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Chris Newton

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Everything posted by Chris Newton

  1. Beyond the appallingly horrible narrative and disinformation, there are other alternative facts we're asked to consider in this series. I don't know what Mexico City was like in 1963 but I lived and worked there in the late '70s as an exchange student. So I was kind of surprised to hear how much they dissed the neighborhood that Oswald's hotel was in as a super violent criminal neighborhood, a hangout of the cartels. I don't remember that neighborhood being any different than the rest of Mexico City, which was surprisingly super-safe and virtually crime free when compared to any US City. Mexico City isn't the same today as it was 40-50 years ago. To suggest that it is, is just ignorant and lazy reporting.
  2. That was my comment about the notes taken about Angleton's comments about RFK's assassination. Sorry for the confusion.
  3. Tommy, LOL I can get you some new glasses. ...second third sentence ...under the - 4 - http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1462#relPageId=83&tab=page Yea I've looked at the Golitsyn/Nosenko feud several times. I lean toward believing Golitsyn. Was LHO really trying to commit suicide? This was where the "unstable" notion comes from. If not, it was simply a last ditch attempt to remain in the USSR. He doesn't seem to have bled to much, he tells the Intourist lady (KGB handler) that he didn't even pass out. I know everyone is different but I can't even give 1 pint without passing out. Were LHO's scars across the wrist or lenthgth-wise up his arm?
  4. I don't know how more explicit I can get. I can see this is a total waste of my time engaging with you, again.
  5. I have a lot of posts in this thread about the inconsistencies which you've suggested are based on colloquialisms and Ruth's manner of speaking "in passing". Let's just look at some things you posted for now. Does the Q&A above suggest that sometime in the afternoon or evening of Nov. 9th Ruth found the rough draft in her living room on the desk secretary?
  6. That's fair. If while reading her testimony, I find that Ruth is questioned about a "desk secretary" or a "dining table", should I conclude that it could mean either table or the specific table mentioned in the question and/or answer?
  7. My point entirely, but Dulles could have been involved behind the scenes with his close associate Angleton. Dulles was still respected by some even after his ouster, many thought he took the blame for Kennedy's failings.
  8. Did you read the last sentence on page 4? Deflection and obfuscation, how does that look in hindsight to you?
  9. Pure speculation: I think it's more likely that Dulles & Angleton began the assassination operation about the same time that LHO returned to the US. As their planning progressed, a small team of witting collaborators was slowly developed. You are correct in that "compartmentalization" could minimize that "witting" team. The planners had to have carefully thought of a plan to check any dissenting unwitting collaborators after the fact. Consider this: post-BOP could Dulles have taken the dangerous step of recruiting someone like Hoover in a treasonous plot? I don't think so.
  10. No, I think you are just slightly off target: DAP was allegedly trying to get Veciana to bite on a OP immediately after the assassination: http://cuban-exile.com/doc_001-025/doc0017.html Azcue was the outgoing Cuban Consulate general counsel. He was already on the outs before Oswald arrived despite what was alleged in the "Kostin" letter. I do think Azcues mention there and the writer's knowledge of his status was an attempt to establish the writers "bonafides" beyond the mention of "Kostin".
  11. So close: AEBURBLE https://www.maryferrell.org/php/cryptdb.php?id=AEBURBLE I don't know about getting Azcue to defect... it could be under the same OP but I have no idea. I'm still impressed.
  12. I guess we can tune into The History Channel and find out. But I suspect TUMBLEWEED had him on ice.
  13. Based on her model/serial (4A 303942) it was a 1948 Smith-Corona the same model I linked you too. I'm not suggesting that's absolute proof. We need those samples or another letter Ruth typed from the same time period. I'm sure it's just another coincidence that the "samples" are missing from the record. It raises some serious questions.
  14. The FBI says they made 3 pages of typewriter samples taken from Ruth Paine's Smith-Corona Ser. No. "4A 303942". I can't locate those samples at all, although they are mentioned in several inventories. I went online and found the "Typewriter Database" and Ruth's model, based on the serial number, can be identified as a '48 Smith-Corona Sterling. The database also conveniently supplies a "typeface" sample. Comparing that sample to the "Kostin/Kostikov" letter reveals some interesting anomalies. http://typewriterdatabase.com/1948-smith-corona-sterling.1247.typewriter
  15. Nope. I just wanted you to look at the original "Kostin/kostikov" document linked because I have some observations.
  16. I should stop scrutinizing her statement under oath to the Warren Commission? Two pieces of furniture, one was a dining table and one was a desk secretary.
  17. Hey Tommy thanks un-fubar-ing this for us. I have a question for you.... is this the "original" typed letter? https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1133#relPageId=57
  18. The dining table that Lee sat at, "the only table" per RP, was in the kitchen/dining area of that diagram not the "living room". We'll get to the furniture moving. We are trying to establish facts not your "interpretation".
  19. I don't understand why you are deliberately being obtuse about the location of the dining area. Does this diagram accurately depict the Paine residence?
  20. So there's direct evidence that Oswald typed "something" and there's circumstantial evidence that the "something" was what the FBI would later call the "Embassy letter". Do we agree? It sounds like Ozzie didn't shield the typewriter itself but he placed another paper over his handwritten draft, "he moved something over what he was typing from". I also note that the high-chair that Ruth put her kid in is in the dining area correct?
  21. Andrej, Here's a link to an essay with photos of some of the issues with the rifles and there is a lot of discussion here just search for "carcano" and you should find them. https://web-beta.archive.org/web/20150315051600/http://jfkresearch.freehomepage.com/c2766.html
  22. Ok. I'm asking you what Ruth Paine testified to. I don't remember her statement that she looked over his shoulder from a distance and she could see the letter. ..and just so we stay on the same page here, are we going to run with her early testimony or the later version?
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