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Anthony Thorne

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Posts posted by Anthony Thorne

  1. The JASTA bill implies guilt on the part of the Saudis. PDS’s analysis implies a degree of guilt on the part of the Saudis too, but names additional names and connections, which I might have thought was important to anyone investigating the event, either to sue or to simply find out the truth, but there you go. That’s all I meant.

    Re being subjects of the crown, Australia had a referendum to become a Republic back in 1997. The vote failed. If they held it again today it would probably pass. Beyond that it’s not something I have a lot of time to ponder.

  2. Jim, why do you think I’ve missed anything? I’ve been following that news just as much as you have.

    Peter Dale Scott was taking about the Saudi role, and naming figures he felt were involved, 12 years ago. Daniel Hopsicker names plenty of Saudi folk in his research. I could name several other writers about 9/11 who do the same. Jonathan Elinoff told me personally that he thought there was a substantial Saudi role, and described to me what he felt it was. His analysis went further than the JASTA bill, btw, and Peter Dale Scott was asked to delete references to a Saudi billionaire in his book THE ROAD TO 9/11 by lawyers for the University of California Press.

    None of this takes away from a narrative where numerous disparate groups were working in conjunction with each other. So if the Saudis are about to be sued, fine. Hopefully it’ll be the first of many lawsuits.



  3. One broader context is that, after the JFK assassination, Lee Harvey Oswald's activities and identity before the assassination - as best as we can tell - were institutionally covered up by figures who didn't want LHO's status as a person used by or linked to intelligence to be revealed. So, everything 'spooky' about LHO's life was dismissed by omission or with a shrug, and he was treated as just a nutty loner.

    With 9/11, two books - Daniel Hopsicker's WELCOME TO TERRORLAND and Sander Hicks' SLINGSHOT TO THE JUGGERNAUT - make a strong case that Atta and some of his fellow hijackers were involved with or linked to illegal drug trafficking in Florida. So Huffman Aviation, on this Wikispooks page, links to both drug trafficking and 9/11, as Atta and others had used it, and various arrests and drug busts revealed the airport to be a drug trafficking hub.




    Peter Dale Scott made the point that, like the JFK assassination and LHO's ties to intelligence, the drug-trafficking angle here was yet another good excuse for some authorities to accept the official story, because it would raise too many difficult questions to look into who the guys were and what they were actually doing. Hopsicker is also the source for the unverified story that, after 9/11, Governor of Florida Jeb Bush flew down to Huffman to oversee the removal of the records of the hijackers - or 'hijackers' - who had been using the airport. And it is unverified - but if it's true, I find it telling that Jeb would go there after 9/11 to have the documents removed asap, and not have just had the documents removed a week, month or year earlier. It suggests that the identity of the hijackers on the day might have come as a surprise to some, and the plan to use those figures as yet another institutional fig leaf to protect the official story worked well. Which could suggest that the planners of 9/11 liked what they knew had worked in the past, and wanted to use some of the same tactics and methods again.

  4. Another note. Kevin Ryan's book ANOTHER 19 draws heavily on Scott's research, and adds a lot more to it, and Scott is an admirer of Ryan's writing, and Ryan is an admirer of Scott's. Peter Dale Scott did a quote for Ryan's book, and Ryan did an online review for Scott's AMERICAN WAR MACHINE volume.

    Ryan's book can be found here.


    and Scott's later book AMERICAN DEEP STATE is here, published a couple of years after Ryan's volume, and covering some of the same areas.


    And if you read the three Peter Dale Scott books on the topic - which are THE ROAD TO 9/11, AMERICAN WAR MACHINE, and AMERICAN DEEP STATE, and I view them as an unofficial trilogy on the same subject - plus Ryan's book, you'll have a deeper understanding of the topic than many. I think AMERICAN DEEP STATE is the best and most readable of those btw.

