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John Bevilaqua

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Everything posted by John Bevilaqua

  1. Psychological Warfare and the nascent Enmity between the OSS and MacArthur's organization.... http://www.psywarrior.com/PSYOPOrgWW2Pac.html Quoting from the link above: American General Willoughby cited some of the achievements of the AIB. Members won over 100 awards and decorations, 264 missions carried out, 164 operatives killed, 75 captured and 178 missing, against 7,203 Japanese dead, 141 POWs and 1,054 Allied personal rescued from enemy occupied territory. Almost every wartime book about the OSS mentions Donovan's attempt to gain entry into MacArthur's headquarters. Such anecdotes are found in both The Shadow Warriors by Bradley F. Smith and OSS by R. Harris Smith. The books tell of a number of high-level military and civilian officials sent to meet with MacArthur to plead the agency's case. None were successful: There was one attempt to smuggle a naval officer who was an OSS agent into MacArthur's headquarters. One of the OSS plotters later wrote, "Our man was captured - not by the enemy - by MacArthur and sent home." Powell discusses the OWI and OSS and how they might have been a threat to the Australian AIB if MacArthur had not been so strongly against them. Some of his comments are: OWI historian Allan M. Winkler suggests that MacArthur’s bitterness at what he regarded as Roosevelt’s betrayal of his Philippines command led to rejection of OWI’s services in SWPA because the agency was seen as linked to the President’s administration… OSS was a different matter. Donovan tried hard but MacArthur would have none of it…Why was MacArthur so opposed to OSS? Donovan’s biographer gives three reasons. Willoughby’s ambition to control all intelligence work in SWPA; MacArthur’s objections to independent agencies in his command area; and “the inevitable clash between two strong personalities, equally fixed in purpose.” Donovan did everything possible to get a toehold in SWPA but without any success. He sent personal emissaries to MacArthur in January and April 1943; in June, Donovan approached the Joint Chiefs of Staff with an offer to train the new Philippines section; In April 1944, Donovan visited MacArthur. It was all for naught. In May 1945, MacArthur told the War Department: The OSS has not up to the present time operated within this area. I know little of its methods, have no control over its agencies, and consequently have no plans for future employment. Perhaps the most telling report of the real enmity between the rival organizations was when Psywar Chief General Bonner Fellers submitted a plan for secret operations against Japan. The OSS experts in Washington read the plan and forwarded a lengthy criticism. MacArthur's headquarters replied, "Our experts state that your experts are obviously mere superficial observers." In 1945 when asked about the OSS by the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff MacArthur said, "I know little of its methods, have no control of its agencies, and consequently have no plans for its future employment." British intelligence agencies were also unable to send agents into the southwest Pacific Area and eventually used the London Times correspondent in Australia to keep track of MacArthur and the American operations. We should also note that when MacArthur led U.N. troops in Korea in 1951 he tried to keep the CIA out of his command. He was less successful.
  2. A recent search on the Spartacus Education Forum revealed no fewer than 20 active discussion threads with the name "Bonner Fellers" contained therein. Try it for yourself in the [search] box of your home page and see. I would maintain that it would be helpful to coalesce and review as much as possible on this Brig. General whom Adolph Hitler once called "...our best source of information." I have discovered evidence that Fellers, while stationed in Cairo, Egypt during World War II, was the Nazi double-agent responsible for deliberately leaking information he normally handled about Monty's troop and tank movements in Northern Africa through the Angletons in Italy which eventually found its way back to Rommel who would never have been known as "the Desert Fox" unless he was privy to this type of information on a regular basis. And I am not the only writer who has made this claim. Later Fellers was later involved with "For America" which was a spin-off from The America First Group, the staunch pro-Nazi isolationist group and his personna is manifested in the character named Francis "Fighting Frank" Bollinger in Richard Condon's Manchurian Candidate in 1959. Fellers, after being demobilized by Eisenhower, joined those on the Far Right Wing of the Republican Party as an advocate of turning the Cold War hot as a member of the John Birch Society and several other right wing "think tanks". First he supported Robert Taft for President and later Senator Barry Goldwater both Draper favorites. ("In Your Guts You Know He's Nuts!") His activities with General Pedro del Valle, another favorite of Wickliffe P. Draper because of his anti-Semitism and master racism, (according to William Tucker in The Funding of Scientific Racism), on the "For America Committee" is of particular interest to me right now at least. Uliuss Amoss spent much time in Cairo, Egypt when Fellers was there and was my first entre into the nether world of Ulius Amoss and his protege Robert Emmett Johnson who were introduced to me by the work of James Richards. Johnson was, without a doubt, one of the shooters in Dealey Plaza and Bill Turner mentions him in The Fish is Red as being associated with "Raoul" from Montreal who was in all likelihood the same person as James Earl Ray's "Raoul" thus linking Johnson into the MLK murder. Fellers expertise in Psychological Warfare and Ulius Amoss styled "mind control" operations led Condon to put him in Manchurian Candidate and shot him to the top of my list of the John Birchers involved with the JFK murder who were also inserted into The Manchurian Candidate novel and the movie versions as well. This guy was second only to Willoughby in his role in the JFK assassination plot and the ensuing cover-up. And along with Edward Hunter and the other "John Birch Socieity Ten" may have been the person most responsible for laying the lion's share of the blame for the JFK hit squarely on the shoulders of the leftists in the CIA. Can you list the 10 persons associated with the John Birch Society from Belmont, MA who were most deeply involved with the JFK hit and what their roles were? Bonner Fellers From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Bonner Frank Fellers (1896 - 1973), was a U.S. Army officer who served during World War II as military attaché and psychological warfare director. He was a considered a protegé of General Douglas MacArthur. In 1941, then-Colonel Fellers was Military Attaché to the U.S. Embassy in Egypt. He was assigned to monitor and report on British military operations in North Africa and the Middle East. As the representative of a very important friendly power, he was given full access to British activities and information. Fellers reported everything he learned to the U.S. His reports were especially prized by Army commander in chief General George Marshall. Fellers' messages were sent by radio, encrypted in the "Black Code" of the U.S. State Department. The details of this code were stolen from the U.S. Embassy in Italy by Italian spies in September 1941; it was also broken by German cryptanalysts, who read "Black Code" messages.[1] Fellers' radiograms were intercepted and decrypted by the Germans. They were a treasure trove of valuable information to the Axis. The information was not only extensive and timely, it was also guaranteed authentic: the British would not be lying to their American friends. Information from Fellers' messages alerted the Axis to British convoy operations in the Mediterranean Sea, including efforts to resupply the garrison of Malta. Information about the numbers and condition of British forces was provided to General Rommel, the famed German commander in Africa. He could thus plan his operations with reliable knowledge of what the opposing forces were. Rommel was so pleased with the intercepts that he referred to Fellers as "my bonnie fellow".[citation needed] Fellers was later condemned for this information leak. But he had been ordered to use the State Department code over his objections, and had been ordered by Marshall to report in great detail. Criticism of Fellers for this problem generally came from those who distrusted him because of his close association both before and during the war with MacArthur. Marshall never found any fault with Fellers or with his actions in Egypt. General Eisenhower supposedly said to an English beauty who expressed admiration for Fellers, "Any friend of Bonner Fellers is no friend of mine!"[2] If this story is true, it was due to Eisenhower's dislike of MacArthur and his associates. Eisenhower disliked Fellers since the time the two were serving under MacAruthur in the Philippines.1936-1937 was the period in which the professional relations between MacArthur and Eisenhower became very strained and MacArthur began to use Fellers as his confidant. In July 1942, Fellers was transferred from Egypt. His successor as Attaché used the U.S. military cipher, which the Germans could not read. Upon returning to the U.S. Fellers was decorated with the Distinguished Service Medal for his excellent analysis and reporting of the North African situation. He was also promoted to Brigadier General, the first in the West Point Class of 1918. Although wishing to return to the Middle East as a member of the OSS, when he found out that that was impossible Fellers, in the summer of 1943, left his job in the Office of Strategic Services(OSS), where he played a central role in planning psychological warfare, and once again began working for General MacArthur in the Southwest Pacific. Fellers later served as military secretary and the Chief of Psychological Operations under MacArthur. After the war, Fellers played a major role in the occupation of Japan. He met with the major defendants of the Tokyo tribunal. According to historians Herbert Bix and John W. Dower, Fellers allowed them to coordinate their stories to exonerate Emperor Hirohito and all members of his family. [3][4] This was at the direction of MacArthur, now head of SCAP, who wanted no criminal prosecution of the Emperor and his family. In October 1946, Fellers was demobilized by Eisenhower and returned to his permanent rank of Colonel. He retired from the Army and worked for the Republican National Committee in Washington. [5] In the early 1950s Fellers was actively involved in promoting Robert Taft as a Presidential candidate. After Taft's defeat to Eisenhower in the 1952 Republican convention, Fellers became a member of the John Birch society. Fellers also became actively involved in promoting Barry Goldwater for the Presidency. 1. ^ Deac, Wil. "Intercepted Communications for Field Marshal Erwin Rommel". The History Net. http://www.historynet.com/magazines/world_war_2/3038121.html. Retrieved on 2008-02-03. 2. ^ Moses, Sam. At All Costs 3. ^ Bix, Herbert. Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan, Perennial, 2001, p. 583 4. ^ Dower, John W. Embracing Defeat, 1999 5. ^ Seagrave, P. and S. The Yamato dynasty, 1999, p. 216 Example of a report by Colonel Bonner-Fellers which was intercepted and decoded by the Italians in 1942
  3. George de Mohrenschildt, who reported to the word vojhd or head of the White Russian National Fascist Organization, Anastase Vonsiatsky, also believed that Oswald was "led" by others. Later De Mohrenschildt was to go so far as to say he felt "responsible" for Oswald's behavior. Given the fact that a little Jackie Bouvier Kennedy used to bounce on George's knee as a child and call him "uncle George" one can readily assume that he was most likely mortified and conflicted by the fact that his association with Oswald resulted in such pain and sorrow for Jackie Kennedy. I know I have heard of more bizarre and even conspiratorial explanations for this innocent almost familial relationship as if George somehow disliked the Bouviers or Kennedy but I find them lacking in any substance whatsoever. "Let's face it. I only made up the story [about Lee Harvey Oswald]because everybody makes a million dollars off the Kennedy assassination, and I haven't made anything. So now it's my time. " —George de Mohrenschildt, quoted by Willem Oltmans That grotesque confession should be sufficient to discredit the man who made it, a Russian-born teacher and friend of Lee Harvey Oswald's named George de Mohrenschildt. But nothing ever seems sufficient to still Kennedy assassination stories; time and events merely complicate them. Last week—only an hour after a congressional investigator asked to meet with him in Manalapan, Fla. —De Mohrenschildt apparently committed suicide, by putting a 20-gauge shotgun in his mouth and pulling the trigger. Suddenly there was intense interest in what he might have told the investigator. Sure enough, within 48 hours, a world-traveling Dutch TV newsman, Willem Oltmans, showed up to reveal to a closed session of the House Select Committee on Assassinations—plus ABC, NBC and CBS—what De Mohrenschildt had been telling him during the several years of their acquaintance. Oltmans' testimony—given under oath—was sensational stuff. De Mohrenschildt, said Oltmans, claimed he had been the middleman in a conspiracy of rich Texas oilmen, headed by the late H.L. Hunt, and anti-Castro Cubans to kill Kennedy. Oswald was one gunman, but supposedly several Cubans were also assigned to shoot the President. One could even be identified. Oltmans provided the committee with a picture of a Cuban whom he said fired shots at Kennedy. But apart from the dramatic backdrop provided by De Mohrenschildt's suicide, the story was just another series of rumors that could not be corroborated. At the time of the Kennedy assassination, De Mohrenschildt was an oil geologist employed by the U.S. State Department in Haiti. He had known Oswald for a year (they were members of a Russian-speaking group in Dallas), and he told the Warren Commission in 1964 that he knew nothing of Oswald's role in the Kennedy killing. But during a series of meetings with Oltmans beginning in 1966, De Mohrenschildt began to remember things differently By 1975, during an interview with Oltmans on Dutch television, he insisted that Oswald was led by others. Oltmans told colleagues, "De Mohrenschildt knows a lot more than he is willing to say right now." Later De Mohrenschildt was to go so far as to say he felt "responsible" for Oswald's behavior. In February of this year, De Mohrenschildt told Oltmans he was ready to disclose more but only outside the U.S. —he feared for his life in America. By now De Mohrenschildt seemed depressed. He had been hospitalized as a psychiatric patient for two months at the end of last year, and he had twice attempted suicide. Said Patrick Russell, his Dallas attorney: "He began to have bizarre hallucinations and distortions. He believed people were following him." According to Oltmans, De Mohrenschildt would vacillate between claiming his conspiracy tale was a hoax and asserting it was true. In addition to De Mohrenschildt's instability, doubts are thrown on his story by a review of Warren Commission testimony that shows De Mohrenschildt last saw Oswald six months before the assassination. "It is absolutely out of the question that De Mohrenschildt had anything to do with Kennedy's death," fumes Chicago Attorney Albert Jenner, who interviewed De Mohrenschildt for the Warren Commission. Adds Jenner of the House Assassination Committee's entire performance: "Utterly disgusting." The committee members who heard Oltmans' testimony took a wait-and-see attitude. "I think he is telling the truth as he perceives it," said D.C. Delegate Walter Fauntroy. Oltmans himself cited an obviously disturbing aspect of his charges. Asked a tough question during a television interview, he replied, "Well, I'm quoting Mr. De Mohrenschildt, so that makes it very easy"—De Mohrenschildt being in no position to amend the record. Oltmans' testimony was only the climax in a hectic week during which the House Select Committee on Assassinations barely escaped its own death by sacrificing its controversial counsel, Richard Sprague. The outspoken ex-district attorney from Philadelphia had angered too many Congressmen with his demands for a $ 13 million budget and a staff of 175 for the two-year investigation (TIME, Jan. 10). Too Raw. With Sprague out of the way, the House was willing to vote 230 to 181 to continue the investigations on a reduced annual budget of $2.8 million. But Sprague's departure left the committee staff demoralized and committee members full of praise for their former counsel. Gushed Illinois Republican John Anderson: "He laid himself on the altar of sacrifice." To date, no firm fruits of Sprague's early work have reached the public. Nevertheless, a rush of rumor, innuendo and unconfirmed leads has blared from the committee. The latest concerns a letter the FBI is investigating said to have been written by Oswald to a "Mr. Hunt" asking about "my position." It is dated 14 days before the Kennedy assassination. The committee's operation has outraged many Congressmen. Snarled Michigan's John Dingell: "They tell us they have persuasive evidence! What they have is a lot of crap!" Even Richard Sprague hit a cautious note before resigning: "The only things that [the staff] can say of significance are things that are too raw and uncorroborated for us to be stating publicly."
  4. Some of you may be thinking that I either have some great contacts or that I am aware of more efficient Search Engines and better Finding Aids than the average person. In particular, truth be known, I have discovered a few European based free "Clustering Search Engines" which not only perform multi-site searches but then actually organize and "cluster" comparable results together for ease of browsing and researching. One of the best ones I have found was created by a Polish computer science major and is located at this site: http://search.carrot2.org/stable/search?so...afeSearch=false Since European Search Engines seem to be the ones that utilize this "clustering technology" most often you might even find that you get a totally different Search Results profile than you would using MSN, Live Search, Google or Yahoo. I have found that the results returned from Carrot2.org include almost 10-15% of their entries which do not always show up on any one of the other major search engines. Since they also utilize "multi-threading" you will find that these searches are submitted "in parallel" which means they forward your single keyword search string to multiple Search Engines at once and then eliminate duplicated hits just before coalescing all results into an organized, and structured drill down format. Enjoy. This should help you produce results in record time. Just like me. And hopefully it will accelerate your progress toward JFK:The Final Solution. Here is another pretty good one: http://www.iBoogie.com which even allows you to customize or define your own sets of favorite search engines. ...more to follow
  5. This posting is even more relevant today than it was when it was first made. Most of you are still making these same mistakes today, too. When will we ever learn? I should have added... 11.) Focusing on the concept of a SINGLE Alphabet Intelligence Agency (CIA) as being the ONLY contributor or the 90% PLUST DOMINANT contributor to the entire JFK Conspiracy almost to the exclusion of all others. And forgetting that it would be an easy thing for someone, like a Willoughby for instance, to plan a 10 year campaign of revenge against the Alphabet Agency he held culpable for the demise and the ultimate humiliation of Gen. Douglas MacArthur and himself during the Korean War. And don't get your knickers all twisted... my thesis still includes the usual "CIA" suspects like James Angleton of James Angleton's CIA, Ray S. Cline from CIA sponsored WACL, and of course E. Howard Hunt, Gerry Patrick Hemming and Frank "Fiorini" Sturgis who would do anyone's bidding for the right price. But these guys were Fascist Right Wingers FIRST and FOREMOST and the CIA was just their day job. By the way, THAT was the exact position of your apparent philosophical compatriots like the Birchers Dr. Revilo P. Oliver (employed as an Army Cryptographer during WW II) and Robert J. Morris (with the ONI), all those on Anti-Communist Liaision Committee of Correspondence: Billy James Hargis, Sarah McClendon who tried to get on Army Intelligence, Edward "Brainwashing" Hunter (who wrote about what the North Koreans, and the Chinese (in Manchuoko) did to Army POWs during the Korean War. ALL of these Army Intel or ONI types were Charles Willoughby's very close fiends and even Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso (who was IN the US Army). Was Alex Rorke a Marine or in the Army or suspected to be in the CIA? I can not recall. Were there ANY CIA types trying to BLAME Army Intelligence? Just think about it, ALL the xenophobic finger-pointers came from among Willoughby's sock puppets, right? And to the extent that you repeat his pablum like a good sock puppet, makes you one of his toys. Come on now be honest, you all bit on their pre-planned and orchestrated lines of hooey hook, line and sinker didn't you? Most of you became one of Willoughby's trusted "sock puppets" after you were brainwashed by the BARRAGE of post-assassination garbage put out by his crew of expert brainwashers. And you didn't even know who your "controllers" really were did you? Perfect. Perfect. I mean John Armstrong would quote Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso as if he spoke with God, until Corso started saying he attended "Alien Autopsies" then Armstrong backed off forever. And many of you cite the arguments of Dr. Revilo P. Oliver and Billy James Hargis as if they were Gospel, don't you? Did you not realize that Dr. Robert J. Morris was an EXPERT in Psychological Warfare, that Dr. Edward Hunter "wrote the book" on brainwashing and guess what he called it: "Brainwashing" by William and Henry Regnery Press. William Regnery (a textile multi-millionaire like Draper) headed up America First and had made plans to become "Hitler's U.S. agent" after his planned victory. And Regnery Press published all of Robert Morrow's bunkum, and they became the number one propagator of Holocaust Denial and anti-Semitic material of that time as well along with Willis Carto's and Wickliffe P. Draper's hokum from Right Magazine, The Liberty Lobby, Human Events and The American Mercury. And you guys just cite all that stuff like it came from God via the tablets to Moses. And, without naming names, some of you were "Brainwashed" as late as the 1990's and taken in hook, line and sinker by little old Gordon Hall, Billy James Hargis, and Sarah McClendon, too, weren't you? Be a man and admit it. It will help you become de-programmed so you can consider an alternative conspiracy theory to the one that has been embedded inside your skull so thoroughly that it would take dynamite to get it out. Just go on "What's My Line?" and then stand up and say proudly and loudly: 1st Contestant: "Hello, my name is < insert name here> and I have been Brainwashed by Robert Morris' and Charles Willoughby's experts from The John Birch Society." 2nd Contestant:"Hello, my name is < insert name here> and I was Brainwashed by Robert Morris' and Charles Willoughby's experts from The John Birch Society." 3rd Contestant: "Hello, my name is < insert name here> and I was Brainwashed by Robert Morris' and Charles Willoughby's experts from The John Birch Society." All right. Let's play "What's My Line?" First questioner is Dorothy Kilgallen... Dorothy? Number 1: Is your brain bigger than a breadbox? Number 2: How did you figure out that you had been brainwashed? Number 3: Where was it that you were actually brainwashed? Number 2: Was it very difficult to brainwash you? Number 1: What techniques did they use to brainwash you? "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and you can fool all of the people some of the time, but can you ever hope to fool all of the people all of the time." And as George Bush used to mumble: "Fool me once, shame on me... shame on you... Fool me...again... well... uhm well... you just won't fool me again. That's it." Hey, it is not like I was not swayed or persuaded to believe the bunk from The John Birch Society until I realized that it was coming from The John Birch Society... and from experts in Psychological Warfare. Then I wised up a bit. You will feel a whole lot better about it, and then maybe you can actually figure out who killed JFK and who covered it up and who was in charge of picking out all their enemies as scapegoats, too. And maybe you will actually buy both "Brainwashing" and "The Manchurian Candidate" and read them cover to cover with feeling. And maybe you will rent Dr. Strangelove and Seven Days in May and The Manchurian Candidate and really, really watch it, too. Or get some of the old CBS Chronoscope TV shows from the days of McCarthyism with Larry LeSeure, I think it was when Robert Morris and Charles Willoughby were on those old shows in black and white. I ordered them. Today was November 22, 1963 and... "You Were There" - Walter Cronkite - CBS News. Case Closed. [/b]
  6. Some of you may be thinking that I either have some great contacts or that I am aware of more Search Engines and Finding aids than the average person. In particular, truth be known, I have discovered a few European based free Clustering Search Engines which not only perform searches but then attempt to organize and "cluster" comparable results together for ease of browsing and researching. One of the best ones I have found was created by a Polish computer science major and is located at this site: http://search.carrot2.org/stable/search?so...afeSearch=false Since European Search Engines seem to be the ones that utilize this "clustering technology" most often you might even find that you get a totally different Search Results profile than you would using MSN, Live Search, Google or Yahoo. I have found that the results returned from Carrot2.org include almost 10-15% of their entries which do not always show up on any one of the other major search engines. Since they also utilize "multi-threading" you will find that these searches are submitted "in parallel" which means they forward your keyword search string to multiple Search Engines at once and then eliminate duplicated hits just before coalescing all results into an organized, and structured drill down format. Enjoy. This should help you produce results in record time. Here is another pretty good one: http://www.iBoogie.com which even allows you to customize or define your own sets of favorite search engines. ...more to follow
  7. Please also note that I acted because I was chastised for not acting earlier on the matter of an avatar: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=14219 ********** I support all the nominations for mods put forward by John. I don't have the time to be a mod, nor is it something I would be good at. I understand Evan Burton has tried to be even handed, and it is difficult, but I also think that it is understandable that Evan Marshall should be except from having to post his photo for obvious reasons related to his job. If he won't ask you for that exception I am asking it for him, so he will remain a member of the forum and continue contributing when he can. So far I have been accused of having crumbs in my beard, food on my tie, working at a casino, miss spelling George DeMohrenschildt, intentionally missleading people and plagerism. Only the crumbs and spelling is possibly true. Now if my golf game is brought up I will file another formal complaint. BK That would be plagiarism, misleading, misspelling and George de Mohrenschildt, and uttering a threat and not necessarily in that order. I am very serious on the last issue, Bill, just exactly what did you mean by that uttered threat? And now you deny you told me that you were a dealer at an Atlantic City casino working under the auspices of the New Jersey Casino Control Commission? Note: And please do not remove this "utterance of a threat" posting until someone has had the chance to determine why it was posted, who posted it and exactly what was being stated or implied. I for one would recommend a punishment appropriate with the severity and maliciousness of this uttered threat. Threats just have no place in a civilized society and you should be held fully accountable for making that threat. The least I can do is to make a formal protest to that effect to the moderators. And the most I could do is to file a complaint with the appropriate higher authorities who have jurisdiction over such egregious and offensive and possibly illegal statements.
