back that he thought he had a copy of Peter Dale Scott's THE DALLAS CONSPIRACY lying around and was prepared to scan it. I contacted Peter and asked if he was okay if it was put online. Peter thought about it then said yes, so long as he could write a brief introduction for the volume. I said no problem, of course you can, then Robert got back to me and said he couldn't find his copy of that manuscript anymore. If anyone is still in touch with Robert let him know the interest is still there and Peter has given his approval if there's still a copy lying around.

  8. Quote

    If the above is an exact quote, I don't see much license there.  Neither do I see much humor if that is what it was.

    Jones has become even more of a bizarre tabloid jerk than usual over the past few years. He used to invite a lot of semi-credible researchers on (say a decade or so ago), and I'm fairly sure Peter Dale Scott, Jim Marrs, Joan Mellen and others were interviewed. Scott was interviewed a few times, and allowed to talk at length, with Jones simply adding an "Hmm hmm.. oh really.. okay.." as Scott discussed some topic at length.

    Then Jones went off the deep end and ramped up the tabloid discussion. Intentionally, I feel. There was always a tabloid element to the show. He decided (or was asked - he gets funding from various places) to push things into the realms of the bizarre. Some of those realms involves taking real conspiracies and dwelling on them in the most tabloid way possible. At other times he'll push stuff that is purely cloud cuckoo. David Icke and his theories about the global elites being descended from lizards, as an example. Jesse Ventura interviewed Icke for the second or third series of his CONSPIRACY THEORY TV show, and it went as badly as you'd probably expect, with Ventura simply asking what the hell Icke thought he was talking about.

    Others could probably analyse why Jones has decided to do this in a smarter way than I could. I can see a few different possibilities, but wouldn't care to pick one at the moment.

    But the quote discussed here, about him 'getting' Mueller, possibly has to be viewed in the context of the clip embedded in the Newsweek article up top. Ennio Morricone's music from THE GOOD THE BAD AND THE UGLY starts up. Jones then says, 'politically, this is high noon!', and pretends to be a gunslinger from the movie. He's not miming pointing an assault rifle at Mueller and committing an ugly crime. He's miming being some dopey cowboy wearing a Stetson hat and being quickest on the draw while the two of them stand off in the middle of the town square. All this is while Morricone's music plays on the soundtrack throughout the whole bit. If the music wasn't there and Jones had mimed aiming a rifle, I'd wonder if he was trying to be taken off the air. But the "I'm gonna get ya, kapow!" rant with Morricone's theme scoring him like the world's craziest Texan hero is hard to take too seriously. If he'd announced thereafter that he was going to get his best gal by his side and ride off into the sunset on his horse, it would have been in keeping with the rest of the rant. It's still a dumb thing to say about a former FBI director.

    Jones has also had John Williams' ominous Star Wars theme for Darth Vader - the one heard throughout THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK - as the introductory musical theme of his show, depicting his struggle against the 'evil empire' while he sells his vitality pills and gregariously does dumb bits in-between interviews with various folk. I view his gunslinger comments about Mueller as just another bit. Although you'd think he'd understand it would be an unwise thing to say, whatever the context.

    Re the beyond weird Pizzagate allegations that have flowed through the mainstream media over the past year or two, there were credible  - but weird - stories about abuse rings in the UK and UK, and odd goings on linking back to Jeffrey Epstein, Clinton (Bill) and a couple of royals on board various flights visiting Epstein's island for fun, and DAILY MAIL stories covering UK celebs bumping up against the Jimmy Saville cover-up in a weird way, but all those stories have long since been buried amid the gallons of crap peddled by Jones about Mueller and his cohorts in government kidnapping children by the dozens for satanic rituals and the like. So, again, Jones will take something that is 10% credible or based on a story about something that happened, then inflate it into a big fat tabloid balloon that he can float over the viewership. Some years back Jones was talking about doing a movie on the JFK assassination, and had interviewed Jim Marrs and some others for it. At this point I'm glad he never got that project off the ground.

  9. Chris Lightbown’s book is reportedly imminent, and due out in October. I’ll be getting it. It’s a hardcover, and the publisher has also scheduled a future paperback edition for next year, so I’m presuming it’s a real thing and we’ll be seeing it in October. Lightbown is a forum member from the Simkin days, and the book is called THE STRANGE DEATH OF JFK.

  10. Emma Best's work is usually fairly solid, and not to be easily dismissed, but I'm kind of dumbfounded that this line appears in the article


    Oswald had defected to the Soviet Union and lived there before returning to the U.S., he had campaigned for Cuba and called himself a Marxist - and then he shot the President.

    If Best is going to go over things related to the JFK assassination forensically, I can think of at least one section of the above quote that probably isn't as watertight as she thinks it is.

  11. James Lateer, the author of the new Trine Day book THE THREE BARONS - THE ORGANIZATIONAL CHART OF THE KENNEDY ASSASSINATION, has started posting over at Deep Politics Forum, just a little.  His whole theory is apparently about (ex)Nazis planning JFK's murder.  William Kelly has done a couple of good blogs on the links between Dealey Plaza and the Valkyrie plot, and Albarelli's upcoming book looks of interest.  That said, the reviews of Lateer's book on Amazon are not great.  Interesting topic.