    There's also a very good, overlooked volume by Elias Daviddson HIJACKING AMERICA'S MIND ON 9/11: COUNTERFEITING EVIDENCE. It's a long volume, carefully researched and heavily footnoted, that sticks to one central topic, namely the flights, the hijackers, and the calls that were used as evidence to construct the official story. Daviddson makes his points methodically, and puts the pieces in place for a closing chapter that is very hard to argue with. The book is online in its entirety in PDF form. Here's two different links to it, in case anyone wants to check it out.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/o5lcdt9kno0h33t/Elias Davidsson - Hijacking America's Mind (2013).pdf?dl=0


    Rob, James Woolsey, who I mentioned in a recent PM to you, was also one of the main participants in the Continuity of Government planning discussed by Peter Dale Scott above.

  5. Useful discussion by Peter Dale Scott covering both the JFK assassination and 9/11. He's done a few of these, and this is one of the longer and more intensive ones.

    Fred Ikle, who I just posted about in the Gladio thread, was involved in the 80's with the COG planners noted by Scott in his talk. And this ties back to my comment there that Ikle, as far back as the late 70's, had argued that significant planning should be done to prepare administrative and legal structures for emergency use, and have them in place and ready if a future crisis occurred. Part of this would eventually see the light as the continuity of government structures that were developed through the 80's, and which - as confirmed by the 9/11 Commission Report - were enacted by Cheney and Rumsfeld on the morning of 9/11. And part of this took the place of other, related government planning, for a military response, for a Patriot Act, for a new Homeland Security department, the works, and the names involved with all of these link back to the neconservatives and Ikle and the Committee on the Present Danger, and reappear and reoccur again and again.


  6. I was going to post more about the Safari Club, and I will do so, but the Belmont House conference deserves some background references. That conference came out of meetings and discussions undertaken by anti-detente folk in the latter half of the 1970’s, and this is the same crowd that had earlier organised to put together the Team B estimates, with Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Northwoods exponent Lyman Lemnitzer and others as part of that group.

    A decent summary of what took place with Team B is here 

    but Jerry Sanders’ PEDDLERS OF CRISIS probably has the longest book-forum discussion of the whole saga.

    Details about the conference - from December 1979, not November 1979 as I had earlier recollected - appear in W. Scott Thompson’s book NATIONAL SECURITY IN THE 1980’s: FROM WEAKNESS TO STRENGTH, which collects transcripts of the lectures given there, and which also records some of the discussions. The event was organised by the Institute for Contemporary Studies (ICS), a right-wing, anti-detente think tank that was formed during the Nixon administration, and which ran into at least the late 1980’s - Donald Rumsfeld is cited online as having briefly run it through that latter period. Here’s some discussion about ICS from Joseph Peschek’s 1987 book POLICY-PLANNING ORGANIZATIONS: ELITE AGENDAS AND AMERICA’S RIGHTWARD TURN.



    “Joining the American Enterprise Institute and the Heritage Foundation in creating intellectual thunder on the right is the lesser-known, San Francisco-based Institute for Contemporary Studies (ICS). Its rise to prominence coincided with the presidential victory of Ronald Reagan, but the links extended further back. The institute was formed in 1972 by a group of men who had worked for Governor Ronald Reagan in the California State administration. Serving as the ICS president for many years was H. Monroe Browne, a cattle rancher who had been appointed by Reagan to the state Occupational Health and Safety Administration Appeal Board. Browne was later named ambassador to New Zealand by President Reagan. Longtime ICS executive director A. Lawrence Chickering worked for Reagan at the state Office of Economic Opportunity. Edwin Meese III, a close associate of Reagan’s in his California years, was in on the founding discussions and served on the board of directors. Also a director before becoming secretary of Defence was Casper Weinberger.

    Representing corporate and financial backing on the board of directors were men like Vincent W. Jones of Coldwell Banker, Leif Olsen, a Citibank executive and former chairman of the ICS board of directors, and Donald H. Rumsfeld, president and chief executive officer of G.D. Searle and Company, a former Secretary of Defense and a personal representative of President Reagan in the Middle East. A partial list of corporate contributors in 1980 (amounts not known) included AT&T, Chase Manhattan Bank, Exxon, Ford, General Electric, IBM, Mobil, Shell, Texaco and U.S. Steel. While these giants are not openly identified with the right, the conservative ties of the ICS are more clearly revealed by the support received from such right-leaning funding sources as the John M. Olin Foundation, the Sarah Scaife Foundation, and the Smith Richardson Foundation.”