  8. Don, You should perhaps post a much more legible photo of yourself.
  9. "Convenient to indulge in the luxury of bitching"? Wait a minute. Why should there even be monitors? This isn't high school where you have people's bad behavior supervised by goody two shoes. There's no need for monitors if people have rational discussions and share research in a meaningful way. And I've never complained before but I don't words being made up and put in quotations and attributed to me, my research being summarized as blaming anybody for anything and a mad lunatic casting misjudgements about me, my work, my associates and the people I work with. If I am the one who is wrong, I guess I will just have to join the exiles and indulge in my luxuries somewhere else. BK Is this your quote or not, Bill? And just who is the mad lunatic you are referring to? http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...rt=#entry167573 "Anastase A. Vonsiatsky had nothing to do with the assassination of President Kennedy, and your little story about calling Hosty on the phone to badger him is the reason why witnesses, subjects and suspects won't talk to legitimate researchers and reporters because of nut cases like you." "You should be as much afraid of Hosty, and Me as you are of McClendon and Sturgis." BK And his attack-dog Don Jeffries has not posted a legible photograph of himself either and continues to attack me personally. It should be easy enough for you to determine who originated the posting of the FIRST occurrence of this phrase... despite the fact that Bill messed up his
  10. During my disagreement with Tim Gratz I was accused of being bias. I therefore decided to hand over the running of the forum to a moderating committee. All decision are now taken by a majority vote. The moderation committee is officially made up of Andy Walker, John Geraghty, Stephen Turner, Gary Loughran, Antti Hynonen, Evan Burton, Kathy Beckett and myself. However, Gary no longer responds to PMs and Stephen is a reluctant moderator and John rarely chooses to vote. I would therefore suggest we acquire some more moderators. I would suggest the following should be asked to become moderators: Peter Lemkin, Bill Kelly, Don Jefferies and Cigdem Göle. It is wrong to target Evan Burton for enforcing the rules. In fact, he is probably the most liberal member of the moderating committee and has constantly argued that members should be given another chance. It was Evan’s idea that Peter Lemkin should be made a moderator. Evan has taken responsibility for asking members to post an avatar. Once you have a rule like this it has to be enforced. For some reason, despite several emails, Evan Marshall has never provided reasons why he has not supplied a photograph as an avatar. If he had done so, we would have considered his case for not having an avatar. I agree with Bill that John Bevilaqua’s posts have become increasing unpleasant. This happened last time he was an active member. However, as far as I know, no one has complained to the moderators about his behaviour until now. I would think there is a good case for him being placed on moderation. This is Bill Kelly's quote which has justifiably incensed me...even though he messed up the
  11. Or perhaps de Mohrenschildt's upcoming Auto-Biography "I'M A NAZI! I'M A NAZI!" Ha! Ha! Ha! Jokes on you!
  12. Notes on Georgie boy found on the web... with elaborations and some deletions... 1. Identified by his wife as being a "Nazi spy" in America. (Worked for Anastase A. Vonsiatky - world vojhd of all "White Russian" spies and saboteurs with headquarters in Harbin, Manchuria. Vonsiatsky was THE Manchurian Candidate in the Condon novel. And Oswald was their "favorite programmed assassin" which is the reason he was chosen as the "perfect patsy" or the "perfect alternative shooter". Whether he fired a shot or not, whether he hit JFK or not, whether he was hypnotized or controlled when he was in the Texas Book Depository or not, just his mere presence in Dallas as a trained former MK/ULTRA assassin, invoked the most "paranoid" of all possible massive cover-ups from every segment of US intelligence agencies and even the US stupidity agencies, too. 2. Befriended Lee Harvey Oswald. Most likely because George was "Oswald's handler" and "Mind Controller" using ManCand training from "Annie" Vonsiatsky. Attended the same ROCOR church where Vonsiatsky got married in New York city and apparently went to the same Sushi restaurants in Harbin, Manchuoko, frequented by Anastease Vonsiatsky who was George's mentor and leader. Often bought Vonsiatsky Borscht, Sushi and a pitcher of "White Russians" to go for their Saturday night War Story Nights with the Boys from Berlin in Harbin. (just kidding) Would sing the Horst Wessel song together until they were hoarse and totally drunk. Gambled frequently with the worthless Czarist Ruble Notes they had both accumulated as if they were going to be invaluable some day. (just cutesy speculation) 3.Employee of Pantepec Oil, owned by the Buckley family. William Buckley, a close friend of CIA man E. Howard Hunt who was both Godfather to Hunt's children and a college classmate of both "THE Manchurian Candidate" from Manchuria, Anastase Vonsiatsky and "head of the American Nazi Party" George Lincoln Rockwell at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. Buckley founded the Young Americans for Freedom and later worked with Rockwell on The American Mercury which was mentioned at The Winnipeg Airport Incident. The owner of the American Mercury was Clendenin J. Ryan, who often sponsored both Ulius Amoss' and Carleton Coon's espionage adventures. Robert Emmett Johnson, who has been identified as one of JFK's shooters, was one of their prize pupils and they passed him on to Ray S. Cline who was in the novel The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon along with Buckley, Morris, Oliver and Vonsiatsky himself. A member and political sponsor of YAF was Senator John Tower, a hard line anti-communist, who signed all the waivers to allow Lee Harvey and Marina Oswald to return to America, despite Oswald's "defection." After the Buckley family Mexican oil interests of Pantepec Oil had been nationalized an infamous threesome rode in John J. Pershing's cavalry after Pancho Villa into New Mexico: James "Hugh" Angleton the father of James "Jesus" Ferguson err... rather James "Jesus" Angleton whose mother was Mexican, George "Otis" Draper [G.O.D], Wickliffe Draper's uncle, and none other than a young Charles Willoughby himself. This was the start of a long-standing relationship between the American Military and American business leaders who had their properties nationalized by upstart nations headed by decidedly non-WASP leadership. Brig. Gen. Smedley Butler, "War is a Racket" organized many comparable expeditions until he finally figured it all out and wrote a tell-all manuscript which I personally introduced to the internet community in the 1990's. Later Butler was asked to become the "Man on the White Horse" after a planned FDR coup in the 1930's by American business leaders, which was documented in "The Plot to Seize the White House" which was written by Jules Archer. The design and leadership of this plot had close parallels to the JFK plots in the late 1950's and the 1960's. Oswald's passage was "expedited" and aided and abetted by Otto F. Otepka, a rabid former McCarhtyite, and head of the State Department's Office of Security and a close friend of Sarah McClendon who later penetrated C.O.P.A. completely unknown to the leadership of that organization. McClendon was very tight with Willoughby, Hargis, Rorke and Edward "Brainwashing" Hunter who has penetrated the minds of most JFK researchers unknown to them. The concept of Oswald actually being assisted by a rabid McCarthyite in the U.S. Passport office, who would later be "fired" by JFK for leaking classified documents to Congress related to the approval/disapproval of the Walt Whitman Rostow nomination, a favorite of JFK. See: "The Strange Ordeal of Otto Otepka" by Richard Gill which was made into a movie short starring Robert J. Morris and J. Strom Thurmond from The Manchurian Candidate. When this Otepka story was first related to me, it was described in very sinister tones as if "The U.S. Government" had assisted Oswald in getting back into the USA, knowing that Oswald was going to kill JFK, when in fact it was the sinister work of McCarthyites and MacArthurites and Condon's Dirty Dozen, whom I do not consider to ever have been part of my "U.S. Government". Do you consider Morris, Willoughby, Buckley, Cline, Angleton, Otepka, Thurmond, Fellers, Oliver, etc. to be part of your "U.S. Government"? I bet most of you would which shows your true allegiances are to McCarthyites and MacArthurites and pro-Nazis and Fascists and certainly NOT to a Democracy. 4. Affiliated with the Howard Hughes organization. Another person affiliated with Howard Hughes was Robert Maheu, who was a security man for H. L. Hunt as well. The Hughes role in the JFK hit if any, has never been proven to my satisfaction. Supported Herbert Hoover in their mutual desire to regain their lost family oil fields and the millions of dollars taken by the "Rooskies." 5. Friend of Clint Murchinson in Dallas. Murchinson was connected to Genovese crime family, (like umbilical cord connected, well connected... get it? or otherwise connected) the alleged financier of the American Nazi party of George Lincoln Rockwell (what is the source for this?), a friend of J. Edgar Hoover. Murchison was extremely anti-Kennedy. (Who wasn't in Texas?) 6. Friend of William Grace. Grace's son. J. Peter, worked with former Nazi spymaster Reinhard Gehlen, who was involved in many anti-Communist crusades. (Gee anti-Communist Nazis, what a total and complete surprise! About as rare as anti-Nazi Jews, too. About as rare as a Jew working for a Nazi at The Liberty Lobby! Seriously though, the only real rarity was maybe a Black Klansman or a "liberal" member of The John Birch Society.) Once won an award from the Pope for his donations toward arch-Catholic anti-Communism. One friend of J. Peter was Frederick Flick (involved with I.G. Farben), whose legal representative was Carl Byvoir, who also represented the Howard Hughes organization. 7. de Mohrenschildt's family managed Nobel Oil (Branobel Oil) in Baku, whose legal representative was John McCloy. McCloy was a consultant to I.G. Farben and was on the Warren Commission as well. Both McCloy and Gen. William F. Draper, Jr. opposed the de-Nazification of of Germany according to Christopher Simpson in Splendid Blond Beast. 8. Employee of Humble Oil, run by Prescott Bush, who allegedly had dealings with I.G. Farben and Union Bank. Anything for a buck maybe? 9. de Mohrenschildt's cousin, the Baron Constantine Maydell, worked for the Abwehr under Reinhard Gehlen. (Gee a White Russian Nazi working for a Nazi . More Nazi spies than you can shake a stick at.) 10. Introduced Oswald to Michael and Ruth Paine who were Dallas John Birchers and pro-Nazis first and foremost who had CIA connections as well. Paines had to know leaders of Dallas John Birch Society including those in Condon's Dirty Dozen, Robert Morris, Edwin Walker and Charles Willoughby although this fact has been either lost in the shuffle or deliberately overlooked in favor of less documented possible CIA connections. Michael Paine worked at Bell Aviation under Walter Dornberger, a former Nazi rocket scientist who came to this country during Operation Paperclip. Ruth Paine got Oswald the job at the book depository. (Wow at $3 per hour. She must have had some pull.) 11. Member of the Dallas Council On World Affairs and The Crusade For A Free Europe. Other members include George Bush, Clint Murchinson, H.L. Hunt, and Abraham Zapruder, and Byrd, the owner of the Texas School Book Depository who got Oswald a front row window seat for the entire JFK parade. 12. Married Jeanne LeGon, the former business partner of Abraham Zapruder. (I don't put much credence in the significance of this one.) 13. Worked closely with many of Richard Condon's Dirty Dozen from Manchurian Candidate including immigration lawyers, The Coudert Brothers in New York City who ran the "White Russian" Nazi Rat Lines from Paris to North America. They also promoted "The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion" with Boris Brasol and Adrian Arcand, and with Robert J. Morris of the Rapp-Coudert Committee, later McCarthyism, seeking to pillory or assassinate communist affiliated schoolteachers. Frederic Rene Coudert also ran William F. Buckley's mayoralty campaign in 1965.
  13. This is a very strange anti-Semitic site with a few interesting anecdotes about the JFK murder and a whole lot of Michael Piper styled Jewish scapegoating... http://christianparty.net/kennedy.htm Just shows you how history can be molded or changed to suit one's biases and perspectives... ...or one's preconceived notions. Pierre Fraisse of Shumaker Company was the Google hit involved here...