  12. As Jim says, Boot is a notorious neoconservative, and Kagan is little better.  

    A funny story.  Several years back, Jon Stewart appeared on the Crossfire show with Tucker Carlson.  Stewart detested the show and tore Carlson and his co-host apart on air.  The Crossfire show was cancelled shortly afterwards.  Carlson had been a prolific cheerleader for the Bush administration and the Iraq war, so this was no great loss at the time.  That incident is viewable on Youtube.

    By his own admission (in an interview I saw with him elsewhere), Carlson suffered something of a crisis of the soul after this.  He took some time off, reflected upon the extent of his earlier pro-war cheerleading, and toned down his schtick.  When Carlson started his show up again at Fox, he was no longer inclined to support every neoconservative statement.  In fact, he'd become openly critical of the pro-war stance a lot of them still held.  

    THE ROAD NOT TAKEN author Boot - who was a bigger cheerleader for the Iraq war at the time than Carlson, and who remains a pro-war agitator now - appeared on Carlson's new show several months ago.  Carlson had become sick of the pro-war stance of the neocons, and Boot was visibly angry that Carlson had changed his ways (even if only to a degree).  The result was one of the most striking on-air clashes that I saw last year.  The neoconservatives rarely get taken to task in this manner on television, and I suspect this threw Boot off even more.  Whether or not you like Carlson, this was a striking debate, very different from the usual bluster you'd see from guys like O'Reilly.

    Notice too at the beginning, Carlson includes a clip of Robert Baer, the (untrustworthy, I believe) ex-CIA agent who was pushing that bogus Oswald documentary a few months back.  Baer is also pushing neocon talking points these days.

    Justin Raimondo, at the Antiwar site, did a post-mortem of the interview that was pretty on target.


    At this point, Boot and Kagan appear to be cheering each other on, hoping for more war.  Kagan actually did an interview during the past election cycle where he criticised Obama for not wanting to pursue a 'survivable' nuclear first strike with other countries.  God knows what ridiculous propaganda we'll see from these idiots next.

  13. The film project I'm doing is a long history of spaghetti westerns, put together with the assistance of US writer Tom Betts, who ran the American magazine WESTERNS ALL' ITALIANA.  It's a long, review based project with lengthy credits and filmographies and info about multiple movies.  Italian writer Roberto Curti helps every so often with advice and feedback, and UK writer Jason Slater (who knows the guy) offered to get Franco Nero to write a foreword.  The book is multi-volume and won't be ready for years though.  The complete credits of the movies (minus the reviews) runs for more than 200 pages - the review text and info runs for hundreds of pages more.  It's like a crazy hobby.

  14. Quote

    Edgardo Pellegrini, an Italian journalist, in 1995, during a conference in Rome revealed he was in constant contact with Garrison's staff. I could give you more details, but they are in Italian ... A translation would be needed. Pellegrini was investigating Centro Mondiale Commerciale, at the time Garrison was investigating Clay Shaw 

    Paz will know more than me, obviously.  Edgardo Pellegrini is listed as a journalist for Paese Sera.  He wrote the 1973 book Gli Ermellini da Guardia: Magistratura e repression in Italia 1968 - 1973, which is listed in Ernest Mandel's book Power and Money as part of the literature on 'state-induced massacres covered up by the Italian judiciary'.  Pellegrini's (Italian language) book is here - 


    The following articles confirm Paz's comment about Pellegrini and the Garrison case.  The article below talks about the May 1970 book Strage di Stato [State Massacre], which was a volume assembled by investigative journalists on the 1969 Piazza Fontana bombing.  After the bombing, hundreds of figures on the left 'gathered information, testimonies and statements to provide an interpretative key to the events different from the official one'.  Information on the bombing, and the surrounding events, was gathered from all levels of society.  Pellegrini was one of the sources of information from Rome.  Throughout the 60's (and through the years of the Garrison investigation), Pellegrini had written for the 'foreign section' of the left-wing L'Unita newspaper.  Under the pseudonym of 'Samuel Evergood', Pellegrini had written various 'correspondences from the United States' (all of which were actually written by him in Rome) that had been sourced from various contacts within the USA.  So, when L'Unita was covering the Garrison case, Pellegrini was the guy who would have covered those US-based stories on the assassination, and who would have directly contacted figures in the US for information on what was occurring.  When the Piazza Fontana bombing occurred in December 1969, Pellegrini would have only just finished covering Garrison’s trial several months earlier.


    The article states


    Following alternative investigations into Kennedy's death, Pellegrini came across Permindex, a company that financed many neo-fascist groups, including Italian ones.

    Michele Metta talks about Strage di Stato, and Pellegrini's involvement, here.


    In a commemorative edition of Strage di Stato, Pellegrini added an appendix where he discussed how he'd stumbled across Clay Shaw's membership of CMC-Permindex.