    Discussions at the conference were held by the book's authors - W. Scott Thompson, Kenneth Adelman, Richard Burt, Miles Costick, Robert Ellsworth, Fred Ikle, Geoffrey T.H. Kemp, Edward Luttwak, Charles Burton Marshall, Paul Nitze, Sam Nunn, Henry S. Rowen, Leonard Sullivan Jr, William R Van Cleave, Francis J. West, Jr., Albert Wohlstetter and Elmo Zumwalt Jr. They were accompanied by discussions - some reprinted in the book - with Richard Allen, Angelo Codevilla, Fleming Fuller, Eric Hemel, Charles Kupperman, Robert Osgood, Dale Tahtinen, and Victor Utgoff.

    Here's an excerpt from H. Monroe Browne's introduction to FROM WEAKNESS TO STRENGTH.




    In the fall of 1976 the institute undertook its first venture into foreign and military policy with the publication of DEFENDING AMERICA: TOWARD A NEW ROLE IN THE POST-DETENTE WORLD. Organized in collaboration with Basic Books (New York), that study expressed the growing alarm of a number of participants who were concerned about the ongoing Soviet military build-up combined with a growing post-Vietnam U.S. isolationism.

    The themes expressed in DEFENDING AMERICA gained a growing audience for the next couple of years, and by 1979 the Carter White House implicitly acknowledged the problem by calling for a small real increase in the defense budget. Inflation, however, eliminated the increase last year, and political leadership on the issue all but disappeared as the military and strategic imbalance was increasingly aggravated.

    Toward the end of 1979 the seizure of hostages in Iran and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan combined to change fundamentally the nature of the debate. In the wake of those events, it was no longer possible to ignore the growing threat. But although President Carter expressed a strong change of heart in his 1980 State of the Union message, his policies have changed almost not at all: the defense budget - to pick one important indication - is unchanged from what it was before the incidents in Iran and Afghanistan.

    The most important point is that those incidents did not change the underlying situation, which has been readily apparent to observers for several years. The question has never been whether such crises would occur, but when. For this reason, in the fall of 1979 the institute asked W. Scott. Thompson to organise a sequel to DEFENDING AMERICA - to assemble a group of authors who would undertake a systematic study of the ways in which U.S. foreign and military policy ought to be reoriented, fundamentally. While DEFENDING AMERICA was a critique, this project was organised to set forth a positive agenda for policy. For this purpose a number of authors who had contributed to the earlier book were recruited: Edward N. Luttwak, Charles Burton Marshall, Paul H. Nitze, and Albert Wohlstetter, in addition to Thompson. The new project was designed to recommend a whole range of policy options, from short-term quick fixes to longer-term military and diplomatic strategies.

    At a special conference at Belmont House in Baltimore, Maryland, the authors met with other experts and with media representatives to discuss problems and chapters with independent observers, including some from the administration. The discussions were then transcribed and included in the book to enrich its content and to ensure that contrary opinion would be represented. They appear, following the order of the chapters, at the end of the last three major sections.

    In judging the results, it becomes clear why the American public has recently been preoccupied with foreign policy. It is especially clear that the post-Vietnam period is over and that U.S. policymakers have yet to chart a new course in foreign policy. The development of new strategies will no doubt be worked out over the coming months in the course of the presidential campaign, and into the next administration.

    This book presents one set of military and strategic options which deserve a major hearing in the coming debate.

    H. Monroe Browne


    Institute for Contemporary Studies


    10 May 1980

    San Francisco, California



    Many of the participants at the conference have interesting - and in some cases, startling - links to the world of deep politics. (There's a news story online about how Kissinger at point had made a sinister threat to Elmo Zumwalt, and Angelo Codevilla - beyond having some very funny disagreements with the CIA, which are documented on the CIA Crest site - later published some articles alleging involvement of the Bush administration with 9/11). Kenneth Adelman, one of the participants quoted below, was an aide to Donald Rumsfeld during the 70's. But I'll just note a couple of things about Fred Ikle.