  14. Pattern begins to emerge... Was de Mohrenschildt a total loser? (1) de Mohrenschildt was declared 4-F for military service (2) de Mohrenschildt could not even pass a simple Insurance Examination (3) de Mohrenschildt was rejected by the OSS probably because he was a Nazi spy (4) de Mohrenschildt worked for everyone and anyone but mostly rich fascists, Birchers, YAFers and pro-Nazis like Morris, Buckley, the Couderts, H. L. Hunt, etc. (5) de Mohrenschildt was basically Oswald's "Mind Controller" and programmer using MK/ULTRA techniques learned from Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate THE MAN IN THE SHADOWS Part One By Tommy Wilkens This story will be a complete examination of one of the most mysterious individuals that surfaced in the investigation of President John F. Kennedy's assassination .Baron George DeMohrenschildt born April 17, 1911 in Mozyr,Czarist Russia. DeMohrenschildt comes from what is called by-the-Baltic Germans. By-the-Baltic Germans are Germans that lived by the Baltic Sea and they were Russians or rather, Russiafied Germans and they were in the service of the Czar for generations and generations and were considered Russians. Most of them were barons. The "de" in De Mohrenschildt signifies that the family had a title. His father was Baron Sergius Alexander Von Mohrenschildt and his mother was Alexandra Zopalsky. In 1918 DeMohrenschildt lived in Minsk Russia .Sergius was a "marshal of nobility" in the Minsk Province, and he served as director of the Nobel interests in Russia. In 1920 Sergius was seized and put in jail by the Communists for criticizing the Communist Government .By 1921 his father was banished to Siberia after his second arrest,and was sentenced to life imprisonment. In 1922 Sergius was released from prison due to health problems and escaped with his family to Poland were Alexander died soon after from typhoid fever which she had contracted during the escape. In 1929 George DeMohrenschildt volunteered for the Polish Army and attended a Polish military academy in Grudziondz. In 1931 he Graduated from the Polish military academy with rank of sergeant candidate officer. DeMohrenschildt then proceded to Belgium and enrolled in The Institut Superieur de Commerce at Antwerp. DeMohrenschildt then returned to Poland to take part in military summer maneuvrs. In 1936 DeMohrenschildt received his masters degree equivalent from the Institute Superieur de Commerce at Antwerp. DeMohrenschildt then enrolled at the University of Liege.In 1938 DeMohrenschildt received the equivalent of a doctor of science of international commerce from the University of Liege. During this period DeMohrenschildt ran a sports shop business .In May of 1938 DeMohrenschildt emigrated to the United States with approximately $10,000 from his late mother's estate and from the sale of his sports business.His first job upon arriving in New York City was with a perfume company by the name of Chevalier Garde .He then moved on to work for Shumaker & Com .It was during this period DeMohrenschildt met Janet Norton Lee Auchincloss mother of Jacqueline Lee Bouvier who would go on to be one of the most famous women to ever live . Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy. Janet Auchincloss almost married DeMohrenschildt, and her daughter Jackie grew up calling him “Uncle George.†Her father was Wall Street Stockbroker John Vernou Bouvier or better known as "Black Jack Bouvier". In 1939 DeMohrenschildt became involved in the insurance business , but was unable to pass the examination needed to obtain his Ins. agent license. In 1940 DeMohrenschildt worked for the Humble Oil Company in Houston,Texas.During this period DeMohrenschildt was known to have visited the home of Margaret Clark Williams who had a very large oil property in Louisiana.It was here were DeMohrenschildt worked as a oil roughneck, or roustabout for three to four months. During his oil field stint DeMohrenschildt had an accident on the oil rig,and was badly injured .DeMohrenschildt then contracted amoebic dysentery which ended his work as a roustabout. He then returned to New York City to recover from his injuries and illness. After recovering in New York City DeMohrenschildt contacted the Polish Embassy in Washington, D.C. about volunteering to join the Polish Army .He was informed he could not join and then reached out to his Cousin Baron Maydell the year was 1941. DeMohrenschildt began work with Maydell's company, Film Facts,Inc.in New York. De Mohrenschildt said he saw the work as an opportunity to learn something about making documentary movies. With the Baron they made a documentary about the resistance movement in Poland and solicited the sponsorship of the Polish Consulate. DeMohrenschildt said the movie was also used to benefit Polish refugees.In DeMohrenschildt's Central Intelligence Agency file there contains a memo dated July 30, 1942, that referred to some type of film enterprise.There's very little doubt that this enerprise was Film Facts,Inc. of New York. The memo is written by a Ensign Horrigan and directed to Commander Vanderbilt of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). In the memo Ensign Horrigan states that DeMohrenschildt said he was representing an Irish film company that had taken pictures during the Spanish Civil War.Ensign Horrigan wrote DeMohrenschildt's uncle Baron Maydell's apartment was raided and that many films of a pro-Nazi nature were discovered which were intended to show the force and effectiveness of the German Army. This seems to be a turning point for DeMohrenschildt ,it was 1941 and he had moved on to work with Pierre Fraiss at the Shumaker Co. He was assisting Pierre Fraiss in collecting facts on people involved in pro-German activity on behalf of the French intelligence in the United States. DeMohrenschildt himself told the Warren Commission in his testimony that in 1941 he was involved with Pierre Fraiss who was connected with French intelligence work in the United States.At this point George DeMohrenschildt seems to have entered the Intelligence community in some form. After moving to the Dallas/Fort Worth area DeMohrenschildt made several connections about oil companies that had made French purchases.DeMohrenschildt in 1941 had tried to enlist in the United States military but recieved a 4-F deferment.A 4-F defermant means a the person is not acceptable for military service. To be eligible for Class 4-F, a registrant must have been found not qualified for service in the Armed Forces by a Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) under the established physical, mental, or moral standards. This would be a good starting point on figuring out what was the reason that George DeMohrenschildt was rejected from the United States military service . After being turned down for U.S. military service DeMohrenschildt met Lilia Pardo Larin which he called the love of his life .He met Miss Larin through the "King of Bananas" of Brazil, Dr. Paulo Machado. And went to live with her in Mexico. On October 8, 1942 the U.S. Department of State placed a "refusal" or "lookout" in DeMohrenschildt's passport office file. A "lookout" placed on an individuals passport is a red flagging and when this individual applied for any type of passport action the file would be reviewed to determine if the person posed a security threat or had made false statements upon entering the United States.The reason given for the "lookout" in DeMohrenschildt's file was he was alleged to be a German Nazi agent. After a courtship with Miss Larin DeMohrenschildt returned to the Texas area for a visit and possible more .The Car DeMohrenschildt and Miss Larin occupied was stopped by several FBI agents at Corpus Christi Texas and agents accused DeMohrenschildt of taking pictures and sketching a military Coast Guard Instillation and being possibley a German Nazi spy.After being detainned several hours the couple was allowed to cross the border into Mexico .DeMohrenschildt and Miss Larin remained in Mexico for the next 9 months.With his savings DeMohrenschildt invested in a local sugar company.After local Mexican officials determined DeMohrenschildt was involved in an illicit relationship with Miss Larin DeMohrenschildt was escourted back to the United States. After resurfacing in 1942 DeMohrenschildt met Dorothy Pierson of Palm Beach Florida. After a year long courtship DeMohrenschildt married Miss Pierson in 1943.Shortly after his marriege DeMohrenschildt an amature artist exhibited several paintings at the Newton Gallery in New York City.His marriege to Dorothy Pierson was short lived and ended in a divorce. By 1944 DeMohrenschildt traveled back to Texas. Got a student loan from the Russian Student fund. He then applied to the Colorado School of Mines,to the Rice Institute and the University of Texas. DeMohrenschildt chose and entered the University of Texas School of Geology with a minor in petroleum engineering. By 1945 DeMohrenschildt had received his masters degree in petroleum geology.After graduation he was hired by Pantepec Oil Company as a field engineer in Venezuela .After a short stint with Pantepec Oil DeMohrenschildt returned to the United States in 1946 . DeMohrenschildt then landed a job with the Rangely Field Committee in Colorado and worked in drilling statisitcs and technology.On a vacation to New York City DeMohrenschildt met Phyllis Washington . And once agian after a short romance DeMohrenschildt married Miss Washington in a private ceremony .With his new wife in tow DeMohrenschildt went for the first time to Haiti and began establishing a mining and development business in the year 1947 .With very little success DeMohrenschildt returned to the United States in July of 1949 and became an American citizen. After a short two years DeMohrenschildt was divorced agian .Trying to make a new start in 1950 DeMohrenschildt moved to Denver Colarado and formed the Hooker and DeMohrenschildt partnership with Edward Hooker.It was a partnership in drilling and leases .By 1951 DeMohrenschildt had found love once agian with Miss Wynne Sharples.After a short period DeMohrenschildt was married to Wynne Sharples .The partnership with Edward Hooker ended in 1952 and DeMohrenschildt with his new wife returned to New York City .After returning to New York the couple had a son Sergei DeMohrenschildt and then a year later in 1954 they had a daughter Nayda DeMohrenschildt.Later in the year 1954 DeMohrenschildt formed with the help from his wife Wynnes uncle Colonel Edward J.Walz the Waldon Oil Company .The short lived venture ended before 1956 . DeMohrenschildt then took a job back in Haiti with the Sinclair Oil Company .At this point it seems DeMohrenschildt has turned into a globetrotter traveling to Nigeria,France,Mexico,Togoland on oil exploration ventures.And then becomes affiliated with the Pantetec Oil Company and goes to Cuba.And travels for the Charmax Company the Cuban Venezuelan Trust Company the Warren-Smith Company, the Three States Oil and Gas Company, and the Legman Trading Corporation .In 1957 DeMohrenschildt is contacted by the Core Laboratory of Dallas Texas about doing work in Yugoslavia for The International Cooperation Administration and the Yugoslavia Government .Also in 1957 his marriage to Wynne Sharples comes to an end in divorce .From Feb.to Oct.1957 DeMohrenschildt worked in Yugoslavia under the "ICA" the International Cooperation Administration.The Yugoslavian Government accused DeMohrenschildt of making sketches and drawings of several Yugoslavian military fortifications .At this point it becomes crystal clear that George DeMohrenschildt is some type of Intelligence agent or informant.This makes the second time in a short few years that DeMohrenschildt was caught taking pictures and making sketches of military instillations.After leaving Yugoslavia DeMohrenschildt returns to Texas the Dallas /Fort Worth area .In 1958 DeMohrenschildt meets Miss Jeanne Le Gon and after a short courtship the couple is married in Dallas Texas .In the later part of 1958 DeMohrenschildt along with his newest bride returns to Yugoslavia to develop a drilling venture using Yugoslavian labor for Mr. John Mecom of the Cardwell Tool Corp.After returning to the United States in 1959 DeMohrenschildt visits the Dominican Embassy in Washington D.C.to discuss a oil drilling project .By 1960 DeMohrenschildt is working for the Texans Eastern Corp.and is sent to Mexico City Mexico were he almost has a chance encounter with Anastas Mikoyan of the Soviet Union.But after reconsidering and worried that the Texan Easten Corp.might refuse to do further work with him he and wife Jeanne decide she should go and meet the Russian leader which she does and tells Mikoyan he should come to Texas and the DeMohrenschildt's would prepair him a home cooked Russian dinner .In the early 60's Anastas Mikoyan was the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet .Under Nikita Khrushchev, Mikoyan was the second most powerful man in the Soviet Union .There is speculation that indeed DeMohrenschildt did meet with Anastas Mikoyan .After returning to Texas in late 1960 DeMohrenschildt's son Sergei DeMohrenschildt dies from cystic fibrosis. DeMohrenschildt after the tragic loss of his son becomes the chairman of the Cystic Fibrosis fund of Dallas Texas.He then becomes the founder of The National Cystic Fibrosis Foundation with his old friend Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy as the honorary chairwomen.At this point DeMohrenschildt in deep grief over the death of his only son makes plans with wife Jeanne for a walking tour of Mexico along the old trails of the the Spaniards as they went through Mexico during the days of the Conquistadors.If looked at carefully this appears to be a cover story for DeMohrenschildt to travel through many countries and collecting pictures and any pertinet information along the way . DeMohrenschildt started collecting information on routes of the Spaniards in Mexico and all throughout Central America, and possibly all the way to South America. So DeMohrenschildt and wife set out from a ranch on the border of Mexico and the United States. The ranch is owned by a friend of the DeMohrenschildt's. Tito and Conchita Harper of Piadras Negras a little Mexican town opposit the bordertown Eagle Pass Texas.The trip lasted over eight months and covered over 4,000 miles .Went through Guatemala, San Salvador ,Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and ended at the Panama Canal . DeMohrenschildt and wife tramped through the jungles of South America fully armed with a pistol and shot gun .They used a large mule to carry there personal belongings and the photo and camera equipment that they used along there route ,which they kept coverd with large rags on the mules back when not in use so the natives and people they came across wouldn't realize that they were taking pictures of almost everything they came across.Once agian we have DeMohrenschildt taking pictures and making sketchs of different things in different countries . Part Two By Tommy Wilkens .In early 1962 after returning from his 4000 mile walking trip DeMohrenshieldt was off agian to set up a project to review mining resources in the country of Haiti .By the summer of 1962 he had returned to Lousiana by way of the Lykes Line shipping Company. DeMohrenshieldt then began doing geology consulting work in Dallas Texas . At this point DeMohrenshieldt and wife Jeanne had settled into the Dallas/Ft. Worth area .By 1950 an avalanche of displaced persons from Europe came to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area . Well over half a hundred people had come from various parts of the former Russian Empire.They were not all Russian but some were Estonians,Lithuanians,Poles,Georgians,Armenians .This group was known as the Dallas White Rissian Community. These people came together in an effort to help others who had just come from Europe and who had difficulty with the English language and to help them become useful members of the community and become self-sufficient .And George DeMohrenshieldt became a peripheral member of this group .Another member was Peter Gregory a native of Siberia . A Russian speeking petrolem engineer who taught a free class of the Russian lanuage at the Fort Worth Public Library .It was here at the library that Peter Gregory was approached by a young man by the name of Lee Harvey Oswald .Oswald had asked Gregory for a letter of recomendation conserning his abilty to speek the Russian language .After learning a bit about Oswald and his time in Russia and his Russian born wife Marina Nikolaevna Oswald .Gregory invited Oswald and his wife to attend a party at his home on Saturday, August 25, 1962 were they could meet several members of the White Russian Community .Attending this party was George Alexandraovitch Bouhe the leader of the Dallas White Russian Community .It was George Bouhe who told George DeMohrenshieldt about the young man by the name of Lee Harvey Oswald who had defected to the Soviet Union and had returned with a young Russian bride and was now looking for friendship in Dallas's White Russian Community .DeMohrenshieldt immediately took an interest in Oswald and his wife .Within several days DeMohrenshieldt and his very close friend Colonel Lawrence Orlov a retired Air Force colonel payed the Oswald's a visit at there rented home at 2703 Mercedes Street Fort Worth,Texas .DeMohrenshieldt took such an interest in the Oswalds he invited them to several more dinner parties and assited Marina with recieving dental work at Baylor University Dental Clinic were young up and coming dentistry students did dental work for low income individuals for free or at a very reduced rate. DeMohrenshieldt even tried to help Lee Oswald find employment through several friends of his in the White Russian Community and other associates.After several visits DeMohrenshieldt found that Marina was being abused and intervened and helped Marina move first to the home of Mrs Anna Meller,then for a very short stay with Anna Ray and Katya Ford. DeMohrenshieldt doing some background checking on his new friend Lee Harvey Oswald asked associate Max Clark a local Dallas attorney to check him out.Clark informed DeMohrenshieldt Oswalds seems to be no threat . Max Clark was also donating money to help Marina Oswald while DeMohrenschildt got Lee his next job in Dallas. He found one at the graphics house of Jagger-Chiles-Stovall, which held classified military contracts. DeMohrenshieldt had contacted J.Walton Moore for some background information on his new friend Lee Harvey Oswald .Seems very strange that an everyday citizen busness man like George DeMohrenshieldt was suppose to have been , would go to the local C.I.A. offices in Dallas for information on a new aquitence of his.Its actually almost unbelievable unless DeMohrenshieldt had some ties to the intelligence community . In 1963 J. Walton Moore was employed by the Central Intelligence Agency in Dallas, Tex., in the Domestic Contacts Division. According to Moore's CIA personnel file, he was assigned to the Domestic Contacts Division in 1948. Moore's duties in the Dallas office were contacting individuals in the area who had information on foreign countries and foreign topics. It has been reported that Moore had suggested that DeMohrenshieldt strike up an acquaintance with Oswald .Of course in later years both men denied this .It seems at this point that DeMohrenschildt is setting something into motion .After many private visites with Oswald it seems the guiding forces are setting up and being put into place.Oswald is rejecting all the White Russian Community members.His only friend now is George DeMohrenshieldt .Even George Bouhe who testified before the Warren Commission said almost all the members of the Dallas White Russian Community felt something wasn't right with the Oswald's and they didn't want them at anymore of there gatherings.Bouhe said in his testimony before the Warren Commission that several of the White Russian Community had said that they felt Marina Oswald might be some type of a superagent of some orginization .The former Russians thought it was almost incredible that Lee Harvey Oswald and Marina Nikolaevna Oswald had left Russia with such ease.All said it normally took years and years and years if ever to be permitted to leave the Soviet Union .One group member even said that his wifes mother had passed away and it took several years before they were even contacted and told of her death .This easy exit of Lee Oswald and his wife from the Soviet Union stuck out like a sore thumb .And all the White Russian Community in Dallas knew it .On one of the many visits to the Oswald home Marina Oswald shows Jeanne DeMohrenshieldt a hidden rifle with a scope on it in the Oswalds closet .Jeanne calles out to George and says ,"look George Lee has a rifle" and this was just several days after a shot had been fired at Major General Edwin "Ted" Walker . Walker had become a lightning rod for anti-communist controversy .Walker was known to have distributed right-wing literature from the John Birch Society to the soldiers of his division. In 1959 Major General Walker was sent to Germany to command the 24th Infantry Division. Later he became involved in controversy when he initiated an anti-communist indoctrination program for troops .Shortly after this incident Walker was relieved of his command but continued to be very outspoken and traveled the United States giving anti-communist speechs .It was during this period April 1963 that someone had made an attemp on Walkers life by shooting through a window at Walker's home with a high powered rifle .After this incident on one of his many visits with the Oswald's DeMohrenschildt asked Lee Oswald had he in fact taken a potshot at Major General Walker .One has to wonder if this incident wasn't a prelude to something bigger that was being set up and put into motion .On February 22,1963 the DeMohrenschildt's attend a dinner party at the home of Everett Glover . Everett Glover was a chemist at Magnolia Laboratories and Standard Oil of New York Research Laboratories.The DeMohrenschildt's bring the Oswald's to this gathering and also in attendence is Mrs Ruth Hyde Paine .Several members of the White Russian Communty had mentioned that once Ruth Paine set eyes on Marina Oswald they got the feeling that it was something more than just a casual frindeship and some even suspected a romatic look about it .As of today there are released documents showing that Ruth Paine's sister worked for the CIA, and her father was an informant for the C.I.A.. By July 1963 Ruth Paine invites Marina to live with her separately from her husband Lee Oswald .Its Ruth Paine who gets Lee Oswald his final job at The Texas School Book Depository .The DeMohrenschildt's during this same period took the Oswalds to a dinner party at the home of Adm. Chester Bruton.There has been speculation that Adm. Bruton had close ties to the ONI "Office Of Navel Intelligence" . On June 2nd 1963 the DeMohrenschildt's moved to Haiti, where he and several other investors had set up an industrial development enterprise whose work was to include conducting a geological survey of Haiti to plot out oil and geological resources on the island .DeMohrenschildt had worked out a contract with the Haitian Government, which guaranteed that he would be paid $285,000 for the survey $20,000 was paid in cash and the remainder was to be paid out in a 10-year concession on a sisal plantation .DeMohrenschildt associate Clemard Joseph Charles a Haitian banker did the administrative work on the sisal plantation while