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John Bevilaqua

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Everything posted by John Bevilaqua

  1. It is quite certain that Boris Pash would have known both the person in these photos just uploaded as well as his close friend Anastase Vonsiatsky since all 3 were White Russian Nationalists, and they were all involved with ROCOR the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and organizations like the OUN, the ABN and all had close ties to either Gen. Douglas MacArthur (Boris Pash reported to MacArthur in 1946-47) or to Charles Willoughby who worked with Spas T. Raikin and this guy on American Friends of Anti-Bolshevik Nations. This guy knew Spas T. Raikin personally and was head of an organization which Raikin ran in the USA. The guy pictured was also in West Germany when Oswald passed through on his way back to Hoboken, NJ from Rotterdam on the SS MAASDAM in June of 1962 to be met by Spas T. Raikin at the docks. I think the mystery man in the Youngblood and LBJ photo looks EXACTLY like this character in the newly uploaded photos whom I can place in the home of Anastase Vonsiatsky in the Fall of 1963 pictured with both of their wives. At that time, this guy had no mustache (Pash did however), and wore almost identical eyeglasses, with a black or dark brown top rim and rounded lenses, (Pash had no dark, thick top rim on his "wire-framed" glasses), with his tapered ears and his "attached" ear lobes as opposed to "free or floppy" ear lobes, with the tapered, sharp angular or aquiline nose, (Pash's nose is rounded, bulbous and non-aquiline), and the piercing, penetrating eyes. The chin, cheeks and other thin or gaunt facial features of this mystery man are closer to this character than to Pash's in my honest opinion. Pash is anything but thin, gaunt and aquiline in appearance, being much closer to a full faced, full cheeked, rounded nose in appearance with a rather distinctive flared ear look. I am soliciting comments at this time, to see to what extent our resident photo experts can either confirm or deny these very close parallels in appearance, given the fact that the mystery man's ears and ear lobes are distorted due to photo imperfections. Whaddya think? I am giving several photographic examples over several years to show him in both his thinner, younger days and in his fuller, older days as well. If he did not have that hat on, it would have been a much easier identification. No doubt Boris Pash could still have been involved with E. Howard Hunt and the Dallas shenanigans. I am just postulating that the person in the mystery photo is more likely to be another suspect. And the fact that Boris Pash would have been easily recognizable by many of LBJ's or Youngblood's associates as well as by members of the press corps, just makes it highly unlikely that he would have ever shown his face at the hospital even if he were in Dallas that day. My candidate for the mystery man had never before appeared in any US newspapers and was at the tail end of his first trip to the USA in his entire life as far as I can determine. Several of his friends and associates over the years had been assassinated by the KGB or by the NKVD because they were, like him, avowed anti-Communists, pro-Czarists and even pro-Nazis involved with pogroms against the Jews in Poland and the Ukraine. This guy was later alleged to have been poisoned by the KGB near the peak of his popularity when he was very active on the World Anti-Communist League with anti-Soviet and anti-Communist campaigns. I regret having overlooked Boris Pash in my recent investigations, but then again, no one can possibly focus on all likely suspects.
  2. Son of a Bircher, Rep. John G. Schmitz, implicated in Anthrax and CIPRO incidents... via Bayer AG http://alexconstantine.blogspot.com/2006/0...11-schmitz.html His sister was Mary Kay "Hot for Teacher" Letourneau....
  3. Nailing down Draper and The Pioneer Fund activity over the decades is like trying to nail jello to a wall... And without the confirmation of Roy Hargraves, Mary Ferrell's best reluctant informant, we would never have even gotten this far either... Thanks, Roy. You convinced Mary, and that was a tough road to hoe... Here is a good start though, relating to the Eugenics Archive on the Twin Studies from Mengele to Kloepfer... http://www.eugenicsarchive.org/eugenics/to...h=&matches= And I dare you all to read these short chapters on The Mankind Quarterly (ManCruel Quarterly) and its links to MK/ULTRA via Ray S. Cline, to WACL via Cline and Roger Pearson, plus its links to none other than Dr. Hans J. Eysenck, Oswald's mind controller from The Pioneer Fund... And wait till you realize that Robert Gayre linked up with H. L. Hunt, N. B. Hunt, Senator Jesse Helms on a topic called The Racial Preservation Society... and that Gayre was at the University of Saugor in India when Wickliffe Draper was there. Yes, we see... And the only CIA type in all these chapters was Ray S. Cline... Don't let that close your mind. That is exactly what they wanted to happen... Nazis come in all shapes, forms and sizes and for a long time neither the United Nations nor the OSS was penetrated by them. But then it happened. http://www.ferris.edu/HTMLS/othersrv/isar/...ig/chapter1.htm http://www.ferris.edu/HTMLS/othersrv/isar/...ig/chapter2.htm http://www.ferris.edu/HTMLS/othersrv/isar/...ig/chapter3.htm http://www.ferris.edu/HTMLS/othersrv/isar/...ig/chapter4.htm http://www.ferris.edu/HTMLS/othersrv/isar/...ig/chapter5.htm http://www.ferris.edu/HTMLS/othersrv/isar/...ig/chapter6.htm http://www.ferris.edu/HTMLS/othersrv/isar/...ig/chapter7.htm http://www.ferris.edu/HTMLS/othersrv/isar/...ig/chapter8.htm
  4. Here are some of the many postings which have the keyword "Kloepfer" embedded therein: There is apparently more than meets the eye regarding this simple little entry in Oswald's notebook for the address and phone number of the Kloepfers... Both Ferrie and Ruby had contacts with these or other Kloepfers. And Ruby's issues with gonorrhea, prostate and seminal discharge combined with "facial bruising and contusions" strongly support his identification as a homosexual, like Ferrie and Shaw and maybe Oswald. And apparently at least one of the Kloepfers owned a residential property with Clay Shaw in joint name which might have been the site of the infamous "Fag Balls" documented by various photos and documents. One of my former neighbors was a homosexual and about once a year it was noticed that he suffered from "facial bruising and contusions" as a result of getting a severe beating after making a pass at the wrong person. So Ruby had the motive of silencing Oswald to hide Ruby's participation in the JFK plot as well as to hide his participation with Ferrie and Oswald plus Shaw in various "Fag Balls" along with his co-operative Dr. Kloepfer who treated Ruby for 6-7 years for various maladies. Kloepfer was involved with Dr. Joly at one time as well in the MK/ULTRA conundrum according to Greg Parker as I recall. So truly Ruby and Oswald were victims of programmed mind control operations, either the BK/ULTRA or MK/ULTRA varieties. Did MK stand for "Manchurian Kandidate" or "Mind Kontrol' or both perhaps? Did I mention that the polaroid photo of the person I thought was Jaroslaw Stetzko (Stetsko) taken at the Vonsiatsky estate around the Fall of 1963 has been identifed as a highly probable match for that Nazi eugenicist and euthanizer from the Ukrainian Nightengale Division, in Lvov, Ukraine in 1941? Well he just was in fact and now I am sending photos of his wife to see if that matches up as well. This would be yet another major coup for me. Goto first unread Topic has attachmentsDr. Jose Rivera * 123» 7 JFK Assassination Debate John Simkin 99 15306 Today, 02:44 PM Last post by: Robert Howard No New Posts* Dr. H. Warner Kloepfer, PhD. - a Wickliffe Draper American Eugenicist Ruth Paine introduced Oswald to Kloepfer as part of MK/ULTRA JFK Assassination Debate John Bevilaqua 10 222 Today, 12:59 AM Last post by: Greg Parker No new Topic has attachmentsGerman Connections * 123 to JFK Assassination JFK Assassination Debate William Kelly 32 2997 14th April 2009 - 04:28 AM Last post by: John Dolva No New Posts* Topic has attachmentsPASH and JJA * 12 JFK Assassination Debate Steven Gaal 18 2131 2nd April 2009 - 03:46 AM Last post by: Gene Kelly No new The Thresher Incident * 1234 JFK Assassination Debate Wade Rhodes 50 4100 9th March 2009 - 07:40 AM Last post by: Evan Burton No New Posts* Clendenin J. Ryan - Baltimore millionaire and CIA funder * 12 Ulius S. Amoss, IIS, American Mercury, YAF and Doug Caddy JFK Assassination Debate John Bevilaqua 28 1782 3rd February 2009 - 07:57 PM Last post by: John Bevilaqua No new Topic has attachmentsLee Oswald’s Departure from the TSBD * 123» 22 JFK Assassination Debate Alaric Rosman 319 22804 25th January 2009 - 04:03 PM Last post by: Robert Howard No New Posts Police trace Oswald handgun purchased in September JFK Assassination Debate Royce Bierma 4 712 31st August 2008 - 12:27 PM Last post by: Thomas Graves No new A Review of A Certain Arrogance * 12 by Jim DiEugenio JFK Assassination Debate Ronald R. Williams 20 2370 9th July 2008 - 03:32 AM Last post by: Greg Parker No New Posts Ferrie and Tulane JFK Assassination Debate Greg Parker 4 1251 12th June 2008 - 02:03 PM Last post by: Greg Parker No New Posts* Friendly Eugenics: from Philly to Dallas Did Eugenics help link Eastern liberal elites and Southern Racists in JFK Assassination Debate Nathaniel Heidenheimer 8 549 31st May 2007 - 11:19 PM Last post by: Lee Forman No new ? Mr. Oswald...do you own a rifle ? * 12 JFK Assassination Debate Charles Black 19 808 19th January 2007 - 12:09 PM Last post by: Charles Black No new Waiting for the Great Leap Forward * 12 victims, villains and plain old players JFK Assassination Debate Greg Parker 24 1444 30th May 2006 - 04:56 AM Last post by: Greg Parker No new Familiar DGI Faces In Dealey Plaza * 123» 5 There He Goes Again! JFK Assassination Debate Tim Gratz 69 4566 24th February 2006 - 06:56 AM Last post by: Tim Carroll No New Posts Nixon, another slip of the tongue? JFK Assassination Debate Stephen Turner 10 1338 4th January 2006 - 03:17 PM Last post by: Norman T. Field No new Questions for Marina Oswald * 12 JFK Assassination Debate Tim Gratz 22 7211 25th November 2005 - 12:01 AM Last post by: Jason Vermeer No new Oswald in Mexico * 123 Part of a very large plan?