    Ikle, who spoke at the conference, was a former RAND consultant and defense intellectual who had earlier written a study for RAND on the effects of a catastrophic event on population centres - THE SOCIAL IMPACT OF BOMB DESTRUCTION. In the 70’s Ikle was a work colleague and occasional boss to neocons like Wolfowitz and Richard Perle. In the late 80’s, Ikle ran a forward-thinking defense study with Albert Wohlstetter, and published an accompanying report titled DISCRIMINATE DETERRENCE. The same year, he wrote an essay for a National Strategy Information Center book extolling the use of psychological warfare - POLITICAL WARFARE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS: RETHINKING THE US APPROACH.

    Ikle’s essay in FROM WEAKNESS TO STRENGTH is an extended plea for increased defense spending. His essay is called PREPARING FOR INDUSTRIAL MOBILIZATION: THE FIRST STEP TOWARDS FULL STRENGTH. In his essay, Ikle speculates that the trend towards reduced defense spending could change if an unspecified crisis provoked a ‘massive expansion of our defense effort’.



    After suggesting that there are ‘many possible crises' that could provoke a major defense expansion in the United States, Ikle spends two pages listing possibilities. The first is the potential realisation that the Soviet Union had expanded its arms build-up. The second provoking event could be ‘local Soviet-supported aggression’, such as the North Korean attack in 1950. And the third precipitous event could be a major war between U.S. and Soviet forces. To depict how the U.S. would respond after that occurrence, Ikle cites ‘the extraordinarily successful mobilisation after the attack on Pearl Harbor’ (pg 61).

    Later in the essay, Ikle states that the desired build-up is unlikely to happen unless a ‘dramatic external event’ occurs to mobilise the government towards increased military spending.


    Ikle also suggests that government should have administrative and legal preparations - a ‘structure’ - in place and ready to be activated by the day of the emergency.


    Various participants then continued the conversations further.


    And during the talk sessions, Ikle and other members speculated on how ‘triggering events’ could precipitate further actions from the US.





  7. Since Michael has posted that list, I’ll add the following, without having time right now to fully explain the relevance - and this might be the first time I’ve posted this online, ever. A couple of months after the conference, Shlomo Gazit - mentioned down the bottom of Michael’s list, and the head of Israeli Military Affairs at the time - decided to pack his bags for a change of scenery. He decided to become a ‘visiting fellow’ at Harvard. See this late 1979 news story, where he explains the move with a shrug.


    The United States’ ‘political counselor’ to Tel Aviv through 1978 and 1979 was a guy called Robert Blackwill. Blackwill - who isn’t discussed much at all in books of deep politics, but deserves some attention - isn’t listed as an attendee at the conference, but I’m sure he was in touch with all those who attended. When he finished his position in Tel Aviv, he returned to the US, became a director on the National Security Council, and took up a position at Harvard that continued for two decades or more. He was there through the 80’s and the 90’s and beyond.

    Blackwill was associated with one school there - the Kennedy School of Government, and, periodically, the Belfer Center. When I dug through archives of the latter, I found the following interesting tidbit. In 1980, while recharging his batteries, Shlomo Gazit gave a talk at the Belfer Center, discussing the future direction of the Middle East. And Blackwill, ensconced in the National Security Council, was there during the same period. So from either attending or being in the milieu of the Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism, Gazit and Blackwill ended up participating in the same faculty in the US a handful of months later.

    Harvard, FWIW, was also the birthplace of the Committee on the Present Danger, and if you read the book HOW HARVARD RULES there’s a nearly 50 page chapter on Harvard and the national security state by John Trumpbour that makes that point. Spooks and anti-detente folk worked and mingled freely there.