DeMohrenschildt pursued his geological work. With this move the DeMohrenschildt's would never see the Oswald's agian .According to State Department documents, DeMohrenschildt stated that the undertaking in Haiti was a purely commercial and geological interest, with no other "purpose or intent. DeMohrenschildt explained that the office he used in Port-au-Prince was in fact the office of the Inter-American Geodetic Survey, but that the maps and studies he developed were not to be used by any nation or group for any other type of work other than his own geological interests. Once agian State Department documents show in the spring of 1963 Clemard Joseph Charles the Haitian banker through whom George DeMohrenschildt was negotiating his Haitian contracts had phoned Dorothe Matlack of the office of the Army Chief of Staff for Intelligence . The purpose of the call was to arrange a meeting between Charles and an Agency representative . Dorothe Matlack who testified before the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1979 stated that she served as Assistant Director of the Office of Intelligence of the Army until her retirement in 1974. Matlack's main job functions included gathering "human source collection of intelligence" and involved serving in a liaison capacity with the Central Intelligence Agency. Mrs. Matlack arranged the meeting with Clemard Joseph Charles to take place in downtown Washington D.C. .Knowing of Charles' relationship to President Duvalier of Haiti and Haiti's strategic position relative to Fidel Castro's Island country of Cuba Mrs. Matlack arranged for Tony Czaikowski of the CIA, who was introduced to Charles as a professor from Georgetown University. Dorothe Matlack described Charles as "frantic and frightened" during the meeting. Charles urged Mrs. Matlack to get the U.S. Marines to invade Haiti and overthrow Devalier.Mrs. Matlack said George and Jeanne DeMohrenschildt accompanied Charles to this meeting and that their presence was a "total surprise" to her. She did not know what role DeMohrenschildt was serving, but felt he "dominated" Clemard Joseph Charles in some way. Mrs. Matlack said that despite the explanation of Charles and DeMohrenschildt the two were in the jute business together, Although later before the House Select Committee on Assassinations Dorothe Matlack would say she didn't honestly believe that was the reason for their presence together at the meeting.Referring to George DeMohrenschildt, Mrs. Matlack said, "I knew the Texan wasn't there to sell hemp." Later Mrs. Matlack said she was so disturbed by DeMohrenschildt at the meeting that she discussed it with the FBI liaison, Pat Putnam. Mrs.Matlack said she never heard what action, if any, was taken by the FBI about DeMohrenschildt. Part Three By Tommy Wilkens On November 22nd 1963 George DeMohrenshieldt and his wife were driving from a reception at the Syrian Embassy where they had just heard the news of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The DeMohrenshieldt's were driving to the house of a friend who worked at the American Embassy . They were listening to a radio in the house of an employee of the Embassy in Port au Prince, mentioned was the the name of the presumable assassin was something Lee, and he said, "Could it be Lee Oswald ? George and Jeanne DeMohrenshieldt are now gripped with fear .Privately the DeMohrenshieldt's knew that they had both seen the rifle with the scope in the Oswald's closet and they both knew that they had even mentioned the General Walker incident with Lee Oswald .DeMohrenshieldt knows how many private conversations he's had with Lee Oswald and about what , no one will ever know. Even being in another country DeMohrenshieldt must have had the horriable realization that he was going to be sucked into one of the most horrible events in the United States history .George and Jeanne DeMohrenshieldt return to there private living quarters and decided they should contact the authorities in the United States and offer any assistance that they could offer being that they had known the accused assissin Lee Harvey Oswald .Once the local Haitian Government had found out that the DeMohrenshieldt's had known the accused assissin of Americas new young President things became somewhat untrustful and DeMohrenshieldtis is now worried his exclusive contract with the Haitian Government might be in jeopardy .Although the DeMohrenshieldt's stay and live in total obscurity in Haiti for the next ten years .In the United States President Lyndon Johnson appoints a commission of hand picked public servents to collect all the facts on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.This group will come to be known as The Warren Commission .One of the first individuals called before the Commission is Marina Oswald the former wife of the accused assissin Lee Harvey Oswald .It's Marina's testimony of her husbands friendship with George DeMohrenshieldt that brings the Warren Commission to call DeMohrenshieldt back from Haiti to testifie in March of 1964 .Once DeMohrenshieldt has testified before the Warren Commission he returns to Haiti and lives in seclusion and gives no more interviews until he returns to the United States in 1977 .It is during this period that DeMohrenshieldt begins to feel that he is being tied to the Kennedy assassination and he writes a personal letter to the director of the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) George H.W. Bush .Records show that Bush sent DeMohrenshieldt a replie letter and spoke to him as if he knew him almost as a friend .Even went as far as to call him by his first name "George" The letter dated September 28th 1976 with the Central Intelligence Agency heading said this .Dear George. Please forgive the delay in my replie to your September 5th letter. It took time to explore thoroughly the matters you raised .Let me say first that I know it must have been difficult for you to seek my help in the situation outlined in your letter .I believe I can appreciate your state of mind in view of your daughters tragic death a few years ago and the current poor state of your wifes health.I was extremely sorry to hear of these circumstances .In your situation, I can well imagine how you discribed in your letter have effected you and your wife. However my staff has been unable to find any indication of interest on your activities on the part of the Federal Authorities in recent years .The flurry of interest that attended your testimoney before the Warren Commisson has long since subsided .I can only speculate that you may have become "newsworthy" agian in the view of the renewed interest in the Kenndey assassination and,thus,may be attracting the people of the media.I hope this letter has been of some comfort for you ,George ,although I relize I am unable to answer your question compleatly.Thank you for your good wishs on my new job.As you can imagine, I am finding it interesting and challenging..Very truely yours...George H.W. Bush Director of the C.I.A..It just seems somewhat odd that such a personal letter would be sent from the director of the C.I.A to a person who claims to have never had a thing to do with this agencey .This letter seems to prove that George DeMohrenschildt did in fact have some kind of ties to the C.I.A.. Also in the spring of 1967 records show that DeMohrenschildt made contact with Aristotle Onassis and informed the Greek shipping tycoon that he had something of great importance to tell him .He asked Onassis for plane fair to Paris France for a personal meeting. It was said that Onassis refused to see him and had even said he didn't want to be within ten thousand miles of George DeMohrenschildt . In May 1978 the House Select Committee on Assassinations received information that a stockbroder in Palm beach, Fla., had known George DeMohrenschildt in Haiti. The information came from Jack Cogswell of Palm Beach Fla..An associate of Cogswell's Joseph Dryer who was a stockbroker with Loeb & Rhodes & Co. in Palm Beach Fla.had offered information about George DeMohrenschildt . Joseph Dryer said he knew DeMohrenschildt in Haiti, DeMohrenschildt's behavior was "strange" and included following people in his car. Dryer said that DeMohrenschildt was associated with a man named Clemard Joseph Charles who was the president of a bank in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Dryer stated that he was told by Clemard Joseph Charles that a large amount of money had been placed in DeMohrenschildt's account in Charles' bank just before De Mohrenschildt left Haiti in 1967. Joseph Dryer was interviewed by the House Select Committee on Assassinations in Palm Beach on July 6,1978. At that time, Dryer said that in the early 1950's he became involved in a program sponsored by the U.S. Government to develop a subsitiute for Jute. Dryer explained that the Government's interest was in helping Caribbean and Latin American countries develop their own jute producing capacity and thereby saving millions in the import of the product from other areas of the world. In connection with that program, Dryer set up a jute subidiary operation in Cuba, the North Atlantic Fiber Corp. Dryer said that in 1958,Francois Duvalier, the President of Haiti, sent an emissary to Cuba to discuss the prospects for a jute enterprise in Haiti; Dryer said the emissary was Clemard Joseph Charles. Dryer reported additionally that Charles was involved in the mid-1960's in a deal with President Lyndon Johnson to buy jets in Texas. According to Dryer, the deal did not go through, but he said Clemard Joseph Charles may have had a successful deal for the sale of gunboats. Dryer said Charles had "many connections" with the Central Intelligence Agency, and Dryer believed the Agency may once have "planted" a spy on Clemard Joseph Charles. Dryer said he met George DeMohrenschildt through Clemard Joseph Charles.Dryer said that DeMohrenschildt claimed he came to Haiti to scout for oil, but Dryer stated that "I could never figure out what he did." Dryer expressed the firm belief that DeMohrenschildt had "some intelligence connection," of some kind . But Dryer did not know with which country DeMohrenschildt had his intelligence connection . Dryer went on to say that, himself and Clemard Joseph Charles and DeMohrenschildt were associated with a woman named Jacqueline Lancelot who owned a well-known restaurant in Petionville, Haiti. Dryer said the restaurant was often frequented by many American intelligence personnel from the American Embassy and other foreigners .Jacqueline Lancelot had contact with the American intelligence operatives and passed them information about the Duvalier government.Dryer's relationship with Jacqueline Lancelot included passing messages for her to people in the United States whom Dryer assumed were connected in some way to the CIA .Dryer said one of those contacts was a person who worked for French intelligence and cooperated with the CIA .In 1978, the person lived in the Southern part of the United States. Dryer said in the interview that Jacqueline Lancelot told him shortly after the Kennedy assassination that a "substantial" sum of money, $200,000 or $250,000, had been deposited in George DeMohrenschildt's bank account in Port-au-Prince. According to Jacqueline Lancelot, it was not deposited in Clemard Joseph Charles's Banque Commerciale of Port-au-Prince,Jacqueline Lancelot said although she did not know to whom the money was payed out to ,she did know that George DeMohrenschildt left Haiti soon after. According to Dryer, Jacqueline Lancelot told to him that President Duvalier had once implied that the American President (John F.Kennedy) might not remain in office .Jacqueline Lancelot reportedly said that during a speech to Haitian troops in a port city, Duvalier allegedly said that "The Big Man in the White House wasn't going to be there much longer." Jacqueline Lancelot did tell Dryer that she was not sure if that statement was made by President Duvalier before or after President Kennedy's assassination. During the interview with the House Select Committee on Assassinations investigator, Dryer was asked if he were familiar with the names of a number of people who may have had some connection or association with George DeMohrenschildt. Of the names, Dryer was given he said he recognized Dorothe Matlack and William Avery Hyde. He remembered Dorothe Matlack as one of the people Clemard Joseph Charles asked Dryer to contact for him in the United States. Dryer could not remember in what connection William Avery Hyde's name had been used by DeMohrenschildt .The possible association between George DeMohrenschildt and William Avery Hyde may have some significance because Hyde is the father of Ruth Hyde Paine,The woman with whom Marina Oswald was living at the time of the assassination.The same Ruth Hyde Paine that documents showed that her sister was an employee of the C.I.A and whos father was also known to be a C.I.A informant . Part Four Headlines New York Post "KEY JFK WITNESS KILLS HIMSELF." March 31, 1977 Palm Beach Florida .It was this headline that Americans would see and wonder if one more key witness to the events surrounding John F. Kennedy's assassination might have just slipped away from us all .In reality George DeMohrenshieldt was most likely the key individual that could have possible opened the door of silence that had been closed so tightly within hours of the actual assassination .It was George DeMohrenshieldt who had befriended Lee Oswald in those months that led up to the most shocking event in modern time .Only DeMohrenshieldt knew the true mind set of Lee Oswald .One must wonder was DeMohrenshieldt just a part of a cabal that had been put into place by some rough elements of some intellegence agency or maybe a small group of shadowy oil barons or the unthinkable a small group of Americas own political leaders .Had this cabal been so finely tuned that no one could ever be held responsible for those horrable few moments in Dealy Plaza .Or at least not beyond Lee Harvey Oswald and George DeMohrenshieldt .Had these two souls been the sacrificial lambs in the plot to kill John F.Kennedy ? It was a crisp March morning in 1977 in Manalapan, Florida .George DeMohrenshieldt had risen early that final day of his life .He had taken a early morning walk along the beach front there at 1780 South Ocean Shore Boulevard .In his thoughts we are left to only speculate .No one will ever know what demonds had haunted DeMohrenshieldt for all those years since that faitfull day in November of 1963 .One thing we do know though is DeMohrenshieldt was to meet with a writer by the name of Edward Epstein at the Breakers Hotel, in Palm Beach Florida .Epstein was writing an artical for Reader's Digest Magizine .It was to be a four day interview and DeMohrenshieldt was to be payed $1000 per day plus the use of a Hertz rental car .DeMohrenshieldt had arrived in West Palm Beach,Florida, on the evening of March, 16 1977 He had come to Florida by way of a Grey Hound bus from New York City .DeMohrenshieldt had just returned from a supposed business trip to Belgium .Although some very strange circumstances surrounded the Belgium trip, Just two weeks before he had turned up at the Tilton home in Florida, De Mohrenschildt had literally "vanished" from the Hotel Metropole in Brussels. He left in such hast he left his luggage, raincoat and pipe behind in his room just minutes before he had been scheduled to meet with a Soviet diplomat. After he was reported missing in Belgium, he had reportedly flown from London to New York.DeMohrenshieldt then left for Florida by way of a Grey Hound bus.Upon arriving at the Grey Hound bus station he was met by Mrs.Nancy Tilton and Miss Katherine Loomis of Mexico City. DeMohrenshieldt's only baggage was a green attache case and a few articles of clothing. He was taken to C.E. Tilton III and Nancy Tilton's ocean-side home .At the time C.E. Tilton was visiting at the Tiltons other home in Arizona .This ocean-side home by any standards would be considered a mansion . Appon arriving DeMohrenshieldt is reunited with his daughter, Alexandra DeMohrenshieldt also of Mexico City .Its Alexandras ex husband Gary Taylor who told the Warren Commission that he firmly believed that if there was assitance or plotters in the assassination of President John F.Kennedy it was in his opion that most likely the DeMohrenschildt's were involved. These last few days of George DeMohrenshieldt's life were spent with liesure walks on the beach and reading . And one can only imagine the deep dark horrible secrets that must have filled DeMohrenshieldt's mind constantly reminding him that he could never reveal anything to anyone ,only for him to bare alone . DeMohrenshieldt left for the Breakers Hotel and met with Epstein and his research assistant, Nancy Lanoue .For several hours DeMohrenshieldt told of his early years and the battles his family had fought to escape from the Russian empire .DeMohrenshieldt spoke of his friendship with Lee Harvey Oswald and his deep fears after realizing Oswald had most likely taken that potshot at General Edwin Walker and then in later years finding in some old pictures that had been placed in storage the famous backyard photo showing Lee Harvey Oswald with the rifle with scope and the pistol strapped to his side and on the back signed to Geoege DeMohrenshieldt from his friend Lee Oswald .It was at this moment DeMohrenshieldt said he felt ruined for life .It was now around the mid day point and the three decided to break for lunch. They had agreed to meet again at 3 p.m..This meeting would never take place .Once DeMohrenshieldt arrives back at the Tilton home he is informed that Mr.Gaeton Fonzi a top investigator for the House Select Committee on Assassinations had come to visit with Mr.DeMohrenshieldt and had left his identification card and that he would be returning that very afternoon to interview him. Upon recieving this card and being informed of this DeMohrenshieldt was visibly shaken when he learned that Fonzi was going to return and interview him . No one will ever know what really happened after Geoege DeMohrenshieldt returned to Nancy Tilton's ocean side home and heard the news of an investigator from the House Select Committee on Assassinations had come calling .Had the deep dark secrets that had haunted DeMohrenshieldt for all those years were finally going to be brought to the surface or was the possible cabal he might have been involved with all those years ago finally feeling he was to close to possible revealing the truths of who was really behind the assassination of John F. Kennedy . What we do know is at about two thirty in the afternoon of March 29th 1977 George DeMohrenshieldt was found by his daughter Alexandra in the upstairs hallway of the Tilton home sitting in a high backed chair with a massive double barrel .20-gauge shotgun wound to the head . Shot gun at his feet, massive amounts of blood dripping from his mouth .George DeMohrenshieldt was dead at the age of 65 . To most this final ending of this very mysteries man might seem like a simple suicide , case closed .But like almost everything that George DeMohrenshieldt was ever involved with there were some very strange circumstances surrounding his death .On the afternoon of the 29th of March Mrs. Tilton had left the house around the noon hour and went to play cards with several ladie friends of hers in Palm Beach .So she was not in the house when the death occured . Before she left to go to Palm Beach she had left instructions with Anna Vilsola her domestic helper to place her cassette tape recorder near the television in her bedroom and record two of her favorite day time Soap Operas, so that when she returned she could listen to the tape recording and be able to follow the story line. Miss Lillian Romanic who was the live in cook for the Tilton home who resided in a small bedroom off the main floor kitchen .Along with Coley Wimbley the live-in grounds keeper who resided in a small apartment in the detached garage from the main house . Mrs. Viisola had said the day of the death she did not see or hear anything suspicious or out of the ordinary. She did not see any strangers in or around the residence and did not have reason to suspect that someone had entered the house without her knowing it .She said she never heard a shotgun blast .Coley Wimbley who worked watering flowers around the main house also said he heard no shot gun blast .The Tilton home is equipted with a security alarm system for all doors and windows .If any door or window is opened there is an audible beep which is heard throughout the house. Dianne and Laurie Tisdale were working in an apartment above the garage at the Tilton residence, at the time of the incident.They were fixing the apartment up so that Laurie Tisdale could move into it .Neither of them stated that they heard a shot gun blast or were suspicious that anything strange or unusual had occurred in the main house.So at this point there are four people either in the Tilton home or very near by the main house on the grounds ,and no one hears a double barrel .20-gauge shot gun blast in the upsatirs hallway . Alexandra DeMohrenschieldt and Katherine Loomis went shopping in Boynton Beach .When they returned home they entered the house by the rear kitchen door and inquired of Anna Viisola where her father was. Anna Viisola had last seen George DeMohrenshieldt upstairs. Miss DeMohrenschieldt walked to the second floor, entered her father's bedroom and placed the bag on a dresser. She then looked to her left and saw her father bent over in the hallway chair with a pool of blood and shotgun at his feet. She screamed and alerted the household to what had happened.Patrolman Don McBride of the Manalapan Police Department was the first law enforcment officer on the scene.Patrolman McBride after a search of DeMohrenschildt's pockets he had found a newspaper article from the March 20, 1977 edition of the Dallas Morning News, which indicated that George DeMohrenshieldt may possibly have been involved in or have knowledge of some type of conspiracy in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy .Upon listening to the tape recording that was made to record the Soap Operas its been reported that you hear a beep which indicated that the door had been opened , then you hear what sounds like footsteps and then a very loud shotgun blast sound .For some reason this was never investigated or persued by the local Law inforcment investigators . This examination of George DeMohrenschieldt's life and death gives us but a small glimps of a man who few of us ever knew or even ever heard of .Norman Mailer said in his book that George DeMohrenschieldt was an eclecticism that made him delight in presenting himself as right wing but also left wing a moralist but also an immoralist an aristocrat an a nihilist a bohemian but also a socialte an intimate of oil tycoons a Republican but a Kennedy lover a snob and an athheist plus a quonduan nazi apoligist once a year .When one looks at this it’s shows that George DeMohrenschieldt lived a double life and fit the mold of a covert operative of some kind. His life was played out in the shadows .Always one step ahead .No one will ever know what he did or didn't do .No one will ever know who he worked for.No one will ever know what his influince was .At this point it seems no one will ever know how he really died . He was friends with rich and famous people ,even Presidents , but yet also friends with the most lowly of souls.He was most likely our last chance to know what really happened in Dealy Plaza in November of 1963 .