  5. Dixie, I just discovered a repository of 37 INCA documents at a local university archive and plan to peruse them in the next 2-3 weeks. I also found about 60 documents from the Canadian Intelligence Service of Ron Gostick and hundreds of documents from Life Line, Facts Forum and others just classified as H. L. Hunt, individual right-wing pamphleteer. And Edwin Walker has some items there from the Eagle Forum. Check out the Hall-Hoag collection document finding aid at Brown University and see if there are any other groups or individuals listed there of interest to anyone. As you probably know Wickliffe P. Draper was also a bigtime Unitarian - Universalist in Hopedale, MA and even built the local church there a long time ago. He even spent summers in Narragansett, RI where his younger sister died as a child. When his other sister died, he inherited her half of the $10,000,000 left to them by their father. Who was in the wedding party of Draper's sister? A very young Charles Douglas Jackson (C. D. Jackson) in 1924. More later, on INCA, Kloepfer and Jaroslaw Stetzko as time permits. I may have to save the latest discoveries for my book though. JB
  6. Nice find, Gary. My accidental Rush to Judgment on this other W. Kloepfer may turn into something significant after all. I am just chasing too many leads right now to keep them 100% accurate at first pass. Sounds like this William Kloepfer might have been one of the persons in the "Fag Ball" photographs at the Shaw residence or elsewhere. Certainly the fact that Warner Kloepfer applied for Brown Brothers, Harriman funding for other Eugenics grants makes all the sense in the world now to everyone. The Harrimans, the Drapers, the Buckleys and the Rockefellers plus the Ryans, the Forbes, the Paines and the Osborns all had interests, one way of the other, in The South American, Carribbean and Central American "Banana Wars", "Sugar Wars", "Copper Wars", "Oil Wars" and other issues described by Gen. Smedley A. Butler. Just a bunch of Yankee multi-millionaire blue-bloods trying to maintain the "status quo" regarding their use of "slave labor" to produce bananas, sugar, copper, textiles, cotton and oil. They just made their money the old-fashioned way: "They earrrrnnnn-ed it!" And they all used the paradigm invented by the Drapers for the "company-owned town" in Hopedale, MA which was the closest they could get to the original pre-Civil War based: "cotton plantation ownership model". Hey, the Guatamala, Brazil, El Salvador and Honduras banana plantations were pretty close to Civil War "Mississippi cotton plantations", were they not? After all it was John Rarick, James Eastland and that other World War II Senator from Mississippi, Theodore G. Bilbo who were all financed by none other than Wickliffe P. Draper himself. And then Draper financed their Civil Rights violence and The Miss Sov Comm, too. One good turn deserves another.
  7. Ah yes, the Brown Bros. Foundation as in Brown Brothers, Harriman as I recall. I think Mrs. Averill Harriman organized the First Intl Eugenics Conference, and the Harriman family was one of the 3 biggest original funders of the American Eugenics Society (Warner Kloepfer was a member) along with the Drapers and the Rockefellers, too. One way or the other, I honestly believe that this Kloepfer link may be one of the few mistakes made by the nexus of characters surrounding Oswald regarding his links to the Osborn, Paine and Draper Eugenics entities. The others being the "textile company" reference overheard at the Giesbrecht Incident related to The American Mercury and Gerald B. Winrod from Wichita, Kansas and the Anastase Vonsiatsky references (Draper's neighbor and his employee for decades) and the links from Wickliffe Preston Draper through his first cousin Andrew Preston, from The Boston Fruit Company, one of the founders of United Fruit owned by the Forbes', the Prestons', the Lodges' and the Dulles Brothers as well as Robert E. Wood head of The America First Committee and the America First Party run by Gerald L K Smith. Remeber all I am doing is "confirming" via a paper trail what has been disclosed to me, one way or the other, by Roy Hargraves, Richard Giesbrecht, Richard Condon and Dick Russell's unknown informant. I am not just creating, hypothecating or otherwise fabricating links and leads from paper trails and vague theories. I start with eyewitness or earwitness testimony and then correlate and integrate information into a usually logical whole.
  8. Hi Dixie, I will do my best to address your questions about the Kloepfers, the Oswalds and the Paines but this intertwined relationship is a relatively new topic for me and I was actually not the first person to treat this topic in great detail. The name Kloepfer just jumped out at me from the blue when I was perusing Oswald's notebook and getting it re-translated by a friend from Russia to see if anything new could be discovered there. These are the URLs below that I am reviewing right now for further elaboration on an "as discovered" basis. I think I have established beyond a reasonable doubt that Kloepfer must have known Draper because of Draper's sponsorship of many conferences attended by Kleopfer and because of Draper's sponsorship of multiple "twins studies" which Kloepfer naturally would have been invited to participate in because of his international reputation in this arena. The idea that either Draper or Kloepfer would have left an accidental audit trail to their relationships, due to its ostensibly nefarious nature, is also quite impossible to even consider. I have to withhold judgment on the "Oswald twins" controversy for now since that is also something that is quite new to me and frankly something that will take much adjustment to get used to right now. I feel badly that this Kloepfer relationship evaded my detection for so long because it would have gone a long way towards justifying my confidential informant's contributions toward implicating Wickliffe Draper and others in the Pioneer Fund hierarchy in the conundrum sourrounding the JFK plot. Actually it was Mary Ferrell's confidential informant that she passed on to me. And his name was Roy Hargraves, one of the Interpen group from Nellie's Boys. He was Mary's "most trusted and accurate" confidential informant over the years. With that in mind, I have to take a timeout to review more on Kloepfer. I also am quite busy comparing a polaroid photograph found in a local university archive taken at the home of Anastase Vonsiatsky from the Fall of 1963 with that of various photos of Mr. and Mrs. Jaroslav Stetzko over the years as they become available. To be able to place the Stetzkos at the home of the Vonsiatskys in the Summer or Fall of 1963 would be an achievement beyond my wildest dreams at this point in time. As you may have seen, I just got confirmation from the Winnipeg Public Library about the identities of those most likely present at the Winnipeg Airport Incident (Pat Walsh, Ron Gostick, Eric Butler and GLK Smith) so there are many competing lines of research ongoing simultaneously. My current thesis about Kloepfer and Oswald is that Kloepfer might have been trying to see if there were any genetic determinants or markers present in Oswald which would account for any predisposition towards being a perfect candidate for "mind control" manipulation or something equivalent to that. Very rough for now, but remember at this point, Oswald had already been identified by the Stetzko and Raikin nexus of characters as a "programmed assassin" and he had been passed on to Vonsiatsky's subordinate, de Mohrenschildt in Dallas to be guarded closely, while his "legend" was being solidified as either the "perfect patsy" or "the perfect alternative shooter" in the JFK hit. Once the CIA and the US Gov heard the name Oswald mentioned as being arrested for the JFK murder, they had no other choic but to go along with the cover-up for fear of exposure of their Murder, Inc. world-wide enterprise, which both Oswald and Robert Emmett Johnson were apparently a large part of for years. Draper and Dr. Hans J. Eysenck had worked on MK/ULTRA projects for years and they were the ones who both hijacked Oswald and the secret recipe for the creation of "mind controlled" assassins. Even H.L. Hunt was fascinated by "the Stashynsky Gun" used to snuff 2 of Stetzko's compatriots: Lev Rebet and Stepan Bandera (head of OUN/B(andera)) who were close friends of "Ahhhnd-Row-Men-Yek" (the head of OUN/M(elnyk)) who was discussed at The Winnipeg Airport Incident by GLK Smith, Vonsiatsky, Ron Gostick and Pat Walsh. Make sense so far? It should. Because it all fits so logically together. 1. Dr. H. Warner Kloepfer, PhD. - a Wickliffe Draper American ... 10 posts - 4 authors - Last post: 6 days ago Why do you believe that Ruth Paine introduced Dr Kloepfer to Oswald....or for that matter, that she even knew him? ... educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=14441&view=getlastpost - Cached - Similar - 2. Dr. H. Warner Kloepfer, PhD. - a Wickliffe Draper American ... 2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: 6 days ago Why did Ruth Paine introduce Lee Harvey Oswald to Dr. H. Warner Kloepfer, PhD at Tulane University in New Orleans? ... educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=14441&view=getnewpost - Cached - Similar - More results from educationforum.ipbhost.com » 3. The Assassination of John F. Kennedy - 8 visits - May 25 Primary Sources: Key Issues. Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963 · Assassination of JFK · Murder of J. D. Tippit · Jack Ruby and the Mafia ... www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKindex.htm - Cached - Similar - 4. Biography: H. Warner Kloepfer - Jun 7 Paine asked the Russian-speaking Kloepfer to visit Marina Oswald. Henry Warner Kloepfer died in New Orleans on 27th March 1982. ... www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKkloepfer.htm - Cached - Similar - More results from www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk » 5. Philadelphia Quakers With Oswald in Mexico City By Bill Kelly Of ... It is also possible Oswald learned of this Quaker "camp" before he went to Mexico City from either Ruth H. Paine or Ruth Kloepfer, although both would later ... www.acorn.net/jfkplace/09/fp.back_issues/28th_Issue/quakers.html - Cached - Similar - 6. Jim Garrison JFK investigation: Perry Raymond Russo: assassination ... Mrs. Paine's station wagon was already packed with the Oswalds' belongings, and Lee Oswald explained to Mrs. Kloepfer that Marina and June were going to ... www.jfk-online.com/nbcrusso.html - Cached - Similar - 7. [PDF] Warren Commission, Volume XXIII: CE 1929 - FBI report dated ... File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML PAINE wanted Mrs . KLOEPFER to find someone who could spak. I. Russian in case Mrs . OSWALD, who was about to have & baby, needed ... www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh23/pdf/WH23_CE_1929.pdf - Similar - 8. DOCUMENTS These two documents elaborate on Ruth Paine's request to Ruth Kloepfer for assistance to Marina Oswald. SSCIA 157-10003-10376 · SSCIA 157-10003-10005 ... www.geocities.com/denismorissette/Documents.html - Similar - 9. The Warren Commission Report. - Google Books Result 1964 His task was the lubrication of the company's machinery.1050 Oswald did not enjoy this work,1031 and told his wife and Mrs. Paine that he was working in ... books.google.com/books?isbn=0760749973... - 10. template Nov 10, 2007 ... After Oswald left for Russia in 1959, his mother Marguerite sent him a series of letters ... like Ruth and Michael Paine, and Ruth Kloepfer. ... www.ctka.net/evica.html - Cached - Similar - You have removed results from this search. Hide them Loading...
  9. The plot thickens. Was there anything of significance at 3610 North Beckley that could have caused him to make such a mistake? There never was an address at: 3610 North Beckley, here is what you get from Google today: Warning We did not find an exact match for your search, but we found a similar location: Suggestions: * Use this similar location: [3600-3899] S Beckley Ave, Dallas, TX 75224 * Revise your search and try again. Oswald only lived at 1026 N. Beckley for a few weeks or months before his landlady asked him to leave. But Robert J. Morris' father's summer home was at 3610 N.W. 15th Street in Miami for a very long time. Oswald would have written "3610 N." a whole lot more often than he ever would have written "1026 N." according to my interpretation of these events. Lorenz also stated that she saw "Ozzie" in Miami and I would go with her word instead of the other so-called "Miami experts" who have been proven to be quite unreliable for obvious reasons.
