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Karl Kinaski

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Everything posted by Karl Kinaski

  1. That is nonsense, Jack. To generate the magnetic-fields needed in part. acc. you need electric current...hight and dangerous enough to produce exact the kind of injury which was observed at M. Shermans arm. KK OF COURSE the magnets are run by electricity! But the output is an extremely brief splitting of an atom, which produces a momentary radiation. The OUTPUT of the machine in no way is electricity. Your toaster uses electricity, but its output is toast, not electricity! If you have information that a particle accelerator can produce electrical burns, please share it. I can find no such information. Jack A particle acc. facility contains an electric circuit, like your Toaster. If there is something wrong with it (damaged isolation, a short etc), you can die when you get in contact with it: whether it is a toaster, or a particle accelerator...but only a part. accelerator FACILITY got enough voltage to burn ones arm and the bone too...(that is what happened to Mary Shermanns arm)... (Shermann very likely was in contact with the electric circuit, not with the particle accelerator-tubular itself...which of course cannot cause the injury in question...it was obviously a murder-trap(like someone would manipulate your toaster in order to kill you), which should look like an accident. Bu it obviously didn't work...thats why they stabbed her in the heart to make sure thats she is dead, put her in her apartment, and disguised it as murder...the cops knew there was something wrong, but never conducted a serious investigation... KK Why is it OBVIOUSLY A MURDER TRAP? There is no evidence of that, just speculative theory. There is really no evidence of a linear particle accelerator...just speculation. Cite some EVIDENCE to be taken seriously. Jack Well, it could have been an industrial accident. Since Sherman was no electrician, the question is: were did she suffer this high voltage injury? Most likely at the particle acc. facility near her working-place. There is one more question: why would somebody kill a severely wounded person, by stubbing her a knife (or something like a knife)in the heart, if there was no prior attempt to kill her in a staged "accident at work". Mary Sherman had to die. And she died the day the WC came to NOLA...where is the connection between Sherman and the Commission that "investigated" the murder of JFK? Ed Haslam and JVB pointed it out... KK
  2. That is nonsense, Jack. To generate the magnetic-fields needed in part. acc. you need electric current...hight and dangerous enough to produce exact the kind of injury which was observed at M. Shermans arm. KK OF COURSE the magnets are run by electricity! But the output is an extremely brief splitting of an atom, which produces a momentary radiation. The OUTPUT of the machine in no way is electricity. Your toaster uses electricity, but its output is toast, not electricity! If you have information that a particle accelerator can produce electrical burns, please share it. I can find no such information. Jack A particle acc. facility contains an electric circuit, like your Toaster. If there is something wrong with it (damaged isolation, a short etc), you can die when you get in contact with it: whether it is a toaster, or a particle accelerator...but only a part. accelerator FACILITY got enough voltage to burn ones arm and the bone too...(that is what happened to Mary Shermanns arm)... (Shermann very likely was in contact with the electric circuit, not with the particle accelerator-tubular itself...which of course cannot cause the injury in question...it was obviously a murder-trap(like someone would manipulate your toaster in order to kill you), which should look like an accident. Bu it obviously didn't work...thats why they stabbed her in the heart to make sure thats she is dead, put her in her apartment, and disguised it as murder...the cops knew there was something wrong, but never conducted a serious investigation... KK
  3. That is nonsense, Jack. To generate the magnetic-fields needed in part. acc. you need electric current...hight and dangerous enough to produce exact the kind of injury which was observed at M. Shermans arm. KK
  4. I take it they were shot when they found Ferrie dead? Kathy C Yes. 2/22/67 I know, that is OT, Steven. But, since you are Ferrie-Expert, may I ask you what is your opinion about his death? Two typed suicide-letters were found...but the coroner said he died of natural causes. Funny thing. Isn't it? Maybe you have already solved that mystery? (The same day Ferries good friend del Valle was brutally killed...coincidence?) KK
  5. Impressive. But, Jack, I can only hope, that you are aware of the fact, that there are different kinds of intelligence...to estimate humans correctly is a kind of intelligence... and that is not a strength of Jack White, I fear. Once upon a time you thought that Gary Mack is a CTer...if I remember right...but it turned out, that you were fooled by Mack. The boss of the "Lone Nut headquarters" in Dallas, is no CTer at alll... as Doug Horne was fooled by Gunn, and Lifton was fooled by Robet Groden, who, in IMO is the greatest mole in the CTer community ever...(which struck me when I read BIG ON LEASH)...Jim Fetzer sometimes IMO is going a bit too fare in his ardent zeal, but he is able to estimate humans, a kind of intelligence which you IMO need more than any other skill in this JFK research business... KK
  6. John List 1st: John Demjanjuk.. Crime: 1943... Trial 2010...John D
  7. A very good idea, indeed! Let some nameable JVB hostile Interviewer cross swords with Judyth. I am sure she will masterly get out of the affair. The question is: would the enemies of JVB risk such a defeat? KK
  8. No. And I appreciate her big mouth! There are too many chickens out there, especially regarding to this never ending murder case. History would be looking very different, if there had been more Judyths in the last 47 years. KK
  9. If I understand your argumentation correctly, than that means the limo sequence was inserted into an background (and maybe foreground), which is two seconds in the past. Or the other way around: compared to the background the limo is two seconds in the future... If this is true, than that would be a big breakthrough... KK
  10. I would rather use a polygraph(and maybe sodium-pentathol and LSD)) to sound out McAdams, Barb and Viklund... KK
  11. I am sorry: but the phenomenon of parallax occurs no matter, if you move a camera sideways, or if you just turn it. The absence of this natural law in the Zapruder film remains an oddity... KK Ok. lets assume the entrance pupil moved...lets say 2 inches....how much movement of wall compared to the lamp post would we expect to see Karl? Precise measurements would have to be made locally... But look at C Davidsons GiF post #10...there one can SEE that firewall-lamppost movement...it should be visible in the Z-film too...but it is not... KK
  12. I am sorry: but the phenomenon of parallax occurs no matter, if you move a camera sideways, or if you just turn it. The absence of this natural law in the Zapruder film remains an oddity... KK
  13. Is it your belief, that all those people where fooled by Harvy posing as Lee Oswald in NOLA in the summer 1963? JVB Mary Shermann Alton Ochsner Clay Shaw David Ferrie Carlos Bringuier Ed Butler Kerry Thornley Carlos Marcello John Quigley FBI The Murrets William Reily Delphin Roberts Richard Chase Nagell etc etc Check out this: I love McAdams for this... Armstrongs book debunked
  14. I am laughing hysterically. I love your reaction. I can't catch my breath. Kathy C Paying for a very entertaining, long and exiting thread and a good show---why not? Whether you re a JVB believer or not, LN or CT:pay for it, if you enjoyed it. This Thread was one of my daily highlights the last two months. I wanna thank you all for that. I fear this will not happen again for quite some time... And I ve learned something too: JVB and Haslam are right and the Armstrong book is bullxxxx. KK
  15. May I join here? What about the photographed LHO in Mexico-City, outside the (cuban, soviet?) embassy? What about the LHO at the Ford-salesman NOLA 20.1.1961? What about the Oswald at the Lincoln-Mercury-Shop at Dealy Plaza? The other Ossi in the Texas Theater? The Oswald in the cuban consulate in NOLA Sep. 63? The Ossi at the Shooting ranch in Dallas? JVB knew the one and only real Oswald, who was surrounded by imposters, which didn't even look like him! (I am talking about the pic of the Mexico-city Ossi...)...call it ID-Charade... Armstrong is wrong, by claiming there where only two of them... KK
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