  15. I should explain why it took me a while to get onto the de Mohrenschildt bandwagon relatively late in the game but some of my recent research has piqued my endless curiousity once again. The ironic part is that his background and that of most of the other Dallas petroleum geologists circulating in his orbit were "White Russians", ex-Czarists, and supporters of other blatant pro-Fascists, palpable pro-Nazis and those with similar backgrounds and proclivities. My travels actually led me to his fearless leader, Anastase Vonsiatsky, who had his headquarters in Harbin, Manchuria where over 100,000 of their "White Russian" compatriots were living in exile from Communist Russia just waiting for their chance to retake Moscow. Wonder what they ate in Japanese occupied Manchuria as White Russians? Sushi with chopsticks? Szechuan Chinese cuisine with Tsingtao beer chasers? Or Borscht and other delicacies such as Veal Orloff, Beef Stroganoff, Chicken Kiev, and Sharlotka (Charlotte Russe)? Regardless, they thrived and survived for decades in Harbin where the infamous Harbin lead pencils are still made today. Did you ever wonder what the word Harbin meant on your elementary school yellow pencils with the pink eraser? Well wonder no more. It must have been a early mind control plot to control what you wrote. Many of you must be using Harbin pencils today. (just kidding) Some of you have an extended history with Mind Control and Beef Stoganoff it appears. (Not kidding) The brand new lead regarding Coudert Brothers Law Firm, who ran the "White Russian Rat Lines" from Paris to New York city, and de Mohrenschildt's background in the Baku Oil fields in Russia with not only Branobel Oil Company run by the Nobels of Nobel Peace Price fame but also the Buckley oil interests in Pantapec Oil is what has gotten me interested in Georgie boy once again. Remember that Buckley's father, Wickliffe Draper's uncle George Otis Draper, and Charles Willoughby himself himself all rode in John J. Pershing's cavalry chasing after Pancho Villa into New Mexico after World War I. It was the start of a long standing partnership and a recurring theme: "the revenge of the blue bloods" against upstart foreign renegades and "banditos" who represented countries that tried to appropriate US investments in foreign countries which would last for more almost 100 years and it is still going on today. There was no OSS, no CIA and no formal Army Intelligence but there always was this internecine relationship between American businessmen and the US Military which came into play whenever these "banditos" started to hit the bluebloods in the pocketbook. Sounds obvious, but it is important to realize the origins of this theme and its eventual maturation into today's incarnation. Read: "War is a Racket." by General Smedley Butler. Clearly the gist of this posting reveals that Georgie boy was a Reinhard von Gehlen Nazi-boy... George de Mohrenschildt: Oswald’s “Handler?” George de Mohrenschildt was born in Moyzr, Russia, to anti-Bolshevik activist Sergius Alexander von Mohrenschildt, on April 17th 1911. After his father was sentenced to a Siberian exile after the Russian Revolution, his family fled to Poland, where George attended a military academy. In 1938, he migrated to America, and was kept under FBI surveillance due to his Nazi connections: his cousin, the Baron Constantine Maybell, worked directly under Reinhard Gehlen at Abwehr, the massive Nazi intelligence agency that planted agents within America. Gehlen put Maydell in charge of CIA’s Russian émigré program, in which Nazi agents infiltrated Russian organizations in the US. If Counterterrorist stumbles across this, he might have a few interesting things to say about the Abwhr. Furthermore, Mohrenschildt’s wife claimed that he [George] was a Nazi-spy in America. This very well may be true, because in 1941, Mohrenschildt worked at Film Facts, a New York based production company run by Maydell. In this time period, Mohrenschildt attempted to join the OSS but was rejected, and he made a documentary about the Polish Freedom Fighters. Interestingly, his brother, Dimitri von Mohrenschildt, was a member of the OSS, as well as a founder of CIA’s Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty. The other two founders were Maydell’s employeer, Reinhard Gehlen, and J. Peter Grace, whose has other ties to George. Mohrenschildt in this time also worked for the Shumaker company in New York, under a man named Pierre Fraiss, who maintained a connection with French intelligence forces. He also spent considerable time with the Bouvier family, and of course, Jackie Bouvier was later become Jackie Kennedy. After getting his petroleum geology degree in 1949, Mohrenschildt took a job in Dallas for Clint Murchinson’s oil company. Murchinson was a friend of J. Edgar Hoover and maintained ties with the Genovese Mafia crime family. He worked for a myriad of oil companies in this time period: Humble Oil, which of course, was run by the Nazi-connected Prescott Bush. The name “George Bush” would later be found in his address book, as well as the number of Bush’s “Zapata Oil”. He had another connection to George Bush: he was the uncle of Edward Gordon Hooker, who was Bush’s roommate at Andover. Mohrenschildt also worked for Nobel Oil, which was owned by John McCloy, who was a consultant to pre-war I.G. Farben, a friend of J. Edgar Hoover, and member of the Warren Commission. He worked for Pantepec Oil, which was run by the Buckley Family. Buckley, of course, founded the Young American’s for Freedom; its membership including Senator Tower, who we saw above allowing Oswald to come back to America with strange ease. Mohrenschildt also befriended William Grace, whose son, J. Peter Grace, worked with Dimitri von Mohrenschildt and Reinhard Gehlen (employer of Maydell) for Radio Europe. Significantly, J. Peter Grace also counted in his friends another Nazi: Frederick Flick, who worked for I.G. Farben. This is three connections to I.G. Farben for Mohrenschildt: Bush, McCloy, and Grace. Flick’s legal consultant was Carl Byvoir, who also represented Howard Hughes. Mohrenschildt is rumoured to have had ties with Hughes, but I’ve yet to confirm it. In 1959, Mohrenschildnt married Jean LeGon, who worked at a high end fashion store in Dallas called Nardis. The owner of this was Abraham Zapruder. Mohrenschildnt might have met LeGon through Zapruder, as both were members of the Dallas Council on World Affairs, one which both were members. Others members included Clint Murchinson, H.L. Hunt, George Bush, Sarah Hughes (who would later swear in LBJ on Air Force One in Dallas the day of assassination), Mr. Byrds, who was the owner of the Book Depository, and George de Mohrenschildt’s brother, Dimitri von Mohrenschildt. Allegedly, the Dallas Council on World Affairs was sponsored by the CIA, though I’ve yet to confirm this. In the early 1960s, Mohrenschildt became involved in Murchinson’s interests in Haiti, and became involved in oil transactions with the dictator Papa Doc Duvalier. It was later revealed that this was actually a CIA operation: former CIA agent, Herbert Atkin, revealed that Mohrenschildt’s activities in Haiti was actually a cover for his intelligence gathering operation for the CIA’s attempt to overthrow Duvalier. In May of 1963, he arranged a meeting between Clemard Joseph Charles, who grew hemp in Haiti, and Army Intelligence assistant director Dorothy Matlack. After this meeting, Charles became the primary CIA contact in Haiti. In 1967, he was involved in the CIA/Haitian/Cuban Exiles plot to invade Haiti from Florida, a sort of sequel to the Bay of Pigs. The man in head of this operation was Mitch WerBell, who in WWII, served in the OSS alongside E. Howard Hunt. Mohrenschildt also had connections to the Bay of Pigs incident: in 1961, he traveled to Guatemala City, where the Cuban exiles were planning Bay of Pigs, in 1962, Jerry Hammings placed him at a meeting where assassination plots of Castro were discussed. Mohrenschidt allegedly brought piles of hundred dollar bills to pay assassins. While he was contracting for the CIA in Haiti, Mohrenschildt was doing other work for the agency. In 1961, he was approached by J. Walter Moore, a CIA agent who worked for the Domestic Contact Service. Moore asked Mohrenschildlt to befriend Lee Harvey Oswald and report back to them on his activities. But given that Oswald was almost certainly an intelligence agent, then would Mohrenschildt have been his handler? After spending two months in Haiti, the Mohrenschildts returned to Dallas and befriended Lee and Marina Oswald. The first day that George met the Oswalds, he was accompanied by Colonel Lawrence Orlov, who had ties himself to the Texas oil world. Mihkail Lebedev, who promoted the idea that the Bornmann network was behind the JFK assassination (it would be nice to have Counterterrorist’s input here too, I might u2u him), connected Orlov to the Clay Shaw/David Ferrie/Guy Banister crowd. The Mohrenschildts introduced the Oswald’s members of the White Russian community, an odd move for a self proclaimed Marxist, and White Russians were anti-Communist to the bone, and frequently tied to Nazism, like George de Mohrenschildt himself. Abraham Zapruder himself was a White Russian, but it is unknown if the Oswalds ever met him. The Mohrenschildts did introduce them to the Paine family, Michael and Ruth. The Oswalds would move in with the Paine’s, and Ruth Paine would get Lee Harvey a job at the Book Depository. The rest is history. Interestingly, the alleged photo of Oswald holding the gun was given to Mohrenschildt, with the note on the back reading “Killer of fascists, ha-ha-ha!”, which Mohrenschildt took to be sarcastic. The assassination occurred while the Mohrenschildts were in Haiti, but after the assassination, Mohrenschildt returned in 1964 to testify before the Warren Commission. In this year, many of his CIA files were destroyed, and James Jesus Angelton started monitoring his mail. Angelton, it would seem, would later attempt to frame E. Howard Hunt for the assassination, if his theory that Oswald was under Soviet influence didn’t hold water. Through the 1970s, Mohrenschildt’s behavior became erratic and his mind unstable. He attempted to contact then CIA director George Bush because he felt he was being harassed due to the renewed interest in the JFK case. In 1973, he divorced from Jeanne, but in 1976, she had him placed in a mental hospital. He was hearing voices and having visions, and was convinced that the FBI and Jewish Mafia were persecuting him. In 1977, he finally unveiled to JFK assassination researcher Edward Jay Epstein that the CIA indeed had asked him to befriend Oswald. During a break in this interview, Mohrenschildt was given a card by investigator Gaeton Fonzi, who wanted him to testify for the House Select Committee on Assassinations. That afternoon, he was found by his daughter, Alexandra, having placed a shotgun in his mouth, and pulled the trigger. This “suicide” is often debated, however, based on the lack of suicide notes, and his wife has promoted the idea that he was killed to prevent him from testifying for the House Select Committee. Edward Jay Epstein also stated that after Mohrenschildt’s death, he was hassled by State Attorney David Bludworth, who was convinced that he had Mohrenschildn’t “black book”. Again and again, the government had denied Mohrenschildnt’s connections to the intelligence agencies. However, it seems that ever since he came to America, he’s been involved in the world of espionage, either through family connections or employers. But in the 1960s, right at the time he got involved with the Oswalds on behalf of the CIA, he was a CIA asset in Haiti. His connections in the Dallas elite set the whole stage for the assassination: from the Book Depository to, in a weird twist of fate, the Zapruder film. Obviously the Paines had more in common with Nazis than with a Democracy.... they were John Birchers like Robert Morris and Charles Willoughby... The Paine Family: The Last Puzzle Piece Michael Paine was born in 1928, while his future wife was born in 1932. A committed Quaker, Ruth Paine, who would get Oswald the job at the Book Depository, was educated at Swarthmore College, where Michael Paine had transferred to after Harvard. Through a common interest in folk music and dancing, the two met and soon became married. The two moved into a house in Irving, a suburb of Dallas, after Michael took a job at Bell Aviation under ex-Nazi Walter Dorenberger. His job was arranged by his stepfather, Arthur M. Young, who created the essential piece for helicopters, the key rotor stabilizer bar. As we’ll see in a minute, Young has a downright bizarre connection to the intelligence community. In 1963, Michael Paine moved from their home, though the two maintained a close connection. Within the month, Ruth Paine is introduced to Lee Harvey and Marina Oswald by George de Mohrenschildt. Marina and her daughter quickly moved into the Paine house, while Lee Harvey rented a room in Dallas, but stored things – including one certain rifle – in the Paine garage. Ruth Paine actually took the time to drive Lee Harvey Oswald to New Orleans to join the Free Play for Cuba Committee, which many have indicated was a CIA front connected to the Bay of Pigs fiasco. In the very least, it was being infiltrated by the agency: CIA officer Joseph Smith is quoting saying that he believed that Oswald was part of this infiltration. There is excellent evidence linking the Paines to the intelligence community – particularly Ruth. Michael’s employer, Walter Dorenberger, was a former Nazi scientist who was connected to the OSS in Operation Paperclip, while his cousin, Thomas Dudley Cabot, was the president of United Fruit, and had offered the CIA their Gibraltar Steamship as a cover for the Bay of Pigs invasion. Another cousin was Alexander Cochrane Forbes, who was a director of United Fruit, Interestingly, the Forbes family got its wealth from the opium trade in China. Bell Helicopter, of course, is closely connected to the intelligence community. Ruth Paine, on the other hand, is named in the Tyree deposition: Carone also told Tyree that he "had taken money to a female named Ruth Paine in late 1956 on orders from William Casey There is additional evidence linking the Paines to the intelligence community: Roy Frankhauser, an operative for the National Security Council, details at length how the NSC infiltrated far-left groups in America, most notably, the Social Workers Party, or SWP. Frankhauser states that he met two other agents while infiltrating the SWP, Michael and Ruth Paine. Michael and Ruth Paine helped him join a “secret, paramilitary, leftist organization”, the goals of which were “breaking Martin Luther King out of jail”, “killing Alabama sheriff ‘Bull’ Connor”, and “assassinate President Eisenhower”. Furthermore, the SWP attempted to get a man named Steve Roberts elected for governor of California in 1946. In the 1960s, the SWP named this man the head of their new organization: The Fair Play for Cuba Committee. This brings us back to Oswald and Bay of Pigs.[an OSS - CIA operative who was CIA Director from 1981 to 1987]". According to the Tyree lawsuit, "Carone said that Paine was approached by the CIA to find and recruit an individual that was expendable, with communist ties and some type of anti-American background. Noteworthy is that Michael Paine, who at a glance appears to be a Communist-leaning liberal, was a member of the John Birch Society. Other John Birch members in the Dallas area included Clint Murchinson and H.L. Hunt. When the Paine home was searched after the assassination, Buddy Walthers found "found six or seven metal filing cabinets full of letters, maps, records and index cards with names of pro-Castro sympathizers." James DiEugenio has argued that this "cinches the case that the Paines were domestic surveillance agents in the Cold War against communism." This dove-tails perfectly into what Frankhauser was saying. Michael’s step-father, Bell employee Arthur M. Young, is also of interest here. Young was a member of the Round Table Organization, which was founded by Andrija Puharich. In the 1950s, the CIA sent Puharich to Israel to get the famous psychic Uri Geller, who was himself a Mossad agent. All the 1940s and 50s, Puharich was involved in Army Intelligence research into parapsychology for information gathering purposes, and the Round Table Organization was also a front for this. The RTO was also closely associated with the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, which focused on Atomic research, and medical research on the effects of radiation was sub-contracted to the RTO. Funding for the RTO came from SRI, under the direction of Hal Puthoff. Puthoff was a friend of Luis Alvarez, who had used the Zapruder film to determine that Oswald killed JFK. The two had sat on the Robertson Panel, which debunked UFOs. Two others members included Frederick Durant, who worked at Bell with Dorenberger, Young, and Paine. Dornberger, Durant, Werner Von Braun, and another Nazi scientist named Krafft Ehricke worked together on a concept for a “moon base”. When Michael Paine heard about Oswald and the assassination, he made some strange statements: A work friend of Michael Paine, Frank Krystinik, told the Warren Commission about how he reacted when he heard the news that J. D. Tippit had been killed: "We heard that Officer Tippit had been shot, and it wasn't very long after that that it came through that the Oswald fellow had been captured, had had a pistol with him, and Michael used some expression, I have forgotten exactly what the expression was, and then he said, "The stupid," something, I have forgotten. It wasn't a complimentary thing. He said, "He is not even supposed to have a gun." And that I can quote, "He is not even supposed to have a gun." Or, "Not even supposed to own a gun," I have forgotten." Furthermore, the day of the assassination, just hours prior, Michael Paine talked with his fellow employees at Bell about the “character of assassins”. He was also heard, later that day, when the assassination occurred, talking to his wife on the phone, saying “We both know who is responsible”. Clearly, the Paine family has deep connections to the espionage world, all the way into the space program and atomic research. It would also appear that they were involved in the FBI’s COINTELPRO, which was the infiltration of left-wing groups in order to subvert them. Oswald may have also been involved in this. Here are some notes from John Simkin's page on Georgie boy... who never did get into the OSS and more than likely could not get into the CIA if he tried after his reputation as a Nazi, pro-Fascist and White Russian became apparent... George de Mohrenschildt, the son of a wealthy noble, was born in Russia on 17th April, 1911. His father and uncle, ran the Branobel Oil Company in Baku on the coast of Caspian Sea. In 1915 the government of Nicholas II dispatched another uncle, Ferdinand von Mohrenschildt to Washington to plead for American intervention in the First World War. He stayed in the country and eventually married the step-granddaughter of President Woodrow Wilson. After the Russian Revolution his father, Sergius Alexander von Mohrenschildt, was imprisoned by the Bolsheviks. In 1921 he was sent to Siberia but managed to escape with his family to Poland. His wife died soon afterwards from typhoid fever. While a young man George de Mohrenschildt left Poland and spent time travelling around Europe. He later claimed that he was involved in a pro-Nazi plot to kill Joseph Stalin. (Note: Vonsiatsky was part of this plot as well. George reported to Vonsiatsky.) De Mohrenschildt reached the United States in 1938. The British intelligence services warned the American government that they suspected that De Monrenschildt was working for German intelligence. (He was.) De Mohrenschildt went to live with his older brother, Dimitri de Mohrenschildt and new sister-in-law (Betty Hooker). He found employment with the Shumaker company in New York and worked under Pierre Fraiss who was connected with French intelligence. De Mohrenschildt agreed to collect information on people involved in "pro-German activity". In 1939 he went to work for Humble Oil, a company that was co-founded by Prescott Bush. During this period de Mohrenschildt met George H. W. Bush. According to Bush: "I first met him in the early 40s. He was an uncle to my Andover roommate (Edward Hooker)." He also met Jacqueline Bouvier, who called him "Uncle George" and would sit on his knee. In 1941 de Mohrenschildt went to work for his cousin, Baron Maydell, and his company, Film Facts, in New York City. Maydell was also known to have pro-Nazi sympathies. During this period he made a documentary about the resistance movement in Poland. Later that year he failed in his attempt to join the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). After the Second World War de Mohrenschildt moved to Venezuela where he worked for Pantepec Oil, a company owned by the family of William F. Buckley. In 1950 he launched an oil investment firm with Edward Hooker with offices in New York City, Denver and Abilene. In 1952 De Mohrenschildt moved to Dallas where he worked for the oil millionaire, Clint Murchison. He joined the Dallas Petroleum Club and became a regular at Council on World Affairs meetings, a right-wing organization established by Neil Mallon. De Mohrenschildt also joined the Texas Crusade for Freedom. Other members included Earle Cabell, Everette DeGolyer, Harold Byrd, Ted Dealey, Paul Raigorodsky, George Bouhe, Neil Mallon and Lewis MacNaughton. In 1957 George de Mohrenschildt met J. Walton Moore, the local CIA man in Dallas. According to Russ Baker, the two men had several meetings over the next few years. George de Mohrenschildt also worked for a company called Cuban-Venezuelan Oil Voting Trust Company (CVOVT) that had been established by William Buckley Sr. During this period he got to know Jack Alston Crichton, who was one of several oil men who began negotiating with Fulgencio Batista, the military dictator of Cuba. Crichton later remarked that "I liked George. He was a nice guy." In 1961 George de Mohrenschildt was invited to lunch by J. Walton Moore. According to Edward Jay Epstein, during the meeting Moore told de Mohrenschildt about Lee Harvey Oswald living in Minsk. In October, 1962 De Mohrenschildt met with Oswald in Fort Worth. Over the next few months he took Oswald to anti-Castro meetings in Dallas. De Mohrenschildt later told Epstein that he was asked by Moore to find out about Oswald's time in the Soviet Union. In return he was given help with an oil deal he was negotiating with Papa Doc Duvalier, the Haitian dictator. In March 1963, De Mohrenschildt got the contract from the Haitian government. He had assumed that this was because of the help he had given to the CIA. In February, 1963 George de Mohrenschildt introduced Marina Oswald and Lee Harvey Oswald to Ruth Paine. On 24th April, 1963, Marina and her daughter went to live with Paine. Oswald rented a room in Dallas but stored some of his possessions in Ruth Paine’s garage. Ruth also helped Oswald to get a job at the Texas Book Depository. Family of Secrets Legacy of Secrecy In 1963 De Mohrenschildt moved to Haiti. After the assassination of John F. Kennedy de Mohrenschildt was recalled to America to testify before the Warren Commission. He was asked about the claim of Marina Oswald that he knew about Oswald's attempt to kill General Edwin Walker. After giving evidence he returned to Haiti. On 5th September 1976 De Mohrenschildt sent a message to George H. W. Bush, who was at that time director of the CIA: "Maybe you will be able to bring a solution to the hopeless situation I find myself in. My wife and I find ourselves surrounded by some vigilantes; our phone bugged; and we are being followed everywhere. Either FBI is involved in this or they do not want to accept my complaints. We are driven to insanity by the situation. I have been behaving like a damn fool ever since my daughter Nadya died from (cystic fibrosis) over three years ago. I tried to write, stupidly and unsuccessfully, about Lee H Oswald and must have angered a lot of people I do not know. But to punish an elderly man like myself and my highly nervous and sick wife is really too much. Could you do something to remove the net around us? This will be my last request for help and I will not annoy you any more." Two months later George de Mohrenschildt was committed to a mental institution. According to his wife, Jeanne de Mohrenschildt, he was suffering from depression. He was taken to Parkland Hospital and underwent electroshock therapy. In February 1977, Willem Oltmans, met George de Mohrenschildt at the library of Bishop College in Dallas, where he taught French. Oltmans later told the House Select Committee on Assassinations: "I couldn't believe my eyes. The man had changed drastically... he was nervous, trembling. It was a scared, a very, very scared person I saw. I was absolutely shocked, because I knew de Mohrenschildt as a man who wins tennis matches, who is always suntanned, who jogs every morning, who is as healthy as a bull." According to Willem Oltmans, he confessed to being involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. "I am responsible. I feel responsible for the behaviour of Lee Harvey Oswald... because I guided him. I instructed him to set it up." Oltmans claimed that de Mohrenschildt had admitted serving as a middleman between Lee Harvey Oswald and H. L. Hunt in an assassination plot involving other Texas oilmen, anti-Castro Cubans, and elements of the FBI and CIA. Oltmans told the HSCA: "He begged me to take him out of the country because they are after me." On 13th February 1977, Oltmans took de Mohrenschildt to his home in Amsterdam where they worked on his memoirs. Over the next few weeks de Mohrenschildt claimed he knew Jack Ruby and argued that Texas oilmen joined with intelligence operatives to arrange the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Willem Oltmans arranged for George de Mohrenschildt to meet a Dutch publisher and the head of Dutch national television. The two men then travelled to Brussels. When they arrived, Oltmans mentioned that an old friend of his, a Soviet diplomat, would be joining them a bit later for lunch. De Mohrenschildt said he wanted to take a short walk before lunch. Instead, he fled to a friend's house and after a few days he flew back to the United States. He later accused Oltmans of betraying him. Russ Baker suggests in his book Family of Secrets: "Perhaps, and this would be strictly conjecture, de Mohrenschildt saw what it meant that he, like Oswald, was being placed in the company of Soviets. He was being made out to be a Soviet agent himself. And once that happened, his ultimate fate was clear." The House Select Committee on Assassinations were informed of George de Mohrenschildt's return to the United States and sent its investigator, Gaeton Fonzi, to find him. Fonzi discovered he was living with his daughter in Palm Beach. However, Fonzi was not the only person looking for de Mohrenschildt. On 15th March 1977 he had a meeting with Edward Jay Epstein that had been arranged by the Reader's Digest magazine. Epstein offered him $4,000 for a four-day interview. On 27th March, 1977, George de Mohrenschildt arrived at the Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach and spent the day being interviewed by Epstein. According to Epstein, they spent the day talking about his life and career up until the late 1950s. Two days later Edward Jay Epstein asked him about Lee Harvey Oswald. As he wrote in his diary: "Then, this morning, I asked him about why he, a socialite in Dallas, sought out Oswald, a defector. His explanation, if believed, put the assassination in a new and unnerving context. He said that although he had never been a paid employee of the CIA, he had "on occasion done favors" for CIA connected officials. In turn, they had helped in his business contacts overseas. By way of example, he pointed to the contract for a survey of the Yugoslavian coast awarded to him in 1957. He assumed his "CIA connections" had arranged it for him and he provided them with reports on the Yugoslav officials in whom they had expressed interest." Epstein and de Mohrenschildt, broke for lunch and decided to meet again at 3 p.m. George De Mohrenschildt returned to his room where he found a card from Gaeton Fonzi, an investigator working for the House Select Committee on Assassinations. George De Mohrenschildt's body was found later that day. He had apparently committed suicide by shooting himself in the mouth. On 11th May, 1978, Jeanne de Mohrenschildt gave an interview to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, where she said that she did not accept that her husband had committed suicide. She also said that she believed Lee Harvey Oswald was an agent of the United States, possibly of the CIA, and that she was convinced he did not kill John F. Kennedy. She then went onto say: "They may get me too, but I'm not afraid... It's about time somebody looked into this thing." Anyone who reads this should be convinced that the primary, defining characteristic and persona of de Mohrenschildt was that of a White Russian pro-Nazi and blatant Fascist, his 24/7 occupation, and not that of either an OSS agent or CIA agent or FBI plant or whatever other fictions have been associated with him. Even the FBI spied on Georgie boy and the OSS turned him down outright. He should also be known as a close fiend of Condon's Dirty Dozen. He joined a whole slew of people in Condon's Dirty Dozen like William F. Buckley, Jr., Robert J. Morris, Anastase Vonsiatsky, Boris Brasol, Adrian Arcand, and Gerald L. K. Smith while at Coudert Brothers law firm in about 1941-1942 after that firm, owned by French brothers, brought him into the United States. Perhaps Carl Byvoir and Pierre Fraisse from French intelligence were involved with Coudert Brothers as well. More later as discovered. Bottom line is those who insist that Georgie boy's role in the JFK and Oswald conundrum was as a bought and paid for CIA agent are just totally incorrect. He was a Nazi agent, and a Nazi spy and a White Russian Fascist leader. He was Oswald's "Programmed Mind Controller" courtesy of his Harbin, Manchuria training under Vonsiatsky.