  10. That is quite accurate. I spoke with William Tucker while he was writing the book, after he visited Hopedale, MA, Draper's hometown and he is a typical very conservative, hard to convince, professor who is just another old fashioned hard line lone nutter. Tucker did discover various correspondence files from the author of White America, Ernest Sevier Cox, and even Gen. Pedro A. del Valle who was on the Military Affairs Committee of the Shickshinny Knights of Malta with Willoughby and worked for Clendenin J. Ryan's ITT. I told him to contact Doug Blackmon about the Mississippi Sovereignty Commission files but the information about the strong correlation of these funds flows from Draper with 3 acts of Civil Rights violence in the South in 1963-1964 had not been discovered by me yet (Medgar Evers, Jr., 16th Street Baptist Church Bombing, Chaney, Schwerner and Goodman). I also told him to contact Prof. Barry Mehler who is convinced that the Pioneer Fund was involved with Chaney, Schwerner and Goodman, but Mehler only scoffed at that as well. The idea that people as smart as Draper and Willoughby, or anyone for that matter, would leave an audit trail to tie them to the JFK conspiracy is about as far fetched a theory as anyone could possibly have. If you are a lone nutter, the concept of being convinced by ANY information, that people like del Valle, Willoughby, Draper and GLK Smith (or anyone else for that matter) would be behind the murder of JFK is a very long and winding road to travel. Tucker was even totally oblivious to the Draper influence in the Sacco and Vanzetti case, the Immigration Act of 1924, Buck vs. Bell (involuntary sterilization), the Holocaust Laws, The Hollywood Ten, the Alger Hiss case, McCarthyism, and The Civil Rights violence in the 1950's and the 1960's, so he would hardly be aware of the Draper influence in the JFK conspiracy if he only thinks of Draper as some sort of "social scientist" which is how he described him to me. It took one of Mary Ferrell's "most valuable informants", Roy Hargraves to even confirm the participation of someone from The Pioneer Fund as being the one who put together the operatives in Dallas. And that was after 5 years of trying. Mary told me that my manuscript: "Big Daddy Warbucks and Little Orphan Annie" was without a doubt the best manuscript she had ever read on the subject of the JFK assassination. Bar none. And that was just after Roy Hargraves had independently identified a half dozen of my major suspects including several who were connected to former leaders of The Council for National Policy described in The Coors Connection by Russ Bellant like N.B. Hunt, Alton Ochsner, Pat Robertson, etc.
  11. Jack White made the point that even I juxtaposed the "correct" numbers 1026 N. Beckley to become 2610 N. Beckley at 3:00 am one morning. So the leap from "1026 N. Beckley" to "3610 N. Beckley" is actually a HUGE almost perfect "copy cat" address. Only the 10 is accurate and he put it at the back instead of at the front. The characters "3610 N." represent 7 consecutive characters which match with the "3610 N.W. 15th Street" address. In fact if the "Dear Mr. Hunt" letter actually was sent to E. Howard Hunt, the closest thing Hunt had to a "permanent", "non-floating" address in Miami during 1963 would have been this winter home residence of Robert J. Morris, 3 doors down from the Cuban exile "safehouse" where I saw Hunt, Strugis, Ruby and Hemming at various times during the 1960's. And not on the "same day" as described by Winslow. There were other reports of "Oswald in Miami" as well but I can not cite them from a fading memory right now. Didn't Marita Lorenz, who should now be recognized as a "bona fide" witness also make that claim at one time, too? The accuracy of my sources and evidence got an additional boost when your friend with former CIA ties, who wanted info on William Morgan, just sucked wind and disappeared when I asked him to confirm or deny in writing the accuracy of my identification of Harold B. Chait from Baltimore, Maryland as the CIA agent who was a bigtime bag-man for years for the South Florida Soldiers of Fortune. Chait was confirmed already by James Richards of this forum and Robert Maxwell the trust officer from The Bank of Maryland who was an Iran-Contra whistle blower. Maxwell said that the Boston Metals Processing Company, where Chait "worked" was also involved with money-laundering from the CIA to Nellie's Boys in South Florida using money allegedly from Chait's wife. Fortunately my facts do not need corroboration or conviction from you to stand on their own merit. Whether I manage to convince you of anything is really not very critical to my thesis, sorry to say. Just not very important at all.
  12. Another major piece of corroborating information can be found in this article, where Dr. Warner Kloepfer becomes the SECOND Draper pseudo-scientist of German origin and a close Draper crony, along with Dr. Hans J. Eysenck, to publish puff-piece footnotes in articles about the "lack of danger" involved with the smoking of cigarettes. Why am I not amazed? Because Draper got his first real opportunity at the Bowman Gray Medical School in North Carolina at Wake Forest, to run his involuntary sterilization justification programs courtesy of the Grays from the American Tobacco Company family. Draper also gave and received favors from Sen. Robert Reynolds of the Reynolds Tobacco Company and Draper was close to the owners of AMF Corp. who had the patent on the cigarette rolling machines for decades and decades. And of course, Draper funded Jesse Helms from "Tobacco Country" in North Carolina in his run for Senator. What goes around comes around. AMF also made a rifle capable of firing Manlicher Carcano shells from a semi-automatic 7-shot magazine tested for the Navy in both 1962 and 1963 which would go a long way toward explaining how a single marksman could dump 3 or 4 or more Carcano shells into a slow traveling limousine in what only 3-4 seconds? Woops, gave away another little secret there. See my posting on Troubling Trends in Tobacco, Tomahawks and Textiles from about a few dozen months ago now. God I am good. http://tobaccocontrol.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/17/3/211 And neither Eysenck nor Kloepfer received any obvious Pioneer Fund money for their tobacco 'puff-piece' articles either, did they now? (Get it? 'tobacco puff-piece?')
  13. (1) "Frederick Osborn, a founder of The Pioneer Fund, wrote to congratulate new members as they joined. the Society and these letters, with other letters to and from members, are deposited in the American Philosophical Society Library's American Eugenics Society collection (AESC + date)" (2) Wickliffe Draper both funded and attended some if not all, of the major "International Eugenics Conferences" (the Third for sure in Berlin???) during the 1920's, the 1930's, and maybe even the 1940's and would have been revered, acknowledged, recognized and respected by every member of the AES and the Intl Eugenics membership. The O'Keefes have many details about both the British and American Eugenics Societies on their web site which I will peruse as time permits. (3) Wickliffe P. Draper, as the main founder and a primary donor to and funder of the American Eugenics Society, subsidized each and every member of the AES, including Kloepfer, albeit indirectly via single large donations. (4) And of course, The Pioneer Fund and Wickliffe P. Draper were both very active in so called "Twins Research", apparently one of the very narrow and specialized areas of interest of Dr. Kloepfer. The concept of Kloepfer NOT being "invited" into the AES or the probability of Kloepfer NOT being personally consulted on the Pioneer Fund twins research projects by Draper or his associates is just so incredibly minute as to be borderline infinitesimal, as I am almost sure you would agree. And as I have found dozens of times previous to this, the funding for the more surreptitious projects run by Draper and The Pioneer Fund were filtered or funneled first through his investment bankers at J. P. Morgan then through The Mississippi Sovereignty Commission or some other money laundering process. And certainly the concept of having a publicized Draper or Pioneer Fund project published and promoted for all to see when it involved either death, suicide, dismemberment, destruction, bombings, arson, sniper attacks, other violence or political upheavals would have been a gross mistake of unimaginable proportions. And quite frankly, neither Draper nor the Pioneer Fund made very many of those types of major faux pas or terminally fatal mistakes. Here are just a few of the Google results for "pioneer fund twins studies". Results 1 - 10 of about 234,000 for pioneer fund twins studies. (0.33 seconds) 1. Pioneer Fund - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 2 visits - May 8 Two of the most notable studies funded by the Pioneer Fund are the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart and the Texas Adoption Project, which studied the ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pioneer_Fund - Cached - Similar pages - 2. Racism Resurgent - 2 visits - Jun 7 Lynn has received at least $325000 from the Pioneer Fund (Rolling Stone, .... Even the twin studies that came up with more conservative estimates of ... www.fair.org/index.php?page=1271 - Cached - Similar pages - 3. 12/12/01 - Pioneer Fundophobia Seldom mentioned is that the Pioneer Fund gave more money to that much-loved Minnesota Twins study than anything else in its 64-year history. ... www.vdare.com/Sailer/pioneer.htm - Cached - Similar pages - 4. Grantees - 2 visits - Jun 7 The collected works of the Pioneer Fund's distinguished list of grantees now ... Osborne's large twin study showed that the weight of genes and culture are ... www.pioneerfund.org/Grantees.html - Cached - Similar pages - 5. Wapedia - Wiki: Pioneer Fund Two of the most notable studies funded by the Pioneer Fund are the Minnesota Twin Family Study and the Texas Adoption Project, which studied the ... wapedia.mobi/en/Pioneer_fund - Cached - Similar pages - 6. Dr. Mehler's Archives - Foundation for Fascism Although Scott is not a geneticist, he also used Pioneer funds to study ... The source of this 'barrage' is Thomas Bouchard's Minnesota Twins Study Project. ... www.ferris.edu/HTMLS/staff/webpages/site.cfm?LinkID=323&eventID=34 - Cached - Similar pages - 7. The Pioneer Fund, the Behavioral Sciences, and the Media's False ... The Pioneer Funds explains their program, funding and grants and exposes the ... at the University of Minnesota (over twin studies by Bouchard and others, ... home.comcast.net/~neoeugenics/pioneer.htm - Cached - Similar pages - 8. [PDF] Preface My Years with the Pioneer Fund by Harry F. Weyher ... File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML review of twin studies, and it concluded that compensatory education measures (such as the. "Miracle in Milwaukee Experiment") have generally ... www.pioneerfund.org/Weyher_pdf.pdf - Similar pages - 9. In Genes We Trust: When Science Bows to Racism; eugenics, genetics ... The Pioneer Fund's original charter outlines a commitment to work for .... at Auschwitz and Dr. Burt's bogus science, twin studies fell into disfavor. ... www.sntp.net/eugenics/genetics_1.htm - Cached - Similar pages - 10. Bewitching Science by Val Dusek [Note by Brian Siano: This article ... (1) The Minnesota Twins Study's "latest bombshell" (as U.S. News calls it) purports to ..... In fact, Bouchard has solicited money from the Pioneer Fund, ... www.textfiles.com/conspiracy/twins.txt - Cached - Similar pages - Thank you for your continued interest in these topics.
  14. "Macho" Barker would not have missed the JFK hit for the world. This guy owned "Keyes Realty" in South Florida and it might still exist today. After the JFK assassination, the "For Rent" sign went up in front of the house where people like E. Howard Hunt, Frank Fiorini Strugis, Jack Ruby and Gerald "Patrick" Hemming, and other unidentified individuals, were seen over the course of a few years as I was growing up in the Grapeland Heights section of Miami. Barker's entre into the world of Maj. Gen. Charles Willoughby was via Sturgis' association with Alex Rorke in the Anti-Communist Liaison Committee of Correspondence. This group included Brig. Gen. Bonner "Fighting Frank" Fellers, Sarah ("C.O.P.A.") McClendon, Rev. "Billy" James Hargis, and Edward "Brainwashed" Hunter. Willoughby, Fellers and Hunter also were in ManCand by Richard Condon as early as 1959.
