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Chris Newton

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Everything posted by Chris Newton

  1. well... thinking and typing at the same time here... If Angleton was a double agent... ... and he was involved in planning the assassination and recruiting co-conspirators, one could make the argument that the KGB was involved in the plot. ... it might explain why he wasn't able to "catch" his high echelon mole despite the hunt. ... a motive could emerge that would be consistent with current KGB objectives.. sewing discord and mistrust about US institutions and government among the general populace.
  2. I believe that Angleton was a key figure in the plot to to assassinate JFK and set up Oswald as the fall guy. See John Newman's Oswald and the CIA. I am therefore taking that one step further and speculating that "what if" Angleton, himself was the "mole" that Tennent Bagely was convinced wwas still operating undiscovered at the highest levels of the CIA.
  3. Pure speculation: If Angleton, himself, was the mole Tennent Bagley was convinced was in the highest echelons of the CIA. Then his alleged participation in the assassination of JFK would not have been necessarily an act of treason.
  4. My only point was that YOU could educate yourself a small amount by watching the video. I see a little "proof" of that but I'm sure you'll do your best to convince me I'm wrong.
  5. Paul, Sylvia Duran was probably tortured and badly treated by the Mexican Intelligence Service not by the (slur I noticed before you deleted) Mexican Police. Nonetheless, I think it would be educational to listen to the guy whose report you love to cite:
  6. Thanks Michael. I don't remember hearing him mention Tippet in his Rant with Judge Warren but I might go back and review that too.
  7. just putting this here for reference... From the frontispiece of the book "Farewell" a reference to another Russian named Kostin with an "in" at the KGB: “Farewell: The Greatest Spy Story of the Twentieth Century by Sergei Kostin and Eric Raynaud is the English translation of their book Adieu Farewell, published in 2009 by Éditions Robert Laffont in Paris. The first version of this book, by Sergei Kostin, was published in 1997 by Éditions Robert Laffont in Paris as Bonjour Farewell.” Excerpt From: Kostin, Sergei. “Farewell.”
  8. I didn't know anything about it when I found it. I was really surprised by the twist at the end. I wrote the producer/director, who posted it, himself, to youtube and asked if his JFK related documentary called "Rendezvous With Death" will be uploaded as well. If he uploads I'll add the link here.
  9. I just assumed, (at first) you were suggesting Nosenko's interrogation was Helms fault but I thought it was a McCone Operation. That's why I asked, but you could also be suggesting Nosenko was given his bonafides by Helms when he became Director. Just ignore half the stuff I write and it'll make more sense.
  10. Wasn't Tippet moonlighting at the BBQ? Maybe I'm mixed up with something else.
  11. When and what would have been Helms fault? Not disagreeing -just asking you for more information.
  12. I hate to say I agree with Dr Evil himself, JJA, but I'm with him on this one. My entirely unqualified opinion is that he was a plant.
  13. per his wikipedia page: And per of favorite CIA Agent: Excerpt From: Robert Baer. “See No Evil: The True Story of a Ground Soldier in the CIA's War on Terrorism.”
  14. This is a well researched and enlightening documentary that many in this forum will find interesting:
  15. I'd love to see the boat. Ruth apparently drove from PA. to New Orleans and then from New Orleans to Dallas with a boat on the roof rack. How did pregnant Marina and Ruthie get it off the car themselves when they arrived in Dallas? Did the toddlers help? Why did they need a boat in Dallas? What happened to it?
  16. If you look closely at the diagram, zoom in on the living room, you will notice an "X" on the north wall and some marks directly below on the south wall. These were put there by Ruth during her WC testimony. The "X" depicting the location of her couch when Officers came to her door on 11/22 and the scribbles below, apparently not copied well, are a "XX" depicting the location of her TV set.
  17. LOL, nope by her account the "small desk secretary" is now on the east wall of the living room. I have no idea what piece of furniture that is over her shoulder. She testified that the furniture was moved that Sunday evening, (that she stole the draft), and was still in that arrangement on the date of her WC testimony. We have ample evidence, (2 photos I've found), that there is a "large desk secretary" in the kitchen - dining area. I can find no WC photos of the living room and therefore haven't seen any of the "small secretary".
  18. In this photo the doorway to the "kitchen - dining area" is inches from the west wall of the living room. yes/no? If we look at the floor plan created by the WC (CE 430) the same doorway is depicted being approximately 2 1/2 feet from the west wall. https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh17/pdf/WH17_CE_430.pdf (look at the line underneath camera position 6)
  19. They remodeled and moved the door 2 feet to the left? The photo shows the door is about 6" from the corner. The house plan shows it 2 1/2 feet from the corner. If we go back to Ruth Paine's testimony about the furniture that moved.... it would seem that they needed that extra 2 feet so that the couch didn't block the door entirely.
  20. It's pretty clear that, in Castro's interview, he states that anyone coming into the Cuban Consulate with an attitude like Oswald's would have been denied any type of visa. He goes on to say that if anyone had been in the Consulate claiming to want to kill Kennedy that the Cuban's would have considered this a provocation. He also states that anything that Azcue stated can be taken at face value, that the man always spoke the truth. If Oswald wanted to go to Cuba so badly and he was turned down and so disappointed, why didn't he simply Hijack an airliner? (see Marina's HSCA testimony)
  21. While examining the Ruth Paine story and her "furniture moving episode", I came upon this interesting tid-bit: The Warren Commission diagram of the Ruth Paine home, CE-430 has a scale in the bottom left corner which portrays the measurements of the home in feet. On left hand side of the scale, in alternating black and white blocks is a portrayal of five individual "feet". https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh17/pdf/WH17_CE_430.pdf If we look at the doorway leading from the living room into kitchen-dining area we notice on the diagram that the distance from the west wall to the door entryway is about 2 1/2 feet. If we look at a photograph of the extant home it is clear that this distance is mere inches (maybe 6" including the door frame). Is the whole house portrayed in the WC image in a way to make it appear larger than it really is? I'm open to suggestions.
  22. 2 questions about the letter Can anyone find an image or a transcript of the Ruth Paine handwritten copy of Oswald's handwritten rough draft? I have several images of the desk secretary in the dining area where it is now displayed in the "Ruth Paine Museum" but I can't find any of the "other" desk secretary that was in the living area, can anyone help out with that? Bonus question: Can anyone tell me what happened to Ruth Paine's boat?
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