  16. Wow, so near and yet so far. I take it all back. You are the bomb. Did they go to different schools together? Were they ever Friends? Get it? Did she come over after School? Did you overhear them discussing a plot to kill JFK? Man, you could have been a contender. Was she a real Paine? Oh, Germantown, I get it, the Nazi Connection of Mae Brussell? Wow! Was Paine a Nazi? Was Frankie a Nazi? Did they like crumb cake? Got crumbs? Tell us more! You are getting warmer... warmer... colder... colder... cold... frozen... Case Cold. Now that is some really legitimate research. Betcha read this whole thing, too. That Frank Forini (sic) lived a few blocks away from where Ruth Paine taught school a decade later is most definately (sic) a coincidence. Germantown is a working class community in North Philadelphia known for its large, brick row houses that have been occupied by Germans, Irish and blacks over different generations. Nor is it anything more than a conspiracy, as you suggest, that George DeMohrenschildt's third wife, Jean, once lived in the same city in China at a different time as Anastase Vonsiatsky and six million other people. It is not a coincidence that the Philadelphia based CIA front Catherwood Foundation financially supported both the Catholic Cuban Refuges in Florida, New Orleans and Dallas, AND the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (to the tune of $500,000 a year), both of which supported suspects in the assassination. BK NOW I see why you have so much trouble putting 2 + 2 together. I am beginning to see why you have trouble with really understanding just who George de Mohrenschildt REALLY was. You can not even spell his name correctly, it is NOT George DeMohrenschildt, dude, it is spelled George de Mohrenschildt like on his Wikipedia page. And definately should be spelled definitely. And suppose should be supposed, I could go on forever. The "de" in his name just means "of" as in John of Aragon, which identifes his father's last name. In biblical days it was in the form of Abraham bar Hiyya, Abraham "born of" or "born in" the Hiyya family. Got it? And the name of the person who killed Medgar Evers, Jr. was Byron DeLa Beckwith, pronounced "delay" and it is decidedly NOT Byron De La Beckwith or Byron de la Beckwith, or Byron De LaBeckwith. THAT is not against the law and it is usually considered to be a very nice humanitarian gesture, in fact. And the point you are trying to make is so obscure that it is patently ridiculous and normally considered to be an indication of severe intellectual dishonesty to support preconceived notions. "Begging the Question" or "..leading the witness" as well as what we like to call "faulty or flawed logic." Even if it was a CIA front (show me the proof) The Catherwood Foundation supported hundreds and thousands of people in need, and some of them, I am positive, ended up with both misdemeanor and felony criminal records, minor traffic tickets, IRS property seizures and criminal charges, bankruptcy proceedings, charges of wife beating, justified or not, accusations of begging the question and twisting the truth to serve some sinister purpose, and they may have been shoplifters, JFK plotters or shooters (show me the proof), or they might have been guilty of chopping down cherry trees as well, or having poor personal hygiene, or being lousy spellers and very, very bad at math. And at one time or another in their lives they probably ate either Domino's or Pizza Hut pizzas. And a lot of them probably ended up as taxi cab drivers, bartenders, night watchmen, casino dealers or other comparable menial labor jobs not requiring a high degree of intelligence. Does that mean that the CIA or the Catherwood Foundation or Domino's or Pizza Hut has to take the rap for all of these other alleged offenses as well? Now that is just patently illogical, intellectually dishonest and typical of your trivial "guilty paymaster or "guilt by dint of association" arguments over the years. Here is your apparent attempt at logic... The CIA funded Jose Pasquinar, Jose Pasquinar was later heard talking about killing JFK, and someone told me he was in Dallas and had a gun and was pointing it in the directon of the JFK motorcade, therefore the CIA funded Jose Pasquinar in the murder of JFK through the Catherwood Foundation by brainwashing him with MK/ULTRA techniques years ago. Case Closed. And THIS is the essence of my reason for rejecting outright 75-85% of your statements and claims. Even though a half-dozen Army Intelligence operatives were definitively placed in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/1963, and even though the contributions of Willoughby, Fellers, delValle and MacArthur have been solidified by dozens of people you CONTINUE to insist that an exclusively CIA-centric model is somehow the only one to consider and that giving Army Intel or ONI or the McCarthyites or the McCarthyites or the Newcomen Society industrialists or the Draperites or the Vonsiatskyites or the Mississippi racists or the NSRP or the Cuban exiles, or the South Florida Soldiers of Fortune or WACL at least equal billing or even MORE credit, you just blunder on with your monotonic, retarded, antiquated and belabored (and boring) conclusions which can only accept input from those who think like you (... thankfully there are not many like you left), totally oblivious to these newly discovered facts and to the identity of the other conspirators discovered since the 1970's and the 1980's. You are stuck in a time warp, dude. And you have been brainwashed. Mostly by yourself. Here is the definition of begging the question... Also Known as: Circular Reasoning, Reasoning in a Circle, Petitio Principii. Circular Reasoning – supporting a premise with the premise rather than a conclusion. Circular reasoning is an attempt to support a statement by simply repeating the statement in different or stronger terms. In this fallacy, the reason given is nothing more than a restatement of the conclusion that poses as the reason for the conclusion. To say, “You should exercise because it’s good for you” is really saying, “You should exercise because you should exercise.” It shares much with the false authority fallacy because we accept these statements based solely on the fact that someone else claims it to be so. Often, we feel we can trust another person so much that we often accept his claims without testing the logic. This is called blind trust, and it is very dangerous. We might as well just talk in circles. Description of Begging the Question Begging the Question is a fallacy in which the premises include the claim that the conclusion is true or (directly or indirectly) assume that the conclusion is true. This sort of "reasoning" typically has the following form. 1. Premises in which the truth of the conclusion is claimed or the truth of the conclusion is assumed (either directly or indirectly). 2. Claim C (the conclusion) is true. This sort of "reasoning" is fallacious because simply assuming that the conclusion is true (directly or indirectly) in the premises does not constitute evidence for that conclusion. Obviously, simply assuming a claim is true does not serve as evidence for that claim. This is especially clear in particularly blatant cases: "X is true. The evidence for this claim is that X is true." Some cases of question begging are fairly blatant, while others can be extremely subtle. Examples of Begging the Question 1. Bill: "God must exist." Jill: "How do you know." Bill: "Because the Bible says so." Jill: "Why should I believe the Bible?" Bill: "Because the Bible was written by God." 2. "If such actions were not illegal, then they would not be prohibited by the law." 3. "The belief in God is universal. After all, everyone believes in God." 4. Interviewer: "Your resume looks impressive but I need another reference." Bill: "Jill can give me a good reference." Interviewer: "Good. But how do I know that Jill is trustworthy?" Bill: "Certainly. I can vouch for her." Here is the definition of Intellectual dishonesty... Intellectual dishonesty is dishonesty in performing intellectual activities like thought or communication. Examples are: * the advocacy of a position which the advocate knows or believes to be false or misleading * the advocacy of a position which the advocate does not know to be true, and has not performed rigorous due diligence to ensure the truthfulness of the position * the conscious omission of aspects of the truth known or believed to be relevant in the particular context. Rhetoric is used to advance an agenda or to reinforce one's deeply held beliefs in the face of overwhelming contrary evidence.[1] If a person is aware of the evidence and agrees with the conclusion it portends, yet advocates a contradictory view, they commit intellectual dishonesty. If the person is unaware of the evidence, their position is ignorance, even if in agreement with the scientific conclusion. If the person is knowingly aware that there may be additional evidence but purposefully fails to check, and then acts as though the position is confirmed, this is also intellectual dishonesty. The terms intellectually dishonest and intellectual dishonesty are often used as rhetorical devices in a debate; the label invariably frames an opponent in a negative light. The phrase is also frequently used by orators when a debate foe or audience reaches a conclusion varying from the speaker's on a given subject. This appears mostly in debates or discussions of speculative, non-scientific issues, such as morality or policy. And you use the same techniques in trying to debunk what is probably one of the best new leads in the entire JFK case in recent history... The relationships among George de Mohrenschildt, Lee Harvey Oswald and Anastase Vonsiatsky and the fact that the city of Harbin, Manchuria (Manchuoko) was one of the largest concentrations of expatriate ex-Czarists (100,000+) who resorted to pacts with Hitler and the American far right wing (only SOME of whom had intelligence backgrounds, current or former), most notably the ex-McCarthyites, the ex-MacArthurites, the Silver Shirts, the America Firsters, the Hollywood Blacklisters, and the entire leadership of the American Security Council (which was not even a U.S. intelligence agency) who set themselves up as a counterpoint to The National Security Council. (Only some of this cast of characters were still affiliated with ANY U.S. intelligence agency at the time of the JFK murder, and Angleton was summarily drummed out of the CIA because he ran his own personal agendas using CIA money and facilities, and Ray Cline also left the CIA of his own volition to work with people like Robert Emmett Johnson to "Kill Commies for Christ". Willoughby and Morris and MacArthur had already been ignominiously sacked, canned and stripped of any formal U.S. intelligence affiliations.) What was the plan of all these Harbin based Czarists? These White Russian ex-Czarists living in Manchuria, China when it was occupied by the Japanese had a 25 to 50-year plan that was designed to bring down the the Iron Curtain and restore the Czarist Monarchy. And WHO was their appointed and annointed savior? None other than Anastase Vonsiatsky. By the way, Jean de Mohrenschildt was BORN in Harbin and George de Mohrenschildt MET her in Harbin and they were both in Harbin when Vonsiatsky ran The Manchurian Mafia described by John J. Stephan in The Russian Fascists. George's favorite pseudonym was "Philip Harbin" or Philos Harbin which means roughly (I love Harbin). And there were only about 100,000 White Russians there not 6,000,000 and they absolutely and positively KNEW Rodzaievsky (sp?) and his successor Vonsiatsky. Your deliberate misstatement of these facts is just further evidence of your palpable intellectual dishonesty. The de Mohrenschildt's and Vonsiatsky DID spend time contemporaneously in Harbin, Paris, New York and Dallas so eat your heart out and get off of my cloud, dude. They both used the Coudert Brothers law firm in New York City who specialized in immigration law specifically in bringing over Czarists using their Paris France office. Vonsiatsky was still recovering in a Red Cross hospital in Paris, France right after the Russian Revolution when he met his wife Marion Ream who was a Red Cross nurse, just as described by Richard Condon in The Manchurian Candidate. Condon described her to a perfect "T" and I have a copy of her U.S. passport and her Paris driver's license as well as photos of her at the age of 86 when she had a "...moustache, warts and all." I will post Condon's description of her from ManCand and a digitized version of her passport, her license and the photos at age 85-86 which Condon referred to as time permits. There are some copyright issues and duplication issues involved with the custodian of her photos but there is a photo of her in The Russian Fascists in the 1960's in black and white which pretty much matches Condon's description of her as short (5'3" on her Paris license), stout, square jawed with "...mustache, warts and all". Remarkable thing was that at age 42, when she was married to Vonsiatsky, 20 years her junior, she was not bad looking at all. Here is how John J. Stephan describes Vonsiatsky's wife: "Almost as if to seek distraction from her (first marriage) marital fiasco, Marion threw herself into the idealistic fervor that swept America during World War I. She volunteered for the American Red Cross, qualified as a nurse after receiving training at the Women's Naval Service in Washington, and immediately after the Armistice (11/11/1919 at 11 am) arrived in France as a relief worker in the YMCA. Relief work put her in contact with hundreds of Russian refugees, but she became particularly interested in the welfare of one: Anastase Vonsiatsky."48 Sounds like a cross between a Clara Barton and a Mother Cabrini type as Condon describes her, does she not? Wonder what her physical appearance and characteristics happened to be, since Condon makes it an important part of his allusion to the Vonsiatskys later? "Marion Buckingham Ream was an extraordinary woman. Born on January 9, 1877 in Woodlawn Park, Illinois, she grew, up into a petite (five-foot three-inch), brown-eyed, large headed girl with a broad brow and round chin. Her masculine face, however, could not conceal a grace and compassion that won the hearts of all who knew her."49 She is exactly 5'3" on her Paris drivers license by the way. That apparently is a typical Stephanism, downplaying in a most charitable manner, the apparent lack of physical beauty which Condon was more likely to just restate directly from his third party source in the detail that this person apparently utilized in recounting the stories of the Vonsiatskys: From the Manchurian Candidate...by Richard Condon (1959)... "Raymond's boss Holborn Gaines, dropper everything (a beer bottle and a report from the Manila office) and rushed to the hospital to see if there was anything he could do to help. The desk attendant, a Soviet Army Lieutenant (Vonsiatsky eventually rose to Captain), upon studying his credentials and checking them against a list of Raymond's probable and therefore accredited visitors (I have copies of the Guest Book from the Vonsiatsky estate from 1920-1935 which he had all of his visitors sign), sent him to the fifth floor (Fifth Column of Vonsiatsky's Nazi Party) just as though it were not a sealed floor. "He was met at the elevator by a rugged Army nurse who was wearing the traditional cap worn by graduates of the Mother Cabrini Hospital of Winsted, Connecticut (the Vonsiatskys lived in Windham County, Connecticut) where she had never studied (that is accurate) but which gave the establishment a certain amount of professional verisimilitude. ... Gaines left a bottle of Scotch for Raymond with the pretty young nurse (five feet tall, 173 pounds, mustache, warts)." Now wouldn't you call that just a tad "masculine" perhaps? Her license and passport in the Providence College collection in New England describe her as 5 feet 3 inches tall in the 1920's timeframe and her passport describes her face as round and her build as round, and she could have put on a few pounds or lied on her application. Certainly the visitors to Thompson could only have estimated her height and weight but would have readily remembered the waits and the masculine mustache. She may have been pretty apparently only in Raymond's and Vonsiatsky's eyes but her pictures certainly are very close to the Condon associate's description. Who could this person have been? Probably Arthur Derounian, who wrote as John Roy Carlson such titles as "Under Cover" and "The Plotters" while exposing the domestic Fascist movement in America during World War II when Vonsiatsky was indicted for Espionage shortly after Derounian's visit to his estate. He was convicted and served some prison sentence of 5 years in the Springfield, Missouri federal penitentiary. There will be more references to Vonsiatsky in The Manchurian Candidate, I am confident, and they will be added as they are discovered. In fact, I found his name hidden in an anagram as well, courtesy of Condon. ...known Yaztas, Fravashi and Amesha Spentas." which is translated to "Tsar Anastase Vonsiatsky - Dawn Age Fashism" The spelling of "Fashism" is quite consistent with the spelling of his publication: "The Fashist" copies of which are in both The Russian Fascists as well as in the Vonsiatsky collection at Providence College...I have several copied pages in my possession. So any retards who can only find fault with the spelling of "Fashism" in this anagram, should try to get a life and a better job which is more productive than being a night watchman. Charles Higham in American Swastika stated that: (paraphrasing) "Anastase Vonsiatsky ran every single White Russian Nazi spy and saboteur in North America." Both Charles Higham in American Swastika and John Roy Carlson in Under Cover and probably even the FBI on their web site stated in different words that: "Anastase Vonsiatsky was the world vojhd, or acknowledged leader, of every White Russian ex-Czarist in the entire world including Paris and Harbin." Almost everyone with at least half a brain has concluded, quite correctly, that BOTH of the de Mohrenschildts and their cousin, Baron Constantine de Mayell WERE White Russians AND they were dedicated and convicted Nazi spies and saboteurs (de Maydell went to jail as a Nazi spy and so did Vonsiatsky) and since they operated extensively in North America for decades one can only conclude logically and quite correctly that they, therefore, took orders from ANASTASE VONSIATSKY directly or indirectly. ANASTASE VONSIATSKY WAS George de Mohrenschildt's BOSS in case you haven't figured it out yet. Case Closed. Now either get on board, or get off the train and get the hell out of my way, because you have always been very annoying, very stubborn, very wrong and very, very deliberately dishonest IMHO. And THAT is a very dangerous combination which renders you useless and untrustworthy. Plus you are totally illogical, intellectually lacking in any analytical skills whatsover, and intellectually irresponsible and can't spell or do math or even think or write clearly.