  15. Here is a contemporary map of West Berlin showing 2 entries from Oswald's notebook and their relatively close proximity: Tempelhofer Damm, an airport, and the Hotel Savoy (Berlin) located in West Berlin on Fasanenstrasse (Fasanen Street). The mysterious Mrs. "T" not West but Mrs. "T" could also have been the wife of Alexander Trushnovich who was murdered in 1954 by another KGB or NKVD agent. Trushnovich started the West Berlin Rescue Committee at about that time but died as a result of injuries suffered during a kidnapping attempt in West Berlin 8 years before Oswald's visit there. I am finding out the addresses in West Berlin and Munich which would have been associated with likely targets for Lee Harvey Oswald during his little side trip, perhaps while acting as a "Hunter of Fascists!".
  16. Thank you for your kind comments. Members might wish to know that the St Barnabas Hospice received over £1,250 as a result of my posting about the death of Judith. I have also just been made aware of your recent loss and apologize for the belated sympathies as well. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I will make a donation in her name to St Barnabas Hospice later this week.
  17. The point that Dr. Jerry Rose made in his Nut Country articles was that these meetings in the (Harry Augustus) Jung Hotel on 11/20 and 11/21 were meant to prepare some very high level right wing national leaders regarding how to respond to the fallout after the Assassination of JFK. They knew that the NSRP, the John Birch Society and the other Reich Wing orgs would be blamed and they wanted to make sure that all their bases were covered in advance of the murder. Rose said that the Louisiana State Police noted that a Senator from the South attended as well. Who was this Harry A. Jung anyway? He started the AVIF in the 1920's American Vigilant Intelligence Federation, which gathered dossiers on anyone who opposed this Far Reich Wing group and their efforts at allowing the Third Reich to rise to power under Hitler. That's who. And ALL his employees at his Jung Hotel were pre-screened pro-Fascists and pro-Nazis in the 1960's so they could hold any meetings on any topic they wished knowing that no waiter, bartender or chef would squeal about anything that happened there. What happened at the Jung Hotel stayed at the Jung Hotel. AVIF was also founded by John B. Trevor, Sr. who worked with Wickliffe Draper on the American Coalition of Patriotic Societies and The Pioneer Fund. Where else did John B. Trevor show up? When AVIF gave their dossiers to the McCarthyites, they all later ended up at the American Security Council (ASC) which was the personification of the Military-Industrial Complex. Trevor was also on the board of one of the most infamous of Richard Condon's ManCand orgs "Ten Million Americans Mobilizing for Justice" which was called "Ten Million Americans Mobilizing for Tomorrow". It was a Joseph McCarthy support org trying to keep him from being exposed as the piece of drunken garbage he really was. Why do you people have such difficulty making these connections to The Pioneer Fund nexus of Nazis, Fascists and Reich Wing bastidges? They all worked together for decades to push for the Holocaust, for Hollywood Blacklisting, for McCarthyism, for expanding the Korean War into China, to put Alger Hiss behind bars, to electrocute Sacco and Vanzetti, to throw Dr. Ossian Sweet out of a white Detroit neighborhood, to murder Medgar Evers, Jr., to bomb the 16th Street Baptist Church choir girls, to kill JFK, to expand the Viet Nam war, to kill Chaney, Schwerner and Goodman, and to repatriate blacks to Africa, the funding of the Mississippi Sovereignty Commission, etc.. And you still seem to have problems pinning them to even one single crime, let alone the major crimes of the 20th Century. Why? Why?
  18. James, I've been doing some research along those lines. I think the link to Gottlieb travels right through Dr. Jose Rivera to H. Warner Kloepfer and then Ruth Paine and LHO. I'm still convinced that there's a Gottlieb/Rivera connection when I consider Adele Edison's account of events prior to Nov. 63. Rivera was in Gottlieb's employ. More on Dr. H. Warner Kloepfer just posted on the web... The author (left) with Dr. McKusick, the father of Medical Genetics, and Dr. Kloepfer, the founder of Medical Genetics in Louisiana, under the Evangeline Oak in St. Martinville, LA. "A Founder Effect." Victor A. McKusick of Johns Hopkins University is credited as father of the field of Medical Genetics. In 1953, however, while McKusick was still in Cardiology, and while the famed Moore Clinic at Johns Hopkins was still a center for sexually transmitted diseases, H. Warner Kloepfer founded the Genetic Counseling Service at Tulane University. Kloepfer was one of the first persons to receive a Ph.D. in Human Genetics (Ohio State, 1942). After several years of trying to figure out what to do with his degree and expertise, he came to the Tulane University School of Medicine to work with Harold Cummins in 1952 on the genetics of dermatoglyphics. Dr. H. Warner Kloepfer and His "Extended Family." Kloepfer exemplified the historical problem of financial deprivation amongst genetics clinics in the state: In the late 1970's, he disclosed to me that his rank and salary at Tulane had never changed. His was able to accomplish his monumental field studies by traveling on an economical BMW motorcycle; however, lack of funds for lodging dramatically limited the range of those studies. He was able to obtain meaningful research support mainly for peripheral subjects, such as the inheritance of split dermal ridges. His peer-reviewed publications on genetic diseases in Louisiana spanned the 25 years from 1955 to 1979. To my knowledge, none of those landmark publications was grant-supported, though he left several file drawers of rejected grant applications. Toward the untimely end of his career, he was the author with the greatest number of citations in Mendelian Inheritance in Man. The citations are referenced online at http://www3.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/omim/ (search term, "kloepfer"). Several colleagues with strong inclinations toward Medical Genetics collaborated with Kloepfer at Tulane during this period: Ralph Platou (Pediatrics department head), William Sternberg (Pathology), and Carolyn Talley (Public Health). Platou had the first March of Dimes (MOD) Birth Defects Center (BDC) in Louisiana but only mentioned "defects of a presumptively genetic origin." Other Tulane specialists worked closely with Kloepfer to define syndromes in their specialties, including Vincent Derbes (Dermatology), Herbert Ichinose (Pathology), James Killian (Neurology), Jeannette Laguaite (Speech Pathology), J. William Rosenthal (Ophthalmology), and M. Bruce Sarlin (Psychiatry). Kloepfer collaborated with many extramural colleagues as well, including David Van Gelder (Pediatrics practice), Richard Juberg (Genetics, University of Virginia), James McLaurin (Otolaryngology practice), Neal Owens (Ophthalmology practice), and Richard Paddison (Neurology-LSU). There were also Tulane colleagues whose association with Kloepfer was important: Norman Woody, in Pediatrics, who was working on biochemical genetic disorders, and Maria Varela, who was initially in Anatomy but moved to Pathology to run the Cytogenetics laboratory in 1970. Cytogenetics laboratories had been set up in the Pathology departments of both Tulane and Ochsner in the 1960's. A New Birth Defects Center at LSU. After Platou, the MOD turned to Richard Fowler (Pediatrics department head at LSU School of Medicine) to pursue its objectives. He sought me out at a medical meeting in 1966, but I told him that I was planning to continue my collaboration with medical geneticists at Johns Hopkins as a full-time fellow after discharge from the Navy. He encouraged this but asked that I come to LSU after the fellowship. He enlisted Esther Anderson (Pediatric Hematology) to write a new BDC application, and she recruited Jack Holden (Pathology resident), and Robert Weilbacher (Internal Medicine Instructor, interested in Oncology but who had recently completed a fellowship in Medical Genetics with McKusick at Johns Hopkins) into the effort. They opened the new Center in April 1967. By the time I arrived on July 15, 1969, they had fleshed out a Medical Genetics service and had encountered most of the problems that later led me to write Rare Genetics Diseases (1974), the first practice manual for Medical Genetics. Expansion of Diagnostics. In 1970, Onkar Sharma began his Clinical Genetics fellowship, Holden finished his residency and went into practice in Baton Rouge, and Weilbacher joined the Tulane Cancer Program. LSU Dean of Medicine John Finerty funded renovation and expansion of the diagnostic laboratory. The Cytogenetics laboratory that had been set up by Holden in Pathology was moved into the Genetics laboratory. The following year, Dean Norman Nelson funded equipment for initial diagnostic testing for metabolic diseases, and a state grant equipped the laboratory for state-of-the-art testing in 1972. The Establishment of Satellite Clinics. There were far-flung hospitals affiliated with the LSU School of Medicine, and specialist faculty in New Orleans were obligated to visit these at regular intervals. During my visits, I noticed numerous cases of genetic diseases that never made it to the Center in New Orleans. With institutional and MOD funds, I developed satellite clinics at affiliated hospitals during the early 1970's. The number of patients seen for genetic reasons increased exponentially from 86 in 1970 to 1657 in 1974. The satellite clinic concept has since become universal in Genetics Centers. Origin of the Genetic Counselor. In order to meet the demands of the increased patient load, I invented the position of Genetics Associate to replace the Social Worker that was one of the standard MOD BDC positions dictated by Executive Director Virginia Apgar. The Associate was the most junior faculty position in the medical school and the only one permitted for persons with a Bachelor degree. These persons were hand-selected for personal integrity, intelligence, energy, and affability. They handled many time-consuming tasks of Medical Genetics that did not necessarily require a physician, such as interview, genealogy, photography, anthropometrics, specimen collection, and genetic counseling. This led to the development of the discipline of Genetic Counselors, who currently outnumber Medical Geneticists. New Faces in the 1970's. Henry Rothschild, who trained in Genetics at Harvard, joined Internal Medicine at LSU in 1972. During ensuing years, he worked on the genetics of neurological diseases and cancer, and he eventually set up a Geriatrics Section of which he is currently Chief. In an era when lung cancer was thought to be a purely environmental disease, he clearly proved its inheritance. Richard Juberg moved from Virginia to the new Shreveport campus of the LSU School of Medicine in 1974 and set up a Birth Defects Center. When Juberg moved on to Dayton, Ohio, in 1977, Harold Chen replaced him and continued the development of the Shreveport program. In 1973, Sharma completed his fellowship and went into practice with a multispecialty group in a Chicago suburb. Anderson left for a sabbatical in Sociobiology and never returned. Collaboration with Gerald Berenson's Specialized Center on Research in Atherosclerosis allowed Marjorie Fox to begin our first genetic marker studies. This continued until she retired in 1978, but she continued to analyze and publish the data for two more years. Yves Lacassie, fresh from a fellowship in Medical Genetics with McKusick at Johns Hopkins, began a post-doctoral fellowship in 1975. He stayed a year and then went to Chile to set up a Medical Genetics service there. He was replaced by Mary Kay Pelias, from Tulane Biology, who worked for the next four years on genealogical analysis of phenylketonuria and cancer and who participated in clinics and teaching as well. The End of the Golden Era. During the 1970's, faculty of both LSU and Tulane shared techniques, equipment, and personnel during the advancement of Medical Genetics in Louisiana. We coordinated our efforts to avoid duplication of services. Several Tulane graduate students completed their thesis work in the Genetics Program at LSU. Kloepfer and I never had sufficiently mutual interests to co-author a paper, but we were in continuous communication about each other's projects. Kloepfer's research was a polished, insightful approach to delineation of individual syndromes brought to his attention by clinicians. My clinics turned up hundreds of new syndromes, and my major research thrust was to detect the forces behind their etiologies and localizations. Several factors in the late 1970's ended this golden era. Kloepfer was promoted to Emeritus status in 1977 and worked thereafter mostly on dermatoglyphics. He died in 1982 shortly after publication of his last paper. My five-year MOD grant was pushing eleven years, and a new Pediatrics department head at LSU had other interests and plans for space that had been devoted to Genetics. John Lewy (Pediatrics department head) and Emmanuel Shapira (Medical Geneticist) arrived at Tulane in 1978. They reoriented Tulane programs toward competitiveness and capitalism and gave us a preview of the future of medical academics. In addition, advances in molecular genetics were changing the fieldwork approaches that had characterized our specialty. By that time, Medical Genetics was firmly established as a medical specialty, and the importance of the pioneering work in Louisiana was well recognized. Subsequent developments built on that recognition. One was recruitment of internationally known Robert Elston to found a new Department of Biometry and Genetics at LSU in 1979. Governor Edwin Edwards replaced our MOD funding through an executive order that year. The funding later received legislative approval and served as the foundation of the Genetics Program in the State Health Department, still an active and vital program, incorporating elements from both LSU and Tulane. About the Author The late Dr. Thurmon was a Professor of Pediatrics and the Director of the Medical Genetics Section at the LSU School of Medicine in Shreveport. His teaching, service and research in Louisiana spanned over 30 years. His book, A Comprehensive Primer on Medical Genetics was published in 1999 by Parthenon Publishing Group, New York.