    Blackwill is a neocon figure who stayed in the background for most of the public life of the neocons, but in his books and publications, he thanks neocon figures for their assistance, and they have regularly thanked him for his assistance in theirs. So why do I think there’s something special about Blackwill? Blackwill had an assistant on his National Security Council staff in the late 80’s. This assistant later co-authored books and articles with Blackwill in the 90’s. And Blackwill later taught joint classes with that assistant at the Kennedy School of Government, again through the 90’s. The pair were joined at the hip professionally and evidently shared the same views, the same mindset, and the same goals.

    That assistant was Philip Zelikow, future Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission, and the guy who outlined the narrative of the report. In 1997, Zelikow co-ran a study group into the likelihood of Catastrophic Terrorism hitting the US. He ran the study group at the Kennedy School of Government. And on the very short list of participants of that group was Fred Ikle, the guy who I quoted as discussing triggering events and the potential of a future Pearl Harbor event at the Belmont House conference many years earlier. 

    As I promised earlier, I’ll post more concrete references about the Belmont House conference later in the week. And a number of further details about the above. 

  8. In general, the Safari Club was a method for US intelligence, military, anti-communist and nastily covert circles to continue doing all the stuff they’d just been told not to by congress.

    But this minute I can’t recall whether it was also a conduit for controlling the Mujahideen forces set up by Brzezinski and co as they turned the ignition on the Afghan war against the Soviets. I’ll need to check. You’ll find discussion of the Safari Club in deep political books like Peter Dale Scott’s, and also now in a handful of mainstream publications, although they both stem from the same handful of sources. 

    But the gatherings of some of the same figures in the US through this period deserve equal attention as some of the participants and discussions and events raise red flags, are pregnant with implication, use whatever metaphor you want. There were some big ones every year from ‘76 to ‘79. The infamous one from 1979 is the July conference that year in Jerusalem with George HW Bush, Wolfowitz, Paul Wilkinson and something like 40 or 50 other familiar names, Safari Club members, journalists from the UK and USA, military figures, the works. Here’s the Wikispooks page on it, documenting the scant online resources about it.


    This was where a propaganda initiative was concocted to - essentially - blame all international terrorism on the Soviet Union, and to argue that an ongoing War on Terror was required on behalf of the United States and its allies to defeat it. You can draw a straight line from that conference to Alexander Haig’s announcements at the beginning of the Reagan administration that their new foreign policy focus was a fight against terrorism. Researcher Adrian Hanni has written some great online theses about how this developed through the Reagan administration, and I notice that PDF’s of his work tend to come and go online. Hanni has his own Wikispooks page but I’ll need to hunt for where I last grabbed his essays. But he’s a good writer.

    And I say ‘infamous’ as that particular conference is barely documented online or in print, although a book later appeared collecting some of the conference proceedings. The most reputable volume mentioning that conference is Lisa Stampnitzky’s book from Cambridge University Press, DISCIPLINING TERROR. And the most cited work on it is an online thesis by Philip Paull that has never appeared online and which only appears to be available if you physically visit the libraries of one or two Universities in the US.  But a number of writers have read and paraphrased Paull’s work, including Nafeez Ahmed in the opening pages of THE WAR ON TRUTH.

    But I no longer find that gathering to be the most notable of that year. A much more tight-knit group of neocons and Defense intellectuals gathered together in the US at the end of 1979. At least two conferences were held within a week or two of each other, with some shared participants. One conference was devoted to critiquing the operation of US intelligence agencies and advocating the changes that would be undertaken when Committee on the Present Danger figures made their way into the Reagan administration. Roy Godson was in charge of that gathering. The second conference was devoted to advocating for an aggressive military stance through the forthcoming decade, and for urging a massive increase in military spending. I’ve read much of the transcript of the latter conference, and am tracking down the publication that outlines the first. According to at least one online thesis discussing the Godson conference, Wolfowitz chose the occasion to warn about terrorism.

    Here’s the Wikispooks article on Roy Godson’s conference, run by the Consortium for the Study of Intelligence.


