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Chris Newton

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Everything posted by Chris Newton

  1. I might have some friends or family that could try and get a copy at Swarthmore. It's my old stomping grounds.
  2. looks like Ruth's copy is at Swarthmore College in box 2 of her collection: http://www.swarthmore.edu/library/friends/ead/5109pain.xml
  3. Tommy, I still don't know why they wouldn't have taken the typewriter ribbon on 11/23/63 when she allegedly told Hosty about the letter and turned over his draft. I mean this is not rocket science, the FBI had been dealing with typewriters in investigations since day one of the FBI existence.
  4. Ah, that would be convenient but Ruth is very specific: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=43#relPageId=420&tab=page
  5. details, details, details.... https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1199&relPageId=38
  6. Specimens taken from typewriter pgs. 104-106: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=111185#relPageId=104&tab=page If they had been smart they would have taken the ribbon in November of 1963, instead of waiting until February 1964 to simply type a test page.
  7. In this photo her desk secretary is also in the dining room but her testimony was that it was in the living room and that it was that and the couch which swapped locations.
  8. For reference CE103 "original" draft: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=60459
  9. Correct. And why would Oswald not say "Hey, where's my draft?" - because it wasn't missing until Ruth took it from his stuff, maybe Tuesday after he left for the week? - because she never took it - maybe she copied the one page typed letter?
  10. I don't think it happened. It's a story. If he typed it in the dining area, why would he leave it on the desk secretary in the living room?
  11. Ruth Paine's story is that Lee asked to use her typewriter on Saturday, 11/9 or Sunday 11/10 and that she let him use it at the dining table, which was the only table in the house. At one point she went to put one of the children in a high chair and Lee shielded her from see what he was writing. Later she noticed that Lee had left the rough draft on top of her desk secretary, which was located in the living room. She described the draft document as a one page handwritten draft on 8x10 standard size paper folded in half. At some point Sunday afternoon she made her own handwritten copy of the draft. That evening she asked Michael and Lee to move some furniture, swapping the locations of her desk secretary and her living room couch. When she noticed that the original draft was still on her desk secretary she hid it inside and closed it. Later that evening she showed it (doesn't state which document she showed) to her husband Michael and they discussed it briefly. Monday she took Lee down to the DMV but it was closed for Veteran's Day. Monday night she sat on the living room couch with Lee while he watched his "spy show" ("Espionage" Premiere on NBC?) and Lee asked if she was troubled by her upcoming Lawyer appointment to find out about divorcing Michael. According to the County Clerk she filed for Divorce on 11/13/63.
  12. If we agree that DAP was Oswalds case officer could he have told Oswald to hand write several letters as part of his Mexico mission? He could then let Oswald type whatever he wanted knowing he could later intercept and substitute one of the others. A letter shell game, in a fashion.
  13. She testified that she let him type it at the dining table which was the only table. I think the 1963 Smith Corona's weighed from 12 to 21 lbs. Too heavy for a fold down desk secretary. I'm distilling all the different testimony and press interviews to put together her version as best as I can. You know the house has become a museum and that photos and floor plans are readily available, right?
  14. Tommy, The damning thing about this letter which is not mentioned is that Marina agreed that he wrote a letter the same weekend and that he rewrote it several times. I would think that might indicate that Oswald actually did write a letter - only it was an entirely different letter and this letter (with it's obvious errors) was substituted. Ruth's account of how she acquired the original draft and copied it doesn't make any sense to me at all.
  15. That's a great summary. He gets a little confused about the draft and the copy of the draft in the last few paragraphs but that's a small quibble
  16. Correct. ...postmarked 11/12/1963 Ruth Paine allegedly read it and apparently wrote the name when she allegedly copied the letter sometime between 11/9/63 and 11/22/63. Michael Paine allegedly read it and discussed it with Ruth during that time.
  17. Not really. The CIA had "intercepted" the letter allegedly sent by LHO to the Russian Embassy in DC between 11/13 and 11/19 (HTLINGUAL) and sent a cable to the FBI which was, in turn, disseminated to FBI Dallas on 11/22. Prior to any of this occurring, FBI C/I was running the double agent TUMBLWEED who Kostikov had sent to a known KGB Agent in New York. The NY KGB Agent was known to the FBI as being in the 13th Directive. This is why the FBI was convinced that Kostikov was in the 13th. TUMBLEWEED confirmed the identities of both KGB Agents via photos. The FBI has a memo describing all of this. Because there was no KGB at the Russian Embassy in Mexico named "Kostin" it was assumed that Oswald meant "Kostikov". DAP knew about TUMBLEWEED and Kostikov because he was the CIA's political Officer in Mexico. IMHO Hosty would not have known the significance of "Kostin" or "Kostikov" but would have known importance of the contact within the Embassies. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=118886&search=kostikov_and+airtel#relPageId=35&tab=page
  18. Paul, SA Hosty had the Oswald "file" re-assigned to him when it was determined that the Oswalds had left New Orleans in a station wagon with Texas plates. It was then his responsibility to track down Oswald and report on his activities. When cables from other FBI offices or FBI HQ were received by Dallas FBI that referenced Oswald, the cables were routed to the Agent, in this case Hosty, that had the file and put in his "work box" (inbox). The Agent would read the cable and file it in his "local file" and take whatever action or inaction was required. The note that Oswald brought to the FBI office was given to Hosty by the receptionist (who read it btw) and after reading it, Hosty put it on top of his "work box" in a cellophane wrapper until 11/23/63 when Hosty prepared a memo on the note. The note and the memo were destroyed by Hosty after Ruby killed Oswald. The cables concerning Oswald were retrieved from his work box when the Oswald file was taken away from Hosty post-assassination and re-assigned to another Agent (on 11/23/63 apparently).
  19. CE103 mentions a meeting with "Kostin" or "Kosti" at the Russian Embassy in Mexico. I agree that this indicates, with a high probability, that Oswald met Kostikov, if the letter is genuine. If the letter is not genuine then that fact would indicate a conspiracy between Mrs Paine and Hosty to frame Oswald. The story that Mrs Paine tells about how she copied and stole the original draft is full of convolutions and begs disbelief. There is also a possibility that Oswald typed CE103 and the envelope and mailed it. Mrs Paine could have subsequently stole Oswald's draft from his belongings any time afterward and passed it on to SA Hosty (before 11/22/63). This scenario would be devastating to the extant story. It would mean that Mrs Paine was acting as an FBI Informant. I don't think that any of these scenarios help Paul T's theory.
  20. To answer my own query, a summary of FBI communications notes that a postal informant in New Orleans reported that Oswald submitted a "change of address" on 9/26/63 to the Paine address in Dallas. I'll post the cable when I find it.
  21. I'd like to see the FBI lab report on the LHO Embassy Letter and the original draft. Were there any fingerprints on either letter? Did the actual typeface match Mrs. Paine's typewriter? Was the paper from Mrs Paine's desk secretary? How about the envelope? Why does Mrs. Paine claim that the original draft was one folded page when it was clearly two pages? The typed original was one page. CE103 Original Oswald Draft: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=60459
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