  19. Where is the mention in this thread that H. Warner Kloepfer was a member of Wickliffe Draper's American Eugenics Society in 1956 along with a bunch of other "Nazi brain scientists" interested in Mengele's "Twin Studies" like Kloepfer? Wickliffe Draper had sponsored "Twin Studies" via the U. of Minnesota and The Pioneer Fund as well. Mengele and Draper were 2 peas in a pod. Maybe they were twins too? Twin supporters of Adolph Hitler and his program for abolition of the Jews, and for the creation of programmed assassins as well, that is. NOW, are you all beginning to see the IMPORTANCE of Wicklffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund since 1937? I hope so. http://www.all.org/abac/aes.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kloepfer, H. Warner; Member 1956, 1974 Personal: Tulane University School of Medicine (assoc. prof. anatomy 1952-77, emeritus 1977-(1979); Member, American Society of Human Genetics 1954; detection of genetic carrier Publications: 1960 "Genetic Signposts of Preventive Medicine", Eugenics Quarterly, v. 7, no. 2; 1955 "Heredity Counseling, Starting a Heredity Clinic" Eugenics Quarterly, v. 2, 3 "An investigation of 171 possible linkage relationships in man" Annals of Eugenics, Cambridge, England 1946, 13, 35-71 Source: EQ 1956; Osborne list; Psychological Abstracts 192756; Membership list, American Society of Human Genetics, AJHG 1954; AMWS 1979 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gedda, Prof. Dr. Luigi; Member (Foreign) 1956, 1972 Personal: b. 1902; MD; Director, Instituto di Genetica Medica e Gemellologia 'Gregorio Mendel', Piazza Galeno 5, Rome, Italy 1956, 1972; Prof. and Head of Dept. of Medical Genetics, University of Rome 1967, 1972, attached to Univ. 1954); Member: International Fertility Assoc. 1972, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population 1972, Societa Italiana di Genetica Medica 1972, American Society of Human Genetics 1954; ex head of Italian Catholic Action Publications: 1970, 1960 Advisory Board, Mankind Quarterly, (see v.1, #1, 1960; v. 11, #1, 1970); 1955 "Lo studio dei Gemelli" Acta Genet. Med. Gem., 4, 3-10 ("Twin research is useful in studying the frequency and causation of the physical and psychological characteristics of a population" Psych. Abstracts 1927-58 p. 1369); 1954 "Twin Studies" Eugenics Quarterly, 1, 171-75; editor, Acta Geneticae Medicae et Gemmellogiae" Vol. 1 #1 Jan. 1952; 1951 Studio dei Gemelli. Rome; supporter of von Verschuer q.v., who was Josef Mengele's co-researcher in Auschwitz; former head of Italian Catholic Action Source: EQ 1956; The Last Nazi.; Membership list, American Society of Human Genetics, AJHG 1954 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goethe, C. M.; Member 1956 Personal: b. 1875; d. July 8, 1966; Charles Matthias; m. Mary Glide 1903; son of Henry John Goethe, Banker; Methodist; lived in Sacramento; financed Eugenics Society of Northern California; Save the Redwoods League; "Honorary Chief Naturalist", National Park Service; Patron, American Society of Human Genetics 1954 Publications: 1936 "Patriotism and Racial Standards", Presidential address to Eugenics Research Association 1936, Eugenical News, v. 21, #4, p. 65, 1936 Quotes: Immigration: "The unique Immigration Quota Acts of 1921-2-4 ... By their enactment a first class power wrote into law the concept of thedesirability of racial homogeneity ... The Nordic stream ... had become a trickle ... Followed these Quota Acts which said to the world: America, still overwhelmingly Nordic, proposes so to remain! These acts began a gigantic eugenical experiment in population control. ... Germany is but one of six European nations engaged in sterilization ... Does there exist in America an adroit censorship to bar any advocacy of the desirability of conserving Nordic homogeneity? ... Should we not consider substituting `race consciousness' for `race prejudice' ... The Harmon Foundation has opened our eyes. The birth rate of the 20% on relief has speeded up ... war has, for centuries, always first destroyed our best Nordics ... David Starr Jordan [is] teaching us ... that our Civil War definitely eliminated ... strains that cannot be replaced .. Athens ... commenced to admit the immigrant mongrels of Asia Minor, of Africa, vassalage to Rome became certain" (from "Patriotism and Racial Standards", Presidential address to Eugenics Research Association 1936, Eugenical News, v. 21, #4, p. 65, 1936) "Man ... wastes everything ... transplanting English sparrows and starlings to displace our native birds" (from obit, San Francisco Chronicle, Monday, July 11, 1966, p. 4) Source: EQ 1956; Membership list, American Society of Human Genetics, AJHG 1954 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gordon, Robert A.; Member 1974 Personal: Dept. of Social Relations, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Maryland 1974 Publications: 1993 The Battle to Establish a Sociology of Intelligence: A Case Study in the Sociology of Politicized Disciplines by R. Gordon, Johns Hopkins 1993); 1991 "Universities Violated Academic Principles in Pioneer Fund Ban", The Review, Univ. of Delaware, Oct. 29, 1991; 1987 "SES versus IQ in the Race-IQ-Delinquency Model", International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, v. 7, no. 3, p. 30 ff; 1986 "IQ Commensurability of Black-White Differences in Crime and Delinquency" paper presented at American Psychological Association, Washington, DC; 1985 "The Black-White Factor is `g' ", Behavioral and Brain Sciences, v. 8, p. 229 ff; 1980 "Research on IQ, Race and Delinquency: Taboo or Not Taboo", in Taboos in Criminology, (ed.) Edward Sagarin, Sage; 1978 "Comment on 'Delinquency, Sex and Family Variables' by Andrew", Social Biology v. 24, 4; 1975 "Crime and Cognition: An Evolutionary Perspective" in Proc. of II International Symposium on Criminality, v. 4 , Sao Paulo International Center for Biological and Medico-Forensic Criminology (the ?impartial? center that claimed to have determined by a study of exhumed bones that the Nazi eugenicist and criminal, Josef Mengele, was dead) Unpublished: "An Explicit Estimation of the Prevalence of Commitment to a Training School, to age 18, by Race and by Sex" Background: Gordon and others complain that their academic freedom is infringed by attacks on their funding. However they don't admit their eugenic orientation. Academic freedom is freedom to tell the truth as one sees it; not freedom to deceive as the moment seems to require. Source: Osborne list ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gosney, E. S.; Advisory Council 1929; (Member, Eugenics Research Association 1938) Personal: California sterilizations Source: Eugenics Feb., 1929; ERA list 1938 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gottfried, Samuel; Member 1956 Personal : Sacramento, California 1956 Source: EQ 1956 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kopp, Dr. Marie E.; Member 1938 Nazis and Eugenics: "Laws of eugenic importance have been very numerous since the National Socialist Labor Party came to power in 1933" from "A Eugenic Program in Operation" EN, 1938; Frederick Osborn was present when this statement was made.(Eugenical News) Source: AESM, May 1938 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lenz, Widukind; Member 1974 Personal: b. 1919; son of Fritz Lenz who was used by Hitler in Mein Kampf; MD Germany 1943, Griefswald; taught at Gottingen, Kiel, Hamburg; Prof. of Human Genetics, Hamburg Univ. 1962-65; Director, Institute of Human Genetics, 44 Munster, Vesaliusweg, West Germany, 1965-(1978); succeeded O. F. von Verschuer, Josef Mengele's co-researcher at Nazi Auschwitz, as Prof. of "Human Genetics" at the Munster address given above; Prof. of Human Genetics, Univ. of Munster 1965- (1972); discovered that thalidomide was the cause of birth defects Source: Osborne list; WSWISE 1972; The Genetics of Hand Malformations, 1978,V. McKusick q.v., p. 147 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extra! January/February 1995 Racism Resurgent How Media Let The Bell Curve's Pseudo-Science Define the Agenda on Race By Jim Naureckas When the New Republic devoted almost an entire issue (10/31/94) to a debate with the authors of The Bell Curve, editor Andrew Sullivan justified the decision by writing, "The notion that there might be resilient ethnic differences in intelligence is not, we believe, an inherently racist belief." In fact, the idea that some races are inherently inferior to others is the definition of racism. What the New Republic was saying--along with other media outlets that prominently and respectfully considered the thesis of Charles Murray and the late Richard Herrnstein's book--is that racism is a respectable intellectual position, and has a legitimate place in the national debate on race. The Bell Curve was accorded attention totally disproportionate to the merits of the book or the novelty of its thesis. The book and its dubious claims set the agenda for discussions on such public affairs programs as Nightline (10/21/94), the MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour (10/28/94), the McLaughlin Group (10/21/94), Charlie Rose (11/3/94, 11/4/94), Think Tank (10/14/94), PrimeTime Live (10/27/94) and All Things Considered (10/28/94). In addition to the above-mentioned New Republic issue, the "controversy" made the covers of Newsweek (10/24/94) and the New York Times Magazine (10/9/94), took up nearly a full op-ed page in the Wall Street Journal (10/10/94), and garnered a near-rave review from the New York Times Book Review (10/16/94; Extra! Update, 12/94). While many of these discussions included sharp criticisms of the book, media accounts showed a disturbing tendency to accept Murray and Herrnstein's premises and evidence even while debating their conclusions. "While Murray and Herrnstein base their findings on various surveys and extensive research, many of the conclusions they draw are fiercely disputed," declared Robert MacNeil (10/28/94). "You've written a long book," Ted Koppel told Murray (10/21/94). "I assume a great deal of work and research went into it. But the problem is your book has become a political football." While Murray and Herrnstein were generally characterized as sober social scientists, their critics were sometimes identified with censorious political correctness: "Both Murray and Herrnstein have been called racists," wrote Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen (10/18/94). "Their findings, though, have been accepted by most others in their field, and it would be wrong--both intellectually and politically--to suppress them." Proclaimed Newsweek's Geoffrey Cowley (10/24/94): "As the shouting begins, it's worth noting that the science behind The Bell Curve is overwhelmingly mainstream." Murray himself doesn't think that the research they relied on was so mainstream. "Some of the things we read to do this work, we literally hide when we're on planes and trains," Murray told the New York Times Magazine (10/9/94). Pioneers of Eugenics As well they might. Nearly all the research that Murray and Herrnstein relied on for their central claims about race and IQ was funded by the Pioneer Fund, described by the London Sunday Telegraph (3/12/89) as a "neo-Nazi organization closely integrated with the far right in American politics." The fund's mission is to promote eugenics, a philosophy that maintains that "genetically unfit" individuals or races are a threat to society. The Pioneer Fund was set up in 1937 by Wickliffe Draper, a millionaire who advocated sending blacks back to Africa. The foundation's charter set forth the