    But the military conference from the same period is really something. Paul Nitze was there, as were Albert Wohlstetter, Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, Kenneth Adelman and others. There’s two pages of a much longer transcript where participants speculate if future ‘triggering events’ will occur to help them achieve their geopolitical goals - ‘we will not lack triggers’ - and a lecture was given where the required military build-up was viewed as being conditional on a future Pearl Harbor event. This is in 1979, some two decades before PNAC used the same phrase. The guy who was involved in both those discussions was Fred Ikle, and the conference was held at Belmont House in Maryland. That’s the tip of the iceberg for that one. I have access to pages from that book, and if there’s interest I’ll post them.


  9. The Safari Club was set up in the late 70’s, post the various congressional investigations into US intel agency excesses, and brought together numerous disparate groups who had, one way or another, been shown the door during the Carter era. There’s a book on Iranian history that I looked at last year when I read a recommendation that it covered the Safari Club in some detail, and it did. I’ll try to dig up the pages, as it was an online copy.

    While the Safari Club is of obvious interest to people researching Gladio, many of the same figures also joined and participated in some unusual conferences in the US through the same years. There was a lot of back and forth, and a few of those strident meetings were recorded in some detail in some books that make diverting reading now. They’re names familiar from anti-communist and anti-detente circles from the era.



  10. Crichton's book has been reprinted - in a likely unauthorised edition with a poor cover - and is on Amazon, listed as being written by 'John Crichton'. It's $13 at the Amazon link below. Looking at both the Worldcat and Amazon links, it's a very slender volume, more like an extended essay of 60 pages or so, with another 20 pages of photos and memorabilia from the era.



    "It was the summer of 1963 in Dallas, and I was busy at that time as President of a private independent oil and gas company, and of a petroleum consulting company. My career up to that time had included attending and graduating from Texas A&M in 1937 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Petroleum Engineering, and with a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army Reserve; attending and graduating from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1938 with a Masters Degree in Petroleum Engineering; working during the summers as a laborer in the oil fields of Texas; working as a geologist-engineer in Texas and Louisiana from 1938-1941; serving five years in the U.S. Army, Army Air Corps, Army Intelligence, and Office of Strategic Services (the forerunner of the Central Intelligence Agency), and being discharged in 1946 as a Major, U.S. Army Intelligence after service in five battle campaigns in Europe. After the military service working for the prestigious consulting firm of DeGolyer and MacNaughton, Dallas, Texas, first as a geologist engineer, then as Vice President and Director until 1950 when I helped form and build up an oil and gas producing firm named San Juan Oil Company, which was sold to General American Oil company two years later at a substantial profit; then heading up a public company called Oil & Gas Property Management, which bought more than $100 million of petroleum properties from 1952 to 1959. The company was sold at a price returning ten for one in equity to its shareholders, and finally establishing my own petroleum and oil and gas company.

    In addition, I had married an attractive former Braniff stewardess, had two small daughters, ages eight and ten, had kept up my Army activities and was now a Colonel, U.S. Army Intelligence Reserve. I had also been active in local Republican politics, as had my wife, Marilyn, and in alumni affairs at Texas A&M, and in 1963 was Vice President of the Association of Former Students. I was also concerned about the left wing tilting of the foreign policy of the United States under the Democratic Administration, having personally visited Cuba during Batista's days just before Castro's takeover, and having made speeches in Dallas about Castro's Communist affiliation when he was being hailed as the George Washington of Cuba. I list all these things because they were important factors in my becoming the Republican candidate for Governor of Texas."



  11. Sheehan mentioned he had a new book coming on the JFK assassination, but the release has been continually delayed and it may be cancelled. That noted, I think the book’s thesis is featured in the online lecture series he’s been presenting on the assassination.


  12. Tom Secker posted this online after he stumbled across it in the CIA's CREST database. It's an interesting and slightly irritating read.

    WASHINGTON POST authors Walter Pincus and George Lardner, Jr called in to the Diane Rehm show in November 1993 to discuss Stone's movie, and the assassination. During the show, a fortuitous caller explains how he was in Oswald's battalion, and tells us that Oswald was actually a really good shot. Meanwhile, Pincus and Lardner (SPOILERS) let us all know how the Warren Commission got thing right. The transcript runs for around 20 pages.