  17. Wow, so near and yet so far. I take it all back. You are the bomb. Did they go to different schools together? Were they ever Friends? Get it? Did she come over after School? Did you overhear them discussing a plot to kill JFK? Man, you could have been a contender. Was she a real Paine? Oh, Germantown, I get it, the Nazi Connection of Mae Brussell? Wow! Was Paine a Nazi? Was Frankie a Nazi? Did they like crumb cake? Got crumbs? Tell us more! You are getting warmer... warmer... colder... colder... cold... frozen... Case Cold. Now that is some really legitimate research. Betcha read this whole thing, too.
  18. Thank you Peter, But JB can't answer you because he's so wound up with his own prejudices and hate that he can't recognize that the people he hates are also people. As for COPA being penetrated, the whole idea fits in with my model of viewing the assassination as part of a battle between competing intelligence networks - and McClendon News Service, the Liberty Lobby and the John Birch Society were all, are all little intelligence agencies that kept their own files and ran their own operations. It's just that there are dozens, if not hundreds of such networks, and they all intertwine, some working together others against one another. The assassination of JFK even brought some together, like the FBI and SS, who had to work together for once to keep their stories straight. COPA's effectiveness has never been realized, and it could be much more aggressive, but few people want to work together towards common goals. As for the intelligence networks responsible for the assassination penetrating COPA, I'm sure that's happened, probably through the Cuban contingent, when what needs to be done is for COPA to penetrate the responsible network. Any volunteers? BK BK The point, Peter, is that about half or more of the membership of ASK, COPA, Lancer, etc. actually "know" who killed JFK and they know what the role of their organizational sponsors or close fiends actually was and they are there to "frustrate", "confuse", "deflect" and "debilliate" the other members from ever getting to the bottom or to the "Final Solution" as I call it. So unless we are able to identify those individuals in that "suspected of obstrucion of justice" category from the far right groups like: JBS, YAF, INCA, ASC, Liberty Lobby, CNP, WACL, Cuban Archives, or wherever, we are destined to be surrounded by a "Spy vs. Spy" never ending ritualized dance which guarantees that it will take more than 50 years to solve the whole thing at which point all the "perps" will be dead and gone. Strange that I can name dozens and dozens of people from JBS, YAF, INCA, ASC, Liberty Lobby, CNP, WACL, Cuban Archives with memberships in ASK, COPA or Lancer a lot of whom have published manuscripts or books on the JFK subject, none of which implicate JBS, YAF, INCA, ASC, Liberty Lobby, CNP, WACL, Cuban Archives, etc. No surprise there. But there are only negligible numbers of people from the Left or the non-Right who are "suspected of obstrucion of justice". And that is because just about all of those from The Left focus on: JBS, YAF, INCA, ASC, Liberty Lobby, CNP, WACL, Cuban Archives. etc. Surprise, Surprise. As long as we can minimize the number of Sarah McClendons, Gordon Halls, etc. who are the "invisible and silent" non-threatening but dangerous types we can focus on the obvious "visible and vocal" threats like the Rahns, the McAdams, the Edward Butlers, the Gordon Novels and those of that genre. By the way, I could probably nominate a select few to go play in the street on FDR drive during rush hour or to try to emulate John Roy Carlson or Richard Giesbrecht or Willie Somersett in today's dangerous world? Imagine the guts or the desperation it would take to be any one of those guys today? Gotta give them credit though. "Yeah, put a wire ohn me dude, I am gonna sign up for the BUND and the KKK and WACL or CNP and then take names and kick some butt." And that is why I have little or no respect for those desk jockeys out there who want to play Carleton Coon, or Gerry Hemming or Ulius Amoss or John Roy Carlson or Richard Giesbrecht or Willie Somersett and yet they can not quite pull it all off. All wannabes and Midnight Cowboys. Dudley Dorights and Spidermen or Jimmy Olsons or Woodwards or Bernsteins who just can't shoot straight or get the story right or see through the trees in the forest. Legitimate researchers? investigative Reporters? Authoritave Authors? Give me a break. Try Bad News Bears, The Keystone Cops or The Gang Who Couldn't Shoot Straight is more like it. Gonna be 50 years soon and time is a wasting. Don't rain on my parade just because you are hopelessly stuck in the LaBrea Tarpits with all the other nearly extinct dinosaurs. You should never have ventured into the LaBrea TarPits trying to scoop the low hanging fruit in the first place. Serves you right, now you are stuck too. And a little mud from the rain you spill on my parade is not going to slow me down, either. Never can and never will. If you don't want to help, then get the hell out of the way and stop reading my posts. Addictive are they not? Some of you have sworn off the stuff, but just keep coming back for more, kinda like an addictive drug or gambling or high quality booze. Following that cookie crumb trail or bread crumb trail like Hansel or Gretel heading for the oven then you realize the crumbs were from you. Betcha you can't just read one.
  19. Robert J. Morris Jump to: navigation, search Robert John Morris (September 30, 1914— December 29, 1996)[1] was an American anti-Communist activist who served as chief counsel to the United States Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security from 1951 to 1953 and from 1956 to 1958, was President of the University of Dallas and founded the now-defunct University of Plano. Biography Morris grew up in Jersey City, New Jersey, where his father actively opposed Frank Hague, the city's longtime mayor and Democratic Party boss of Hudson County.[2] He was a graduate of Saint Peter's College and the Fordham University School of Law.[3] In 1940, he served on a committee of the New York State Assembly investigating allegations of Communist activities in schools and colleges in New York State.[2] He enlisted in the United States Navy during World War II, though he had initially been rejected due to an inability to see the color red, a story that he would frequently retell throughout his life. Morris a commander of counterintelligence and psychological warfare, whose duties included writing propaganda items that were dropped over Japanese cities and interrogating captured prisoners.[2] Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security Morris served as chief counsel to the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Internal Security from 1951 to 1953, leaving the following year when he was elected to serve as a municipal court judge in New York City. He returned as chief counsel from 1956 to 1958.[2] The New York Times described the subcommittee in 1951 as having a mandate that is practically "limitless in the whole field of security" and that its role "far overreaches the House Committee on Un-American Activities, as it far outreaches Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, Republican of Wisconsin." The subcommittee questioned businessman, diplomats, scholars and schoolteachers, and opened investigations into an alleged Communist takeover of Hawaii, Communist control of the military-industrial complex, and Communist involvement on waterfront in New York City.[2] One of the subcommittee's most notorious events was the April 1957 suicide of E. Herbert Norman, the Canadian Ambassador to Egypt, after Norman found out that the subcommittee was reopening an earlier investigation regarding his involvement in a Communist study group. The death affected American-Canadian relations, with Canadians calling his death the result of a "smear campaign" by the subcommittee. Morris had announced a month before the suicide that there was adequate material to justify an investigation into charges that Norman was a Communist.[2] In a letter written by ad to William F. Buckley, Jr. published in 1969, Chambers gave Morris credit for much of the efforts attributed to Senator Joseph McCarthy, with Chambers stating that "I would say that Bob Morris really accomplished much of what the Senator is credited with".[2] Political aspirations In January 1958, as a resident of Point Pleasant, New Jersey, Morris announced that he was running for the Republican Party nomination for the United States Senate from New Jersey, and would resign from his $13,000-a-year post as chief counsel as of January 31.[3] In the April 1958 primary, Robert Kean won the Republican nomination with 43% of the vote, defeating U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Appointments Secretary Bernard M. Shanley, who had 36%, and Morris, whose 70,000 votes represented more than 20% of the primary votes.[4] As a resident of Texas, Morris ran for the Republican U.S. Senate nomination in both 1964 and 1970, being defeated both times by George Herbert Walker Bush, a Massachusetts native.[2]Bush procured 62,985 votes (44.1 percent) of the primary vote in 1964 and was forced into a runoff primary against Jack Cox, the 1962 Republican gubernatorial nominee, who trailed with 45,561 (31.9 percent). Morris ran third with 28,279 votes (19.8 percent). Bush defeated Cox in the runoff, 62-38 percent, to garner the nomination but lost in the fall to Democratic incumbent Ralph W. Yarborough.[5] In the 1970 primary, Bush won with 96,806 votes (87.6 percent) to Morris's 13,654 ballots (12.4 percent) 12 percent, but was then defeated in the general election by the Democrat, Lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr.[6] Back in New Jersey, Morris entered the 1982 Republican U.S. senatorial primary, dropping out of the race in May, saying that he had accomplished the goals he sought to achieve of bringing attention to Soviet expansionism and moral deterioration. The nomination went to Millicent Fenwick, a liberal Republican congresswoman, who was then defeated by Democrat Frank Lautenberg.[7] In 1984, Morris again ran in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, facing off against Mary V. Mochary, the Mayor of Montclair, New Jersey who had been guided by the re-election campaign of Ronald Reagan.[8] Mochary won the June primary with 61% of the vote, with Morris's 70,000 votes representing nearly 29% of the total.[9][10] Anti-Communist activism Morris was chosen as president of the University of Dallas in 1960. His outspokenness on anti-Communism and other issues created conflict within the school, and he left in 1962.[2] He formed the Defenders of American Liberties in the summer of 1962, intended to serves as a counterbalance to the American Civil Liberties Union, "but with emphasis on different positions." Among the group's early efforts was to defend former Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker, who had been arrested on federal charges after a riot broke out following protests he organized in September 1962 against the use of federal troops to enforce the enrollment of African-American James Meredith at the racially segregated University of Mississippi.[2] In a telegram to members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Morris called Walker the "United States' first political prisoner", after Walker was denied bail and placed under psychiatric observation for up to 90 days.[11] In the historical novel, The Manchurian Candidate (1959), author Richard Condon referred to Robert J. Morris and several of his close associates and even to the Defenders of American Liberties organization calling it Defenders of Our Liberty in order to partially disguise his intentions to expose what Robert J. Morris and his associates were planning for the future of America. [1] Condon referred to Morris' close friend William F. Buckley, Jr. by alluding to "... that fascinating younger fellow who had written about men and God at Yale" [2] when in fact the title of Buckley's book was God and Man at Yale published by the founder of the isolationist and fascist dominated America First Committee during World War II, William F. Regnery. Regnery's publishing house was called Regnery Press. Buckley had worked for another ultra-conservative arch-Catholic, Clendenin J. Ryan at The American Mercury at the same time that American Nazi Party leader George Lincoln Rockwell was employed there by J. Russell Maguire who was the owner of the Thompson Machine Gun Company in Connecticut. Later Ryan financed the creation of Young Americans for Freedom which represented both Morris's and Buckley's personal agendas for their vision of the future of American politics. Doug Caddy another YAF founder, who was the college roommate of Ryan's son at Georgetown, disclosed this recently on the Spartacus Educational website in the JFK Assassination discussion thread. Condon also alluded to General Edwin Walker with three separate references to "...the Turtle Bay district" instead of to "... the Turtle Bay neighborhood" where Walker actually lived in Dallas, Texas. In 1941-1942 Robert Morris was credited with originated the concept of the use of Red Scare tactics when he worked on the Rapp-Coudert Committee investigating alleged communist influences in the New York City public school system and regional public colleges and universities when he was employed at the Coudert Brothers law firm in New York City. Morris laid the groundwork there for his later successful usage of comparable Red Scare and Blacklisting tactics 10 years later, which he employed while serving as Chief Counsel for the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee headed by Senator Joseph McCarthy. Morris later assisted Frederic Rene Coudert, Jr. a partner at Coudert Brothers and his mentor, in managing the unsuccessful City of New York mayoralty campaign for William F. Buckley, Jr. in 1965. Robert Morris and Frederic Coudert publicly announced their proposed solution for the problem of communist schoolteachers whiich was to "...put a bullet in their brain as you would to a rabid dog." Robert Morris also served as one of the four leaders of The American Security Council which sought to counter the efforts of The National Security Council and advance the "Park Avenue Patriot" agenda of militant anti-Communism bulwarked by a strong military defense system including nuclear weapons and a strengthened ICBM delivery system. The movie, Dr. Strangelove, parodied the attitudes of the leadership of the ASC with their almost vitriolic, vehement insistence on adopting and promoting the use of nuclear weapons and military force as a first resort response to the threats which they believed were emmanating from the Soviet Union. They were all inagreement that JFK's detente policies opposed the military solutions they wished to employ in Viet Nam, the Soviet Union, Korea, Taiwan and around the globe. The other leaders of the ASC included Maj. Gen. Charles Willoughby who had been sacked by President Harry Truman during the Korean War for trying to cross the Yalu River and expand the war into communist China, James Angleton of the CIA who was later fired by the CIA for domestic spying on citizens of the U.S. and Ray Cline who left the CIA in order to become the leader of the World Anti-Communist League during its most blatantly pro-Fascist and anti-Communist periods including the Iran-Contra affair. These four leaders, and their military and political supporters and associates, later succeeded in using WACL to force the Soviet Union to bring down The Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain around the Captive Nations enslaved by Communism. All four of these leaders of the ASC were referred to obliquely, by Richard Condon in The Manchurian Candidate as well. Both Willoughby and Cline had served military assignments in Manchuria (Manchuoko), China during World War II during the Japanese occupation. Morris and Willoughby were also the leaders of the Dallas, Texas branch of The John Birch Society and they were reported seen celebrating the assassination of JFK in the Adolphus Hotel in downtown Dallas shortly after JFK was killed.
  20. Hosty is maybe 85 years old now... wonder why I should be afraid of him Bill or you for that matter? 11/16/03 The Oswald scapegoat Who killed JFK? Local ex-FBI agent says he knows James Hosty says the FBI had an "open-and-shut case" on who killed President John F. Kennedy nearly 40 years ago. Hosty knows the details and facts better than any man alive. He says eyewitnesses and recovered forensics give him "irrefutable proof." He is convinced the assassin was Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone. What gives him special knowledge? Forty years ago, he was Special FBI Agent James P. Hosty Jr. He now lives in Burnt Store Marina, but worked as a counter-intelligence officer in the Dallas, Texas, FBI office at the time JFK was murdered. He was assigned to investigate Lee Harvey Oswald before the Communist sympathizer pulled the trigger. He found no legal reason to put Oswald away. And that was the FBI man's downfall, according to J. Edgar Hoover, director of the FBI, and the Warren Commission, which investigated the assassination. Hosty didn't arrest Oswald before the president was shot. And the Warren Commission concluded Oswald was the shooter. To make matters worse for the retired agent, Hosty's name and address were in Oswald's address book when he was captured by the Dallas Police Department shortly after killing Kennedy. Hosty visited the Oswald home shortly before the president's assassination. He talked to Oswald's wife Marina about her husband when he wasn't home. She passed the agent's name and phone number on to Oswald, who put it in his address book. Hosty says 40 years later that neither he nor anyone else in the law enforcement-intelligence business in the United States had reason to suspect that Oswald was going to assassinate JFK. Hosty believes he became the fall guy when Hoover and the commission needed someone to blame. As a consequence for not arresting Oswald before the assassination, Hosty was banished by Hoover to the Kansas City, Kan., FBI bureau. In those days it was considered by the director as the graveyard for agents who failed in the line of duty. But Hosty's opinion of Kansas City was that, "Hoover had thrown me in the briar patch," a reference to an Uncle Remus story by writer Joel Chandler Harris. The FBI agent meant Kansas City was a great place for him and his late wife, Janet, to raise their nine children, and a good place for an FBI agent to work. "I was a special agent and the majority of my cases at the Dallas office were domestic intelligence," he said. "Klansmen and Gen. Edwin Walker and his Minutemen. I had to keep an eye on the general and his crew." United Nations Ambassador Adlai Stevenson came to Dallas to make a speech a couple of weeks before Kennedy was shot. Stevenson was jeered and heckled by a group of Minutemen called the "Indignant White Citizens Council," known in earlier days as the Ku Klux Klan. No one wanted a similar occurrence when the president arrived. So most of the Dallas Police Department's officers surrounded 30 or 40 of Walker's right-wingers stationed along the parade route. They were trying to keep the Minutemen from hassling the president or worse, according to Hosty. "The truth of the matter is that security in Dallas (for the president) that day was nonexistent," he explained. "The Secret Service was undermanned and understaffed and they couldn't do the job. "The night before Kennedy was killed, the Secret Service didn't have any manpower left to guard the president. So they brought in off-duty Fort Worth firemen to guard him after deputizing them. "The Secret Service (in those days) had less than 300 men in the entire United States. To complicate things further, they had so much pride in what they did they wouldn't let any other federal agency help them. The FBI had 85 agents in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. We could have guarded Kennedy, but they wouldn't work with us," Hosty said. A day or so before Kennedy arrived in town, one of the local papers published a map of his proposed parade route. Thus knowledge of where the president was going and how he was going to get there became common. JFK and his entourage would drive right by the FBI's headquarters and the Texas Book Depository, where Oswald had just gotten a job. Hosty hoped he could catch a glimpse of the president as he drove by in the open Lincoln convertible. A Democrat and an Irishman just like John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Hosty thought the president was his man. At 12:38 p.m., the FBI agent was eating a cheese sandwich in a restaurant near the department's headquarters in downtown Dallas when a waitress said, "Oh, my God, they've shot the president!" Hosty didn't know it at the time but her words would change his life. It wasn't long before Oswald's name was mentioned as a potential suspect. Immediately, Hosty realized Oswald was one of his cases. In an official censure letter to Hosty after Oswald was arrested, Hoover wrote on Dec. 13, 1963: "It has been determined that your recent handling of a security-type case was grossly inadequate. "In view of the slipshod manner in which you handled this (Oswald) investigation, you are being placed on probation. It will be incumbent upon you to handle your future duties at a higher level of competence so that future administrative action of this nature will not be necessary. "Very truly yours, "John Edgar Hoover, Director." The result of the Warren Commission's 10-month investigation into the president's assassination was that the FBI hadn't sufficiently helped the Secret Service protect JFK. To take this logic one step further, Hosty reasoned "...I was directly responsible for the president's death," according to the commission. Two days later, Hosty found out from his boss in the Dallas office that he was being transferred to the FBI's Kansas City office by direct order of Hoover. To clear the air and set the record straight, Hosty wrote a book with his son, Tom, in 1995 about his experiences involving the Oswald case and the Kennedy assassination called, "Assignment: Oswald." The 79-year-old former FBI agent finished his tale of intrigue and assassination by observing: "I've raised nine fine kids with Janet, my wife, held the highest rank a street agent could hold in the FBI by the time I retired in 1979 and explained what really happened with the Oswald case in the book my son and I wrote. What else could a man ask for?" You can contact Don Moore at: moore@sun-herald.com. By DON MOORE Senior Writer
  21. I found an article in the NY Times showing that Vonsiatsky was married in a ROCOR church in NYC. Lemmie get the address. Can anyone provide the names of these White Russians in Philadelphia for me to research? When I found Spas T. Raikin he lived in Eastern Pennsylvania in or near East Stroudsburg where he retired from teaching at East Stroudsburg State College. To listen to him, he was involved in each and every step of the negotiations between Reagan and Gorbachav over The Berlin Wall, and claims to have given input to Reagan's advistors, too, on just about every aspect related to Captive Nations Committees issues. Sounds like he is challenging some of us, including me, for the title of "swell headed megalomaniac" with "elaborate delusions of grandeur" or as an associate of mine once said "illusions of grandeur" which to me is even much better. So was this guy just some little "Traveler's Aid Flunky" or a trusted confidante of Bush's and Reagan's advisors on Captive Nations issues? You know what his version of events sounded quite plausible to me and since he ran American Friends of Anti-Bolshevik Nations along with Charles Willoughby and Yaroslaw Stetsko who was responsible for the Lvov, Ukraine pogrom against the Jews in the early 1940's, I have no choice but to give him the benefit of the doubt. He was after all, a history professor, and really knew his stuff. And he knew all the right names from the World Anti-Communist League, too. NARWACL, CACL, Alpha 66, etc. This guy was connected. Big Time. He met the Oswalds for a reason. To make sure they had no problems getting to Dallas in one piece and that they would meet up with Ruth Paine and company "toot sweet" as Hemming liked to say. ('tout suite') With great dispatch... Anti-Bolshevik was considered by Jon and Scott Anderson to be the most violent and dangerous entity in all of WACL which had multiple mass murders as heads of delegations including Roberto d'Aubbison who had 100's of thousands of people killed. Get the quote from books.google.com if you wish... Inside the League it was called (c. 1986) I mean ABN and OUN/M and OUN/B were basically responbile for Treblinka and most of Auschwitz, too. These guys were Schweinhundt like that guy from Cleveland they finally sent back as a war criminal. Demyanyk or whatever. Later.