group's missions as "racial betterment" and aid for people "deemed to be descended primarily from white persons who settled in the original 13 states prior to the adoption of the Constitution of the United States." (In 1985, after Pioneer Fund grant recipients began receiving political heat, the charter was slightly amended to play down the race angle--GQ, 11/94.) The fund's first president, Harry Laughlin, was an influential advocate of sterilization for those he considered genetically unfit. In successfully advocating laws that would restrict immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe, Laughlin testified before Congress that 83 percent of Jewish immigrants were innately feeble-minded (Rolling Stone, 10/20/94). Another founder, Frederick Osborn, described Nazi Germany's sterilization law as "a most exciting experiment" (Discovery Journal, 7/9/94). The fund's current president, Harry Weyher, denounces the Supreme Court decision that desegregated schools, saying, "All Brown did was wreck the school system" (GQ, 11/94). The fund's treasurer, John Trevor, formerly served as treasurer for the crypto-fascist Coalition of Patriotic Societies, when it called in 1962 for the release of Nazi war criminals and praised South Africa's "well-reasoned racial policies" (Rolling Stone, 10/20/94). One of the Pioneer Fund's largest current grantees is Roger Pearson, an activist and publisher who has been associated with international fascist currents. Pearson has written: "If a nation with a more advanced, more specialized or in any way superior set of genes mingles with, instead of exterminating, an inferior tribe, then it commits racial suicide" (Russ Bellant, Old Nazis, the New Right and the Republican Party). "Leading Scholar" These are the people that financed nearly all The Bell Curve's "data" on the connection between race and intelligence. (Murray and Herrnstein themselves have not been funded, although Weyher says of Herrnstein, "We'd have funded him at the drop of a hat, but he never asked"--GQ, 11/94.) Take the infamous Chapter 13, which Murray has often claimed is the only chapter that deals with race (far from it--there are at least four chapters focused entirely on race, and the whole book is organized around the concept). Murray and Herrnstein's claims about the higher IQs of Asians--widely cited in the media as fact--are almost entirely cited to Richard Lynn, a professor of psychology at the University of Ulster. In the book's acknowledgements, Murray and Herrnstein declare they "benefitted especially from the advice" of Lynn and five other people. Lynn has received at least $325,000 from the Pioneer Fund (Rolling Stone, 10/20/94). He frequently publishes in eugenicist journals like Mankind Quarterly--published by Roger Pearson and co-edited by Lynn himself--and Personality and Individual Differences, edited by Pioneer grantee Hans Eysenck. Among Lynn's writings cited in The Bell Curve are "The Intelligence of the Mongoloids" and "Positive Correlations Between Head Size and IQ." Murray and Herrnstein describe Lynn as "a leading scholar of racial and ethnic differences." Here's a sample of Lynn's thinking on such differences: "What is called for here is not genocide, the killing off of the population of incompetent cultures. But we do need to think realistically in terms of the 'phasing out' of such peoples.... Evolutionary progress means the extinction of the less competent. To think otherwise is mere sentimentality." (cited in Newsday, 11/9/94) Elsewhere Lynn makes clear which "incompetent cultures" need "phasing out": "Who can doubt that the Caucasoids and the Mongoloids are the only two races that have made any significant contributions to civilization?" (cited in New Republic, 10/31/94) Lynn's fingerprints are all over the footnotes to Chapter 13. In discussing the question of Asian intellectual superiority, Murray and Herrnstein say that the affirmative position has been well defended by Lynn, but that the question can only be decided by "data obtained from identical tests administered to populations that are comparable except for race." "We have been able to identify three such efforts," the authors announce--two that support the concept of Asian superiority and one that does not. A review of the footnotes reveals a sleight of hand: The two tests that support Lynn's thesis were conducted by Lynn himself. (See New York Review of Books, 12/1/94.) Credibility Gap Media reports also treated as fact Murray and Herrnstein's claim that black IQs are 15 points lower than whites. "For as long as Americans have been IQ-tested, blacks have trailed whites by that 15-point margin," ABC's Dave Marash reported for Nightline (10/21/94). "Murray sees in the consistency of these gaps proof that intervening to raise low IQs just doesn't work." But The Bell Curve cites as its primary sources for this assertion R. Travis Osborne, Frank C.J. McGurk and Audrey Shuey--all recipients of Pioneer grants. Osborne, who has received almost $400,000 from Pioneer, used his "research" into black genetic inferiority to argue for the restoration of school segregation (Newsday, 11/9/94). And, in fact, even the data collected by these racists does not show a consistent 15-point gap. The studies they present show a wide range of results, ranging from no black/white IQ disparity at all to the absurd finding that most African-Americans are severely retarded. As for the "consistency of the gaps," even The Bell Curve acknowledges that more recent tests have shown a narrower black/white difference, ranging from seven to 10 points. SAT tests have shown a similar convergence. But Murray and Herrnstein warn that "at some point convergence may be expected to stop, and the gap could even begin to widen again"--because "black fertility is loaded more heavily than white fertility toward low-IQ segments of the population." In other words, the bad genes will triumph, no matter what the evidence says. That sort of circular argument abounds in The Bell Curve. Although sociologist Jane Mercer has shown that supposed racial differences in IQ vanish if one controls for a variety of socio-economic variables, the authors reject her method because their theories assume that low IQ causes people to be poor, rather than poverty causing low IQs. Similarly, even though IQ tests show that average scores are rising--by as much as 15 points since World War II--"real" IQs must be falling, since low IQ women are having more babies. Giants in the Profession Another person whose advice Murray and Herrnstein "benefitted especially from"--and who shows up constantly in their footnotes--is Arthur Jensen, whose very similar claims about blacks having innately lower IQs were widely discredited in the 1970s. The Pioneer Fund has given more than $1 million to this "giant in the profession," as Pioneer chief Weyher describes him (GQ, 11/94). And it's easy to see why: "Eugenics isn't a crime," Jensen has said (Newsday, 11/9/94). "Which is worse, to deprive someone of having a child, or to deprive the child of having a decent set of parents?" Elsewhere, Jensen has worried "that current welfare policies, unaided by genetic foresight, could lead to the genetic enslavement of a substantial portion of our population." (cited in Counterpunch, 11/1/94) Murray and Herrnstein also rely heavily on Thomas Bouchard, whose study of separated-at-birth twins has "proved" that not only is intelligence largely genetically determined, but so are religiosity, political orientation and leisure-time interests. The Bell Curve uses Bouchard to rehabilitate Sir Cyril Burt, whose twin-based evidence for inherited intelligence is now believed to be fraudulent. Their logic is that Burt's research must have been sound, because Burt's findings closely resemble Bouchard's, and Bouchard's research is "accepted by most scholars as a model of its kind." That illustrates the sort of scholars Murray and Herrnstein associate with. More reputable researchers have raised many questions about Bouchard's work: While other twin researchers estimate that 50 percent of the average variation in intelligence can be attributed to heredity, Bouchard comes up with 70 percent. Even the twin studies that came up with more conservative estimates of intelligence's "heritability" (itself a highly dubious concept) are flawed because the supposedly "separated-at-birth" twins usually turn out to have been raised in close proximity; Bouchard refuses to let skeptics examine the case histories of the twins he studied, essentially rendering his research into so many "Believe It or Not!" anecdotes (Scientific American, 6/93; The Nation, 11/28/94). Bouchard, of course, is also a major recipient of Pioneer money--"We couldn't have done this project without the Pioneer Fund," he told GQ (11/94). And he's a colleague and mentor of (and has some peculiar views in common with) perhaps the crankiest of all of Pioneer's beneficiaries, J. Philippe Rushton. "More Brain or More Penis" Rushton (who's gotten more than $770,000 from Pioneer) has transformed the Victorian science of cranial measurement into a sexual fetish--measuring not only head and brain size, but also the size of breasts, buttocks and genitals. "It's a trade-off: More brain or more penis. You can't have everything," he told Rolling Stone's Adam Miller (10/20/94), explaining his philosophy of evolution. Rushton was reprimanded by his school, the University of Western Ontario, for accosting people in a local shopping mall and asking them how big their penises were and how far they could ejaculate. "A zoologist doesn't need permission to study squirrels in his backyard," he groused (Rolling Stone, 10/20/94). Rushton's creepy obsessions intersect with the ugliest sides of politics: A 1986 article by Rushton suggested that the Nazi war machine owed its prowess to racial purity, and worried that demographic shifts were endangering our "Northern European" civilization. Rushton co-authored a paper that argued that blacks have a genetic propensity to contract AIDS because of their "reproductive strategy" of promiscuous sex (cited in Newsday, 11/9/94). The other author was Bouchard, the author of those amazing twin studies celebrated in mainstream news outlets. It's not surprising that Murray and Herrnstein would defend Rushton, writing that his "work is not that of a crackpot or a bigot, as many of his critics are given to charging." But it's startling that a science writer for the New York Times, Malcolm Browne, would actually endorse Rushton's book (10/16/94). Echoing The Bell Curve, Browne respectfully concludes his summary of Rushton's bizarre theories with: "Mr. Rushton is nevertheless regarded by many of his colleagues as a scholar and not a bigot." ("Browne doesn't identify these 'colleagues,' but I expect he means Professor Beavis and Professor Butthead," the Toronto Star's Joey Slinger wrote--10/20/94.) Political Timing Anyone who flipped through the footnotes and bibliography of Murray and Herrnstein's book could see that there was something screwy about their sources. And there is hardly a proposition in their book that had not been thoroughly debunked more than a decade ago by Steven Jay Gould's classic work on the pseudo-science behind eugenics, The Mismeasure of Man. So why is The Bell Curve suddenly an "important book" that needs to have cover stories, news broadcasts, even whole magazines devoted to it? In large part, because the book is well-timed to take advantage of a resurgence of racism in U.S. media and society--a racism that does not want to face up to its own identity. In a proposal outlining the book, Murray wrote that there is "a huge number of well-meaning whites who fear that they are closet racists, and this book tells them they are not. It's going to make them feel better about things they already think but do not know how to say." (New York Times Magazine, 10/9/94) The Bell Curve does indeed tell closet racists that they aren't racist, and makes them feel better by saying that their prejudices are grounded in science. The Bell Curve also fits in well with some current political agendas. The immigration issue has been seized upon by the U.S. right wing, as it has by the far right in other countries. Much of Murray and Herrnstein's book is devoted to suggesting that "Latino and black immigrants are...putting some downward pressure on the distribution of intelligence." The connection between the book and the anti-immigrant movement is, once again, the Pioneer Fund; the fund has always feared immigrants, although its concerns have shifted from Poles and Italians to blacks and Latinos. The leading anti-immigration group in the U.S. is the Federation for American Immigration Reform (unfortunately sharing an acronym with the media watch group FAIR); the federation has received more than $1 million in Pioneer money, which was critical in getting the organization off the ground. (See Extra!, 7-8/93.) Pioneer also funds the American Immigration Control Foundation, a more overtly racist group whose work is cited by Murray and Herrnstein. Similarly, the book also meshes well with conservative efforts to drastically restrict welfare spending. Murray has long been associated with the idea of eliminating welfare, and now with The Bell Curve he produces a eugenic justification: "The United States already has policies that inadvertently social-engineer who has babies, and it is encouraging the wrong women.... We urge that these policies, represented by the extensive network of cash and services for low-income women who have babies, be ended." For Their Own Ends Many pundits carefully distanced themselves from the book, then made use of its claims to push their own ideological ends. In a New Republic column (10/31/94), Mickey Kaus argues against a genetic basis for IQ differences, saying, "There are obvious policies that might change the black 'environment' and therefore black IQ scores." But what's his example of such a program? "Abolition of cash welfare," he suggests. The McLaughlin Group (10/21/94) featured a whole parade of this sort of pseudo-critic: While no one wanted to embrace wholeheartedly Murray and Herrnstein's genetic determinism, almost all were happy to make use of the conclusion The Bell Curve draws from the eugenic argument: that the poor and non-white are getting what they deserve. Thus Pat Buchanan declared: "I think a lot of the data are indisputable.... It does shoot a hole straight through the heart of egalitarian socialism which tried to create equality of result by coercive government programs." And Michael Barone: "The implication of their argument is, if they're right, that we really should not engage in a lot of government social engineering to create equal outcomes and so forth. They'd have to throw all the Chinese out of the Higher Math Department." Morton Kondracke found this message: "It does undermine the case, John, for racial quotas, which is the form of discrimination in our society." Clarence Page, the token liberal on the panel, described Murray as a personal friend, and gave a lukewarm critique: "It's got some good data, but it's Murray's conclusions that he doesn't prove." It was left to John McLaughlin, of all people, to say the obvious about The Bell Curve: "It is largely pseudo-scientific and it is singularly unhelpful."
  20. If anyone has a .GIF, a .DOC, .PDF or .JPG of any items in Russian which are legible which they wish to have translated into English by a native Russian language expert just let me know. The charge is about 10 cents a word with a minimum of a $10.00 charge per page or item. I am basically having Oswald's entire Notebook of Russian phrases translated as we speak. The comments so far on one page sent out for translation are as follows: "This scan you showed looks like a page from record book of a Soviet officer from Western troops group of USSR in Eastern Europe." Hmmm.... now exactly whom does that sound like? Maybe Yaroslaw Stetsko of the OUN perchance? Only time will tell. Is this fun or what?
  21. Oswald's inadvertent error on a P.O. Box application for the Fair Play for Cuba Committee is for my money at least probably indicative of his prior knowledge of the winter home of Robert J. Morris' father at 3610 N.W. 15th Street in Miami, Florida in Grapeland Heights only 3-4 houses away from the CIA safe house frequented by Hunt, Strugis, Ruby and Hemming. Oswald's rooming house in Dallas was 2610 N. Beckley Street and not 3610 N. Beckley as he clearly wrote on the application. I have attached the P.O. Box application for all to see for themselves... On subsequent P.O. Box applications, Oswald used 2610 N. Beckley St. Frank Sturgis reported to a Miami newspaper reporter named Buchanan that Oswald was seen in Miami then he later retracted the story. I honestly and sincerely believe that Oswald was indeed in Miami at the winter home of Robert J. Morris and family in order to undergo further training, conditioning and intelligence assignments. Morris was in ManCand by Richard Condon at least a half dozen times. Case Closed. On 29 May, 00:34, ecag...@tx.rr.com wrote: > Here's what I posted Tom: > > 1) Tom one of the many problems you have is referring to "official > records" in a manner that does account for the fact that "official > records" are in large part compiled from hearsay, estimates both > accurate and inaccurate, and interpretations. > > 2) Additionally you do what so many researchers do on both sides of > the aisle.. (Not just CTers).. You lock into what fits your agenda, > then tend to disregard conflicting input that doesn't fit your > predetermined ultimate conclusion. > > 3) According to RH which you will receive in the mail this week, > cabdriver William Whaley logged the 6 minute trip to 700 North > Beckley, not 500 as Oswald originally suggested as 12:30 to 12:45. No > cause for alarm here, the fares were recorded in 15 minute > increments. > Bugliosi puts the drop-off at 12:52 pm on page 68 of RH but does not > explain how he arrived at adding seven minutes, but clearly 12:45 pm > was too early and 12:52 seems justified. (I hope you noticed that one > part of the "official records" was dropped because it didn't seem > correct.) This move helps your case that Oswald didn't kill Tippit > but > it is fair and objective. > > 4) Unless one believes Oswald lingered around, that would put him at > the 2610 boarding house at about 12:55. Accounts by housekeeper > Earlene Roberts (page 70) are that she said, "You sure are in a > hurry" > and that Oswald "rushed" out. VB does not offer a timeline here but > I'd say he was out the door by 12:56.. A guess. Gasp!.... Oh my god.....VB is a heretic. It clearly says on page 158 of your bible ( The Warren Report) that Oswald arrived at the rooming house at 1:00 pm and left at 1:03 pm. Are you also going to be a heretic Eddie?? Aren't you gonna stand by yer bible, and it's authors, as infallable?? Ya know Eddie that once you decide that the Warren Report is not infallible, yer on the road to becoming a CT....Now ya don't want that to happen do ya?? Perhaps you'd better stand by yer bible and denounce VB as a heretic. Walt She does say he was > "standing" at the bus stop but indications it was only a quick glance > on her part. I find it difficult to believe he just "stood" there for > any length of time. > > 5) Fast forward ahead.. It appears by locking in time accounts from > Markham, Scoggins, Benavides, Tatum, Barbara and Virginia Davis, > Callaway, Searcy, Reynolds, Russell, Lewis, Patterson, est. 1:13 pm, > it would certainly appear that a 1:12 pm murder time is likely. > Individuals do make time estimate errors but a group of people has a > better chance of arriving at a more likely shooting time; 1:12pm - My > words here but VB's account is on pages 68 thru 80. > > 6) Also take into account accounts by people like shoe clerk Brewer > who saw Oswald ducking in and out of store fronts as cop cars raced > up > and down Jefferson. > Why would Oswald do that? > > 7) The arrest at the Texas Theater occurred at a more precise time > but > still an estimate: 1:50 pm, an estimated 80 minutes after the > assassination. > > 8) Back to the journey from 2610 North Beckley to Tenth & Patton. > That > time span is an estimated 16 minutes. I have tried alternate routes > from 2610 to Tenth & Patton and 16 minutes is very realistic, but > brisk. Other investigators and documentaries have found Oswald's trip > time from 2610 North Beckley to Tenth at Patton to be equally > feasible. > > 9) Oswald who had just killed the President was walking briskly.. > That > appears to be the reason Tippit was suspicious.. That and the > reasonable likeness to Brennan's description. > > 10) IMPORTANT: The call from Tippit at 1:08 certainly appears to be > when he began *tailing* not stopping Oswald who was quite possibly > walking quickly and looking around. (Speculation but offered by DPD > HQ, not me.) > > * Tom the timeline for Oswald to kill Tippit appears to be there. I > have walked it. > > * The witnesses certainly are there. Several made positive IDs. > > * Oswald was also seen ducking in and out of storefronts on Jefferson > immediately after Tippit's slaying! > --- Why would Oswald do that? --- > > * Why did Oswald duck into the TT (illegally) without paying? > > * What appears to have been his jacket was found along the escape > route from Tenth & Patton to the TT. It makes one wonder what Oswald > was doing there and how he could possibly have the cursed bad luck of > being in the immediate vicinity of what appears to be a dead ringer > for Oswald if it wasn't him.. Isn't it more likely it was Oswald? > > LAST BUT NOT LEAST: Who in hell *planted* the pistol that killed > Tippit on Oswald if he didn't kill Tippit himself? (A great question > posed by Chuck who hand-cuffed CTers with this brilliant question.) > > You can take a look at RH when you get it Tom and compare my notes. I > gave pages.. Perhaps I overlooked something but it appears at this > early stage: > > . ********** > VB has hand-cuffed the CTers. > . ********** > > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ > > Is this your only response Tom? > "You're a Bigger *** than I previously attribuited to you." > > MR ;~D > Ed Cage > 0030May2907 > handcuffed > > On May 28, 11:57 pm, "tomnln" cox.net> wrote: > > > >> If you don't know that the "official records" I post are actually >> EVIDENCE/TESTIMONY, > >> You're a Bigger *** than I previously attribuited to you. > >> Is that WHY you keep RUNNING from the the authorities Altering the Walker >> back yard photo THREE (3) Times>>>http://whokilledjfk.net/Walker.htm > >> Are you REALLY that Big of a Coward? > >> "aeffects" hotmail.com> wrote in message > >>news:1180374063.252583.322320@x35g2000prf.googlegroups.com... > >>> On May 28, 10:38 am, ecag...@tx.rr.com wrote: >>>> 1) Tom one of the many problems you have is referring to "official >>>> records" in a manner that does account for the fact that "official >>>> records" are in large part compiled from hearsay, estimates both >>>> accurate and inaccurate, and interpretations. > >>> what a waste of bandwidth.... > >>> - Hide quoted text - > >> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text - > > - Show quoted text - (Edited: Offensive language.)
