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Chris Newton

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Everything posted by Chris Newton

  1. “In the first half of 1963, the CIA's HT/LINGUAL project produced fascinating material on Oswald. The post-assassination context of the intercepted material is the link between Oswald and the alleged murder weapon. This was relevant to one of the most important aspects of the case. The HT/LINGUAL "take" on the Oswalds, however, contains several anomalies. For example, it was a distinction to be put on the CIA's illegal mail intercept program once, let alone twice, like Oswald had been. But then, Oswald's mail was opened even after he was taken off the list.” Excerpt From: John Newman. “Oswald and the CIA”
  2. ...back to the subject of letters for a moment. Does anyone know of another letter that was typed by Oswald after returning from Mexico? The reason I ask... https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=39#relPageId=145&tab=page
  3. Tommy, Nope. he referred to him as comrade Kostin. I should've clarified... Known to the FBI and believed to be assigned to Cuba, KGB Agent Valery Dmitrevich Kostin.
  4. Was Oswald's "Kostin" actually known KGB Agent Valery Dmitrevich Kostin? If so then what should we make of the "story" that it was an Oswald "error" and that he really meant to say "Kostikov"? How would Oswald have known about the real Kostin? ...or this could just be another remarkable coincidence? hmmmmm.
  5. Right. I see that. So you're saying that Oswald or his imposter went to the Russian Embassy and then the Russians sent a KGB guy to the Cuban Embassy?
  6. One interesting, and actually insightful, moment was when Bob was discussing the "Kostin" letter and he suggested that Kostikov may have identified himself as "Kostin", (to "Oswald") using the "Kostin" name as an alias or dangle. Almost every other person I've read with comments on that spelling has assumed that it was in fact a misspelling.
  7. Production Company details: https://productionbeast.com/organizations/39385-karga-seven-pictures
  8. It doesn't make sense to me that, according to the wikipedia article you linked to, he was the senior KGB Officer in Mexico and he could simultaneously impersonate anyone without a disguise, especially at the Cuban Embassy. He had been in Mexico since 1953 according to that bio. We don't know if he was coming or going in the CIA photo do we? Could he have been inside and have been a witness to (or participate in) whatever took place with Duran/Azcue along with an imposter/Oswald?
  9. For the record, I agree with your ID of Leonov as the man in all of those pictures you posted.
  10. ...posting this here for reference purposes. Thanks Harold. http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/A Disk/Allen-Scott Columns/Item 03.pdf
  11. You know I'm not a big fan of that theory but I can't wholly discount it. I not a betting person but I can imagine some Vegas bookie laying it on at 300 to 1 or something like that. It's just that we know the Russkies have done similiar things because we've caught them at it. Take the recent case of those two "American" brothers sent packing because their parents were long-time sleeper agents.
  12. two of whom? Jason Bourne? Harvey and Lee? Leonev? I don't get what your saying brother, I'm sorry I must be slow today
  13. It seems that way, to me. On the first page of that document about 3/4 of the way down there's an interesting notation: "Angleton believes that Miboutou's assassination in Kenya was by the KGB." Now, "Miboutou" (phonetic, I assume for "Mobutu") was from Zaire and he died of natural causes in Morocco (and I have no idea who in Kenya was assassinated by the KGB). Angelton may have been suggesting he thought Lumumba of the Congo was assassinated by the KGB. We now highly suspect the CIA for that "executive action", no? I think it throws the whole document into suspicion. Was this an error on the person taking notes or is JJA suffering from Alzhiemers? How much about Kostin/Kostikov was revealed in 1975? I think all those cables we have were released by the ARRB no? Just raises questions for me.
  14. All I'm trying to say is there are plenty of people, myself included, that believe that JJA was a central figure in the conspiracy plot. If we are correct, I'm asking if that changes any thinking about explanations during this meeting between JJA, his lawyer and these Senators and members of the committee? ps you made me look up Socratic Method... thanks
  15. How does this meeting and Angleton's explanations "jive" with Newman's hypothesis in "Oswald and the CIA"?
  16. His wikipedia bio suggests that he is highly intelligent and had been the best CIA field operative in the middle East. The guy speaks five languages fluently and is conversant in three more. His opinions of 9/11 and other incidents and issues on his wikipedia page are logical, reasonable, and well thought out. What is the "disconnect" here? Have the producers simply decided to "dumb down" the story to fit the IQ of a typical History Channel viewer? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Baer
  17. Tommy, This is the article you cite? btw the date is "Nov. 23, 93" penciled by Harold near the bottom left corner. http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/P Disk/Passport to Assassination/Item 01.pdf
  18. Tommy On page two of the document you cited there's a dangling "a" at the end of the third paragraph and then I, I assume a space representing a redaction. Afterwards, Angleton jumps to Oswald. Is that redaction the first mention of the double agent? (I know YOU don't know what the redaction says but is there another entry for the double agent that I missed?)
  19. Michael, Agree about JVB 100%. I don't think Stone ever makes crystal clear exactly what he based JFK on but in the preface of L. Fletcher Prouty's book, "The CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy" he writes of a synthesis of Garrison's actual courtroom trial (not his book), Jim Marr's "Crossfire" and his correspondence with L. Fletcher Prouty.
  20. http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1462#relPageId=83&tab=page ...which is the next page (4) after the one you originally linked above (3)?
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