  22. I have never heard that Edwin Collins was "Angelo." My views on the Odio incident are basically unchanged from what I've written - it was part of the set-up of Oswald, which does not mean it was not a "second Oswald" who was present with Angel and Leopoldo. Did "Angel" (pronounced 'on-hell') use the last name Wrangel or was it just a nickname or pseudonym? Did you know that Baron Charles Wrangel, the son of Baron Pyotr Wrangel, has been linked into Boris Brasol via John Roy Carlson, when Brasol worked for The Coudert Brothers law firm in NYC who helped hundreds of ex-Czarists into this country via their Paris, France and Baku, Russia offices? George deMohrenschildt once ran the Russian National oil industry for the Nobels of Peace Prize fame in Baku. It is very likely that just about all of the Dallas based White Russian petroleum geologists came over here using the Coudert Brothers Orient Express Ukrainian Nazi Ratlines. Also working for The Coudert Brothers was a young [Robert J. Morris] who was assigned to the commie-hunting Rapp-Coudert Committee. Brasol brought over The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion from Czarist Russia and may have invented the concept of scapegoating the Jewish-Bolsheviks for everything and passed this legacy and subterfuge on to Morris and GLK Smith who first pushed "Holllywood Blacklisting" then later, attached Alger Hiss and then supported McCarthyism. Adrian Arcand, Brasol's boss, was a Canadian Fascist who was jailed as a danger to national security in Canada and both deMohrenschildts circled in this same orbit as Nazi spies and traitors to the USA. Coudert Brothers, Freeric Rene, Coudert Jr. later ran William F. Buckley's Mayoralty campaign in 1965 with Morris' assistance. Whole lot of Condon's Dirty Dozen got started at The Coudert Brothers law firm with "THE Manchurian Candidate", Anastase Andreivitch Vonsiatsky. Coudert Brothers brought Lukoil Public a few years ago for almost a Billion Dollars. James Wheeler Hill, Charles Wrangel and Boris Brasol were all BUNDists who knew this entire cast of characters. Any comments?
  23. This was a posting from Avedis Dernounian (John Roy Carlson) and ironically it debunks the work of J. Armstrong and others who constantly utilize Corso as a "trusted source" of information. Corso is a crackpot and so is anyone who "trusts" him or uses him as a source. Almost the entire Richard Condon Man Cand crowd is referenced here either directly or indirectly. Frank Cappell was the "researcher" for Dr. Revilo P. Oliver by the way. Anyone who follows the Oliver and Corso scapegoating school of thought regarding the JFK hit has been thoroughly and totally brainwashed. Wittingly and willingly. Who among the Condon ManCand Nazi crowd is mentioned herein? Senator Strom Thurmond as Senator Thomas Jordan Dr. Revilo P. Oliver as Viola Narvilly Opera Singer The MacArthurites - Corso, Willoughby and Fellers The McCarthyites - Morris, Otepka and Thurmond Herman Kimsey, Spas T. Raiken's associate and confidante at ABN Bonner Fellers himself as Frank Bollinger American Security Council: Angleton, Morris, Willoughby and Cline Ray S. Cline - John Yerkes Iselin General Pedro delValle - the Pioneer Fund IAAEE racist and anti-Semite Angleton and Vonsiatsky via the Goliniewski references These were the men who had JFK killed... "'Phase one' stories linking Oswald and Ruby to Communists were circulated by Willoughby's associates PHILIP J. CORSO, a veteran of Army Intelligence who had retired by 1963 to work for the segregationist Senator Strom Thurmond, and Cuban exile Salvador Diaz Verson, a former chief of Cuban military intelligence.... In 1963-64 Corso and Willoughby were part of a secret rightwing group, the "Shickshinny Knights of Malta" (so called after their headquarters in Shickshinny, Pennsylvania, to distinguish them from the more famous Roman Catholic Sovereign Military Order of Malta based in Rome). The group provided a home to dissident retired military officers dissatisfied with the CIA's internationalism, many of them, like Willoughby and General Bonner Fellers, veterans of the old Hunt-MacArthur-Pawley coalition in the early 1950s. By 1963 the group's leading asset in their anti-CIA propaganda was a Polish intelligence defector, Michael Goleniewski, who had claimed to audiences inside and outside the CIA that the Agency penetrated by the KGB at a high level.... Shickshinny Knight Herman Kimsey, who claimed to have been Goleniewski's handler inside the CIA, also spun an elaborate story about how his CIA duties had put him in touch with Kennedy's assassin - the mystery man in Mexico. Finally, the chief press contact of the Shickshinny Knights, Guy Richards of the New York Journal-American, published the claim (soon taken up by Frank Cappell, by the John Birch Society, and by Willoughby's American Security Council) that Oswald, like another alleged KGB assassin (Bogdhan Stashinsky), had been trained at a KGB assassination school in Minsk.... Willoughby was in auspicious company, for the Shickshinny Knights had an 'Armed Services Committee' that in 1963 read like a Who's Who of retired military men at the extremist fringe. All these 'Knights; had been 'singled out for their brilliant and outstanding careers as Soldiers of Christ and Advocates of a Free World. Besides Willoughby, they included a number of other members of MacArthur's old team - Brigadier General Bonner Fellers, Lt. General Pedro del Valle, Marine General Lemuel Shepherd. British Admiral Sir Barry Domville, jailed in England during World War Two as a Nazi agent, was also on the list. So was Colonel Philip J. Corso, a twenty-year Army Intelligence career man until his retirement in August 1963. He had been the military Operations Coordinating Board's delegate to the CIA group planning the 1954 Guatemalan coup. In 1956 Corso had sought to reactivate fifty surviving garrisons of East European paramilitary units still hanging on in West Germany and tied to the Gehlen spy network. When his Volunteer Freedom Corps, dedicated to rolling back communism, was scuttled as too radical by the Eisenhower administration, Corso attributed the defeat to 'lies by our liberal darlings.' A staunch foe of what he considered a laissez-faire CIA, Corso testified before Congress on 'military muzzling' after General Walker was kicked out of West Germany in 1961. Upon leaving the Army Intelligence, Corso went to work in 1963 as a 'research assistant' for segregationist senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina. And, after the Kennedy's assassination, Corso was among the first to spread rumors hinting that Oswald was tied to a Communist ring inside the CIA - and doubling as an informant for the FBI. Corso once sued the liberal columnist Drew Pearson for defamation - writing about Corso's extremist activities." Sarah McClendon was also very friendly with Philip J. Corso who admitted he was involved with The Nazi Rat Lines by describing how he would hand pick Nazis on the run and then wisk them away from Giovanni Battista Montini via a "back-alley" pickup in a Jeep marked with "MP" logos. Nazi Rat Line were reinvented by The Coudert Brothers law firm when they gained entrance to the US and Canada from Paris for multiple Ukrainian Nazis right after the Russian Revolution. The Nazi Rat Lines were run by Nazis Schweinhundt not by the Pope or his emmisaries. Case Closed.
  24. This was Avedis Dernounian's brother... (pen name for John Roy Carlson) Derounian, Steven B. - Attorney at Law This board is read-only and closed to new posts. Replies: 0 Derounian, Steven B. - Attorney at Law cantorjoeocho (View posts) Posted: 20 Apr 2007 4:37PM GMT Classification: Obituary Surnames: Derounian, Kennard Former United States Representative and New York State Supreme Court Justice dies at 89 passed away in Austin,TX. As a young attorney with a reputation for a strong handshake, Mr. Derounian began his political career when he was elected councilman of the town board of North Hempstead, New York from 1948 to 1952. He was subsequently elected from the 2nd District of New York to the House of Representatives as a Republican in the Eighty-third and the five succeeding Congresses, from January 3, 1953 to January 3, 1965, the first Armenian-American elected to Congress. During his five terms as Congressman, Mr. Derounian served on the Ways and Means Committee, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, the District of Columbia Committee, the subcommittees on Transportation & Aeronautics and the Special Committee on Legislative Oversight, and served as Congressional Advisor to the US Delegation to the World Health Assembly at New Delhi, India, and to the US Delegations to Liberia and the Cameroons. Mr. Derounian was part of the Congressional subcommittee that investigated the 1950'S Quiz show scandals involving Charles Van Doren and the Dick Clark payola hearings. His remarks and questioning won him national attention as an advocate of honesty and integrity in government and were quoted in the Robert Redford movie "The Quiz Show" in which the hearings were portrayed. In 1954, he was elected a member of The Chowder and Marching Society, a society of influential Republican congressmen, and was a delegate to the 1956 and 1960 Republican national Conventions. After completing his sixth term in Congress, he became senior partner in the New York law firm of Derounian, Candee, Guardino, and Murphy, from 1965 to 1969. In 1968 Mr. Derounian, a resident of Garden City, New York, was elected as Justice of the Supreme Court of New York, and he served on the bench from 1969 to 1981. The Derounians retired to Austin, Texas, in 1981, where he was of Counsel for the law firm McGinnis, Lockridge, and Kilgore. Mr. Derounian was a member of the American Bar Association, New York Bar Association, Washington Bar Association, and the Austin Bar Association. Mr. Derounian was born to Armenian parents, Boghos and Eliza Derounian, in Sofia, Bulgaria on April 6, 1918. He was brought to the United States in 1921 when his parents and two brothers immigrated to the United States to escape the massacre of Armenian Apostolics by the Turks. The family settled in Mineola, New York. He graduated from the Mineola public schools first in his class, worked his way through New York University, and the Fordham University School of Law, where he was editor of the Fordham Law Review. He graduated and was admitted to the New York Bar in 1942 and began practice in Mineola the same year. Mr. Derounian was licensed to practice before the U. S. Supreme Court, the New York Supreme Court, the Federal Communications Commission, the Interstate Commerce Commission, and the Board of Immigration. Four months after passing the New York Bar he was selected for Officers Candidate School and, graduating as a 2nd Lieutenant, joined the 103rd Infantry (Cactus) Division with which he served in combat overseas from October 1944 to March 1946. He was awarded the Purple Heart, and the Bronze Star with Oak Leaf Cluster. He was discharged as Captain in 1946. In 1947, Mr. Derounian met and married the former Emily Ann Kennard of Gonzales, Texas, whom he met while the recent University of Texas graduate was living in New York. He was a Mason (Mineola Lodge, Second Nassau District), a devoted member of the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd where he served on its Vestry, search committee, and as an usher. He was an avid golf and tennis player, an accomplished violinist, and a lover of opera and symphonic music. He was a recipient, in 1961, of the Sarafin Award, an award of national recognition given by the Armenian Student Association to Armenians who have made exceptional contributions to community life. Mr. Derounian never met a stranger. He brought to his duties and to his life, an indefatigable and optimistic zest grounded in honesty, integrity, and great pride to be an American. Preceded in death by his son Steven Blake Derounian, his brothers Avedis and Hagop (Jack) Derounian, Mr. Derounian is survived by his wife of 60 years, Emily Ann Derounian, daughters Ann Banks, Lexington, Kentucky, and Eleanor Derounian, Austin, Texas, son in law David P. Banks III, Lexington, Kentucky, granddaughter Elizabeth Ashby Green, Lexington, Kentucky, niece Elyse Derounian of Manhattan, nephews Paul Derounian of Manhattan, and Robert Derounian of Penfield, New York. A memorial service will be held on Saturday, April 28,2007 at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Austin, Texas. A service of committal will be held at the Masonic Cemetery in Gonzales, Texas. In memoriam, the family requests that memorials be made to Hospice Austin, Spicewood Springs Road, The Gathering at Westlake Hills Presbyterian Church, Austin, Texas, and the Salvation Army. Arrangements by Weed-Corley-Fish Funeral Home, 3125 N. Lamar, Austin, TX 78705 - (512) 452-8811.
  25. His books Under Cover and The Plotters are available at http://www.abebooks.com Here is a PDF version of Under Cover... http://spitfirelist.com/books/under_cover1b.pdf Read it, save it and cherish it. It is really a classic and was the NY Times bestseller for non-fiction when it first came out. Thanks to Andy Winiarzyk of The Last Hurrah Bookshop who first recommend it to me. I think he might have been Richard Condon's source for a lot of the info on Manchurian Candidate... John Roy Carlson (1909-1991) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia John Roy Carlson (1909-04-09, Alexandroupoli—1991-04-23, New York[1]) is one of the many pen names of Avedis Boghos Derounian,[2][3][4][5] the journalist and best-selling author of Under Cover.[6] Derounian wrote for the Armenian General Benevolent Union's Armenian Information Service, and the Armenian Mirror-Spectator. His exposé writing has been the subject of lawsuits.[7][8] Derounian is notable for editing the controversial manifesto of Armenia's first prime minister, Hovhannes Katchaznouni.[9] Contents [hide] 1 Personal life 2 Undercover work 3 Lawsuits related to Under Cover 4 Bibliography 5 References 6 External links [edit] Personal life He was born to Boghos Derounian and Eliza Aprahamian in Alexandroupoli, Greece, and spent part of his childhood in Turkey and Sofia, Bulgaria, where his brother Steven Derounian (who later became a Republican Representative) was born.[10][11] His family, fleeing the Balkan Wars, eventually settled in Mineola, New York. He went on to study at New York University's School of Journalism. Later, he married Marie Nazarian, and had a daughter, Elyse, and a son, Robert. He died of a heart attack on April 23, 1991 at the library of the American Jewish Committee on East 56th Street. [edit] Undercover work Derounian was a tireless investigator of subversive activity, and claimed to have joined numerous "patriotic" groups, some of which he listed in the opening of his book Under Cover: American National Socialist Party, German American Bund, Christian Front, The Ultra-American, Nationalist Party, American Nationalist Party, American Women Against Communism, The Gray Shirts, America First Committee, No Foreign War Committee, Christian Mobilizers, American Destiny Party, American Brotherhood of Christians Congress, The Ethiopian Pacific Movement, Citizens Protective League, Social Justice Distributors Club, The American Defense Society, Anglo-Saxon Federation of America, Paul Revere Sentinels, Ra-Con Klub, Crusaders for Americanism, Inc., We the Fathers (Auxiliary to We the Mothers Mobilize for America), The Christian Mobilizer, Phalanx, PAX (secret gun club), National Workers League, Yankee Freemen, Cross and the Flag, Committee of One Million, Flanders Hall, American Patriots, American Bulletin, National Gentile League. He was also the chief investigator of the anti-fascist organization, Friends of Democracy.[12] [edit] Lawsuits related to Under Cover Several parties instituted actions against him for alleged libelous matter in Under Cover. Three of the four cases failed the consolidated case before the jury, leaving a verdict in favor only of lawyer Jeremiah Stokes, whose appearance Derounian had allegedly mocked. Stokes is first mentioned on page 365 of Under Cover, and his patriotism questioned in the next chapter, which begins: I was in the room alone with two men. The one who had pumped both my hands in welcome was a small round man with a bald dome and rotund face. He had small, beady eyes and he peered at you from behind rimmed glasses He was definitely of the single-track, uncompromising zealot type. Jeremiah Stokes had let his law practice slide and was devoting the major portion of his time to the writing of "patriotic" tracts. Derounian appealed; the appellate court reversed the district court and remanded the matter, stating in the overview:[8] The court found error in the submission to the jury of a physical description of the individual as small and rotund in stature, bald, round of face, and having small and beady eyes. The description of the individual was not reasonably calculated to subject him to public ridicule. It was error to submit to the jury ridicule of personal appearance as an element of damages. [edit] Bibliography Under Cover. New York: E. P. Dutton. 1943. The Plotters. New York: E. P. Dutton. 1946. Cairo to Damascus. New York: Alfred Knopf. 1951. [edit] References 1.^ Avedis Derounian, Social Security Death Index 2.^ Alpers, Benjamin L. (2003). Dictators, Democracy, and American Public Culture. University of North Carolina Press. pp. 383. ISBN 9780807854167. http://books.google.com/books?id=AaWrbJf3E...esult#PPA383,M1. 3.^ Hewsen, Robert H. (October 1963). "Armenian Names in America". American Speech 38 (3): 214–219. doi:10.2307/454102. 4.^ Canada Parliament. House of Commons (2008-08-08). Debates: Official Report. 5. Queen's Printer. pp. 5212. http://books.google.com/books?id=gzROAAAAM...lient=firefox-a. "His real name is Avedis Boghos Derounian, an Armenian immigrant. The name of the author of Under Cover is given as Derounian, alias Carlson, alias Paige, ..." 5.^ Joshi, Sunand Tryambak (1998). Documents of American Prejudice: An Anthology of Writings on Race from Thomas Jefferson to David Duke. Basic Books. pp. 406. ISBN 9780465016242. http://books.google.com/books?id=0yP3HkzSG...ox-a&pgis=1. "This beauty is an Armenian born in Greece, whose real name, if such a person can be said to own a real name, is Avedis Boghos Derounian, alias John Roy Carlson, amongst a string of fifteen aliases." (other quote elided) 6.^ Sarles, Ruth; Kauffman, Bill (2003). A Story of America First: The Men and Women who Opposed US intervention in World War II. Greenwood Press. pp. xvii. ISBN 9780275975128. http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=ea1onGA...JNhYFA1jwAMkfrw. 7.^ Sanctuary v. Thackrey, [NO NUMBER IN ORIGINAL], Supreme Court of New York, Trial Term, New York County, 189 Misc. 724; 72 N.Y.S.2d 104; 1947 N.Y. Misc. LEXIS 2709, July 29, 1947. (The New York Post, published by Dorothy S. Thackrey, had serially printed Under Cover starting on October 16, 1943.) 8.^ a b Derounian v. Stokes, No. 3526, UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS, TENTH CIRCUIT, 168 F.2d 305; 1948 U.S. App. LEXIS 3253, May 11, 1948. 9.^ Katchaznouni, Hovhannes (August 1955). John Roy Carlson (trans. Matthew A. Callender). ed. The Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnagtzoutiun) Has Nothing to Do Anymore. New York: Armenian Information Service. 10.^ Kelly, Lee (1994-11-05). "Austin man remembered for honesty in 'Quiz Show'". Austin American-Statesman. http://nl.newsbank.com/nl-search/we/Archiv...l_useweights=no. 11.^ Fowler, Glenn (1991-04-25). "Arthur Derounian, 82, an Author Of Books on Fascists and Bigots". New York Times. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html...xprod=permalink. Retrieved on 2008-08-08. 12.^ Kahn, E.J. (1947-07-26). "Profiles: 'Democracy's Friend'". New Yorker. http://www.newyorker.com/archive/1947/07/2...CARDS_000209522. Retrieved on 2008-08-06. "One of Friends of Democracy most fruitful accomplishments has been discovering a man named Avedis Derounian, better known by his pen name of John Roy Carlson." [edit] External links John Roy Carlson's Under Cover, Martin Solomon John Roy Carlson's Cairo to Damascus, Martin Solomon
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