  13. Very interesting Twitter thread on the recent Ghisliane Maxwell photographs, including the report on the US Customs computer outage that could have been useful to anyone attempting to leave the country with insider help.


    But this part was striking (and see the thread for pics confirming all or reprinting the details).



    In 1997 NY Post reporter Larry Celona is hired by Stanley Kubrick as a consultant on Eyes Wide Shut and tasked with writing two fake articles for the film. One headlined 'LUCKY TO BE ALIVE.' The other: a cover-up of the murder of a sex slave, falsely reporting it as a suicide.

    When Kubrick dies in 1999, Celona is the one to break the exclusive story, reporting that Kubrick was "happy, joking, and completely at peace" before he died. Just a few months later, Celona is the first person informed of JFK Jr.'s untimely death, and breaks that story as well.

    Between those years, in 1999, Larry Celona rides with Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and others on the Lolita Express from Teterboro, NJ to Palm Beach for a short weekend. They return with two extra women. Teterboro is now being reported as the hub of Epstein's sex traffic network.

    Fast-forward to 2019, Larry Celona is still working at the NY Post and still breaking exclusives: He was the first to report Epstein's first "suicide attempt" He was the first to report of Epstein's successful "suicide" He was the first to release photos of Epstein's dead body.

    Many of Celona's by-lines are exclusives. Getting out in front of the story and being the one who breaks it allows the writer to control the narrative. Be it through subtle word choice or simple omission, the degree to which a writer can shape perception cannot be understated.



  14. Trine Day has updated their 'coming soon' column of books, and three JFK-related volumes are among them. This post lists all of them, and there are at least a couple of items of interest, though the first volume might not be one of them.

    Barr McClellan's JUSTICE FOR JFK, FOR AMERICA doesn't have any listed details but there's a 2015 volume on Amazon by McClellan - THE VERDICT - that never came out, so this is probably it. I've never read a McClellan volume but recall his earlier LBJ volume received a mixed reception at best. This is the blurb.


    Justice is the sequel to McClellan’s Assassination Chronicles that started with Blood, Money & Power, the bestseller disclosing deep insider information about how LBJ allegedly killed JFK. This history includes a fingerprint match to a convicted killer said to have previously murdered for LBJ, an eye-witness, the Billie Sol Estes and Texas Ranger Clint Peoples’ tapes, grand jury action naming LBJ, and an analysis of Ed Clark, LBJ’s super-attorney lobbyist and the only man he trusted. To heed John Kennedy, Jr.’s call for a penitent nation, citizens must seek closure from the corruption that has dominated America since the assassination in 1963. Several contemporary initiatives are underway for uncovering redactions, producing criminal charges, and procuring pardons and honors. McClellan proposes a monument to American Integrity to complement the Statue of Liberty and the Freedom Tower—an inspiration for the profound, dynamic leadership JFK inspired and promoted. The time is now to end the bowdlerization of history and to reverse the diminution of JFK’s powerful ideas, which still guide America.


    Gary Hill's THE OTHER OSWALD: A WILDERNESS OF MIRRORS - THE STORY OF LEE HARVEY OSWALD AND ROBERT E. WEBSTER looks better. Publication is apparently still several months away. The volume will have a preface by Bill Simpich, and a foreword by Walt Brown. Here's the blurb and Hill's bio.




    This book is the story of two men who began an odyssey together that became a thread, which when unraveled, reveals how Cold War paranoia escalated into the death of a president. Robert Edward Webster and Lee Harvey Oswald were manipulated like marionettes on strings of espionage. Unraveling these strings (or threads) may lead us to the puppeteers controlling them. Were these “controllers” orchestrating a series of events that would lead to JFK's assassination?

    Gary Hill is a retired teacher and part-time musician living in New Castle, Pennsylvania. He has been a Cold War researcher since the late 1960s and has accumulated file cabinets full of FOA documents, interviewed witnesses, and published articles in local newspapers and journals such as The Fourth Decade and JFK/Deep Politics Quarterly. He was a charter member of the Citizens for the Truth of the Kennedy Assassination and Cyril Wecht's Coalition on Political Assassinations.