  22. This is probably the most blatant example of how compromised US network news is, that has ever been documented....PROVEN! It should give all LNs pause, because it speaks volumes of how unreliable the establishment press actually is. In the 1960's and 1970's there was no internet. If the networks think they can cover up Barstow's exposure of them as government propagandists, even in this mature age of internet information distribution, imagine how bold network executives must have felt they could be, before the internet? http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/200...tzer/index.html http://mediamatters.org/items/200904210002?f=h_latest http://mediamatters.org/countyfair/200904200029 Barstow wins Pulitzer for military analysts story; will networks notice? Published Mon, Apr 20, 2009 3:52pm ET by Jamison Foser One only has to read George Seldes who died a few years ago at age 100+ who wrote "The Lords of the Press" about William Randolph Hearst and some of the other newspaper publishers who contributed much to "press control" since the 1930's. Ever wonder how Operation Mockingbird got started? The Knight-Ridder chain, the Hearst Chain, the AP, UPI, Reuters, and every other major chain had a designated Operation Mockingbird reporter on their staff. Before that it was up to George Seldes' suspects on a totally voluntary basis. Seldes even wrote "The Age of Surveillance" which described Billy James Hargis, Gordon Hall and dozens of others who played a Spy vs. Spy game both for and against the FBI, DIA and NSA. Hargis was part of Willoughby's A/C Liaison C of C with McClendon, Hunter, Rorke and Fellers who were masters of the Spy game for the Reich.
  23. Absolutely right on the mark, Greg. "The Patriots are in the clear on this. (the JFK hit) It will be blamed on a Communist." - Joseph A. Milteer to Willie Sommersett on a tape recording shortly after the JFK Assassination. "EVEN PATRIOTS CAN NOT TAKE THE LAW INTO THEIR OWN HANDS." - Dick Russell's informant in the letter from the King Edward Sheraton Hotel in TMWKTM (1992 by Dick Russell). Just study "The Park Avenue Patriots" like Birchers and bastidges Robert Montgomery, Norman B. Ream (Vonsiatsky's deceased father-in-law), George de Mohrenschildt, Anastase Vonsiatsky, Wickliffe P. Draper, John B. Trevor, Sr., Harry Augustus Jung, J. P. Morgan, Thomas A. Lamont, Samuel Vauclain, George A. Baker, John MacGuire, Gen. Douglas MacArthur, Charles Willoughby, etc. and you will finally figure out the entire JFK conundrum and you will even find out who tried to kill FDR in 1933. Promise. Guaranteed. Absolutely.
  24. THIS IS YET ANOTHER BREAKTHROUGH WHICH WILL BE DOCUMENTED IN MY UPCOMING BOOK.... stay tuned Dr. H. Warner Kloepfer, PhD. - a Wickliffe Draper American Eugenicist from 1956 forward... Draper funded a Eugenics Conference in Europe in the 1920's or 1930's and he funded the American Eugenics Society from its very early days. Via the H. Smith Richardson Foundation of the CIA MK/ULTRA was developed, refined and let loose on the world. Bridgewater State Hospital in Bridgewater, MA was the site of the movie Titticut Follies in the late 1960's documenting the use of mental patients as involuntary subjects of pseud-scientific experimentation, likely at Draper's suggestion and sponsorship. Bridgewater to Hopedale was only about 25-30 miles and there was a Dr. Draper who was involved with this bit of handiwork. Many of the Draper's were dastardly bastidges of the first magnitude. Look up Dr. Ossian Sweet and Eben Draper, Jr. (Mr. Race Riots) who was the son of a former Massachusetts Governor, Eben S. Draper, Sr. Please not the listing of Pioneer Fund founder, Frederick Osborn (from George Michael Evica, A Certain Arrogance) listed just below who was also linked to Kloepfer via American Eugenics Society. Why did Ruth Paine introduce Lee Harvey Oswald to Dr. H. Warner Kloepfer, PhD at Tulane University in New Orleans? Anyone who understands the role of Eugenics, their use of Mind Control through Dr. Hans J. Eysenck from MK/ULTRA and The Pioneer Fund of Wickliffe P. Draper, a staunch Unitarian from Hopedale, MA will just know the answer intuitively. Kloepfer was involved in the analysis of genes and blood typing at Tulane and elsewhere. All I can say now is that this was part of LHO's selection as a programmed assassin or part of the analysis to determine if the study of his genes could somehow help these Nazi brain and gene scientists determine if other candidates for Mind Control could be identified via analysis of their genes or blood composition. Only Kloepfer knows for sure. I wonder what Dr. Ken Rahn, yet another Nazi brain scientist, would say today as his failed attempts at debunking my thesis about Dr. Hans J. Eysenck, The Pioneer Fund and Wickliffe Draper come back into the forefront yet again. I think he must be busy pulling his foot out of his mouth and thinking that he will be remembered as an obstructionist of the first magnitude. And anyone who cited him as an authority on anything, anyone who thanked him for his contributions should also be doing the same thing. Shame on you. Shame on you. http://www.all.org/abac/aes.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kloepfer, H. Warner; Member 1956, 1974 Personal: Tulane University School of Medicine (assoc. prof. anatomy 1952-77, emeritus 1977-(1979); Member, American Society of Human Genetics 1954; detection of genetic carrier Publications: 1960 "Genetic Signposts of Preventive Medicine", Eugenics Quarterly, v. 7, no. 2; 1955 "Heredity Counseling, Starting a Heredity Clinic" Eugenics Quarterly, v. 2, 3 "An investigation of 171 possible linkage relationships in man" Annals of Eugenics, Cambridge, England 1946, 13, 35-71 Source: EQ 1956; Osborne list; Psychological Abstracts 192756; Membership list, American Society of Human Genetics, AJHG 1954; AMWS 1979 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. Just wait until you see how many of Condon's ManCand Dirty Dozen are listed herein: JBS front operation, organized by (LDS) W. Cleon Skousen and (JBS) John H. Rousselot, and served by Howard and Hall. Rough Rider Logo - American COMMITTEE TO FREE CUBS, INC. National Headquarters PO Box 91 Arcadia, California Executive Committee Chairman Terso del Junco MD Secretary William R. Lyons Treasure Anthony Valle Chester B. Anderson [u.S. Navy Rear Admiral (retired), I think] [Wrote books for Pere Marquette Press and Phyllis Schlafly who was part of the anti-ManCand Mindszenty Foundation] Samuel N. Smith, MD ADVISOR BOARD W. Cleon Skousen [Author of The Naked Communist] very kinky and kinda gay! Herbert Philbrick [former FBI? papers in the Library of Congress - associated with either Uliuss B. Amoss or Carleton Coon via correspondence folders. They were both involved with programmed assassins and OSS/CIA mind control which was later used by Draper, Dr. Eysenck, etc. on Oswald and R. E. Johnson] Matt Caetic [Matt Cvetic - FBI and a writer of right wing clap trap] Walter Knott [of Knott's Berry Farm in California - a right wing multi-millionaire and donor to Reich Wing causes of all kinds] Reverend Robert Schulie [schuler?] Marion Miller Col. Fred. D. Stewers, USAF Ret. Jose Herman Dr. John R. Lecbner [perhaps Lechner? invented the electric chair or some other capital punishment method] Hon. John H. Rousselot [Rep. from California - Reaganite and right winger] Prof. E. Merrell Root [bigtim JBS think tanker] Capt. L. Ricahrds Barnes, USN Ret Steve Foote Judge Roberta Butrzbact A, T. Eriss DDS Kent Courtney [he and wife Phoebe were from New Orleans and were rabid reich wingers extraoadinaire] Dr William E. Fort James Hedges Samuel Ayres, III MD James E. Hoge William Brashears DDS Carlos A. Prentto MD T. H. Clements John Reardon [uS Rep in Congress???] F. X. Ganuzzi [spelled wrong should be something like: Francis Xavier ?anuzzi] Geary A. Stetten Harry von Zell [actor and Reaganite, too] Hon James B. Utt [appeared with Senator Strom J. Thurmond, Robert J. Morris and Otto Otepka in a film: The Ordeal of Otto Optepka about how Otepka was fired by JFK for leaking confidential documents about the appointment of Walter Rostow. Otepka, a wild-eyed, psychotic McCarthyite, as you may recall was head of the Passport Security Office and was "Oswald's Travel Agent". Prof. Anthonyh T. Bouscaren [on The Pioneer Fund of Draper and head of the Claire Chennault Flying Tiger museum at Troy State University and later went to work at John McAdams (Pere) Marquette University but got in trouble for his Draper funding and was removed. Col. William E. Warner Gen. Sumter L. Lowry J. B. Matthews. [on HUAC and McCarthy committees as an investigator, but he had a list of 12 felonies himself, including that of solicitation for overt homosexual activities like most John Birchers and McCarthyites and YAFers. Ever think of that? From Roy Cohn to William F. Buckley, Jr. to "Timmy" G. Ratz to David Ferrie to Clendenin J. Ryan, Jr., to J. Edgar Hoover and Clyde Tolson and Clay Shaw most of these anti-JFK right wing FBI types, McCarthyites and YAFers were blatant, flagrant and flamboyant homosexuals. Who once said that the JFK hit was a homosexual thrill killing? Pretty darn close.] Robert Geie Tom Vasag Ricahrd S. Harvey Phyllis Schay [should be Schlafly, who ran Pere Marquette Press and The Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation to this day which was involved with ManCand Mind Control issues and "BK/Brainwashing" and MK/ULTRA as well as other popular methods to influence public opinion using both the Edmund Bernay and Edward Hunter schools of thought or lack thereof.] Charles H. Kluz And here in Boylan's Christian Defense League posting, many of these ManCand, Christian Identity, John Bircher and anti-Castro types are linked together inextricably, undoubtedly and irrevocably with the likes of Joseph Milteer and the other Rev. Gerald L. K. Smith, William Potter Gale (MacArthur's Colonel), Dr. John Lechner electric chair types... And who was it that said that GLK Smith was a marginal figure? LOL. THIS IN A NUTSHELL IS PROOF THAT ALL OF THESE PEOPLE linked together by Condon, Ruby, Russell's informant, Giesbrecht, Lorenz, Rose Mercedes and even Willie Somersett of the Miami P.D. and myself ALL WORKED TOGETHER FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE ULTIMATE DEMISE OF JFK AND THE OVERTHROW OF FIDEL CASTRO, THE LEADER OF CUBA. All seven of us can NOT BE WRONG, if we ALL AGREE on the composition of the character list of those who conspired to murder JFK then cover it all up. Why can you people not see that? Why? Ever read The Lords of the Press by George Seldes? He will explain to you all about The Hearst Syndicate, the Robert McCormick Press, and even McCarthy style blackmail and even worse MacArthur and Willoughby and Angleton style blackmail, too. Plus 'Propaganda' by Edmund Bernay and 'Brainwashing' by Edward Hunter and even 'Penetration and Infiltraton' by Sarah McClendon (just kidding on that one). QUOD EST DEMONSTRATUM
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