    Clay Shaw came out financing Permindex.  And Permindex financed the neo-fascists in Italy and in South Tyrol.  Some time before, following my story about the Wanninger crime (an aspiring model killed in Rome) I had been attacked and kicked out of the office of a strange German film producer who didn't produce films.  And I still had in my eyes the heading of a letter in front of him, on his desk: Permindex, of course.  After the Piazza Fontana massacre, the Milanese judges searching the house of a supposed coup-supporter found an old letter from General Allavena, head of the secret services, in which he recommended not to dig too deeply into the Wanninger case...

    At the 1995 conference mentioned by Paz, Pellegrini was asked about the genesis of Strage di Stato.  Pellegrini responded that the group assembling the book had been inspired by the earlier examples of Jim Garrison and Mark Lane.


    On the death of Kennedy, two exceptional characters had acted.  One, probably everyone who saw the movie JFK knows who he is: Louisiana prosecutor Jim Garrison, who is the focus of the film.  The other person, on the other hand, was a lawyer, a self-appointed lawyer for the reputation of Lee Harvey Oswald.  His name was Mark Lane, and he wrote a wonderful book called America on Appeal (likely the Italian title for RUSH TO JUDGEMENT).  Jim Garrison and Mark Lane made the two greatest counter-investigations, I think, of this century, of a state crime.  That is: the counter investigations made by the Louisiana Attorney and this lawyer were absolutely a spectacular thing, and in the group of Democratic and Left journalists (as we who contributed to the drafting of the book Strage di Stato were), we were constantly in contact with them, with their groups, and we studied their investigative techniques like journalistic methods that were alternative methods to those in power.  These investigative journalistic techniques were fully imported by the group that later made Strage di Stato.  These are the various components that were behind us.

    Strage di Stato was published on May 13th 1970, amid various concerts, lectures and theatrical performances, and was a big success.  It sold 20,000 copies immediately, and another 20,000 copies were printed two months later, in July 1970.  By 1971 there were five editions, and that fifth edition contained additional commentary.  The book was reprinted continuously up to 1977, by which point Strage di Stato had sold half a million copies.  And Pellegrini says the book was directly inspired by the work of Garrison and Lane.  This is no small thing.

  15. Quote

    IMO Paul did us all a great service by doing what he did

    I would have preferred to encourage the author to look at some alternative viewpoints.  Ah well.

    I'm open to reading thoughtful novels on the assassination.  I've half a mind to write one myself one day.  It'd take a while though.  You'd have to do justice to the project as a work of fiction, and justice as best as one could to the real data and research about the assassination.  Neither goal would be an easy one, and you'd be stuck with an audience of researchers who are less interested in JFK assassination fiction than they are non-fiction, and an audience of fiction readers who might not appreciate a deep run through the real-life (perhaps footnoted) events of the sort that get discussed here on this board.  No wonder it's not done very often.

  16. John McCone memorandum for LBJ redacts long paragraph discussing a "very sensitive effective operation working in Mexico City... which involved telephone surveillance and was being done in a most careful manner with his knowledge and with the assistance of a few of his trusted officials."


    Fat redaction in this minutes of meeting of the Special Group, August 1962. Colonel Steakley is present for the stuff they don't want us to know about.


    Big Rockefeller report, previously withheld in full, on Dominican Republic, Trujilo etc. Only thing redacted is who sent it, and a small crypt on top of page 2.


    Same report pops top again. Stuff redacted from above file is back in and readable. Some new stuff is redacted, and the new stuff redacted as (as far as I can tell) stuff that you can read in the first document.


    Interesting, previously withheld report on MK-NAOMI, CIA poisoning operations. Some stuff redacted, but not all.


    Big long list of crypts and pseudonyms, with lots of redactions, suggestive details. The Walter C. Wicker name for a Mr E.H. Hunt was compromised in December 1960. You just know that page 1 was full of stuff John Newman could have used for his book. Can we take the guy from the archives who scanned it out for drinks and get him drunk, ask him if he remembers a few?


    File review of Ricardo Morales Navarette. "Indicates Morales of interest to FBI, BNDD and CIA simultaneously. Morales said he was recently in contact with the "Chief of the Latin American Desk" at the CIA and his last name was the same as Morales." Referring to David?


    Approvals on project passing between folks like William Harvey and Clare Booth Luce in July 1963. Some redactions.

  17. The National Archives have released 3539 documents in their final release for 2017.  They start here.


    If you follow the archive page numbers at the link, the new documents run up to page 85.

    Many were previously withheld in full.  I saw (and read through) some William Harvey interview material.

    There may be some potential goofs.  This document linked here is repeated over the final few pages seemingly dozens of times.


    If interesting pieces pop up, I'll post what I encounter.


    EDIT - Missed that this was already in the main topic thread.  Feel free to delete this one.


  18. Researcher Hasan Yusuf (a very friendly guy) mentioned to me at the ROKC Melbourne conference last year that Crafard played a significant role in Greg Parker's overall thesis about the assassination.  He mentioned a couple of specifics, which I won't paraphrase as I'll probably get the details wrong.  I helped out Greg a little with the editing of his first volume on Oswald, but haven't yet had the time to dig into the second volume or Greg's updated compilation of both works.

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