    John Delane WIlliams' LEE HARVEY OSWALD, LYNDON JOHNSON AND THE JFK ASSASSINATION has a foreword by Judyth Baker, which doesn't really sell the book to me, but Williams also has an interesting blog covering aspects of the JFK assassination. This is what Trine Day says about his book.



    Incorporating the work of Ernst Titovets, this book explores the life of Lee Harvey Oswald, painting him as a real person—not as the straw man concocted to match the image of a lone assassin in search of greatness or infamy. Among other facets of his life and personality, the text explores Lee Harvey Oswald's relationships with Jack Ruby, David Ferrie, and Judyth Baker.

    And his blog is here.


    So my immediate thought is that I'll get the Hill and Williams books on Kindle - Hill's first - and keep my fingers crossed that JVB doesn't pop up too much in the latter. 

    I'm assuming that this has already been covered on this board, but Walt Brown's June 2019 ebook where he angrily thrashes Judyth Baker's assertions and books with a heavy wooden bat for a couple of hundred pages or more is here.


    McClellan's book.


    Hill's book.


    Williams' book.


  15. I agree that there's times I think she goes a bit overboard, but there's still good stuff to be found in her work, or at least what I've encountered of it.

    I remember on the Criterion extras for GIMME SHELTER they had a commentary from a journalist who was there, and he said something like, after the Stones left and the concert finished, the Hells Angels hung around with pool cues and lead batons and continued to kick and beat the sh*t out of every hippie they encountered long into the night. Bad vibes man.

  16. Mae’s work is great and I’ve learned a few things every time I’ve read one of her pieces. The depressing thing is that she did hundreds and hundreds of shows (most or all online) and to gain all the info you’d have to devote a year or more of evenings to listen to them all, as only a percentage have been transcribed.

    James Corbett did an episode where he played a segment from an early 80’s show MB had done, where she talked about a major gathering that had taken place with Alexander Haig and many others, and how it suggested the entire group was preparing to do something big. Reagan was shot the day after the original broadcast.

    Peter Levenda’s SINISTER FORCES trilogy, amid its messy and rambling coverage of numerology, coincidences and the occult, also has a fairly straightforward chapter where he discusses the likelihood of Manson being a spook asset deployed to attack the hippie and peace movement.

  17. Asian bashing would seem a bit odd for Tarantino, given that he's, just off the top of my head, recorded video introductions for Takeshi Kitano's films, paid homage to the LADY SNOWBLOOD movies, lifted Ringo Lam's CITY ON FIRE plot direct for RESERVOIR DOGS, encouraged Chow Yun Fat to work with Miramax, and filled the KILL BILL films with elements of Japanese pop culture. But who knows - I haven't seen the film yet and will eventually but am not rushing to do so.

  18. When was the last time the MSM covered a story related to the Mossad? Salon printed a pretty good Christopher Ketcham article about the Israeli art spy scandal.


    As a footnote to that article, the DEA report cited by Ketcham is reprinted by Cryptome here. The original PDF of it used to be floating around. https://cryptome.org/dea-il-spy.htm

    As Ketcham noted, the Israeli ‘students’ - when they weren’t banging on the doors of government personnel trying to sell them paintings - were repeatedly hanging around the locales frequented by the 9/11 hijackers while they were in the US, as if the former were spying on the latter. The five young Israelis arrested in New Jersey on the morning of 9/11 are part of the same story, and a few months ago the FBI released, through FOIA, some of the photos the Israelis had been taking of themselves cheerfully posing while the towers burned in the background.


    Carl Cameron of Fox News did a 19 minute segment on the group, which is still on YouTube. 


  19. Well spotted Ron.

    The first Youtube comment under Baden here says "Wow! This guy did a great job memorizing his lines!".

    And the second says "Well well well. Add Epstein to this list."

    Baden would only be brought in if things are fishy and they need someone to carry a particular line. So this already tells you something about the state of things with Epstein's death.



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